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(By ‘ Yvonne ’ ’). Mrs Pa,eke, )vlio lias been visiting her daughter, Mrsft Fitzgerald, flhu-. garoa, has returned. Dr. and Mi’s Rice are visiting Auckland. , Mrs. Armstrong is staying with'her’ daughter, Mrs John Miller, .Here. Mr and Mrs E. M. Hutchinson have taken a house at Wainui beacji. Mrs Herbert. Williams is the, guest of Miss E. Williams, .Clifford vt nV4. Mjss 14. Barry, iyvho hhh been .viijiting AYellington. : has-retuiaied. ■ Mrs Ff. AleLeau is -l-miting Rwo rua. Misses M. Bherratl and M. Barker were visitors to Wtiiioa for the show and races. Mifes 11. Fot'rar, Wellington, is the guest of Miss J. Cameron, iVacrenga-a-. hiki. Mrs \V, Mad an rin, llangaroa, is staying with Mrs Maelauriii, lf,exton. Rev. and Mrs, Blatlnvayt, Wellinglon, have been the guests of Mrs 11. P. Hamilton, Stout street. Mr and Mr.s 11. Buchanan are •visiting C li ri st eii nre li. Mrs A. C. Steele, .llangaroa, is the guest of her sister, Miss 0. Btiswcll. Hylton road. • Mil's SfeWart, ’©toko, lias returned 1 from a visit to Auckland and Napier. Miss Dorothy Wells, Wellington, has been visiting her brother at Kaiti, Gisborne. Miss Lotigdill, of 'Devonport, wastjie guest this weely of Mrs W. J. Aiossman, To llapara. Aliss Jean Kirkham, of Ruatoria. lots left on an, extended tour of Rotorua aipl Auckland. On Thursday a kjtdien evening in honor of Miss. Mavis .’Holmes wasgiven by Mesdanie.s ColeboUrne and. 1 Unison on Kaiti beach at “Seldom Inn.” Over 10 campers were in attendance, and a very enjoyable evening 'was spent, as only campers know how, in games and music. The ctiliip was converted into oho large robin l suitably decorated and very cosy. Miss; Holmes was the iecipieiii of many very useful .presents. Miss M. Baker, former editress of the New Zealand Sporting and Dramatic Review, has settled, down in Hollywood, California. She is on-, gaged in press work. Mrs and Mis.s 'Tylee, of Palliatua, are guests at Morerc. Mr and Mrs Miller, of Havelock 1 North, have been oh ii visit to Gisborne. The Rev, J. Pigott and Airs yigott have returned to Waiipawa from their holiday visit to Waipiro. Miss E. Walker has returned to Waipawn from a visit to Gisborne. Mr and Mrs 0. R. Qlsen, of Gisborne, are at Norscwood on holiday, and are staying with the former’s father, Air Androiis Olsen. Mrs R. L. Intiibrick and family, oft Napier, have returned home from a holiday spent at Morerc. The engagement is announced of Airine May Rees, youngest daughter of the late Mr hhd Mis A. W. Rees, to William Edmond Bon rice, eldest' son of Mi; Rg-fl the late Mrs Edmond Boiirke, of “Din’ha.” Taranaki Tjie London Morning Post publishes. a,n announcement of tjie engagement of (Shirley Ba vin, daughter of .Mr Bavin" T rainier of New South Wales,? to Lieut.-Commander John S. Horn, R.N., retired. _ 1 A farewyll jy.ornihg tea. was given, at Aucklafnl to Mjss Yerbury (who recently visictcd Gisborne) on the eve of her departure from Auckland, Mr R. L. .Stewart, chairman of the council for the World-wide Evangelisation Crusade, and Heart of .Africa Alission, the council, and other 'friend’s being present. . , ’ ihie’fe was n very large 'attendance of parishioners nnd'/rietiils at a fajrewcll social Which was tendered to tliej Rev. J. E. Draper iuul Airs. Draper at the Parish Hall, Opotiki, oil the eve of their departure for Auckland, where Mr. Draper will tyke tip duties at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. During t lie evening some pleasing musical items were rendered. Mr. Draper was presented with a pocket wallet and a cheque ns tokens of appreciation. Aliss Vida Ross, of Gisborne, is staying with Airs. Duncan Ross, at Ascot Avenue, Auckland. Miss, Estelle Beere and her niece, Joan Beefe, left London on January 25 oii their return to New Zealand. They ufe coming via (kmth Africa and Australia. , Dr. Hilda North croft, who had been appointed .NoY" Zealand .delegate for the National Council Of Women at the ouinquonnial cotiferenec of tin 1 International Council of Women, which meets this t ime In Vienna, will be prevented from attending through Hie recent accident to Mrs. Northcroft, who uiifoi’fu'nntely slipped and fractured one of her legs. Aliss N. Harris, of Gisborne, was a recent visitor to Christ church. Lady Hamilton, who has been touring New Zealand with her husband, Sir .fames Hamilto’n, left by the Niagara'oil lieV return journey t o England. I The medical profession is attracting more and more women, and an Australian girl who has just passed her final examination in medicine and surgery, and wjio has qualified for the degrees of L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S., is Alias Verna Hackett, eldest daughter of Lady Aloulden, of Adelaide. ASpilth Australian, Airs Ida Standley, who recently made an M,B.E. in ! recognition (if 15 ye'afs child welfare service iii Central Australiji. To improve conditions for the white children in that, remote territory, Airs St aml ley os fahi i shod the Federal Government school at Alice Springs, and became maUon of a bungalow for 50 unwanted half-caste children who, before her advent, wore in a sorry plighj. When she began her work she was given board at the police station and hold classes in a cell. Miss Small, 'of Samoa, speaking at New Plymouth, said for the last eight years the New Zealand Government Medical Department had accepted six gftls each yOar to be .trained Us nurses. Three years ago it was felt the time Was ripe for accepting some to be trained as teachers in Government schools. 'But the majority of: the gills married within a year ot leaving school; many became the wives of pastors, and were to be found to-day in all the villages of Samoa, in the Ellice and Tokelau Islands, and in New Guinea. The objective was not to denationalise them. Hence they spoke their own tongue, sang their own songs, slept on their own mats, sat cross-legged around their own laulau (food mats), and led, within the school • precincts, a happy, natural Samoan girlhood.


