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■BHB____«ißl^ia__B______________________________M__B____^ ' - "'> - " ' ... «■*■'■ 'I-'*). Buy Now and Pay Less. ' ■<?'*'. y, .'-,'"' ■•■■•:■ " ' • . _^k I!!?^^*^1 !!?^^*^ W^-_*^_r^JE2L *yy '7-y. v -.. ' -.■'.'. " r " ' y *\ ■ '»»"• '-'f.' r '*•-. '-.-.' f» -«'-. , '-•'.' : -' . «■;.■ : " • -.-„T^-' ..,".y"''y. S i ■•' • ■ ' '.■'- ■ ■ , . . . 'y~ :) '' ', ;:'-"' "-y^ 'V- '':'" ■'* mill-RE IS.AN,E.Nf)RMOU-.S DEMAND FOH COTTON 1 X TT I lv. MAX ITFAf ,TPI.T* i. OF EX^LOSIVKS. TITK I „.' PR-ISSFNT P^KE. OF COTTON IS 16d A POCNI), AS DEAR AS WOCfr..-:. n CnT^N RALLV.nifiJTTINrP'RTOE. AND Tjri„l.iriS'"j.*:yE:R:Y INDICATION THAT TrJir' PRftfe'/wiiLL'' *81-..r. ITIGHEIt I YlvT. AT, THIS RAL-S IWIu1 Wlu AREt OFFEiRING COTTON GOODS AT PRTOI-S THAT. A>TU. NOT LIK.HLY TO -i BE REPEATED UNTIL, AFITiR THE WAR. BUY NOW FOR P-RE&F'N-T AND FUTUR.E NEEDS, AND PAY - LESS. '"■ ** : ( "■ •_ v , ' . „','. . t ,r . .■ ■ .-,. ' k - ' ' ■• I ' '■■ .' ' ' " ' -t , . V .BARGAINS IN" | , v ALL-LINEN TABLE NAPKINS. ;. '. j -%-k' __■__■_-.»_'' 'w_» _« m. -«. 21in x 21in, spots' and stripes 12/- doz. ,i • COTTON GOODS. "'- _. 6<,Ln -"' ; _ Yy, - " • / .. . : 27m x 27in 7 assorted v patterns, ,18/p doz. y ">2in White Caiico.'mm'aliy 9_d, Sale 74<1. For 13/11 dozen. / „->/ yard. , ,' .: ; . • ... .TABLE DAMASK. - f , 36i n "yijliite Cajko, usually lO.d, Sale B_d 64in on," "panay 'design, I/117 for 1/6 ,J yard * . v ■''.'■'' * 58in 'Cotton, rose and spoil, 1/11. for 1/6 " 7 36in Whit« Calico, usually lljd, Sale- 9_d % *" . yArtl. ' " . . y ' yard. " -^ _70in Linen, poppy design, 2/9, for 2/3 ? / 36in Lpngcloth. formerJv 7_d- Sale 6d _ rt . -•" 'J. •'_* ■ 'i_ "'-',-'-_'■■' " "> y , V 58m x 5-in Cotton Damask Cloth, 5/3, •? yard. ._ - . _ f or - 4/6:7; ';';.'" ;.'•■•_ ' ',' yy. t -V . . .b 36in Nainsook, u-sually B_d, Sale 7d yard.'. 66in *x 83rn-. Cotton D'amasic Cloth*7/6, "' V 36in Nainsook, usually 9_d, Sale 8d yard. ' a ' . Y^Y^Y' '.'".' %;,."""■'' '.'" 1 : "'""'.; ' 27in White flannelette, B^d for 7d yard. NAP'ERT AT HALF-PRICE. ' ' . 27in White Flannelette,' ll_d for _»£d. ' v 16in x. 24in Tray"d.oth, crochet ,edge,. 3/6> 28in Striped Flannelette, lOjd for 9d. . ':- * " ".I ";'J-'' - /, '^; •,7 .. . 30in Striped Flannelette, : llid. for' lOd. -. . „' ,' - -^"^^l^x?- I . embvoide^d, Striped * v ßrown Turkish Towels— ' 18in x _^n'TH^XTo£h;Vihoroid-red, 6/6,. * ' ■*• for- 3/3..*-. ;:,f; ( ... „, 7.. . va-. i. • ' $ Foi*mer prices 2/3, 2/9 i. 2/11, 3/6 pair. '. \ "" ' ' '".'"\ .1 '"/ '";' . .- ■-.-, ■ Sale prices 1/9, 2/3, 2/6. 2/11 pair. ■ ?' ' ■■ '' AFTERNOON- TEA.CLOTpS: , ; f /., • • , ... 32inx 32^, m-diiraryprics; "3/11; Sale lAI-, \ White Turkish Toweli— x 32iil x 32in^ ordinary^ 'price. 