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The Public Works Statement will ; brv delivered m the House to»night. , . The Government Radio Office; Wei-.-lington, advises that the Manuka may be within wireless rang© to-night. ; i Mr H. Hill, Inspector of ' Schools, arrived from Tokomaru /ny; yesterday's steamer.' ' "';'■ . ■ .--'. ■ The Auckland Chamber of -:'Commerceis supporting a movement to establish^ a .through v freight' service "from any'^ point m New Zealand to any other point. .-. The Gisborne Oil Company's No. ]\ 2, bore at Waitangi had reached a depth of 320 ft. last • week. There was' a great , show of gas, and everything was proceeding satisfactorily!.. ; ■> ;'..'- /, At the instance of Mr R. ,M. Birrell, ;at the Hawke's Bay Land ..Board meeting this morning, it was agreed to-Re-quest the Public Works Department to expedite matters an connection, with the; drainage of the Te Arai settlement. Our Parliamentary reporter telegraphed from Wellington to-day : — "General Gbdley has advised Mr W. D. S. MacDonald that he is. visiting the Bay of Plenty district this Week m connection with local military matters." At the Police Court this morning, before Mr W. A. Barton, S.M., Thomas • Milne, alias Thomas ■'. Anderson, , a previous offender for drunkenness, was fined £1 and costs 2s, m default four days' ; imprisonment m the Gisborne prison. A first offender for drunkenness was fined: the amount of his bail. A meeting of the committee and others interested ? m; the Holy Trinity Church ■ fete ,to be held . m Captain pucker's paddock about the firstweekjin December m aid of the. Church building fund, is convened for this v eve,hing. As this is likely to be an annual arrangement, a big attendance is requested. < . , Attention . is directed; to; Messrs .Williams' arid Kettle's annual spring land sale advertisement which appears m this issue. A perusal of the list will well^ repay those who' are on the look out for some choice suburban building >.- sites. Plans of the various offerings are, on view at. the - office of the- auctioneers. : The Rev. Keith' E wen, late pastor, of fche Berhambdre \ Baptist Church, .who has been appointed to the local ate, preached his initial sermons to large congregations 'yesterday. To-night tSe hew pastor will be ; tendered a welcome social. An interesting programme has been arranged, and a large gathering is .expected. •'•■ -.-'j •■ Yesterday was observed, as You^g" People's Day by the Presbyterian Church of New,, Zealand; A -'special order of service adopted by the General Assembly was used. There were go,oi_; attendances at the local church. In the morning the Rev. W,-- Grant^preac-ed^ah interesting sermon to the 'children bn. "The Lost Sheep." ,The evening service was principally for young men arid women and the minister gave an impressive address on the text "Do it Now." WXAi ! ftlefc-i re__latibtt -X&: ■■ . ; a 'ef erenoe r. to bureau communication^ is; mow Ha forc^e> „y*Anys suteK^ibw *who has! a ■telephone' exchange connection may i^ave' {the name* <d ,the.« person^ who makes? a ijbqreau cdmmtinicatibn from his '„ i&eleAphone inserted m ih^» ..weekly 'accG_ntj provided that he lhakes^ 'Written applidaJcation therefor, and agrees m .writing „to pay a minimuni" :c]batogj^| _?d oiilall bureau commiinications 'fronj. jhis^cohhec/b^^ow^V^nl^siich connections unless :^ n^^g^ftt.'"; v^'i|> v ]K fy# K '-.: ;Vuie' jof' jgiy&g o,s notg^e ' of motion' when* it is desired to rescind a resolution has; hitherto-^otiheen (adopted* 'Bay *and ''Board* but^when _he occasion a^oseSthey [have dealt "with the question 6f r^yerJsing -previous f decisions without notice. At the Board's meeting to-day, Mr G. Wright cintimated that he pvn^ose4|giv"irig notice to move, at the n'eJtt 'meeting •of the Board that m future all resolutions to be rescinded must be dealt with ny notice of motion.

A sitting of the Assessment Court was held this morning before Mr/W. A. Barton, S.M., for the purpose of hearing objections against the special roll of ratepayers for the Darwin -vbad drain, prepared by the Cook County Council' m terms of the Local Bodies Loans Act. 1908- Mr. J. Warren (County Clerk) and Mr de G. Fraser (County Engineer) represented the Council. There were three objectors, David Shaw, Frederick Bull, and Samuel Francis Moore, who gave evidence that, the proposed drain would not. benefit their properties, as, the, fall of the ground k was m a different lay. They had never been affected by .the Water arid ' getting down Owen road. The Engineer," Mr de G. Fraser, County Clerk, Mr Warren, < and Colonel G. J. 'Winter, civil, eri'gineeiv'and surveyor, gave evidence that the^ objectors' property would be improved through having a better access should the proposal be carried out, although, the drain would not take the water off their property. His W T orship, after hearing evidence, upheld the objections. j

