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The local' fishermen, notify that from this data tne price of fish will be Is 3d pci 1 bundle. The staff and patients of the Gisborne -Hospital were treated yesterday after^ noon to a programme *of by thei Salvation Army Band, which was great!j appreciated, -. .--,,' For drurtkenriess -m Gladstone road on Saturday a, oman named Michael Mahon was at the'-Police Court to-djiy.' before. Mr W. -A. Bartoii; S.^l., fined 16s and costs 2s, m default 48 hours* hard labor. * . ] A native iiamed Whare Hau pleaded, guilty at the Police Court this morn-, ing to a charge of theft, at Te Karakay on December 29 last, of a bicycle valued at.£s,rthe property of Jlobert Graham.: Accused was remanded until to-morrow for the report of the Probation Officer. For the first-tinio on Sunday the Telephone Exchange was opened" yesterday from 7 a.m. {ill 11. p.m., as on week days. -The operatoTs wete kept busily engaged during the morning, and a fair number of calls were received- m the afternoon and evening up till 9 o'clock, but after that hour there were only a few.-oaltav •v- ■ •,;>». '-. - ..<--v... ■,-..,.' .. - „'! -.-.-• -.-■■■.,., ..■ ■ Xv . , ' ", The statutory meeting of the Gisborne Harbor Board will be held at; 2 p*in. tor j n)orrowr.vv|^en thie* election of 'efcair- , lriAn \Will %ke7p]^. oMr!J/ Townley will;.p&bably* pfe- el.fegtedinripppoped., Th^ question of ■ the validity of the recent ; flection, .of; Coujity, s rf>p,resentatives isj likely to be mentioned, an 4' a'member will probably movfe that- ■ matter-be orie? ' ferred '■ to - tlie Boai^'* T3>S ofdlinary moh^hly..meeting,:pf* the BQti,r4 will take, place after the meetingi-' 7-o - of-:.: ■ , r.- - ■- -y

The Fire' Brigade meet for , practice to-night. 'The Bay of Plenty Times slates :-~Mr R. Nops lias disposed oft h 0 Ohauiti, ostate, of 8000 acres', to Mr George Bee, jf Hawkle's Bay, who up his residence on the property. .- ' Owners and trainers are reminded by . advertisement m another colturiri' thatiiominations for the Napier 1 Park Racing Club's autumn meeting, which tak^s place on the 17th and 18th ;March, close. -on Thursday, 25th inst., at 9pim, "7 ' r ' His Worship the Mayor Yand ; Sirs Lysnar left for Wellington^ last • night. Amongst other passengers for South by the same steamer were- '^lessrs J. R. Kirk, G. H. Lysnar, ,J. "Golemah,- Dr. Wilson, Mr and Mrs J^ehner. ; J'At a committee meeting of the Gisborne Swimming Club oh Saturday .evening it ,was decided 'to^holdYa;i' -50 yards handicap race next Thursday. evening^ at 5.15 o'clock. -A keenly -•cpritest^d event is. anticipated, and entries ', will YJie -deceived up to 8 o'clock, oil Wednesday evening by the secretary; Mr ' OXR*. Olsen or Mr J. A. YfylcLeari. ' ',! ,„.'.- The Marine Board nt Hobart iias 'decided to improve the '-^liitrfA^^clt^'i^iV'O' ' dation of the pOrt by: builqirtg: , /a.7. riss pier •' 650 ft long by 100 ft Wido v with.-46*t depth-of water at low'tidef This "Will take the- laVgest steamers •■cjoming^ sonWi of the line. Tenders are ; aii-© to /b_* l iij£ yited from the' mainland.- o Experiments made show that, the life Of .nhicharsiiß piles tiVerages Ylo to 15 yearsj' ; and, ; \qt charred at 25 to::over;30. - ; . 7'7YX.\te:Owing to urgent private nhdi';:'' f0: .fessional matters, Mr . ,C. j l . __&t,;;-\vty> for the past 9 years hits filled thevojj]|H>B of organist and choir master of ;W«iliesr Church, has asked tb i bo relieved. 'pf» services rendered ' to jthe Church ; by ' Mt " East have bei&h of oa high, oi^jr., Jijta it is with great^ regret that hip 'wishYhf s been acceded 'to, The chbir - is* '; t6 ' be reorganised, with Mr A. Don • sri^cljofj'i master, and Mr A. J. Strprig as^r^arifst; ;>7 Arrangemehti, are now m progr^Ss^V Pathe Freres, the Paris qiriematogr^bli firm, to extend their opera tiorii' : ioJ r A:U«stralia. The intention is to instaTa'plffitit exactly similar, although riec^safcily'on avsmaller,.scale, toothat mi, use; oal^'tja© ; firm's factories, ai V.incennes, nea&pTnrlJY, AVhere . 