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TO-NIGHT the whip's last Rim. TO-NIGHT Opera House. The World's Biggest Melodrama, made into a Stupendous Moving ' Picture. The Whip fhe Whip NEVER. BEFORE IN THE,' HISTORY O^GISBOIEN^! HAS; A .PICTURES ATr TRAOTED SUCH CONSISTENT ATTENDANCE^. PRICES— r2s, #n«Lls. Res.exye_d Spate 2s 6d. Box at killer's Corner. WA !" ED - FOR SALE. W'ANTEID, for neit Season, thorough- . . L.v; Vvil :..•.• ii\ . ly qualified^DßAPTEß | 98 | ACRES FREEHOLD. FAT STOCK , Qfti ACRES are m grft^s; balance t n, a t?^w v ' ■ "' C/UiL-bush andifern. 100 acres are lot the Jactojy. allnvia/1 river flats. 200 acres are plough r Salaiy, £300 per a,nniun. _ &h]e f Factory. Applicants must a^ui writing, stat- 4 , „t o. feeing Mqx&. Dis,ng .age, ™th cop les of teslimoniak. '^ «f 8 miles froni Wn^: town. .Four attacnea. r' ' IRt . xT/Yi7™,n»T?T> milea from School and Post Office. v Applications close loth NOVEMBER. • ■ .... ,*• : ;. , v.,T— ,,. ,. , , ; BUTILDINGS : .4 roomed House,;, Woot Clsborne Sheepfarmers' Frozen ]sh?d, Rearing Machines^ :.ooncr«te Meat Go Ltd ' Sheepyatds. * ; " '"* ' , 652 CARRYING: Now 969 Breedmg Evtcs, ■■■■■■•- 121 Wethers, 25 Rams, 103 Cattl*. XMAS CARDS -£4000. Balance arranged; ' FOR YOUR LADS AT THE FRONT.^ c> K> pjfgLEy. Printed m the Colony, ESTATE ; AGENT", ; Each bearing Appropriate N.Z. Verses MASONIC BUILDINGS. ; and Designs. } • ' ; . T ET ypnr JBoy see that the Dominion ■. .. .;...... -. . .-,•■' JLI is keeping up ■with the times. ' i[ Secure before too late to catch the last * j^ CHEAP BIT OF FLATI Opp. Palaoe Pictures, .-.Bd. •" l^" A " «" fl . v \ ' i-'-:' --•;,• : - ■-■.■- ■■■■■•■. vr. .■..;, .- : >.. : - ,j7jß3 ■ ■ (Close to'-Stfttaoo); -.4 ,, J; v . ;.> it*;,. :v;(a oARDi, •;:,:-. ,;■■:.: £80 pm ACiIE - iesoo SI D N>E>Y s AWS O N " ' ■--*•—^: .-^•■■■^ ;^- , v ; : Vv H.tLate'-D.-Mellbx)^; . i"'i' : • ••- <-.^*- ■■-*■ 'iv../. ■.-.,■■■ ... ''.:. "HiGH-ai!iA ; SSviMOTOBi-CAR ANP m AP.RPQ MAIf AIIRI ; .x-^OAKRIAGB I :PApTER.;r...,h ; IU M V" CIO m **M^Ulll^ First-class vWorkmanship, at Lowest : -^ .'-/.' -^-u-. ;. /■\ l i l l&^^^3&/.&b™:'-- ' P^ooaable. rWh±¥Ms> 'i^f^led, ■\ m geij. m®s K j c. G. BWiiiiE, TVEGS'to^ infotm *&c tPnblib tha,t(h« ..:j-l- -." ■:',:/: v « «:t>i «was the Suocessliil Tenderer fo* AGENT. : % fiSOO north of— ]■ ' ..-.:.. :,;-'.■ . ;j '' . ■' . -i :■'.'./-■' r - ; '' : --'-...-''im^^z'wuiaSi'' n .! - — — — ■•.',,.. :...-'!3: 1 ■ ; NICEEL STIRRUP IRONS i iiJ»iiW. >yivii- « i% „ . .. ->-:-Etc^'^tc ./'Eto^ vi ;•■ --< ■■ LAND CHEAP - «^ i» piepared : to ' give Poverty Bajs -, ' W " '™ ; '^"-^m^ ;' ; : .