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This morning's train collided with a bullock on the road crossing at Waipaoa station. The animal, which was killed, was thrown clear by the cowcatcher, aoid the train sustained no-. damage. Owing to the heavy state of the roads beyond Wharerata, —passengers by the Morere coach on Monday did not reach ! their -destination until 8 . p.m., whilst ! the return coach the following day only reached town at ,7 p.m. ' Accerding to a recent visitor to Wairoa. the residents there are occasioned) great inconvenience m connection with the mail service. For instance, up till Monday last the latest outside despatches were dated the previous Tuesday. The sitting of the Native Land Court at Wairoa, which, had- to be. interrupted to enable Judge J.ones, ,tq come to Gisborne to attend the meeting of the Tairawhiti Maori Land Board, will be resumed next week, his Honor returning by Monday's coach. Owing to Professor Mills receiving a wire, urging his return by Sunday's boat, the freezers are compelled to arrange a special meeting for {Saturday afternoon. As matters of vital importance will be discussed, a large attendance is anticipated. Mr.J.-C. White, driller for the New Zealand Oilfields, Ltd., died this morning. Deceased, who was a single man, had been m a private hospital for a couple of months, suffering trom an internal complaint. He had no relatives m New Zealand. : ' . The Gisborne ; S'heepfarmers' Frozen 'Meat Company.' has been advised by cable that their hew tug and salvage boat, the Toanui, will, subject to the Board of Trade's requirements being satisfied, 'leave- Glasgow for New Zealand on the 15th. inst. '- 1 The, Railway Department is at. present installing an. additional , siding- at Stanley ro^d, adjoining that put down by the Borough .Council tor iis gravel supplies. The new siding is being installed for the Gisborne Sheepfarmers' Frozen Meat Company for the handling of stock arriving for the works. The conflict of testimony which sometimes takes place- when expert evidence is being heard was instanced at the Tairawhiti Maori Land Board yesterday. The valuation of a section underconsideration was placed by the Government Valuer at £24 an acre. Another valuer assessed the section as being worth from £45 to £50 an acre, whilst a third valuer placed the valuation at £28. Mr Edward Bransoombe's English costume comedy company, "The Dandies," is to appear at the Opera Hov\se on Monday, May 26th, for a season of six nights. Mr Branscolnbe has had) no less than five companies of Dandies appearing .'undel* alfresco conditions m different parts of the Commonwealth during the summer. These have to find more congenial quarters for the .winter, and the halls of NNc r Zealand are found eminently suitable for this class of work, and incidentally the field is considered a first-class one financially. As an evidence of the progress of the Mangapapa district, the. Chief Postmaster, Mr Renner, has decided ,to establish a telephone and bureau office- at Mangapapa, under the management of Mtaß. M. Bell. This will enable the-residents to- transmit telegrams without having to come m to the Chief Post Office, as formerly, whilst bureau communications will be available anywhere within reach of the Gisborne exchange. Questioned as to the advisability of granting moneyorder and savings 1 ' "bank facilities, the Chief Postmaster informed a Herald representative this morning he would enquire into the matter. The erection of the telephone wire to the new ' bureau will be commenced almost immediately; j A document which caused considerable interest at a Chamber of Commerce social at Wanganui on Friday night was an American vbting;, paper. People