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The Manuka, Wimmera, Moana, Marama, and Mantua" wilt probably be within wireless range to-night. Mr and Mrs W..J). Lysnar, who have been camping at Arowhana,.at the foot of Mt! Hikurangi, have returned to town much improved in health hy the holiday. • "It won't be long," declared Mr W. D. S. .MacDonald at the Waikohu County Gouncil to-day, "before there will be statute law compelling all local bodies to adopt the system of rating on the unimproved value." As . the . launch at Tokomaru will be going .on the Gisborne slip for overhaul next Monday she will not be available at Tokomaru on Wednesday nexfr r •' In- 1 tending passengers would do well to note that the vessel going north on. 1 this day. will not call at Tokomaru Bay. The case of the Collector of Customs v. Wm. . Pollard, a charge of having carried on the trade of a brewer at Matawai without being licensed t to do so, has been adjourned until February. 21 in order to allow the Government Analyst .to attend and give evidence. Mr T/Hill, representative of Messrs Mirrleeff-Diesel engines at the Borough been supervising - the erection of the Mirlees-Diesel engines at the Borough power-house, has received cable Instructions tojproceed tp'Stratford insbr wejeks time. The firm are erecting a' 2so unit, of the two-cylinder type at Stratford, for corporation lighting. : ; ' • - j At the Magistrate's ;.C#>urt this ..morning before Mr W.. A. Barton, .S.M,, the Napier case, Reginald Henry James Hamlin, of Napier (Mr Kirk) v. Herstori. "Franklin, of Hastings (Air Bright) 7 , was called for the taking .of evidence. A witness; however, failed to appear,, arid £2 10s solicitor's fee wa.3 certified to on Mi» Kirk*B application. Members of the Poverty Bay Scottish Society's attention is drawn to a notification in' this issue of their monthly meeting, which is taking'the form of a Burn's Night. Owing to the rooms being engaged on Thursday, thieir usual meeting night, the meeting will be held on Friday, 26th inst., when it is hoped all the members will do their best to be present. ' ; ' . ■ 1 A demand of JBIB per. acre was to-day made by the Hon. Wi Pere and other natives upon the Cook County Council for 2 1 acres 1 rood 28 poles taken from block 7, Patutahi. The clerk stated tfte' land had been taken for the Gentle Annie "short, out," and vfheri it vr'aa taken the natives wanted £4007 It was decided by 5 yotei to 3 t6 pay the amount asked by the natives. . '.'•', The dangerous state of: the road, near Niven's siding of the Gentle Annie tramway, at the -Wairoa road corner, was again discussed at i^-day's meeting of the Cook County Council. ;Gr. Lysnar urged that a strip of land should be taken to i widen the road at this point. After some discussion it was agreed to confer with , the Borough Council to see if th'ey would meet them in the matter. The portion of the. road at Rakauroa where Mr H. Field was* capsized over ithe cliff yesterday was drawn attention to at the meeting of the Waikohu County Council to-day. iDn reply to the chair-: man,, the Engineer said that mien, were engaged -in widening the road at that point and had been instructed to erect Tails along the outside. " 'He pointed out that it was ithe blasting work in "the Public Works quarry .that frightened horses as they rounded the corner. ■ />■■■ ■.■•••- For been fouhd drunk last evening a man named Charles Ofetand . was, at the Police Court this morning fined : the>? sum of ss 'and costs 2s, in default 24 hours' imprisonment. On a further charge of having committed a grossly indecent act in Peel street, he was" sentenced to bjß imprisoned for two calencfar months. Sergeant Hutton stated that the accused had, in/ November last { received a sentence of days for a disgusting offence. His Worship said he did not think he would be doing his duty to the public if he did not impose a substantial penalty. The necessity for some action being taken with regard' to private telephones was inentioned by Cr. Lysna'r at'to-ddy's ; meeting of the Cook County Council, who pointed out that the erection of poles was becoming a serious matter. He suggested that the Department should extend their standard line, which at present was only erected the first mile, and thus replace the numerous private lines. He also suggested the matter might be taken over by the 'Council,' as was" done elsewhere. It was agreed to makerepre : sentations to tlie Telegraph Department on the subject; '■> / „'-;, . What was certainly a most mysterious affair was to. a. great extent cleared up this morninar 'by the discovery of ' the ln-dy, Mrs Mary Janet Grant, *wbo had been missing from her home in Palmerston road since Wednesday evening. Mrs Grant was in Messrs Adair Bros.' shop in the earjyipart of the morning, "iind being recognised by one of the assistants, who/ knew she had been reported missing, the police and the lady's Velar tions were conjmumcated v with.