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Advertisements appearing m this oolumn if not prepaid, will be teooked and charged tariff rates. All enquiries In rererenee to Notloes appearing In this Oolumn must be acoompanied by the Number of the Advertisement. Telephone enquiries must be on 'Phone 627. Written Enquiries m referenoe to Advertisements appearing m these Oolumni must be acoompanied by Stamped Addressed Envelope to ensure "reply. WANTED— Cbok-General, for familj of three adults; no washing.--Apply, forenoon or evening, Mrs T. E. Toneycliffe, 17_ Russell Street. 15A WANTED— Two" Howeanaids.— Apps Masonic Hotel. 168 YO'UNCr Man. requires situation of an^ description., m or near town ; in* eligible for active service. — Address, No. ,s,_Herald Office. " 160 WANTED— Work, by the day," b^ capable married woman.— Apply Telephone 996. . 182 W" ANTED— Young Garl, m Waitress; — Apply Keldngworth Boarding House, Kkiti. 183 ANTED, for three months— Capable Cook-General - small family* near Tolaga; wages 25s.— Apply HeraJd Omce- / 185 WANTEtD— A Plo-aghmanT— App.-j 1 A. J. Cameron, Pouparae. Telephone 142 K. 16£ TXTjANTED— ManT t-o~ garden on Sta> •VV tion and milk for house. — Applj Loan and Mercantile. I^2 WANTED— Assistant" Waitress.— Ap: ply Royal_Hotel._ 17£ WANTED--Strong Lad, to learn t-hf tr,ade. —^Apply Findlay, Pastry cook. *■"* 17,1 W" ;ANTED — Housemaid-. Waitress i good- honie and no work. — Applj 181 Gladstone Road. 172 ANTED— A Man, able to milk and ' kill, for Paparatu Station; good wages and bonus.— Apply A. W. Spenoe. Telephone 712 K. * 173 WANTED— Capable Help, for coim* try ; amall family.— Apply Herald Office. ''"..' 14J T^TIANTED—Capable Man, for position ! , W of skid ajid taliyniau, oountr^ j mill.— Jlpply Geo. Smith, Builder, Glad. , stone Road. 12}; WAINTEDTXCookTfor Camp; wagei dG2 10s a week and found.— Apply John Mouat, Surveyor, Adams i Buildings. lZi j 'CXfANTED— Married OoupleTfor' Staj V T " • tion work.— Apply Loan and Mer- * cantile, .or ring 'Phone No. 488 K. 129 j^iirANTED— A Housemaid.— Apply tc ! VV.i Mrs Foote, Roys' High School Rectory. 97 WANTED — A kind, motherly person, to look after healthy baby girl (6 'months old). — Apply at once to * 'Anxious/^ Herald. ' 100 WANTKD— Smart Girl, for office; knowledge of bookkeeping .and typing essential; easy position.— Apply "X.," Herald Offioe. " , 93 [TITANTED, at onoe— Furnished Cot- !■■ VV • tage j couple; rent £1 per week; central;— Apply J 'Cottage,'^ Herald. 107 [WANTED — Child's Tourist Ort; '" VV ! good price given.— Send particulars to Mrs W. Wildish, 26 Ormond Road. 74 WANTED — Sereral good Generals (255), Cowboya (355), Men Cookß (£2), Housemaids (22s 6d), "Vyaitreeiaes (22s 6d), Lady helps (jDI), Girls to aseiet (17s 6d), 2nd Cooke (30s), Married Oou- , pies (£133). Good wages to good aervants.— 4ppjly Elite R%istry >fc |l3-eUad« ytone Road. 'Phone UXJfy^sy&ffii^ WANTED, ljy young iiiiiiy^oard ;• private family c preferred.-^Ad--1 dress, No. 6, Herald." fififi.:} '-■-'■'■,■■ fi-lj&i WANTED — House7"s or 6~room»i good seotion, for term of years. -4 Apply Box 17, G.P.0., Gisbprne. 