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Mr. A. C. Steele, who has been on a visit to Wellington, has returned to dishorns after a. very rough journey overland from Napier b^ motor-car.

Mr F. S. Malcolm 1 has received word by mail that his daughter, Nurser^Mulcolm, who had been reported ill, had resumed duty at the Walton-on-Thames hospital.

Lieutenant A. •Sotindy, formerly head master of Makauri school, has. been promoted to captain. Lieutenant Soundy went to the front with the 15th Reinforcements.

The dredger Maui arrived at Auckland at 10 a.m. yesterday after a smart passage .of 43 hours. Tlie work of overhaul will bs pushed oh as quickly as possible to facilitate the Maui's return.

After the 30th. reinforcements leave on tlie 29ith. inst., the Gisborne drafts will proceed to camp every four weeks, and they will probably leave on the midweekly steamers instead of on Sundays as previously.

The New Zeal&nd Loan and/Mercantile Agency Go^.^td., announce that the clearing sale which, was to have been held on account of Mr. J. N. Lane, at Ngaitapa, on Friday next, has bean cancelled. ''."•' .'-v .; . ' '

The members of the,. No. 3 Medical Board (Colonels Guthrie and Fulton), with tha\ attesting' officers, are expected .to arrive at " ' Gisborne m time. to. commence an examination* at 9 a.m.' to-, morrow. -There are. about' ISO men to be examined, and the Board will remain at Gisborne two oi* 1 three days. The Gisborne Squadron, of Mounted Rifles who .are going to the annual train- ' ing camp at Hastings leave , next. Wednesday week, and return on the 25th. They aro not . taking . horgss, as , mounts are being provided by the Hastings squadron, but they have to take. saddles and bridles. .Commissioner and Mi's! • Hodder, Lieut.-Colonel Bray, Major . Toomer, and Ensign Suter, are .expected ;■ to visit Gisborne m about a' fortnight's itime. The Commissioner will open the renovated Salvation- Army Citadel, and preside at the band's annual tea, and he and Mrs. Hodder will give special, addresses on the Avar. > The following recruits passed a s fit on Satui'day and were attested: ? Roy' Oruickshank, single, 20 years, station -hand, Gisborne (31st Reinforcements) ; Ernest Harold : DferitOn,* single, 34 . years, sheepfarmer, Rakaurba (32hd Reihfbrcements); Frederick John McDonald, single, 20 years, clerk, Gisborne, (32nd Reinforcements). A statutory meeting.' of. the Harbor jßoard -will be held on. Monday next; 7th prox., for the purpose of electing a chairman for the ensuing, year. .."' The question of the appointment of -the' engineer-secretary will also come up for consideration. This! will form the first meeting of thaJßoard' since the election. Tlie Native Land Purcliase officer,. Mr. W. EL Goffe, who has -recently been busy operating m the Wairosu* .diatrict; \ is leaving for th^ Coast' shortly to Complete the **urohase of ; therHurik?s blocks%>Si4so acres;*, between: Tikitiki thud the -Gtoss Roads. It is understood the Department willi^-shortly initiate a the pin-chase ofi;! a fuither desirable area^ of special interest both: to the Coast' and the Wairoa dis-. tricts. ■ ■'■ fi'fi. ; fi' ; '■ The aniiual'! meeting of! the Beekeepers' Associatibh was held on. <&tuirday afternoon, there being al good ."attendance of members. \Th6 ; balance-sheet disclosed a satisfactory credit balance. The election of officers resulted m Mr Geo,! Stevenson being re-appointed chairman, and Mr J. B. Adams honorary secretary. A considerable amount of routine business was .transacted j, it being decided to fix the price of hon&y for the season at 12s per dozen pots. ' , . -

