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THE PALACE (" BEST OF ALL.") o TO-NIQHT. TOsNIQHT. MABEL TALIAFERRO IN i THE PHOTO-DRAMATIC I TRIUMPH OF HM CAREER, HER GREAT PRICE. ,A JSIETRO MASTER-PRODUCTION. LA-DIES, — Yo,u should see this Picture during the Day: Sessions- a-nd avoid p the crowds at night. 7 7 '- 4FTE»iNOON TEA AND PICTURE, v 'BOX PLAN— LONDON MUSIC SHOP. '«'--. w FOLLOW' THE CROWD! ' FOLLOW THE CROWD ! r .." "' ... —■■."■ '''•* "" „.■ ' '■' -■ "' .* ■«

■ .i ■ . ■ ■' '• . '•■' — ! FOR SALk. THE LEADING BOARDING-HOUSE \, . m tauranga; " HALF- ACRE and /.-storey Building, m the centre of. the town, overlooking the Domain* Containing. 15. room_, I_ substantially . . furnished, and m thorough order and . repair. 7 7 d 7 Twelve to Fourteen Boarders. PRICE, AS A GCIING CONCEIRN, Including the Freehold, £1650. \ • On Terms. ■-"';''""' ' o ;■■*_ PASLEY \., jESTAyB A,QE^ r/ i^-^n-'sT. A GENUINE BARGAIN BIG PROSPECTIVE VALUE. WE CAN OFFER • ' -a,,-, _ -rf," -t ■■ X ' '- yf.os ■-■&]5%%% y F^tyMp\My r : Situated by .'good Metal Road withiii 7 •'; miles of Morei« -Hot Springs. Schobl and Post., Office within- 2 miles. 170— ACRES— 170 of this. property, a_ei, Rich Flats, equal, to anything m the Gisborne District* •Balance, Good Limeston«7Hili- Country, capable of carrying 3 sheep. GOOD 8-ROOMEii / HOUSEj . Large Outbuildings, etc. -Large Road Frontage. The flats lying ..along,--, both sides of tlie road makes the property suitable for subdivision. Tliis property is Elscellerit Buying; being, m our opinion, well worth £25 per acre. : ■:■■' PRICE, IS ONLY i £17 10s per Acre. £1500 Cash. Balance elm be arranged. : fe-Apfiy-^,/. : V Y-y-r t-uy Biisch^ S Parker '. ';..._ j.- LOWE STREE7T. ) • ' ■ ' ; ■ '»' -'^'i ' ■•' -'"■■ $ ■■''■■■■ '■'' ■ '-1 : '.'■■■ 1 ' •-..■, <"i d '■ yy ■ ry~~ : ; . MASONIC ho|ei,7 OPOTIKI. - : \> -^ — '■■'-': V,:' r Y THE principal portion of this Hotel has been newly erected m brick, ' I and is now the most Hotel m ; the. Bay. of Plenty. s The Hotel is handsomely fitted and furnished, and contains every convenience tot the travelling public. ; Electric light >is 'installed '- throughout, and-, hot and cold water laid * on.. SPEIGHT'S DUNEDIN ALE ":.'■'-. -..7 : ON TAP. : Only the best brands of Wines and. Spirits stocked. ' Cari recommend iriy, Draught Whisky.* EXCa_L_iEOT . Tariff, 8s per day. ERNEST MONTGOMERY, 676 Proprietor. !• (A CARJ>.) :M:':^■^. 8, /■■'3 : lii^'' H '. H ■ DRESSMAKER & COSTUMIERE, "Hawkesbury," Palmerston Rd. _'"' Dressmaking' taugh*t'_a,all its branches. >; Terms : on , application. , 'Phone No. 687. „'\ . 825 . /_(A OJ_RD.) . 7. "■■/•' ]^" *■*$.*,: > •«■ W Utifcl AJM.B, y ! , -*lirVATE NURSING HQ__E, " : ' 357 CHILDERS ROAD. _':'Phdne'923J 'w«v"'->" % : -7":' ■<?:«.'■"■&■'■. ' fry. > ■-..■■■*>'■"< -■-..'- -f v.-'- --• '■'■ ■'■"■'" ■ .- ,7 y.j y^y ,^7 ; , . „.., „.rfr—r r i WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS *■"'" .' ■ ' -- ' NEXT time -.your*; .'kettle, sings, ' listen to its j calling ; ARCADIA. When you feel tired and out of . sorts,' put the -kettle on and^try-a cup of ARCADIA. It will refresh you, • If you must >iiave that ciip of .-■-;■ tea, why ( not have the bes^? ■1 .■.'■ ..'.'"