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\ , : — — ■ Mr McGhskie,' chairman of the Mangapapa Town Board, whfo has been moving m the matter of an extended postal delivery for that suburb, requests residents; to. have letter-boxes erected without delay, as the delivery • will'^ not ■ be inaugurated funtil this is dopp. An invitation has been received by Mr WID. S v Mac Donald, M.P., urging him to address a public meeting at Hamilton next ,week, but it is iniprob-' able that he will be able to accept the same, as 'he had previously -been invited to speak at Whatatutu, and also at a meeting on the flats next week. After performing evolutions over Hobson's Bay. at ihe landing of the Gover-nor-General last week, Lieut. Harrison, of the Commonwealth Aviation Corps, took Major Whyte As a' passenger for a journey of over 200 miles. The last 110 miles of the journey were put past without a stop. The engine performed m great style, and the machine travelled over 60 miles per hour. Major Why te dropped a despatch into Queenscliff forte when passing over them. Some idea of tho extent to which the motor industry is becoming establishedlocally may be- gauged from the fact that no less than three additional motor garages are at present being erected m the town. It may bo remembered that last season saw the opening of a Jaa-ge and up-to-date garage by Mr J. H. Otrmpnd. Other firms engaged m the motor car business include Messrs Da^ys, Third, and Mitchell, ff. R. Redstone, Barclay and Dougherty, H. Anderso*, Clark and Stannard, and Poynter . and Hansen. Of the new garages now m course of erection, the largest* that m Peel street, is being constructed by Mr J. Webster for the Barlow Motor and Cycle Co., and substantial , progress is being made. The next evidence of enterprise m this direction is the Central garage, now m course of erection m Peel street. . This is- beinpr built' by Mr A. Kirk to the order of Mr J. Shevi&an, and comprises an extensive addition m brick for Messrs Poynter and Hansen.. The 1 third new gara,q-e will be located^ m Grey street, adjoining Messrs Robb Bros.' > coal yard^ It is beinc" erected by Air G. AW. Aitken, builder, for Mir A. Wade, and is of a Bubstahtial. nature, measuring 80ft by 40ft.

A meeting is being held this' evening with a view to arranging for some assistance for Mrs Merton, whose husband lost his life at Waihi recently. ;.The Japanese Financial Minister haa announced that the financial policy of the Government is a further reduction of taxation and a strict abstinence from borrowing. ! The Canterbury Public Service Cash Purchase Association is now m a flourishing condition, having a membership nf about 1500, as . compared with 600 upon its inception. '*■• • Allegations of "dumping" were made before the Inter-State Commission. -One witness declared that stovei sold . m England at 24s 9d were supplied to Sydney at 18s 4d f.o.b. Glasgow; or London. ■'.'■■ The Gisborne. Liedei'tafel's first concert v of tlie present season has been* arranged for June 19th. The soloist on this oaca-. sion will be Miss Jessie '-'Bartlett. Hf Auckland. Miss Bartlett: is the possessor of a very fine contralto voice, ahd her singing will undoubtedly prove a ;big attraction. . " '■ • • ■" .. ■ - .-..y-..' The search for . the . , body of Robert Jenson, who was drowned at Spence's,- fpiniroto, a short 1 time : ago, has been prosecuted ..vigorously, „with;qut*?ffosudt. The police have been advisedthat owing to the muddy state of the river the search has been disccmtinued until the water' clears. f ' "I do not know if any of you know anything about sealing," "said Alf R.'-'C. Bruce at a- meeting of ' the Wellington Acclimatisation Society. "It ' is tfie most hoa-rible thing imaginable,, anil'' I wish it -.cotil.d be stopped. All these skins are used for are lxpcury and decoration. Sealing is attended by the most inhuman conduct."'.' . ... ' " 'f; Mr W, D. S. Mac Donald, M.P., will address the electors at' Qrmoiid 'Voii Saturday evening, and as the Ormond district is on the border of .the; Gisborne and Bay of Plenty /electorates, iSir James Carroll ' will. also 1 ., probably -be present. Ladies are t specially invit*sd to the meeting, which is .fixed 'far 8 o'clock. f "To make the most of life, live in* the country, m communion with nature, and live m a cottage," said Mir R.. 0. Bruc£, at the annual meetingf of ~: the Wellitigton Acclimatisation Society. "I • have judt, I regret to say," he added, "had to knock! down my old whare of fefhtree and clay, which has , done me"' for many years, ( and: it is possible that whares of that kind may. be cheapbraild ■. even better than the flash houses that we are forced to put up." y -':..'. A spacious grain store is Hearing erection m Derby street. Thef building, which is being erected^ m- brick, and has an exterior measurement' of 66ft. by 80ft., will > be . occupied . by ;Mv T. Claxkspn, grain merchant; A. feature, of the building, . which .is being erected, by Mr G. Smith, builder, is the exceptional timber lengths used in-ythe . construction of the roof,-. the_ ioain beams which cover the entire /width, being of Oregon, 66ft. m length.