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Tlie MaungahuijV.'Mqeralci, Rotorua, and Turakina will probahly be within wireless range to-night. For the, _4.-hqur period ended at 9 a.m. tp-da*y 6.14 of ah inch of rain was registered '-^Gisbbrne. Dr. Williams, a lady, medical practitioner, arrived from South this morning,., and, will, practice . her profession here m conjunction with Dr. C. F. Scott. A notification is contained m the last Gazette, proclaiming Waipiro No. 6, Te Puia block, recently purchased from the natives,' to be Crown land. The Finance Committee of the Borough Council is to meet early next week m order to decide upon the most suitable steps to be taken m connection with the raising of the additional loan. Owing to the rain having seriously interfered with the Turanga Garden Fete, the Fete Committee have decided to hold a tea and social m tho Waerenga-a-hika Public Hall to-morrow evening. It is hoped that there will be a largo attendance. The proceeds -will be divided between the Waerenga-a-hika and Patutahi parishes. j ' The Works Committee of the Boroujjh Council are to meet at 10 a. m. to-mor-row, when-they will be driven over the principal' roads and streets m **th© borough. This course is being adopted m order to enable the committee to come to a,- decision iv regard to the question of repairing the roads before the winter finally seis in. It is riot improbable that .all permanent road work will be stopped m the meantiftie, and all the available supplies of metal diverted; ffltl repairing purposes. ■ . ..- • i " of Gisborne's mistakes," <exclainjed a bystander as the Strainer waggon was vainly endeavoring to mak,e headway along Custom House street thi./ m,orning, drawing a heavy load of electric lighting poles. The cause of the trouble was that the hind. wheels of, the ■Stroker wo_ld not grip on.' the greasy 'road, and kept revolving uselessly for several minutes. Sacks and chains were called into requisition ,to proyide a hold for the wheels, . and eventually, after much trouble, the unwieldy vehicle reached the better going m Gladstone road. The representations of a Motu correspondent respecting an improved n\iil service for Motu , was brought under the notice of Mr W. D. S. Mac Donald, M.P., to-day. The member for the. Bay of Plenty said that if the metalling of Neill road was far enough advanced to carry wheel traffic through the .winter he certainly thought the Postal Department should give the matter , consideration, and if satisfactory arrangements could be made with the- present mail contractor from WtAikphu, to Moivr. via Whakarau, the' Dtepartment' Kh'o'nld do so, aha establish a daily service.' ' "We are meeting, together '-gam' at' Wellington m 10 days* or d; forf-tught ' when the reconstruction, of tne'Mlriistry will be decided, *tipbri," remarked Mr W. D. S. Mac Donald, 3VLP., to a Herald representative to-day. . "In the meantime there is a good deal of work to be done. The Prime. Minister has told our party definitely that he will retire from his Ministerial petition."'; Asked as to whether there was any likelihood of Sir Joseph Ward being appointed British Trade Commissioner as suggested, he replied, "The party understand from the Prime Minister that he has no desire at tho present time to leave New Zealand to take up any appointment."

