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The massage sister appointed by the Hospital Board is expected to arrive at I Gisbomie, on September 1. Mr B, L. Scott, of Gisbonie, has been appointed local inspector underi die Apiaries Amendment Act. „. • SuHnspector Johnston, who has been absent from Gisborne for; some weeks attending the Rua trial at. Auckland, returns by the Arahura\tprmorrow.^ . Mr. Heriiptori, manager* of . the .Bank pf New Zealand, was yesterday, elected a member of the Gisborne Chamber of Commerce. There will now' be' two launches for th© .Tarawera , .to-morrow, ..the first on arrival about "seven o'clock, arid the last with outward, passengers , at 11! The Mayor (fc W;,^t§herratt)' leaves for Wellington b^/.*tp*-mor:row ■ night's steamer, in "connection with Me Qfsborne; Borough Council's Gasworks Empowering; Bill. ...-.,.v V .-, A class in telegraphy is to begin work in the local Technical School, Derby street, next , Wednesday, evening, - The opening of this class bias been delayed for ; a long time owing to alterations which were :' being made in th» The National Reserve, Ambulance Detachment, and City Band parade at the Garrison Hall to-morrow at .$,15 p.m. to form an escort to the reinforcements, who are leaving focTrentham by the Arahuraj It is. expected, a full, muster will appear on parade. • '"•' ' • At the instance of Mr. ' Dean " 'the Chamber of Commerce, decided yesterday afternoon to wire ;the Government to push on . with .railway wprks ,m district, also thai the vote for the extension of the. Post Office .-be- expended as early as possible. . Mr 'Vft. J. Wheeler, the newly-appoint-ed/ land officer and district .surveyor, arrived overland, via the Coast, . yesterday afternoon, and has taken up his 'new duties.- Mr Wheeler, wa« associated with the local staff for many years. . The cookery, pupils, of. the Technical School yesterday afternoon informally entertained Sergeant o.' R. Oflsen, who is in Gisborne on final leave. .A number of Sergeant Olsen's former fellow-teachers i were present, and tea ,and refreshments ' were provided by the 'girls in a dainty manner. The . visitors inspected the new arrangement of the robins. / l A letter received; >, by Mrs. Moore,! Papanui, from her soldier son "Somewhere in Fr.ance," .shows . ( how. . greatly the efforts of Lady. Liverpool Committee are appreciated at the front. He says: "We are out of paper again. II don't know what we-Ciouhl do,- ( if!it was not for the Lady Liverpool Committee. We generally ,get a handkerchief parcel about once -a month. . . . are very handy little parcels." The attention of Mr. W. A. Barton, S.M., was occupied for; the greater part of yesterday investigating a claim for £30 2s, being wages ; f or, driving . a waggon team, the plaintiff being Charles Whitfield, carter (Mr.. Willock), while the defendant, s^as-Johni.Field,. of Matawai (Mr. .Notejv). After hearmg. a good deal of evidence his Worship adjourned the case- until Wednesday 'next for the evidence of ; witness v, fori the defence. >- \.,. : - -.■,'.■ x '. XX' \.' : ;. The Red Cross shop . m • st!^eet was .again open to-day, and, judging by. Vthe, steady stream of )>_-, purcha&r?, 5;ood. ; business, vw^-ibw 11 ?' done,.^ v /The adies in oharge were Mesdamea' jH^ Kenway,, J. 'Hutchinson, Al W. Rees, and J...W.. Nolan. The assistants, were Mesdames-., Thorne-George,- .'JB". fiherriff, Murray, and 'Stock, and Misses, P. deLautour. McKenzie* Qrr!(2)>.ahd Hutchinson. The ladies wish. -to-' thank Mrs Erskine for kindly supplying tea for the helpers. „ . .., ' -: W connection with .-the! ! "San „-.T6y" patriotic ; effort next week, there -are to be sweet stalls under, the- management of :Mesdamies ; M. FostW'flncl 0. Buscke and Misses McCredio aiid Pyke. Orio" stall will be located on the balcony and the other in the vestibule,, .A bevy of little girls will "go, round with sweets before the opening of the and 'alb the interval.' Donations, of sweets will be thankfully received at 1 the theatre oh /Monday;- '"J. '•':■;■■■"■ vv"-- : '': X'f.y- ';:■'■' An old and c highlyrrespeoted resident, in the "person of Mr Frederick' WilUams, passed away this morning at the residence of his. ton, .Mr S...Williams.,Palm.erstonVroad'. •-The: deceased gentleman^ who had reached a ripe ag» of 84 years lived a quiet life during the many 'years he had been ? in. Gi^orne,; and, he wa« held in the. highest esteem by jail "who knew* him." The furierar will leaved his son's residence at 2.30 pM.vt6*iriorrow. Members , of tUft '.Royal ; Gisborne ; Lpdge are (.requested to .attend, the .deceased having been a member of the Good Intent Lodge, 1.0.0.F. : A discussion on thrift^ took 'place at . a meeting ..of •women, at Government House, Sidney.' Miss Ruth ." Beale said, the Federal Goverqnien^ ishould prohibit the importation '"of luxuries and food producible here,-' thus, relieving Hhe space on-ships^for necessaries. The decreased sum spent oa. liquor owing to six o'clock closing, would be approximately £lyooo,---000. k This should besused-for-'liiseiful purposes. .Mrs Bogue Luffman advocated eeonomy .in ; hbusekeeping. There Was no ; couritry in the world where ,economy.:,was. so^little'. known 'jaa dt.vwajs here. It was .vulgar, to^waste, and well bred to econoriijse. " Mrs Hugh Dickson oxpressedvthe dpinion that .women; should wear pretty clothes and make the homes bright and attractive their husbands. -. , R^sqliitionS;.were. vi paHsed in favor of establishing classes of domestic economy, and if possible preventing thfi use of imported, cereals. y y . ..;'./ i "A. certain amount of .mistaken kindness finds its way irttp*the wards at the hospital, in the way of . parcels containing various things i that/ are not good ifor, and in fact cause a great deal of injury to the patients," stated the -Visiting-, Committee's, report, jjo the Hospital Board last "evening. "These parcels aire taken in by visitors who, possibly are not aware that A by-law exist* which saysr. 