m New Zealand who complain of the com-' plex nature of the New Zealand ballot papers, have not much reason for com- ' j plaint. The American ballot paper is a ! | size about a foot wide, and about two j feet long. On this paper is printed the candidates for election to all offices, from ' that of President downward. The paper is divided into columns, and m each of fcheso columns is printed the \ names of. the candidates nominated by ieach party, i The method of voting is to place a mark m a circle above the party whose ticket ' the- elector wishes to vote for. Tho statement is m circulation m Dannovirke (says the , News) that the' land at Oringi where the territorial, enramp- j rnenfcs are being 'held has been acquired by the, Government with ;the object, of : converting .the place, into a permanent; training ground. Enquiries , made f rom ! official quarters, . however, do not #on-i firm it, although is satisfactory to state that it is not "officially denied. One ' who is m a position' of ' authority, when' questioned to-day, said he had heard the' statement,- but ho could not definitely ' say that the purchase, had it been made, ' had not been announced to military officials who could reasonably have been expected to know something of the • matter^ , ' Judgment by default was granted 'by Mr R. S. Flowmce> S.M., at the Magistrate's Court this morning m the following civil cases.: FJrii Titi (Mr J. Dawson) v. Tialci Wai -Karuaria, . £3 lls 2d, costs 17a ; William Artliur O'Meara (M.r L. ; T. Burnard) v. Mini Kerekere, £35 lls 6d, costs £3 16s ; Hamiora I-lei (Mr Dawson) v. ; Jesse Barlen, £5 ss. costs £1. 3s §d : Grundy and Sherman ' (Mr R. XS. B.urke) v. P. L. Brownell, £2 12s.' costs' 10s; Johnstone and Smith (Mr Bui'nard) v. Hsu-old WiJHama,- balauee ot claim £1 17a 6d, costs lls; Evans; Nield and Co. (Mr Hitchins) v. William, Arthur, £2 10s [ 9d. cot-'ba 6s. Oi'dei's were made m the following judgment . summons cases: William Bruce (Mr Burnard) 'y.^Aperonilca. Wiripo, for immediate . payment of £4 3s Bd, m default five days), imprisonment; Alfred Hi Maunders (Mr Hitchins) v. RicKardsOogar, immediate payment of £6 10s od,, m default seven ! days' imprisonment ; John Macquayters j \ (Mr Hitchins) . v. , RiclVard Cogar, for : immediate payment of £1 15s, in-" default ! two days' imprisonment. • ;

"Ireland, the Oppressed,* 1 attracted a large attendance at the Opera. House, Jast night. The programme will be- repeated this evening. ...."_:■■► To-night's big series to be screened at '■■' His Majesty's Theatre is one ofiiihitsual brilliancy, headed by "The Retreat from Moscow." ..', -'■„', ,!vr« ' It is stated that m Consequence -ofothe' high cost of living, the "droppers" of Masterton, after having -held a, meeting^ have decided to raise "the price of.... ljquor by Is per bottle. Consumers are up m arms. . "T. ■ ''"'" ;■•" ' r Far a second offence of dr'un^ennegs a man named Robert Walker appeared be : fore Mr R. S. FloranceV^^-afc^e Police Court this morning, . T 'aft9' v Jw-as fined 5s and 2s costs/ in -£eiaultj'24 hours' imprisonment. "-' ."'" mA Messrs Dalgety and ■'Company"naVe-fe-ceived a cable, from their head w tJffice, London, advising- that -they jiave^deciar- ' ed an interim dividend of 4s 'per sTfare, being at the rate of -8 per cent, per annum, payable on the 15th. May... Tlie formal deeds requisite ' for -*the flotation of the Gisborne Co-Qti6r#tive Company axe well m hand, arid it is hoped that the prospectus^ Wilt ;be^&Vailable for issue to: the "publaft lon-'pr? tjarly after Saturday, the~l7£h inst..K. ■}"• Mr Tom Pollard is due itt Dunedin early this month to put the ; : 'finidung touches to the rehearsals,'^!;: ';The Geisha," vtoiich ' is to ,Be '..staged'' at; His Maj esty's Theatre on- JTOejSMby the Bunedin Operatic Society!'