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Tlie next Board is expected) to sit at; Gisborne .about the> Ist of May.

Reginald Eric Wleston, single, 20 yeai£, carpenter. Gisborne, "was passed as medically fit and attested at the Garrison. Hall yesterday. 'r>

Richaa'dson and *co.s Tangai'oa, Avliioh aiiives from Napier this afternoon, brings back the local territorials' from camp.

Sub. -Inspector Johnston who has been attending .the Supremo Court at Hamilton, m connection with the perjury cases arising out of .the Rua .trial, returned to Gisborne last night.

( Twe men, one from town and one from the country, who were yesterday committed to a mental hospital, were taken south, last night by Constable 'Morris. ' '. \ I ' ■ ' Three building permits were -issued by the Cook County authorities during ■ l nnA n £ or i» ll *Win«B f?f ■• stated valw. ol £2402. The, total. for the previous three months (ending April 30) was nine, total value £6409.

The County 'chairman, .Mr. F. J. Lysnar, M-aa to-day appointed by tjie Uook County Council as a' representative oil the Hospital and. , Charitable Aid' ■Board in.plflkjb of Mr. W. J. McCliskie tlie latter having, resigned to contest a tforongh seat-, for/ whioh ,he was duly elected on Wednesday.

; .Iliat, the Cook County Council piobuors.Anth hf6 linfes attached one to #6 .statjonM on th e "Haiuiti sideahd Tqlaga Bay side respectively, and one to be cdrried on the punt at "all times, m view or . any further "accident occurring dWing the cbming winder." By' the direction of the Minister >of justice, the above rider .to fte verdict of the jury at thft. recent Tolaga Bay inquest Was transmjttßd to the Cook County Council to-day— Cr. Reynolds stated that the way-ttoe^errr was now being was absolutely :imnecessaryi The' boat was ■ towed, ..alongside; f,he punt, and there was I not nniclr chance of the punt capsizing. He moved that no adtion bo taken.— Cr. i lombleson urged that the recommendation be given, effect to, and moved an amendment to this effect.— Cr. Jones se^iided.— Cr. Reynolds considered the expenditure (probably £24) was unnecessary, as the ferry had previously been run for years and no accident had occurred. . In view of the opinion of councillors he withdrew his motion.— The amendment was carried, Messrs Reynolds and Holdeiiv being m the negative.

Tlie Maui was expected to sail this! afternoon for Auckland to undergo her annual overhaul. ' J ' ' . '

The secretai'y of the Defence Committee to-day received £62 lls Id from the Town Clerk, being the amount of the collection taken up on Anzac Day m aid of the Wounded 'Soldiers' Fund.

A charge of driving a motor car round the coiner of Peel street and Gladstone road on the wrong side of tlie road, on the 16th , inst., was preferred against William Grice Sherratt at the Magistrate^ Court this morning. A fine of JBI and costs 7s was imposed.

At Matamata. ftyo boys, who -were riding home from school "double banked," collided with' a telegraph pole and one of them, Thomas William I^tzgerald, '. sustained serious injuries >to his head, which proved fatal. He died the following morning. . , ;- ,

The Women's., National^ Reserve is everywhere taking up the' work of entertaining.the "wives and mothers of New' Zealand soldiers. On Saturday the Wanganui branch gave an afternoon for the women folk of soldiers who have gone from that town.:. •

Mr J. A. McDoiialdf, ' Elngineer-jSecre-tary of the Harbor . Board, has <been advised by the: 'secretary of the -Marine Department thai Messrs' A. ' H. Wallis and R. G. HaUamorejJiaye been re-ap-pointed Government representatives on the Gisborne Haa'bor Board for a term of three years, from the" '2sth inst.

The meeting hes .at ih©: Scottish hail last night for the purpose' of making arrangements for getting petitions signed for 6 o'clock closing was'weill attended. The Rev. F. W...,Oiattertott presided, btqdng reasons were urged for makings another efforMa. rouse .the.GoVernmentf from its apathy on. this^ question. Every other part of the Empii-e :js ewake iv some measure to. its importance,, whereas New Zealand is conspicuous for : its slowness to take any steps. This applies to the Government chiefly, for there is a very strong feeling throughout the country that grave weakness has been shown vi tackling this important problem. ,THe meeting- took steps to britig the petition for 6 o'clock closing during the war and for six months after to the notice of all throughout the electorate. •