'All , packages or parcels, brought by ;visitorg, foiv use of patients in the Hospital must be left in charge of the w?,rd sister or ipovier, with the of Jpatient written thereon. V, Thjs, is Jj# pre-! vent any fpatientsfroni receiving anything which in the opinion' of the Medical Superintendent is not good for them. The Medical Superintendent recommends v that this by-law? should 'be- placed m large letters in &■ suitable place, so that , all visitors { may aee it."— .Tho recbrinnendation was adopted. .-i '■ ' • "It is a> big question, but we will 'have to face it if we are' to have a healthy town," declared Inspector -'York in tho course of his report placed before the Hospital Boaa'd last evening. The subject in question was referred to as . follows: "During the last week a great part of my time has been taken up in-. vestigating complaints cl! householders/ in the borough and suburbs of Gisborne about the way-surface water has collected Upon their sections. In some cases large pools of stagnant -water have collected and lie under. , dwellings ; , -. this water is beginning to turn green. 'I have- grave fears for the coming summer. The worst spot ia-on the lines of the old Waikanae drain. -This, used to .drain the p<wltion jof.the ai-ea> onVtHe. south side of Childears road between Gobden .sU^t and the wharf. v ery^ lit^lo or ho provision has been made in! Gisborne for dealing with the suriface water."— lt was decided to forward a copy of the above report to the Borough ■Council.— Tlie Mayor remarked that notice had been sent to the owner to abate th© nuisance. „ Good numbers have been attending! meetings held in the Grey street hall this week by Mr Grubb, of Christchurch. The mission continues next • week.

i ii I i. u "San Toy" opening night is announced for next Tuesday, at H.M. Theatre. ; The Coast and Morere coaches leavotown at 7 a.m. on Monday. ' • In May last Corporal Harry Fraser»,<£ Gisborne, proceeded to a school of iristructicai in transport work at a bigbase: camp in France, where there were quite a. number of n. co.'s from different units. Playing in the school, football comp^^l tion this morning ; Mangapapa defeat^n High School by 3 to nil (try by Porter) ;. Gisborne A beat Te Hapara by 15 to 8; Convent defeated Gisborne B by 15 to nil. ' '. ' ,'■ ' ■ „' One of the Gisborne • boys at . the ; front, states :— "The Legion of! "Frpntiershjefc are very good, in sending ; "t<ft their members: on active an*d 1 have had ..several^ ,*jarcels. :from them, the latest being a fine" big cake. lam j'oing to send an, acknowledgement to Mrs Gaddum,!' .'! . . ■ , " ","..' , Messrs OJiri^p and Son haye/ been adr vised of the death of the owner of "HisMaster's .Voice''- do£, ; well known throughout tbe^w'orld. in cohiiectiqrijwith the - gramaphones for which' Messrs Chrisp and Sfon ! hold the local agenijjrv Tlie owner of ji>he ; famous fox terr.||t that inspired the tra^de mark/yas: Mr . Daniel Farrell of New Jersey,,- whose business was taken.^pv^ by^ a, .company. The dog got accustomed to. the sonnet and could .recognise his. owner's voicei and was listening attentively' to the I machine when he "was photographed, and the picture became the company's trade I mark. ( :,:. .;•'■'• '.'''■' At the Chamber of Commerce meeting, ye'sterday^r.: S.*.S. Dean ir^ef erred,, to the daylight i saving {^fftd thought • that as the- older - ; countries, had adopted, it Chamber! should support Mr. Sidey's. .Bill, arid urg^' ti^at i^'d£ placed on the statute book." The.p'ftiT posal woUld.,npi affect, farmers; any more than commercial men. It .would 'save fuel and lighting, and thus help, to .reduce! the' 'cost of living. Mr. Long,' in support of the suggestion, said he v sad worked under the system in the north of Auckland district, and it was very nice to, knock off work atriopnand^ stilly arrive home at noon. The Chairnian )1 (Mr. Bright) said it. was a. thing he had neyer been able to fathom. It^vpas simply deceiving themselves. His o'piu? ion was that it would leadV'to weekly hands being called on to work longer hours. — Mr . Long : YbV can' leave ii to the unions to watch that. — Mr. Foster : How do >you mean people, will have to work longer . hours?— Thß. Chair-man : Work till it is dark. — Messrs. Lawless arid Long did not think that would happen.—lt ,was decided to urge thetfGovernment to make Mr* Sidey's J. Bill a Government measure, 'so that it could be passed this. session. ... I *■*■■■■' ::-rs-.:^ - : s

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14051, 22 July 1916, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14051, 22 July 1916, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14051, 22 July 1916, Page 2