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PHASES OF THE MOON. FEBRUARY. bask Quarter Fob. 6tli J 0.55 New Moon Fob. 13ih 4.30 n.m. Fir?!, Quarter Fob. 20th 0.06 n.m. Full Moon l ob. Willi 4.21 n.m. TIDES AT GISBORNE WHARF. JANUARY. Itig!) water, Bow water. ii,tii. p.m. n, in. [ .in IS. "iinnliiy n. 25 ll.ivl n,17 i).!.!’ 51 Sini• I:iy 7.ii! 7.41 I nil I 'ii FERRUATiY l Monday • 3.0.3 8.39 1.40 !Uy :: Tuc-edav .. 849 017 030 0 ■ \\ . . 0.33 0.38 3.15 5.51 4 ‘riiiii-d.iy 10.15 1(i.37 554 Ii 1 Prut a- y 1u.56 1.1.10 4.57 4 .{.<*.■» 0 .Salnndny .. 11.4.0 O.Oti 534 5.88 7 Sunday 0.0.3 0.28 0.10 0.2,a 8 Monday .. 1.16 7.01 7.14 9 Tuesday •• 1.39 8.06 7.54 8.06 111 Wednesday .. 2.30 2.57 8.49 9.00 11 Thursday ' .. 3.25 3.51 9.48 9.59 12 Friday .. 4.22 4.48 10.49 11.01 13 Sulur!lav .. L 23 5.52 11.49 0.00

SHIPPING. ARRIVALS. Saturday, January 20. Waiimi, s.s. (0.15 n.m.). (1.91 inn?, E'linl liclil, fronr Napier. Kniiinmii. s.s. (7.1.5 n.m.), 171 Inns, Milos, from Napier. DEPARTURES. Friday, Junuriry 29, Knliika, s.s. (6.15 p.m.i, 1172 I r,n-, Mi-1 >oii:! 1,1, for Westpni'i. Tivn.M, s.s. 1 0.15 p.m. i, 206 I,,ns, Clarke, for Hie (''nasi am! Auckland. Sat in',lay, .lan nary 20. Wuiimi. s.s. (7.20, 68 1 Inns, Clini lield, for Auckland.Tim Waiimi arrived frnin Napier this inorning. anil was iondeiV'd with nne launcli I’nr inward and nut ward passengers. She sailed later for Auckland, via Tokomnni Bnv.

The Kaliika completed discharge and sailed lasi evening fnr Westport. T!ie Knit min' is expected. In complete discharge here about Tuesday, and sails that night for Auckland. The Kamo was expo,-red to load, at Bluer to-day, thence Dunedin, Oaninni. Timaru. Lyttelton, and Wellington, fin' Napier and Gisborne. Him is due here about February 9.

j '['lie Middlesex was expeel ed to i leave Auckland to-day for (lisborne. land will lie loading .frozen meat and {general en.rgo here on Monday, for !*ho United Kingdom. | 'Hie. Port Melbourne was to have 'left Lyttelton yesterday for AnckjJand. She afterwards visits Gis- , borne. Napier, and. Wellington, to complete Homeward loading. Tlie Qninbi'idgo was to leave Wellington Mo-day for Lyttelton, thence Dunedin, in einnpleip liiseharge. She later loads for at Fort Chalmers, Fluff. Tinuu'u, Lyttolfnn, Wellington. Nat'ier, IVniknkopu, Toxomaru Ray. and Auckland. The Koutmmi arrived from Napier this morning, and is to sail again for that , port at. 4 -p.m. | The Parera is due from Auckland via the Const about Monday. The' Putiki loads at Wellington for Napier and Gisborne on Mondav and Tuesday. Slip arrives here on Friday. The Tima, sailed for (Mast bays and Auckland last, evening. She is due at the northern poll on .Monday, and loads there for the Coast and (lisborne, TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Syi|ney; Sailed at 4 p.m. yesterday, Mainigaaui, ainl al 5 p.m.. Manama, for New Zealand. Newcastle: Arrived. Kariigi. from New Zealand. GYROSCOPE NOT IX FA ELI RLE. "When there is a pOnflict of evidence between a- gyroscopic compass record of a vessel’s course and the testimony of witnesses on the oilier side, the lailer may prevail. “The gyroscope is not infallible and is liable on occasion In wander.” Accordingly Ihe House of Lords, by a vote of lliree to one of the law lords has dismissed'Hie appeal of (lie. Pulled States Shipping Foard, owner of j }-,p steamer American Merchant, from a judgment of the Court of Appeal, affirming a decree of Ihe Admiralty division, which award ed damages to Ihe. owners of I lie steamer Maiatim for a collision in Ihe Thames.

The, Mntfilim, was proceeding down the right side, of the Thomas channel; the American Merchant up the other side. The majority opinion stated i here was little reason to distrust I lie gyroscopic record, and suggested that possibly the course of the American Merchant -was in fact: such, as to reconcile the conflict in evidence. The appeal, however, could not lie allowed without; rejecting verbal testimony which the Lower Gourt accepted, but it was not: at all certain that the instnirnenl gave as untrustworthy an account, of itself as flint court believed. The collision occurred on March, 21, 192-1: The stem of the American Merchant cut into the Mntatun and. killed eight seamen who were in their bunks in Hie forecastle. The Mata tun was beached to save her from sinking, but the American Merchant was .not badly damaged, WEATHER REPORT. 'Phis morning the wind was light at most; stations, but a fresh west-south-west breeze was blowing at Auckland and south-west breezes at Tirrliri, Tauranga, Taupe and Napier. 'Pile direction was light south at Gape Maria and Opel iki; fresh breeze from the north at Fast Cape; light northwest at Gisborne and Wellington.; westerly at New Flymouth and. Castlepoint, and. Cape Fallisor, and southeast at Cape Campbell. There was blue sky at: Auckland, Gisborne. Napier, Castlepoini: and Opotiki, and cloudy elsewhere in Hie North Island. Tempera lures recorded at, 9 n.m. were: Cape Maria 70, Auckland 06, Tiritiri 01. Tauranga 08, Taupe 58, Fast Cape 70, Gisborne 75. Napier 09. Cape j’alliser 70, New Flymouth 05, Wellington 07. Cape Campbell 02. Cnsllo.poinl 70, Opotiki 70. STATE OF THE SEA. Fast Cape. Cape Pa Riser, New Plymouth amt CasHepoiut reported, rough seas I his morning. Al; Napier there was a. moderate swell. Smooth sen. was reported ai. Gisborne and Opotiki, and moderate at other North Island si at ions.

