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___„ I IMH i|. -——-.- ■■ — -■ —■■■—, — --■-—-—■„ .■ — „ ...-„. „■ „.,, |T - tT __ rrn _---—^— ___^«g P -____________-__— -__— -————-_——_————_-—_-—--.-—. Adair Bros/ Clearance; Sale. • , »- Clearance Sale Prices m the Showroom. r REDUCTIONS IN SPORTS COATS. IXIRA VAIUE IN COSTUM.S. " COATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS. 2 only Silk Sports Coats, whit- with „..._,.. -»,■-,.,,,, •*_-__ 'p noflim __ _«« 1 niilv CJrey Tweed Coat. Usually 65/---black, white with saxe. Usually 3 o ."' v Alair]s *'">' Costumes, sac v • / y „ 42/- Reduced to 15/- - '■ "* coats, m sizes 5 and 6. Usually Reduced to 14/6. 12 Art Silk. Ooats, rose, champagne, 35/- Clearance Sale Prioe 14/6. 1 Smart Orc-y Tweed Coat. Usually brown and saxe. Usually 52/6. Re- mi, _, ,' „ - 01 , duced to 19/6. 1 Light Brown Tweed Costiune. Usual- 67 / 6 ' Reduced to 21/- --.. 1 only Silk Coat, m black, collar" of ly 70/- Clearance Sale Price 15/6. 1 Green Mixture Tweed » Coat. Usual-' black and white check. Usually Ur co,, mAa,,,,^ +- or/A 59/6. Reduced to 20/- ' 1 only Navy Serge Costume. Usually 59 / 6 r Reduced to 25/6. — - t Sports Coats, m silk, grey, fawn, navy p5/- Clearance Salel'rice 60/- 1 ; Blaeif and "White Tweed Coat, seal JM**. W» 59/6. __«_» ! Na , r 0,,^ trimmed bMid _ lv „ ;eolla, UsuaUy 10SA ______■ 2 only Ladies' Art Silk Jumpers, cream skirt, woman's size. Usually 139/6. - d 33 mafze - Usually 99/67 Reduced Clearance Sale Pries 70/- s " Black Pon v Skin "Cbats. Usually' 0 t-L. t a •._■.,,' «' • "90/- Reduced to* 35/, 2 Extra .Large Art Silk Coats, m saxe -* — . - • a.nd white, fawn and white. Usual- 1 • Green ßlanket ■CU>th Coat. Usually ly 79/6. Reduced to 39/6. Balance of our Summer Costumes at 112/6." Reduced to 39/6. 1 only Apricot, with check collar, very Less than , Half-price. , . _„ , „ , _ smart coat. Usually 72/6. Reduced 1 only Black Seal Coat., very special, to 40/- . **" i Usually £25. Reduced to £15. Remarkable Reductions m Stylish Dress fatirics. DRESS MATERIALS AT SPECIAL PftIQES. 40in Sa.n Toy, m (ill the newest shades, 50in. Scotch Tweed, m shades of -grey, llMixed Diagonal Robe. Usually 45'sasvgrey mole- nigger, and navy. Regular price 5/11. Sale 3/11 yard; vNow 21/- 7,. *"" - ','■ Usually 3/11.. Sale 1/6 yard; ; . • r "... ..-.,/..- --50in Tweed, m good assortment of 1.' Brown Velour Robe. Usually 47/6. 40in 411-wool Tartans, m a number of dark mixtures. .. Ordinary price 5/6^ ." Now 21/---clans -;"suitable for children's "wear. Sale 3/11' yard. -; ■ - • ■ .. __ - _ , *". TT •„' . Usual price 3/6. Sale 1/11 yard. 56i_i All-wool Military Stripes, three Robe * UsUally 79/6 ' 40inGa.bardinette,insa X e,mole;grey, P^e^y- price Sale *, y > , V,. . , " . purple, and navy. Formerly 3/11. A l y y - ■ 2 ■ $?