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The oommittee of the Gisborne Sol* diers'-XOlub., has decided ntoi.witlfdj,**w^ per- • niis^oriu-tp^r *»rmdl_ diers' Club on SaturdaV.^i^hC His Honor, Mr Justice Chapman aiid associate. (Mr XX.C. Atkiu-s) JLea-ve by tlle> •steamer to-night' for N_pior/'en to Wellington. vxx'xx.',. r.-;.vo'-J'v" T'fcOrv' Some espitemejit-was caused in' Cus. toms. Street abo#. Jl A.m. to-day. when the. verandah to, William* -and Kettle* Small- stoVe* collapsed witl** a Imldrioise. Itnras stated tliat a horse was tethered to one .0f thevposts [ahd !iJii& v Jioi*a'ei. r di*aiw away the post which was of lons stand- ■. ing and .Was , affected 'by^borer:^'^*^ * ' lii ' corinec'tion with the steamer arrattgementsrfor the holiday traffic at Christinas tiin* the following alteration has now been made : If the Arahui'4 is able-A-to clear Gisborn c! pn the Tues.- . w^iliWßKtt 35rdi^e__ttiber; tinaead of ' w«ttitt_**<fiitil Wfcdriet^i'jnWnfc for a daylight trip, she will leave Napier %^\ t ? i f^b,e 'Wednesday morning shortly after* aYWv'aFth_fe- from Gisborne. . This will allow her to pass through G*stofc-i_ for Tokomam Bay and Auckland on Ihe F^fe^fy '.'^ight^ the -.a^^daad vsy on Uhristmas riibrnirig asK already- > announced. *''.;."■.••■ Some idea of the policy which Labor ,^Mx * or > aa Whted,at v b.Y 4 ,Mr; i fi»Ml_ during | iastj night's tteetarif? '> "fte_err enco was made bv'a questioner ttf' a locfrt man who .had' "risen from . the ranifs/v' and art niterjector- remarked that Ive w,aa entitled. to all he made. The candidate* proceeded to denounce rbbbel*v -XifajS •profiteering fay '"Jthe terms. ,*An7 faterjecW: ''^atf J«l_ you do if you had £1000?* Would .you give it to the workers?" Tho candidate! 1 bftlieve wi-.the working people taking. 1 dont believe m giving— l believe mi the working people- taking it." ?• * X. : : ., -, Sehyyn .Smith,, son of M_ Harry hmith: of Makauri, met with a pai¥ful accident at the High Scliool yesterday. A2* ton lorry had been did*. charging seats at the school, and waft leaving the building, -when the boy cycled, round a- corner m front of . ifc tv .', -J° J un *P off Ws bicycle, antlX lei V the front wheel -,- of" * the VehickJ (which was loaded with' about a ton S<s galvanised iron) passing over him ne# ; the- groin. Tho lad was quickly attend* ed to by Dr. Wilson, who found uo j> 011e « yfaoken. • Tlie. patient wasnniovel to tho Lister hospital/ whetfe Ho iMpro* I gVessmg favorably. = •'■ • i . ; ' ; *- . xr / 1 TJ ' .' "■'.-.,.••.« I x wcnisewives express, wonderful loyally t6 "No ! Rubbing'? Laundry Help.vih v|* packets -SW. A. O'Meara,. ,Wbola*l* Ajwit for "No Rubbinc "—& ■:. - .' :>XfS Readers are reminded that; to'-ihorraV (Saturdny) is' the last day of Mies Rb|o- ' mary Rees'/. sale of Parisian hatst&njil gowns from the Maisori Arnal. Th_ sas_ is being conducted 1 at the Alexahd__: tea-rooms, and the public should riot fail to avail themselves of this opportunity^* Xmas .Gifts.-— Cordon, Jeweller, v ops". Bank N.IJI Ciuarett _ oases; pouches-, M-alilctsv tadipt' ba-jju, ebony bi*u__ev atjicl pliQtQ- frjiiaes.* "'•■

Sir Jajwes Carroll will address tht electors at Muriwai this evening. Mr. Brindle will speak outside the Tt Hapara school at 8 o'clock this evening .-• Mr J. S. Barton, S.M,. returned bj the Arahura, this mofrmng from Wellington. N ••' Sitting m chambers yesterday afternoon'liis Honor Mr Justice Chapmar granted -probate m the estate of Rbborl Ekglcsori, deceased soldier, to ..Mavj ES&gleson, oii. the mot : on of All* _>. vli. Maim. It is understood that the Gisborne Soldiers* Club, -which -has been conducted by a Citizen^ Committee for about four years, will' be taken over by the Gisborne branch of the Returned Soldiers' Association from December v 20t1i. ... "It is all right to take newspapers, but unfortunately some people do take their views from the capitalistic press. Newspapers should be limited to advertisements," declared Mr Brindle- at Mangapapa. Evidently the candidate docs not relish 'the enlightenmoiit afforded by the press. Six new postage' js tamps, coinmomoiat-. ing tho victory of *th_ AlU\» *a-nd the v-omiug' of peace" Avill be issued shortly. Tho half-penny 'stamp .