. A telegram from Wliangarei on Tuesday stated : For the third' time since its inauguration, th«r. hyth^o-electttc power station near 'the W&ua JFalis'has 'been inundated by flood waters and once again Whangarei is; witK6ut Ught and power. A(j 11 a.m. yesterday tlie stream had risen to within 7ft of the station, at ,4.30 p^.m. it was,, within , 3ft, and thereafter it rose a^ thp rate of 15in per hoiir. At 9.30 p.m. there \ depth of nearly 3ft of w^ter , insida tie Jbuilding, rendering the machinery inoperative; An hour later the precaution had been taken to lift the two -small nmchWsi; f 'V When the water has gone down sufliciently, current from these smaller, machines. .will be, used to- & ry^th'e .twoVlarger: m#chinea^ winch oould not ibe moved, ' aridi were consequently under- waiter,; .No electric light is available to-night, but it is believed that it may bo restored £o-morrow night. , -■'■ ■ .

A very successful /entertainment was held m the Ma^gapapa/ Methodist Hall last night. The- programme -was a very pleasing and varied^ one. Songs were sung by Mrs. Fry/ Mrs. Hill, and Mr. Lynes, Mr;- Carter^av© a comic song, Messrs Goldsmith and Lynes sang a. duet, aaid instrumental items were given by Mr. Moore (on the 'cello and mandoline). After refreshments had been ''partaken of, the Boy 'Scouts gave a most interesting camp-five entertainment. Lights were tuvned <ut, ■.■fop only' ;©he remaining- behi^ that 'of tlfo, camp "'ss, where the ; billy was' : t>oiling. v A buglecall \yas heard m th<j> distance, and tMb the boysi cam© mai'cning m. When they wetie settled the scoutmaster asked them to sing,, and led off with "Lone Trail," the boys joining m the chorus. A irecitation was then given by -Scout Holumby. "Trentham was surig-vby 'Scout T. Matthews, with chorus. Scout Allan Matthews recited, "Boots, „ Rifle, and Pack." Various bugle calls were given by. the boys, and a variety of DLttle jokes were interspersed among the musical items, the entertainment, concluding with the National Anthem.

Notification was received by the Oook County Council to-day from Mr. W. A. Baa>toii, S.M.'J of his as Oonunisioner, ; under the , Public „ V^orks Act, to into and report on the afpportionment'of cokt of^maiiitain.injp- certain roads a-rld' bridges m the Mangapapa , town ■ district. Th© enquiry WjoMd comnignce on Monday, May 14, at 11 a.m. "Cr. Witters, contended that th^i county roads had' been more seriously damaged carting for Manga-papa- requirements during the. wet season. &»n all the County carting through Mangapapa. Tlie cartihg li^d "r^ulted m N the j County roads Tserng reduced' to a .worse condition (than,, they had" been* for many y«ars. He 1 suggested 6Videnc& could Jbe called, to this etfect. T^e County overseer, m reply to a "'question, said he could give,. evidence to this effect,. .The bhajirman '. said iie^'i.'Jjact aw>rised- thej (XMcirs^soiicitor^f,' this f iact, ' with / a« vx&dt^ toj_callinc .evidence.! ' Witters • sai<i; %e had seeii .ifiree' times inTbrte day i; teams lbeirig t jbogged having ;-to : be' hauled out'wifh ,tKe ai^ pf'tihe, leaders' of other teams. \He Wd- seen a team actuaMy jbogged on. tb^ main j X'oad:' at Makauii,' anj all (i^hi^,,Trias' d'u^,t6 Manga-cai-ting. Hte' 'considered • that instead of a claim against the County, the boot was on the other foot. I<| was agreed to '-•pi&jio^ "the 'a)i|.fter^ tji© Council's 'solicitors.----A^ "a. '"' lafoi'.' stage of the meeting ,the Council considered the OyerAeer's report on theosubjeipt of the .effected to. ( \m% countfy ix>ads, together witti; lii« tq" Consider the nxaking' of a claim on Mangapapa,—After^ ;,ftu*tl»r discussion, the matter was 'referred to the phairttian-to consult the solicitor', with 'ia view to making »\ claim.-— The ., Qvei-seer remarked that the Council used about a irn'le of Mansapapa road, and! Mangapapa tised miles of bounty' rba'd. ih ' carting' gravel. -j^r. /Witters .pamted.-QUt that an, account for £200 to b©- paid j^-day ™r for repairs which iri coiteequehce of the carting could now/ hardly be seen. N ■

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14283, 27 April 1917, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14283, 27 April 1917, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14283, 27 April 1917, Page 2