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A special meeting of the Harbor Board was held to-day for the-piu-pose of conferring with Mr Leslie H. Keynokls respecting a further report on harbor mat. ters. There were present : Messrs J. Townley (chairman), A. H. Wallis,. J. W. J. Preston, J. Tombleson, A. M". Lewis, F. J. Lysnar, R; Q. HaUamore, W. 0. Lonjr, T. Holden, U Witters, T. Quirk, J. C. Collins, G. Smith, W. O. Ensor. Leave of absence was granted to Mr White.

The chairaian slated that the business of the meeting was as follows : To meet Mr Leslie H. Reynolds in reference to the following resolution: — "That Mi* Leslie Reynolds be in}q {tested to prepare and submit a report and plans and specifications of a scheme in accordance with the policy of this board. (1) By immediate' 'relief 'to the .present conditions of the river, (a) The utilisation of the dredging plant to the host advantage; (b) utilisation of such areas as may be an aid thereto ; (c) construction of such works as may be advantageohh to the above. (2) Plans and specifications for a harbor of moderate dinien. sions free of river influence 'capable of accommodatiii"- the inter-coastal traffic necessary to the port with a$ limited expenditure as possible. That the foregoing resolution be ab once communicated to Ml'. Leslie Reynolds for his acceptance for a fee of SCO guineas and out of pocket, expenses up to 10 guineas. The first scheme to be submitted to the board at the earliest possible moment and the later scheme to be acceptable to master mariners ; and to be submitted within a period of six months. That oh acceptance by Mir Leslie Reynolds the agreement be completed under seal by the chairman and Member Hallamore."

Mr. Lysnar pointed out that the resolution as now submitted stated that the scheme was to be acceptable to master ma.ri.ners, which was an amendmeht add. ed to the resolution appointing the committee that' had' beeu authorised to make the necessary arrangements for the engineers to confer and to .get the river opened 1 a s a matter of urgency. He held that notice of motion should have been given to make this' amendment, and that apai*t from this the committee had already done all that was possible.

Dr. Collins questioned Avliether the oommittee had authority for the expenditure of £500 and to draw up all agreements with. Mr Reynolds without further reference to th© .board. If notice would have to be given, the work would have to .be hung up for a month. Mr. Reynolds had been asked to come vp specially to confer with the board respecting the opening of the port and regarding' the proposed work outside-. The whole thing hung on the words "that it shall be acceptable to master mariners." _ Be did not think this was too drastic, but was a reasonable provision. To test the meeting .'ha would move that this resolution be rescinfled.

Mr Lysnar raised- a point of oi'der that the committee had the power to make adequate arrangements with Mr. Reynolds. . '

The chairman ruled that the committee had no such power, but was to report back to the board as to whether the terms were acceptable. •Mr Preston declared that at the commit£ee meeting the chairman had held that the- committee 'liad power to act. At this stage Mir Preston moved that the board resolve into committee. After some discussion on the subject standing orders were suspended to. facilitate discussion. .-.•,.,..

The chairman proceeded to read the resolution before the board, and remarked that the work of immediate relief was proceeding.

Dr. Collins said that was not what they were there for. Lffad the resolution'been placed in Mr Reynolds' hands, and was he agreeable ? ;

After further discussion the chairman proceeded to place the question before the consulting engineer.

Mi* Reynolds said that die thought the board misundei'stood the terms "plans and specifications," that would entail the full detailed d&seription. Dr. CoHins declaimed that what they meant by the term was that they should obtain an estimate of the cost, so that they would know what loan to raise.

: Mr Smith said his point in having the term iricluded was a general statement of the materials, so that they should gauge whether the material was obtaintible in the district.

"Air. Reynolds said that that would be covered. Proceeding, he stated • the other point respecting approval by master mariners "wate wie ihe> had never had put before him , previously; He would be prepared to confer with master maainers. ■■'<•■■■

Mi* Smith said that there \r&§ an idea prevailing locally that no outer harbor would.' be "used by master mariners^ What they wanted was a guaranteed working port. As long as tine board had the consent that master, manners would be agreeable to using the port the board would be satisfied.