Messrs Malcolm advertise for sale by public auction, section 332, Gladstone road, m the heart of Gisborne. This is a good opportunity for investors. The closing night of the Shakespeare Club Will take pl„ee on Thursday next at Trinrity, .Schoolroon), ytltin, .impromptu readings from Various "plays ' Will be given. All subscribers are invited "to '^ttend. - <-„. White, lsland was m,, art unusual state of activity between 11 a.m- and 1 p.m. on Tuesday. The blowhoie'was setfding up steam m columns' repeatedly, between 4000 ft and 5000 ft. The highest shot, at 11.53 a.m.,' measured amost _500fk AH was quiet on the island. in the .levenin s_^ Mr Isitt, M.P., effectually silenced WBF inter jector at -the meeting m the* VaF^ merston ;North Opera House.' "The" man had been monotbribualy reit^rStihg "the word "rot"! The lecturer stopped short mr- his discourse. Jt Well; my irtanj" he said, "if you are 'suffering fromV^that, sheep dip is a very good' ciire.'^> The retort fairly convulsed .the .audience. There was a yery large congregation at St. Mary's Church last evening;' w*en His Lordship Bishop Cleary/corfducfetf a confirmation service; Sixty-five Candidates, mostly juveniles, were-'' presented. His Lordship gave an inspiring address to the candidates. -A specialhymtf 'entitled "Veni Creator" was finely rendered by the tJhdir. ... ... ... ; . Speaking before- the 'iMedical Coilfess, Dr A. A.> Martin,": I»ahie^tbn North, said the two great dangers' in 1 surgical operations wereS-hldbd ppl&ming and shock, and though they had almost eliminated the danger of the former, it was sounder surgery to prevent the onset of the latter.. Both the operator and the anaesthetist 'must .work together to prevent the ortset of shock. Tney kriust consider the patient'^ the physiqNie^j the stamina, the nature aiid duration /o|; the bperation and surroundings,' Tod large a dose of anaesthetic .would < ; * shock. The! influence of. Mr" had a decided bearing on ihock. V Marty .patients approached "an operation in.' a state of terror. Fear was a great mental '.'factor to 'be ' cbmbatted and allayfetf. "For 'certain diseases it; a pred6miriant!'iind challenging factojty" .'Speed m operations was essential.;; VTheV rapid ! \b{Mgra^on, other things bj&ihg eqi\af; obtairiefl'the best results. Delay increased the, risk of shock. . t i,v ... The Buller collection pres'tfhtetf f? tcrthe Dominion Mus^umfihcludes a larjffeT-and ,- r.epresentetivev(^ll!Bctioh,,Of valhabfe'his * torical greenstone*; 1 b^tff*i)erV_ sonal' ornament^: and -Hveapdhsr a^uiihbgjrap of hotise carvings, the larjje' pata__. or*^ Te'Takinga at Pap^itehfea; a Iw^.'cllrved. )rar cane*, v ; wifti i all its' orn_hY_ntal fittmg^>*a v s'mis(.ll, . beautifully < modelled, lightr-can6e,''_lßo ! ._t' ; P^iitonga; a collection of 'stone, -tddlsj; adsies, Tefcl, fmclud•ihg the vlaxgest.'>n'd finest- stone at , - {>resent known ; : a specially \%luabl<jh;colection, of -Maori, garments ; tWo dog-skin cloaks m a perfect^ state of preserVaUon, acquired iftT ls3it^*^e£p'onß m stone, bone and wood are well. represented, and include, many of historical interest and importance, All the other "branches of Maari. workmanship , and crafts are ;. re- . 'presented by selected specimens. , In addition to these specimens, .the. collection will be completed by; sending out to New Zealand the specimens how mi n the . Imperial institute m England, collected- by Sir Walter B«He^ - • „-• - -, : - ■■■'■':'.* " ,v The'- Seafield Estates, regarding which a cable appeared m oilr columns v ,'TpaßS under 1 the will of the X, late Dowager Countess 'of Seafield , to*. ' the Vorij^nal branch of the famityy The "estates are situated -iri' the. North of Scotland' and ar© worth £100,000 per annum. ifcTwill ',' be of interest to many to learn tliat, the present holder of the title aiid possessor of - th| estates i^ V New. Xealand'^oy. uames>v' Earl of "Seaftehf, . the '.'. f awwa*- of the late Ff ancis William ' Qgilyie. ;srant, late Earl of Seafield, was a. nesiden,t m. Oamaru for many years, v anc^, f was highly les'pectect. '., His wife, w,ho.,:Waa also his cousin,, 'was i ;jth'e. j «^'.flf,3the late' Major Evans, who "was one bit -the early settlers .m tiie. North /9tagb. dis- ";' trict. Owing to the entaj) being , c\t,t ofl! some years ago the present holder of the title,, fia' well as his 7ather v pnly^ received ah : aUowart(»_ from . the e{j|ate, \" i 'but by the -^settlement' which took "Effect upon the death of'the •Dowager, Countess of Seafield last week the, estates vnow revert to the. holder of, the title.. ,ITj_% V present Ehrl's and: fisters .jw^ffe .well known;, ; for ..theirr r p)u^nthpbpio*f work m -ibhdon- :and eisewherel , The present Earl occupies . a seat.^ „ih„j the House of -lAirds -as" - Baron* Strathspey.' His wife,, the Countess . of Seafield. is r: a daughter of the' late .-Dr. l To^vnehdi , of Christeburch. '„ A brother of the E^rl, the Hon. Trevor Grant,, is . ; a . member of the Civil Service m Wellington.