• To : iiight will- witness the screening ofj ,'an entire change of prograriftrie ■at His'i Majesty's Theatre. The' prominent' items I of the series'. a*re "Love and War" arid) "Weighed, m: the Balari'ce," two sterling drahias, and "Madeline's Rebellion," a! most laughable comedy. THe .Chapman- Alexander party of evangelists (irieritiohed m to-day's .cables) .is to consist .of ' Dr., arid Mrs J. Wilbur'Chapriiari, Mr and Mrs C. Alexander,. ■Mr and Mrs* Robert Harkness,. Mr. arid' Ml-s Nat'zger, ls Mr and -Mrs Ralph Cv Norton, and MessrsW., W. and. R. R. Rock. The mission opens m Dunedin. The second locomotive for use m connection with the Gentle Annie tramway is expected" to come to .hand iri the course of a few day*"*". Thfe Mayor (Mr Wm. Pettie) inforriied a reporter to day! that soon after the arrival of 'die lbcbmo. tive- . and with the plentiful supply of metal available from Gferitle Annie, it is hoped {to: be' able to make v -a commencement with the/ laying ( of the passenger tn-amway.* No definite information has yet been received hfVhe 'Mayor- as .to ■ whether' -the storage battery cars have been shipped frorii NeSv York. The mixed .train due ; to. arrive at Hastings shortly after p'!m. ori Tuesday" was about three hours late*. The delay wa s occasioned" by the derailment; bf two trucks of timber, arid bri^ truck of shee^' ( during . shunting; ""'' operations' at , Waipukurau. The derailed trucks blocked the line, .makH'ng |t iriipossible' for the train to, proceed on its .journey, . rriuch to the annoyance . of, the p-^sengers.: There was a fairly Marge continent of visitors aboard the tram for -tlie' Hawke's Bay Show, ,and were heartily tired of the. journey by the time they • arrived at their destination. ■ I. The. inir^terit questdbh' of' 1 riikfeiiobj' it rco***ribulsdity for 4l brands to be i ; 6gistere'd w^^be'fore^ the' Giijboriie' Chariii-" ■ber of , (^mriierice . sbrnfe 'thrie; ago, but. so far nothing lials beerl arrived at*. Mr^ -'Bi XeM' in' ')&\^g.m wftter for^aird; referred . "to, 'the, .rittiny tages to be; deriyea'.fr'bin |6"riW _ucn\sys'teni, arid his remarKs -were endorsed by other members of the Chamber, and also by a nu-oiber..of oUtsid^-Chambers,' who;cularis'e ( 4 on the . subject v ...T^he. Governrnerit. were- also approached. ';'■ lit is suggested that the Gisborne Chamber should again move iri the matter, with the view of bringing about some d'efinltte scheriie. ...-,.*■. The Mayor (Mr .W. Pettie) and Mr H. yE; Hill were . the. presiding justices at the Magistrate's Court, this morning. Plaintiff was' given judgment by default m the ifollowing civil cases .--—Victor Strac-han -Laxdelli (Mr T. Alston. Colemari): i-v..„W"remu Heta, amount of claim £9 lis ldd arid costs £2 17s; 6d ; Mary Jane .Kirk (Mv J. Rlairjv. Paku Koko, £15 7s 9d and costs £2 12s 6d; Thomas Quinn (Mr H. Bright) v. Patrick O'Connell,- £3 (balance) and costs £1 Os 6d ; Cave BHos. y.T, , Cahjll, £4 16s 7d and costs 12s; William Wilson ; Taylor (Mr G. Stock) .vA Alec, Maitland (Mr ipiair), judgment by consent without prejudice, £10 7s" Id and costs £2 4s 6d. Mr Jas, Knowles,' of Forth Ah'uririj, died" -.suddenly at B:2Q o'clock yesterday ; m6rnin|f. : Mr Knowles wa& engaged m Ws-ÜB*ual f duties ;a't the pilot shed and was' talking j;' to.; his' soh-iri-law, Captain Paterson^ when 'he sudderily fell back : and eipired. He" was bbrri' m New York m 1836 and^ had for the past 32 years been m the eriiployof the Napier Harbor Board. Previous to -this' he had . deWed 'on H.M.S. Luna, then statibried m New * Zealand r '."wafers. He had been, ailing for someyittle^time arid had for the last six months beenjurider the. care of a doctor.' He was well arid popularly known at the Port arid Reaves niany old friends to m'ourri their loss. Be leaves a widow, a, son, aiid. r thre,e daughters; of the latter, one is married to Cagtairi Paterson, . Another, to, Oaptairi A. Nicholson, of the trawler Countess, and the third to Mi- Cardigan, . of , the Napiei* Harbor Board. Mr Knowles, jrir., has resided m Gisborne for the last three years. His Worship the : Mayor . (Mr Win. Pettie), accompanied "by Crs! Colliris and Brown, paid a, visit, of. inspection ,tft the Gentle Anrije qua 1 ' I'}",1 '}", yesterday. In conve^,s^tion, *^it_v,,/>, ; J *j!epoi - ter *J;hi§ -morning, we . M;ayor % stated tljat both the new crusher and the crusher, that was first installed: are -working, most' .satisfactorily. The two "(aces-^ef stone were examined,' N;o. 2. face especially showing some fine stone. ._ t,so*me .very large. blpc.