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Jurors dhmmDiJed to appear at the Supreme Court- on Monday next are notified that • their attendance will not be required! - The appeal ease, Corry and Co. v. H. B/. Liddell, has been set down for hearing at the Supreme Court to-morrow, .Mr-Skerrett, KiC> of Wellington, having ,been retained m the ease. : Mr R. Sherratt, of Swarthmoor, hasbought the well'-kno\vn racehorse Forward from Mr J. 'W. Parker, and she -will be ridden at the next races witn Mr Sherratt's colors up. , The Tyser Co.'s Indrapura, now at .Auckland, has on board 67 tons oi bridge material for ' the Waimata bridge. The material, which is chiefly iron work, will probably "fee brought to Gisborne by the s.s. Rosamond- next Monday, Two rt-lddle-aged men, named Arthur Adams and John -Wilson, alias. $hamrock, were convicted for drunkenness at the Magistrate's" Court'thisi rnbrning, and each fined 10s arid cbstfe 2s, m default 48 hours' hard labor. At the Counties' Conference a delegaifQ from' the north of .A.ucjdand. stated [ tljuat m, that part of tlie; country there j wks a block of * 76,000 acres of native land m which there were no fewer than 17,333 shareholdeSs. 1 ".* 4 - ..»■• It is understood that .notice 61 appeal is to be lodged m, tlie recent- lost luggage case, m which judgment was given, against the Huddtart-Park£r Company for £26, the value of a hat trunk and contents. Tlie appeal is on points of law and fact. I

Lovers of gopd rimsic.- should' find enjoyment m the organ ' recital to be given m Holy Trinity Church this "even, mg by Mr E. j^.i Sidebottom, the pro-, > gramme of which is published lin another colurpn. In addition for „' fine selection of org^n music two solos will be sung by Miss L. Coleman. Considerable excitement "" pi*evails at Brighton (says the Grey River Argus) iri consequence of. indications, of petroleum having been discovered by Mr Rosenberg, wlio purposes' visitmg- Westpoi*t to form a pl'o'spectin'g"' company. Indications are to he found ih a wide stretch of tei*ritory on the Wesl Coast of this island. * •' ; -■ -. •• -. iy,-.-- n^r • i. < ?rl7!-: ■-. The secretaay of theNjbmpetitiohs advises that the official prograhtme ;>vij|l be available at the end of the, week. , The box plan opens to subscribers on Thursday, the -4th, at 9 a.m., and to the pub-> lio at 10W,m. .Membership,. ticket's admitting two to each session for. five days, and including-- booking, may be had on application, the. price being £51/ Is. Tlie cutter ' Anteldpe is reported to have returned to Bluff a few days ago from the vicinity of Diisky .Sound \vi tli about 70 seal skins', as. the result of a seal hunt along the West Coast/ From all accounts the fur seals are very scarce,' and it is freely surmised that more .than, one well-stocked rookery was depleted, by poaching vessels during . \he '. past year. According to one statehi'ent, a large cache of seal skins was discovered hidden m a remote spot on Stewart [island, and it, 'is said (that one onterv> prising individual improvecLthc shining nou!r by annexing 300 sltinl ( from .. the bidden store, but no information has . aeen vouchsafed regarding - hi» disposal. , >f the booty,- . ."* ■■'

1 lie school concert to have been held on Friday night m tin- Makaraka-Mata-whero hall has been postponed until further notice.

In the opinion of tho Greymouth harbor authorities, tne raising and extending of the north breakwater wall has already resulted m a marked improvement to the bar.

Telephone subscribers are requested to note tliat 336 I. S. Simson has removed from Clifford street to Victoria Township, and that 905, C. L. Ferguson, 61 Cliiford street, is now connected.

The circumstances m connection with the sudden death ..of Mr ' John Score yesterday afternoon were reported to .Mr W. A. Barton, S.M., district coroner, who decided that no inquest was necessary.

j Whilst a number of ratepayers have responded to the Borough Council's notice to pay their rates by the end of August, about £I^oo being paid m yesterday, there is still a large sum outstanding.

A family gathering at Temuka last week included five .generations, the great-great- grandparent being Mrs Ann Gow, of Dunedin, who was celebrating her 99th birthday. She is visiting a daughter aged 70..

During last month rain 'fell on 20 days, the' total fall being 3.35. inches.- The maximum fall, was 0.60 of an inch on the 12th. For the same month last year the rainfall totalled 5.7 J. inches on 15 days, and m 1911 it was "$.49, inches on 15 days. ' ' -.' -.. -; -'■ • ■/■ •"■ -*■■■ • *.-•■•• •• - An inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death of the boy Edward Evans, who' was accidentally shot at the Waikanae swamp on Sunday afternoon by another boy, was commenced at 3 o'clock ..this afternoon at the residence of Mr Evans, Makaraka, before Mr R. S. Morance, 5.M.,-and " the following jury:' Messrs H; Field, B. • Sutton , J. Olsen, W. O- Simith, G.- E. Fisherwood, and B. Abraham.

