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Advertlsementa appearing In thli column, if not prepaid, will be booked and charged tariff rate*. . All -enquiries .In rererenoe^te ' Notices tap* pearlng ''ln this 'Column must bs 'aooompanled by the Number of the Advertisement. Telephone enquire, must be on 'Phone 527. Written Enquiries In referenoe to Advertisements appearing In these Oolumns must, be aooompanled by Stamped Addressed Envelope to ensure reply. WANTED— A Lad," to raako himself useful on Station and milk one cwv. — 'Apply Herald. . 195 T~%OMESTIC s^©kß good home, on farm, 'JLJ six to seven miles from town. — Address, "E.," Herald. 196 WANTED— TVo HousemiUde^Apply Gisborno Hotel. 205 WANTED— Smart Girl, to assist, in. shop. — Apply lloseniea'gy American' Soda Suloon. 199 ANTED, by Womau, engaged during day — Single Furnishoa Room. —Write, statini? terms, i,o 'Central," Herald Office. 203 (T^TANTFEI)-— Position, as Probationer, IVV i in Private Hospital. -r-Apply to "Willing," Herald Office. , __' 201 ITTTAjSiTED— A Woman, tt> do~Vrn*h'VV ing. — Api>ly 355 Palmerston Rd. 'Phone 1132. _ _^189 fYi:T(ANTE(D-^Situatioii, as Cook, on a I VV-'- Station: good bread-baker. — Apply "C.F.A.," Ngatapa.__ 215 WANTED— Cook-General, for family of three adults; no washing. — Apply, forenoon, or evening, Mrs T. E. Toneycliffe, 17 Russell Street 154 "\TOUNG Man requires situation of any JL desca'iption, in, or near town; ineligible for aotive service. — Audren N.o._s,_Herald OflSce. 150 •\*TANTHD— Youiig Girl, w WaTtress. VV, —Apply Keliing worth Boaa-ding House, J^ita^ 183 WiANITSD, for three months— Capable • Cook-General ; small family ; near Tolaga; wages 25s.— Apply Herald Office. __ 185 WANTED— A Ploughman. — Ai»ply 1 A. J. Cameron, Pouparae. Telephono 142K. . ,168 TXT ANTED— Manrto~gardeiron~ SU- • W tion and niilk for house. — Apply Loan and Mercantile. 163 WANTED— Assistant Waitress.— Ap- . ,ply_ Royal Hotel. 179 WANTED— Strong Lad, to learn the trade. — Apply Findlay, Pastryc'ook. 177, TTITAIJ^TED — Housemaid - Waitress ; VV good 1 - home a«d no work. — Aipply 181 Gladstone Road. ' 173 WANTED— A Man, able to milk and ■ kill, for Paparatu Station; good wages and bonus. — Apply A. W. Spence. Telephono 712K. ' 171 WANTED— Capable Help, for coun " try ; small family.— Apply Herald Office. 142 T\ TtANTEib—Capable Man, for position ,VV of skid and tallyman, country mill.— Apply Geo. Smith, Builder, Glad, stone Road. v , 128 WANTED^A~Cook, for Caan£; wage* £2 10s a week and found ( T-Ap--s^ly John • Mouat, Surveyor, Adams' buildings. 136 W^^'TED— Married ""Couple, for Station work. — Apply Loan and Mercantile, or i-ing Thorn* No. 488K* „-( J 29 WANTED — Sereral good Generals (25«y, Cowboys (355), Men/Cookp (£2), Housemaid*- (22si od.U, WftitjresßeJsi {22s 6dj, I^adyhelps' (Si), ■.:Ofipls tttJassiSf (17s 6d); Aid Cooks: (30s);vMarri«a' Cdu* pies (£l69}. Good wages to good Befrants.— A'pply Elite Registry, 313 Glad gtone Road. 'Phone 1007. ' ; ISB WANTED, by young lady— Board ; private family preferred. — Address, No. 6, Herald. 167 ■pRIVATE Board-ResTdence, 267~Aber--XT deen Road, near British Laundry. I Vacancy for one steady tiudesman. Bath, all .conveniences. 