***. ™ bla< *". --U-rfw-hite check. Sale l/ll yard. * 58in Donegal Effect, very smart. For- ; Usually 47/6. , N0w. 25/- . • -n.-rn._-_ _ ""■ mer price 7/6. Sale 4/11 v"*rd. . 1 Resida 'All-wool Roße. Usually 49/6 V chee^ e^two-,hSronl? "ST Mm Gabardine, m biscuit shad, only, y -Nttw^/fc A "-. /• - S^'^.^n l^ 6^" g^^: l^ * ric ° 12 $ . I ;i^;|^^*^'- Bobfc ' 4<H_l Venetian Cloth, m sky, pink, 2 Light Striped Robes. UsualVy" 25/- 1 Light Brown Cord Robe Usually '. heho, and royal. Formerly priced Now 8/11. . '59/6. .Mbvr 35/- -• „". % ' at 4/11, -SAI. .Sale 2/11 yard, 1 Biscuit' Sponge Cloth Robe. Usually 1; Brown *Tricotine (Robe. UsuaUy 55/---40in Tweed, m grey, blue and heather 39 /°- Now 9/11, v ;Now" 35/- ' mixtures \ Former price 3/11, Sale 1 LigKt Striped Robe. Usually 25/6. 1- Brown Check Yelour "Robe Usually 1/11 yard. -. Now 12/6: ■ 63/- Now 35/- - > *; ' ' ' ADAIR BROS: LTD. TELEPHONES: UPSTAIRS, 937 ; DOWNSTAIRS, 57. P.O. BOX 147. { E. T. btiDbRELL/ MANAfiER : :■-,- * — nn ... .'--;■■, - -,-..-;.,.- . „--.-.■•,..,•* „■■■:, ~-. ; ...,■. „...,. „.. .. ■ A '' ■■. . . . ' ... '.... V* ... • **

.;. -'" , "•' '■*; it ;;".._' ;.. "'" : ' "" ..-. ;■;■••. .;... . . . A] . ' . j ' ' " "'" . '' "" . .'. '" ;' . --... ' ■.-:'.'-.*|:^ _SBSB®H-) kflti_ftSP '''^__^-_fe-' r '' I artifieicU food wfe were unable to • -,v •. ?^TVw\. v *""' A-sS-yJfy-.' '.*^^_-888 " ? . '"' '. ..[f.. 'j, known make.; Later I ordered a '/iAhAvwM-A •-^*^^^^i v > v -'_^• WP 1 In |n Hi iii I'll M --laxp bottle specially ; and since 'UmiilHmW \ / NT/" - **!* * T^*- • "r™ Hi m WT^^/t^S>JjLZj3s^l *hen I have 3crapped all my other ■//////I 'Sgttil. V^S^Tf?**. vifflall M M ! \ra l\lr™™KE^S bottles and bousrht.a set of three *■' -» 1 ' hJaSHi l \^^*-_Jjfe>*_^^TOS\. ■ill WW -Un M I tl'Hl__9S . of y-nrs. , For ■; convenience of i.)P*% V-^\# WmJAs 9 VHll IHT-Ulll'-Saai-^SH''' holding and ov a .fiat . Have You Ever Thought ; t%y^^&A« f a -;y what an important part the- For over eight years Glaxo has A-' A A av Tl*r T_T"^ ''Ay, A itoetli. play m the growth^nd teen persistontlfused at^hild- feSS^.S^te^ ' '. iA ' development of the child ? ren's Hospitals and by Health / If you hav-e the care of a baby you . . , , , -^, 'Do you realise that th_ nn-ilitv Authorities as a food for m- will flpd a copy of the , Glaxo Baby " 7tl!V jVi ? t' y fnnts denrivfid of their Mother's Book invaluable. ' It has ibeen ■'" of the bone and the protecting . a .^H* e ?,?J™? , L'^, ot ™ r _ i 8 compiled by a highly qualified -•:.'' enamel, is, largely determined Mhk, one alone having pureha_- doctor and a mu-so, of: great prac r by the food your Baby vapr'vpV ed over 130,Q001bs during this ! . tiualexperi-s-ce.;':.