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. fj. Tho following votes for the Gisbom and East: Coast district appear in th Pnblie Works' Estimates, tabled in tli ...-House l&t night. ' . _ • railways. ■? ’ Voted' las year *£60,000; expended, £73,080; ha bifety March 31, -£1274; this year’ vblie,’ ; ;£lso,ooo; ■ ■ . V?l ' , Waikokopuibraneh: Voted last jKai £1501)00; expended, £118)599; liabillt; Mar&b? this : year’s -vote - v ‘f. PUBLIC BUILDINGS., • n building, j Gisborne Fit&ngs for ; Land had Survey Depart mcoit, £275 (new*.vote). Gisborhe • Courthouse:- ; Alterations £2oof(uew vote):’'"* /Riiatorea Courthouse: £2OO votec last year, expended nil; this year’s vote, £300« 1 Te' Araroa Courthouse: £2OO votec last' year,' expended nil; no vote this yeeiC • - \ ;' C: . . -‘'Wairoa Courthouse, ' £l7uo (new vote). ' . ■ Gisborne gaol: £IOO voted last year, oxpohded £l2; this year’s vote, £l5O. Gisbtfrno police, inspector’s residence, £ISOO (re-Voted from last year). ' ijuhaka police station: Voted last yettf £1;500, emended nil; this year s VBE& £2OOO. ' ' . mhnn le Araroa pohco station, £iuuu (new voto). . , ' Tp Karaka police station, site, ana building: £ISOO (re-voted from last police station: £IOOO (new V °Gisborno chief post office, alterations, : and additions: On account, ‘ £10,000i(re-voted from last year). , Hicks Bay post offieo: Site (new voto). • 1 , , n , Matawai post office: £oj voted last year; ££s spent. ’ ' . Tdkomaru Bay pest office: Additions,. Voted last year £SOO, expended nil; this year’s vote, £525. 1 Tokomaru Bay, purchase of property for postmaster’s residence: Voted last year, £llOs (expended). ToQaga'Nßay, post office additions: . Votdd last year, £250 (expended).Whatatutu post office: Voted last year,-£2000; expended, nil; •no voto thid year. 1 i, . Gisborne St; Helen’s hospital, £4OO (üb#f veto). ‘ ' f ’- U' 7 • Matakdwa Point (automatic light), near Hick’s Bay, £2OOO /(new vote). -East -Capo lighthouse, removal and rd-etection:-Voted last year, £2430; expanded,"£2s32; -.liability March 31, £264; this year’s*’vote, £IOOO. : * Gable' Foreland, ' automatic light:- Voted last year, £1800; ox-' ponded, £599; ' liability March- 31, £995;- this' year’s r v6te, £I3OO. '# •Morei-e Hot' Springs, improvements, cottage for • carotakph, fencing, etc.: voted last year,''£2so;’ expended, £184; tips year’s vote,“ £l5O. Waikarcmoana, tourist resort: voted last year, £500; expended, £2B; voted this year, £SOO. ' - ROADS AND BRIDGES.