Mrs G. V. Smith gave a delightful young people’s party at her home, “Waitaria,” on Wednesday afternoon. Sack races, three-legged races and games of all descriptions were arranged, and were .thoroughly enjoyed by the young ones, while tennis was played by some of the elder guests. The reception rooms were tastefully decorated witli floating bowls of red dahlias, and a delicious party tea was set on tables under large walnut trees that had been planted over 'SO years ago. The hostess received her guesls in a handsome frock of floral shantung, wilh a smart hat to match. The guests were Mesdamos Appleton, B. Barton, Broadhurst, Grey Barron, 11. 'Bennett, A. J. Cameron, Reynolds, W. Clark; Misses J. Cameron, M. Smith. 11. Farrar (Wellington), M. and J. Blair, S. Dimmock, M. Sherrntf, K. Barton, M. and J. Muir, D. Barton, B. and P. Appleton, S. Ormond, R. Tietjeu, M. M’cFarlane (Napier), Bennett (2), Broadhurst', S. Appleton, Walters (2), Broadband); Masters Smith (3), J. and W. Shorratt, Renner (1)-, Barton, D. Diinmock, O’Meara (2), Tietjon, Salt, Gray (2), J. Clark, P. Reynolds, P. ; Bennett, f\ Blair, and Af. Thode'y.


