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; -^(^f^ ':— - -__ • • *% __r_________________R_« . . . __R__________________________________F__T ' v _______ __f__________________b__K #___________________% * ___________-____m_______V^k. .^^^ Baa^^_. __P____________________________________r__F / /^^^^Mi^^^^ .^^^^^^^^ '^MNMM^^^^^^Hl^^ _____&________(. _l^___________!m _l^___________^- '^^____BBl_r __r^B______fl________Blw_*^^H___^- ___^_________________SB_E_______f_P___V___________L3& __^V_______Lv^ _^_______________________F_r^____________ll_____H____r _r >' j" ■MMMJM»M^IMBW..MfaM«i MMM |M^M|MWB__B_______M«»^ |aMaiMiJIMiaaMMMIIIMHHMMHHaMjMHanH^ j5 We are entering on the second week of 1 our Real Sale^ with the satisfaQtipn r X^jf^^^l'V^* ' / ! <*^ »t | ; "" : - : a-^'— =:-■; fcV,i u ;../D - A^*: A A i , pf having .pleased many hundreds of keeir bUyers. And still there-are plenty <>f ; - *'^ : ■ * DUV NOW.""I& th* ffiOHtlVS lO COfllC »- Bargains left^-not "rubbishy" sale lihe^j but good "H.8." values. In the face >» -^ 'V* ■ -^ v > -^ \ZV ; "' A r - *- ; .Sgr n ' y r ' s ' ng prlces ' th ' s ** ; o ''" ■ XCB|rt "'" a ' "^ ? A /|y f j " ; : ' ' ;..v you :^ljKlij^fmf ®m fore^frfev , " X 'Meh^AStron.- Tweed Working* Trousers. J Men's Blnck Cashmere Finish "st>xV.-' '' '^B___W_j3_T * * " ; Bovs. ''StfoifG* 'Tweed Plain ''kkrclcbfsi. ' ;^ ■' •'• ;: ticW Glace Kid ifebx^alf ' lice J, a., . A :VWere 13/6, 14/6 and 16/6. -..--- I Were ,l/t> perA]>fev ,* ' , ..--• A A Were .5/6 and'* 5/0: '■ -A ,1 , -.-'.■; ;:,open'_fron-ts k ,-:-( .v..*.»r Sale prices 10/11, 11/6 9 13/11. I Sale price 2 pairs for 2/6. VB^A.^B^ Sale prices 3/11 and. 4/6. Were 23/6; 25/-, ami 27/6. .-: ,v.:t., !vi . ..,,,...;, — ; •- ■ ' ' 'X-l' —^ , YA ' ' XXxX: . "^HT't'Hlk ■' ■"" ■>— : " *"'''' ™ ' ' : " ''" : " prices 19/6^ 19/1^ fariWSil*. .v.^n^^tron-^le Tweed Trousers. ;; .-, ilej^s Black Cashmere Sox/; • JH ; Bovs' Strong Tweed Sports BmtA. :' "- ■ T-. ,x"'-i "v Vi l x'- : X6x^ < '-"' i. , Were. 16/6, 18/6. . Were 2/3 pef" pair. .^Hf 'IWHImi / ' ! Werr °5/- 26/6 -md °7/6 Ladies Qlace ,■ ■ -Kid'- jQowhi Shoes ,; smart If- -' prices 13/11, 16/6. ' Sale price 2 pah? for . , ■■■■■^ MH r«W _; .;' ! . ; : , ■;; -S^ pHces 18/lf, ,i9/t| ; |n^/ ? |; y : - > *-'-W »'■ Meit's 'Dark- Striped Tweed Trousers, neajt „. .., „ - ;... .y, • .' - i# C aH| V i^ u-n^ i' m • i o TTT^^ ■■^ -"T^ ■' * - '■'* >'■ '"'--, A/'" X .:X''\",. patterns. Were 21/6 and '24/-. Mpn « Heavy Knitted All-Tf ooi^Under- , '^^B ' ' . WBL m * S fT^> T *£S>t ft J^v ■,i /;./ - ladies' Patent" Leather Bar Skoes; dainty -*' 1 «a!d prices 17/6 and .-21/-. = slurte and -Pants;- ribbed and plain. .^^■fexi. JH "' ? f l^ ?° /6 i^/H^W/ 1 - '}''.'■ ■■ : -'t We^e^/e^SaleAprice 21/-. -.-- •••• •• •■•■- - ■■••; 1 -— . ... Were 7/6, Sale price 5/1 1 . . - /^^^^■iii llfflHs -^IHL '• - a,s P nces 23 / 6 to . 3 */"* y| ■■-•■-'■• : - ■■ -• ;; - • ---■■■ .-■.;- yX. X Men s He-Hvy.: Colonial Saddle Tweed... .. -r— r ' ''' AI. Xs".' *• ' ' \ X'X 'XX.X — ■ — .'''■ ,' XX . '?„. "Ladies' Glace Kid Bat ''ShofeS;. -perfect • > Trousers. Were 22/6 and 24/6. -.- -■ Men \s All- Wool Knitted Sox.' : ' "^V^v I Boys' Warm Tweed Overcoats: ' " ,-fp t Weri»*.2S/, .-^tpmiX' X" •r !>■ ■■'•■■■■-.. jSa\6 prices 19/6 and 21/6. v Were 1/0. -pair.. '' 'A (HwfflH^ v /OTvl V Were 14/-, 21/- and 34/6. - ( • Xi : X-. ' >:'-- ; Sale prices . r lflf/tf» £2/0. '• *.? '.r^v^ w Sa _ .