114 fYTTANTED, to SeU— Gent's Bicycle, \fi\\j Eadies parts and Coastal huh, almost new ; prioe £6 10s.— Apply Frank Marsden, Lysnar's Buildings. '96 WANTED, to Sell— QuaintT Settee ; ■; > also small Duchess Cheat; price £3 10s.— For address, apply Herald. 176FOR SALl>— New 10ft Counter, cheap. Apply 363 Gladstone Koad. 157' TO SELL— Standing crop of MaizS ; area about 20 acres. — Apply Hobbs, Ormond. ' 155. FOR SALE. — Double-seated Bugg v (good as new), cheap.— Apply at' , Herald * J-53 FOR SALE— Geni's 1 Bicycle, m good order.— Apply Herald, : or 19 Clifford Street. , _ . 118 nppß SALE-^SectionT^plendid'build-Jj ' • ihg* site, best part Harris Street ; river view; no reasonable offer refused. —Apply 301 Aberdeen and Cobden Streets. __ _ _fi 77 FPRS.— All ldndrofi^Furs remodellel into the latest style by an expert I London Furrier, — 31 Ormond Road, near . Garrison HaU- 1 .133 ' : //^NLY £470 for modern . Dwelling, o •\J rooms, Ballance Street; sewerage and electric light, nice section, good locality. — James Lines, Lowe Street. FIOUND," laet'month— Half Collie Dog. wall eye. If not claimed and, expenses paid m seven days will be sold to defray same. — W. O'Connell, Mangapapa Station.. 121 FIOUND, on my property, Pouparae — One Steer, .2 Heifers. Owner can have same by paying expenses. — W. H. Jones. . 78 LOST — Yellow Dog; answers name of [ "Tweed." — Please, communicate J. B. Clarke, Matawai. fi ■ 153 LOST, some time during last weekLady's Brown Fur. — Reward on • kindly returning to Herald Office. 178 LOST, between Redstones' Stables and Fox Street— Pair Leroy L&ggings. — i Finder please return to Herald. 176 LOST— Gold Bar Brooch, soroll'and stones m centre, between Hotel Coronation and No. 13 "ffirini Street. Reward. — Apply Hotel Coronation. 82 LOST, at Palace Pictures— Baby's Brooch (christening present)/ Keward.— Apply Herald Office. ( 94 LOST from — Bajr Mare Pony, scar on neck, one white fetlock.— Finder- rewarded, apply No. 10 Stout Street. _ _ _ 151 THE HOME OF INDUSTRY, corner of Carnarvon Street and Gladstone Road. 'Phone' 1176. 158 T y INEN MARKING OUTFIT.— Youi ,jU(, own name, bottle of reliable mark ingnnk, and pad complete for 2/6; poated 2/9. — Agent, Thomas Adams. FOREIGN STAMPS.— Packets 3d, 6d, Is, 2s 6d, and ss ; every stamp different. Packet of 250 Stamp Mounts 6d. Large selection of high-priced Stamps to choose from. — Ajrent: Tho*. Adams. * __ :T ADIES 5 AND GIRLS 1 COATS. ;tU JtAIN COATS, COSTUMES, UN--1 DBRCLOTHiKG, AT MELBOURNE CASH. IQKA ACRES, O.R.P. at £1; about lt/t/U 600 acres m grass; price £2 10s * per. acre • terms arranged.— J. Todr'w Witty. 78 Lowe Street. , O'CEDAR POLISH MOPS— A splendid investment for the busy housewife; 6/6 and 9/6.— At Pettie's/ 79 AYE you a Disc Talking Machine? Then call and hear our new Zonophone Records. Finest stock m Gis-born©.—^-Chrisp's. y lOLlNS.— Chrisp's have a full stock of Violins, ifroim !20s upwards. Call and iiispect. — Chrisp's.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14285, 30 April 1917, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14285, 30 April 1917, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14285, 30 April 1917, Page 1