A launch parly ;it 151 it IT Ji:h! nn e.xrittimc with sharks while fishing -for cod a Sow nights ago. They had boon at work only a few minutes wiien suddenly one of t.ho party found a shark on bis line. Before it. occurred to another memher to put a shark hook on his. four sharks had been on Ihe lines hut had managed to escape after being dragged as far as the side of the boat. ■ Finally one of (lie sea tigers was hooked and after an exciting struggle was alongside the launch and hit. on I lie head with a spanner. When (lie parly landed the shark, which was sft 6in in length, it was opened and found in ennlain three tloilndcrs and a trout 1 Bin long.

CHURCH SERVICES. Holy Trinity Church Services, Selungessimn: 8 n.m. Holy Jommuiiioii: 11 a. in.. Matins, tlw .vicar: 7 p.m.., Evensong, the vicar; Manga papa 7 p.m., -Mr Seliman: Kaili 7 (i.iii., Mr Baker; 'IV llanaru 7 p.m.. Mr Cmimiings. Baptist Tnbernaclc. —Services for Sun day: Rev. F. A. Crawsluiw al 11, "U'lial lane can Do": 6.45 pan.. Com 111111 ! i: y Singing, and nr 7 pan., "The Air, si Wonderful Tiling, I'kxeepi Due"; 2.45 [i.m., Sunday Srlmol: Te llapara ai 7 p.m., Mr A. Ron ml; 2.45 p.m. Sunday School re opens Mmhnilisr rinircl).-Services for Sun da ■. ; Wo-ley I'hmvli, - Bright Street: II :i in W (lay 7 pm, Siudeni i; Penn 'lie S.vkitm E.vm of Go,I" tEip.iUi ti a in. Srudeni A R Penn, 7 pm, illi W. Ji i.iii Al.,',i';..p:.p„ ii ... m Mr G \ ,n. 6 p.m., Suwk-ra 1; Pv-nn. R rigid Street Sunday Sciiooi re-open;, R.-morrow, -ai 2.-‘9 p ru-Mangapapn-Knili Presbyterian Churchcp Knox Church, Mangapnpn: 11 n.m., Mr Parsonson, of Y.M.C.A.; 7 pan., H>w. A. 11. Non''., aiiih'lii and duet by choir. SI. David's, Kaili: II nan., Re.v. A. 11. Norrie, 7 pan., Mr Parsonsovi. Ormond Presbyterian ('luircli.— Services for Sunday: Te Karalm 11 nan., Ormond 3 pan.. Kailaratahi 7 pan., Rev. W. Grundy. Wneivnga-n-liika : Services for Sunday: SI. Luke's 7 nan., H.C., and 11 ami.: Ormond 8 a .in.. 11and 7 pan.: Makaraka 2.30 pan. —l’ev. R. Hodgson, v ii'iir. Pal ufnlii Pamchiril Disl riel..—Sei vices b, Sunday: R.-iv II a.m., Pal ill ald 7.30 |oin,- Rev. H, 'f. Rawilsley, vicar. Alai aw lie ro Presbyterian Charge.-- Services for Sunday: Mnnufnke 2.30 pan., R.-v. das. Ait ken, M.A.; Palulahi 7.30 pan., Mr P. Williams; Mala whom 7.30 pan.. All S. H. Phillips. Te Karat;a Parecliial District, services for Sunday: Te Karaka 8, 11. C.: II nan., Mai jus; 7.30 pan., Evensong: Paha 11, 11.(5: Poulutu 3 pan.— Rev. W. S. O. Cameron. The Salvation Army.— 11 n.m., Holiness nieeiing; 6 pan., open-air .service; 7 pan., Gospel seivice. Good baud and singing. Major and Mrs Wyatt in command. Captain and Mrs Hear! assisting. Church of Christ, Roebuck Road.—Services for Sunday: 11 Breaking of Bread; 7 pan., Gospel Service. Preacher; Mr. S. E. Riches. Grey St. Hall.—Services fur to-inor row :«2.45. School and Bible class: 7 pan. Gospel meeting, conducted l.y .Mess'.'-. Slalb.rd and VYaioliika Mission,-- Meetmgs for Sunday: £'.3C pan., Bible-rdasses-mnl School 7.15) n.m.. Divine servbe; preaclier. Mi. 11. Hayden. Tiier-. pi; : ea’ Soe’etv. ■ l nii.n Steam Ship Building.*, t iiildev* tioad. Sunday. at 7 pan. StUije i. "The Aura nod Hie S-nni.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16946, 30 January 1926, Page 5

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PORT OF GISBORNE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16946, 30 January 1926, Page 5

PORT OF GISBORNE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16946, 30 January 1926, Page 5