Misses Norma and Nell Steele were •hostesses at ii most enjoyable bridge jiarty at the home of Airs A. J. Oil moron, Waoronga-a-liika, in honor of Miss Mavis Muir, whose wedding to Mr W. K. Andrews takes place in Samoa early in .March. Bridge tables .were arranged in the drawing-room, which was decorated with vases of oleander, and a delicious tea was served in the dining-room, where large . bowls of pink hydrangeas were tastefully arranged. Miss Norma Steele wore an attractive frock of cream georgette with pleated skirt. - Aliss Nell Steele chose a dainty blue floral crope-de-chine frock, with a smart hat to tone. The guest of honor wore an attractive frock of pale green floral erepe-dc-chine with a short green coat to match, and a hat of white felt. Mrs Cameron was gowned in a model frock of pale grey floral georgette, fashioned on smart lines. J. Cameron wore a charming frock of pink liinou with uneven horn line, Among the guests were P. Aluir, 11. Harris, A. K Muir, T. Holden, 11. Clirisp, K. G. Runeiniaii, 11. V. Sto.vell,’‘Lancaster, A. C. Steele; Misses Helen Ferrar (Wellington), A. and N. Ormond, I). Hamilton, ,G. Buswell, N. Pullett, E. Crawshaw, V., Alat thews, AI. Brdadhurst, N. Clirisp,' P. Corson, B. find S. Clirisp, J. Telford, R. Wauchop, Jean Aluir, and Helen Steele.


Mrs Nolan, Otipi, invited a number of friends to lier home on Thursday to meet Dr. Doris Cordon, of Now Plymouth, who has been lecturing here. The reception rooms were artistically decorated with massed 'bonds of roses and asparagus fern. The hostess received her guests in a graceful gown of dove grey moracain. Miss H. Nolan wore a dainty frock of powder blue crcpe-de-chine. l)r. Doris Gordon chose a smart frock of navy blue crepe-de-chine (rimmed with beige, and a navy straw hat to match. Airs Claude •’Weston, of New Plymouth, who -is travelling with Dr. 'Gordon, wore a model frock of brown satin trimmed with gold, and a hat to tone. ' Borne of those present were Alesdiunes W. Clark, G. Reynolds, W, G. tShemitt, B. Iloldsworth, D. Black, li. T, Barnard, N. Bull, Gray, Ormerod, C. Blackbni'ii, .T’uflett, 11. Kenway, Murray; Misses A. Gray, and A. L. Rees.


Aliss Cush In Fitzgerald took a very jolly surprise party to Mrs James Reeves ’ home, Tolaga Bay, on Wednesday night. The spacious drawingroom was cleared for dancing, and the lounge and verandah were arranged with easy .chairs for sitting-out. A. delectable supper was served in the dining-room, which was artistically arranged with crystal vases of dahlias. A local Alaori orchestra provided excellent music, and extras were played by Misses Amy Reeves and J. Alo'rris. Airs Reeves received her guests in a handsome frock of colored figured lace ‘over black georgette. Among those present wore Alesdames y. Reeves, J. G. Reeves, .1. B. Morris; Aliases At., A., and E. Reeves, C. Fitzgerald, \Y. Burns-Graham, Al. AlcPhail. M. Humphries, J. Blair, E. Barker. P. Burke, P. Reynolds, N. Bart ram, B. Weeks, 1. and A. Caldwell, P. Dunlop, M. Patterson, J. Peacock, S. W.ijlia'nis, V. Barker, Jj. Bushy, J. Morris, M. Fitzgerald; Atcssrs. James Reeves, W., G., and 11. Reeves, J. B. -Morris, B. McKenzie, AT. Fitzgerald, J’v. Calson, N. Loisel, B. Alorris, A. Giinn, D. Barker, B. and H. Kemp, T). .Reynolds, J. D. Williams, K. and R. Bartram, W. Tnrvey, L. Corson, and McCreedy.


The \veekly tennis tournament arranged by tiie lady .members of the Whalaupoko Tennis Club was played on Tuesday. Aliases H. Nolan and J.; Cameron proved ‘lie winners after defeating Mrs Grey Barton and Aliss P. Price in the final. Some of those playing were Mesdames S. Clare, WeTl,bourne, G. Willoek, Grey Barton, 11. 11. Barker; Misses P. Price, A. Nolan,' J. and N. Margoliouth, S. Barton, A. Adair, F. Packc, P. DeCosta, .1. Cameron, F. Fei-ar (Wellington), G. Smith, G. Buswell, Ballantyne, M. Tliodey, and P. (lejjauto’ur.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17173, 1 February 1930, Page 13

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WOMEN'S WINDOW Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17173, 1 February 1930, Page 13

WOMEN'S WINDOW Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17173, 1 February 1930, Page 13