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Women's World

fflafiv Round

People and Parties

Mrs. J. E. F. Sharland, Tikitiki, accompanied by her sister, Miss l*. J'uncim.ui, is spending a holiday in Auckland. Miss L. Higgmson, ol Lister Private Hospital, is leaving Gisborne about the middle of next, week for the AVaikato, where she will reside in future. Mrs. L. Balfour, commissioner of Girl Guides for this district, who attended the recent commissioners’ conference in Auckland, is now visiting Hamilton, where she is the guest of Mrs. J. D. Smith. Miss Leith Tullock, who has been the guest of Mrs. H. Telford, Te Karaka, returned to Whatatutu on Thursday. Mrs R. M. Gunn entertained several friends at bridge and tea on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs Burnett, Wanganui. Miss Spark is spending a holiday in Wellington, where she is the guest of her sister, Mrs Tally. Mrs R. M. Gunn, Wainui road, is leaving on Monday for Tolaga Bay, where she will spend a week ’s holiday with Mrs George Fitzgerald, “Mangatokorau. ”

Miss Marjorie Blair, Kaitarntahi, returned recently from Wellington, having completed her training at the Karitane Hospital. Miss Shona Williams is the guest of Mrs J. Barne-Grahani, Hangaroa. Miss Hazel Kinder is visiting Oamaru as.the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kinder. Mrs. D. G. Robertson is visiting her daughter in Oamaru, Mrs. Excell. Mrs. W. R. Barker, Gisborne, and Mrs G Kirk, Port Awanm, are recent visitors to Auckland.

Sirs. Evelyn Beckett, Gisborne, who has been spending some weeks in South Canterbury, is now paying a round of visits to friends in Christchurch.

Mrs. A. Zachariah, Gisborne, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Levy, Hampton Court Flats, Auckland. Miss Nelle Scanlan arrived in Wellington by the llangitane, for a visit to New Zealand, after an absence of several years in England, where she has been occupied in literary work. A most picturesque wedding was celebrated at the Salvation Army Hall, Opotiki, this week when Evelyn Winifred, eldest daughter of Air. and Mrs. A. Corney, was married to Thomas Grieve, youngest son of Mr. A. Park, Gisborne, and the late Mrs. Park. Captain Thompson officiated and Mrs. Yeoman presided at the organ. The bride entered the hall on the arm of Mr. W. MacKinnon, who gave her away. She was charmingly atired in a simple frock of ivory satin.' Miss Elva Corney, sister of the bride, who attended as bridesmaid, wore a pretty frock of pale blue satin and georgette. Mr. G. Maddren attended as best man. Miss Isobel Wilford is making a great success in A. A. Milne s fantastic comedy. “TheD oew Road,” which has been staged at The Embassy for a brief run, writes a ljondon correspondent. She takes the part of Anne, the girl comedy, “The Dover Road,” which has whose wife has previously eloped with someone else. How they all meet in “a sort of hotel” on the Dover road, and how each pair is saved from the Channelcrossing should need no telling to-day. Miss Wilford is charmingly fresh and coy, and her acting is characterised by a satisfying finish. Lady Wilford is thinking of leaving for a brief visit to New Zealand either in January or February, by otic of the vessels of" the New Zealand Shipping Company. wrote a T/mdon correspondent on October 20. There are business affairs which she wishes to arrange. In all likelihood her stay will not be more than five weeks, as' she anticipates being in London again in time for the Court presentations of the 1333 season. Ladv Wiiford will be accompanied by her sister, Miss McLean, 0.8. E., who is so greatly enioying her stav in the Mother Country. The tenancv of the HiVh Commissioner s house at Chelsea will not expire till February; his subsequent plans in this regard are under consideration.

Garden Party at Manntuke The members of the Gardening Circle of the Patutahi Women’s Institute spent a very enjoyable after noon on Tuesday, when they were entertained at a garden party given by Mrs Robert Hepburn at her borne at Alanutuke.

The hostess received her guests wearing a becoming frock of saxe blue floral crepe-do-chine. Her daughter-in-law, Airs K. Hepburn, was wearing a white skirt and a 'pretty blue jumper, and her daughter, Airs Graham, was smartly froeked in floral art silk in pink toning.*. The weather was perfect, and the pretty garden was looking its best, the most noticeable feature being the p o fusion of beautiful roses, these being greatly admired by the guests. After noon ten was served on the lawn in the shade of some lovely old trees.