350Qi woritpiaople a?e Yjemfcl^fi. In the meantime, thja' experts • attach^U ' to the Australian ekipeditibn, are ', bfistty t [engaged with^a 'series'of film's ; illritii%tive of Australian ■ regohreeß, ''.$p bißing takenoby the? firm m, c^njilnclipp \yith -the 4 Federal Govehimeiit. ' ■ XXX :- The departure vbf the -scow; '%i#mfs> -which was to have sailed from AucSclnd : for Chriktma4 Island on;FridayY.tb'^aij_&- --■ age the A^oiv/yVas ..pj>st. pofted tiritU /torday. Speaking .-'to "?it. : i§s! HeraM representative, Caption) Rp^jftspn, who has Command of thfe^ingiira, and also of tfie expedition tf*jiei^|ly, "said that until|",ai*r^val. ato o,Cbf ijitinas Island ihe couldi not say^ wiijit itHe ,s«mv would l actually. lbe u^ecLtfor; ,7 -It' was-.. probable' that after, the wreck IvadYbeei^fiv- ; speicted the .syiidi'<^'^c,dift^i i n^;.'.i^ : ; ifc? . exipijdition would "eniplpy o.t:Svo PrY fchpee steamers for salvage ojvork. 7; „\-% , -„,'. ',- <„ Following .is a list 1 of "visitors ; 'at Cooper's Private 'Hotel last o%eek x^p!6n. A. T. Ngata.- (Wellington);- Mt IVJullaly (Auckland)v R£V. Oliver De^i, Mn Scuard- Dean (Napier), Mrs Brady, Master Jo Brady, Mts il}o^i,h£r $fr** Downing (CUve^o Mr 'and Mrs Ty&i. Coleman, Mr and Mrs7G7 -'_%^Ruriciinanj Mi* and Mrs M. Mofterisen, Master M. Mdrtensen, Means' Wi A. R^i^riyYAl^iK. Keefer, , Lionel Williams, N. Bt-dderick M, McLeod, ir Redstone, K.^dafli Bryant, Jerois. . and , T, .-' llill (Oisbornd) , Mi' Woolretlr" (Englaihd), Messrs J.- Mijyo andYR.-J. Potluin ;(\yairoa)i o : v; : '-r Notice is^ given th^ the reyisedtodis- ' trict '. valuation " rojjs 7- idr, the WiilSohn -Riding .^outl'yi'ngj^.ah'd. the KaitL : iM$ Whataupoko p.oi'tipps of theTVVhaJaupp'kti Riding (outlyirig) are,ppert for lnspectidii at the Cook Corihjby Ccriuicil^^ officeY: A% objections. musV be Ipclged §y March fs, The; ; fapital. t yalti4poris,4liiis **i substantial, increase on7the vahiatipris 1905. In % . ! Kaiti ' f porti6n d t .. \ls Wh'aUaupOkb ridingYtHetotal assessment m; 1005 .was r this ; y^ffr the figures ai^sp;c>79,Y7 y _. rt% \^hataupokp portion pf the '^ari},e.rnlMpi this, year the ' 7* Vaiuiitibnß ainoiihc^o^ £138,052,' fts; against ;£64,600: I^l9os,^' .7 The Newton .(AupldandX^Ba^d^. .Whjftjj. ifvas on its way to Jj^injgj, to cofnp'e,teo m the ' contents, carpaiencii^^ to-morrow, came asihore yesietyiay ', afteirhobri and. played a numb|ei; pf^itenis. fijomVthc lr% falgar Rotunda, ' t'b^. . y,^s ai. sirge crowd of citi&eusfpr^se^ was greatly e^jbyedo y.: A: Y.cbß^ißttiiilft.^jti.s taken, and there .7S>*a« i; a.. Mr the,; proceeds ' gping^tpwa^ds. .'- t^e .."'Kjy Band's expenses. "Y^nie vi^itip'e.ribliAd marched along, Palgjerfton i^i4 ia^ct'^elo joined at the, band J^b^d' ijiy wthe; '.Qity B'arid, and the., 'ivrv^ commbies htai'cl^bdl jo the ( wharf, playing ;&.;s&&ss; jTKaJfpk^jS^ the why. There wfl^A:^^ W_:e. cro^d. .I^l the wharf, arid otlja iin enthusiastiicr sej-h<i-iqfJP} , . ; „.-.. .k -„. The,^i"(d^.i&.-o^:.>bß^.|H:ei«l, tA-ife. of; yh- JY C,,vf ieldf , aft -oH^rtienußh, .^lakauri , and . second ddu^jhUr . : of. '^\x .William.' Dean--, Lysnarj ':. wfemh ' oCiCJii^r^ dts; Auckland yesterdayj'; after 'a -Ungating illness,' will be v recftiv^ed wii^ ; Wijph :.. fef ret by a wide. circle' of ; : friends m. this istrict.. Tlie deceased lady (vi'ho waft a lister of the .oM^yir of Gisib'ornfe|, had ifpent most of- her life ; m Poverty Bay ; she' lia^ gatfiefM; 7^ I number 'of • friends; and waisYldv-ed and highly esteemed by all forih^he^Vjcindly and , di**pbsitiQii.; S\\& .;^yasyb^ipn m Auckland about 166i7^ 7a;pd late*t* ,;came to 'Gisfeol-iie, s]ie'^ re- ' sided ever* since; ; ' FprYabout pijt mpnths' she liad ibeert r in . ii Jl^ealth , iftrid fout^or 6ve weeks /ago \vtts ; -lAkeri tK^uckljEin^. *|1)e. doctors there^^ ojily 'gave- |ier-'4p 'hours to ■-. Hto, oibut" the patieM in\iproye4> '. and during- the,, first . week or, iw^othero, wfere more liopes of her xeeovery..' I'h'e ' imJ prpyement, however.. ..'