(Gisborne to Hanghroa, £ for £-. Voted last year, £617; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £IOOO. - Gisborne to Wairoa, via Morei*c-Ko-pua to W hare rata: Voted last year, £*375; expended, £408; this year’s voto, £2967. •' f Ditto-, Muriwai to-Kopua, £3 for £1: £750 '(ro-voted). - Dittos -Wharerata to Morero (£77,503, £3 ;, fbr' £1) i. ‘Voted Ittfit'-ycar, £2i;500; expended, £22,086; liability March 31, £246B;"'this' year’s' vote,' £16,912. triSborho' to Wairoa, via Tinirof o> Hangaroa junctio'n to To Reinga, £ for £;<-'£B7‘-(expended). *y'-' ' Gloncoo soldiers’ settlement, £ for £; £loon(netv vote). . ! -Gtonelg road,' - Homebinsh soldiers ’ settlement, £ for £: £IOO (now vote). . Hairgaroh to Tahoxa,-£623," £ fdr £: iAWKyaor’i- vote, J £1100; expended, • £loft; 'liability March 31, £623 ; this yeaHs vbto, '-£1123. “ 'Hangttroa td Tiniroto, via RiehardteU’s, £IOOO, £ for £, £1036 £1 for £2: Last "year’s vote, £1036; liability March- 31, £1036; this year’s vote,' £11036. - - ' - (Huiigaroa to Waikarcmoana: Voted last "year, £1000; liability March 31, £1000;' this year’s vote, £IOOO. - Main East-Coast road.—Gisborne to Fouawa: Last year’s vote, £1586; expended, £1245; liability March 31, £341; this year’s vote/>£3oool "Q Ditto, Gisborne to Tolaga, PouawU, , a nd Tolaga sections, £ for £: Voted last year, £l2s' (expended). Ditto, Makarori and Tatapouri deviations, on account of £2000: £IOOO (new veto). , Ditto, Pakarae to Tolaga Bay road, £ for £: £229 (rc-votod). Ditto, Bouawa to Paltarao river," £ for £: Voted last year, £S4S; expended, £346; this year’s vote? £SOO. Mongapoiko Valley road,'£ for £: Voted last year, £2o8; expended, £258; this year’s vote, £500.’ i Marshall’s road, £ for £: £l5O (new vole), ' •>'!{ "? ■ / • • Ngakoroa road,- £ for £: Voted last year f e£l-50;. expended, nil; liability March 31; £150; this year ’s vote; £3OO. Ngatepa tbWkarckopae, £ for £: Voted last year, £200; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £4OO. Ormond Valley road, £ for £: £.150 (new vote). Pilmer’» road, £ for £: £250 (now vote). Ropongacro settlement road: Voted last year, £250; expended, nil; new vote, £550. ' rokonui to Tarewa roo.d, £ for £: £l5O (now vote). Totangi-Ngatapa settlement, £ for £; Last year’s vote, £250; liability March 31, £250; this year’s vote, £750. WaLmnta to Arakihi, £ for £:’Voted Inst vear, £262; expended, £197; liability March 31, £66; this year’s, vote, . £265. Waimata to Waiapu Islaud road: Voted last ypar, £200; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £IOO. • _ * Waimata-Riverside’ road, £ for £: Voted last year, £400; expended, nil; this year.’b vote, ,£2OO. Wharetata to Opontanxa, Wh arc rat a to • cmxnty ; boundary, 1 £ for £: Votod last year, £100; expended,nil; this year’s vote, £2OO. ' ’ ‘ ’ Willows settlement, Awapuni road, £ for £: £IOO . (new" v<ste). , MATAKAOA COUNTY.

’ Hicks Bay kill to freezing Works, £ for £:'£soo (new vote).. Korakatuwhero Valley: Voted last year,-£75; expended, £75; this year's vote, £3OO. - " Kopuapounamu: Voted last year, £300; '■ expended, * - nil; liability March 31, £200; this'year's vote, £400: " Main East Coast road.—Hicks Bay to” Whar.gaparoa: Voted last year, £1100:. expoaded, £lso;'liability March 31, £600;. this year’s vote, £llOO. Ditto, Hicks Bay to Whangaparoa, bridges, between. Pat oka 1 and Capo Runaway, on account of £1000: £SOO (new vote). ■ ■ Ditto, Tc Araroa. to county bmiu- ■ clary,''on account £IOOO, £2 for £1: £SOO (new vote). Ditto, Te Araroa to Hicks Bay, £1535 £ for £: Voted las.t year, £2915; expended, £1330; liability March 31, £835; this year's vote, £2585. O'Bogan’s road, access to SGR 79: Voted last year, £200; expended nil; liability March 31, £6l; this year ’s vote, £2oov ■Potaka to -AVaikura, on account: Voted last year, £1000; expended, nil;, this year's vote, £2OOO, i Taurangakautuku valley, rpad devia-