^ar 6 being obtained^ fro^tl^ ""acje, and everything, appeared, to bi^worlfiijg -., m, admirable order. The enj^irie^ is' riiore than capable o( supplying the. necessary power, for the two .crushers. „* p-wing-, to, the heavy rain yesterday afternoon work was susperidejd; as it always! has tp be m wet weather, the '■ metal becoming- : too sticky ; to be handled^by* the crushers. At the same time, the Mayor pointed' out, the men are not rendered idle -when the crushers are, not working, as, unless m the case of very heavy rain, : there is always some other, branch of the work at which they •Jan be occupied. When discussing the question of raising the additional loan recently authorised by the ratepayers, Cr Bright stated at Tuesday night*, meeting of the Boroiigh C9uncU,t>hat; the .State' Guaranteed Advances Departuienb. wa» not issuing advances of ovei* £5000. Questioned on the 'subject 'to-day, "Mi* W. D. ' S. ■\lacDonald v iexplairied ; .that' the Department was giving preference to loans under £5000.. This was due, firstly, to the. raising of th© rate of "interest at Ho*me, and,' s secondly.' to the fact that pw»ng to ihe, state,; o^/ patties, after, the; last general' eTeotfon itihUA' be%ri dfemed' a^Y t !*^ b le r .not v to. enter into, any, riSSbtiaWmlM- #H,M4it ( P4rli'amerit met; « -to. §j_f-^ ,M '.»\;te'mporary , .v^^Wifb'^'lh^rf co*n^iderabla auffibi-iscd ,m the Drer t^^mm- for Wublic' .^i-k«, f axlvanlces toloc*a Mdies. efe, M^ beeiV raised! No doobt;. nop _ tftet stafe (of pa^-ties ha' 4 been,, .farijly/ well .^ MUM b^.jp^de tb corripl^etc^ the flotation of v the balance of the Ibgja. ', '.' 'AMU W: D-.S\. kp)oPd, M.P. for! the .Ba^ 'of Prefffiy' dlstMctl/i'etui'ned from Wellihgtlpn I^^ thi^'moW-iirr^ ' After the session closed Mr Mac Donald remained m Wellington :i& aWeYicfa %eting of the pa^ty^ arid --fftic-f^beeW^usy :iji' connection with, various' local matters. Speaking -, .^ : mpres?nt#ftiv,e, of this pape^toraay, SjacDbriald said he had ■J.lscu'«se<_■ , with:, tli-e'vNa-Wve Minister the ■M-^fufeitfo-ii .'-oTf '.sottie it^tive Jand at Vtiokornai»(f Bay^%>th^ WOT ! br msi^g, 6% selling to n-ieiff e*mploWd at^ttf^ freeing I Native I matter'". 1 a*n# tfrileW some Aiioedim h£. ti6ti -.-w-i.' mm "M mtgnW iMifrW hngfoh, as;; the; master;. 'walJo'ne ,0/ 'ur-. sf"^"-; Amom,.- otbg^ma^^: %, h^d alsb •nVade t 'te^*re^ei¥ta*ti6*Vs'^^ $qda£ residen^_t;M„:a!tif:Kai^ lattei* had beeri.lpbi^'ved.ojf,,: R^ a schobl for Matawaa ... i ti ;cbnnec tibii with which lie m. Mcl MM^&WMk he found thay' so t Ar rio {,rej^en((Ai6ris ori * the sflb^fecib, Md-Mii / ffißs 14 'the Depai-tmeht 'sy, Board. He 'had, ( however,^jutly explained the posljlion to •^•Secrlta-r'y for. Educailbri,, wh^' h'kd,;assSwid' fiinvfthat' wHeri tlie. usiial •reDre'^ritetibW .caVihe'', frorri. ' tljK Board -ttf^y ;wb^*^*r^ba|blv .^9 tpn;' with the' work. Mr ; saiq "•"'hat he had ( iriterided h'fc'Sr^i eN^irV^ flhe ' Cbm"riiissi oner of. •Orowri J_irid'* , .^rid the.Education; Board ?vyester^J, but found thev'^'t^'''^tn'a'b^ht o^.i'rig,to $ holiday. He' fiad desired; £0 . *|ec\jre- the purchase of land for. workers ""at. Puna i and also the survey, and operiinsr of the Te Puia sections recently pm*cha«pd by the C'rbwn from the Natives. Tn connection with various road matter.* Mr Mac Donald said authority had been issued . for £100 for aocess to Run 60, Waimata.

