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A quantity, of moa bone? have been v discovered m a- cave at Whai-fkopae by Mr. Gibson. v At a meeting of the Management Comnrttee of the Rugby Union last night it was decided^not to send the Gisborne loom to Napier, as was at one time pro. .fpc-ted, owing ' to the poor response of players who were able to get away. Tho special re-examining Medical Board arrived m Gisborne this morning, and commenced the sitting at the Garrison Hall. The Board consists of Lieutenant-Colonel Parritt, president, Captain Harvey, and Mr. A. B. Wheatley, secretary. ' At a meeting of the Plunke't Society held yesterday, Mrs Reeve, honorary Fforetary, resigned on account of leaving tho district. The resignation was accepted with deep regret, the members m esent speaking of the good work done by Mrs Reeve, who was one of tlie promoters of the branch- Miss Morice wri? appointed to fill the— vacancy. ' The «ecniid service m connection with the Mev. Val. Trigge's ten days' mission was held last evening. i,n the* Methodist Church' ■' The subject chosen by the speaker «va* Matthew 23. verse 35,' "How often would I. . ... and ye would not," upon which the. Rev. Val. Trigge spoke, m , his Usui-, enthusiastic and appealing manner. Tlie services will be continued. ♦H'dughout the week at 7.45 each even-, in S--. . ■'■■' „' ' ■ • ■ A quiet hut ' pretty wedding- 'was., solemnised yv^lerday afternoon at' St. Andrew^. Pie««hyterian. .Church, when Jessie {{oi^ertfion, daughter of Mr. John Robertson, of Waerenga-o-kuri, was joined m the bonds of matrimony to Private Ewen C. Allen (45th Reinforcements). The bride, who was dressed m. a beautiful wedding gown of cream ninori over white satin, with oi-angej^blossoms audi -veil,'- was attended by two, bridesmaids — her "sister, Miss Nancy Robertson; m white silk, and Miss Agnes Harris, m pink silk with blue French knots and 1 a" most-becomin-g hat. Mr. McDonigaL a returned soldier; was best mad.' 1 The Rev/ Mr. Aitken officiated. -After the service the party adjourned -to ; Fin lay's, where they were most hospitably entertained. Tho New" Zealand Times yesterdlay states : -At 1 another New '•55e'ala'ud' port a fire broke out oii> a schooner Avhicn/'wasdischarginig case oil at .2.30 p.m."; on Saturday. It appears', that a sling-load of 'ieaktng tins was landed well aft "oh ■ t'lite deck when, an explosion .took place on the deck, due, ; it' is believed, to a spatrk from a pa'asSng^. railway -engine; The local fire brigade Was promptly, on the scene, and soon had .the flames ex 4 tinguisbed. • A waterside worker showi ed great presence of mind iii 1 dumping; , overboard some of the flaming tins. Edi! a while it seemed . probable that -/a big , explosion would take place m the ; schooner's hold, hut the hatches were , quickly put on to prevent' this danger. , Fortunately the leaking tins were landed , well aft on the vessel, and the wind .. blew the flames away from the hatch. k The captain 'began to remove some of his , effects ashore, as the vessel .. appeared^ m , serious jeopardy. The decking of the , schooner was burnt, but no otheir struct tural damage resulted. ' - Some seventy persons assembled at > the residence of thel'' Mayor and Mayoress ■ of Hastings (Mr. and Mrs. H. Lan Sim--3 son), Clive Grange, recently to say fare- ) well to their son. Flight-Lieut. K. Sim i son, and to. Flight-Lieut. 'Norman Avery ) (Havelock North), on the eve of their i sailing on active service. The guests i were most hospitably entertained by his Worship and Mrs. Simson, and, during , the course of the evening, Mr. P. 11. i Tomoana, on behalf of the natives of the district, presented Flight Lieutenant i, Simson with two valuable greenstone Lfriieres, one^bf which «is believed to be > i th© oldest in> the Dominion and which ; was captured from the Te Kuiti tril/e. r f This historic, mere, which has been ab- * sent from this district for oyer 100 years, * has been returned and was handed to th c -rightful heir. Mr Simson. The health of the two, young aviators, was proposed j by Captain J. H. Colebourhe, and drunk , with enthusiasm, after which the gathers' ing dispersed. ''( ». % Before Mr W. A, ■ Barton, S.M., m r . the Magistrate's Court this .morning, Percy Niven