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•^^^'^^^^^^^^'fl9^-^^>_^'^lti^^ l tl!^ J C_H_i _^^^^^^^^^ - I . - ' •"?'•__ y>B!g>va6l^^^__^^T^^^ , * ,^ M^' M " ,^ , *^ ,MM^ > "»* ' ■ .ji - (_____% «W S^MTNNIkMk/&mtl&*& ..CT 71, TT^ -¥^ _x^- : W J__L y' t^_^B;||. IW||v|Wy.|i_fat^ ■ * I^V >^ jyjDl * ' *** - ' ' •, ."'*^sc f4##s J* I^') .'« ■■ '^ .__' '■; Awjyi f The Le^^t Week. | © ■'„., . :,■ v ,.. :,.;;r'-.."AArA' : . pi ( s Sate^ldses Sciiay, liftl^ldP § '-•^'"irv* 7 '-AAA „-.■ A-HHr Uri mms summer sale of oturs has, so ea»a_rr6ken all previous records, and 49S ■Cr 4- '_____t' : >-i-"» -t <*<•'* -*'A*.'|' ) ;! i-.; k • "" ? '~- .= ____a -jj. WE ll&|tsprD O^^TTHTS LAST WEEK $^^VBE ONE OP j. . _ ■.'■;--.: .V"; :■* .'.ft . V ffl Po^ord^^^^^a H IN" EvAy^^^!.^^^ „^_y, ' _A y *^A : ' A ""-; ■- ' V ' A fit iw .n Bargain Tables t " 5f Hh and do not miss 'xyyxxixhxx. IB '[■ . This *.. Great Opportunity, fl ("■ ADAIR ' ": i: _^_|?o-S_- -'^ :_fe l 11BJi ; ".' ■-':.■* _____________ » •_._.'■/ a^v A: A^S'.W . SUMMER ; ; m "Experience teaches." Tennyson. * .A r 4: ■A ; : : """A-'' 1 ".3 A ; r . . .^5. Benefit by the experience of others and .-_.. fJ> , .w 4 . , . v _, „.. t . y/.^Xiy -•; ' , *-: ■ 'A/"""i.' get a bottle of that highly-praised re- : ' 'P 'X '.. X A- ' •' : ■;■'»■ I'-V-r'^-medy, £axter's, Lung -Preserver. „,.Eviery ■ ' ;>«•..• < ■■• , . j v u'.. -___ . -.-i v Y-^X'/Xj^'' ,-^Jh year thousands of people find it a 6_flen' - - A"A' ;; did cure for cougbs, colds and sore m - m„,Z~-'"qaL+m +u-** ■ ;*»*.-" ""'_r*i,:A throats. It preserves the health ofthe. 1^ ______ _^i |____i I _n_J_l l^'+ I _^V _______' • lutfg^ _WJi_r.thusv prevents distress- *^^|__#^__r-^_r I w_II I-IW VIVWI ing complaints that are so common dur- ■ ing charila.ea.We' Weather. Pleasant' to ■ tak§. Good for young and old. You can put." your" tt__st ln ! the 'tirlfed and pibved A " "-. — - *■ remedy, "Baxter's." Big bottles, ls lOd, - all chemists and stores. ,_, .*•'.... „...—. l^^epublk^^'^an^^ AHJ | ||ll AOUUI%'UiS^ gestuig remedies -for, the high cosfe or ■■.-.vv.'. . ; /. :.,...--- .„.-;....■..>.>-••. fiving., S .. TI : - ..a ■'•'.'■' y' : .y..yxyx;:Xx:x-X^xy'^'^xXxxx.^x^^ i_JA_i_Jsi_i_M co ffit^^a^i "■• v- : ■<■ ■ -*qv^^*k; ■ "^- . "^^-^^ : t" -" '■'■■■■■■■■■■'■''■■Exolaiiia^'^vervthlnff - ■ ■ : i ' ____ ___"._.-,_-_- --^ 1 p Psnff?s ■ T] P. : cdNSTßucrnoN op.M: contem-EmpiroSul_-ti_i_r.,"__n____«ucl.*-: -.Estr_B»s. * » r s jß#^ __ f v I 1 ',-- **__*_,"' . Gisborne Office: 74 Lowe y ' ? The Attb'rney-General-elect of Colorado MATERIAL* IB^SPOO -HIGJET 6!iM<MfXJ^^X>P^A^, C^l^h haa-^-Opflointedayouiig Ayoman.laiwyei' as ■,•- ■?/■** Y-r-y vt^ l \ . ...-. -. . ■ X-., ■'.■'.. //', - - ; , - ' '. ' Junioy^Assistant. '-Attorney-Clett^^al. , ; .TEO-Sl^ ■,--. v .y >.-'.'. -cXV XX : X:: ■ / XX^XX : 'X. l^nCbnrauge loo_£l industry by aski^for : A" ■ XX-- "' ' •*'**;• 'A ''A , X^IXXXXXyX'- XXX- <i^ -.