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The Gisborne portion of the inward : •San Francisco mail should arrive by the s.\; Kiritona early this evening. , ... Mr I>. J. Evans, proprietor of the Hokitika Guardian', is visiting Gisborne. A special telegram from our Christchurch correspondent states : Private ad- i vice has been received that Mr. Noel Ross, son of Mr. Malcolm Ross, has received a permanent appointment on the staff of the London Times. Mr J. A. Riasewarne, who is stagemanager for "San Toy," is expected to arrive to-morrowi. He will most, likely he accompanied by Mrs Rosewarne, who is well-known m musical circles throughout New Zealand. It was resolved by the Borough Council last evening that during the absence on isick leave of the town clerk (Mr RD. B. Robinson) Mr Fergus Gumming should be appointed as acting town clerk,, with full authority to act m all matters pertaining to the office. • I The committee appointed by the Borough to consider the proposal ' made by the /Turanganui .-..Bowling Club for, the Council to purchase the club's .property adjoining the power house/ recommended last night that no taken. The report was adopted.- . Tenders m cpnnectioh with- - the supply of .pipes', pumps; arid elebtrical ■ machinery required lor, the ' Mlangiipoike supplementary wat?r7, supply ,..' together ,yfitJf\ sewerage an.d.. ele'ctrieal .^ten^iop . were opened by the Borough Oouricil last-e yen - ing. The whole of the tenders were submitted to M> 721. H. Metoalfe, consulting engineer, whawias m attendance, for .a. report for submission to a special committee meeting to be held, a* 5 p.m. to-day. V „ .. Tlie staff of the 1 Public' Works" pV liartment assembled yesterday afternoon to' bid farewell to Mr Wm. VQ. TSmith, paymaster m the district for the past 12 months, who .shortly. ,enters camp witl^. the Canterbury^ quota. The district erigiiieer (Mr C. 15. AiTnstrqng), m presenting Mr, Smith 'witli a,; luminous wristlet Ayatch^ expjeegsed their, regret at! losing him, and wished liini good lupk and a safe return. Members of the 'staff, also a spoke, ,and ALy ..Smith, siiitably replied. T^lrYSmith; left 'for Christchurch by ' last 7 night's stfeatheri Last night, „ fiill rehearsal of "San. Toy/ Avitli. ''. orchestra.,- •^vas/cheld| V.and* prpved^ highly satisfactory. ' The T^£>r_ of the7ehoi_s and principals was good, and the 'show: : shbuld prove -to be one ; of the -brightest yet staged by the local amateurs. It is . announced >t<bat>. a (full rehearsal with orchestra. TvFill be held at H.M> Theatre to-morro\y .af.terxipon at 2^6'clock sharp. ' All ' members are requested to attend. .... It should be noted tll'kt-dnly those taking part7in the production will be admitted to rehearsals. The box plan for. VSan Toy" is , now open at Miller's corner. \ .^'Rainfall' i-ccorded at the various East Cdast stations for the month of May vr&s as follows :-=— Te Ai'aroa 3L73 inches m: 16 days;; Waita&aro 28.16 m. ou fldays, Pakiliiro'a' 34.11 m. on 11 days, Tolaga Bay 14.43in. on. 20 days, Waimata Valley 21.02in. on id days, Waihau 13.58in. on 20 days^ Glenroy 24.03in. on 21 days, Ormdftdl37o7in on 15 days, Patutahi 11.51in. on 17 days, T4 Karaka 12.54in. on l9 J days, Waihuka 10:51in. on 15 days, Puha 12._Hn. on 19 days, Whatatutu* 13.9__Y6n 17 days, OtOko 15. 18in. oh 17 days/ Koranga Valley 21.02in. on 17 days, Tahora 16v06in. on 18 days, . Tahunga 10.26ihi oA-16 days, Hangaroa 13.05ifi. _h % 21 days, •' Morere 22.69in. on 23 days, Mangaone Valley 25. 13in'. oii 2_"days, Portland Island 6.97ih\ on 21 days. The above rainfall was chiefly during the May storm, and that registered at>:'-Pakihiroa and Te Aratda ' v easil^ f,1 toh:stit : ut'ed a record for the Dominion. . ! Reporting the result of his recent visit to Wellington, so far as it concerned the Gisporne Municipal Gas Works Bill;--.