tion: Vocod last year, £1500; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £3OOO. , To Araroa to East Cape, £2OO, £ for 1 £: Voted last year, £300; expended, nil; this year's vote, £SOO. 0 To Araroa to Whangaparoa, via Ko--0 koniuku: -. Voted, lastt year, £600; ex--0 pended. .nil;-:this year’s. vote,-’ £6OO. OPOTiKI "COUNTY. Hawoi. toil East j Cg-pc. —ilawai-. toT e t’ - r ivaha3£ for £:-Voted(lnst year, £3385; - expended, £322; liability March * 31, 3 £1045; (.this year’s-vote, £4500. 4 Ditto, Hawai stream’bridge, £ for £: , £1400 ! (nbwwoto). r Ditto, Opotiki to Hawai, Oliape dc- , viation, £ for- £: £lsoor(new(vp,t6). ■ Ditto, Te ’lvaha to county boundary, £ fbr £: £500; (new : .vofe). .. Motu to Opotiki.—Motu to Pakilu junction: Voted last, year, £4oo;?cxpended, nil," this year’s vote, £lo2o. Ditto, Pakilu junction ,to Toatoa: ’ Voted'last" year, £110; expended, nil; i this year’s yote, £llO. Ditto, Toatoa to Willow Tree cross- ' ing: Voted last year, £1000; expended, £557; this' year’s vote,"£443. Oponao road: Voted last year, £102; expended, £94; this year’s vote, £258. Opotiki to Matawai bridge: £3OO (new'vote). Opotiki to Matawai road, Omaukoi'o bridge, on account £1500: £SOO (new vote). Opotiki to Matawai, via Waioeka, on' account £5285: Voted last year, £4500; expended, £2215; liability March 31, £526; this year’s vote? £3500. Pottpoti road, Toatoa: Voted last year, £850; expended, £456; liability, £.140; this year’s voto, £394. Takuputahi bridge: £l5O (new vote). Torero stream bridge, Hawai to East Capo road: Voted last year, £500; expended, nil; this year’s voto, £650. ; Upper Waioeka road, Tahora block: Voted last year, £6O (re-voted). Waiaua block, access: Voted Jast year, .£300; expended, £100; liability March-31, £200; this year’s vote, £4OO. : Waiaua liver bridge, Motu-Opotiki ■ road, middle crossing: Voted last year, £1000; expended, £39; liability March - 31, £1524; this-year’s vote) £IBOO. Waioeka river bridges and ap- I preaches near Tauranga stream: Voted lost year, £2000; expended, £1389; liability March 31; £901; this year’s i vote, £1654. Wilton’s road: Voted last year, £ooo < (rc-voted). Whinray road, £ for £: £IOO (new vote). . . Whinray road, to Mauromoko dcvia- : lion: Voted last year, £2300; expended, £2272; no new vote. Whitakau: Voted lest year, £l5O (re- J voted). ( UAWA COUNTY. 3 Kaiaua to Tolaga Bay, £250 (rc- . voted). , _,: / . ] , Main East Coast road—Pakarae . river to Tolaga Bay, £ for £: Voted :last x year, £4500; expended, £458; lia- < bility March 31, £1323; this year’s I vote, £4042. Ditto, Pakarae river bridge: Voted a Inst yertr, £540; expended, £535; this year ’a vote, 'nil. ' ' ' Ditto, Reeves ’ bridge, No. 2, £ for £: Voted last year, £l5O (re-voted). Ditto, Reeves, bridge. No. 2, £ for J £: Voted last year, £SO. (rc-voted). j Ditto, Tolaga to Tokomaru, £ for £: 1 Voted last year, £1500; expended, £262; liability March, £1328; this year’s Vldte, £2735. j Ditto, Mangapcka bridge, £ for £: • £450 (new vote). Ditto, Tplaga Bay to Mangatuna: Voted last'year, £500; expended, nil; liability, £494; this year’s vote, £494. t Mangakino stream biidge, Manga- ' lokeriu road, £ fc-r £: Voted last year, * £500; expended, nil; liability, £478; Ibis year's vote, £SOO. Paremata soldiers’ settlement read: 1 Voted last year, £SOO (re-voted). ~ 'Tolaga to Arakihi, £ for £: Voted ' last year, £250; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £750. . Tolaga to vote)* ■ Tolaga to Wigan, £ for £: £IOOO (new vote). ' Tiitamoe:,Voted last year, £SOO -(w voted). r ' .. Wainuiriu stream bridge, Paremata soldier settlement rob|d: Voted last year, £250; expended,'nil, this year’s vote? .£265. /. Waiapu Liland road, Paxiholca see- i tion, £ for £: Voted-last year, £250 (re-voted).-Wigan bridge, Mangnheia stream, on account £1250, £1 for £2: Voted- last vear, £250; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £IOOO. r>- ' ‘ \ WAIAPU COUNTY.

