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stakeY ••^mlnatidhY^sj acceptance^ 20s. Six . furlongs, v , .• . 8. FINAL HANDICAP, of 125. govs; second horse to receive.,2o soys, and third horse 10 sovs out -of ;-{he stake. NdmiriationV 20s; acceptance} 30s. :^ Seven furlongs.--' ■ 7 ■■• "-.a. y . . ■ 7-..Y * PENALTIES. . 7 Vi ■ .:y The winner of any Flat Handicap after* the declaration of weights. to carry a peh>j h ? lnner of any Hurdle Race after alf of ttb 110 " ° f weights *«> ca^ry a iieni ; qAteS OF NOMINATioN^v iv_.feHTS.^ AND ACCEPTANCES'. FRIDAY. 12th JANUARY, ._ lOH^Ndminations for All Events close; at 9 p.m t MONDAY. 22hd JANUARY, lOIX-ii' Weights declared -'for. First Day's Handicaps. ■ •.<-,.•',■:•;,',: -ii. • :■ FRIDAY. . ,26th JANUARY. 1917.-Accepli tances for the; whole of the Flnt Dav's i Events closed at '9 p.mY- 5 THURSDAY. Ist FEBRUAkT, 1917 (Niglft of First Day.,'s Races). -Weights 7 for Second Day's Handicaps- declared at 8.30 p.m. Acceptances for the .* whole of the Second Day's Events' close ;hti£_^h p.m. ft . ;'.""' '...■-..;■ ,'.;'.'" ;■' i'-p^'a ••• ■ '-. ',' ;'.yyAm^mmmmmmm\\!mmmm£X?^- •■' rtfJup. -'ykyyyAy FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING. To be held on the v V CISBORNE RACING CLUB'S COURSE; TE HAPARA, 7 On FRIDAY. 9tli FEBRUARY, 1917. O.HE TOTAL NET PROCEEDS WILL' 13?|B ; j :; GiyEN tl TO; *PAafRIOTIC FUNDS. Y OFFKERS: 7 T "Patrons: Sir Jas> ''Cjffrbi_t;-K:CiM:G.i : Hon. W. D. S. MacDonald, M.P., Messrs. D. J. Barry, H. deLautour, G. Matthew* *. son, 'C Neena-ii-'g^.W^' NolaWf iRi S. ■ Williams. ' President: Mr. O. W. Primrose. Vice-President: Mr. G. E. Jones. Hon. Treasurer: .Mr. A ; T. Webh_ »• •■ Stewards: Messrs. B. AislabJe, rY *' Campbell, T. C. Ddrn; B,;. Fisken*' G. Haapu, M. .B.Hickey.T. Hogan* W. Howardi A. Langfdrd, F. E. Loomb, . H. E. Lougher, A. McFaryuhar, A. S. Parker. J. Riddel), A. C.Turnbull, A. ! T. Webb. G. -\ypods, S. X Wdotton. " Judge: Mr. R. B. Lusk. 7 Handicapper: Mr. F/W-Edwairds*. 7 Starters >Mr. W. '- 1 Howard. -Timekeepers: Messrs. 1 F. E. Loomb. H. E. Lougher, J. Riddell. ' Totalisator Steward*-;Mr. W:* O.^^ Skeet. i Clerk,' of Scales: Mri; M.TbeCosta. Cleric of Course: Mr. A. v .'Pritcbard. .^ Secre- , ' tary, h; E. Dodd7:f 7 ' V' prog;ramme.7Y; Y.V;K"VV ' '* 1. MAIDEN HANDICAP . (optipnal), ;of 40 sovs: second horse '*:.d v receive" 7Vsdvs, " and third horse 3 sovs from the stake. For horses that 'have.^ hewer Xtfod an advertised trot at -time of starting: '■■ Nomination, 20S; Acceptance;' -15s* Dis^ tance one mile a'hd a-hfilf.' V. • ( 2. BELGIAN HANDICAJP.v (optional), of 55 sovs: second horse to, receive 10 .sovs, andithird horse 5 sdVis^frdmth^" stake. For, unhoppled trotters only. ' For ,' horses .that, can do 4>lo or 'better. Nomination, Ms; acceptance; S^Si'-Distarice one mile and a-half. 3. POVERTY BAY TROTTING CUP HAN- " 1 DICAP. (in fharness), of .130 V sovs ,(120 soVs in specie Hnd'a/CupTfaiueTlO. sovs presented by H. D. deLautdur, Esfl:); » Second'.' hOrSe. "receive 16 sovs and third horiie's -sovs from-the stake. ; "'lfor'' horses that can do 5.5 Or better. Nqm- - / ination, >20s; acceptance.' 50s. Distance I itwo mile's.' , "tf. 4. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP (6ptional)?>bf 40 sovs: second horse to receive 7 soVs, and-.third horse' 3 sdvs itomi&ne sfike. Nomination; 20s; aajpeptaAce, 15s; l^is- . tance one mile and a-truarter. %\ ?. DARDANELLES HANDICAP (in ha> , ness), pf : 7s sovs: second horse "'to -re- Y ceiVe lOsovsTand t'nii-d seVs from - the ■.. stake, t For trotters only. For :i hofsfe's that' dan do $25 ,' or better.. Nomination, 20s; acceptance. 