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SUMMARY OF WORLD HAPPENINGS. LPNDON, February 2. On the night of January 15 2088 persons were found homeless m London. Earl Grosvcnor, the only son and heir of the Duke of Westminster, died from shock following an operation for appendicitis. One child was killed and five injured by a motor car at Staines. Five of the victims were members .of the same family. Members of the lowa Legislature are forbidden, according to a" recent'resolution, td smoke iri- the Chahibero or to put their feet on desks while dictating to lady committee^ clerks and stenographer*. A Bill m favor of woman's suffrage was rejected by the Nebraska State Legislature by a large majority. . The Kansas Senate has totally prohibited the use of alcohol, even for medical, scientific, and trade purposes. An international trust has beeri formed by manufacturers of moving picture films who supply American firms. A strike of Cardiff pawnbrokers re suited m many landlords not getting their rent. The Bishop oi London intends to appoint a joint committee of clergymen and doctora to irivestigate the question of spiritual healing. v The Government are said to have decided to • impose a super-tax upon incomes of £3000 a year and upwards. . The annual cost of a "wireless" operator and. the 'apparatus' on board ship is estimated at about J8260. X'A passenger train was held up eight miles from Denver by two masked robbers. They fiyed many shots to intimi date the passenger^, and then rifled the mail bags, finally making off with booty valued at £7Q0.0. Lord Charles Reresford gives up command of the Channel Fleet oh March 24. With only j? hort intervals, his flag haft beeri flying for nine years. This is a record for modern times, i Nearly £8,000,000 „was Contributed by the people of the Church bf England during the year Shding at Easter 1908 t<\ various branches 'of Church work. Six more women and : giris were stabbed by the Berlin "Ripper." The victims now number -26, one of whom died. The city is iri a state of terror. A man witnessing a play at a Paris theatre was so much excited by it that he broke a blood vessel and fell dead. - Four -persons lest their lives m a mysterious explosion at Shuttlewood, lieftiv Chesterfield. ' The police are watching the Indian Anarchists m London carefully, and are reiidyX io deal with any emergency. General approvat is expressed of the demand made m the report- of the Royal [Coinriiission . on the Poor Laws' for the abolition of .the workhouse as it is constituted under the present system. TTib King and the Queen have sent mes'sagos' of sympathy to the families have lost relatives m the Stanley mine disaster. The death roll amounts .tb 150, arid 94 bodies have been recovered. ' • ;• , '.'■.'' ' {■ y Why British farming dock not pay : — Mbro than 400,000,000 Danish eggs were eaten m the United Kingdom last year. ;' New: stars for "Old i Glory. "—The House of Representatives has paseed the Bill creating separate States out of the territories of Arizona and New Mexico. J^aris is suffering very .M'dly from influenza. During the last wetek there were 178 deaths officially notified, oV 55 above the average- of the last five years for this week of the year. 'To relieve distress m the district, where tliere are now over 10,000 colliers out of Work, the South Wales Miners' Federation at Cardiff voted £10,000 from the general fund. '■ Ninety-one executions were carried out m Russia during the past month, 36 of them being performed at Ekatcrincslay. A league to oppose capital punishment id being organised in' St. Petersburg. Speaking at a -Lincoln celebration, Mr Takahir a, the Japanese Ambassador m Washington, said : "We have never Ind any idea for a moment of displeasing your people., much less of waging war against you." The Ao^qrican Navy Department {Ire trying a new..brake designed to bring vessels travelling at high speed to a oriiick halt.'; The device consists of two - : great wind's, yl3 feet .high and ; 6- feet WideAWorkihg on hinges fastened below ; water, to each^side of the ship. ' . Zotka Premdyitch, the prettiest actress m Belgrade^ .Wa» stabbed to tlio heart by her husband-, who declared tliat he ou'd not bear tb witness, the =loye ; scenes m which she tbob, part on the stage. The husband- committed,. suicide. Tlie Italian National Comipittee for the distribution of" the earthquake fund has decided; to employ £500,000 of the nioney subscribed mV founding 10 orphanages, each of -Which will shelter 100 children, arid thus to provide' for 1000 of the. need-'' le&t'ornhah 8 . of the .