-;■■ ■ : Besidenis- the benefit: •;■'• v " a : - - :> --« v . ■•?L....^'"^"'"-'- .',••■' ' . 'Phone Numbers-^hop 674, Houm &1." .-..; BUT »XWJ .-_, BUSpfE^vM^" and 'others r^qTUri ' " —^ ".. ".■/'. •■: • jng. temporary assistance can", obtain . / toe i&nddiately; -wiih9tit"aiiy pb^li^jljf I fikC&l^nfi ior tegislirat;on;" upon : *H 7 classea -of; ■ .^r H. E. HILL. ■..-'■ | - : ' -'-.':;::■ '. ■/>■ ■ ■ (Be)>te*Bn^mg ,U ;^;BApcmd). ; ■ >...-•• ?..•;,■: ;■. - w;: ..— ?T" . ; '' „ ' ',;.- ' ; '~ : ''-'Teiephicwae 148. !;;;!". ,; . ■ -i .■• •;■ ; - 7 „:; -^rr^^iy. •■ \^ 7 :'" .■ ■i ■■•■• -'■ ' . -«■« ■'■•■■ ■ ;;'•"-,■■•■ j ■'.-■ NOW'C^RY^G^^'.'^a^p" . .; >'£*.:• ioC, r. -,^;^L^'™ ■.« -■.:■• BALANCE HEA?VY«USH^ v- ' GI^ORNE'S POPULAR HOTEL, f - '~^/ : \ ' ''?? ■■- -r'--i&- "'"• OW3LNJG to, increasi^r'. Popularity of FOUR PADDOCKS .' : ; .,■,-.^W :^" the CORONATION BOTEIr, itj ; has ...become.; necessary to make cxtedisive f ;s ; ■-'■''","'.«> ...-,<-■. r ' .' , ; atruotitfat- alt«mti6ii^-'and»:^dita6hs to v>r\Tn> vtnniLrt^n nnnM' '< 1 . : the Hotel premises. These arei now being ITOUK-KUU^BID MOUHK . > „ o^e v d"^^^ !^Xelafib^W'v«iale^Vto •»,V .; f " ,?f . J£l-" >;/' v : ■Af "f i h brinig the Hotel thoroughly ■up-to-date^ . v * 1 -v - ' v v ' ;- nl "^ '^ >* X andl when completed, the; YARDS AND SHED. : . . .- :r .. m- every respect "will be' unsurpassed m , ' '• „ ' - .' ' : Gisborne. ' ' •-'•■ " .■'■-'"""'■ ■ '.'■'' " '' ; :-'~* ] '■ j *' ."'■"■ ■"';."""/■ .■" The Quality of our brands of Ales,; f ~ - ft w -.^.^ r- ■v|ir iC? .~., --i v Wince and Spirits help to maintain' the TJ IIIC DPf Mlti! reputation of the Cobnitaon" Where NO , TT V* Tjr f!*! ?' ■ ALTERATION HAS BBENMADE IN /- ' ■ ' ".: :J^T. ,;.' " ,*V ■/■,-.■ ■'::.;■ TJBC6 PRICE, and every bot^e is, guar- • ; . '■'■■]' t^.x «., 55i; ■ ■ ; v - . ■ ■■....■;..-,"p^ - : ;icii ; gßi^r < ,^tor dres[ks. '.;"':. -'■ •■ ';/.-. o V, ■..';/■ ■' ■■.■■■ "^>" : ' "I^TtTlHO^lfe '> V' - v '^ ■"■ ! ' ; .'-- '■■' v vv ! 'YY' <Ae^ic'ds),-'l%'D^inlra|.Pj^e v G^ ; r , fectionery.' Ohly v kt:'"The iSwoeteriea.^ . ; --;/T r v •■.•■■• J " J:'-JXp(WERs;---:. :^. .^-'' '" '■ ■ '■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■' ' ■ V. ■ ./. . ; : .X- t ' ; S^ufacturin^ 4 Gonlefiti'oner, "Wlolesale . . .■..., ., .-. . '■>■. :-.'■-.-- ■ -.". ; "'-■■ : ■ ad#^^p^,.:; -f^. PftltlTEp fTAttOflflll^ f"; + CLEAN ANO&M C WT !«?- I<M»-,. V . ■*■"s£» -■; ■ .. ■■ IN BLOCKsTtO SUIT. — --^S New Zdal^nd , iV -, .. . r- „ ■. • - „^v Sy imost^deplßted. , ; .y; • ■';.