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', At the Bed C^-paa chop to-day repre!s^ntativ€s of. Te Hapara, MakaTaka, Yictpria Township^ and Aberdeen and Chil<|evs road district were, m charge. Mrs. F. Barker, .w^,. supervisor, and the following conducted the varidus .stalls, \yhich were all \v«U stocked :— Cakes, Mesdames Coop and E. Adair and Miss. Barry; small'' goods; Mesdames RutledgeV Burke, and F. Barker and Miss Gois don ; jams and preserves, Misses BrookeTaylor (2) and Paisley ; jumble, Mrs. Johnston ; flowers, Misses -Benneti, tyfidley, and Mu-ir^ vegetables,' Mesdames Kelly and Rpbinsqn, and Miss Steggajlj meat, Mesdaines McKeague, GillctC itncj Sykes and M?. Charles; sweets., Mrs. Lowndps and Miss L, Allen j work, Mrs. Murphy. A sheep was donafed by Mrs! Wheeler and formed the object of ai weight-estimating competition.

Leslie Cecil McCarthy appeared before Mr. W. A., Barton, S.M., this morning, charged with, failing to comply Ayith the conditions of his probation order, : Mr. Finn appealed on behalf <$ ifa accused) who pleaded ,. guilty . ' ". Sergt'.. . Clarkson said the a^cus<s was .admitted to 12 ihohthg' probation m, December las^. for the a. riding saddle and portmanteau from, an,otW -jockeyy and, qn,e qf tUe\ conditions i)i ,\ha 'pr^ atss \h#% h^ aUquj^l bo. prohibited' from attendi^ rag^ meetings, The accused had; iftflgfl to report to the probation officer^ amd hnc^ bew freqnentinff rftpp v'lWWllgaV Oounsel foi« iaocMßod^ atate^ _tjmt the employer had intimated to adOuged that he had arranged matters with the p'plics. His Worship informed the. aGcuaed that lie was liable to' 12 months' imprison-, ment, but lie would' treat' the' case. 'from a lenient poinb of view and ft^JUt accused to probation fq^ Vile' linexpired term^ on condition that he complied with the, terms 'of the order. "^he race coiiree,- he said, -."is no, fit plmie for a ; boy, and! if you can secure voir r,el«ase from agpren,tice§hip yot^ wbt^ldf be. l)e^ off m pppiinat^oj| ; " V ..... r . ■ ;

--The , Hawke's Bay Education Board's nominee for the Council of Education is Captain J. R. Kirk, of Gisborne.

The land sale to have taken place at Messrs. Samson Bros.' mart to-day, by order oi' the registrar, was postponed until June 29th.

The annual meeting of the East Coast- Acclimatisation Society, which was called for 11 a.m. to-day, lapsed for want of a quorum.

Constable .7. Mclntyre, of Auckland, has been appointed to" the charge of the police station at Te Araroa, and Constable Murray has been transferred to Napier to succeed Constable Hurley aa "watchhousekeeper" m that town: . ...

Considerable interest is being evinced by local reservists as to the date nf the next sitting of the Medical Bdard m Oisborne. The local Defence Office has not yet been advised as to when the Board may be expected here.

Cabled advice has been, l'eoeived that Mr Harry Barker, of Gisborne, who had been serving with a 'British artillery regiment and was invalided with trehchfever, has now,' after sitting for aaii examination, been granted a commission.

Lieutenant Rex. Sherning, formerly accountant at the local dffice of Messrs Murray, Roberts and Co., has been appointed to the intelligence branch of the R. F. C. Squadron. Lieutendnt Sherhmg Mad been serving during the past year with the Royal Garrison Artillery m France. • >

: The body of the native Piripi Warii, who was drowned at' Mangatolcerau crossing on the 15th inst. has been recovered, and the district: Coroner (Mr. W. A. Barton, 18M.,) has issued instruction& for an inquest, to he held. The deceased) was a married man, and was employed on Taihimata station, Tolaga Bay . '•■'':

"I move, that we send a letter to tlie Hon. W. D.'SL Mac Donald; thanking him for the interest and activity .show-n by hinv m connection, with the .lime production o^ the district," remarked Mr. Maehell at the^ Chamber of Commerce meeting yesterday.- After some discussion it was decided to adopt the" suggestion. . <, .....'■■