- Mr Grant soon arrived oh the scene, and. frreatly relieyejj, eacorted his \yvrife .^o their, residence. Mrs Grant, 'to the casual observer, appeared to 1 be in quite a normal Condition, biit up -Ho fhe prasenit :^has hot accounted 'for her abs^iYce beyoriji fetatfrt^ 'that slie v was do^nViir'the vicinity of f railway^ stati6to f:< : ; J|udging by the 'cro"wded' Appearance bf Messrs Adair Bros.' store to-day, the "Big ;Drop" Fair promises t« be a huge success. Vi.FronV' eaHy "mw^htntg 1 theiv countei ; s were thronged with customers, who all tfppß&red ' *'tw - v appreciaite the prices at which the vj*ole of their \veX\aelected stock iff being * offered. T?he piiblie are adyijed cpmmenco tl'ieir shoprring early Ito-morrow/ in order to avoid as much as possible the irtcon^nience caused by the rush.*

} A section of permanent road , improvei ment is being carried out in Peel st-eet, approaching the railway station. , A substantial strip of metalling is being put down and rolled in. . • A cheque for £-1000, being the second instilment of the amount (£3000) awarded by the commissioner, Mr W. A. Barton, to be; paid by the Waikdhu County Counoil to the Cook \ Gouifty Council in the adjustment of accouAts on the creation of the new county, i was to-day received by the Copk County Council. "' v,, A beer strike took place at Cporqy, Queensland, recently. The local publicans, mutually agreed that no ' drink should be' served unless paid for;' ami a notice was posted up to this effect. A riveting was held, and a deputation waited on each of the publicans. When they would /hot alter their decision a round-robin was signed not to drini at the ;bars iHltil the notices were taken dowji Tfye Gisborne Temperance Association, held their usual weekly meeting last evening, and several new members were proposed. V The debate with the local branch of the Labor Party is causing' a greaj: deal of interest, and Bro. Jones nas been appointed by "the Association to speak on their behalf. A iar^e ' attendance greeted the "competition night." A lot of various competitions were gone through during the, . evening 1 , and the sisters and brothers vyeie. ye/y keen on .winning, the competitions. Bro.. Crump and Sister Vowlea Were responsible for , the .evening's • amusemenit. When Mr W» D. S. MacDonaid was on the Gisborne Hospital Board heatrgr ed that a nurse should be provided, for Rak'auroa and surrounding district,! bat so tar nothing had been done in the matter. Accidents are frequently ,oc- ' curring in that locality, necessitating careful nursing and* attention, "besides othe.r, . for which' , r the. ;'presence of a qualified irarse is imperative. ! Upon the representation of Mr MacDon- !.\ aid, the Public Works Department, has provided first aid outfits, and these have ' been placed at suitable centres along the line, and it is the intention t>f the^ member for the Bay of Plenty to wait on the Hospital Board to-mght, jpfjiL with Mr A. M. Lewis, member, of iWajMph\i Council^ to further . -urge . , tjiat . :a . ■ riurs"e be appointed for the district: mentioned. ;.''"'" - .■.■■'.,'. -^'J-rJ: 'l\±At to-day's * meeting of the; Cp6fc , County Council, a letter was 'received from Mr T. Smfth, of Tblagar' Bay, -V%-. dering his resignation as poundb^eper.. The clerk stated that the Cotmcil was experiencing Jjreat difficulty in'- cctahection with its rangers in consequence the abuse they \yere subjected ;jSb. x For • instance, one ' ranger had betfH. chased off the rpad-with ; A. shovel J/ f6r taking a horser Numerous cojmpTfrnjs^ were beiag, received. For instance, the settlers -at • Ngatapa were turning their, horses out and destroying the work ■ done? there. Then others were grazing their .stock* on the road. The Council had been unfortunate in its Court proceedings, ; as. "it was difficult to obtain sufficient :evidenoe to ensure conviction. It was agreed to appoint Mr R. Annakin ranger* for Tolaga Bay. • I '. -, . V Recently the- Cook County. Council de- <'•* cided to take measures to hate camomile '■' declared a noxious weed iirider ,the •• Noxious Weeds Act. To-day thfe Council was advised by the Secretary for Agriculture that the -matter was- being enquired into. The Clerk, Mr 1 Warren, said Inspector . Ross (had -waited upon- - him and 'had brought a plant which; "his called camomile, ft appeared that the weed' was' not 'mentioned in any of the schedules of the Act. Cr Sherratt stated '-'■ that camomile was now to be seen ad diar as Tahora and it was only a riiattec of time When it would /be all' i<feer the district. Cr Jex-Blake said the .weed once very bad on the -Xrai valley road and it died out in course, of time. Cr Williams pointed out th4Usa,vi£?htiH hot spread into the' paddocks Alongside the salejrard^. The weed only appeared to grow in travelling stock paddocks and ' on roads. It seemed that it: had to be trodden in before the seed would grow;. He had cut : the . weed on hfe , property , ' for six years', and if did not' appear 3u> ', be any menace. , „....!'