^HA Haywat'd's MSalt Vifiegaav and j see you '-' -■■'*■ v. .'/.v.. _ „,. -, Xy.y XX '*•'■ ' ''-^-A';,.-,,- • ... „A' \ - petit. The Vinegar with a reputa- -T.HE GENER^ IMPR.-^ t:on.— 3, ...,,. ;_, j \ -i.-< . ...;..-;<■•.-.■■.■■ .>■.■;-.,.- ; ■■->■;- /■ ■ .t^.-.^^j^.^. - v ,t.-.v^..-.. . " .-aw-l-' ' ,, Newcastle has adopted a schemei of j .DUILD__SP<rMA ,^^ TH___t. - pooling- labor on the .Tyne m order to 'x. ■'■ ' '__, ' '__ _ ' ; ' : ' '. ; '/XX^ ■-■ expedite the building of merchant ships;! AIT IS. TO-DAY, A_^ WDM^J^^Q^ BUY TS^VVUD TOGIS. ***** MADE ; (K3OD _4^^ Every pound expended on foreign TAX& A -BIG^JUMP BS TTtkm^XyM,,-X:, .-../ X.-X, y.' '-'XyXyy XX.' ■ ' Motor Tyres'ia hejlping: "the other fei- ■>• - - ' ■-•<• ■ XX X-' Xy'X'f'J'SX ~X low" —^be either for England or agaipst . . '. , : - # " " -^ v ' .". : M«i b iS%^^-_S e _L^ -, WE ARE CONOTIUJOTNG i^ on every Briton's 'Carrion YQUR par. > __L. _-__ _-J —1" . "^^•■'^-''^ipii^.T.^.'-.'l ~- - ■-'■■■•■ Wood-Milne Tyres are 'guaranteed ior 1 2j^ tfil fl CI Si _TCI I __■_. ftQ _H^_Pl&_Ti O _hl____i l'_ft-. 3600 miles, so they are ocbhomical; and f w*^j.i^v«« «miww^« .^r:,*^M j 7 , r lv -: .n ? **^S D^r,.i li S e __s_iS_ . wHKf "*a'-JUWW a cmla'.^ _^_*.'^^ ■■■:-■ Ss. - TAiiW «at _f 'boNsiDBRABii. Ma^taj^jplap|3v<w ; v of vigorous .bounce and •. .;_lfe>'** «KDU nrvvc^nTßrrrrnw ' -v 1 * : sliould get det_dls from, your- Gamg^oi ' ii^WfTtV^ I * ■■*■ F ' , N.Z.^DePdti 167 Vivian .street, -Welf :. .ingt-in, . x v y..^y: '-. xi.x -■•■■•{ ;.X .• — — ' Thesis a kicK" demand . fW''_.tbre pigi W^ QUARA^^EE' TO BUILD A FOUR ,O'RTEIVEaoOMED > v is &^^|fr^f^^^ "COTTAGE' "PLANS OP WHlfcft WE SH_ffiff^ ■' P__^3A®ED ,TO A; ABOUT TO BU^^^ such is the messa^ bf B^'SnJ ANYTHING TJT. TO 25 4 PER CENT.; A^D^««: YOU XXX IS^^^^St^^^L^ SO^CTURE WHICH WILL BE SUBST_^TI^^ -TERMA: : Its unique medicinal properties havi} *N__!___fT- -■'/'-!■ A " _ proved 'Of the< utmost valua^lh -, huUdin* .x^vrxr ?■. . , Vf-' T Zy~±X Health and strength. Quickly overcbmel . ' S- J ■£■ '-X\? "X .'■- conghs aihd t_Mli__' heals throat*. sbrenes_o A,,PKRSONAL INTERVIEW IS 4LL WkJ^rX2,-\X ,X\ X: promotet-thß.^^^bngs, vitaf ».,£..- < , ■ , . Ises the wh6_e*'systeibv^opu__.r tor fifty; '■ • . . " . ■ - '-^r -r - . years— a sure guarantee of its efficacy?,' i * * ' • -" ; -~ ~ is lOd could not be better invested than ~. -X ■ ' . *■' I.yz~~X •' .' m prottp^ng a bl_f* bottle;. Baxter.. '--'&% "*__" Ji %__f I _l^_/__^ f ung fWver. Sdld everywhere. j.- y - „- fAYiiiR. ! , A great Salvation Army Congress is ta ••* '■-„.k X-X- ■■.-■.. . ■^T r .*- - .i —*!'** be opened m Auckland on -\JLar__x 6. __h__ A** " ~ ,_ BABIHETMAKER AND ptflf?. Help to feee^-.your- wworkers m cml « XX- GLADSTONE ROAD. ._ ". plovment by askiiit. foi* H-ayward's Piiri - X J ■ -■ ■- Malt' Vinegar. A_^ Domitii_.rt'article -tvitW A* ' '-^_. . * reputation /or. purity/ All grocers.i-4| , . ' ;.v*. .