pleaded guilty to a- charge s of riding a bicycle on the footpath. Seageant Clarkson said the lad was " cycling on the footpath m Rutene road;, " when a resident spoke, to him about it. The lad! cycled on and 'took no notice. When accosted by. a policeman the lad ' pleaded guilty, and: m order riot to miss * attendance at school entered a plea of », guilty:,; His Worship intimated' that as ; toe was a youhg lad going to school he ; not inflipt. the. full penalty. A v fine of 10s, with 7s costs,* 'was imposed, J Maty Ann Duley (Mr Burnard) proJ ceeded against Fred. Brough for £14, amount of arrears m connection with a ' r maintenance order. His Worship said as .defendant had not been m- attendance to answer the case, he would be sentenced to two months' imprisonment ' iin the Wellington prison, to be released ; upon payment of arrears .due. Solicitors' ' fee to the .amount of £1 Is was allowed 'also, . . . , ; • ' tt"^ 'I"!, e % -wedding was solemnised m , Holy Trinity Church this afternoon, when Miss Grace Robinson, youngest i" daughter of the late. Mr. W. R. Robini Mi, solicitor, was quietly married to' Mr ■ I Stanley Chihnan,- second] son of the late |Mr. Chilman, Collector of Customs, iHokitika. ' The Rev. H. Packe officiated. j The' color scheme, m which 'heliotrope , j and white predominated, was most'effec. ; tive. The bride, whorentered the church on .the arm of hor htofchpr, (Mr R, D. ,B: Robinson) lobkeil rcharming .-in a j dainty white crepe'-dl-chirie frock, and j silk embroidered tnllef veil, with wreath of orange blossom. An' fexquisi'tei bouquet of heliotrope, and white . flowers, ' with 'white tulle streamers^ gave ih&.finisdpVg .'touch, ■ ito a picturesque;, toilette: She was attended by Miss Phyllis Cox, who ■ wdre a ; dainty white-irocfe with touches of 'heliotrope', an ! d : the little flower girls', Misses' Doris 'Barton and Mildred: - Cumming, who were prettily f rocked .m white, and ; carried ij baskets of -.violets. Tlie. bridegroom, was attended. by.' Mr H. D,- Rohinson,. brother of the bride. After the cerembriy the guests were '? entertain--«d ■ at the residence .off Mi*s. W. R. Robinson, motner : of the bride. ._■•'• A ploughing bee to helpithose returned soldiers wholiave tiakeh up : 'GJ*cl». brook, > Otago, allotments 'has iyst heen carried! to '& successful i§§us, \vlien first nooted the project j was received with ,:euthu§ia§m lj>' the rrfeinbeEs of the farmj pig community,-. and , early on 'Moh'day morning residents of Middlema'rch tci^n.'' .ship (says the Qtago' Daily Timtas) wight have beheldi the unusual smctacQe' of a procession of teams artd, sloughs passing ! through the street" - en . v route for' the newly-formed] farms, Teams cam© from ( a"il pavts of the distvietf*ahd "the muster .showed a total of/24 ' four-horse teams, ;ln additional to those of. ' the't* owners. .While most' of the pldughmen were, of niatntre years, - the hoivbr: of b|*ug" the oldtestjon the ground fell >6?Mr David. Peat, who, though wejl, past the allotted span, of "life,'' kept P*" sl " with tli c youngest. .The record "of this veteran is the . moi a : wxxi-thy m view of ths feet that fo,ur of his. sons have gone on; active sei^ vice, oiiio qf whom, hia %ade the supreme sacrifice. Dflriftg the day aboilt 70 acres" or fond, w-eyt turned over. /The gathiering ■waa o,i»gaiiißed by Mr.. Fred Moynihan, of Sutton, and the fine response "revealed a p'easltig spirit of neighborly kindness^ and t of. appreciation of' th's practical patriotism displayed l^; the n.e.\v settlers m their military seryifte,, | A ccjupajvy sir Auckland amateur oper^c artists is rehearsing "Floradofa v for early production there. I Mangapapa electors ~ are notified fey advertisement that Mr^Fi. 'Grundy, who"; is absent on business^ AvilJ appreciate their continued, support 'at the poll to-' morrqw, " ./7;">, J The New Zealand Loan, and Mercan- ! tile Agency Co. are offefing>t'Matawherri td-'niorro\v l si ; x good I draught horses oh ac- . count of Mr* F. Wilson, who is" giving \ip contracting. • .' . '