<i_ green,,' and i-epreseivtsja "recumbent lion, upon which is sitting a figure emblematic, of peace, While the- peilny is a carriihie, with tlie- sanie two ; figures standing. Thb l_d stsuii'p is a" light brown, and' has the tattooed head of :*aX Maori oil the right half: and fern fronds- on the left. On the 3d stamp, Avhich is dark brown, the,' lion -again .appears iii.ia recumbent •attitude, but- tins time the figure is absent, ; and the rays of the rising sun are m the background. The 6d stamp is rose lake irr color, and has a device representing thcAheel .of Peace,. Avith outspread wings./ On the Is stamp, "which isi oraiige, is the' King's headj flanked by heads of lions, .with Miaon carvings ;in tjio top. cofney. All the neAv stamps are doub'.c "the size of. the present issue. • . > , Reference to the. purchase of a steamer by the Poverty Bay Meat Company was made iri the acting-chairman's speech at -the Bank of New .Zeajaji_d meeting at Wellington to-day. ' '.'A most important -question,"' he said, "is that*, of freight facilities after the Government purchase ends. Owing to the •shortage of insulated ships, it Arould seem necessary ' that early steps should be taken ■ with -_'. view' to ensuring that the necessary amount of insulated space shall be available to carry our exports to market, otherwise our producers will be m a very unenviable position. One freezing company has been so impressed with the prpspectiA'e difficulties of the position that it has made the experiment of purchasing a steamer, which it proposes to insulate and utilise to relieve the pressure, so far as its -own particular works are,*'6bnce - rhed.. ' She 7 will ' also, carry wool or other'produce m. her *noninsuiated space. The results of this; experiment wiil, ho doubt, be watched with • interest by other meat freezing convpanies. " According to Mr Aubrey L. Williams, who lectured on "Bolshevism" at the Concert 'Cliamber, and who lived m the midst of it m Petrograd and Moscow m 1917 and part of 1918, the policy of "go sloav" rariked."with profiteering as a capital, offence,, and .many were executed for' thp offence by order -of the Extraordinary Commissions, which were set tip by the Soviet* to repress anything m the nature of counter-reVolutionary action, and "going stow was considered one of the offences against Bolshevik good government. The leoturer also stated with • •great emphasis that no one was more speedily, cured of "Bolshe\'isni" than,, those who might liave been inclined to listen to its teachings, and who had some experience " of it as it existed m Russia* In that respect he quoted the caso of ah Irishman, a friend of his, who was confined for 36 days .m the fortress of St. Peter aaid. St.' Paul, from \ wluch he emerged confessing himself completely cured of, and a confirmed op- i poncnt of, the. Bolshevik doctrine. — Dominion. At the Police Court this morning., before Mr J. S., Barton, S.M., Charles lidward Watson (Mr J. Wauchop) ..pleaded guilty to a chargo- of . assaulting Joseph Hayward at Gu-borrio on November 22. . * Mr W T auchop eaid defendant waa oA-er 60 years of age, and had hit complainant because he had made disparaging remarks about old men. and their capacity to work. Sergt. Clarkson .said .only one blow luid been struck, and the facts were as stated by Mr Wauchop. . His .;Worsliip ; regarded the cririie as not ai serious one and many blows had been struck under similar circumstances. Nevertheless- a man must not take the -law into his own- hands. A fine of 10s. with T3& costs, was