Mfr Reynolds asked that -names of mariners shottid b6 specified. .

Dr. Oollins explained that the intention was representative master mariners, such as the harbor master and two other maste/i* mai'iners who should confer with the! .engineers. ' r

■NEr. Preston stated that the assertion had been made that- no jsafe harbor could be provided in the bay. They had 1 the same 'conditions' affecting; t,he river entrance at present, and he- believed that any harbor they might -build here would be Worked with disabilities in certain weather— such as was the case with Wellington and Sydney Heads on Mr Quirk stated that the Board was anxious ' that the scheme, in being submitted iio the ratepayers, »shouid be approved by master mariners. He moved that the harbor master arid representatives of the Pnion Cfc/ and Huddart, Parker and Go.Jae asked to confer With Mr Reynolds. . Mr Wittea-s approved of the selection of the harbor masters, but questioned the ability of "representatives of shipping companies" to give a qualified opinion. Dr. Collins explained that it was intended that the harbor '-master and two representative v shipiriastei' I s ! ' .Who worked the port should confer and advise the board.

Mr Lewis said the resolution stated that Mr. Reynolds was - ;to submit a scheme to be approved of by the shipping appointees' and; was to 'be "ttakt' 500 guineas. What," he asked, was to ! b& tha position, if the scheme was jiot approved. ■'•Dr. Collins 1 urged that • they should ask,; if Mr Reynolds was agreeable to accept the offer," and > if so, 'they .should proceed with the draft agreement. My HaMaoiOTe submitted that <the vemuneration sliouJd be under two heads, immediate relief and' the outside harbor.

Mr Reynolds said that his bargain was for pumping over the breakwater, and the outside harbor. If they mixed him up with these mariners, would they go with him over the bottom of the harbor? He quite approved of the harhoc matter, but if they specified master mariners generally, well, they might as ■well save their time. , • . Dr. Collins pointed' out' that the board had made the position .very definite. Mr Tombleson said that they wanted to avoid arriving at the same position as at Napier, M'here they had a breakwate'n that oMy 'be iised in good •weather: .•■■»■'■• I Mr Preston asked whether that would iba the case locally. ; I Mi- Reynolds replied that they would | have better conditions than those at jNapier, ' ' ■■''!'", V! ' \^~

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Dr. Collins urged Mr Reynolds .should bo tf^kerd whether ho was agreeable to the conditions laid down. . Mi* Wallis declared they were getting no "forroder." Mr Reynolds would be very foolish to say he would accept the terms until he knew what they were. Di\' Collins said they had the basis for a general agreement with Mr Reynolds, and on his acceptance of thesei' basic principles they would go to. their solicitors and ask them to draw Tip the agreement. Mr Reynolds asked whether a / majority would sign the report. : Dr. Collins replied that Mr Reynolds, himself only would sign the .report, stating that it was agreed to by the mariners, or that it was not. He asked whether Mr Reynolds was prepared to pi'ovisionally agree to the conditions. Mr Reynolds replied that he- would "stick his head into the cqjlar" ; he would do his best for them. After some, discussion as to the procediwe,- it was decided to telephone, for the board's solicitor to advise them in drawing up the agreement. - ■ Mil" Witters raised the question ■ respecting obtaining . "immediate relief." Too' much, he declared, was being made of this point. Surely the board had had the experience of the past. .>■'■ ■' The chairman declared that they were doing all that could be .done in the matter. •

After further discussion on the point, the board resolved into committee, at the request of -Dr. Collins, to discuss something confidential.

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14392, 3 September 1917, Page 7

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HARBOR BOARD. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14392, 3 September 1917, Page 7

HARBOR BOARD. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14392, 3 September 1917, Page 7