Main East Coast road. —Rotokoutoku bridge, on account: Voted last year, £12,000; expended, £3873; v liability March 31, £5362; this year’s, vote, £IO,OOO. Ditto, Tokomaru to Waiapu bridge, Makatatota stream bridge, £' for £: £BOO (now vote). Ditto: Tokomaru to Waiapu bridge, Tiki,tiki, £ for £: Voted last year, £1225 - expended, £95; liability March 31, £1130; -this year’s vote, £2930. Ditto, Tokomaru to Waiapu bridge, Takapau deviation, £2 for £1: Voted last year, £1000; expended, nil; liability March 31, £1000; this year’s vote, £2OOO. Ditto, Tolaga to Tokomaru, £llOO, £ for £: Voted last year, £3600; expended, nil; liability March 31,' £2668; this year’s vote, £4IOO. | Ditto, Waiapu bridge, Tikitiki to Matakaoa County boundary, on account, £I2OO, £ for £: Voted last year, £250 (revoted). Ditto, Waiapu bridge to Matakaoa boundary, Poroporo stream bridge, £ for £, on account; £250 (new vote). Maraehara read: £l2O (new vote). Mata river to Waitihaia: Voted last year, £600; expended, nil; liability March 31, £600; year’s vote, £I6OO.

Botokautuku bridge to Tikitiki, on account: Voted last year, £250; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £SOO. To Pulp, to Waipiro: Voted last year, £100;! expended, £100; no new vote. Tuatini township protection works: Voted "last year, £150; expended, nil; no new" voto.

Tuparon to liuatorca: Voted last year, £SO; expended, nil; no now vote. WAIKOHU COUNTY.

' Armstrong road, £ for £: Voted last year, £400; expended, £165; liability March 31, £235; this year’s vote, £735. Dealy’s bridge, Matawai-Motu road, £ for £: Voted last year, £2OO (rovoted).

Huiiaraa block, access road: Voted lost year, £1500; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £I2OO. / Kaitam, £ for £: Voted last year, £125; expended, nil; liability, £125; this year’s vote, £125. Kaitaratahi-Tc Karftka (Scott's erosion): £IOO (new vote). Laverihsm road, £ for £: Voted last year, £100; expended, nil; liability, £.loo);'this year’s vote, £2OO. Mangamaia: £3oo} (new vote). Mjangarehu stream bridge, To Ka-raka-Waikohu road, £1 for £1 10s: Voted hist year, £160; expended, nil; io new vote.

Matawai to Motu, £ for £: Voted last year, £250; expended, nil; liability, £217; this year’s vote, £250. Matawai stream bridge, MatawaiMotu road, £ for £: Last year’s vote, £250 . (re-voted). Mon.nni: Voted last year, £1000; expended, nil; this year's vote, £1550.^ Morflcman's bridge, Motu Valley road, £ for £: Voted last year, £4OO. Motu Falls road, on account £IOOO, £ for £: Voted last year, £500; expended, £688; this year’s vote, £SOO. 1 Motu Valley road, £ for £: Voted lest year, £850; expended, nil; liability, £333; this year’s vote, £ISSQ. •Ngafapa to Wharekopae, £ for £:. Voted last vear,*£l7So- expended, £113; liability, £1667; tins year’s vote, £2167. . ! .Oliver rpfj-d, on account, .voted last

year, £500; expended, nil; this year’s vote, £2OO. 1 Puhat'ikotiko, £ for £: Voted ■ last year, .£125; expended, nil; £l2s,*.this year’s vote, £125. ’ Eakauroa to Wliarckopae, Ngatapa block, access to section 7: Voted last year, £4OO (re-voted). Taumata, Daisy Flat to Hukanui crossing,-£ for £:'.Vofed last year, £400; expended,' nil; this year’s vote, £7OO. Taimata read bridges: £1250 (new vote-). -