4^, iSale 2/3.' " * Regular prices 2/6, "2/9, 2/11 pair. ;J' 3Ci ix 30iX ordinary /price 10/67 Sale 5/3. " 7 Sale prices 2/-, 2/2, 2/3 pair. v - Z4lu x 36 * n . ordinary price, i 4/ 6 :, Sale 7/3. 'tj to- _>"i oi* '-.'rr „ " ■ ■ 4 5' n x ordinary price 16/6, Sale 8/3*. '. Plain Pulow Slips, Taped — -, . • c_,- „ c/i,-.. „„j*y 7 ■_:.'• mf _ I '■+«,'_ "* ! ' --■ ■r ' r - fin x 54m, ordinary piuce 21/*;. Sale 10/6 ? Usual prices 10_d, 1/id. y 12in x ,sin, Duchegs ßunner; 8/9^ for 4/6." f Sale prices Bid, 10^d each. • 12in x 45in Duohess:. Runner, •' lo/6,",^for's/3. jci T' 1• t. -,*_ •_ 'j I. !.'<_■ _/_ ' l4iu x 45in- Sideboard Runner " 676, -for y V Cambric Embroidered Duchess Sets, 3/6. 3^3. ..-' „- • . *•' Vt Special Sale price 2/11. : r .7- Duches.. $ets, former^^^ price 3/6y Sale i M* "'".'' ' '--'^ ADAIR BRO^. :-__TO. ; i Gladstone Road - - Gisborne. 1 Telephotites : Upstairs .93-7.;; v : l)i6m^-ii.v ;^:£H'."::? k. M: LEWIS & SON -' ; 7>y --■-■.< . 1-4™^^'!^!.^.? : G-EY STREET, GiSBORNE, .]'.-; "■ ".:,- ff The Leading Auto Dt alfeis; k^====^^^^^^^^^^YMAVß THE ' LARGEST AND BEST /y^?^^ 7\ K*^ Af SELECTION TO CHOOSE -=r^_j_?U ' "'*"' ~^T •'■' -V ; /^y_-S__3 BIPORTANT ANNOIJNCE-MENT. ffiP£=^o^^*BK' ' "^ ' '- 'lY^Y^ Y^J^lll^^W ' Tlie Best Value Ever Offered. ' "'' V _"■ V^^ ' ' 'yj 9--"^ '■;' . "' ; r^ , '''^'"'t"^"^'''*V. -Y'-Y 'yY "'■' Yy : yYy y y '.-. SPECIAL.* :^''^"'''' : t We, are.agam enlarging our preniises, and vfiU have. new. Showrooms, which 1 will-jenable usto pra:oMcallv 'double - our Ua-rage space. -v.'-. .'. -'. '.-.■ : •„; -.-■'■'; l * -;'.--/* v'lv" y.z7:. yy v-. : "" "Wo will also h'okl Heavy Stocks of Tyres ajid Accessories for all makes of -Cars. ' : ' '■''.'**■-*' v ' y- <JUB> AGENCIES. 7; ■'.*.. .; .'••7 -7 y''y- : y ; ; v•x : ' ' -./ .. -v..;. .-, off A 1 V-^?iV\ 11^ o,^ or, ;" ni , fey choose' from, which -is unsurpassed m fche DomihiiSh^aAd,-fha^ ; 2S! J . AC ( 8 - c . vlmder ) HOLLIER (8-cylfnder) ".-.i ' " : OV__REAND '' "'-."■. .-''•• ... & ?JJ^J^ CALCOTT . .-- ' . , yy.r-V^Mr'^'.;;;''-'^'.'--'-, 7 l^™ 1 - 11 .--, a.c. y ......... 7-Vt ■... , .-,. f i7... woi^Ly.; ..,.- : ...;■. v - ?S /10 „. / :^^S?;^. a,ld 12-cylind.r) -" 7 E_JiPIRE (4 and. 6-cylinder) • J5S£ ( 12c y h "der) • JISPPEIRiY (4 and 6-cylinder) • STAR * ' ■ ' ' ?^TON-B)EiNNETT ' , ■ SCRIPPS-BOOTH W and 8-cylinderi.- - B^S/A. „*• m ■ v ~ S.C.A.T ■-»■•.» MITCHELL-LEWIS (^-cylinder) ] ': , ...: .. •*':■••■■- WE CORDIALLY INVITE INSP__C_36ir,\>V^? : ?."'"'^ „...:.;!;.; ■:,. A-; : M ....^er>^is;..,;;an J:; ■"-,. „: n _ ,\ XfIRECT BIPORTERS OF MOTOR CARS, TRUCKS/ -Sfß'-TRAmL^^^ •■■■■.; Yy,.,, -V „ '.:r.„.. 7'Phone 1009. ._ :y