•- D'_MAND-/' ' A|»o^y!A' the Highest-grade ..Quality Tea on - -.'. : ,..the,N : .Zi Market.. Tf" the Store you -de_l with fails ' to, write Gilmore and Co., Auckland^ mentioning -your Gro- x 1 cor'ii'name — we; will see to the ' „ rest.. . .y 7 ."'... '. You want , top quality, and on the mountain peok.of the pinnacle ,j of fame is the orie word — Arcadia. , / GET A PACKET TO-DAY! ! ARQADIA TEA is PER pound ; y n . .V .--.c"-:i \y..Y.. ''''Yy. "."'■'" :Y;--rtAILO^MAKE. SUITS ' for ,Meri,. : jL" smart tweeds and worsteds.- 49/6 to:70/-, at^ettieV; V/ ,f" t 6QI .^CTANTED-rßuyer for newly painted. y Y'V'- i : arid renovated v f Tray Gig ; a gbriuine snip ; , , as only • to" |be. found at--•TKr-bs and Cp/, late Graham and Krebs; ' i\7K T ANTED:__aown— What is a 60 o/o ; YV graded- 'olimb- Parley makes nothing >.of, it. Machines. .now^ op, r view.— --Boom window ' ■ ■ >■-: JUST WHAT A SOLDIER R__ QUlß__JS^Safe^y>Raa»ijs r ,cdmplete, I- iijvt pocket cases, pricesS^, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6,' i 4Q/6i-"26/- each. Spje-^did lines*, from Thomas Adams. :.. '"7V ". _,-.!'. ".'7 '.' '^JPEiOIAL'. IHSPLAY. . ,GKFs t SHOW '■ O -NOVELTIES .THIS WJEJEK, AT ' M___BOI!TOE i r CASH. , "; / ADIES will find a choice selection of serviceable , Handbags, Purses, eto/, etc., of superb quality, at Ed. Williams', Saddler, Lowe. Street. . - 94

HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE, Direction „ J. and N. TAIT SATURDAY NEXT. FOR FOUR JpGHTS. FIRST PRODUCTION TN GISBORNE Of ./ THE SUPREME SUCCESS OF - -. 'SUCCESSES-^:-. "PEG O' MY HEART." "PEG 0' MY HEART." "PEG O'^ MY HEART." , A Comedy of Youth. . By J. Hartley Manners. Presented by ', j. .'and N. Tait's New English Comedy Cprnpany, headed : . by MISS SARA ALtqOOD as "PEG." PEG is Irish, she is sweet, she is human, and; she is. ;,witty. These are "four reasons' for her 'welcome, any one good -enough! : :7 .'.-■ ,-;•■ . HIS MAJESTY'S THEATREi SATURDAY IfEXT. 7 ' FOR FOUR NIGHTS. PRIOES-ros; 4s, 2s. , Box Plan on Tuesday, at Miller's- ■ • •'■ : ' y ' ■■-.'■ Gq__er_. -r- ■;•.--. ■?■. ■'• -:<vr, Grand Piano- Supplied bVFa.iT & Hall, y." . , .:v;-'*'. „*'>-, ■>■■*>.•::,) '+ SS Ra^GATiRA GENERAL AVERAGE, vCONSIGNEES ,r Ure hereby notified that _^ Short Landed- Ceftifioaties will be issued- on presentation of Original '• Bills of ' -Ladirig oh' * 'and' ai ter MONDAYi^thOCTOBEIR, 1916. LiMrrEb. ) . .vi,; AGESf^S^ ; /7 , . 952 MECHANICALLY-TREATED SHEEP \ '.-MANURE (in' Saoks), 4/- '",■"; : (Delivered Once a Week m BorOugh). /- ABSOLUTELY the Best MANURE ! '.for Flowering" Plants, ""with the addition of a little Superphosphate. ERADICATING COOLIN MOTH. > Remove soil from roots Of trees over a radius of 3ft, leave exposed to .'winter's frosts and raiiis. /At: close of winter about three kerosene -tins Of the Manure spread over exposed roots, wifJi a 'layer of soil over Surface, and- you will never be troubled with Cpdlin" Mpth.— Authority^ All- J.j J. O'Brien, of Karawaree Station, ''oh /tlie .^Upper; ; Shoalhaven.— iFroni Sydney Morning- He'rajdj) THE GiSBORNE MECHANICAL WOOL TREATING WORKS. H G.K. PASLEY, „ 598 77 : ; v ■ , ; -Agent." "- 'y r y ' ; '?y% : <!ir, 'V 'yy^ 'y-yy GOING OUT PARCELS OF BIG , VALUE, IS A FEATURE OF THIS SALE. "V7"OU will see Wise Buyers in' our ,-*- Store for hours at a time carefully replenishing the Household Stock; £5 and £10 Parcels are of; daily occurrence.