Among; rhose present were Mcsdanicr G. V. Smith. .1. H. Monteith, F. A Lange, I). Sutherland, J. .Tobson, T Peel, H. Ritchie, B. Ballard, T. Bil ham, G. tScragg, R. Bade, F. Lyons, and I. ( ooper, and Misftll. Ballard,

Engagement An engagement is announced between Frank Aiervyn, fourth sou of Air. and Airs. W. H. Pitcher, of Gisborne, and Queenie Olive, eldest daughter of Air. and Airs. J. Johansen, of Gisborne. Motor-Cycle Club’s Dance A very enjoyable dance was held in the Freesia Lounge by the Gisborne Sports Motor-cycle Club on Thursday day evening. The ballroom was taste fully decorated with greenery and flowers, and the floor was in good order, the dance music was provided by Airs. Menzies’ orchestra, and the duties of AI.C. were ably carried out by Air. V. Butler. Extras played by Airs. Alenzies and Aliss Doyle were much appreciated A delicious supper was provided by Mr B. Lowe. The committee responsible for the successful organisation of the Junction comprised Alessrs. S. liillyard, J. Martin, T. Nigro, V. Butler, S. Jennings, A. Dudfield and N. Stevenson. Among those present were Misses AI Gumming, M. Smith, G. Sharp, D. Duu lop. J. Fyfo, V. Vetie, N. Downey, 0. Paltridge, J. O’Brien, D. Young, L Lyons, P. Bassett, J. AlcGibbon, A Gray, G Doyle, Al. Warren, AL Kip oenfierger, B. Afar.shall, D. Ansell and ,\r. Tester; Afessrs. L. Shields. J. Somerville. J. Ancell, C. Greaves, W. Moore, G. l'erston, 1). Prentice, J. Croker, T. Harris, AI. Soderston, T. Alunro, 11. Duckworth, T. Felton, J. Harrison, J. jVlcMurray, N. Ross, ,F. : >, . Martin, Ey Rosie, D. Wilkon., lund' H. Harris.- e Tenuis Tournaments On Wednesday afternoon the weekly tournaments were held by lady members at both the Kaiti and Whataupoko courts. the beautiful summer weather prevailing making conditions ideal for tennis. ■ At the Kaiti eourts the large num-ber-of entries necessitated playing the tournament in two sections, Mrs A. J. Stock and Alias Macaulay winning one section, and Misses V. Barker and E. Barton the other. The other players taking part were Alesdames E. AI. Harper, V. Caulton, AI. P. MeSweeney, 9. 11. Soddon, Wilson, A- G. Lancaster, W. Alaelaurin, A. M. Welham, G. 0. Clifiton, K. G. Butters, Moxley, and S. T. Gray; Misses M. Bull, G. Buswell At. Rherratt, P. Burke, P. Reynolds, M. and AI. Puflett, Ormond, L. Robertson, Palmer (Hawke’s Bay), and J. Reed. At Whataupoko Misses U. Fisken and F. Owen were the winnoro of the tournament, - Misses M. 'Craig and R. Fisken being the runners-up. The other players included Airs Cohnop; Misses lb Jeune, P. DeCosta, R. Binclair, L. Nalder, R,’ Cederwall, R. Stevenson, N. Margoliouth, G. Mead, D. Adams, N. Albrecht, and M. Foster. Pre-Nuptial Gift Party