Owing, to there being a heavy swell outside the bay, the b.s. Tuatea's *ash*W. exbursipn to ; the, Ariel reef, to have tasKl place this afternoon,' was postponed unm* jnext Thursday: „, . i, | The : Tuahine; light v was • not jtftirnitijr ,'lastinJpt; anavthie'«atterftoori' Mr Q. A&. fA^^t^hg^cßi^'ic^^giheer, and. Mr \T .4 A^McDpnald^Hajbdr; Engineer. - **&_£- , fett'the'^ , cycling' aloW-G^li^^jvictttV fthas • afternoon, Mr.-. Amies, cameflirito collision with a, veliicle, which Was&urhmg.^out of Lowe street. The' cyclist < was not ■ hurt, but; his' machine was. badly *> damaged. •.'.■'*•,. «, lxfi\ '"^JiP^Sf o'vPourt0 'vPourt at Bsndigd • (Vie.), Swift, a '^tie* ' l %??™ernAVicfoim,*'w&s synced torngtnV years .imprißonme'ntlgßr, mftiv-. slaughter of his! wife! Swift Kit his Wife with a piec-y of .wood to hurry her iip. Ihe blow killed her. I Ih . e last Gazette contains notice of the •appointment. of the foUowiW local 1 captains m the Territorial force : Captains J.; R.. Kirk and. F. C. P. Mddy. TKe fi r £ er ? I }}W meantime take charge t -xx °'J senior cadets,, and the ' latter No. 2' Company. .The, following, pupils' of Mis* Fiehende« na,ve been successful m passing the musical examination- an connection with IJinity College, held last December, Jho r^uts being to hand, to-day : NeHj'e Apgland 95 (honors), Mary KenneUyvß2, Robert^Morrisoh.77, Leto Greig 60, and Grace Fisher. , :. .Mr F B. Backer/ -who Avith' Mrs Barkfer and daughter, left Gisborne a! fewweeks ago for Home, only got aa far as bydney, when the extended trip had to .be, postponed, owing, to Mr. Barker taking ill. When' the latter has recovered sufficiently; to, permit of his travelling, s Mr and Mrs Barker will return to Gisborne. ■• A meeting of residents iri Kaiti will be held m the Public School to-night at" 7 C 30 m place of the usual choii* practice. .As very i'mp*ortinfc iiiforhiatton -concerning tfie^ -proposed new Church of ■England hair, to be erected m K&iti, js_-i ;tp be laid before the meeting, the/Vioiife - ihopes that all ■■-..■ interested - parishioner* !ih the-suburb ( will makea point ofbeihi present. Itf will be" &c duty of the meeting., jo . 4fofo ..ti^ees- for .. the fine $ur6h^*ute;fllat has" beeh pre'serite^ to the p-irish by, a. resident; An advertisement ca;is v attention to the meeting: s - .j.Ojf^^s-tili:^ni^rritaii.^it* remg_*i&b& Bittfe-ra'.e/ flilch': for* the rnontr of " yf& the highest' 6t any bof-bugfr jc-f^ 8500; v-ftliV; re^r'd was' Fblloweld W <Jal*riiei_f6n^ . yoftti: (ll',_B9)' with' «. i^Sr,V T^¥ tt (^l9)y «S_ Wftarrffi; .^3,071) cobing rifext.with r 3? birth's, and : WanganiM;* (ll,l76F#iflv.3l ' .bjrths' ' The rbirtl^raTe > ih : tne<foul?>l^e ceMfMs 'was 1 * headtoi'cm „ -wltl-T Gisbor_iq7' viz.' Aricf_t£nd i,m(m) k 170, bi'i--ths,: Wellington Ooffil) ,183 biifths, phristchurch' (64*690) • 163 .births; .Dtmeain ((&,2Sfi) 147 births. A- -. U &-, «V" notice ih the , "a^t ■Gazette, the following polling b^thsMii" vthe Gisborne electorate ,have been abolished: Hi» Majesty's, Theatre cipal), Garrison Hall, Murray's Hall, Mitford's' (Tahora), Williams' 'j ;store ; (Wharekppae), Palmer's (Lower Hangaroa), Spence's . (Tiriirdto), public School (Te.Ai'ai), and Burgas (Te AroHa). The new polling places appointed' ar&* a* follows: Garrison _lall (p*q}ricip_tl);' Whinray's Hall, public school (Maiiix- • tuk'e) , and Dickie f s. . (Frasertown . road). 1 It. will Jje ( 6bsefyed that the" Garrison *£all has been selected as the principal '^ f IK* Maje'sty*a.theatrl': • as formerly. : , >7 t -? - A nu-mber of changed Have talten' PJsot" recetithr, {>or are peridirig, m, coHHe^tiqw :wdthv the 1 "icensees of -.everal HStdlst'iji the, Gißbo i?ne , licerisihg district: 1% Geo. Akast; f*com -Auckland, h_s- foik*ktf oVer^the Muriwai Hotel front Mr" W. l \R Scholium,. wTiild Mr Jack Law (lktely?