- 'AA.AAi \ Ai -yA V^ fv^ .? e9 -neriod- There^ Knk beeiV lirriQ ! A'r.urse \yrites:-"The&la__Bat)y ' m the firat year of his life ? period. xnere lias oeen lime liookstaiul. high amongst the user Teeth with nnnv nnoh'f. K/x-_ *?? any deficiencies ofGlaxoas tl \i ij 00ks Mothers and xNurse.- " :"-" leeth with pool quality, bone an infants food to be disclosed. have on. their bookshelves for covered with porous enamel, -".,._ ■". ',:,. ,. '": .'-,,,. '. • ' roference or advice onthe care 0f... ■ foreshadows the unhappy dys- If it werejone of the ordinary their babies. ■■■■■ Dentic Thatiaoneof thft-maiiv artificial, 'f bods. Which aria -con-' "Every item of importance m pepwe. li aw 18 one or the many ae-m-ned liv dott-ora its We baby/s early ; day. is' mentioUed reasons why your Baby's food is oemnea Dy v aoctors, its use | i„ good order* If- the bopk were all-important. "Without your "woii-d have long since been i studied eai-H^-Uy and intelligently beirig r aware of it,' the food he discontinued,^ hwteadj : larger _s^S'US.?lffi^?_se:--' '•'" '" is having may lack bone-mak- quantities.are spld year by year , ?K-_^iiJfe" W hKlr^p?i_r ■- • ing material; when it is too to Institutions m charge of j anaiesgw ( 9rF"edmot.herß.V -;-.'* y ,■*"'*••• late to- remedy the evil, Baby Infant-Specialists. ■• -„ l[ ' ■:, :'..A-. i. [ may have poor, quality teeth. JSecause 'Glaxo'^ is a 1 QQinpiete . ---r'- - ••■'■■ ••/ ■■ •'•• ■>'.. •;, . ' ; /., Far betterjo be guided m the food m itse.f, ihstantiy pre- r'#*iir»li.« -F*.^' «?•*>_._» .v^,,,..,. selection of Baby's food' by the pared with boiling water, it is Baby Book accumulated experience of economical; No- added milk, „ .T. members of the medical pro- cream or milk sugar is required. To GLA/CQ {Deptiy ), fessipn... . Moreover there is -no waste. . Palmertion North ".' a. A;'iA' A. _fe>gs_\ <■■.-• 2'leasc mid me by return the New A y^^WMW Ok ' " -i Revised GLAXO BABt BOOK of*V uEtf-Am \9mmW ®fs) * *" fered FREE to everyone who loves a;■ ■ ;■ _i__lM_^_. ~^_^f__ii_?L -^ babv ' * enc^° se a penny stamp for .yy ' Addre55...............,,,,..,,,.,,. By Royal Appointment to the Court of Spain. , - . ..-■-- "'. By Royal Appointment to the Court of Italy. ..•».»,.............,:,..'....;....,..... ';____ il_l ■ ' Awarded Opia^e-Atd I*}Ur rational Medical Congress Exhibition, 191 S. ChcmisVtNamc......A...,..AA..i. ■ Builck Bonme Babies A^ rei> - -"••••• ••- ••---•^ S:E- --• t/6 and 6f- Tins ' ! ...... .....:........v:..., , "..,~.-;..i.. -^-*^*__*j;' - _ . * " ri ■ ' N.8.-^ifSd.lhßtampßi'ss^n.wlth . .V^illljSS ASR. VOUT UOCtOr! • . tWa-Gotipon a large trial pkebet ;.*..-■•-•-•>■ -•L_l!lL " of Glaxo will be supplifedto you : .... , - . m addition to the Baby Book. . _^ Proprietors: Joseph Nathan A Go., Ltd., London; and Wellington, N.Z. |* '" ' ' ' ■• l| ■• -, v-"-*"", ■■'-- ' •• . .-..'..}..■,...-... . ■ •"..*./;".''..■: viibtt— os: I L, -. , ,* i ■ • . " -. •■ ' - +•■•-- 'v