-; tK^ 'Mayor iitterrned ; the Borough CjOtfhcii; -last evenirfg thatYhe had retieiVed ■ several - length^ letter from >JAvMye'ra>:.:,yrhd'.v^^'.a^i}Sg :on-thse^ Council's behalf ih cOttjunctiqn with) t^fe Boi'ough solicitor." A^ er . detaihng the argument that ens_edybefore7the Lbcal Bills ;Committee on the poirit. raised by the-Gas-Compariy, tiiat it was;-a "privstte Bill*" his Worship said the 7;jCommitiee ha* eyenttially decided' it wasia "locitl' Bill, and 1 \yas m order to iprdpeed. A con! ei^ence 'had subsequently^ ensued, - and ' there^iSjas every possibility of: art amicable arr&ngemient b^ing - arrived at. After discussirtg.lthe ;StCw"6(» m cbnunit-^ 1 'tee the Council' resolved as follows:* '■ "That it be a direction that it is essen- , tial that,the ! Bill /sthould^ cpfttaiAJtertain „ provision giving ., the 'Council the absbliite right of purchase; that provision ' should be made that 7the sanction of the 1 raiepayers should be' obtained to any i loan proposal to ne raised for the.pur- . «pose of acquiring the 'gas works, ; and ,• any purchase effected m pursuance 7,0 i. the Act should be* subject 'to the pro--1 posal be_g7 :, caa.'ried by/the^ratepaye^;. ' that' the Council' agrees to liave trie . te^m 'goodwill.i ncluded m the property. [ and assets to? fee 'p'uVcliia^ed.^' • Ahy _Urther details m connection with-- the,. Bill -vrbre left'ih' t_e ; , hands o'f'-Sfayor'aind i solicitors ..- to .arrange. Despite^the.Xfet nighty tfhera.wajji.a 1 latgo attendance* of 40 meinb_s' ol:' the? i Star of Gisborne Lodge ! last > f evening. > The business was the installation of om- } cci's for the 1 ": ertjSuip7g tetm; ; •; j^ D.D,:G.Mi7 ' Bro. H; -D, ;.smi-th-|- accom^^iedi by tfri 1 Past Grands, entered tlie Lodge •'aj7%3o,' i and . were conducted to th'eiif • chairs' by the'"/ Grand ' v The 1 elected officers* were' 1 ihen installed': For N.G., Bro. J. Callahan; VM^ Bio. _. 1 Borehhmij recording McretaryjiJßrO. R, Lewis; tr^asnrer;. B^o.' Swmnerton ; financial secretary, Bro. R, Robb. 7Thp N^)ble v md .yfc^'aMn-^ihtora'p^n^ their officers, -who were obligated and in-' stketed m tlieir^^tie_^" v ';Th^. Grand" ■ Cliaplain conoltided7wtt|i i i 'ih^' closing 7pra.yer. Bro. J. H7 JonesTsaiig.the.anthems "Paradise" and "''Star of- Bethelhem," whrch. greattjr added to the effect' lof the cefemoriy.': ; f ' A Recess. Tyas' then called," when Bro. Boreliam gave, a, reci- ! tation , ' 'Lasca^i' '. ;"fii\>. T." Rob^rtsOrf'sang , "Fione" ; Bro. A: S. Lawrie, song ; ''Rro. Oswald, Scotch; songs (2). Bro-E. Par- | nell presided afc the organ and. piano. ' It; ■ w^s announce*! • thatY' the M.W. of - T.010.F. would visit, the. lodge, on Tues- , day, August Ist, when the evening would ; -be devoted to niusio and cards. A ' hearty vote of thanks was Recorded the i' officers arid- singers for onoolr tlie'pleas- ,: antest of evenings held for a long time. 7Mr D. 7K; Hutcliins; head' of the' Forestry Department iqfjSoijth ■ Africa, at , the conference of the New Zealand . .Council of Agriculture m Wellington, ' s ir^fen'ed m detail -to different trees ' should ,i>lant,. and this, is what r -he said of the walnut:— "lt is certain- ( :ly one. of the most, profitable ..trees for 'New Zealand farmers* In the -'central latitudes of New Zealand it grows to 1 -perfection. For the fruit, there, is, a . market ' which Tmay be looked upon as practically boundless. I am assured by those' iii the;' confectionery, ill . Australia that ' can . take, almost uhliniited quantities of w^nuts. ','. Olie commonly pays 8d a pound' for quite iri-' iferior walnuts m New . .Zealaiid, „ Iri. Cyprus^ the ,-treeS 1 ." are .planted by the river* (it is too dry for therh to', grow; anywhere else)', and'e retailed at . Id per lb. "~A% '"- 'There is a lot to be made' out ' pf ' walnrtt-grbwing by the man who can .afford to. Svait for a few y'eare."-' lti were a yonng num. I should take up land and plant Aval"nut trees m New Zealand, Tasihania, or the mountains of Victoria. Both the timber and the nuts are of exceptional value; a veneer log of Italian walnut will fetch £300, but" the ordinary farm-' er has* to consider his nuts first, ahd ■ for this purpose it is not sufficient to put a walnut m. the. ground, but to ob- : tain grafts of the OnOjcei* yarie ties. Recently they have 'raised hybrids m California, ■ which - have given . the most in-- • teresting results m rapidity of growth, and;- yields of nuts,"- Oh the whole,, oaks - will prf^ahly be the most profitable tifee fof %hel neld^ for -the average farmer, fre-. cause of the acorns for , : pig-rearing.