*ot the Waipiro Bay H6%1) h-is' succeed** Mr M. Keaoy m tKe BWdge Hotel. -Mr M. Hylarid, \of Waibiro will probably take over the Sea V"i«w . Hotel, ; . Port ■ K V^i s^ rt !? l^m^r -v^ ; - LAlleii, while Mr IW. H. Skildh, at Ttiparba, ia selhng out^to^M^ Dug. OsbbrneJ of Gisborne. It is also sfratc-d th%t th|ere will be no application for a renewali'ii the: license of the Te Rahui Hotel, tf__Wp*pV erty having, been purcbase_ for tlie buW poses of a d-wellihg'i house.' ' ; ' ; ; the ci,vil cases.fpr iriv_»tiiii» tion at the Supreme Court, which open* 'm Gisborne ntsxt- . week, ,is . an actio"^ brought by. Karajtiana, Timarar^ (Mr Burn„rd) . against; Michael Mullooly ajid another (Mr -Nolan), to recover the SToitt* of £10 10s for *-. rent, alleged to bei dqe. It is understood that. this .."« a test <?as«j," brought to determine /whejihcir tjie <iefeny dant Mullooly. or plaiptiff Is .entitled ib varioiis -moneys. ;in irespek* to the la|e • Ropiha Timaiaro. deceased " iiii Wa year 1898 becanae bankrupt,, aiid.transferred all his : jnteres*_?> m various lands to Muilooly,-as pruicipal' creditor. '' Ropiha died shortly. f retits have been accumulating since', and . they: are claimed both, by plaintiff (as 'deceased's successor) and defendaiit". The action is beuts bi-ought.i to 'determine' to ■.vhom the iftbneys should be paid ... Five s steamer ;, hai\ds ; employed 6h thji*j s.s. Daphne "V^akattee- had-a veirjr unpleasant bbatihg.^experience 'd^nring the beginning of, th'e' •We^K?'] It appears that> the party. setojiK^W^.^day morning*itf' the steamer's boat' for a day's fishihg!^ih'tlie vicinity' 6t Wliali& Island, taking ■#"£__• them 'merely .suflacieiit ; provision s T 'tyBerve.for the midday meal As" they did* not ritAhV t^> tlie steamer, which, w^b lyirtg at' Whakatane -Wharf, that eventing, the remainder ,ol the ci*«w ■ becanfe' an^ibiis for tHe safety: of their 'fellow meh,,^.krticularl*y so, as a fresh wihldand hea.\-y sea gjqt up during the day ,' arMfat' daybreii*. the foll6*Wirig morning ' tsp±tain Faulkner secured a launch' ajidw*rr>' put to search' for the rijissing mert^ 'Theywere discovered oil Whale Island, aiid brou^lvt back - 'f<o Whakataiiei, by .jßhei launch, barely m time, to allow- -:.*t_ie:. Daphne to leave port on the tide", tnat day. .. -ne sea became too rough to aJlow /tlie men to get back to. Whakatane 'before assistaiice came, and th^y suftered considerably ' f rpn\- hunger and exposure. An . ttnch'iille'nek-i^stor^wik? plated by couiisfel 'dvi-rtng'flie e*xainination , of a judgiuelat debtot^rih! the . J!^gistria.iia_^ iCouvt im Welliinjtorii I* wßi»>Stated;th_V thDf de btoiy who is. a) carrier, employed fy tl» city at A weekly- wage o^4)SL7sf,>-_ome. few -years'.;agt»' 'retoeived . *, Sinn iv of; '*_£&' from his(-fi_ncee with to set^jx house.; Instead of do"in^ th% hoi^everi he cleared out to AmericAi where? he. *^(Bmained.'for*aboufe*lfceea years, i|Hie^_>ai> ■tW:,COpMi^t(A-^'^B % '^9^'.»^\^^ engagetn'eril' was, ndt . b*rbk4n offy. Wl^ja the debtdr Ardtuiri-ad to.t he 'po*nw*r*oiv libweveV-'i he / marrieU iian-ftther 'girij made rib etf„rfc to repay the <(s*■■. tress warta_t . wa^^-t^en^out, ;but as tfte debtor-'ha^^assig^edraJ^lHs: property ip*'. his^ wife, ; *fche: ( .crel3itofc ; was ,u-pi.ble-. to ob- • taon .any-afirig.' ' fl^e^dejWor ; j"sald Uhe could?niak^.no off-^r.of rep^yman't -^ -to waS not always iri, full, work. The-: k Ha«i ; ljtrate (Dr McArtJ)i*arV c hb*w^ve*f,-> ordiWa him to liquidate the debt m mbritlimini ' stalmerits of j,10p. ..... '.;* '.:,'*''..' i -y

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12705, 7 March 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12705, 7 March 1912, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12705, 7 March 1912, Page 4