■•■•"'„».-. GJOOjLS: c '■•.•' if your Statiqnery or Account DRIN^O^ALL KINDS. , v; .^oofcs wiUdast'a/year, aild, : .. .•;. w'n^s^' : sSrt ; Kr i^Y%i ! V^"''- if not, get busy, and before F f ,^.:.,, or f*^P^ ORD^?^NOW Bi4n^ B^QKED FOR flOflKlr^^ REGULAR^ELIVEIRY, ; , , ; ; * JUMyr.^"^P^WV^ '? Clsbbrne Sheepfarmers' Frozen ring u^ 'phone s^r :^ iM?**'^'' *-W' v ; a REPRESENTATIVE WILL DALL Phones 539 and^ r ;■ V- ' .«& '■ -V'^ , -' p. J JARRY. ; "'" v^ v "--'" -— r ----'^ GISBORNB BKIE3WIEBY & vWATEIRS ■ , ' :, ' 1 -vi ;- > ;- . 'FACTORY" ••■ ■ ' ' ;-■'"» .^.^.' » , >b^,, l .-■,.;■ -iJi.:. iV. I .— 'Phone' No. 4. .: ' P.O. 80x^146. lltbAl 11 ' ■ '"••■■' ■" ■■ ■-■■■''-■ ■;••■•• ■ v -' ■ ' - "" • ' ■ . nCnHLU I CLcrnuncoi ■■;■ /;■;;; A LAI)IESV CLUB. ' ' ;'-; : ;. ! '- ,' , .^VV' / ; ■■ ' I-};-trJAiR Orator-^ fJ Miss President, might o AV1? mr^ W prKrmva ni» tttib : JJ; I ask why' tH^t ¥es6lutioh' is-re- SAVE BY UP THE corded 'carried ' -w^hen the „ . CQRRECS NUMjPW r■ • ' returns /^r# for^A^CADU ;^ IP, . V.L ■ " ' "" aga'itietSOr' •:r ! L ! c.; :: Adrertisihg and Printing Department*: ""' PrMdent : "Because, accotdingto the, ? Wrfr CO»7 V v * •?' ■ H^-?'"-'. .; ; a'- thrtee-fonrths ."verdict 1 V • ' r ' ■•*&&ii'* ;^. ; u shoWibe accepted BticH'ftom iuriee." ■*j:ij«-*'«i twUL.! . {Apfelanse. -' , 7 ,v, „ Editor^ Def^ment: ! ;r/;-,': ; r ■.':. ;;.;. '• ; v „ w s& for YbUR cowYAROs Bails ;.: MM GATEWAYS. N . ■ ■ . ■ ■ ' V',- "■ -' ■• ■■«■ ■ . ~ ■ /' •■ " ~~" ■" ■•:;.. x ' ■':■■ ' ■ ■■"■ : . ■/■■ ■ Iflribum.'"- .■J|y|>^j«if4'.- ,,;.■.,:'■ ■=. -*i' '• ■<■ ■' *.*<■: ■■ >:- ..'■.■■ ■ ' ; ■.'■'• l ' ;'•.■/ ; - -i.-V. IS THE CSHEAPES^^ AND kIA^ILY * "^ "" v " THE BEST. Th« kind thai giT* a di* . f MAKES DAIRYING A PLEASURE. iinction to yap -^o^m^ T5jS.iV :' ; • ■ *~^* WvArtising, th*t itamp* you »t FO^JHEEP-Dis;pi^kto ■;:■ ■ a S^-^oa^ai '-' OE!»pNTis wiTHOtT^trAii: M: .<•• j^-...^-;'.-,, '-. : ; ■■'^■h : -' : - : 'l/: r - --. A'aife^Giß^aTßto ■ • ■ . •-■■""■,;•'■ • -, -.' ''y : j:J. TOHNSTONB AND SMITH, Men'a \KJ\ ALLPAPERS, «rtisUc, J Tailora and Miercera.— ißeat ralue m YV !■ and the men to hang them.— W. town for Men's Felt Hats; newest Howard, Painter and Parerhanger. Tel. shapes. i No - 67 Gladstone Road. ■ - ■■ '■-. ■ ■'■.■.* ■ ■ .'«■."■

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14439, 27 October 1917, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14439, 27 October 1917, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14439, 27 October 1917, Page 4