^u:,.^!.. , . A ' 8 "'« "^ 2.;jM W :»ry». .; — : ' X|| " r ' W^WKVl*** %s•£ Xr.^x:L,yX^^£XX^X '?. . =■ -• ' ■■ ■ -■■■ '■ ■ ; ; , Were >) h, M> k, .Lib. -. ■ \Hiit l-ffl L^!'-/.-,s|f shade; silk, and wool, mixture. , ....... ... , ■ XX-.a*!- - v im ac nvfei^MftKi •x-xxx\ Men's Tailor Cut Box Suiifs; smart all-Cv • x Sa ' 8 P" cfe S 7/6, 8/6, 9/11. ; \HllfH ' ; A - ( Wered r /- to . 19/6, „.* v v,..v, ... ;-- -~ y^-x K Xx^XXi'.. ' wool tweeds! < . ,-x - ,> y-Tr* —^ ",'■'•..>■. -A","- — t — -\ "^v « 111; U|___^ ' ' • ' 'Sals price 14/6. --. ?i i a()i^ , ''' , Cblofe3 [ Canvas ivnd 'Satin Even- *, „ Wore,7o/- V 75/-, 85/-. ; ;.,; .1, Men '» Heavy Mottled Chtton Sin^le.s. • ... VW. liiiii. 4^ ... i „ k.,.X~X „..„ ,- , s,,X . '"';" "-■'•' X-* - - if, ft . Shoes. r . Were. 12/6 and-18/6. *! r : l .9a|fe prices - ! :63/ ? 65/- and 75/-. Were .3/6, Sale 'prrce' 2/6. f ': t«r-Sto*B» '••;•'•--• - Boys' > White a»d Striped ' Tenrfe'*S%te. : > * ' . §aie^ prices 3/|l artd J5/11, r rMen's vSimrt^ed Sports .Suits. [X ; 11?s : Naikira l ao&nvSinilets Pants : '^W^ . : '/ * Z'^^^^vf tl W^^^^ Were 55/-, 62/6 and <5/ r . . , Were 3/6 nnd 3/11 - '■■-■'•^ "'W - * J B i r " " ' 11 to( 1. Wefe' 9/6 a'nd 10/6. „'. : ,X';..^*.Vs!»fi.:.' B 1 m ' 52/6 ahd 65/-.L ' ; /Sale price 2/6^'2/If.^ '.'..,.. , rhJp X% Boys^ Striped Flannelette Suits; ■ -.■■•■..,■: 6/11 and 7/6. .* '}: -aienV iaSiprbbf GaWrdine^ Overco^atsv; '; I. :,'.■■ .- r l' -^^ .'', • ""-: " ' V " 'p^Uiy :" ' ..' ■ .' ' I -' Were 6/6, Salf pi^ce 4/lla ■■.- ! . 3 j^,, G | ace iKid , and ; B(^ x .Calf tace , ;.„ ; l|rpHc^ ' Felt* , J A ,.jWr^ 4/6, S^y^^yy. ■■^ xyyxyy lale^ck^W ]i[eiv» Storoed!thd Blue Brtii^ Tfonsersv^ *'^ - ' ''^oSmi7M^i?J^'An^ 10^' Children's Tan , San dais. „, .V . :. '^cii's Strong- .nailed ■ J " v; W^?6, Sale price 5/11. !- : : Cached. V-.^.vr :, • r -A- ■••: / . wear saie pnye 4/n. „. . „ S/H, 7/6 ahd-8/6; '■■ " :•' - f : : - -of xftain, - : ; Werev^/6.^d^o/ r . .; _ ■; .- ...1. 0^ ; .4; ;- x y '-■■■■ ■yX ;j:\:CX,£V™m.^.m t m : ; .viMltf'kin^^rSfeam ; Sale prices 4/3, 4/11 and v 6/fi; v , / ,y : - . S^p»^^^ * Mpfn s 'Oily 'Canvas Cbats; .riding' cut;- . ■ ..-,_.,.,!.. .„ , V!f . ...... v ■. 'i'i «_<:«-» u/»,_* n *• «"•' -- * ■•• -'"'--■ "' ■•' r ~ i — '- " '"' ' ; '"' "'"* ' •"■ ' :* ■ • : ■' ' : ' "■"•■■ yuaraiiteed waterproof; ' / >a; >.Hus,hnien's and «laugJitei*meh's ;AU-Wbol -, >w nijf, : ..? WW. J*oat- Bbvl? v ' Str-brig: School Boots: sizes Ito f)> Men's Blhck^ud; TaiL/Shoqtqrs ; •.h^avyt i : ' *.*. " —:W^*6' ; 6s/---69/6. 1 >." C ."' " ' Singlets; nayy^ ,^a*her^andvlchaki. Swe^terar neat Collars and belts; .V Were 19 / 6 and 23/6/< > ; -*>-'.„ -soleslnailecl of plain. yX .'t; p \ / ■ '■ V- ' \\^»^feeß -^/tt ahd 63/-. - Were 8/6, S^>lce r 6/1 f. ■■.-'r.; v Wb^Wi#£^S(r---.- a 7 jfeie prices 16/11 and *" .'•, •>..•, , .... ■" -V ••■••'- -» Keai .oaie price 3u/-« -*- ■* •-. .'>■-„.. »■• v -.-}> *■■ •%.-. v-"- 1 **; - * ■.*.•-. -• -•,--' •-. .-'- ,>'• ' *x ?; : : li¥ Ctlf T Ikl FS ; ' ' rfeNT-S »' ShFT FELT LOU NGe" HATS 7R^pt*^i*C" |: Mfl«.teff « , >Nls^^Z^ " Cmte ' ' WFlrfi^' " T 23 only Siii^Casesjvaribiis sizes; slightly 131 Len|ths of Cent.s' Surti^viil-wiiol, - i^E^ t^^BIBm mmnp«m '■;■' ' w 7/6 S ... -^laiiiaged* „ y•; | N.Z. twseds; new designs. Sac to %WjgMH|^^ _!? R^ l s^ e P^ces isj^ and 5/11. x Rfeafi Sale priceWd/G, W/6^ 17/6, 21/- J . Sale Price-rBS/-^Sale Price. *H**^^