The monthly sitting., of the Magistrate's Cfc>m^ wa s held at -T<v Karaka, before Mr. W. A. Barton, S.M., to-day. A, nubiber of . cases .-. were set down', but they were mostly adjourned or struck out. Judgment was given for plaintiff by default m the following actions: W. A. Leach (Mr. Kinder) v.. H. G. Hooper, ! £2 6s and costs 13s; A. M. Lewis (Mr.! Kinder) v. Thursday (native),. £2 49s 4d and costs £1 4s,* same v. Haata,,£l7 3s 4d and costs £2 0s 6d ; same v. JEomene Brown, £5 3k 6d and costs? £1 12s 6d ; B. Taylor (Mr.* Kinder) v.' Reuben Brown • order for 'Immediate payment 1 of £15 lis 9d; m miMt ,16-days*' imprisonment. Two., jyiijgment summonses were struck out" owing to tjio non-ap-pearance, ofi tlie j udgment . creditors.-. I Tine* members of 'the© '29th Reinforce 1 -' iments who left for ca^p; on Safbbnjay pight ' were gjyen an enthusiastic fare*well.'' •" On' ! Satnrday „a!f£eraoon: .tlie men. jwere presented jwith the .usual gifts; and ,when they paraded agahrsit 8 p.m. they •were by W«*s&ij' the Mayor (Mi* Sherratt)^.wjjo,, on behalf of the citizens, wished them . Go'd-spßed and a safe return. Headed by the City jßand' and, National Ileseryes the !, rein--foroements marched to !thei^ wharf,, to jpmbark on tlie s.s. Mako. There was jthe usual Saturday'- night crowd of people m town, and. as the men m4rch«)d Jdown Gladstone Rood, they were-cheeretL At the wharf there was a big crowd assembled, and m .addition to the apjpropiate airs played! by ithe band, ssvjerAl- patriotic songs were -sung, the soljdiers and publio all joining m. There ;was further cheering as the! little [steamer drew away from' the wharf. | According to statements made. By "Mr Collins, general secretary of the [Bakers' Union, who is' at-, present on a visit to Hawke's Bay, there are to be imore restrictions introduced shortly, The nature of the regulations is to prevent : the_ manufacture of pastry and all .sinrilax* confections,, and ? prevention of bread waste and the saving of : man, ■power and' money! It* is proposed I '.tb open bread depots at suitable* places-. in .town where all. the bakers .will. take! their bread 1 for consigners to 'call ' for, • each baker being allowed one. cart*, for.. the purpose. The reasons for the restrictions have not been advanced except that it is reported that the steps about to be taken are the result of a-: request by the Imperial Government. The matter; is to be discussed at a combined meeting: of the men and 1 masters. In some quarters it is held that the object is to .save .floui*,j mothers thought to. ,be< the outcome, of the necessity. to: release; urgently need-? Ed men for the front; others jthink that the main object is to safeguard 1 the present low stocks of coal.

Ihere da m tin's country a. certain amount of unspoken, unheard opposition to the wai* and opposition, to tjie sol-* ,d?er, 6 aid Mr. D. Seymour,' 7^meral secretary of the Now Zealand Returned boldiers Association, on Wednesday night m Wellington. "I- do' not refer merely toa certain sccUon of organised labor. That opposition to the- soldier does not find- voice at thevpresent. time. It cannot make itself heard through the newspapers or m any other way. But notorious that there are throughout New Zealland men whose voices have been most conspicuously sillent on iwar topics, and whose haiids have not been lifted m furtherance of the work m which we-are engaged. At the close of this war those men are going to conic out into the open, We shall have to face an amti-soldier party,, and . that , will particularly be the case if!'- heavy, taxations is required to provide for the needs of the' disabled . soldier, tho wi dows, and the orphans. I want to warn returned soldiers and the patriotic portion of the public that the situation I have indicated is bound to arise. It behoves us to provide against it. The great need of the moment is this, to {jet some clear definitions of what constitutes a fair deal for the soldier."

The takings at- the Red Cross shop on Saturday totalled £124 9s sd.

An increase m the price of gas (by tho reduction, of discount) is notified-

Mr E. P. Mountfort acknowledges the f olowiug donations to the . Y. IvhQ.A. Trench Comfort Fund : PrevK**wJy acknowledged £1132 13s lid, D. Pame £10-£U42 13s lid. -

During this month, up to 9 n,.in. io* day, rain had fallen kt Gisborne on 11

days, the total rainfall being 1.98 inches. For April last year 2.21 inches of rahi was recorded on 8 days. . j It is proposed' to extend' the functions of the Gisborne CHiess . Club to include drapghts, and tlie matter, is t6 be gone. I into at a meeting of chess, and draughts players tp he held m the chess-room on Friday 'evening next: All draughts -players are cordially invited. Pursuant to the Fire Brigades Afefc an election by the insurance: companies/ of three members of the Gisborne Fire (Board will be? held . on May 21- Tlw : .present representatives- are Messrs E. Adair, T. Tborne Gteorge; and A. , S; Wachsmann. .During this month, up to noon to-day, 'fi 54 births. (30 females and 24 males) avere, registered at Gisborne. Twenty-three of the. babies belong to the town, and 31 '.to -the. -country. For the same month last year 47 births were registered. TWe number of "deaths registered this, month were 12 and marriages 16, as agaiiut 14 and 17 respectively for April of last • year. The flailing;, industry at is .threatened with extinction* ih ' consequence of the present railway conditions. All the men are idle, losing^, £1000 weekly because the Railway/ Department will, not carry the fi?h p^t*.l]aumarunui, where their market lies. A deputation waited on ithe Borough Council and explained the position, after which urgent messages were sent to the Minister for Railways and* Marine. Sir Jame» Allen has seint the followI ing cable message to the Admiralty:: "The aictirtg-Premier desires to sand the following message: New Zealand: is thrilled with thei account of' action* off Dover. He desired to send congraihla-' <tions to the Admiralty and particularly to Commander Evans, who. is. well ..xe- .** membered m tliis country, and to Ccimy mander Peck. Please convey . pur sym-vi pathy to the" wounded and hopes, forb their speedy- recovery to continue theirs; heroic career which will be an exampleh and an inspiration to all/ ''.fififi , *?'* • A conviction was recorded,- against th* 1 ; 1 proprietors of th<* Auckland Weektjtf'; News on a .charge urujer the War;:Re--gulations of publishing, a statement re- 1 * I**1 ** •garding. the departure of a transport,, giving., the date. The Crown Splifcitbrji! explained; that the breach was due- io in-. v .advertence,, defendants believing 1 . thatjW the permission to publish such inforina-.j; tion after, the lapse of? a fortnight (givenj! 'early m. the sv&r period), was stul inig. force. The magistrate said he had no^ doubt the breach was due t*r inadver-y tence. Defendants- were drdered' to pay^' costs. .?;'