'^At. the adjourned annual iheeting bf the Gisborne Shakespeare club^ Mr. J. A- Nicol was apppihtedj to succeed Mr. M. (1. Pasco as: president of the club, the latter bei^g unable tp.;cpntinue holding the oflSce,' for - business ■ reasons. Messrs C. G. .Bloore and L. T. Burhard w-ere appoinfed vice-presidents; The committee elected consists of Mesdamea Palgrave, Buscke, and Smith, and Mi*. F. J. Rowley. ■ :

4/^ c Washington Tinies 'states that v% g?}* wiU be enl 'sted by the Y.VV.O.A. to live m a special hotel, at the gates of Camp Lewis— America's biggest army camp— and act as dancing partners, for. "soldier's ia. pavilions to be erected. The ©iris will be under the supervision of the V.M.C.A. and miniater^ol chaperons. The object is to relieve the monotony of ,camp life. It is said that the girls will be " paid 15 dollars per week, but it is presumedi that the, dancing ai-rangement is only an interlude m other phases pf war work. -

Dr. Irwm; the lady medical o&cer engaged by the Education-Board to inspect the school children throiighout the district, has just completed an examination of children attepdiiig the Gisborne . school. . ; A;, reporter Was informed this morning tha»t, th§ doctor had expressed the opinion that the generally speaking, showed a better health status than>he boys.. The children's teeth, weye not too good, and the suggestion to introduce the tooth brush drill as m vogue m American institutions was regarded m. a favorable , light by the doctor, who attached great importance to the cleanliness of the children'^ teeth, „ failure jto attend, to which' is a prim© cause of> illness affeetlrig- the general constitution of children.

Patutahi's campaign op behalf of ; th( Y.M.O.A. funds iresinited m thefine tbt4 of £60 being^fraised; Considering thai the effort was made at the end of the carnival, during which Patutahi peopk gavo valued help -in town, the result if very satisfactory. The social and plair and fancy dress dan«» held last riighi was a great success. About; -150 couplet took part m the dancing, the M.C.'s be ing; Messrs. E. Gillman and O. Mc ; Graunahan. Songs and recitations were given during the evening and a verj pleasant time was spent. Prizes foivbesl costumes were awarded to Mrs. Atkins (attired as a Maori wahine) artbVMr. P. Bodgers (an amusing representation -O1 "Baby"). An excellent, supper, was provided by the ladies of the district, ' aric 1 credit is also due to the ladies who inaugurated and' carried through sideshows and estimating 'competitions; -The sum of £14 10s was realised fpr the fund. Mr. iW- K. Eobb capably .acted as chairman, and Mr. J. /J. East .-Tfras ian energetic .secretary.";. '■■'. The Territorial >camp : at .-the Pairk racecourse will be thrown open for yisi* tors to-morrow. . „TJ\ers are nearly 200 men m oamp, comprising \ A Squadron (mounted), under Capt. H. S. McLerribnt C Company (infantry), Lieut. R. Mitchell; and, D Company (infantry) 1 . Lieut. Moltzen, local area officer, is m comflaand of j,he .camp,, /Major M Q. Beere is, m charge of,. the .infantry,' whilsi Lieut. A. T. Ctoleman is adjutant of the damp, and the staff includes camp Sergi;major Brighting and Sergjb. -major -Bell (musketry instructor). Fortunately the feather has not interfered with the work, and the men have ;put , intth© stipulated musketry course, and infantry ajnd mounted training. They were out a> the range yesterday,- 'and underwent farther rifts practice again, to-day .The Officers are quai^tered". m the raceootii'Be buSdings; whilst. the men all njider canvas. The,ca|h]> ryyas inspected «arly m the waek by Colonel Hiime, oAicer commanding the: Wellington „ district. The commissariat department is reported to be very satisfactory, having been undertaken by Messrs Common, ;Sbelion and Co. Last evening '"the Gamp was visted. by the "Melody> Maids,", who gave a oapital entertainment, which WHS greatly appreciated, and it was followed by *an ( enjoyable, dance; ,*A large hum." ber of visitors are Expected at the; camp to-morrow afternoon.,. ; : \ ■ f - The approximate tak»nga ? at the \Viritfer Fail* amounted to £1350 Bs, and ; the expenses wave £4 16» 3d aiid :a.Wut r £%6 for „ .advertisements. ; Tli'e -: Womeft's Executive of the V.M.C.A.. campaigh— Mesdames Sherratt, R«eve, 'JR.. JqhnstbVi, Ji. Blair, and! W. A. Smith (hon? 1 secretary), and Miss Dawson (hon. trfiasiitit 1 ) 4-beg to acknowledge with th^^ks^the following donations to the. v&woUs siaJls : Mr. Appleton, of „'aikoHu, sent in '£30 10s forthe. produce stall, and thanks a«j d^ie v to Mr; W. Fox, who. collated iW proc|uqe. ]\(lr. J. Yon yein sent BW MVs. Q. Mat^hews -£yi} Us (wle- or slieep) tmyards oake sta.U. Forom-Hangaroß. pdr Mrs, Sfciykey, £gQ- was received. The pre^aratpry, «cliool, pw Miss Did, collected. £6 408, .' The Melody Maids' concert, given : at .. Manutuke, * . sent m a second: donation of JEJII. (half proceeds tp.go to meat. stall, per Mra. PV^aVj Miss Cooper, Wiainui, £50: Mfc CbS»al waihui^a^ Berry, £10; Mrs. ft, ,1 £10M™- ■Hutefe«ae», sent., .■.-.■■ .filft-. Mrs W\nt^ Ham6n, £10 j Mvs, 81, U.i Burke, So; Mrs . W. G. Sherratt, «5; Mrs cotton, fiß;-Mi» wa^,:^, S; !H. deLautour, £5 ; M\'. Bennett, £3 3s ; ;Mr J. H. And^ofl, £2 & 6«Js Mr. I. g» T | .YfJhfim* 408}! Anonymous, £2 5 ;Mr§ W Will^ms,, 498} Mrs. C. Harry -„M«m«, mi Miss BftUey, Waimata, £2; Mva, ShwaU, m. There were ih'tthy other donations of £1 and under, and some are still to come and will be duly acknowledged.: V' r. :V ■" * . * .To.morvow evening Mr O, B. Locketb . wxll deliver a lecture m; luysnar's buildings, Peel street A wtttled; "Theospphy and Heprffajßisation of .Society " ' Oues'tio^^te, invited, ... - " . ? ■■ .■ lrru ß^ ngßj Bra «eiets, Brwtohaa,- and Qol^j bhams re-modelled m new; flesMmg '" tv Ala^ P^a Wiat go ': ana keep goiritr. f\Y : . y«uy.^wi aock from Grieve •i? W 5? Wi ,P^"'«l«* guaranteed; twelve j^Wtfej^J prices, 6/6*12/6, 15/-* ■