imposed. David Middleton was • charged^ Avitli\ being the owner of 'a dog, which, being daug.erous, was not keptj under proper control. His wife appeared to ansAver the charge. Sergt. Clarkson sated the dog had "nsipped'-' -a postman; and had then been allowed: at large. Norman Pocock, the letter-carrier, said tho dog* had bitten him dn the leg. He had seen it at large a week. later, and it rushed at him when he blew "liis whistle. Mrs Middleton said the dog had strayed- to their place as a Xpuppy, arid liad only lately developed aggressive tendencies..' Since receipt of the, summons it -had been, destroyed. His Worship; remarked that this action had given rlise to, the tradition) that a dog Was allowed "one bite. An offence was. complete if after that it AA-as allowed at large. It' >vas an unusuaL offence, arid sufficient punishment had been gi\'en, by' the publicity that would be accorded to tho matter. — A fine of Is, with. 9s costs, was imposed. George Joseph McDonald, , for failing' to', pay- a. nianaiteiiance order to his wife (represented by Mr J. R. Kirk) of £1 10s a w£ek arid having £32 lOs m arrears, was 'ordered to pay £3 at once and £4 a week:. If this Aveekly payment was ,made regularly , up to January 24 his Worship' said he .would consider entering a conviction arid a discharge. Entries for the* Patutahi sports -will cloEe on December 19th, wjth Mi** A. E. Davy, tobacconist, and , also' with ihe secretary, Mr Geo.- GillnUin". ' ".. "V* Mr E. S. Austin? Afcho : is leaving the district, advertise, for" his, Collard and Cbllkl'd- , 'pi_no' , -and ; a massive k^urj wardrobe.** >-~ ■ ,- ■ ' ' .''■ . " .. '_■ i- -. "■>'■-■ ■' . ' There 'ia -miffllftnbt abddt it thkt Miss Neiil' s Greafl*White Sale is creating a sensation,- > . tt opened 6n 'Satarday last, and both her shops ? one of which' is situated r in* Everybody's' 'Buildings and the other at the corner of Gladstone Road and Brigh*yStreei, > hfeve' been- besieged by people anribus to secure the bargains that are <»ririg --before It % tod late. The large find varied' "Btocks held by Miss Neiil Mb «fendfng -the strain of the rush of saA>mer_, ■ and , there are still many deligWol bargains yet to be -tad. Th* sal© cominuea until Saturday week, but patronM atfe advised not to' delay their purchaßng too long.~a» the best of % forid iihll Ainn ia rf*** Vh*in* taV«- * " We cayrygarge stocks of Music Cases, Ocarinas, EKrmonicas, Whistles, and Violins at Se Lpndon Mrisio Shop, bp fNwiU Hard *> - '* An appeals being made by the Labor Representation Committee to all sympathisers fQK.fipancial assistance towards the electiorit : cairipaign. It is thought that there it ,'a large number of electors m the cduril districts who are *wiJling to ...assist iij j;this> direction. As the electorate is fan' fextehsive one to work, funds are "n (gently needed.* All donations should *be sent • to the Electorate Secretary, 0. 'E. Bickford,, Daphne street, Kaiti, Tel" f458. An official receipt will be given;* ■' W. Good r i«d Co., liave just landed a big Bhipmefliw?of.iEbbriy,-Bnißhee, ladies' and gents', at prices, that defy competition. Shields fitted and' engraved while you wait. Get m early? . X Particulars |of fn*e dwellings to be sold by public auction : on : Saturday , ihe 13th irist.,- are advjertised ill this issue. These comprise a : p-rponied dwelling^ with stable,,^ situated at Endcliffe, Kaiti, a 4-roomed •' cottage at Kaiti Beach and 3.- four-roomed oottages m Palmerston Road. In vi^w of the extreme shortage qf. r houses prospective buyers would be wtell- advaeed' to obtain full detail**, from the auctioneers, Messrs Williams and Keltic, Lid."*

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 15090, 12 December 1919, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 15090, 12 December 1919, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 15090, 12 December 1919, Page 4