Yesterday' afternoon Miss Leigh Hutchinson and her sister, Mrs Frank Bellenby, wore joint hostesses at a delightful “kitchen” gift party given in honor of their cousin, Aliss Christina Hutchinson, of Otoko, whose marriage to Air F. celebrated early in the' New Year. The party was ’held at the pretty riverside home of the hostesses’ parents, Air and Airs E.'M. Hutchinson, Cliceseman road, and the guests were entertained in the garden, which was looking particularly lovely with its profusion of bright flowers and ornamental shrubs. Airs Hutchinson welcomed her daughters’ guests wearing a smart frock of, black crepo-de-c'hiiie. Miss L. Hutchinson wore a tailored linen frock in a pretty shade of pink, with a black hat; a becoming frock of patterned flat crepe in blue and fed tunings, and a rod hat were worn by Mrs F. Bollerby. The guest of honor was wearing a smartly-fashioned coat and skirt of saxe blue trimmed with touches of yellow, and a blue hat with yellow trimmings. An entertaining competition aroused much interest, 'the successful competitor being ’ Mrs Godfrey Miller. The guests enjoyed a walk around the garden, which was much admired. ° After a delicious afternoon tea had been .served out-of-doors, Aliss Christina Hutchinson, assisted by her sister, Aliss Isobel Hutchinson, opened the many parcels, revealing all manner if useful kitchen utensils. Sh 6 then thanked those present for their acceptible and generous gifts. Among the guests were Mrs Jonathan Hutchinson (Otoko, mother of the guest of honor), Alesdames H. Kenway, 6. Al. Hutchinson, J. B. Kells, F. J. Wilkes, F, Shcrriff, A. D. Sherriff, G. Mliler, R. Hutchinson, G. W. Humphreys, C. Sibley, 1L D. Dymock, J. G. Appleton, If. Stevens, Leggett, Cave, Alartin, R.,Graham, Al. B. Mander, G. Kells, W. Graham; Misses 1-1. Mander, i. Hutchinson-, Faram, N. Crowley, P. Vppletou, X. Stevens, Shaw, Al. Mep.,uil, Orr (4), I. Shaw, L. Jerram, L. Vv inter, J, and N. Graham, E. and N. Shaw. v

Siithday Party A veiv jolly evening was spent recently at tile residence of Mrs. E. .1 Greaves, Matawhero, when a party was -riven ni celebration of the eighteenth bi:today of Miss Joyce O’Flaheity. Mrs ],, J. O’Flaherty, mother of the guest of Honor, and Mrs. Greaves were thc-

°'fne entertainment was held in the largi> packing shed* which was beauti* niliy decorated with colored streamers, bright flowers and gieenery, and made an ex ed mt ballroi m. There was a large numher of guests and all enjoyed a dei-gtitiul evening, dan mg and games being indulged in by the younger members of the party, while card tables were o.aced at the disposal of the non-dancers Original and amus ngi competitions were snteied inti with zest. A novel dress■inking contest in which each genteman was required t.o cut and make a irock ut of newspaper for his lady partner, ■aused much merriment. A statue dance was won bv Miss M. N.chol uiki Mr, J. lliggs. Popular dance musi? was nrovided by radio, and extras played by K. Allot. ,M.r. H. Pilkiwrton, Mrs. Hunttr, end several other guests. ~ 1 c n is home-made supper was serve! and refreshments, in the shape f i .. -’-vpami s ft drink-, were modi appreciated. A "Monte Carlo waltz was won by Mr, Pall and Mrs. Williams. Mis." Greaves was wearing a h nc crepe-do-cinc frock and a navy blue coatee. „ , . . , Mrs. O’Flaherty was frocked m red and Hn'lc-patterncd crepe-da-chme. A dainty voile frock printed in pastel hades was worn by the guest of honor. Mrs. Ftanham '-hose blue crepe-do-chine, . Among those present were Mr. am. Mrs. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. I’eneh. Mr. and Mrs Cqoke, Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr n"d Mrs Pirie, Mr. and Mrs. Camp bell, Mr. and Mrs. Greaves. Mesdaer Connin and -Smith. Misses H. Stacy, J. Fyfe,_\ . 3 e H®> ■\] Nicbol, J. Polvnson, R- Ballard, J) and F. Ogden, -F Quinn, K. O’Flaherty, j. Griffiths, .T. Kennedy, and M. tester Me'srs J Roach. G. Ball, G. Quinn. E. Cooke, R. Bachlordsr, M. Campbell A. and E. Ingram- H. Pardee, J. R’’adv, R. Middlemns, D. Sheridan, D. Dudneld, M. and A. Owen, S. McLeod, B. Stacy,

J. Lylo, F. Coco, R.. Lockett;, B. Frank lin, B. Grant, G. Hewitson, W. and J Higgs, and E. Friday.

Garden Party

The members of the gardening circle of ttio Gisborne Women s Club were invited by Airs. Hepburn, a member of the circle, to attend a garden party at her home at Alanutuke on Thursday afternoon, to view the beautiful loses and other flowers now in bloom in her pretty garden. The weather was fine and the garden was much admired by the large number of members present. The hostess bad arranged an interesting competition, which was won by Airs. 1,. Williams. The tea-tables, prettily decorated with sweet peas, were placed in the shade of trees, where tea was served. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent, tin guests from town appreciating their drive into the country and the opportunity of seeing their hostesses’ garden. Airs. Hepburn wore a smart frock d navy blue marocain trimmed with collar and' culfs of green and white, and a green felt hat to match. Airs. K. Hepburn was Locked in patterned blue georgette, worn with a white hat.