.Avas. o ,prtiy», ,^|,m; porary, and last Fridaysljie %ollaj^ecj ,andl remained, unconscious up to; the time . $he. .passed away. • . sL**' Flelcjj,' leaves im* a boy andi a girl, iiged IS. .^nd 9 .- years Respectively, .arid' tiv thc*ih' ? .' j»lr I'ielcl!. . and. relative, much is eixterildedY, tlie body is to be brouglit-tb Gisborne^ on, Wednesday, and the tot"?!*---menli;;takes; .plaw-riejrt.' Sundlay at tlto . Makaraka cemetery^ , r The eighth; annual :Autui*(m SbowJ of tlve^ . Hawke's Bay Agriqultural and pastoral Society is to take place7:flii M^rch 31st. This, is the earliest .date WJuch has yet been fixed for this eyerit, and it is hoped the result will be a considerable increase m the number of fruit find flora.l exhibits, 'rhe .moJ^t import^jit hew feature ..will be the section. for yege- , tajbles grown. in school grounds ,by tlie . children. ; In the fruit section, the prizes have been increased r.ight through, Mr J. N. Williams' prize of 5 guineas having been transferred from a clqss irt which there, was no comn.etitiori ftlto this 'section. Mr F.. Goodacre, of .jNffe'tv Plymouth, has consented to judgeYpoijltry. Only chicjcens hatched since Jvifie Ist last are eligible for this show. „M r J. H. G. Murdoch offers seyeriil, fipiatlM prizes, one being for champion dahlia •bloom, to be drawn- from any'ofothe jdahlia classes. In additionju to Maiden Leaping, Ladies' Leapiirig, Disiriountfn^ and Mounting, motor-car arid . akartieri.V competitions,' which have been- inXthe. programirie before, Messrs O. Nelsbnttrid J. H. Macniven offer. prizes for a Pony Xieaping Match/ under 143* hands, which is the pony racing standard., ',' . : Speaking to a Herald repvesentative at... Auckland, Dt ,A. E. Sykes, an ex-New Zealander, riow holding a p-asitiou atithe Uollege of^ Physicians and San Francisco, expressed tho opinion that if Ne\y -Zealand, v/anted American tbiirists to the Dominion two' persons should be| sent t.hrough tlie UnitedY»States and Cianada with ..limelight, views? of •. tljis country. .He suggested that.; these ' pictures might be 'shown one night . free} and the next night at a. , sipaUo -figure, wliich would defray ' expenses. Heo-Avaa convinced that thas . would; have a good effect. He was made anxious ; to -c<imo back to -New Zealand some l, years agb by, seeing son© views' exhibited... ai 'i camera club of beauty spots he, had not visited when he lived here. He knew of at least 20 AmericansX,vJho, having seen those same views, Avanted to ! F&e the real, and came. over here. Americans weite good spenders, arid Dr 7 NSykcs thought that hip suggestion, if ctlTried out, would not only lead to tontfsts' comiing here who had '"done" .All ! the sights. elsewhere, but would induee A a good class of emigrants to come and ' settle m New Zealand. . X>

.7 There are still many inquiries m connection with the Kauroo Hill estate, Oamaru. The selection of sections will open 'on March 8 and the draw will take place oil March 13. ' His Excellency the Governor will lay the foundation stone of the new Wanganui Oollege, which is to cost £30.000, at.'Easter'Y.Bishop Williams, of the Waiapu dio/ cese, has . forwarded his resignation to tIW Primate, and has asked relieved of othe charge on June 30 next. y In South Australia pinns insi&nis is very largely used for making packing iXases for frhit, and it gives a great deal ''satisfaction...' HA ream of coal 15in m breadth bas Vbeen found at the Ferry Cutting, near r Hanmer Ppringte. , The depth is- unT known, but as the excavations that .are now being made for the road nroceed, it is -expected that a better idea "of tine, extent yxtill be obtained. Tho seam is said to be of bright coal, not unlike Westport coal m appearance. W. Fogwelk and. George Whelch were both expected to start training work m earnest. '-last week for their match, wliich is to be decided on Easter Monday, for £200 a -side. A Sydney paper states that the latest, news received there is that Fqgwell is improving m speed and skill vOry quickly,, arid '.that before long lib will be looked upon as one of Australia's best. 