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Rotorua, February 11th, 1918. Mr. A. M. Hendy, Durieatfn. . ' Dear sir.— While, in Wanganui recently the ' EconorniQ , 'Dt&g&ry , Co. Tecommended Henn aline . JEgyptian, Shampoo to brighten, and tone up my hair, > which had; become very dull and i lifeless. -It. bas improved it so touch that I wish to continue its use. Noticing from pamphlet that you .are the New Zealand tgent I would like you to forward me six tine (2/6 sizeVfor -which I enclose 16/-. I leave for Honolilltiand America , in a. few days, so please address to Miss H. Wake&eld, Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu,—Yoare truly, Helen i.Wakefield^— Procurable in Gisbonie from Adair-Broa JLtd,: leading draper* j price 1/6 »ndr'S/6 i P« fa* :»i ■

Air. Duncan moved "a hearty vote of thanks to the teaching staff. This was seconded by Mr. McCliskie, who paid a high tribute to Mr. Cole and his staff for the excellent work done during the year. Mr. Cole, in returning thanks, referred t o the crowded conditions of the infant class room. He stated there were as many as 90 children in this room, when there should only be .40 to 45 childreiu, . . ; : Mr! Grundy moved that the Board's attention be di'awn to the crowded conditions of the infant class room, and be asked for increased accommodation.-— This was seconded by Mr. McCliskie. In moving a vote of thanks to the committee for their services during the" year. Mr. Grundy suggested that an effort should be made by the incoming committee to have several parts of the school grounds kid in asphalt or concrete. — Tliis was seconded by Mr. Cole. A hearty vote of thanks to the chair .terminated the meeting.. The committee met and appointed Mr. McCliskie as chairman. The position of secretary was left over till next meeting. It was decided to obtain prices for connecting up the school with the town water supply. GISBORNE EAST (KAITI). A well attended meeting of householders was"" held at Kaiti. Mr. Jas; Hay was elected to the chair. The aiinuai report of the committee for the past year was read . and adopted. • T-he election of committee for the ensuing year resulted in the following being elected: Messrs. D. W. Gambiill, E. Beatson, G. E. Ashton, F. L. Thomas, W. Niven, L. F. Richardson, W. D. Michie, G. N. Downey, and G. .Hampton. . On the motion of Mr. .Ashton, secondeel by Mr. Be,atson, the- following resolution was carried unanimously : "That this meeting pf 1 leaseholders ot the Gisborne -East School "^trbhgly ; urges the f Government not ; only ' to resist all attempts., to encroach upon the national system off education, .but also, without delay, to make provision for improvements and extensions necessary ' to enable the nation successfully to tope with; af ter- war . conditions." . Several important suggestions were made to the incoming committee to urge the Education, Board ' to acquire more land for "the school and coivstruct a nioi'e thorough drainage scheme. Two gold medals were presented, one to the dux for 1917, Geoffrey Wilson, and. Grace Wilson was -also presented with the other for five years' contimi*. anoo- attendance. A vote of thanks aud appreciation was passed; to the 'headmaster^ Mr.,.. McLeod, alid his staff for the good and able work they had carried out during: the year, . A meeting of tho new , committee was hfeid afterwards; and Mr. Ashton was elected chairman and Mr. Beatson secretary and treasurer. It was decided to hold .the monthly meeting on the last Tuesday in ea'ch month. ' '-■'■ •■". GISBORN^I WEST. j \At the meeting, of parent's and house- | holders under 20 lYrei'e- present. ,Mr G. K. Pasley was. voted to- the chair. The eighth annual report presented \ to^. thfe. meeting appeared in our previous issue. As the numbea 1 of nominations did rib't exceed the; auunber ,of members required, 1 an . election was unnecessary. tThe following 1 wei\e declared elected as a committee: Messrs C. Carmichael, R. Fredei'icks, A. Hepburn, jH. Hopkinson, R. Morrison, G. K. Pasley, W. A. Priestley, J. -A. <Sceats, and T. Wilson. A circular from