| '■ • i ■- : • .1>" i At yesterday's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. P. Han&en., of Hansen . and Whitbread, ivas elected a member. « Tlie Koyal Mail coach leaves Francis and Lotigher's stables for Tiniroto and ' Wairoa at 7 a.m. on' Monday. ' >'* , T[»Ow ruling, passion. A ,-Masterton ' bookmaker who has been drawn m the ballot intends to appeal for exemption on the grounds, of. public i^teres^ „ t *i Ar k. v? C m Cal , .enmnew belonging 'to the Public Works department is atpresent on hifl way to_ Lake Waikarembana to nis?peot the survey of the electric line now being carried oiifr .■«•"-' '

The annufil meeting of t.he"No-Lic(Jn«e League will be held m St. Andrew's schoolroom oii Monday evening., when it is hoped there a full attendance of members - . • .•- ■ ■ :• ••

'At_ the CliambeT of Commerpo meetinc v vfesterdav aftovnoon, Mr. -. T. ZPJPt hat P '*° 10 » bo donated to^tjvg; ■ y.M.n.A. fund, ; Mr. Lonpr suggested that the contribution should be eaWharlc- " ed for the Qisborne hut restoration innd, the purpose being to restore the ATahtlar hnt i-ecently destroyed ; by the^ PernYnn' advance. Air.. ( Ihriu^ •', seconded, .Vthe "ivr oll^ eh : nniended m th<?, lines of Mr. Long's remarks and carried- ,