, Waiapu- Inland road: £250 (new votc).s ' 1 .*•s,

Waikohu to Matawai, Deep ergek bridge,.;£ for £: Voted last year, £120; expended, £l2O. '* ; Ditto,’ Otoko section, £1450 (new voto). . Ditto-, Otoko to Matawai, Waikohu river bridge,'£ for £: £3OO (new vote). Ditto, Waihuka stream crossing, £ for £: Voted last year, £l5O (revoted). Ditto, Waikohu-Otoko section, Otoko hill: Voted last year, £250; expended; nil; this year’s vpte, £750. ■ Wailiohu to Motu, via Whakarau, £ for £: £IOO (new vote). Wharekopao to Talioixi, £ for £: Voted last year, £500; liability, £500; this year's voto, £SOO. WAIROA COUNTY. Ll’epeti, Waipara block: Voted last year, £750; expended, £113; this year’s vote, £750. Frasortoivn to Waikarcmoana, intake load to Lake house, £ for £, on account: Voted last year, £SOQ; expended, nil; liability, £336;-this year’s vote, £825. Gisborne to Wairoa, via Moicrc, Morero to Wairoa, £lO6, £ for £, and £775, £3 for £1: Voted last year, £481; expended, nil; liability, £106; this year’s vote, £4Bl. Ditto, Tarewa deviation: £650 (new vote). Ditto, Wliarcrata to Morero, £1291, £ for £, £360, £3 for £1: Voted last year, £7500; expended, £ISBS; liability, £2IS6; this year’s yote, £14,000. Gisborne to Wairoa, via Tiniroto, Te Reinga to Frasertown, £ for £: Voted last yeai*, £1315; expended, £1166: liability, £149; this year’s votO; £SOO. Mangapoikc Valley road, Mangaouni bridge, Tukemokihi. to Frasertown: £450 ( new- vote).

Ditto, P-aparatu to Tukemokihi: Voted last year, £250 (re-voted). Ditto, Tukemokihi to Frasertown; Voted last year, £IOOO (re-voted).

Manga,on o to Mangapoiki Valley read, £ for £: Voted last Year, £SOO (re.-voted). Ruakituri Valley, Te Reinga to Mills;. £ for £: Voted last year, £1123; expended, £104; liability, £1819; this year's vote, £3500. Ditto, Mills’ to Nolan's: Voted last year, £200; expended, £700; liability, £25; this, year’s. v.otc, £193. Ditto, Mills’’ to Nolan’s, bridges and culverts: Voted last year, £600; liability, £3B; this year’s'vote, £600: ’ Waikaro to Waikarcmoana (bridges; £3 for £1: £2IOO (now- vote). Waikokokpu to Opoutama deviation, £ for £: Voted last Year, £SOO (rcvoted). /'

Wairoa to Waikarcmoana: Voted lest year, £40,000; expended, £44,831; liability, £1183; this year’s vote, £lO,000.


Voted last year, £165,343; expended, £02,215; liability' March 31, £37,720; this year’s votes, £169,873.


Waikarcmoana watershed conservation (compensation, One-third part): Voted last year, £2406; expended, £2405; this year’s vote, £IOS. Waikarcmoana electric supply scheme: Voted last year, £100,00(h( expended, £30,245; liability Marclr 31, £1268; this year’s Vote, £IO,OOO. OPENING LANDS FOR SOLDIERS’ SETTLEMENT.