the N.Z. Educational Institute was considered, and left in> the .hands of the chairman and headmaster to formulate a resolution to be forwarded to the Prime Minister-, Minister for Education, ; and Minister for Finance, "urging upon the Qovemment to resist all attempts to enCroatia. . upon, the .national , system .of ,educatiorii and to make extensions and, improvements, ao as to be* able to cope with post-war conditions. The Chairman expressed the Committee's! eafcisf action and thanks* to Mr Faram. and his staff for the capable way ■ the school- had '.beeh conducted during: the past year. The Headmaster Teplied in a pleasing way on behalf of himself and staff,- ' At a subsequent jmeeting of , the ; Comimit£ee, Mr G. K. ■Pasley was re-elected; Chairman, and Mr Ti Wilson was re-elected secretary. The third Thursday in each month, at 7.30 «,P' m ', > fixed. !as,the date for meetings. Messrs R. Morrison and J. A. Scents were appointed a Visiting Committee for the month. All, members .excepting Messrs R. Morrison and £?.- CTarmichael, wore on the old committee. ORMOND. The annual meeting* of householders was held in the schoolhotise last night, only 12 householders being present; !Mr A. Parsons presided. The balance sheet and committee's report were'/ read and adopted, being very satisfactory. The inspector's report spoke well for the efficiency of the school, arid gave great Credit to the headmaste^v (Mr^Pple) and •thjp teaching staff. .The follbwmg committee were elegted : Messrs A< iParsqns, J. E. Thompson, G. H. Patsons^M, J. Benson, and J. Howie. . At. a- subsequent, j meeting Mi- A. Parsons was appointed chairman and treasurer, and Mr, J. E. Thompson secretary. ■ pAtutahi. i Considerable interest was taken in the householders' meeting last : night, there being over 40 present. Mr. W. K. Robb was appointed to the chair. The •report and balance-sbeelb, . which- showed a satisfactory position, were adopted. 'The old committee were .re-elected^ their names being:' Messrs. A. Dbherty, J. C>: Hardy, E. Knight, .H.'Nicol, E. J. Williams, and D. Brnce Watt., Mr. ,Watt> was re-elected chairman : and secretary, and Mr. Hardy treasurer. WAERENGA-A-HIKA; The meeting was attended. The Rev. ; E. Ward presided. The committee election as follows :— Rev. E. ' Ward,' Messrs H. J. Lbugher. F. J. Warririgton, Findlay, Mc^enzip, and W". J: Baphurst. Mr. LoHighfer was Buha^quently elected ohairtnan; and the Rev. E. Ward, secretary and treasurer. MAr^aka;matawhb;ro. There Avas a good attendance, of house--holders, Mr. G. Darton presiding. The following were appointed . on the cpmMessrs. F. M. Pilgrim, J. Fill-; ler, A. Woodberry, D; Bell, and Rev. A. H. Wheeldon. Mr. Pilgrim was reflected "chairman of the t committee. . A •»üb-committee was appointed after spmo discussion had taken place on the question of the security Aqf the', school in .flood time to go into the matter and report. „ ; ; : . , ; MAKAURI. , At Makauri only five householders at-. tended > and: they wter.6 elected^ commit--tee as follows : : Messrs McCullough (chairman), TurnbnH, Johnson,-; Haisman, and Morl^eman | (secretary ■■„ and treasurer). The • balance sheet ,and report were read and adopted, and the inspector's report was considered satisfactory. A motion was passed •expressing dissatisfaction with the under-staf-fing of schools, and urging the Minister, of Education be written to. ' : j?* TE ARAI: , At the annual meeting of. 'householders at Te Arai school there was a moderate attendance, . Mr. Robejqts , -being in the chair. The annual report $nd v balance sheet were read and adopted. The report showed that the buildings and grounds and fences were in good repair. The finances on the 31st December showed a credit halance of £5 15s 6d. During his remarks the Chairman made special reference. to the excellent results that had been attained in the experimental garden plot .under the sup.eryision of the headmaster, -Mr F. T. and advised farmers present to Visit the school and see for themselves what can be done by intense, cultivation and scientific use of manure. Pupils during the year had made. excellent progress under rather, adverse' r circumstances, the staff having had several changes during the year, and a* ono period of two months one room was without a teacher, the headmaster having to take charge of both rooms. Seven -pupils were presented at the synchronous examination, and all passed. Great credit is due to Mr Faram, headmaster, for the good results attained. year by, year at synchrbhoua examinations, for since taking charge of Te Arai school he has never had afailure in that particular, examination. . The- following were elected on the committee for tfce^ ensu-

