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l|3 ** a Le**° n m Practical Domestic S ig^ I Economy— >oa C/s« L««t «M«f Get "•§!. S S■B " " * Better Cup of Tea! [ "■' /*■■•' •-''■•' ■■_■-.;■ g•ps k& |S Medical investigation (videAfLaaeat.** Jaaoary 7A. « '■ Eg"/*' == |S 1911) prored that m >A'n«fca& (stick aa M A»«W ; Ss s'^i — l^. Tips") Tannin was af ter all a blessiajf beeaaae it leapt** • " S 5^ •>* tb" 5 beart stimulant caffeine under cantral. Similarly r * " S3 ;i^ =|^ ;j the caffeine entirely negatived the astrtafsat actica ol ', ffi \ YA, ~S= ' the Tannin. This neutralising of ••« wkh U» otbei- , • - 3 St /-£? =H = i was only perfect m fine teas, that shawing that firm ~~ gg ya H ' S' ' • teas were healthful. In addittan. die*a. mltxim* Mm - "^p ■ i[i "■ »'■ I^'*"" I*",1 ''*", ,*»};"*» -Mly !pirart*»W Wt actaallyj '; ' ;' _' ' S ' ffi (V-i .■.; itl REMEMBER- '* ■ 'aA-W' M% g;IH .. • an '^ Economical! , AAA?, AMI £ $ • = E f .^"J 1 ' - •'.'■•■'*••• ./^ g'«»M / srs.: xi. ■ ■ ■' .i»7':V tTT '.•■ ■■■'.'■ § l^'-^' III: f-tmll/nr .JWiigs»v.: ? .>:Bilß3?- --»■■"=' : AmF'A 'AY A'A'iyA*' ■ 2|S* kmM^^JtlllHllHilHlllH • *f<::, Wholesale Agents; W. Q. OftOMPTO'Jii- I *'^ I !'"'^'^ ,Yf^,U')ft««aJ '' '■•■ A AA-A ..- A.A. -tt^./'U "yryAA r~?A>» -A«r -j^y- •^ lM *** ll '*' M " ll * lM "**** ll ""^^ ■■■iiawitsMpiiiiiiiitFmimHtyim^^ '*' . J '.'..' . V. : v .'' : * -.-- .■...-. ; ;.;' '-..•:'""-;.,.. ' . . *■•■ , , v*-** - : 'V ,' A 1 ;"'.! 1 ' ]i ..A;-■./ ;-■. / ■-•-:•. - * ■a*AA'*'A*A^- '■* If - T 1 ■■'■"■■A AA-A; . "-^^r*': /,/•., A'-^':; fJOiSC less ■ r t^MM ap^^^^t ; ' : n AAv *;}*>. ■" n i.Vu AA i f ■ /'• ;tp ; ,ev-e^y anrl' hal rfc-ii^v ' w^o ,u*ies Edmonds tf^StfrtSffcib'--A fUU . U"IP ll?;;.., -■■ Risq*: : Bating- .g^r.^-fK^ ■■'«^^»iw#---»3'»i "■■■'' '^ IllClllltCllll .determmation 'A.f: : * : ''-fi '., «.j/|:j . ai ..,(.'...,,!. ; s - : ' -| quality and purity of N.Zl'^'pbt)-/ ]r : 'Q II 1 flj Ml fry • • [ umr brand*7TrJbpiftp.BeLol[ purireaolvfe aa .}•; '*i*^ - T***** r ijjr -*•• ••• • .'! to use only the' best grape cjteam of " -j-i'; ' ',' .■' ! tartar./ Cream of tartar is now : hisawy j*' A, : ''\A £-400 a ton, compared }witK : £7si to \ ... .; ', .-••< .... 'iy . £85;be(pre thjs.war,! It is^ also yeixA} . S^pkpriiaHlisaßiiiMaßßaaaaMiHs^aißHaßMl 'fi* difficult to secure the highest grade. , , >T ' -/ . -■ ■■-..,■■>,■«*':.... /> Unless strict \ economy; is observed C-*A. *3 A •• .»•- iv -.j« m usiVi^' ;'i:;' :: 'ii/'':A.",;/A ..^ „;.