- '• We are already out of many lines, and WB HA^ /CfliAS^ TO BU/Y. We are SELLING ONLY, and will continue to do so until our Store is empty.. WE ARE CLOSTN.G DOWN THE DRAPERY D_^A_miENTS. - -. ' .-- _____• ...... < THERE' IS, ONLY 0_?!E coiwc -auT »au, TEA! & FRIAR'S. /XARDEN getting dry? Buy your ;VX; Watering Can from The People's Emporium. Garden. Hose arriving this week. : m- . ,-•■■ '.'' •»,- < ■-.-.-' ■•->.. WANTED.--4YOU to caU' ih'd^lnspect our Spring,'.Drays.j*six new iand second hand.-rKrebs, and, Co., late Graham ' .'->-.'>-8. . r, . ;>■_.,'.:-. EW ZEALAND y _3_AS^ NUM-, 'BE_tS.'^e_ders be&g Booked foi- Weekly -News, Graphic, Sporting Review, Wee^-Press^Canterbury Times" arid. Otago Witnegs. —^Thomas Adams. /, rpRTf the Vacninm Co.'s method of X cleaning for carpets and upholster furniture,: etc, .-.Thoo*-, 7M, >■-■ f \N • f'TFNRY :- vJURRIE for Victor>ai. ■lti- !')nion_ ( Tt -Prime .Potatoes, 5 : 6uga»: '.'jiitu W'hwtt. Maii« Chaf. Pollard Pta-n '-•*« ..,-■<-. W" SirLPAPERB.^.j*4t l_ji'ded } Exfelu--1 aive 'designs', 'dirfect 'fxoni the best British and Eoreign •/Mariufacturersi'TW Howard ; -/Painter and : . Paperhanger • *»UH «♦/„,« ErvaW Tfi-iHI-) i i.'*;'" TTT_ZNTED.---Buyer ' for Second-harid .YY j Light Express; .qheap; ..newly painted.— Kireh* "a'nd^,Co,. : '._-.te Grahan*, "fpd Krify ,. t _ ■ *'.'// /; > j-7.;->S- w ..--.r.-,'- r ,^' G.Q 1 7 SH_OARERS' Singlets • K3'«x3l • 1/-. Dungarees 3/3, Boots 6/6, Belts/I/-— The; Working :Men's Store, .Peel Street. \]V/fOUTEI- OxgatiaY 40 Reedb, 'best _LT_L'^ quality post. free anywhere, , 2/9, rh&h yrith order * Get m quickly before we .sell out. Violins, Flutes, Qramo phones, Whistles.— FAßß ANT) HAT J f"JTnWirn« ..,- -. ;t .".-; *;. v.-77 ■'. . SiPEtILAIL GIFTb'Fok^SOLDIERS— Active; Servi'co Wallets/?/- 'and 5/6 each; f solid*, pigskin (everlasting) 10/6. Money;- Belts /3/6, ; _/6, 6/6,/ 7/6,— Thomei Adams* 7. : /7 ' '„..",' '.;,'.-,'..' .^NH^'and^WA&MAN Self-filling ■\yy Fountain Pens. -An ideal present for our Boyf at the Front. ,Both of -the, iboye j pens absoluiliely., guaranteed. tAgent, Thomas, Adams. f - ■;• fty-^yA': /SHOW.'SUITS. Special a*^»;NJ;»-!*_nLi*-- -liight -Weights; 12/6 to • 2S/r^-F»uldg (the/man . you'Tcnbwl; ■ .^jtfANT^y haVeft ISheepi '^VyfiStatibh, under 1000 r acryi^alljlri \ grassy stock, furniture, everything, as a '• gbing jconcern, .with ._SSOfl T cash, to apn !■ piw>ved! buyer. -- J. Todrig Witty, 78 ■Lowe Street. .;/;, .( . , v> „: , . MOTm^OLiEi^Suiger, .fa-j ;Sale; ( owner going m ifor larger : *%JJ&m&; TO t_£ND /^'lßs. fo : £E6 yy j upbh Household " I^tfEiidr « (witli o_^rrehipv-_i , j.. ft '-TS l o j; delay: »• Repayable easy '< weekly instalnv^atß. Enclose 1 utamp |fo>' reply.— L.W ftalkind N7 Loan Co.'« Boildburt. firs* Floor Td 7«i .'. /" "■■'■■-.: v

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14124, 17 October 1916, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14124, 17 October 1916, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14124, 17 October 1916, Page 4