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A halq around the sMn attracted con-i si derable attention yesterday afternoon?! and last evening there was another; unusual feature — ■■.: & fine viet*f ' of an Aurora Australia. It appeared shortly after 8 p.m. m the south-easternr sky, increased m brilliancy for a timer, and then gradually faded away. Ifefbfel disappearing, it brightened, up Higaii. v jfor a short time, bub by 9 p.m. had prac s ti- v , fally vanished. There was , bright.moonlight at the' time, a mist ; m i 'tn"fiV south-east clearing shortly before '!thje^> i Aurora appeared. ' iv .- •■ _. ■•■'... I",-;* Speaking on harbor conditions io^a^v ' • Oaptain 4 Garspn : (harbormaster) stated; that th© recent fresli m the river hadH lessened the time of working the harbor [ by four hours each day, or two hours prif tide. ,T^e silt seemed to have fill. 1 ed up the deeper; places, and affected thf/ . .river. to such an extent that it could '.novfe "only be worked at half-tide. T&ers • were banks formed which caused ingfcfi3 venience with the lighters, but at h^lfc r tide the working of the port wW ndf hampered to any extent. To be.jftbj^. to M'ork the river properly, there shoul<jr v : be a channel 7 feet deep at 16w-wateri ; At the present time it was only. 4 feet:-' * When the work of con verting, the John; Townley ihto a fruhling suction dredge was completed and the vessel put into, commission, there would be every hope, . of improving "conditions. * , ' . ; ' The following telegram has been .forwavded by tlve Mayor (Mr. <J. Wildi(3,h\> 'to the Prime Minister : "Gisborne heartr t ily extends an. invitation to Admiral Jellicoe, officers, and men of;H.M.S. Nevy, Zealand to visit Gisborne whilst passing ■ by either on voyage to Auckland or'ire> turn. Would be glad if you wquljdL kindly endeavor to arrange such visits, getting me know as early as possible ]th<[; probable date and how long them m port. Extending yotkk.^" liearty welcome home from the Mother* land.— Cr. Wildish, Mayor." The Rt» ! f[on. W. p." Massey replied : "I wilt with pleasure convey your invitation to^' Admiral Jellicoe, his omcers. and men of ,H.M.S. New Zealand 'to %isit-. OisHb^ne,, and will let you know in ' due • courts. whether it will be possible to arrange. Cordially' appreciate your kind welcome : on my retui'n to New" Zealand." ' In connection with a motion proposed' by Mi\ H. DeCosta. at a previous meeting of the Citizens' Defence Committee, • thanking the Americans for the treaV ment .accorded our ' troops coming through the Panama Canal, and which fr<*as carried, the following reply from ' the Minister of Defence wa& read a£ yesterday's meeting of the Committee: "In reply I have to infbrm you- tha^''th^ ' hospitality accorded "our soldiers abroad, both when proceeding from and returning to the Dominion^ has been duly iiote'd from th©.^ voyage reports, of the Various drafts, *{iud' very fully appreciated on behalf of the Gk)vernm,ent V and the relatives' andl friends .-;\of Your boys. Now that the trooping is-^ra.^: iiig to a close 1 I' shall" have vor^^gg^fe' ." pleasure: m conveying through 'ihii.. proper channels the deep appreciation . of the . Government on. behalf qf>4jie: people of New Zealand.' T regret <th^a>, ' v .except mi the , case of amall. bodies '.^of'' * Tahitian soldiers who have calwi^ at ' New Zealand en route to the. frqnt <jr their home, no, opportunitY haa o&cwf6^ . for reciprpcation of the nospi^vt-yv a^.. 1 corded tb our troops at Tamlii" !>ls© letter was received. . ' '-?■■■ ?>.i &■!*s. The Appellate Court, mider %l^pu^7* Chief Judgte Jones and Judge McCorn^c^: sat yesterday morning to. d,eliver judjfr ment m the Marigatu case.- The co'utidismissed all the minor, appeals, on tpff Kround that although they could tF&je;^ from an ancestor their l^spectfyQ-^bifji^,,'' ches had ceased to occupy. -'■'J'^Qlf^Wp^' main appeal, which was a irtixedi:.tt9e^piEf' law and fact, the Court held'iti^a^jfaa^lp|: the lists were concerned, subject to-lii^ . ( ther .aci'utiny jf necessary^ they wefe&s ■ehtitled. to admission tjo'.th^ /tH^P. \^* the subject of. law separate iuc(gme|iw?' were given" by the judges, both arriving:, at the same' conclusion from diff^^nfc^ - standpoin.ts,,, holding th^tv ;■' onl j Wwv nanies Were to be admitted a&d tiqafcf those m the title for one block cou^dMjOT^ , go into the other block. It was m^naUj? Ed that as there was some doubt 4]bout^ - the matter a case could be made f<ir£ the opinion of the Supreme Court iind^ the actual order of the Appellate Cpurfc^ 1 was .held over m the meanti|iie, .♦ Messrs fiunlop and Sim represented ike* ' appellants and Captain Pitt . the , i^-^---pondents, who were claiming *adnliasion^ to the block. > r