.. ...^ j_ "___'__, vf" '; l .~_'yj_ _ __vL:__;:l_;_-.-_. ; -_l ■__;''-_' -_^__-__- < _-''' I "■■■'■'" /..;:_:. i-"?. ri ">. : »- ' ""'j , """ ,'-"f -" c M t f***h?- X'K ' *^ !^KPr : Do You Really Know How To Shave ? |SB||nM Kr m ... k ' i***f*_^_^_^PP'************M_V--|[_9_[ -_o'<_F So ipany men don't, that this is.iiot Jntehde^agi^ -,%% Joke. Most P e -i nH^KT^IBB ISI* take.twice the time needed, and endure.; umie-CeS-iryrtQrture. •• ■ ■- HKv^^-^ _<_H _____!:. As a test, shave one side of^your t ace (with the preparation you (D)R ' wJH BW now use. Then shave the other side wit^ ' • Bn§_ *.i *SMH '* 'Br J _______ )' lowing directions with eyeryitube^ ybu ivill be astonished .A; K| i sKSPw I at the difference—not only 'm the wary yourrazor acts, but m rf .f^*_2L_r l__fl I cnp_n I _._.-•_ j_t* •• _. ■ • i <• .-.■,.. A . /•..-.- «,,.«. T.-. » .. ""\ stamped envelope mm A ■ I yjsr the way the two sides of your face feel. fo r free __mpi_o? -WS lW) I . .' .. ' V" 1 1 'MENNEN'S-' '-" *fJH*- ■ JtoJliSL :■ .'*IVTHE t REASQI*'"I3^.r,^:- , - TAtCUM 'FOR '.'Jlsif" V SS_^L_*- that Mermen's is absolutely different m composition from every other preparation. It MEN. jf!2l3i* un^wwat\ took, three years experimenting; to perfect it* It softens the beard— requires no "rub-. 'IkSl' JaWAMWaVa b\n% in"— no relathering— no lotions. . *■«•-. Wfmf' T////A " ■ —— ; — . .. ,A : y ' r-^-rr — : ...'"■ J ■ " " " : '.. ;yy?' "" \_f\ ""i ■^f^A^__fA Obtainable at^ lading ch^^itt and ntorma - - /_SV\ Wm\\ ■-'' wfflzL a MJHMNHtvC&E-^ _______«_^___^ 109 Pitt Sydney. N.S.W. „ .®,T«;j v ; ti !.„. rf> . Jn V "■f-fl-'Y''--*---"--'-^---* ...,-., ... 4. ..i ■ '■'■; : --* -..'■"■ :ku^ />r..i-... : •Af.-.-.j,;- ' ! ' " '".'.-' ..._'.' '■""."".-'■." '." "'*' ' Just' t_ke V_*J „_ol like this : Take scr { TOHNSTONE & TaSlora and- *. Cold m the 'head oh Na-^Casaja , n^& 2 6 drops on loaf sugar, and place between tl Merce^. — - For^en'a Ov-t^ats; qi _ckty relieved by V^a2ol.-*,«*atfee -feftr:* the cheek, and .gums, and allow .to, dia". frpni 20/-^. Mens from 45/-,. 6 drops on loaf sugar, and u *-etviiw& solve naturally. and # very slo-njlyv Thfe .AU Wfy.i^-iuwtf- ~__^" i! . *j A the. cheelb and -gvgn_y.; and -.atio-*-?' to dis-"*' gives prolonged action"' and quicker re- *T>O^AW*;;S"_iA-S_CK^ l HJoRB ! /inake9; solve and. yer^ slofwly. Tliis nef. Try it for Cold m the Head or ,XV ;sea V(_yagiijg a *_nea,sur.e.; Jtj/6 a box^J gives .Vnrolonged action and quicker ■*k>re Throat.— 6 i— From "Ros.,- "Chemist. -■--■- 589 i i*elief .-— 2." .■-■-* ...,,.. ,^^^-^w^^^-^*

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14354, 20 July 1917, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14354, 20 July 1917, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14354, 20 July 1917, Page 7