The use' of tar as. a preventer bf^ the dust nuisance- is; now engaging the" attention . of ' the . Auckland riiurifcipal authorities* and the Mayor" (Mr . : <JV J. Parr) is strongly : ! impress_cr ' " with.',' » ts value and efficacy. He referred ib the subject mV Conversation with #' rebbifter, knd quoted .thb result' of '_mj#isK; rr '.experience. "The virtual' disappearance of the ? road ' dust nuisance Iri, the driest summer Great vßritaih has experience-, since motor, cars first ran upon 4he roads is a' matter; of general .comtherit, remarks one newspaper to which; 'he- referred. 'This is ail the more, -^efriarkable when it i» retnembered that last year 37,000 motor vehicles were' added to the road traffic, arid $hat enough petrol was consumed to "veprestent; journeys amounting to- 600;000,000 riiiles. This year the miles covered by f motor vehicles of all kinds probably >e_e_ed* 700,000,000,., and yet there is no/outcry aboiit the dusjt on the roads; i The 'removal of this evil is dufe to thii fact : that road engineers- have known hoAV^ to use tar." He also/referred -to |h_ adoption at "Handswbrth, Birmingham/ of a'^compound of , tar .and shredded^Jeather • ' '' After nearly a yeatfs wea_>r - the* • toad so made showed practicoHyj^nß sigris' of ' weaj\ Heavy ivwheeffi^made no impression on it, and it \y/pisX& comfortable 1 " material for, Horses *b tread ori. The leather was shredded ?to a pulp, and' treated, with bitumen arid tar, and m. thia application what wits hitherto a useless material, found a value. ' '' ,•: ■"'■ ■•'.' "

The absurdly; ?easy manner m 'iyhich the mere male tumbles into the delightfill'snares of beauty, and willingly performs the X most menial offices in '!' !»__& sweefc .servitude, was publicly demoftlp strated onj the Naphir railway station >i the other morning on the 1 departure of the mail train with its dazzling freight of Royal Ooraic Opera girls. Neve*, were ■ seen. so. many* abject amateur porters, ; laden on almost every portion of; their persons with portmanteaux, dress haskets, shawls, laces, and the myriad y other : delicately-scented impedimenta associated .with our— or- rather the , other fellow's— bewitchingly autocratic sisters. They were the honeysuckles, arid the boys were easily the v bees' (except that the bees don't do much weightlifting for the honeysiiokle), and, , mirabile dictu, the gilded youths all/ belonged to thei "hatless brigade." That ■>.' the theatrical sylphs should have established such : an absolute dominion m one short fbrty^eight hours is not, perhaps, to be wondered at, considering their bewilderingly ripe .-'charms, but what is : there m the hatless condition that renders that class of frail humanity easier victims to feminine wiles than the male .. who boldly sports a tile? Will, say, the young ladies attending, the Baptist Conference, for iristance, meet similar consideration on their departure, and if so, will their gallants wear hats as a -sort of an, off-set? Wait and see. — r Napier Telegraph,

What is wrong? asks the Wairarapa Times. ■' -Some little 'tin™ ago (sjvys our contemporary) we ventured to eWgest that there was something wrong Iwith.' Masterton ; and, quij:e unintentionally, contrived thereby to -irritate a few good people. We' said then, arid'still say, that, while the town shows signs of recovery from a period of severe depression,- there is not evident that keenness, and, "Woks, ancy m business and that, spirit of^-jijft, terprise that one- "expects to see m a , young," town situated; ift the midst of a rich district. But we need nbt labor the point ;' it is ohviojis to anyone. How .can. Masterton hone to progress and recover from, the offec;!* of over-booming while the pomvlation remains stationary— if it has not-, actually decreased ?***

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12585, 16 October 1911, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12585, 16 October 1911, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12585, 16 October 1911, Page 4