The Coast coaches leave* town at 9 a.m. in-morrow. - i. The weekly parade of th© National ftrserve takes place to-morrow night at :.'ie Garrison Hall at 7.30. (Orderly offi- ' cer, Lieut. G. B. Oman). 'fhft Edgar Luckenbach, which ari;\ed at Auckland from New York this isfternoohi- rrtade 'the ; '^ Voyage-' ** via Panama. A tug-of war is to be held at ' _ c Karaka to-morrow night, when some exciting tussles ai;e expected. There will be post entries for heavyweights; lightweights, and schoolboys. At a social gathering to be held at the Baptist church to-morrow night 7 tho opportunity will be taken of bidding farewell to Mr. 0. F. Hall, who is visi&l mg Gisborne on final leave. . Asfc „ Tlie Druids' Lodge will entertain tlie '' Ancient Order of Foresters at a euchre tournament to-morrow evening m the Masonic hall, play starting at 8 o'clock '•' Brethren of the Druids' Lodge are notibed by advertisement tiiat business will be started punctually .at 7 o'clock. ■■■>■■■ ' ' n \ e ,^yor , (Mr W. d. Sherratt]' in- , timated to the Borough Council Vast' eyening that he had conferred with Air hhnmpton, telegraph engineer respecting the erection of public slot telephones. It was arranged'- thlt five slot machines should be provided m the Bovough. The OouVif LiM^Jt , thanking the department for it«? n_ tion m the. jrhatter; ■■•?•'•' "•> •'-.. .With a viW t,6'having afl'featly start ™*e°n tlie ] tramway b e _^ is y;^ Wddish moved at last night's meeting cal ed , for the extension of the trance ■ S___f^-"^-- n,at^ 1 "*■ A ®>*& ■£ ■without discussion. The Mayor lsta_„ ' .that wlien at Wellington i/E ,' iit^T^V fn_neer-in-chief, a^ 0 ' ' S__ Xf 'ov wa* feporSg upon the Turangaiiiii and Taruhem bridges,, and. provided tl_y C 6\|]d"te .^rengthened he, (Mr Hil^had^^ ' objection + to the trams going oVer then? S-^^^n^-'hp^eyeV, the cSthe Marine Department. ftYwas agreed ' &??* to the rbor Boa^r a S for their approval: of the swings K. permanently closed/ ' ' " "??■ A™ ' vjfea inatter> placed: b^ore Uitfßorbugir Council Jasfc evening :tha auditor-geh^]-JTote.statoig lie underst_d7the OnS sfi^ 8e ? Tn °^ s *y <,f tempote deposit smce October 12, 1915, i^S . traventioii of Section 26 of the ApSSPJiaiions Act, 1915. He should be ,55 2- • n?f ° '• thafc > Rations of S nature had -been discontinued; ottorSS iltioK d ti be , Ml f lM '-*• ■' ** SS a^tmn as the la^ chreets.,. A reply vaa sent, that, no further money, would.; 'be under this h^ad < until^ pSmlt Fnanc"" f he Mmi&r^f V J<inance. As the Council were rtorilfiii temporary loans; from the puhlto ™_i *~ overdraft from the bank eonSnUyYt «as thought 7 the* hiatlef did not »' under .section 26/;. however, an appS Ferm.t.— ihe Mayor said they h-iri perinision.^-Received. 'jnance |oi ed^h^^^^^ 0 " r^ft jiom Mr Majonbanks iSlteele, of Auckhrnd, m connection,; -J. with-: W^^Ki gainst the Council for £s(£v as S? curaticn fee m neanfint&l?- as P*ploan, of ■Rhioh fell owing > the term of the loan being for ten years ' wherea, the conditions on the vSg'pane,^ at the poll token sanctioning ShTSwi vL's e fr * *ern\ or"? ' jeais. lhe writer claimed there was m absolute contract to pay him a omj n?r S^Ttr {ce \ ™ d %?„ : pieteiy at a loss to understand why ithere should have been any dSav '• what™ m the payment of fe^JL v ™ JPoved that, the . lettef bo V W? n y s so fef^ jffi Worahip added that Mr SteS had ♦_* n „ ha^ s own c a^e against. /• S; o i°?r?t , H6 h ad .informed** Mr Steele that he had Jnoauthdlit v to compromise m the matter—The 7 Ojun^l agreed t^ obtain the/«,licitoVs oSSon on^he subject befoi^ taking any Sou. iv ■ f% , pf ■■■■. l "W_«ted sub-divisions of V ffil Srou?