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The Druids' hold a social m the Assembly Hall to-night. "I notice with regret a growing tendency m the police courts to deal with charges of theft by way of a fine," said his* Honor Mr. Justice Salmond, m sentencing a prisoneV found, guilty of theft at New Plymouth. "To treat such a serious offence as theft by way of a fine is putting it on the same level as a breach of a by-law, and to my mind it is a great mistake." In a recent speech m tho House, Mr. i Powdrell said that if a horcL of cows averages only 1601bs of biitter-fat — and j these are Government figured by the, Chief, of the Dairy Division — for making cheese it will cost 21d with land at £66 per acre. If the herd averages 1801 b, the cost of production "goes down to I9d ; and if 2001 b, the cost, conies down to 17d; and if 2201 b, the cost of the production -of butter-fat comes down to 15d. Tho city of -Glasgow is buying 10;000 tons of rails m the United States. They cost delivered hi Glasgow £45,000 less [ than the lowest tender submitted by any British firm. Such- is the statement made by a Glasgow correspondent, who attributes tlie high British price, .."to the I larger pay demanded by the British worker for the same amount, of effective work. But whatever may be the reason Of the purchase of American steel rails by the Scottish municipalities at the I present rates of sterling exchange, it • is clear that such trade is calculated to I make exchange worse. Reporting the recent sculling championship, an Australian paper stated., inter alia: Felton looked 'alt. out" and ' miserable. He scarcely bothered to acj knowledge the cheers as he rowed back to his headquarters. He looked grim as he brushed through the crowd on the landing stage, and proceeded to a private room, which he entered hurriedly. He closed the door. He refused to see anybody. He refused to . say . any thing. An hour later he was apparently still m the silent room, despite ' clamoring crowd outside. In hi- wake followed a serious-faced trainer, Dick Arnst. "Cant tell you anything," said Arnst. "I do 'think that the universities of the British Empire have done more than ' anyone else m the world to, keep up the « fair name of sport," said Prbfessbr 1 G. R Blunt at the dinner to. the Sydney University team at Christchurch. "Many people are inclined to look upon the 'college man' as a negligible quantity. The contrary is the case. When I saw to-day's game, the best., bar one, I have ever seen m New Zealand, where we consider the best Rugby^players m the world come' from, I thpught that if two such teams could be ptodijced from five Australasian colleges, tthen^ve might ' well call our *-Tiniversit : es jour gentle mothers.' To the end of our: days_ we can never forget our old university." Some very scathing remarks about the whisky sent" into the King Country were made "at the Te Kuiti Court Chronicle reports). "They had a taste of the whisky;" said counsel, "a,iui. apparently a. taste was sufficient. The bulk of it was tipped out and the other bottle sent back." 'flVhat did you do with the liquor?'' a witness was asked. -'We put some m a saucer to see if it would burn, and we tipped the rest out," .was^the reply "And what did the other man say about the liquor?" another witness | was asked. ''He said that he wouldn-t put it m his boots." Another witness said that it Avas "sheet lightning, and the magistrate said that apparently the f liquor had been tried and' foUnd wanting- y .y ... I' Sir Robert Stout, questioned by a ' Wellington reporter on the subject of a ..national war memorial, .-suggested a •wide marine parade round the whole ot Wellington harbor from head to head. If £100.000 could bo spared .for such a purpose a commencement, ."might be made by continuing the present marine parade at Oriental Bay on:toth.e heads. Possibly that amount might be sufficient to complete the. parade tojSeatoun or to the western head. This s#u.d be a permanent work, and it mi^ht'be termed "Anzac Parade." At vanojis stages of the parade there should be rests and shelters'; it would be a magnificent object, and beneficial to the health of the city', fresh and pure air being got all the way. "Much could be said to commend such a work," said Sir Robert. "We have not the monevyto make a road.- as has been suggested, from the Bluff to Auckland, but tlito ysos* r P ro " ject might bo carried out." ,>'?,-. : i No sooner does peace ao^i«jftif f to have been established m the.' tfaitaninmg industry (says tha Ohristftpich Press) than the mischie f -makers;. M^use fresh trouble. At Blackball th# men are refusing to abandon the. gO«&l©W policy, not because they have any jprievanee tp ta pay or conditions, but simply k§eaw«3 two of their number have refused to pay «übscription# to the fund being raised for the strikers at Broken" Hill. The men *rttl continue to go-slow until these two either pay up or are discharged from the company's service. The impudence and folly of such; an attitude as this almost beggar* crittefem. We sh»U not attempt to criticise ft, further than to say that if they imagine thoy §ft» afford to treat the community with the «. contempt implied in* this incident, th© miners are making a tragic mistake. The case is one that calls for some stringent action by the Miners' Federation, and we shall be interested to ccc whether the Federation will give silent encouragement to tha outrageous eondupt of the Blackball men. The magistrate delivered bis judgment m the case heard last weak . (states a Ohristchurch oerrespofident), ' when a Christchurch dairy company was chftrg* ed with selling cream containing a foreign substance, bicarbonate of soda. Clause 2, section 12, of the regulations under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act provided that cream should not contain any foreign substance. £he iefejujsnt eompaay sold io the inspector a small quantity of' cream containing bicarbonate of soda. _ The substance was not noisonojw, but" had a tendency to hide the detects of §i&ie cream. It could m \ certain proportions be mixed with food without harm. The label oa the packet containing the cream stated that there was -bicarbonate of soda iff the cream. The informant saw the notice and fully understood ii. The company contended on the authority oLan English case that it was not liable, oecausfe it announced at the time of the sale that the cream contained a foreign substani.o, There was a vary real distinction between the English and New Zealand Statutes. The Act set out that tlie sale ofVsream containing any foreign sabstancpyFas absolutely prohibited. Tha cowpwy if as fined £5, an 4 cost*,

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15320, 16 September 1920, Page 6

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TOWN EDITION. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15320, 16 September 1920, Page 6

TOWN EDITION. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15320, 16 September 1920, Page 6