•■ earthquake victims' . Dr John TawS-e Nisbet, ;. prominent Liverpool physician, died suddenly on Saturday... while' attending*-- n lady pntifcnt at the residence pf Professor Herdman, of Liverpool University. Seized with an attack of syncope,' he sank ijito a chair, remarking^ "I; feeling-' nnWell," and every" means of resuscitation was hdobtcd; ! he expiired. "The Council -'of Ministers is discussing a draft Bill Whereby the- Ministry of the Interior isr ib supervise the (compulsory construction of modern sj-isteriis of drainage 1 arid water supply m St." JPet.ersburg. . S.S. Company of New Zealandis<prepared to 'establish a service txf. -yetsejß with a speed of 18 knots between Varieohver, New* Zealand; and Australian ports," if the three Governments ..interested will .make a substantial increase m tho subsidies. ; Mi* James Markswood, aged 67, of Liv&rpool, merchant and' shipowner, left £270,000 for charities, ' £50,000 for a riiaiiagbr, arid large bequests tb other employees. The estate will pay over £100.000 m estate duty and about £30,000 m kwjacv dutyA The total am■oubt is £1.043,734:/'- ''.■,-■■■■ yy 30 LIVES LOST AT SEA. '. The ' German steariier Liberia has brought to Algiers 10 of the ct-ew of tho steaniship Australia, of Antw(iri),' wliotp thi"Liberia had picked up m distress m one of the ship's bttols. The^ say that iJuMlig a "violent stoi'iri their'; ship was run into, off the island of Alboruit, about a ' httoHred *-riiilbs s from GibraUai-, by a largi* sailing vessel, whose identity they coidd not establish. The Australia filled rapidly. The sailing vessel is alsosuid to have foundered. *md it is believed that altogether seme 30 Uvea weie lost. The j^tistrafia's last pbl*t of call wiw. -Owm. — TIIE' DEFENCE OF DENMARK. The Danish Government has proposed an extensivo scheme of -.national defence. 'For land and sea fortifications* the construction of 20 torpedo bfiats and nix subma rines, improvements m the system bf mines, etc, the sum of 42,200,060kr. (£2.344,444) is demanded immediately, while an annual increase m the inilitsirv budgets of ajrout 3,327,000kr. (£148,833) is also proposed. , THE MONTREAL CARNIVAL. In' the presenfee of .upwards of 100,000 persons one great '"feature- of the Montreal earhiv.ot and', winter sports was carried out successfully on the night nf the 11th. The, Ice Palace on Fletcher's Field was storincd by 2000 x siM>wshoera. The* snowahoers, each clad m the picturesque garb of blanket, coijit, sash, and cap, approached the palace by tho eastern slope 6f Blount Royal. Discarding their torches for fireworks, t}iey nished the crystal : structure m two detachipents. .•': ' MR CARNEGIE ON TRUSTS. ,- Mr Andrew Carnegie liafc mad',, a. vigorous, attack on the Steel Trust, which, he states,'' is restricting- its output m Order to v miaintaiti prices. "The industrial world,": declares the retired, "Steel King," "is 'undergoing the most momentous chanie hi history. 1 Monopolies have ex-\ tuigiiished free /competition." Ho urges the. creation of . i supreme industrial court to 'fix prices. ' Mr Carnegie's pronouncement has caused a stir m industrial circles. . ; v RUSSIAN 'KAYY SCANDAL. Telegrams froni Vladivoi. tock (Siberia) MUttf tbaV military 'frauds to tlio extent bf about £90,000 h&vo been discovired: Several liiigh officials are compromised. When' thb ''-'American! "roiuid-the-world" squadton visited Vladivostock to coal there the officials are alleged to have spfeftt the • iHti-je sum received for cbals amorig muSic hall singers, many of,- whom haye now fled to Tpkioand Pekin m. fear lest their jewellery should be seized .

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11817, 2 April 1909, Page 5

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OUR MAIL BUDGET. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11817, 2 April 1909, Page 5

OUR MAIL BUDGET. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11817, 2 April 1909, Page 5