• ' f•' joUSNAtftr 4v^^6^* T ©^^' ; ; ''v : .^;*-- f r-fis-.-j-ciSt'jfi** 'hyb.xi ■ . SPECIAL COURSES THAT CAN 'BIS OBTAINED FROM XxX^Xßgtiiiß'X : College, ;• w * WELLINGTON. • r " X '<■■ ti:Kfi "•' '■ ;: ' '• '" They have been prepared by the follow- '"':' ." ; ■ .'jngßbtpertS:— - -•^HAIRMA^SHIP.-Tbe Hon. J, Rigg, x 2l years' Parliamentary erperienc|>,, Nson^tifee Ohairman of Committees, and Actin^-'Spealcer. TpUR^ALISM.— >Ir L. S. Fanning, on; the^ editorial staff'of the /fevening Post. ex-President of tbe Institute of Journalists. ' y A DyERTISmG.^jVt. Will? Appleton, v_Marta^.pl^tbe:€fcarlea' Haines Advertisirug "Agency. -■ ■ XpCON6i«iCS.--^lr B. E. Murpby, M.A.,; LL3., B.Com 7 F.R^E.S., i , •^JJSijst-eW'? „ Honors,, v- Mental and r floral Philbsbphy, Biu-mter-at-Law. Send for i J r6spectus tovday. yxXXWpyx ..,;,;■ H a^q S) ; >...; j . . . Director., Thm li>idier , 8 Best Friend " Kindly^ cqnveyi our sincere thanks to '^ou^Ortmitteo for tho j books of Y;M_G.Ai Coupons which ' arrived by tho "last niail. You j .could not have chosen" a better method of .assisting Wakatipu Jboys, considering the Y.MjQ.A. iis a soldier's best friend, and is to 'foefSuiid -in all iorifis of buildings within a short distance of the 'firing Sine/ where the efforts of thisinstittation are greatly appreciated by all. Scores of' other letter* from ths boyi «nlo\'i^e the Mtvice of the Y.M.C.A. Smml dimatiooi to Oi.rr. D. A. SWEN, Hoa. tWtiowtt/S'.M.C.A. /Pr9*»mrer,iß»lcer'» Building, Tfelilntrton. < i :■> TtKHBfNQTO^E -AND SMITH «tl. Underwear j.-b«^Brit««b «gd Colo-