Airs. G. Graham, daughter of the hostess, was wearing a becoming frock of black silk crepe trimmed with touches of lemon, and a lemon felt hat.

Those present included Alesdames K. Trowell, V. R, Hill, Jennings, T. YOuthbe.rt, T. A. Crawford. E. T. Doddroll, Ingram. Vincent, W. Lissant Clayton, Miller, Preston, Reichctibach, A. Ingram, Al. Clive, 1). AlcKeaguc, Alee .(Dunedin), R. Smith, Monk, Hogg, J. I‘irie, Kendon, W. Green. AlcCliskie, Oolebonrne, .Sinclair, Holmes, N. Hooper, W. Ohrisp, Oliver, T. Corson, Buckley, Duismore,! A. Ingram. Kirk, : Williams,* T'atierslfield, Hilliard. Wa.cle, CV. > Hebenfon, Dunphy, Jenkins, Campbell, Sutherland, Buckland, C. Seymour, and McGibbon; Alisses Coiebourne, 0. Ingram, Hogg, Hall and Matron Clark. Sale of Work and Social

On Thursday afternoon the annual sale of work organised by the To Hapuiu Anglican Ladies' Guild was held m the Look street ilall, Te llapara. Glorious weather, favored the guild for the function, which was very well attended and was an outstanding success. The many stalls were very well filled with attractive goods and were effectively arranged and decorated

Btt'ore the official opening, Canon A. F. Hall made a short speech, complimenting the guild on the fine display, and. concluding by wishing one and all a most successful aay. At the request of members, Mis. A. F. Hall kindly opened the function, and in her preliminary addless spoke very highly ol the work displayed and wished tne guild complete success. AH's. Hall was then presented with a beautiful bouquet of pink sweet peas, Queen Anne thimbles and asparagus fern by wee Dawn Atkins. The oouqilet had been made by Airs. Dunlop. The stall-holders were: —Needlework and fancy goods, Mrs. Short and Miss Price- flowers, Mrs. Blackburn; sweets and"ice-cream, Aliss Craig; cakes, Mrs. Harvey; small goods, Mrs. J. Newton, president of the guild; vegetables, Airs. Sutherland; afternoon tea, Alesdames Clone’, and Evans and Aliss Talbot, Airs. Widdbwson, secretary of the guild, supervised the competition for the iampslia’de, which was won by Airs. Gaitshore; the length of the string was 10 yds. llfin. Brisk business was done during the afternoon, the stalls soon being bereft of the bulk of their goods. A most successful cobweb social was held in the evening as a finale *o the year's work, following up the afternoon’s function in the hall. A delightful musical programme was enjoyed by all present, each artist responding to hearty requests for encore numbers. The programme was as follows :—Pianoforte solo by Aliss Alfrcda Blackburn.; songs) Canon A. F. Hall, who gave a humorous sketch as an encore item; violin solo, Master Jack Alain; solo dailfcqs. Alisses Barbara Scott and Joan Izod: song, Airs. Ansell; song, Mrs. WlddoWsoh; pianoforte solo, Aliss A. Blackburn. The vocalists and instrumentalists were accompanied by Mrs. Grevis Winter, and the music for the fancy dances was played by Airs. Esquijant.