•_ . A' •" ... * S S#» M^^ : P ? '*'■"'"■ ' -..-., -_y -„Mv,. ford, Krtgl^-VfbrfiwK v. > ' ---- ;' ment of claim for Admiralty wbrk, ' I ■■' .~ . . ITS P^NTa^^W^^E '■•■ J :Xx " : ' -' '- A' .' --that if you invent some cjevcr, device ■ _.. ' 1 ' , ' - ' .- *» - ; - " '; "' which is an inval__able.^pj:Qv^m^nt^>wer ~~ : ~ - o%rft,.ypu'riin a hig.risE bi. losing f the fruits of your Study and bard york un- - •» 157 leather ktonW;'Wellin|ton ; 01-^ ' ««-e?B I A _CfW"« f £ BMfli ??_2 a. Ban, peei st., Gisborne. TELL A nmmMiMf'^^^^^mKmM Dublin- Corporation wilPappoiiit two "'""'j^^^H^A ivomen inspeotors to look after the __L.l___t X- '** * "**' '•**'-" •'"*• _flili^_____________t morals, qf tlieatres and music-halls. _..,, A.^. n^^H__Hiß. When you apply Barraclough's Pro- < -_**.».•* ii_«" V -*^t ~* ' *' ' A'A ;--is*L '* : -" , ' •''•v*^s_s?*S f ■ randra to a Corn, the offender has to TV/F* =B^GfIJ_ES are, really __nd tr^ly built for SALI, will stu^f^gto ibafa lie. Nothing cures Corns so certainly— -"■*■ work, and the PRlCES'' is*.. RIGHT. -All A -AT.: f . -.♦^ ay it; is, chemists and stores. V- ■;/■ - * '.:"":. #*.'A.'^A^_ ■ Barraclough's Nervine stops Toothache. '■*■*.• " >•;".'. "... . -. . . y__vie«k* .. -. Rheumo is a thorough cure for Rheu- fr_T_lD ___t'Al .-Jfc..: 1.^«..^-fe^'^.^.A.v.i> : natism, Gout, Scjatjca, Lumbago, g/6 v; TWI »„ , _ v i;^ md 4 / 6 - 161 ft am •ontimiaUy building for Sale HIGH-CLA_3S GOOD*-*. An abdden* amder s pteuliaf .i[ ■- * :s£qGJE9_^^ 'tances happened to Mr K. Trail, while *' -* w^..^.™ _..«__,» '._. nM ._>-^.-^.>.__^^_ jmployed at ;h_s' -v^fc'Ut' Messrs Trail - TIUDE GARTS, MOTOR BODIES ..'..„. Bros, and Smythe's sawmill, Puakino, \ P___OrETNG AND UPHOLSTEMINa, " -ecently. A: »pieoe*Wi<i_ti_rugated iron ■■-,"•■*> . r^v,-... ; '.<■..■■' ...... X*t w^tt*T™L m $H i«»^Wi*-4:»^'.»*;,*:, itruck him on the face, inflicting a nasty A. pompetecn-. itaff of workmem always ready to oblige X /_ jut across the noSe. ' X , /—X-~ • - * ' ■ ■■'■ 'i" ■ ".'—>■- "".--'.'_ vvCHiL_.Rj_ifi/« Bf^LES&iESS. ■ _-^ ■ ■ I—-w^1 — -w^ " ■ A^.V_______J'lA'_i: ______ ; __..A ; A feverish and fretful child is., a Ipi M |%| A D 1 ; C^ W :|"1 f% |\l .... treat bother, m a household and dis- __# 1^ I 111 *■■* 4 •«.-&■ _F _^__f\^ Hfc . ;urbs thd rest of others. Narcotics and ■• • ..< :* ?•-?,♦ ■..-.' /.*. '.v -**_;' 1. ; ~- . vl'l- -: '^ la°lf-teMpoOTsni B doles V Fluenafl (lje CARRIAGE BUILDER »nd 2/6) will rapidly allay feverish- nunm, ktuvkt " »»i___^ __-J_ ___i less without any injurious effecte BKMMIi. UIKJUSi'. . ywbmw Mo_ lm. whatsoever. Health authorities com- '"'*"'■ """ Xx 1 aend FUieaaoJ, M| -.<?? '.. V. . , .._-...„._..,, .___^_K<__J__.-.V*' _.!__« .Ji •_*

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14237, 3 March 1917, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14237, 3 March 1917, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14237, 3 March 1917, Page 9