*' '""'*!/, J //t r , Yesterday the St.' ' Andrew's trsop ' of Scouts signalled; a, message frpm, Gisborne to Waerenga-arhika. ;';,.; twelve stations were chosen., oit ih£ '*$!&■% .^aoh beirjtr on a hill or other easily-seen piftce. By being the firsf "of 'tHe wtfe^-^brbops to do this, the troop #ilr : get the. title of No. 1, and vail be' m^ttfe^, to 'f all-in, first on parades.' '■' v ; . ~- ; . ; ; •'•''' '■•"♦'' Judging by the, saniples A of iunieras that have been displayed In tdwn^tms season, the Miuriw&i jifl&y£3,jm.ust ..have had a most successful . crop. Yesterday a native named RaeHahia'^Qjiti.r.i.e.i^ppi that locality proudly 'deposited with Mr G. Wildish, . ,of ' PeeTl '"ffiflfat "^Cfaonster kumeras with' a request tftlat he should "let; the pakeha^seer'r;.. .'■ $'* ? \ A schedule/ has :: 4^•'^ e Railway D'epartmfeht v ' resj^tinc ttiOorwarding of goods on- the Jebal section. From' the 'ist ij^^j^OtiS^^'^!^e received at Gisborhe/ 'for 4&e stations up to ceit^^'_,. ; hptffis.^'i{The arrangements are 'briefly -"'as • follows : Kaitaratahi, Otmond,;, .aaid^ JVa&aoa, Monday, Wednesday, and .Friday; Makaraka, Makauri, , ..Wa^er^^W-ai- . kohtt* Tuesday, 'Th,i»^y iiijdi,^tur^y ; , Mahaki, Otoko, RakauroA>^esaia,y. I ,'&ijl Friday"? King's Wad> ;Euhay T.e :JKW*» and Matawai d^y. ?:i P4i4sffi»«L»^i>iwls and full truc^i will b3 reffiQ&^mAt the recent. sitting';!6rnh©/i«ilsive Land Court at Wojroaj^udge^tfones hail occasion to call the^attetttftm^df native trustees to. the,- |?P^^b^jJhey; jmjj& be Careful m the admi^^^iW^, r oF^flst|teß placed, under their care; ;l oAnio'ngst other vbucher§ ' '^d^byJ, a'itroslee who asked ''for , 'an -a^lf l^'. amount of £6 6s, the^cosc'6ti&iM&sbrmade costume' fb'rVa-^hlM*<tf^l3^:-^WWs. • This, the Judge pointedli&it;wwas«acij3iculous, declaring that it was little irtxnder if children were encouraged -Aa.l saibk extravagance, that when .they greW up they went m for motor cars and'xitner luxuries. Needless to say, the;ajß[<mnt granted to the 'native trustee",Avas>considerably less than that asked fort '* The ' New * Zealand 'Times ; states 1 /' Amember of the legal prbfessioii''.i£!(fends next session to introduce \ a. Bili "m-'Par-liament to prevent X.C.- a prictisjgSg, as j solicitors. . It is ;. his ; d^sir^^to' I 'place King's Counsel ' here .oika . Similar, footing to that occupied ' )by ib^ttsfcf|» m England,, where the work of :: fi6^tvw ! classes of the .proiessiori^K&risttfKt; *nd solicitors-^is .dMirictr ; 'Tfcfr'^nysinan , who is moving m this' matter" maintains that X.C.'s sh6ttlia : giV-e/s\Jmethirtg;ili re-, turn for the titte^d State recognition v they receive— that is,' "tlie^ v «h^3ab;''3cease practising as solicitors. The -council of the Auckland' branch of -the Law bociety has written intintatifig ittoa^.nit cftainot see its way' to support: the^roposal. A meeting of the member> profession practising In ; Wellingto n. haa been called to consider <ther£Bill,. and 1 it is expected to be of a' lively nature. The euchre tourniment'fn .aid'.;'^ thf Childrens' Creche ; Wpbttonp i rooms last evening-; it . prpVed. a big / success, there bein£ ' about; 150 persons | present, and some, v<jry, iritetestiyg'games jwere contested. are to ! be congratulated upon 'the- lines on 'which these ey'enihgs^dr-e iJ citifried^,out, . and all present Ayent iiomiß qilite satia- ' fied with their"'" 'everiirig's'; enjoyment. Play stopped" sit : 10.30, and m all 18 games were played: "FolloW«| the prize-winners :— Ladies'l Miss Menzie (M ' ! games), pair silver I candle"-stickß, 1? Mra ■ Dempsey (13 game&y, box -of chocolates, ; 2. Mr% >p^m