A first offender for drunkenness, who had been released on ; , bail, was fined Bs, with 2s costs, by Messrs H. E. Hili and H. M. Porter, «Ts.P., at .the Police Court to-day. .'.■... The matter of excesnve prices for land was briefly ref#ifcred to at'.thp meeting of the North'vAuclcland' Land 'Board. The Gommißaioner, J^lr. . R. P, V Greville, aaid he noticed that „the,;,Gran,terbury Land Board had persuaded \ a!',- property , owner reduce his. pricey by £350. ''The •' other day we got an owner to makS.a reduction of £2230,'? Mr. GreyiUe! added. "He first asked £7230, but finally ajc-. cepted £5000.'" '.".'• A public "warning" is issued to the residents of Gisborne, residing m, fre-j quenting, or otherwise known to use the district extending, from* Gladstone road to. the Taruheru river boundary, "that numerous vplol^s are being hatched by notorious gangs on Ka^, Whataupoko, and other questionable,. quarters . against their public and private 'safety." The notification, of- course, is m con- . nection with the organisation." of L the petidingßand Battle, and. the convenor, Mr J; jEL Ormond, ■ in vit-es tbe. residents m question to meet; at ,^essrs* Sheridan and AdairV ßuilding. this evening ;•«,£' & o'clock to enrol themselves as members of the Grenadiers Regiment. t The Auckland Herajd's Whakatane correspondent telegraphed on k Wednesday : White Island continued m eruption all day yesterday, and up till about 11 p.m. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. an electric storm passing over the island, caused a most brilliant and vivid illumination of the sky. Explosions were frequent, being distinctly heard about every two minutes, followed by flashes of light. At every explosion the land on the mainland slightly trembled. ' For three hours the sky m the vicinity of the island was bright . with electric flashes, causing the most spectacular sight. The isjaad seems to be normal, again this morning, there being no more 'steam visible than usual. Deputy-Chief Judge Jones of the Native Land . Qqikt, ,left .for South; , by the S.s. Mako last *, night. He proceeds to Levin »and thence to Wellington. He passes through Gisborne.. again,, on Thursday of next week on -his "way, to Manutahi. A sitting of the Appellate Court will be. held m connection with the Poroporo case., It, will be remembered* that on the 'last occasion this case was dealt with the judges differed, and Parliament directed , that the whole thing be re-heard. Itfiisuu^derstobtf that on the next occasion the case will come before three judges, owing to the unusual circumstances. The work of the court has been considerably affected by the traffic regulations. An enjoyable evening was spent m the Girls' Club Rooms last night, when a farewell djnce was tendered to the Misses Fronim, who are leaving this district. There were 150 couples present, and during the evening, Miss Gordon' president of the club, presented a silver purse to each of 'the guests. Mr Carl Devery, on behalf of the gentlemen friends, presented them with a silver jewel case each, Mr E, Davis responded on behalf of r tho. -recipients. .During the evening Mrs Perry rendered a vocal item, which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs Thompson supplied the music for the dancings .extras, being played by Miss Ivy Rebertson. A dainty supper completed the evening's enjoyment. The arrangements . reflected credit on, the secretary, Mrs T. Hogg, and her committee.; Some discussion took place at the meeting of the. Citizens' Defence Committee yesterday afternoon, when Mi 1 G. B. Oman referred - to an account received from the Hospital Board for an instrument. The Committee undertook to pay for extra comforts, but he was not sure that this should . be included. The Chairman : .I s> the instrument surgical or musical ?— (Laughter).— Mr *3. W. Humphreys, as a member of the Hospital Board, said the question of 'this account had not come before,ithat board. The .best thing to do, he thought, w/ti Id be fforr r the secretary s tpv. write and ask for an explanation.-^The ...: Chairman : That rnattter would be_ dealt with by the Finance '• Committee!