193 fTTTTiANTED— House, 3^47ooms7with IVV acre or more groundT; near town pit-forred. — "Hex," this office. 209 WANTED — House~s~o~6 rooma, good section, for term of years. — Apply Box 17 a G.P.0., Gisborn*. 114 WANTJED— Pastry Butter. —J. B. Knowlos, Piccadilly Tea Rooms. _ . __. 211 fT?URS.— AII 'kinds of "*Furs remodelled Jj ■ into the latest style by an expert London Furrier. — 31 Ormond Road, near GaiTison Hall. 210 TO SEI/L— Standing crop of- Maize; ai'ea about 20 acres.—^Apply Hobbs, Orrnond 1 . 165 •T?(0R SALE— Lady's Bicycle, cheap.— JJ _ Apply Herald Olfice. . 194 FOR SALE — Double-seated Bugg.y (good as new), cheap. — Apply at ' Herald. 133 FpRS.— All kinds oi Furs remodeilel into the latest stylo by an' expert ' London Furrier.— 3l Ormond Roatl, near Garrison Hall, ....... 113 / /~\NLY £470 for modern Dwelling, 6 \y rooms, Ballance- Street; sewerage and electric liglit, nice section, good locality.— rJames Innes, Lowe Street. FPUND, last Half Collie~Dog, wall eye. If not claimed! and ex--1 pen sea paid in seven days will be *sold , to defray same. — W. O'ConneU, Manga- . papa Station. 121 ';T OST— Biaek" Slut~vvith buff "oyer'eyes, fJLi muzzle, cliain and rope attached; answers name "Swandc." Reward.—. James' Store, Kaiti. , 208 LOST— Yellow Dog ; answers name of I "Tweed." — Please communicate J. 1 1*. Clarke, Matawai. v - 153 j T OST, some time during last week — ' Xjl Lady'a Brown Fur. * — ' Reward on ; kindly returning 'to Herald Office. 178 ! T OST from Makaraka.. — Bay Mare , ■ 4 Pony, scar, on neck, on© white ; fetlock.— Finder rewarded, apply No. 10 'Stout Street. _ 151 7TIHE HOME OF INDUSTRY, corner X of Carnarvon Street and Gladstone , ltoqd. 'Phone 1176. 158 T INEN MABKING OUTFri'.— Yom !> JUI own name, bottle of reliable mark- | ing ink, and pad complete for 2/6 ; poetI ed 2/9. — Agent, Thomas Adams. Packets~3d76d7 !JD la, 2s 6d, and 6s ; every stamp difj ferent. Packet of 250 Stamp Mountß ,6d. Large selection of high-priced Stamps to choose from. — Agent: Thos. Adams. L~ADIES' AND GIRLS' COATS, i RAIN COATS, COSTUMES, UNDWRCLOTHtNG, . AT MELBOURNE CASH. lf\ 'CEDAR POLISH MOPS— A splen\V/ did investment for the busy houseM'ife; 6/6 and 9/6.— At Pettie'a. 79 ITTAVE you a Disc Talking Machine? <XX Then call and hear our new Zonophone Recoi'ds. Finest stock in Oisborne. — Chrisp's. I TTIOLiNS.— Chrisp's have a full stock I V of Violins, (from 20s upwards. Call and inspect. — Chrisp's. i A STRACHAN, in shades of~caT'(T[nnl xlu brown, blue,, cream and black, 56 inches, 15/6 yard, at Pettie's. 79 AT VAUTIER'S.— Seeded Raisins" 7/3, iv dozen, Sultanas 8/9, Currants 7/3. Prunes 6/6, Canterbury Chaff 5/11. Edmonds' Baking Powder 15/6. AT VATJTIER'S.— Soap, Brown Windsor 1/- a dozen, .Ecttraets 1/6 a dozen, Peerless 14/6 a case, Duchess Toilet 3/4 doz., Eleotrk SandTSoap 3/6. SEE the Beautiful Trimmed"" Model Hats, worth 21/ , U>r 15/6 in the window at Pettie'n. 79

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14286, 1 May 1917, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14286, 1 May 1917, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14286, 1 May 1917, Page 1