An Anzact, dance was held, m .the)?! Mbtuhora stlhbol * rooni m -bonoi* of our';? Colonial bdvs on. .Satwdax , night. Aprils nai O l ■■ • ■■"TV"' U: rtelT-n. »iVV'qy* c *'' • * -iw>,*>-«!*. 28th, owing to the 25th being moonyem-i • ent to outside mill employees attending. Much £redifc is due to the married people, the ladies': willing; provision of a nice hand-round' supper, , and their husbands' willing tendering ' of their half-crowns as well. An energetic committee had the floor an splendid dancing order. Mr T. Wells made an excellent M.C. As a result of the lialf-crowrta'* tendered, by the mill hands and MdtU-' 'bora' combined, and 'a donation of £2 2s by Mr. and Mrs Thos. Quirk and a, little canvassing of the Motu resiiderits, who responded willingly, the Wounded (Soldiers! Association will benefit behvecn £7 and £8 when tfye' final settlement? ?\ takes, place.: ."; fifi' ''fifi'- . .\ A wmarkabie case, of frcisoning {^rising , ' from a bee. stingy oocuiTed .locally '■ qtoite recently.. The^'. unfortunate^ rictint. was a little* girl/. yfche daughter? of a local resicfenti The ohiid had been a»' 'frequenst 1 " visitor to ail adjacent apiary, and as far as is known had; iievier previously beeu attacked. : Qn this occasion, singularly enough, them were "very few bees about, but one of the few .stun£ the child on tlhe Jiead. ...Tfcef iittleysfiiTs cries immediately aittracted attention, land the' sting; was reipjoved' minute of the attack.. That the eißEecfa" of- the sting were?i of *^6eripus ( nature was soon apparent,! as -the. chiijd quickly collapsed. * fto. time was' loet m • sumnibniiig.medicaL.assistance, t the child being reduced to" a ©eniii-coiaseious state.* An hour or twoi laiter/it . was noticed that the child's' condition' w&s not improving, and. on the doctor arriving for tlie- second time) he>prou**jip)bl^remove the patient, to a. private liospdlal, where fully a week elapsed before the little girl was able "to.*, ibe moved home. From what cam be gathered, the stingy was evidently) implanted m avitaLartery, which rapidly transmitted poison through the system. ■ t . fifififi ■.>. yy

The Waihirere Maorj • P&triotici Committee.: held, ai. veiy successful , dance last. Thursday evening. l*he patronage ac-' corded 'tlie' spoial £ during,: such .-miserable weatiher exceeded' the most sariguiile expectations. ,%he pliie| ! oharactenstic feature, of ; v the rsociaF- waa the itt&'oductiou of Maori hak'as during' intervals. . ■.-. fi-Tfty audience was so impressed By the in*-. | tense fervor displayed • by the performers that the spacp m fro^t of them was jf usilladed ; withi silver corns; The *■ tidy sum of -JB6 : w»s reaHsed'in* this way. Mr T. Bayly, who is leavinc\houtly for (Trentham, was: honored with, a haka. It is ( quite unnecessary to point out any individual fory special ' mentipii: as eaoh bne discharged his port, .with, oonsunjjnate skill. After the supper* adjournment* the- "waltz competition.' ' _was , put jthrpugh several stages, v aiid j|^sife Wiljliams and Kerekere awarded i first prize .to Tapeta and Mrs.. Brown (To Karaka), Who patriotically returned, the; prize* .to -the* committee. Dancing; wae continued . till, daylight. The proceeds' ,pf the: social s amounted, to £50;. whi^ihclud&f> a generous .donation of, £10.! ,by. ,',Str.Mander and one. /of-. £2-, by,M**,,FuJtqr>,; / both Waimata* gentlemen,* 6w»er v 'gfN»err' ous contributions to ithe .Social, . we»ft:. TV Karaka natives £2, c^if-* Bayly £1* Putiki £1, Turangi ■ Hinaki- £k „- Mlki !■- Hetekia £1> Hepi Tipwna- filyJArs Mini Kei-ekere £1, R. Pi^ulCs JI. .Whare*. ngaio ss. • The money qerived from . socials of the committee •«*#! held, m $rust to be devoted later on to .the Maori Wounded Soldiers' FiriidV It is tlie intention of tjie committee to hold socials once monthly ,thi*oUghoifttH6%4^ period;

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14285, 30 April 1917, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14285, 30 April 1917, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14285, 30 April 1917, Page 2