'His party are 'confident that their man will defeat Whelch easily. '. -... A_ Maori had an exhibit of a sow and a..;litter at the Hbrowhenua show on Wednesday. He "was of a strong sport-' ing turn of mind, \for he thought more, of. th^ speed at which they could travel than, of their condition. They certainly had no superfluous flesh on them, which no doubt accounted for the fact that he brought the sOw and ten . of her jitter ofY thirteen four miles to the show m ' three-quarters of jm . hour ! The Native, boasted tlutt- he coulch drive the family tor Masterton >3n a day. " „ -■' Twq brake-loads of - tropHic? of tlie chase were, brought into Pe'atherston from. Martiriljforough recently. The trophies consisted of the heads of 30 wild goats, 10 hoars, 5 stdgs, arid pne wildl; ram. All these heads*' were got 'in .th* Martinborough district, and were shot by Mr F. S. YSteffan/ tourist guide, acting under, instructions from the Tourist' Department. .When^mourited, it /"is tlie intention! of tiie Department to distribute them among 'the -yarious branches m.. Australia. The rapte horns, are 28 inches m length, the-. Jbest spread of the' Mags' heads id 34^ inches, wliile that of the .goatsi is^3li inches. • '.■:■... : The Pall Mall . Gazette asserts m its issue 'of January '6 'that the scheme of assistfed emigration 6rganised by the New Zealand authorities has proved an un- ; qailifited aupcessX. No fewer than 5000 i petsons had been fttken to the Dominion ! within the previous six 7 months, and applications were) still being made m. great numbers; Every ship going to the Dominion was full of emigrants, - and ' extra had been provided * r T»^*Kk>ng' time i past; Y« 'There is room i for plenty more emigrants," said an offi^ cial at the Government offices on the i morning of the issue m question. "AH* kinds of general, and. farm laborers and a domestic servants are, required. Places ; will'Jbe found for, thein^ as for the others, \ who' arc- now writing Home grateful let- j tecs about assistance The i year's figures will be : af record." A new explosive, inherited by Mr A, McCracken, and mimed "Mortite," was* successfully tested at" YNelson last week. Three shells of cnome steel, the walls of which were lfin m thickness, and weigh- ] ing *&51b, 271 b, and 281 b respectively, \ were-uoed for the experiment. They 1 were' placed m a tfest* chamber m a clay * embankment, and were exploded by j means of a fuse. r Each s\\e}\ was charged | with' five ounces of thie* explosive, and 1 wfieri the first was fired Jthe' plug, which 1 was screwed m "by .** thread \%\n m -c length, was blowri'"<ilean oat,' 'the shell i being carried some >$lfct__i& 'ttttay and 3 debrivbehig scattered m. all directions, f 'iCbißv<raier shells, each 7of which contain r 1 ** ed tie same quantities of mortite, viz., 1 five ounces, were fired together, and both t were completely "sttattatfed, the frag- j ments, togeth&Vtfitii i day, stones, and i pieces of tim^ : ,! tiWsft had been v i_3ed to fill up the hole.