Tahora (Opotiki County): Voted last year, £2000; expended, nil; no i cw vote. V

Matakaoa: Voted last year, £2OO (re-voted). Hangaroa: Voted last year, £3OOO (re-voted). Hangaroa: Voted last ypar, £3000; expended, £1263; this year’s voto, £1737. ' \

Patutahi: Voted last year, £399; expended, £B6; this year’s vote, £313. Tahora (Cook ’ County): Voted last year, £10,000; this year’s vote, £15,980. Paeora-Wailiora: Voted lpst year £IOOO (re-voted); Hurakia block: Voted last year, £5995; expended, £39; this year's voto, £5956.

Tapatu: Voted last year, £SOOO (related).




The following arc the railway votes for the various lines throughout the Dominion:— •'

Kniiliu railway extension: Voted lns f yrar, £16,000; expended/ £11,940; liability M&rch 31, £1500; amount voted this year, £SOOO. North Auckland Main Trunk. —Huarau northwards: Voted last year, £23C,00(b expended, £237,361; liability March 31, £12,525; voted this year, £257,000.

Whangarei branch: Voted last y.ear, £25,000; expended, £23,748; liability March 31, £2500; vopjd this 'year, £20,000. . - Waipu branch: Voted last year, -£5000; -expended, £4898; liability at March 31, £300; voted this year, £lO,000. : '

North Island Main Trunk. —Waiuku branch: 1 Vpted last year,- £7000; expended, £4835; liability, nil; no new vote.

Huntly branch: Voted last year, £35,000; expended, £22,778; liability at March 31, £1303; new vote, £20,000. East Coast Main Trunk.—PueroaPokeno: Voted last year, £5000; expended (cr.), £32; liability, nil; new vote, £sooo. ’ ' • ' . ' WaiM-Taneatua (including Mount ’branch): Voted last year, £240,000;' expended, £74,025; liability at March 31, '£2741; now vote, £260,000. ' ' Gisbonie-Napiciv*—Vptcd last year, £60,000; expended, ' £73,080; ■■■ liability March 31, £4274; new 'veto, £150,000. | Waikokopu branch: Voted last year, '£150,000;' expended, £118,599; liai bility at March’ 31, £6053; new vote, , £120,000. Opunake branch: Voted last year, £50,000; expended, £48,998; liability i at March 31, £1791; new vote, £75,000. I Stratford Main Trunk: Voted , last [ year, £60,000; expended, • £52,99^; liaj bility at March 31, £3834; new vote, £115,000.Wellington -Pa ckakariki deviation: Hew vote,' £10,600. , Wellington - Wairarapa railway, Einmtaka deviation: New vote, £lO,060. •

Midland-Glenhope-Murchison: Voted last year, £18,000; expended, £13,969; liability at March 3.1, £856; new vote, £30)000.. ■ ’ /■ Otira-Bcalcy: Voted last year, £3no,000; expended, £315,617; liability at March 31, £1.16,124; new vote, £150,000. '

Westport-l’nangahun: Voted last year £20,000; expended, £93; liability, nil; new 'vote, £50,000.:. Grcymoutli-Polnt Eli /.a belli: Voted lc st year, £15,000: expended. £17,388;' liability at March -31, £1224; new vote,£SOOO. Otago Central: Voted last year, £1000; expended) £446; no new vote. Orepuki-Wniou extension: Voted last year, £10,000; expended, £9211; liability at March 31, £3276; new vote, £20,000. - Laurence-Roxburgh: Voted last year;' £60,000; expended, £53,608; liability at March 31, £4482; new vote, £OO,OOO. i Land claims.T-Dams-geij or lpsseg of

goods, in transit, or other liabilities: Voted last year, £2000; expended, £330; new vote, £IOOO. Surveys. —Now lines: Voted last year, £3000; expended, £2829; liability as at March. 31, £9; new vote, £4OOO.

g Permanent way materials: Voted,last jf-ar, ; £200,000; expended, »£W2,397,’liability at March 31, £9498; new vote, £70,000. The total now voto is £1,420,000, os ngaiitst last year’s £1,500,000.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 16212, 24 August 1923, Page 5

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS VOTES. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 16212, 24 August 1923, Page 5

PUBLIC WORKS VOTES. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 16212, 24 August 1923, Page 5