.,{ The remains, of the late Mr /Albert Pritcliard were laid to rest in Makaxaka cemetery yesterday afternoon. , v '-3?hyere was a large concourse of friends, tea^fy- ■ ing their esteem and their. .'|aßt. respects io. the. memory or an oldspttler. , • The burial service'qf the Church of "England was impressively co.nducte'4; by cthe Revs. Roberts' and Jennings. A large number of wreaths were sent,- including one from the Gisborne Racing Club, and a striking tribute, of uffection from Miss Marie Martin, whose Jife, Mr. Pritcbard .'.'. saved wEen she was three years, qldi Tjw ,' incident occurred ( at'Qrmond racecqurse. ... As a race was. starting the little ; girl s wandered on 'to the. course^ and with • ajreat presence of mipd aR^ piupk.Mr^' Pritchard, whj». ..was starte?, ', dashed ;, across, the" course aad snatphed hpr^frojja l- r under ~Wn horses' feet. ; pe * message of condolence was'r^ceiyed fiopti '"" Sir James . Carroll :-7-"Peeply grieved: to : * i Ifearn tliat your dear husband has p4%Sd ,y away and extend to. younJelf ifed family £ my heartfelt sympathy in the grifeat lpqs you have all .sustained; . I tha^ in :; your- houE of a^rtfyw it will be some cojn- " fort and consplation to you to know that your husjiand's^ memory. w»U rem|iin green in the hearts of many friends, who esteemed him for hi? i. manly attributes and as. a.wprthy colonist. -rV.: Carroll:" The anntial general meetinij of the Te Karaka . Siports CHuh wAtk held last night at the Rarigatira Hotel.' 1 About P IS members were present, and tW' chair was taken by Mr 0. A.rFooW'-'Ahal-ance-sheet showing, a credit balance 'of £39 9s 6d was received. It^ wa* "^decided to hold a sports meeting on Eaflfer Monday, April }8, 4njlUft&:yeaVs programme was adopted with the exception of the trottihc match, m|))fcQe''of,'' which it was decided to have- a' 'maiden leaping match, for Which tthe ,purses are^j'fim £5/ second £1, third lbs*; entraiic*j fee, 4b. Mr G. Williams' offer to present 1 a gold medal to go to thfc winiiet^ scoring most points in the Te KaWilta'-Hiindioap was accepted wit* thanks,' - It 'wW^resolved itoi. include a' cycle'race in 'P the programme, and Messrs' W. 1 H. :lie^is, • T. Ci*immins, H. Mtfrtrmer,;^wiai # *tije chairman and secretary, were Sapgo'ihted* tQ ; receive .Mr Andtew'svreppry : <ns '.'fttt 1 ' trophies and detajls of the race. ! The. chairman was asked tq in terVfipwiMfissTß McMahbn and Currie r about the hall atid itrain arrangements l'eapectLvely. .^flßJie catering was left inth& hands i>f r MfiSflra W. H: Lewi«, T. Crimmins, ff MoyMrtwr and the secretary, who arranged; to, ipeet in committee .on Thursdays 2Bfoy?+Jti'-sfifr decided to write to Messrs !R. -j. peffccxa and "Howard re. handicapping .. |>J}e eyeliner events, and to Megar^ l^pygtfis and Strdng '^about : providing .'.'J|M^' ; -Ig4te . the dance. ;On the «»mej e^nlpß, "<f monster social is to be.h&Jd 'jja^the t'fii Karaka hall, and as th.e club fpel that they can confidently,a.n^e, ,#s#- ! class floor, . good music '■ and ;;Sup^er" vr |«>; satisfy, tlie most .fastidious, . it is : hoped . there will be. a record attsn^jan.ce^Corr respondent., . ;..,,' \Jy-> .The Pathe Pictures iscrfeeh new programrtie-, this evening, the.V star item being 7'A,Rbm^ ■ To-in^rrpw 'ittpjiiuig:, wmn^gnciWatll o'c^ocki , Me^s^ ' MiUer 'yak * orajg their , uauill r 'i>6;ultty aiid i&Wfi'ffieluding s{) ; ''puref-br&ii , white, (Gove^m^nt and %fispv ' On Wednesday next R.psie :«q| £^..« store will be alive, with excep^ibnaj* baa 1 - "*" .gains in every department;^ 'fxsiß<ppff . holds only two sales in a year, ijhd. tE^e sale times attract a biy ' c|o^p/of v s ai?er buyers. Every anticle in st<jck. : is s subject to a substantial discount, an'ii .(n many instances price,^ a'Pje^ut h^^Hp%iy !Yelaw half the OTdinary'v prices. .'.-'A special sale pji'ice list*" will .he ijPßue<i .; fn this paper on Monday.* ' '"'..,..'

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12665, 19 January 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12665, 19 January 1912, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12665, 19 January 1912, Page 4