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Tlie Waikohu County Council held its monthly meeting at Te Karaka to-day. Present: Crs E. M. Hutchinson (chairman)/'!. B. -Spence, C H; Bridge, A. C. Mortleman, T. A. Foqte. ■-„;. Correspondence-- Avasvdfealt/Ayjth its folloavs : From Mean's" Nolan aiid Skeet enclosing certificates, authorising issue of publican's licenses to licensee of Oil Springs, Rangatira and MotAvfHotels.-rßeceived. From Messrs Si Newman and Hi J. Peacocke stating that a meeting -of ratepayers was held on- June. 26 to cohsidei tile questions asked by the. deputation from ratepayers m the Kanakanaia .riding . At this meeting it Avas resolved; that the answers -were ' considered xm< satisfactory, and they had .been appointed to write to the Council to ex /press this 'opinion. They desired to thank the Council for the trouble taken m the matter, 'but they regretted that- they were bound to express their .dissatisfaction, and Avere of- the opinion .that ; the ahsAvers gave practically no infarmatiovi on the; question asked j nor did they fehoAv proof of judicial and economical; administration.—The Chairman said. he did noi think they should " go into the mattei further, and '■ mbvedHhat the letter 'be' received.— Or "Bridge: That does not mean that AA'e agree -to .the contents oi the letter'.— Tlie' Chairman : No, the' let ter just lies on the table,— The motion was carried. *'...' . ' ' From the Chief Postmaster, Gisborne, referring- , to a complaint made, by the Council Avith reference to negligence, m ■aeliveiy of, a money-order telegram, aho 'stating that the matter had been" taken up Aviththe Officer at fault,— Received. .. From, Mr . Wm. Graham, ; jun. , asking .what timber/ tax he Avould have to : pay, land Avheth'er he Avas. to be 'taxed; for timber supplied to the Public Works Deipartment, With regard to-' pre-pay - Anient of tax for next- year, he could, not 'possibly tell liOav much timber he would cart.— -The engineer reported' that he had adVised that all payments Avere required before the beginning of the season, and that.' an adjustment of accounts \vould fOlloWi . . "vj-lw^^ -, 'From the hon. sec. Matawai fcetblers 'Association, asking for 'repairs to Mot" jyalley- road.— Thci engineer said the matter Avas being attended to, the man who had- caused., the damage having a gang at •.work. i '' ' ' , ,' From the secretary, -New- Zealand Farmers" Union, Auckland, asking for -particulars in? regard to natiA-e landsrand ! jrat^.— The clerk to supply the. informa tion. .'-.•«•■• -* i From M.T H. S. Briant, pftenng to carry out certain repairs to the road m •lieu' of pavmeiit: of,' timber tax on. posts Parted by "hini during tlvo past year.It was decided to reply to the effect that the^'Gouncil Avere considering .the ques : ,tioh of metalling the road, and that the ' bylaws must be adhered to, - - ■ From the Commissioner of Crown Lands; stating that he had 'informed the CroAvn Lands Ranger of lof the Council's letter m referehce/to 'Messrs Peacocke and ;Co;'s tinupettftoatiinc license, and Mr Robertson Avould no !' doubt heard on the matter.— Received. „- rA ' From Mr H. P. Seymour, asking, to an allowance for a plough Avhich.had been used by the Councils employeesLeft to engineer to attend to. •,.::;^h From Afr C?yril White, askmg for^a further subsidy of £ICO for opening up thevßotorua stock track,, and stating thai-he understood the Cook County .;Cmincil would g»nt a like amount. He 'aW asked for informatjpi as to the pionortions iii which the' cost ot ,mainten : &A the Whareko P ae-Karaka n y t «r_ds^ divided.^The Chairman ; I dont tiunk these figures are correct, T dont knoAA wSreiMi-'- White obtained them from.$S ultimately, decided that, the^ matter lie -held over to enable as many CounI SuoS as possible to visit the track, the IcS to prepare a statement as' to ho* l^nefiilnces stood m connection -with this l^'j. Poynter wrote, asking^ the. Covuii'cil'to deepen the drain opposite lus mo-, pert?. Hi was prepared^ pay :half^he 1 cost up tb' iJIO.