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*» The Gisborne Farmers' Co-operative Co., Ltd., submitted for valuation at Gißbome and Tolaga Bay, catalogues ot 1256 bales of wool. The wool is light m grease, and shows signs of the shortage of feed experienced last autumn, and the lightness of the bales is also accounted for by the fact that the wool not being properly matured is light m fibre as well. So far, the clips show signs of more care m their general getup, and the averages are turning out very well, those of the fleece portions ot some of our principal clips being as follows: Rimuroa 16Jd, Glenreay 163 d, 0.8.8. lfigd. Manga/kh 16fd, "k.R.A. 16fd, H.L.— W 16d. • Our range of prices obtafiied , is : — Southdown 18£ d, fine crossbred and Romney 17d to 17§d, medium crossbred 16£ dto 16Jd, coarse cross bred 15£ dto 15|d ; heavy conditioned, lower m proportion, Ist and neck pieces 12Ad to 14_d, 2nd pieces 9£d to lid, bellies lOld to 12£ d, locks 6_d to 7£d. Our next valuation will be held somewhere about the 18th of this month. Messrs. Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd., report having held their first *«• 'dilation of the season yesterday, when they 'submitted a catalogue of early h horn wools. Generally speaking, the ci'r«s were not as well grown as last year, and there was a fair amount of tender wool. For a very nice clip from the Waimata the top price realised for the A wool was 17d, B wool 16_d, 0 ???} 1^ dj A ho SfiL 6t iGld, B. hogget _?*"' Ist 12Ad. Another clip from the Waikohu district topped 17Ad for AA wethers, A wethers 16|d, B wethers 16_d, O Wethers 16d, AA hogget 17d, A hogget l_Jd, B hogget Ibid, Ist pieceß 12£ d. A small clip /rom Patutahi topped 17£ d. The classing and skirting of the wools left very little .to be desired, and there is a very great improvement m the manner m which this work is done, as compared with wools valued m the first year of the commandeer. A sheepskin valuation was also held 'by ns yesterday, when we exhibited a large catalogue of station, and butcher skins. The latter fetched as high as 14s each. Amongst the. country salted skins the top price realised was 13s, while the Tiighest price realised for dry Bkins was llf d per lb. "Messrs Williams and Kettle, Ltd., report that they catalogued' 867 bales for their fourth wool valuation. The wool opened up light m condition. Some of the wool was short m staple, and there Was also a quantity of dusty and tender wools. The classing and skirting Of most of the wools was an improvement on last year. The following is a rangs of the prices: Hogget wool, 48 to 50, 17d to 18d ; .46, 16|d to 174 d: 44 to 46, Is|d to 17Jd; 40 to 44, 15* dto 16_d; 36 to 40, 15d to Tsfd. Fleece wool &b 16$ d to 17Ad: 44 to 46. 16d to 17d ; 40 to 44. l&d to 163 d: 36 to 40. 15d to 16$ d; Ist pieces, lid to 13f d ; 2nd pieces, 9d to lid"": locks, 6d to 7^d ; bellies, lOd to ll^d ; dead wool, 13d to 14,1 d. -"here was no lambs' wool catalogued. _.The CKsborne Farmers' Co-operative Co.. Ltd., have received a cable from their London office as follows : Wool : Present range of price for average cruality-A-Menno 3a 9d to 4s 3d, fine crossbred 3s 6d to 3s lOd, medium crossbred 2s 3d to 2s lOd, coarse crossbred Is 9d to 2b Id. Tallow: Mixed adv_nced Is 3d, others, par to Ib.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 15057, 4 November 1919, Page 3

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WOOL VALUATIONS. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 15057, 4 November 1919, Page 3

WOOL VALUATIONS. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 15057, 4 November 1919, Page 3