„^ 1 * Placed^^ 1 xne Jiorough Council last evening- li, doing so the Hospital Boad wr^g ,.*£ J T£ P°T cil Mould be willing to ' amend itß7by-l aws to allow 20ft "??oirt° h?ve Sting /° ads here «e_S2iVeham _?^ c8 -° f n<>t less than one cnanv to t^e river or sea.-r^Ci-. Mtmha sa^dit^. remarkable to him im a body hke^ the Hespital Bbd4 sbStfld pital Board, which W^plentv^sf 23?' t0 PP c posterous Such, wretched .little frSages would only tend to,<^eate S it| ' He A AVOU ?f i oppose such a .proposal tdo£h an^ { nmLr^Cr. r Bright afeO sectwns vpere half an .acre.^Oi- Muhm! S hf^d .a stailai.. regies! in'rl r speet of the Te Ra U property.-<.'i« Wildish, m seconding tha. motidn!^ tIJ?V m°^ \o the ;pririciple.^W LawW pointed put ; that ithe would be-amended.—Oi. M_ans ?^f ft, :^ fh« , property and, cut thejland up^prpperiy^cT _rS said- that the object J tfchyW^ •£ SOnaWe «i''«P»»e„-«_d that, he, submitted was provided by a chain •frontage to the river. He moved aM .amendment that the matter be defeS to a full nipeting pf. the Council. -fl^is course was agreed to." : A .A.- V* A representative deputation of hoefcev players waited upon ..the Borough Coun&^"W^fS' and made* astTong pJetf for the Childers road reserve *b£ng placed m playnig ordei'.. for, hockey. The deputa.tioinsts. ipqluded, , several local players and was headed by Sergeant " Osen;who explained tha_ last ye2i> %t°™u* been able to send atW ?to Welliiigtqn. >, where they, had gained ladies having hacT sMtab^' grjlih& l ?£ w 8 - -tJ s^ lll^. ° vthe\phamp_Sp7!bein^ .heldl-m-Gjabdrrie this /yeaj^-1 caa-ds. 1 ; He ftiat two "or tnS grounds be made playatTe, and 1 " Sk horses should be %/<$ :tne^r_u» 1% pointed out that 'the 'HocSv:;^ sociation li^d paid £50 into .tjie^nnlt which drew 35 jcenf rf.tlie^S that giwnds /should .be -available before the tournament c6ufd be' allocated to Gisborne. .: Tlie Mayor said the Counoil had already spent £1485 on the reseryV - uv foiTnation, fencing, , etc, He asked what it would cost to put m order.— Sergeant^ Olsen said that it would cost about £50.: Subsequently,, at th^ i&V stance of Or Bright, it Mas agreed that the. request be given; effect : . to^-$W Mayor said it. was only a auestion. where the £30 wai 7 to come from;-^Y After -fui>ther discusion it Wfli^debidea' to refer the matter to ; a special «:_n£; mittee to attend to^- The deputationistaY thanked the Council for their considera* tion. '.-.'...,'_-, ;, v ;: ;i The playing of a series of new7 S oii_s ° n^ Broadwood Grand at Mep^jrs Farr and Halls new shop oh Saturday night ■. attracted such' a large cru_, ;.that - f he, police x^ere kep«^ Busy prdvidirig i«j thoroughfare for pedestrian traffic* < Storekeepers are kindly requested^6send m their orders early for "No-Rub-bing Laundry Help," as the mahufac-' turers are fihdirijr some difficulty coping with the heavy demand.* . . . . • . . In view of his bomiiig' departure 'fof ' camp, Captain J. R, MCirk is advertisirfir^ m thw, issue hia English A; C. mdior^car- .. for said. ■ '■ a " i?i? V ; ; Gordon^ Jewolleir, ppposite Banl^ K^fel^ * f? _ S°l diers Watches^ Cigar etita (Sim? Match-boxes, Lockets and; Rings. "Pri_» right.* ' V -'''■'' ; -" .' '•■-'> -^ y Wise men say by paying attention,' to *™Wl. tbmgs big^things>ill : lookc'afteV, themselves; Grieve, Jeweller and Watchh-; maker, pays itrictest jittention to.Watcni and Jewellery repairs * To get Glasses that really suit and -i_f»consult GordbriY Spectacle^akerY M^« site Bank N.Z^* ';" " " x-a '-

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14048, 19 July 1916, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14048, 19 July 1916, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 14048, 19 July 1916, Page 2