A new Australian picture production firm is ; abobt to introduce several films 6*n ; the market.' The management hasrealised that there is an opening^in^Aiis" tralia fdr 'the locall5""-"nanuf^actc.ure'd a n^rii. Actors have been engaged from the prinr cipal metropolitan theatres, and a specjai team of .Australian is kept employed. 'The first of the series to be intKpduced is Adam Lindsay Gordon's "Sick Stockrider." -„ .■■'.

When the Tarawera. was" going south, as. several members" of her crew had not been vaccinated prior to' ""lea-viiig VVeilingtdn, tlie vessel stopped at Port OhaJmers: for _d_pectibri :?f _r*}-*''ihe local' health officer. Th«**re -being no suspicious isymptoms amongst those examined, the Vessel -wasgranted pfatiqtce arid > resumed her voyage to DiuTtedin. The crew •must now agree to. .^e vascchaated, ' that being one of the conditions imposed upon them by the ship's 'articles.. .-,->; _.-.'•.•

With regatfdi^to the song, recital to be: held m the Scottish hall on Friday 'fiext, it is 'understood that the song cycle, "The Songs of the Wrens," by the late Sir. A.*- Sullivan, -will be* includr ed m the '"progijamme. J N The setting of these delightful words*, of Tennyson _, is a comparatively unknown: work ' of Sullivan's, and those who have heard the cycle agree that it is one pf the daintiest examples of ; ,the conrposer's genius. Mr Stephens was one of the firlt, if not the first, to introduce thesp beautiful' songs to New Zealand, and it is understood that they have been greatly "appreciated by the audiences to whom hennas 'sung them. Our Friday's issue will contain the full programme of the recital;-

Mr F. J. Lysnar, who returned to Gisborne on Sunday night from a'tiip to iiie Old Country, had a unique experience during the dock strike at London. Assuming the role of a. laborer,. .the Gisborne sheepfarmer went to work m the docks for the purpose of making a practlbal investigation as to how things were done m connection with' the handling of frozen meat, and also to get a taste of the life of the dock, workers. Regarding the workers, Mr Lysnar was struck with the wretched conditions under which they have to work. .He found they' were living from hand to mouth, and they could not keep their heads aiove.water. The men earned' from Bs to 5s a^day, but the employment was not continuous. He saw misery and ..suffering on "everyv side during the striloes to such a degree that he could hardly, credit it unless he] had seen it for himself. ' '.•'*

"That the race is decadent," formed the topic of an interesting "debate at St. • Andrew's schoolroom last . night between the Methodist and St. Andrew's Debating Societies. The proposition was brought forward by the Methodists, .and Messrs Garlick, Dawson,' Vowles, and Mead dealt very ably with their difficult task of endeavoring to convince the large audience present that the race was decadent. The other side, which was taken, by Messrs Spilhnan, Auld, Fletcher/ and Downes, .had riot so rivuch difficulty, there being a greater fund of argument available' m defence 'of progression. Whilst the serious aspect of the proposition was ably dealt with, a good deal of humor was also indulgea'in, all mak-' ing for aA interesting and enjoyable evening. On being put to the vote, -the proposition* was- negatived ' by .2_* ; tb ; 9' Quite a number did-' not" 'Vote. At the next meeting, on September 22, a mock Mayoral election will be held.

The Scottish Halt, on Thursday 'afternoon next will be the-scene of the annual daffodil and spring flower show., . The weather pf late 1 'has hejpi exceptionally favorable for flowers, and it is said by an 'authority that the blobins this season of a* high order. That being so the display on Thursday should!' eclipse many of the prevails shows held m this town. A large number of lovers of flbwers have this year imported numerous kinds of bulbs, and- the secretary", Mr A-.- Thorn-' son, to-day said that there, would be a large number of new species oh view at the coming show. Entries close with Mr A. Thomson at his- shop- in Gladstone road at 7.30 to-night, and a large n\imber is expected to: come to hand/ The entries received up to to-day have been satisfactory, and the various classes should be well represented: .. This year Mr G. T. Bull will not compete; but- he is sending a large collection of fldwers for exhibition. Tne judges will be as follows : Out ' flowers; pot plants, etc.," Messrs G. T. and F. Bull; cooking, Miss Higgins and' Mr Dowell i produce, Mr W. J. Cox ; art', Mr. W.- F. ■ Crawford ; sewing. and fancy : work, ;. Mrs' 'Williams, and Mrs R. Johnston. The hall will be Open by 8 a.m.' on Thursday, and competitors must have their exhibits m position by 11 a.m., when the judges will commence their work. ■ ' !

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XL, Issue 13170, 2 September 1913, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XL, Issue 13170, 2 September 1913, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XL, Issue 13170, 2 September 1913, Page 2