■: A-*/:/K' : E0tof»llJ:M :: " ' ,Jit itA. dsjffr hate-.. .:i .■.£.*{-?Q f.vir-- rf^LiHis*-' .---<- . ■■:,"Sui* : t6''fUf(^:'-'»;t«,!^v:. ■ , "'\:' - ;^!'*r--BAiaNG€' : TOSi^^'. . * - V :V- -•■• - .■'.,. | !-- : fel "J'f r < i'« •M:-y."o^f!<J 'i^hlCi ; 4l > we shall not be' able' to secure enough high i'^tl'-alit^ i : H* cream of tartar to meet requirements.* 1 * Therefor*?, ; ' , ''i < * help us byj using % little less^it J mea'ns' le^6,ib^sti{ / ' i. ' ness for us,| but the same' pUr» ftio'd ijiiiailify f<flp^o%.% Rememberjwe have steadfastly refused* to us^taft"ftSi : : '»'*' but tbe hig|est grade r 'gen(Birie cfearti of-^tartar*inoi-iey of the chemical substitutes which can "He sold.cfo'r 'fi- • ' : ■_ ...fraction ofj the pricisrbut which f when Uised/in-.;.fh^'. cooking of^en leave" an after taiste, m the mouth. ..',•'■' * '' Wfe could of coursia use substitutea-riiut iio.' .- We } \ realise thai the people require 9J*»g(i'tjiy esgecia'tty m foodstuffs. Help JhfeVefort^-'.'by using, less :■*■• so tbat.wejcan continue to iomploy. .'.'•first ■'• ' •'" 'A ■>■ - -i- . -, grade, gr^pfc cream off tartar. ■•'// . T.A \-\ ' y : v A '--yA A :% A vAA : i^:m& ! kiE^^^fiYAi^i ' A'. -Ai 1f A' , .A'^Sure taßfee^Bakin^^^ ■■■■. JA- 11 }" -CHRJiStfC^ -"• [ J\t try : :.,,' !^^'.. : .i.ii^i,,:j!^iv»^: •* '•-'■ / ."" ' y &W H. V -'fr «vju- '.' *.. "■■/•:, ..';/".'•■' :^ A/ ,:;--; ;^*; ;•'._.'.- ri'ii """ i' "./" iA'Y :\'_ t Ai : AAY !'■!'. ... ; , •». ■ "'•' . '«;.."■• 'v'-.** r . .:'.->V:';l.*; Ji.iv J>;f) : '..-; .<■•'.,.;■> *" ■'•'- ! !^,U^PtoStNXMiSaE:^ is rauMie-^from timber, selecfied^'nqt only for its dur- . # 1 l\JA -oh\o <mp,litiei^ bu-^Kor .tnV.riehness of its^graii^ , '■ T . ■''•■AAU- AY '•' [A. I^4S.m|t jCWLY^HE iEAXJTY ?^ $j£ ijITS WHICH *^ H; • I Our Furniture is ideal for tho Home lof f-R^Amentvand ;iWis^e^iou j^ft * ; assures supiren^e-^atisfaction. ;' .*/': m. ' ;.= >- :: - -^..- i-r .*.-..<■ .* SUTIM'-Aill) dfNGIiE PIEX3ESaJ^ :: E?3E»^-Bbdltt*'^ Jj HOME— ArtStio iand iHigh-grade. :^'A; ' .'• :: '- -JAi Wi'\ • •-"'■' : --. Ya *„. •,•* •;'- A a, /'■',■'■""■■ -'A,, y, fc John Townley, ••:,■ - G^BOKNE*^ ; - *- f^ —r- —. . . -. . v, m |I9BF^ : " " Fitness " ahd How to Medntaintei^A jjfc I V iß^l A glass of Stevens* Health Salt toiken occasionally id the morni^gi ■ A' ' (Ifc^^^^Hai B*° »ah»^»»w health an 3 fitness. - Effeivescent/pleajihg: to ; yW 'i »! takefitacts as a mild laxatiy«S. It bhniihes Indigeition, 1 Cofrttipstion', Si; ! A ("^^BL Htacla<±«s. and that brings that feelfog Si "fitness" which: uj. ' j—j^ ;-yu 5: i •VvAj^ WfjßL makef lift, worth while. 2/6 at. Chemists and Grocers. ' I B; •''A---A : • i >^^ '' . -■ -/^ •* , * c*e *. to **ick bottt*. A'* 2 V' : JF ! *IbLA-