Wes), . pair miUtar> -WM& l^to-Hew^t^ games), novel, "Their W^^r '& i The consolation prizes' O81 : "to' -Mrs S. ' Ledger and Mir Seirs- respectively ing the evehing f "te 'S£LedgW^ndly supplied some musia; after supper!. Mrs Beere" presented "the^ 1 ~siimr fhe';.fi.n»l : of tliis series will take- place ,th^'-6^-ingforthigiitv '"V; ; v:N " '^rv j The liberality "of" Sir J, G;;;Wa*d m 'declining to accept ( any remuneration for his services m arranging },h.B w salft:OT the borough of InvercargUV^J9l&^e°P>QP 3 , has been frequently approved ofyß^^ne j council : at xec6nt'~ l nreetlngs '(say* ...the Southland., Times.)V^'©n Thursday there was «._ph}iuse, m tine Pubhc Worlcs (^mmite*'s>i^r^rt^apwo r mg of recognition m the/p'u^.<shj^^;w tion reserve or park, to be, calleti the '"Sir J. G. Wai:d'Park^;alj^'b^l!ets of . properties to be advertised"! f©KT Tlie council finally referred' -this .dwoser*ack to the committee. '(>.Ott'thoughir that the town had at present- plenty,- of undeveloped reserves wdtfigut* looking for new ones. As a ma^ter-of .tyWifyßifc n0 (thought the council shbold ask iSftr Joseph I m which direction should be spent. A veiy reasonable S Bng'gjretion came from Cr. H&gg'lt^ ''whb ( sii,d thAl the real desire of Sir *iToseph" was 1 'td^sajve £900 to the ratepayers ■01/lnviJbargill. • The majority of the councillors expressed their opinions pro and. conVbefoia the clause was filially sent back *tp''the!teoni- | mittee. ■• _.•." j The number of passengers/ bookeU by j the new R. M.S. Niagara from> ! A i u-sta i alia and New Zealand for Suva,". Honolulu, and Vancouver easily constitutes a ,recoi'd. The vessel sails from Auckland on : Saturday morning, she wiil : 4e4y« 'port with almost tlwwhole^otljeKiVicten-siv-e accomodation taken up. '"In/ the ' first saloon some 220 people AreVbookedi while about 170 are travelling in* the second saloon, and over 20Q m theT^rd 'class, making a totjil of close -Wttotf 600 j people. Almost tlio whole *&• the" first 1 and third class acoommoda.tio'h ha^'been taken up, but! tliei» aße^stilt a number of • berths available -d.n.:fche^.jj^apn4' Mloon. jTo give some idea oi, tlie greats carrying j capacity of the Niiv'garji^; it^may be^tnen- \ tioned "that the liner "wilt takor<HV board , at Auckland 6200 quarters of , beef,, swhich iis equivalent tor I ' l.^OQ- het}^ of-r^cattle; \ Amongst other cargo to' be loadted here , will be 290 carc^Ses,;of .y^alj; lfi& s.ackß of frozen meats, 'soo carcases of m\itt6ri, 1 600 boxes of buttfei«.;~Bp.tflns^ffi^s!;. v ;;ana large lines of wool, . jam, onions, kauri gum, and other cd!rgo;': 'cThe also take on board several hundred (tons of coal, and a large of 'sibres. Owing to Ijhe short ;stay of the steamer m port, and also the fact !hat"the~ vessel will be cro\vded' \vith -'th.fb'dfeh 'passengers, the Union Company 'has r deemed that no official function will 'take", place on board. The Union Company hopes to be able to make ■'Sotoe? arrarigements so \ * that the public may bel^allowed^toipay 1 the new vessel a visit' iof' inspection •,.,•..' Unionists are" invited' to .irieet'V Professor Mills at Townley's Hall %i 8 ,o'clock\ to-night. ;'. . '";... .'5!. '" v [",' Z .. The sale of plate". andVjoVellem' at Malcolm's mart is tq be jodntinued to-mon-ow and Saturday. ,^. Those having art-union books tin connection with tHe^'Oinjpnll.*. bazaar are kindly requested to-' return tSem" by Saturday next. /.'.'; r ""**.^".';',V;^. l' i ;"'-'" ■. ! Attention is directed .to a chan&e^ m the advertisement of ; the. Cook Cfeuriry College, asking new jmpils'ior,- the' second term to enrol immediately, and alterations- .t»i jfko-. • college ; i.buildTngs ai-e to be made during the cojninfc'fortnight.

