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Beautiful weather" prevailed at Auckland on Saturday, -when a large .draft of the Elighteeiith deforcements paraded through , the city. ' Ihe . marjcli " through t Queen, street; was witnessed ''few[.^thousands of ..sp.ectatOTs',.;.aad.;''fm''o_ib^^re : ception was 'extended to tH% boys ' in 'the oval at the Domain. The gathering proved a most memorable one, and was witnessed by several Gisbbrnites, who returned homo /by the Arahura last evening. As an. evidence. of a "further improvement to the channel, the s.s. Ihumata j came up to the wharf yesterday, drawing lift .'6in forWard and 13ft Bin aft. The steamer started to come m an hour before HigH tide, and took the ground just after getting inside the breakwater. She was stuck m the mud for about an fhour, but came off with the rising tide, jand berthed m her old position at the wharf . The latest soundings show the shallowest places m the channel to be Bft 6in. _*or some years past Labor Day has fallen, iv show week, and this year it again does so; next Monday being Labor Day, and Tuesday and Wednesday being show days. The Poverty Bay District Labor Council has received word from the Minister for Labor -that if it can be mutually agreed between employers and the union m the respective industries to observe show day as the holiday instead of Monday, the Labor Department will raise no objection. This idea finds favor with a number of union officials, and a meeting of union presidents, vice-presi-dents and secretaries is called for this evening at 8 o'clock, m the Scottish hall, to consider the question. These I officers are particularly requested to attend.

!=--__________s__sa-__a_s__s__s_ss The box plan for the great feature picture "Cabiria" will open at Ferguson at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. A first offender for drunkenness, who did not appear, was convicted at the Police Court this morning, and fined the amount of his bail, 10s. A middle-aged man named Thomas Francis Walsh, arrested yesterday by Detective MoLeod, was brought before the Police Court this morning on a charge of indecently assaulting a nine-year-old girl m August . last. On the application of Detective McLeod, accused Was remanded until the 24th inst.. .Th'e. Gisborne Sheepfarm'ers' Frozen Meat Company has decided to reropen the, works for the new. season on Tuesday, 24th' inst. A notice respecting reduced free_ing rates, is published m another column. Facers will note that the rates (from delivery of stock at -the yards to f.o.b. ocean-going steamer m roadstead) have been reduced r to the following : Mutton ,37d per lb, lamb .44d per lb and beef .45d per lb. Wharfage charges are additional. , ''..'• Good progress is being made by Mr J. A. Nicol, of Gisborne, with the erection of the Waihau bridge, across- the Waihau river, . ; a ; , few miles beyond Wairoa. The structure, which, is to replace the old brijlge carried away by flood, is beipg erected on a new site selected by the District Eh^fineer. It is over 200 ft m length, and comprises a central span of lGOft. The. bridge is being erected on concrete piers, and stands 10ft higher than the old one. It is expected to be available for traffic by Christmas. • ■•.-, The beau,tiful Biblical story of -Ruth and . Naoinii and of King Bqaz choosing the former .for' Hi s' bride whilst r.eaping the fields is portrayed m the cantata "A Daughter of Moab>" to be rendered m St. : Andrew's Church "'" to-morrow .night. Mrs Shierlaw takea the pharaoter of Naomi, Miss' C; Johnston that of Ruth, Miss R. Steele is Oi-phah, and Mr E. T. tFrowde Boaz, and : each * has severjal fine solos. In addition there Is ,a number of excellent choruses' and part songs. The 'funds go to aid sick and wounded coming under the military 'chaplain's special notice. Before proceeding with the business of the Land Board this morning, Mr. < W. F- Marsh, Commissioner of Grown Lands took the opportunity of introducing Mr. Wheeler, of the local district land office, to the members of the Board. The Commissioner said he had known Mr Wheeler, for some time and he had proved himself a good and zealous officer. .He was sure Mr. Wheeler rtoufo do Uis best. "We are rather proud of the Gisborne office," added Mr. Marsh, "for the present Un_er-Secreta_y of Lands obtained the greater part of his training after he left the field, m the Gisborne office, and is an officer, to whom we all look up." He knew they 1 were all sorry to lose Mr. Brook and that, they would extend' the same consideration to His . successor. ..-Messrs. Cameron and McKay also endorsed the CommJssiqner's remarks. Mr. WKeeler, m replying, thanked the Commissioner and members for' their, kindly welcome and said he hoped, whether his stay 1 hei-e was long or short, he would do 1 nothing to forfeit their confidence. ( An application for the transfer of a . sectidn m Te Arai settlement was the - subject of some comment at to-day's . meeting of the Land Board. The Com- ! missibner of Crown Lands enquired as to the nationality of the transferee remarking that Cabinet instructions had [ been; issued on the subject of transfer [ to aliens and enemy subjects. Mr Hei, . who appeared for the transferee, said r he was unaware of the, nationality of > the ' transferee's husband, but , the . woman herself was of Scotch parentage. . The Commissioner said the question was . how far the restrictions applied ,to t^he, > wife of an alien.