Tf ,your tbrq%t is sore and irritable, f*V» Nftw.l:'it will give yon iwlief.—6. Every vcrnai. who \j*eaisters in America miiat, •furnishvJKve photographs, «jjowillg tho liea<t',a.r]id sho'iilders. No hats may be wowv ,-andi the hair,must bq combed fllope,tP .the head. Regulations.for: the WqmeJV'pi*t>vide th^t .'their finger ,priijtg also must be takqii. All fqmale^ above .the jtigb of. ,14 must, rcjgifit^r.'. Wpmen Who ai*o;bprn in -tbo'^United States,^ but airc! uiarriedA to unnatural ised Germans, ( are enfmy, aliens. i- ■' Many a" fortune has been built up on fk:^nj^le, i^l«a, pybpjprtly A^rbteiited. But b^'sure that your invention is properly patehted—that your; interest are secbred. M^r^atio^ pf yalue^ to. every .inventor will be found'-in our FREE 'Book, ','Advii*' to .'Tn'v.eintOTa." vWi'ite fPr a Copy tP-dAx.rrHerwy Hygbes. "Ltd,, patent

1 "Convict nie of error and i will gladl; r change."— Marcus Aurelius. . * Perhapsyqu neglect "Just a cold'^untl * It becomes severe, experimenting Witb ai * untried -QOugn. apd cold remedy. Wouldn' o you gladly, change iff you knew of on o that was pfompt .arid certain? Baxter' .. Lung: Preserver is- the remedy for you e The first dose ' gives- relief, invigorate constitution— revives .^vitality. CertaWt ' the mbst' effective arid "Misty spectflcvfck »' big 2s bottle .to-day. vUbequalled for S ; years. Chemists'' and stores. ...... .

{. ...... . . : ... . 3 1 For Tnfluenza tr^ke' Woods' Pep I » perinint Oure. tfeter fails. 1/6, .2/6 * I

•If' you get 1 a chill,' take Nafcol Immediately; it will prevent sore throat or! tightness of tbe cheat.— s. »

: Wo* (JJhwwiic 1 Che»t. Gomplaintu . ! , Wood* J Qw&t T Popjpe«_-_J_t tGttr* 1/6, t/6.*

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14688, 21 August 1918, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14688, 21 August 1918, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14688, 21 August 1918, Page 9