"Shooting a pheasant, out of season, resulted m a Taranaki man being fined £6 16s and costs. The Auckland Star states that the ees- >- aation of the second Main Trunk express will save £75 a day. j ' •' A large dairy factory m Taranaki has ! been built to cope with the" supply of J , joarlk from 1200 cows. ' M- section m Dee street, Invercatgill, hstjviiie a frontage of 16£ feet, was soldi recently for £5000. J, •The art gallery m connection wth ' the forthcoming Auckland Exhibition i ■yrill contain paintings valued at £500,000 ■ According to Mr A. H. Cockayne, ' ' Government Biologist, as much as £160 „ per acre can be taken off land m dan- ] thbnia grass seed. !Vwjng to the stormy weather, over £2000 more than last year has been . sp.ent by the Rangitikei County Council m. road maintenance. • . the manufacture of casein :s iike'y to become a very important industry .n the Auckland district during the oomina; season. The pupils m Standard VI. at th« Wanganui Avenue school last week voted for a mock Borough' Council election, and picked 11 out of the 12 successful candidates. .The cost of the Balkan war to the various nations is estimated to be: Bulgaria £24,000,000, Servia £16,000,000, Greece £12,000,000, Montenegro £3,000,---000, Turkey £30,000,000. « It is stated that a sufficient sum of money has been subscribed m Hastings to cover the cost of obtaining an engi- j neer. to report on the Kidnappers as a ' site for a harbor. " *~ I Sportsmen recently had a particularly! rough trip across from Blneheim to Wei- J lington, and most of the horses on board i were knocked about a good deal. It is ' said it will be some time before Tho ! Great Mogul and Merrivonia wil] be ab;e to- race again. I A correspondent, writing from Auckland m reference to the polioe discontent there, says that apart from the removal of Constable Smythe to" Greymouth two men tendered their r signations last week. "This makes . four within a month — all men of fine physique and service." . It is quite evident that the flood has -had little appreciable effect on the rabbits (says the Mataura Ensign), as Saturday \Vas the biggest day that has been experienced at the Mataura works for rabbits for some time past. Over ! -?5,000 were received during the day, and /'.the' packers were kept busy until between 4 and 5 a.m. on Sunday. There is on board the steadier Wy- ; reema, trading on the Australian coast, 7~ ' a small iron cannon, which is said to be ■■ -jone-of 'those thrown overboard from Captain Cook's vessel the Endeavor when she - struck on a coral reef near Cooktown. »- - The cannon was found by some fishermen w?ih H)ft of water near the spot where the J .Endeavor is said to have met with her » mishap. s^uo;>The first step m connection with Syd""Tiey's underground railway scheme is r. now being taken. The city is being ."sounded." At all the points where 1 • the railway tunnels will have to run peing put down, and cores of I """tire rock through which the choppers t - Kill- have to cut are being taken out and " ffled away for reference. The object is to .obtain some idea of the cost of the project. The hardness and character of is what will decide the cost. 1 Recent English agricultural papers . Jqpntain references to a new variety of riflbtato known as "Vitality," which is , .claimed to be blight-resistant. This , potato was introduced by Mr James •i- -Richardson, Old Leake, near Boston, and A fi6me. of the Lincobishire growers — m r which county over 80,000 acres were . 'Planted m; potatoes last season — have *a<?wn great faith m it. The Mark Lane „,, reports as follows: "It is said .■-'.....Wat~ this tuber has done remarkably . well, and though not sprayed, has emerg...ftd. through this year's wretched atmospheric conditions absolutely free from , .-blight." .-• '• :.'.:; Mr Arthur Kidman, who was so large. ly and intimately connected with the Canadian- Australian trade, has publicly .expressed his concern at the great progress made m that trade by New Zealand. During 1912 he said New Zealand *ent £140,000 worth of butter to Canada;. Australia, not a single pound. To April sth., 1913, New Zealand had sent to. Canada £300,000 worth of butter, Australia £5000 worth. He looked for good markets m the United States as well as m Canada for Australian meat, fiuit, and butter. New Zealand was,' tie .said, developing the meat export ,trad«,yery rapidly and solidly. The Dairy of March 15th says : "New 2Jealand is to .make a bold bid for a part of the nine millions of money which this country takes into the world's market to bvy eggs. The G6vernment of i New Zealand, which, like all progressive countries, take" an interest m opening out channels of commerce, is now trying m experiment . m the way of sending eggs to the British market. Two months ago cases containing- 3000 eggs left for I/ondon, and arrived m six weeks. After •fheir -".'16,000 miles' journey they arrived • /*-hen there was a surplus on the market, tod.-.prioe3 were ruling low: but these found ready purchasers at 8s per 120.' , 3Chey were found to be m splendid con- • flltuMy and could fairly rank as new•laid. They compared favorably 'with atiythinj? on the market, and hardly one wa« broken."

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXX, Issue 13069, 8 May 1913, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXX, Issue 13069, 8 May 1913, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXX, Issue 13069, 8 May 1913, Page 2