The unravelling of the large cobweb, which wus suspended fron) above, caused much merriment, each thread being attached to a gift. This novelty item was very popular, a very large number (if tickets being sold for it. After supper dancing was much enjoyed, the music being [flayed bv Airs. Grevis Winter. Air. Park was a popular and capable AI.C., his efforts being of great assistance to the guild members. Great disappointment was expressed by tiie members of the guild at the absence of the Rev. F. 1. Parsons, who was prevented from attending owing to a prior engagementPlunket Fete

The recently formed Manutuke subbranch of the Plunket Society held a very successful fete in the Memorial Hail on Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance and brisk business was done at the various stalls, winch were attractively arranged and filled with tempting goods for sale. The fete was organised by the committee of the Manutuke sub-branch, the following: Mrs. Kirk, president, Miss Duvis-Uolfe, secretary, Mesdames C. J. Hamilton and iiinucra, vice-presidents, and Alesdames le liau, J. R. Grayson, W. Clark, Rickard, J. Miller, 11. Whaitire, and Bia, and Miss Cruden. The function was opened by the Bishop of Waiapu, the lit. Rev. if. W. Williams, after he was formally introduced to the assembled company by the nev. C. G. G. -Salt. His Lordship made a short speech, which was much appreciated, alter which Mrs. J. Blair, vicepresident of the Gisborne Plunket Society, gave an interesting address on the work of the society.

Mrs. Blair explained that the Plunket nulise had been visiting Manutuke once a ibrtinght for six years at the expense of tile Gisborne branch, and that now a sub-branch had been formed at Manutuke, the committee undertaking to pay Tib per annum for the services of uu nurse. All were asked to join as members, -as the society depended to a very great extent on the subscriptions. Last year the Gisborne brunch's levy towards the central council’s expenses, amounted

to £co 5s bd, nurses’ salaries were £429 18s Bd, and the subsidy received was only £234 7s 6d. The other expenses, such as retit, cleaning, car and insur-

ance depended upon subscriptions. Tne n reuse in the work was illustrated by the following figures: fn 1917 there were 277 visitors to the Plunket rooms, and in 1932 there were 8403. The stallholders were: Cakes. M osdames Rickard, Whaitiri, Ria and Dalton; flowers, Mrs. W. Clark, assisted by Mrs. Grayson and Miss Thornton;

sweets, Mrs. J. C. Leggett, assisted by

Mrs. Coppin ■ soft drinks and ice reams. Misses Brown and Quintal; bran-tub, Mrs. Piercy; vegetables and nrodime. Mesda»'es Temuera, Bun and W. IT, Jones; Maori crafts, Mesdames To llau and Gibson, and Miss Price; tumble, Mesdames Preston and Brown, and Miss Cruden: tea-rooms. Mrs. 0. J. Hamilton, assisted bv Mesdames Hamilton. Black and Pullinger, and Girl Guides. A popular feature of the function was the baby show, for which there was a very large number of entries, all the babies looking tine and healthy and attractive, and receiving a great deal of attention. The judge, Dr. A. L. Singer, had a difficult task with so

many lovely babies. The prizes were won by Alister Mclntosh and Mary Ratapu. and presented to their respective mothers by Mrs. A. M. Puflett, president of the Gisborne Plunket Society, who spoke a few words of congratulation to the recipients and to all tJ,ie mothers. The hall was prettily decorated with bamboo and red and white streamers, and the stage was furnished with wicker chains and adorned with bamboo, lilies and other flowers, while a gramophone stood in one corner and provided musical selections throughout the afternoon.

Afternoon tea was served in an enclosure in one corner of the hall, sweet peas and catmint decorating the small tables, and bamboo and greenery dividing the tea-rooms from the main hail, the. whole effect being charming.

The flower stall was greatly admired, and presented a galaxy of color, the mass of beautiful blooms in great variety being artistically arranged. The sweet stall, ice-creams and bran-tub were sources ot delight to the nuxty children present, who proved profitable customers, while the fresh vegetables, home-made cakes and country lamb and mutton attracted the householders present. The generosity of the residents of the district was well illustrated by the profusion and quality of the goods offered for sale. The handsome cake which was offered as a, prize in a competition was made and donated by Mrs. W. Clark, the winner being Mns. B. Wbaitiri. The committee members are to be congratulated on the success of their 1 energetic effort to .raise funds. Gaiiders’ Dance