-iprevioue correspondence MhTsanit object Avas J^^'fig ; it was found that an offer -which naa ;&S%i.' *MMft Mfefi hadTihot been replied to.— it AAas aeciaea ,iSp°y, stating that the .*ork mug^be i>held oyer for the. present, as the Council !HA not haA T e the money. v •From the' hoit; sec. bf the WharelcopaeTahori SttleW Association, .enclosing & of consentto th^ rau,m^^v Tor' bridge construction, ash? *W» stood ffi' tie settlers, wished to m K£y traffic bridge, insteadof the one at: first proposed.-^eceived, ■ the District Engmee r WelHngton, stating that as the .Council s SepSe wire crossover which, is leased lo .Mr ■ W« V* • o e t wn ' I'wnibepecessary f.^^he Co^cil Obtain his permission m WjngJ^ ™" line to cross' lils iease.-I>efe§ed ; until St meeting, the clerk -to ohtaw the e sS!^kin.ifa^a^ me^Sm be nuide for % %JTO#Dartment to obtain the use of the.Coun■Sffi windmill' % ?uha for , pumping water into a 2000-gallon tank .| S ,^r-' ing engines;-Agree4 to grant theynecjsfify permission, on conation; that .^tbe windmill pump connect^ direct io the vat, 'Which is to be" joined up.^rith the Council's tank, and also^? h^^" mill be maintained by the DfepartWient^ From same, detailing, a prppp^al for altering the position of culve V ts qrrroad at 26#ile peg.-Tlle- engineer, saidMtbe Work had been done, -..-.•■-■■■ ■* From same, asking if aiwiigementß have been made with Mr Hhghe^ >c Windmill and pipes placed on land % leased by. lum.— -The engineer' to obtain the .necessary permission. -.'.«.. t. tut tv From the Engineer-in-Chiet P.W.1),, Wellington, statiiig that. the .Department will tahe steps "to prevent any; damage to the Council's ' bridges through .the construction of low-leVel bridges.— Re-; cieived.' n ' From the Superintendent State Guaranteed Advances, giving provisional ap\ prbva'l- to the Council's application, for a loan of iGI3OO to. widen the Rakauroa road ; interest to be' at 4^ -per cent.— Rgcoivfid. .'/.: , ■■■:■■' -,; i The; W»t- Ooasb Gepeval Laborers Union isepfc a hst of demands for; whitti they Intend to get an award when, the pi-ws'ent ;,award expiresv-rrTho engineer was appohited the ,^oiihcil's delegate io. :■ itten|f^e Cbnciliaiibn Council, and was ihstr(i|iiM..-'td i . endeavor .>to> obtain* the! oxemp^i^i of -.tlie Council from the operaions;^ thoiaward. % K^GINEER'S' REPORT. Main^ttfhccTTTlic, linc.wcatlicr of the a st thrje weoks has enabled repair Avorks m<r i»U r'^nfovnls to ■ proceed without; tc,w# or risk,, ami it has been lAken Vilvasfljkg-.0-j'' u>. Av\rtc.h "all ' l}ut three foods. \/., tft 0 'iTppier. Kanakanaia, Motn plicv; )ivl ib.vt of the Watkohu-Otoko |pad?.- :Im>\iH| the fine weather continue U\\ Ulc Jid of July, "I propose to proceed Iftiore a<jfvely"with cleaning up all roads; IV v l s "Hbe remembered, however, that jgnould: fef 1 weather set m it ' avIH , b.fe ntuthcr Mse' i iol . economical "t^'" ; do more «ian w«4n-'-ont';to Bft. The WharekopacHga.apav^Q, upper Kanakanaia slips being ot nature, more than ordtnavv r «M(ieT'ution must be given, and be exercised by the Council that, xn^ a)V n n t f orce{ i jjy vieu ie needless %nxiuiy / oue ov <iWO >sottl(!i's to quicken the parent;- tß i s . tinio Q f the year. AVorKS „ iand that shoula hCi i lo t e d are tne Weningj of the Mangamaia road opnoMte h hu rt.i t .- Si W hich j |S ■■, almost compiotc nnfc^i, fr)| . wnocl trallic; 'foi'ih'atiou oi a road' through the slip at Wai?"'^V r ls woll m hand SViYVir \* mc m loss tua " a Aveck; 'tlie ,"/««/ rote 'on the Matawai-Tahora road tneiy finished), and , the 'break-' ' aw SS .r ¥ ''Mottt Falls, which hasi'bn^h ma *. *Wi h^ waning, flic silt m the routniuvfrdri is being removed,' 'and the V r''\ nl V* k available', for Vheel trailic' slioruy. jo n , Scmmin's crossing.. Wharc- . kopae-xa^^ roart t0 « co tt's, tlie rpad " a / i* p l^>peried'<ull,\vldth; the Karaka wlUv h^ -mice' more "m , good Co "J ll sSfeit«ilh a' fortnight. C J* Jrfte and i made a round trip of e?»f4?ir the. county, via Totangi, Rere, ? «.Hf nd Koranga to Matawai. 1 "V^e , 3Mr w «nphy's "work," 'which' he I * a "/iog to _ vigorously;.;. Mr Snow's «?U! stf* hich is 'well m hand, and Aye ii! n*,W c Kora »ga settlers to discuss 'I T AhlA n of bridge site. With i^iin/} 0^ 3 and a-.tjpe I took the nJ ? iSTw^Jlft '*W>PoSefl by the .settlers. n7 ■J£irt cli & '' wl *h > ' 3ft ,hiocV putting +^1 »*3r taking It over 35ft above 7£*lJfi^f&*M \vorkS';out MVi'it » d jeflfatryva'^o >4lt below th^ bedjpf tr^ k the whole way.\'i' at-