^byirg sent high; m the air. and carried"to' cbftsiderable distances. The chaifs&?, ! ' it was tated, required as pressure iof 47,C001b to, the square inph to. buret "Hie shells, and contained 760 tons of energy; "Mortite," ■whjch somewhat resembles' curry powder m appearance, cannot be exploded by i impact. If' is- stated- that if is not subject to climatic conditions, - not being ! affected by heat or cold, neither is it affected by deterioration, tis Sare all nitroglycerine compounds. Negotiations are ' m progress with the. British' Government iri i\ regard to the "new explosive. '; It -is ] understood that a .Ght'fetch'uTch syndi- ] eate .is interested ■ iii ihe - new explosive. • Writing oh December: 26 r the New Y«*k correspondent oty £he Lyttelton Times made the following reference to tKf Gatun dani :— '-^t-,is said that the Wonderful Gatun dam, .wjiich was .to hold ' back one of the (greatest of ' the artificial water-levels oT the ocean-to ocean ditch, is an engineering impossibility. ;%t is planned upon soft earth, and ' from the beginning some of our , best engineers . have been, sceptical of, this pifrt of the scheme. Recently a section of -the Gatun dam foundations collapsed, : flooding a portion of the work and causr i ihg a 'Toss, of life, and this accident has focussed public attention ' upon this feature of the work. So sharp is the national interest upon- the work that the President-elect .will make a trip to the Isthmus, accompanied by expert en-; gineers of his .own choosing, within the next month,' m order to satisfy himself a'sVto7tbe progress of the work. t From . the beginning the Army engineers,, -who" : are conducting the canal work, have ex- ! pressed themselves as satisfied with the foundations for the Gatun dam and ' locks, but it is now thought best to have ■* the civilian engineers render their reports upon the situation. ' It may possible, and even the best thing m the long run, that the Panama will have ,to be--changed r from a lock to a sea -level canal. If this step is taken the cost of the work will be increased from oriethird to one-half, and its completion delayed for several years. On the other hand; the enormous maintenance expense of the dams and locks, the delay's that they offer to navigation, the everpreftent danger that accompanies theriv will be removed for all time. It may be worth the extra expense of ma^ny hundreds of million dollars because. of_ that fact, i Mr A. W. Meeks, M.L.C, chairman of the A. M.P. Society, being interviewed . on his return to Sydney from England, said: "We. have secured what I call a splendid board.' Excellent offices m Threadneedte, street,* near the Bank of England. We have -a staff under the control of a secretary and accountant, who went from .the head office. We have it all complete — medical officer and soh- ' citors ; and have been securing a very fair amount of business. .The average policy is m excess of the. policy m Australia, and as out canvassing staff becomes' completed. the business will, no doubt, increase m a, very satisfactory way. -So far the. rates for obtaining business have been about the same as m Australia. Of course the life insurance, tables of the Society are the same as m Australia. Personally, 1, did not anticipate a large, rush of, business immediately. But when the Society becomes known m the United Kingdom, and the amount of our bonuses is realised, I am satisfied we shall equal the most ' sanguine expectations. We do not intend to do industrial business there — only the ordinary business of tbe Society. We" have already a very large clientele m England, who belong tb the Society, I owing to' their former residence m Australia. The income from them is about • £38,000 carrying insurances for over £1,000,d00. Op my return to-day I was pleased to learn that we ; have liad m 1908 a record year, having written insurances during the year .for over £5,000.000. Of course that has * been assisted by the business already done ip England, "but it does not include indus- ■ trial insurance. We are the largest mutual office, m the British '.Emoire. , as our'furtds now reach oyer £24,000,000. The funds of the next after us are only about £19,000,000." Other points m the interview were cabled,

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11515, 22 February 1909, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11515, 22 February 1909, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11515, 22 February 1909, Page 4