•«*H*^ .•fJv>»ftai|aet-;Vfr.^:A,:: •*. , ■ :>pl:.^«^ ighttrajftf KITCHEN, Tab!**, Chairs, Dresser, . ' - Sofa; Chiffonier, Single and Double „-**' yy y^rrp^'y\y- ■■■■ Ay AA ; Bedsteads and, Wires, Wire Stretchers, A- '< . < NOTICE^ ! -A' .A " H(^it»l!^B^isi ? /'WASlhstandß, Duchess A ™-^3p>; VAyAA -A'. Pairs, DuchQsS.CfoMta^Chesta: of Drapers rajEE Lease : of th^-Riyai 4 fitabtis tefrA (from;2.'t^§ a^aws),. Wjur^robra, Cot, J_ w expired: the nndersMdnbegi ' Fenders, Tiiihos Meat Saf^, \Washmg to notify his- Customer* and Jthe: General - Machijfc, . itc^ Ai*ho}jgh our Funuture puhiio. .that, ias .from the. JstrMAROB >~ is second-hand, it las all been renovated, next', JBusiness will be •'cbndueteaVat^thft.v an£ i» almost p^. T _ i , . ; , _„, f Masonic , Stables, Jaw* . ••: We also havi>'a large stock of Crockery, Customers -May, rely Brusbware; Cutlery, Fan<^ Goods, eto., attention.' * ' " -..-...■■ Ay\ „ "r'^c',' •-.--•-■ at ••prices/that cannot be tduehed any T ; y .3. G&AXjTEvA, ■<-. ';.. '..a -'.-■; f>?h^ ; el^ -iriitown. Come and inspect 5 --^^..J^fiii^at. y iy otot . gOQdil y#h * will ' not be pressed to , ff^-ff.; '~A : " ' ',- ■ A"\V- ■ j;< ' -*■•:.'-' .... . ..' - '.;■' ..-■.'.- ..„„' A-VV 'Ai. rt t«f r^r-aiau GISBO?^E, TimROTO, WAIRpA.^ it; tl. W. UULtmAr'l, r, A.AAy if yy TH® AJIK, 827 GMJSTONW^OAD. C C^M^§A?t l^^^: * :.: 'Phone 514, v , Qoti^ le^» yVaii^f^o^ I !^^^ - — i : — i -— . l_ —^ THOBSDAYS, a£ Q, %.m, \. - H^^niSS; 6^ SW^ Gar leaves' /<xr Waer^U^-kuii v^.° XJ. Vacuum .Oleamng Co, We guaran- Thursdays, at 9 a.m,^ a / * f A tee to leave you?- house as clean as it iJ j-^^"^- J -^> °" *f "'.T* V '-./i* * V.' v '« " was When we 'entered it. You don't , Don't For^t-- , 'Civility/and Attention" believe it. Well, try us and see. Thone .» oourr r motto. -y aa'a.VAAA ""A. tiA'AA. 722. Town and country orderis promptly j , • TRAN'PTS jtp^ T.QT^T^R!i^," ■• ' attended to.— W. Hodgson, Propfietor. j -. ., 'I .':■■• ° ' * " 1 • »•>*;::■■• .-.'.*'-»•; i-lj' •fJll-J.'. ;■' -.- •*■' /•' -..-■' ; '•._-. ■'-;■■ ■:- Ar* 'V..-'

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14589, 26 April 1918, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14589, 26 April 1918, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14589, 26 April 1918, Page 7