SMUGGLED OUI-CES ' -*- — «►■■•■• ; .' • i, ■ V Fi_sh evidence; of. the straits to which even (Well-to-do pei-sons , are . r_duced -i' for ; fdod in'^Gei'mSny is^fhrtiishecVtbj'i'ah 'ex- ■ ceptionally .ywpll-in formed a*uthority.i' A: ( partner itr an * im^po. trirtt hankiin Berlin j, recently wrote to a- friend; m .America,! begging -him- *o send him 'occasional pack- j ets of rice and .cocoa .hidden in ')ie-wa-i papers, even if he could only send twoj or three ounces at a time. Infant mor-| tality is growing, school children are be--coming anaemic for lack of food/ men,! and w^sn* ffaihtf; iii. 'thev'Vti-feet^,' -and 'a ;- T) utoh doctor;' says that ,mo)i.t of , the. G ci* - ;' mans eijtei'ing -lfellaiid N 'r^ih'd - hihi of ! half -starved sailors picked up at seai Thef' poor m some parts are on the border ij of .starvation. :\Dh'e riots that have -t'^ken'-! place a-eceptly have been -moi*e serious than any that have preceded .them. : ■Hitherto the German people have^he6n buoyed up ,by- theii* belief m the aiib-'j marine menace* -to' Britain. If the U- 1 boat menace failsMt" will* hot be' suipr:--?.---ing 1 if despair at 'takes possfssion of the 'German mind. - ' ' V ' — ~ Nasal Catarrh' or Cold m the Head j comes with cold, wet weather. Don't j wait until it has a strong hold. tiponj you, but at the first sign use : Nazol freely;y Thousands'* have • proved its , worth.— 7 " ' I ' " [ Mr J. Pierpont : Morgan has made application for £500,000. life insurance, which is intended to protect Mr . Morgan's partners m their' mutual business ' interests as- well *as * for the! financier's. , personal protection. "• ' >\ There is no remedy for Throat and Chest troubles* that has' been tested so thoroughly and searchingly "as Nazol. It gets more' friends thel-'ipqre it is tried. If your throat trouble's you, use ■ Nazol.— l/ , . 7 ' ' lj The " : "German. Roman Catholic bishops authorised the suspension of a number of lj^aeter ceremonies for the "celebration of which 'holy oil iB-.htfcessaivy, owing, to lack; of _>ih , - . -•' -. •'••■'*' . ! . " * " '""■'.' \ ■ -yyyyWinter weather is hhrd oh the skin;, it makes the handa rough and lips chapped, but Nazol Ointment toothes, heals, and restores the sk i n. to. &.si^o,oth. pliable" condition.- -2. ' '.'.", '-,' "y'-Y .... ' r: '' . \, *. -. Americans-returriiiig-' feom Switzerland have informed the United, Sj^at. Ambassador at Home that-Bewe' is crowded with Germans and Geripan officers, who-, have already bought two ■-• hotels there. ' ; M . ' . .:■' > i# ; ■H pq' Influenza u^^ [ fHean^s Essence! jHTh 0 Qreft * Mopoy-Saving _temedy, V "|H Ladies heed not be troubled with chil- .'*. blains or chapped hands' if they use " Nazol Omtipehtj-egulntly., during the cold weather.— 4. .- 7 . k

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14347, 12 July 1917, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14347, 12 July 1917, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14347, 12 July 1917, Page 7