30s.- Dist'ahce'twb miles.-/ 1 V ' • ; ' ?i .0. ELECTRIC HANDICAP • (in a.har-iess);.ibf 60 sovs; second horse to receive ,10 sdvs, and third horse 5 sdVk frdnii thfelstiijlte. For horses that can < do 2.30 or better. ' Nomifi^H6'h, '• 20s; ; acceptancej' 30s.' Dis. ..tance. one mile. ... 7 7t<v 1 COUNTY 1 HANDICAP (dptibhalj;. of^Ss I sovs:' sec.opd' horse,) to. receive* !10 sovs, • and third horse 5. soys f rom the, stsSfte. For horses 'bred irf ; the 'Cbuftiies^.tof .Cook. Wairoa, Waijfohu, Of ,*WalaWu. .Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 20s. Dis- ! tance one mile and. a-half. iUt 8. FAREWELL HANDICAP (in saddle),-»bf !55.sovs: second horse to receive* 10 sovs, <' and third horse 5 sovs "* from the stake. For* horses; that dan do *3.15 or. better. : 7 Nomination. 20s; acceptance. 255.' Dlsj tance .one mile and a-quarter.. .(i ; DATES OF NOMINATIONS AND V AC- ' .-•■'- '*•- . . CEPTANCES.' .';• 7 Y ';•-. ; 7 • ■ ■ -V .Y •■'-;. -nominations';^ -.y'y "Y • v , Nominations for all .events.-dose^ with the:^ Secretary, drt'-'FRmAY^'I^K-'Jariua'ry, 1917, at 8 p.m); < .■-yV i '*i f '-.s?-K--'- v .'. acceptances;- 'V ■% r v > 1 Acceptances V for all <j.Eyents- closer with the Secretary Con MONDAY, -sth' February, 1917, at; 87p.m. r ;- -, ; .'.., :,.,:■. '•- RULES AND REGULATIONS. Y - : 1: To be run under New' Zealan*'Rules of \ Trotting. V '- ...";•.,,'/'■-•. -/k?';,' 2. All ' Ndminatiohs; • and Acceptances must; be accompanied;! by . cash,\..also • tho nomjqator of v any - hdrse '■ niast ; "Eive'< thehorsey best time and last three perlonnances* ••*.•■ ..■'. ..'■'• .':.'■•■. \ •'V'.vY' A\ ' ; Str^ie colors«df rider or;driYer must be F iy ?£X at *iniet of-\ noihinattoh, failing Vhlo a* fine of. £1 . wiU ? be^ehfo.-cedi * - V4,>Ajl protests , must -bd- made ■inV.wrr.tng andManded ,to the , SeQretai-y within '10 mi^tto :of the dfecisionfof*theracb; ! NaCt ■ c^ n ,B^^ led " by * a 'deposit 4 of V ; £5.. which' shaH^'be' forfeited if 'the, protest be dis*. nU^d^.,,. j.., y fit y^ VV.Y-:Y ■; *5.>A11 protests and objections .shall be settled- by the : Judicial >CdmmiWee.- v ; -"."■"• ' 6. th'etiihe of-noiminatioh must be registered . with V, thei'N.'Z.7.Ti*ot-* ting Association^ f 'Yf-.? '.''.V?.,, i.v"./ - 7.-All di'lvers,? rideFs.Vahdrtraiiiera^must hold: current .s^asOfl's vpcenses and* the provident fee paid>befdr^;sta,3pt|ng.'^' A. y 8. -By the -entr*^: of,roi^«ndeavorJngVto ; enter a horse, .every pTphdnV^avlog dl"' subsequently acquiring'-'any interest 71)0 suph horse; shall *e- deemed/to '.accept jj conditions and 'restrictj[oij|s* impQisjed. ■or^jn- ' filed by these'. Rules,'.; aha Vto.'b'e barred ' from questioning the ' action .or, cdjdqct' if such. club. jor~ other^bddy ihdldirife-'.a <• •ports meeting/ or' >any^ dfficial\ of -s 'the 31ub. or v siich othei" body ,;' in' •respect-' of such hoirse .bi* any" ;|.erg6p . •^c'snii-edted lerewith. otherwise' than) is prbvidedV for n Part XXX. > : '•.''■ Y' A- XA-'y NpTE.— All Nominations -.. and vAdcept-' ipees to be ' addreissed *4td ', H^ -B. ■■ liiidd. . ■jisborneV .;£ .. .' ; -; 7. i X -"A r ...AX. V *YV l£. EAVOVD: A ,'"- --!3 3"' " '"Y-" - i.V-'-; ' Secretary. v

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14195, 12 January 1917, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14195, 12 January 1917, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14195, 12 January 1917, Page 8