T? y advertiaernen't ,m to-dS,v's Ja^o o f th's journal; .Mr, H. H. DeCost*, an-, nounces +.hat he will .visit tji. 9 FhKfc, .$, RQfc . rext .week m connection with the AxMrP; ' SocetVs trar loan solve m W. Fro^r- a recent nuiblic utterance nf tl>« • Fjffibirl t '. Minister, ifc | s evident tfvt. the commit: 'l *wv niftiwe m, the War Lnnn, AW. wiH ■ ' be put rrito operation and. all •' wn»e who pay income tax. ; iVi^neetW finoh imr the <v)se... it, i, anticipaM : r thn t tii - public will mom thah-ever,*^:; ,. f oo,r ? the onbortotfw: of i - of the A.^P. flh^tv. oXtS :^ residents will .1^ .^ a fH'nhtahV'fuTFS • formaUon) ; from Mr D^Costa? ' Tl ;' n " ' rnSn^ 112 ?^ I ?*< "^ c methods, , of HfclaWng^olidaw- ui^jpiWne" was brought m by, Kr. lE^T Chnmber of- CrtmTn.-rce. : Mr A' U: B6ur^ ' • m.t tee was form^a : of a. r^esenS '' rtf the offices and wholesale, .andietaiL hjujses, and se^n^aVsnoWc^had S bet of , any halidaysr-^nd the.Rssbqi^ *gon undertook jthg; adv^rtisiinkthereof>r Jle suggested the secretary' sliould write to th© •vanoiia Imihches of - -comirterciai ' 3 people to ; see what could^br. a rta : tigßa m this direction ■ Mr. Long moved adcordingly and Mr . Mach. e .H^e C onded^the ; motion, whicß'was earriedi "' "

Yh F c \ io ] l<> V n^ fu)rtli er donations are ' an- cbnnectiori witK 'tfis '-. K«d Triangle , campaign M.t : -Gtoi-don : ' Gilford £s W^^v&h&H Mrs Hamjltpn £1 6s, Mrs J. Ai ; S^Jng .£l, TV. Nisbett Jpl,, >^:j. : Mather £l Is^ "^r6 Pairia" ? £2^2sVßev Jas * 2? d Aitken 52 2s, vR. Mcfiret- " *jy £i t - w.: Bicio^d- m/W:mQo&- < £W I^, TieJJrin's iJgtate.rDei-ca »-^ m, £5 SVJ^ mdfbr<i,.;Wa|inr(i Bay"; ■; £3. Donations cbllected by %1r A Tt Watdon (Waijnata- district)^: were a ß ' folNV^ : W- Towbleson £10 10s, Trobper P. D,; Tomhtesort £5, . Trooper , - G.-%' Tpmblesqn £5, Trooper. W. M. Tonible- , so. n £5, Gfahame Tomblsson P,l, J H >StnHK £1. Bob. Ashley .£l. Miss Bailin£lo :L. Ne\vman £5, J. Elwln~£lV 6 - '"■?■■ V. Brown £1. riatives crutchingat Lin- : * bum £1 6s, W. Jones £1, A. R, Wafesoii'' ; £10, other donations £3, T.'Toda .^restoration of hut) £10. / - -

of the most.mmehtable'SceiiMmmmitnessed la Wellinfctoi-i was enacted at the annual dinrter and retuiioii 6& tW r WeT lmgton Returh^d jSoldiersVAsosciation m i™^.^ o™**:.■:&s&0 ™** :.■:&$& „ mght. Before half o f the lengthy programme baH^tf ; «** vthrdtt&li W gathering had' to be formally brought to aI.! Os€i the National Anthem. ' Tlib Plritne Minisfeeg (Mr' ? Mkis. W), who TnadejMi heroio effort to niake Imnwflf h ea rd ;WW the jl% had hiS speech dt«vwie(i;,iii-fche/ru lit'oar.1 it'oar. It i s <?Xtmntely reitrettable that m spite of t tftied Soldiers' Association;, who, to ami them^d^ did th^Wy-utS 51 '" to maintain than few scattered fragments of tho . seeches. than half' the toast JS J was gone thrbtigh; and tMt only in $r>4 W d^nn«ited fashion. < : Allfse^ S■bmce of order was abandoned, aifcLth* gathering r^V<^ ifltogrou^bf fe^Su autbgrapl-htmters. Arguments wei-oS 4^arder and ; the gathering, finally fe^ ijitf th^day, and;riip y -afready Sad'dSS } not wisely , b^t> too 4ell.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14590, 27 April 1918, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14590, 27 April 1918, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14590, 27 April 1918, Page 2