— -Mr,. ; JtiftipJireys: Any disputed accounts 1 would come before; the bpard.-r-Mr J. WV Bright -said the amount, Was fvdni £(y to £8-^The' chairman moved that -a .eUer be sent to the^HbspHal Bpa*d, asking why the, instrument: was, charged to the committee. — The motion, was -seconded and carried. - A warehouseman .of Auckland, who was doing business m Hamilton at th& end ofithe week, when; thY new railway^ restrictions came into operation, says' that $hl»re was a, s good deal of red ta,pe m connijction with the new regulations, which to; very irksome to those whb are willing- ?: to help the Department. After the traveller left Frankton lie had a carriage*, all tqf himself more than half the way? to Auckland, and yet at every station people were shut out from travelling, be^aua^ of • some technicality. At one station, a man who wanted to travel on mos$ A uxgent business was not allowed on board the train to go only, a score of miles, because he had not applied "for his ticket a quarter o.f an hour before the trajji started, and had the chagrin of seeing ; the carriage with one passenger m it ctfeep slowly past him as he stood m his wrath on the platform. As the train ,got nearer the city a few more travellers got m, but never at any one time was the carriage more .than half full. The question arises why was it put on ; at all, if people were not allowed to travel m it? A protest was made by the executive of the .Auckland. Returned Soldiers' Association recently against the reappointment of a German professor to th© staff of the Victoria College. In the discussion, reference was made- to interned aliens generally. In regard to statements made, the executive received; a letter from Mrs. Helen Hansen, whose husband is interned. flThe writer, states that m, view of the remarks, she' was bound m justice to her husband to draw attention to a few facts, so that the'executive might judge fairly. She states that she, like her. young son* is s New Zealand-born and bred, but that her husband was born m Germany, though Mr. Hansen's father and all his people were born ujnder Danish sovereignty, "lie left Germany," states the letter, l"wheti 22 years of age, and had not to serve m; the army there. He was first five years m London, an<^ila&t 23years. iriiN;ew^ Zealand. Twenty years ago he became a naturalised! subject, 'and I' know he was ever loyal to his adopted country, and his internment is solely due to the false accusations of some cowardly traducers. Three years ago he applied for a trial before an impartial tribunal, but it was refused— this m spite of the fact that he holds papers of naturalisation. Even a: supposed criminal gets his day at courts but this was denied my husband ; however, he will yet make every endeavor, and use all fair means at, his disposal to secure full justice." It is added that "traducers" are noiv trying to prevent Mr. Hansen from earning a living m New Zealand. The executive decided fa> "receive" the letter, no action being taken. Members and lady friends are reminded: of the euchre tournament and dance to be held m the club's rooms to-night. An enjoyable function is expected. i Tho members of the Drivers' Onion i ere notified of a meeting to be held at j 8 pjn. to-morrow m the Labor Council's'! chambers. /■ "No Riibbing'* Laundry Help lsj "Gk>l- ' den Rulfc" Soap Is 6d» /'Golden- Rule'" Candles Ib, "Golden Rule" Tea 2s 4d; , "Keep ■' Snail ling" PrUtnice Soap 4d, "Keep Smiling"/ Lino Polish. Bd, "Keep Sniiling" Boot Polfffi 8&' Best goods for every hbme.-7-Jfme's S.tor<r;<-r:2: , ( : i Mother 1 ! Sare^dreewina leers' bills, mak- I up. yqur'owi^and, the^kjddjesi clothes on a New Home Machine ; latest models, guaranteed to do 20 years' of! honest work, how procurable at the London | MnoaoShop; price* and term* are right* A better or moTe » 'useful Wedding Present could not be given than Spoons i and Forks. Grieve, Jeweller, has just received a large shipment of A1 FPN R rSiMpr^*- V; .. These chilly mornings, when it is almost impossible to arouse yourself from slumber's tight embrace, you* should enjoy the comfort of being awake on time by using one of our Good Alarm Clocks. All guaranteed at W. Good and Co.'s, Watchmakers and Jeweller*.* ,

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14985, 12 August 1919, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14985, 12 August 1919, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14985, 12 August 1919, Page 4