__ _ — _ —0, Tlie Mangapapa- Town Board election will bo held to-morrow , the polling booths being open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is un ood that i tender for £13.000 for improvements to Woodford Mouse, llaveloek North, lias been accepted, and the work is to he commenced at an early date. .. „ , Captain* "Arthur Allen'" whp ,7s "lejefcuring on behalf of the- Church Army, is to speak at Otokp on Friday and at Motu on Monday. Owing to Sitxforseen circumstances the will be, unable to deliver an address at , Mat-await i . In the Patutahi Public Hall to-mor-row night Captain Allen, the elocutionist, will give an entertainment, assisted »/ Mr. and Mrs. Drake and. Miss Mclvenzie, on. behalf of the Church Army huts. , At ihe Defence Committee- 'meeting yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gaddum reported on tlie comfort of the soldier inmates of the hospital, and it was decided to supply a new g ram ophona to the ward, and to take steps to have benches erected on the road to the hospital so that soldier! could rest daring tho climb up the hill.. The sale of work m aid of the Salvation Army self-denial appeal open s tonight m the Masonic Hall' The Mayoress Mrs. W. G. Sherratt, will perform the opening ceremony,* and tlie band and will- submit a programme. There will be several stalls, including local industries, ice-creams and sweets, refreshments, works, and fancy goods. . . . " v "The trouble is that when 'we advance money to a man .through another association we get no report of what 'is o? m^ m n f Vt ' S ti d M . V - &M - Bivrejl,. at the Defence Committee meeting ves'- " terday, when the Wangahui Patriotic Association made application on 'behair ot a Gisborne soldier fora grant -to enable him to work a section of bush Jand at Mangapurua, Wangantii. river.— .Mr Birrell pointed biit'.tHat the soldier Had already been advanced £20 for. pioneer outfit, but it was .no^kiiown what had been done -with it; 7 After further discussion the matter- -was held, over for consideration' until the question ot the disbursement of the JOMfJOO' wa<? discussed. •' -7 :■" 7 "..-;. ■■■■; rn A top^ccitfept. occurred -oii'^ toad between Tqkarahi and^NaaebyS wards dusk en Monday .'"higfo v SiasV Elleir Beatty, wife of Mi-: John'BeattyV of. Livingstone, was driving on the Life ngsto„e-Nakel 7f road,. " apd^ .stop P 7d% horseao speak to the, roadman/ - " Th* animal became^intractable,* and -hacked over the side of the road. The drop' 400ff e ErS m^ >* between ; nhd 4Qoft but the rmfontunate laa^wasnliVe" Xfelf^d, and:liyod>lbr i t^ 1 S f S Sir ! " ev^^^«ed.conscib&S 8 In, addition- to other TOvereinjuriei^ter. head was terribly injured, thouftfeSe was f not disfigured, The laS^Mm Beatty was rot a ge, arid- was Mr Beattys.second-wife.' ThWe is>S& %ndy to mourn their loss, . most-If whom are married and' have left tho district Some of the sons are at She curred is a very dangerous one; - > ; iJ^A *£ 6 ™ ee * [ W . of the Ha^fce^Ba v • Land ; Board. last week; the': Mtewin'odealt with :-ord nary Crown lands • Set--1 -T S ? block y i Waipiro w: A% \ I^' S "^-' McMe&in~to?R. A E. Reed; sections 5L2-3, suburbs ; £ r"t' t ; ,^?"c^^^ to R. L. Wilson; lot 5, B ectron7l42 S ie kZ n, P 8 i, p T hes ' phkrU * EU « i and Mason Chambers to Maria "Ken. ' a . n d Eleanoi- Chadwick. . Fee simple' ■ i P tl£V°- f66 s l rt ?i« ,^s appro^ : v w m L° Wl^ cas^~Section 1, blocfr ' ' Wa £? hu N 6 a *apa Settlement)™^ ■ acres, Albert E; Cowley. Appficationl , for land w ere approved as follo^Slbcfc i 6 Buckley town, 4a/ &■.;• "Jj -■&>* S town 4a C ., William Prince; . Armed > Constabulary paddock, 7a. 2r. 32r,'' R j 4ac, Cook County Council f wW& . ponga 2A, 15ac..*A.' T TO& *£~S~ t Prietors of Waikohu No?li£t?on" ■ Sf' The k foii^ tv ' sac - <*k#lß-: '♦? n > * ol ! owlI "g recommendation by ' p txS 5 ? 01^ 810^'^ was adopted: Tha^. 5 R. WnelenVgrazing license over sec Z. , .51 , block XIV Hangaroa, be cs,S^ * , a. from ;Sep|emner 'BthV A^Sg t js^requ red hy Cook. County 'o^nel &/ * S«n? ltllS hc ?tion for dispensatiS , froni personal, residence at lot 2 -?u---32. Hangaroa^<l:his appdihtmeht'ofw' EUmere. ash s subsiitu^ wa^ apprf^ \x. V Russell's application, to tn&idEl (h-eehold), for section o\ block 9 ]Vlotn

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14711, 17 September 1918, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14711, 17 September 1918, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14711, 17 September 1918, Page 2