ing yea i': Messrs Uhas. (j'ibsou, Alex. Atkins, G. W. Coppin, F. Figg, E. P. Roberts (all re-elected), and a new member Mr W. Saddler. A further member is to be elected. Mr Roberts was reelected chairman. Messrs Gibson and Roberts made complimentary remarks in ! •regard to the good work of the staff during the. yosir. Mr Farnm, headmaster, on behalf of himself and staff, thanked the committee for the kind remarks and the good feeling that had at all times existed between himself and the committee. A vote of thanks to. the chair terminated the meeting. NGATAPA. There was a good attendance at Ngatapa, and keen interest was displayed in school affahs. Only three members of the old committee remained, and none of these sought re-election. The annual report showed a good financial position, there being £33 to credit. A new teaching staff had been appointed this year, Miss Hardy being headteaeher and Miss Tuohy assistant. The following were nominated for the committee.: Messrs. R. Burns, A. Hamilton. A. Patterson, J. Prendergast, J. R. Quinn, Langley, Bayne, Miirdock, and Campbell, the first five being elected. Mr. Patterson was appointed chairman. KAITARATAHI. There was a fair attendance at Kaitaratahi. The balance sheet for the past year was received/ and considered satisfactory. ■ The following committee was elected unopposed : Messrs R. Jeffrey, J. Ryan, ■ N. McMillan, T. Fay, and T. H. Shields. Mr Hay was reelected chairman. The meeting expressed its dissatisfaction with the manner in which the school had been treated by the Education Board, respecting the teaching staff. TE KARAKA. There was an attendance of about 20 householders at Te Kartika, Mr W. W. Bridge being elected chairman of the meeting. A short account of the outgoing committee's administration was' ; given by Mr F. Clayton, retiring chairman, who was accorded a vote of thanks for his services in the dual capacity of chairman and soeretoi'y. The balance sheet showad a. credit balance of nearly £40. The election of committee resulted in the return of Messrs A. M. Lewis, W. W. Bridge, F- -.P. Bell, CL Pickett. and B. Bellerby. Mr Lewis was" elected chairman, and Mr Bellerby secretary. MATAWAI/ The following committee was elected : Messrs J. B; Clark. M. McKenzio, A. J. Hustler, G. Rbbb, and J. Enimerson. On the motion of Mr Tunnicliffe, seconded by Mr Flemming, it was decided to forward the following resolution to the Minister of Education, Prime Minister, and Minister of Finance: "That this meeting or householders urges upon the Minister of Education the great need of ,proper school 1 buildings at Motuhora, Kand is of opinion that the present conditions are a disgrace to the dominion." I TOKOMARU BAY. . The annual householders' meeting at Tokomara Bay was held last night in the "local- schoolroom. -TJhei^e -was--n. largo gathering of householders. No election, was held,iasall of last year's committee, ■with the exception of Mr F. Thompson, .who is . going into camp, iwere nominnted, namely:: Messrs Gates, senr., (ChaiTman), Cameron, Graham, and Fair-lie,, and Mr C. 0: Morse; a. 'nc\y imember, taking Mpr Thompson's pla<?e.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14586, 23 April 1918, Page 2

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A LETTER OF APPRECIATION. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14586, 23 April 1918, Page 2

A LETTER OF APPRECIATION. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14586, 23 April 1918, Page 2