— Mr Hoi added that ■ t the transferee had resided 20 or 30 years m New Zealand. Mr Bradley Smith, who , appeared for applicant, suggested that , his client, who was applying for the . transfer because he was going to the war should be considered. The Oom- . missioner said they admired the applil cant's action, but there was a strong , feeling about passing Crown Land out, to , people who were aliens. It was decid- . Ed to hold the application, oyer to en- , able' the. transferee to wait upon the . Board. ■* .... The, meeting of ratepayers of tip 1 Poverty Bay River Board, held at Patii- ■ tahi : on Saturday evening, was' 'the' larg- , est of the three recent gatherings. Mr i Geo. Witters, chairman of the "River - Board, presided and other members ,-ox » >he Board present were Messrs _Lr J. > Bendle and W. G. TurnbvUl. Oohsid- - l erable discussion ,. ensued' ?especViiig the advisabUity of proceeding -wiSr ihe 1 scheme outlined, by Mr Thompson, Government drainage 'engiieer, a number ; of speakers stronglyV f avbring its «dopi tion and the inclusion of . -fcne -Borough >of Gisborne m the rating district. A motion to this effect was negatived* and > a resolution, proposed by Mr D. ■/Bruce » Watt and seconded by Mr M/ Doherty, expressing the opinion that the Govern- ' ment engineer's scheme, w^s too costly, and recommending the Board to proceed with a modified scheme, was carried hy the meeting. An amendment moved by Mr Bayliss, and seconded by : . __r^ W. U. Robb, that Mr. Thompson's scheme be carried out m its entirety, ' '* although lost, had _a dozen suppo-**teis7 Having thus obtained qjri _ exprpasio^ oif " opinion from the ratepayers'ni tKe seyei^d6salj- . ties interested, ,.. tha Boar_ ,intene|s^ to ; plan proposals before a representative meeting of the > whole distribt -to Vi ßo called m the course of ft Week 'or; tw^; , Some months ago $be H^wWs &iy Land Board offered. three small sections ■at Jjgatapa for> settleihent -for.' returned soldiers. The ballot created prjvctioally no interest, and only, one , section ,was taken up. At to-day's, meeting tof ,it&i Board, a request wa4 r_cei**/edfr<ijn Mr C. W- Feast, a discharged .soldier, who applied for permission to take tip theadjoiping section, section 22, block 15, Ngatapa settlement, ; 50 : ac_4s.; 7 J_» Con_piissibher explained that th® applicacant. had written, stating that the section "he had taken up was too. small to maks a living off. The capital value of his section was £7M and that . he was applying for was £725, or, £1435 'for about 100 acres. The Commisaioner added that he was sympathetic to the application, because, m the Takapau "settlement every section they had cut 7up ,averaged about £1400, and was not less than 100 acres. The ranger rem_r_ed that . the section . was not large " -ehotigh „.. to make a living, but applicant -had intended adding to his living by droving. The Commissioner added that r^idehce was the basis for the returned soldiers* scheme and their efforts-, should b^ to put bona fide settlers on the landL V Mr ,A. J. Cameron enquired if the ' Board Was getting returned soldiers ; who wanted land. The Commissioner said that they had cut up 1500 afcres; worth, about £100,000, and had only had about , 33 applications, and some oif them could not take up even quai-ter of 1 ail acre. The , secretary remarked they had ' experienced a .great rush for* provisional plications, but when the land itfas opened there were really very few .applicants. — Th© Commissioner said that compuj^n-y residence and the fact that no transfer would be granted w-thh. 10 years were the main obstacles. After considerable discussion the Board decided to recommend tha* the land be redivided, the area to be added to the section to be left to 7 the -fomnrissioner to decide. T|e general monthly meeting of th» Drivers' Union will be held at 8 p.m. to-mpri-ow m the Scottish Hall. '! ..; Etery member is requested to. attend, v Everybody's praising^ '-N^Bufobiiig Laundry Help" because ■" W vtt&eg ati clothes clean .without rubbing %>r injury to hands Or fabrics • Is carton .does seven weeks' washing.— Common; Shelton ahd Co., Agents.** . Visitors to the Show and ' Races. — We have prepared fdr the need& of^i^on.and boys as never before. Just come and look at our windows, and see I»ne grand values we are offering; they'll make you smile.. You'll want to be snmrtly-_res_-ed this, show-time, and it need not prove > expensive if you cloth© yourself at Robertson's. Our new stock of summer goods for men and boys is right up-to-date and wise to the heeds of this climate.**

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14124, 17 October 1916, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14124, 17 October 1916, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14124, 17 October 1916, Page 2