The commissioners and guiders in the Poverty llav district of the Girl Guide movement held a most successful ar.d enjoyable dance last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lysnar. b'tout street, Mr. and Mrs. Lysnar hav j ing kindly put their residence and beau- 1 tiful ballroom at the disposal of the organisers for the occasion, this being the second dance held there in aid of | the Guides’ camp equipment fund. | The drawing-room was gay with Iceland poppies, and the dining-room was I prettily decorated with a profusion, of beautiful sweet peas in lovely pink | tonings artistically arranged in crystal and silver vases. These rooms are ideally situated for sitting out between dances and for the convenience of onlookers, both opening into the charming white ballroom, which looked very cool and attractive with its numerous white curtained windows and white painted trellised ceiling. The dance was organised by Miss Winifred Lysnar,. Hanger captain, and Mrs. R. Andrew, Mangapapa Guider, assisted by various guiders and rangers. The Locking was very dainty. A great many of the new cotton evening frocks were worn and looked most suitable for such a warm night, while the bright colored gowns in satin or georgette favored by several looked very effective in tin: large white room'. The majority of the men wore flannels with bright striped blazers. The music was provided by Chrisp’s orchestra, A dainty supper was handed round by the guiders, and cool .soft drinks were served in the dining-room throughout the evening. The following members of the local territorial companies rendered valuable assistance in file preparation and management of the function : C.M.S. Clarkson, O.Q.M.S, Hedley, E.Q.M.S. Thompson, Cpr. A. Rowley, Cpr. P. Cowan, Pte. P. Coker, and Pte. It. Lockett. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lysnar, the latter wearing a black silk net frock embroidered in dull gold, and Mrs. E. A. Muis, Gisborne district Guide Commissioner, wearing roso pink frilled satin beaute.

The guiders assisting were Miss W. Lysnnr (Ranger captain, Gisborne), Mrs R. Andrew and Miss D. Woodhead (Guides, Mangnpapa), Misses M. Pnflett and IT. Humphreys (Guides, Gisborne), Miss ,1. Mackay (Guidos, Te Hapara), Miss N. Creed Meredith (Brownies, Te Ifapara and Gisborne), Miss Smith (Brownies, Gisborne), and Misses J. Graham and ,1. Ross. (Brownies, Mangapapa), The following members of the Gisborne Ranger company also assisted: Misses N. Graham, I). Nieol, M. Nilsson and A. SmithAmong the dancers present were Mesdantes A. Clare. D. G. MacDonald (Tolaga Bay), Mr, and Mrs. A. Nieol, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone, ’ Mr. and Mrs. Sloan. Misses P. Barker, F. and I. Hunt, O. Blackburn, P. Crawford, M. Puflett, M. Blair, 11. Lane, J. Maude, E. Hegarty, T. Coop, N. Cowan, N. Gordon, P. Beale, J. Dods, M, von Dadelszen, D. Collin, O. Christophers, B. and S. Chrisp., 11. Davidson, M. Ballinger, P. Cato, D. Redstone, R. Sinclair, D. Sharpe, P. Dennis, T. McKenzie, J. Buncombe, T. Coop, J. Caldwell, M. Tester, Kennedy, A. Caldwell, I." Fraser. D. Jeune, Q. Griffiths, D. Jack-

son, MeCallion, G. Moore, J. Puflett, M. Ranall, T. Twistleton, B. Stewart, J. Mnrgolioutli, B. Dennis, B. Coleman, P. Tier, I). Sharpies. M. Moore, N. and B. Parker, I\l. Pnllincer, M. Collier, | Ferns, and J. MacDonald (Tolaga Bay'. I Messrs. J. Clayton, G. Fraser, 0 Gregory, R, Allan, R, Fenwick, Me’. PliorsoiK W. D. Barker, iS. Porter, J, Crawford. J. Wilson, L. Sevmour, S. Corson, M. Dobson, A. Broadhurst, i f ume, T. McKengue, G’Hnlloran, F Bennett. N. Cameron. A. W. Cleaver Coleman, Dods (2b G. Fraser, T. Hals-! man. D. Oorstorphine, H. Cunningham, 1 D. Hartnell, E. Holmes, C. Hunt, A i Swmnortnn. Tt. Sealov, C. Turner, F. i niint. It. Hyland, R„ Kinder, Kemp, MeCallion, McFlymi. G. Maun, F, Moore. M. Murphy, IT. Nicholls, A. ami ; n airri ; w - Peteholl, J. Puflett, N. I Riddell, Shanks 12), N. Smith, G. j Spence, T. Broadhurst. R.. Middlemas, pnin. R, Witters. Thomas, R, Turnbull, M. Wilson, Tier, C. Ward, C. Sharp, and Healey.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17947, 26 November 1932, Page 11

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Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17947, 26 November 1932, Page 11

Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17947, 26 November 1932, Page 11