- 'XX. A progressive movement is afoot amongst the residents ofv' Eiidcliffe, Kaiti. A proposal has "been, mooted ito providei lighting both, foi*-the'.iUiihiina-tion of the streets and foryprivate use, and the matter will be' disdissed > at : "a meeting to be held -at -the: school house ! on Tuesday evening -next. A number, of prominent / residents- are interesting themselves m the subject, and negotiations will probably be entered into ' with, / both .the Electrical Department and the Gas. Company. ff r Mr Cyril Parsons, one of. the proprietors of the dried fruit factory rat . Motiieka, had a" mihiculou3''e ; scape itioth. death last week. It appears that he was caught b-y the clamp the' axkr of the engine which drives the pfrhs, and . was picked up bqdily, whirled rojimd-the axle, and, his clothes giving way, thrown . clear on to* some tins. The whole of his .wearing apparel, withfthe exception of one leg of his trousers. and his Dbpts and socks, were torn ' tiff, '-and he *iW*Ls considerably bruised and. knocked about, . : but, most remarkable to -relate, -no! bones were broken, and be never lost conßci<sus- . p^'>.> _./:■■-, y- x 'AA:-,A X, ''■:*ss' Judgement m the case m • which' the police proceeded against five settlers m the Whananaki district for illegally conducting a ' horse race, . known as . the Whananaki Cup, was given by Mr-E. Page,^ S.M. The i race. in question appeared on a sports/ carnival programs on March 17, the conditions being "that the Horses, should walk, half fa .mile, t-rot half a mile, and finish the remaining portion of the distance at f iany speed. : The' event m question was. won by a lady rider. The niagistrate . held that, the competition wai 'not a hfyrsia within: the meaning .; of the Act, and the case was dismissed. . X/ ■At , the Police , Court- to-day, ■ Win. Alfred- Kennersley Harris was charged that .on May 14th he entered licensed .; premises while under prohibition. ,->He sfeid - he did\ribt remember ,: anytT^ing about the matter, and; pleaded f/not guilty. ■• Evidence was ' giv^n ,by .'Ooin.stable Henderson, who saw .accused collie out. of the- Gisborne Hotel and .ride away oii his horse. Corroborative cvi- v dence was given by George), Wakefield, and . accused then intimated" thatyhe pleaded guilty.- A fine of £ll and < l2s costs or four days' imprisonment was imposed. Two first offenders for drunkenness were dealt with; m the usual ,' manner. '' "'. "<yy**When the steamer; Rjpple'arri'ved; fifom , ;■ -South this morning, the vessels was placed at her., usual berth,' /the;>lowe£w«|Kl of the town \vharf, and-' the captain. -ex-.... pressed his surprise at th^ steamer |»ein'g brought ; alongside tlie wharf, having been told m- the .South -that there was only 2ft of %ater at the, be&h he ,-- geneu•jlly occupied. The Ripple ivals dtaivihk a httle pyer 10ft. -Another steamer-: that arrived from South, this iriotningf waa the collier Regdlus, 'drawing lift 7in. Tlie steamer was berthed opposite ■ the Harbor 'Board' office.. Good •progrejss is beir,? made with the cleaning out of the inner harbor by the dredges Maui ahd John Townley, atid the silt is being lifted to the extent of a little over 1800 cubic yards' per" daiy. "'-...' '' A very . enjoyable dance: given by. the staff of Common, Shelton fa,nd. Co. wia held iii. the Scottish Society's Hall . last night, there being about 150 couples present. ' The hall, which was decorated with flags and greenery,. presented .a gay appearance. The music was iii the capable hands of Messrs Jones, -Cremer, Oliver, and Davis. Extras were played by Messrs H. Parsons, H. Renwick, J. D6ds, Rf Parsons, and J., Renwiqk. fyA - first-class supper was provided ~by 'Mr W. Frerichs, and the tables .were, waited oh by his staff. The success of ..the evening: was greatly due to the cnergetio work of the secretary, Mr R. R. Parsons, supported by the following committee r Misses Aisher, Black, Cbarlwood, Thomas, Hopkins and Hayes, 'arid Messrs Farrelly, Crahip, Kellyi Puflett, Bennett, Hudsqh, Snell and. Farara...,.,, sound of a cork being drawn vin- . dicated that Isometlii/ng uniusilail; jwias going on m the Magistrate's Court this morning.' This procedure becameinecessaryfiii: connection with the hearing of the case of alleged supplying of liquor to a' native. 'Three bbttles of whipky were produced. "Are they openf. "/inquired Mr W. A. Baa*ton, S.M. SeniorSergeant Hutton replied m the 'iMjga. tive, -'bnt if is whisky,, all right." That has to be proved," said the -magistrate. "I'm afraid you will have to sample it," jocularly remarked his Worship, "but I don't think a glass is necessary." (Laughter.) The next difficulty was a corkscrew. A publican and his',.barman were, approached, but neither ' ;^ad the : necessary appliances. However; another gentleman who was witnessing the proceedings came to the rescue" with a cork drawer. . ' ' At Malcolm's auction rooms this evening from 7 to 9 _ a collection of £5000 worth of . art china, clocks, silverware and precious jewellery, from the Auck-; land Exhibition, will be on view.* . .. . In, connection with the production of "San Toy," the Gisborne . Operatic Society have set aside Monday evening next, Ist June, for voice-test night for all new members. The test will be held at Findlay's rooms, and the first reheatsal will commence there on Wednesday, the 10th June. '"■'.'"'••. Wedding, birthday,> and 'bridesmaids* presents. Remember, Gordon, the reli-» 'able jeweller, opposite Bank of N.Z.f

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13393, 29 May 1914, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13393, 29 May 1914, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13393, 29 May 1914, Page 2