tach plan o£ longitutlinal section herewith. Several suggestions were made, to overcome the grade difficulty, one of them being to raise the bridge a further 10 feet, making the approach on Hallert'f side 20 feet high, it" Was unanimously deckled by the settlefs that the Council should ask Mr Armstrong to decide which ; of two sites should be. taken, his. decision to be final, it Avas*- suggested that the road across the Koranga, via lord, should bennade Bft wide m the. meantime, but this was declined by the settlers. CONTRACTS. . Contract 13C, MataAvai-.Tahora road (D. S. SnpAv and. Co.): Contract all but completed; Contract. 137 (part of),. MatawaiTahora road (D. S. Snow and Co.):' Con- - tract jiVill be completed to peg G2 within ; a fortnight. Contract (pt.) 137 -and 138, Matawai-Tahora road (P. Dunphy): Con- ' at Avork. Contract 13&, Manga- i inaia abridge. T.^Ryah ,(late W. Green)-. Contractor at work. Contract 146, Puha- , tilvotiko road (M.Mooney): Still m hand. Contract 147, Waikohu Valley road (Waa. • Oraham): Contractor at AA-ork . getting out (the necessary metal. Contract 153: Held oA'or. , KAITArATAUI BRIDGE. On June 30th I met Mr dc G. Fraser (Cook ; County Engineer), at Kaitarataht, to confer on the matter of .repairs arid renewal of the bridge. We jointly recommended:—That the whole of the decking be renewed, also two deck . cp>bei's' and ,such deck, joists as 'may- be fouiVd'to 'lie Avcak When decking is stripped, the workto cost £600.} That plans, specifications, and estimate be made now for renewing the Avliole bridge! : ' That a committee : ?rom jjach Council should then meet ' to ■ decide upon .the proportion to be raised by each Cpuhcil . and '". i he amount the Government Shotild be asked *tb contribute, j That after repairs are made' notice boards be erected at^each end. of the - bridge to the effect that riot more than ' 3 tons per axle is allowed to cross any span at one time. ;- GOVERNMENT J3RANTS. ■', By your direction, given at a special committee meeting, the following further g-rants have\ been asked for:—Mutuera road, additional £100; Roberts' bridge, Wharekopae, £200 (£ for £); Motu Valiey metalling £400 % (£, for£); : Mangatu metalling, . Additional, £500' (£ for '£); ' Kanakanaia metalling, £300 (£ for £); Waipaoa River road,' £200 {£ for £) : also, by direc- ' tion-' of the chairman, br|dgo at Semmeii s Wharekopae road, £1250 it*? 1 ' '' fol '- a ,)rid se of the strongest typo* . « 'Several tenders were', received for I A-anous work, but were heW over for consideration Ja^er. 'Tenders received i for the formation of 'a footpath, at Te Karaka toArns'bip \y?re . considered too high, and the,,, matter was ; left :in the hands of the Engineer to attend to. ' During the discussion on the Engineer's i report, mention, was' . made of Avidemng several roads and repairing sUp damage. The Chairman said they : Avere spending money a good deal too. •fast, and it Avoyld be wisa to go slow - for the present.' They -Avere not nearly " through the Avintev vet, arid some more bad Aveather Avas. to be expected. It I AA-ould be better to Avait until fine weaither, avas assured before doing the work, . 1 as they might have to do it tAvice over ' if bad- weather set m.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13428, 10 July 1914, Page 1

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WAIKOHU COUNTY COUNCIL. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13428, 10 July 1914, Page 1

WAIKOHU COUNTY COUNCIL. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13428, 10 July 1914, Page 1