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I DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SALE. I I THE ECONOMIC SALE. | y rnHIS SALE is always eagerly looked forward to by discriminating Shoppers. This season the inducements will be 2 g X greater than ever. MRU H. AMBRIDGE is retiring from the business, and to facilitate the Partnership ag *_ Settlement it is now our intention to make as BIG A CLEARANCE AS POSSIBLE. With that end m view, gZ g BIG REDUCTIONS have been made m ALL DEPARTMENTS. 2 | A.REAL BARGAIN FESTIVAL. 2 8 It is an event of commanding importance to everyone m town and couhtry. . The necessity for saving money 2 was never more imperative; and the opportunity for making savings was never so pronounced as at this SALE. We 2 c aro offering you GREATER BARGAINS ITIAN ANY .THAT HAVE BEEN 1 OFFEItEID TO YOU THIS SEASON, 2 g ' and you will be doing yourself an injustice if you overlook this chiince. - <i § DISSOLUTION SALE. ~T "~ DISSOLUTION SALE. g Z HOUSEHOLD FURNI MENS' & BOYS' CLOTHING. S y Unbleached Table Damasks, very strong, ldulhs' 3-Garment Knicker Suits (Petono 2 y lOd, ls 6d, Is Bd,and Is 9a. ,* All- Wool), 15s 6d. . 2 _w „„ .. T . „ ... „ i 1c 11,1 7,-,, i„ Boys and Youths', slightly damaged, Bs. 3 fi Wh.teLaceCurUins 2iyds>Ud, oyds 6d ; worth double. ' 2 Q 3s lld, 3iyds 6s Ud pair. ; 50 Norfolk Suits (sizes 9,. 10, and U), <* §Whito Honeycomb Quilts, 4s 6d each. usual price. 18s 6d, SALE PRICE 1 2 Flannelette Tabling, Red and Bluck and 13s 6d. d ..■„..-,■ . , 2 Green and Black, Is yard. Boys^Sergo Sailor Suits Reduced to 3s 2 g© ■' 6-feet (Mlqloth (fine range of patterns), ' IW Tweed Sailor Suits, only 4s 6d. 8 xls lld yard. . • BoJs'.Washing Blouses (very special), ls _9 6 feet Linoleums (splendid value), 2s 'lld, , 9d, Is Ud, 2s 3d, and 2s 6d. 2 §© 3s 6d, and 4fe yard. ' S 0 P'^if 8 Boys' Tweed Knickers, 2s lld • 2 Passage Oilcloth, 3ft wide, Is Id yard. P a «• = , en „ ' ' ' £ 26-inch Union T«i Qoth, 6d yard. .' imKIT&V^ ' ' S g22-incli Huokaback. (for fancy Avork), xMcn's' Sac Suits Reduced to 255, 30s, 355, 4 6 i d y ard - ■ ■ • '• X ••375,6d,.42s 6d. 2 V 38-inch Apron Cloth (very strong), Sid 1 Men's Waterproof Chesterfields, 12s 6d, 2 g '• yard. t ,20b. . 2 g DISSOLUTION SALE. DISSOLUTION SALE. 2 Z MEN'S & BOYS' MERCERY. WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR. % © 100 Sample Hard Hats (all *• ;•.'>.-), usual ( ■ Women's Cotton Under Vests, 4±d 7Ad, r> © price 10s 6d, NOW 3s lld. . 10d, 5 Is, and Is 3d. (?» fr 3 Gents' Dressing Gowns, • -•ial prices Women's Cotton Spencers, ls 3d. ls 6d, 2 TK 455, 52s 6d, 57s 6d, NOW 30s, 355, 45s Is Bd,. and ls lld. 2 g Men's Merino Drawers Reduced to Is 6d. S'Sd Combi " ations> 2s 3d » 2 S 50 dozen Gents' Merino Half Lo.-e, three - Woman's Cotton' Chemises, is Ud, 2s 3d, © pairs for 2s. 2s 6d and 2s 9d 6> g 20 dozen Men's Black Cashmere Half — Women's ' Calico Night Dresses, 2s lld, 2 y \r ?°4l' thr , e TT P r S f ° r i o ii i *■'■ 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 4/11. 2 §® 11 ?^'^?* fJf '^r Women's ' Nainsook Chemises, Is 9d, Is 4 » 100 Men's Grandville. Shirts (full s.ze), Ud,2s 3d,'and 2s 9d. ' 4 from Is lld. • .■■ Xr Women's .Colored Underskirts, usual 2 Gents', Clip Bows, four for li ; v,ual , pricesi^s Ud, 4s Ud, 5s 6d; 5s lld, 2 I 250 Men's Straw Boaters 6d, v-ul ,' ,- Coo^C^'^.^yued/U 9 © prices 3s 6d and 4s 6d. • Bd, Is lld, 3d. t DISSOLUTION SALE. DISSOLUTION SALE. ~ | 5 ;_ W°M E I S A WEAR. WASHINC'FABRICS. , § © „ . 4 only Sicilian Dust Coats 16s 6d each ; . The Famous Hoyle's Prints (the strongest Cl © ' worth ZQ%. ■ ' ■ y.y and best washing), 6d yard. • i?l © Women's Shirt Blouses, usual . prices 4s > . y ■ , ; ,' ° *".,,. , A © Ud, 5s 6d, 8s 6d; SAL_VPRICES „V; X Check«|ephyrs (splendid washing fabrics) g ©X 3s lld, 4s 9d. 6s lld. 4id,x6d,:7id r 3 © Women's Grey Working Skirts, usual- A. little lot of Dress Linens to be cleared • A © * prices 8s od, 9s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d; -' "-.•■'. at 6d yard.- , m* •© V SALEPRICES 6s lld, 7s lld, 8s ..Striped Drills, (just the thing for the fj © . Ud, 10s 6d- : ' 7 : \-7y X X vP.oys), 9id yayd; usual price ls. . f% Z n^F^s^Ai^Z^^ '■ ' A fine rahge of Muslins to be 2 © 6s lld, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s od ; .£>ALfcV : y, cleared at fiA vnrrl r% © PRICES 5s Ud, 6s lid 7s Ud, 8s 6d ' :. X -, i^S f „It ... -^ r ' S 5 7 ThVbdancelf our Trimmed Millinery ; ' XX 1 on^5 v ? lin . W \\™s }^: 2 ! will be sold at One-third _the ' Usnal o v tion,^^l price .22B^ NOW. 10s 6d 2 '■" 'Prices. They are all the Very Latest lpiece^White Pique, cheap at Is yard, *§ A S&apes.Y ' 7 .NOW Only 8d yard... 2 A Large Assortment of FLOWERS to Floral ( Striped Radiums, usual price ls f% be cleared atj 6d each. Bd, ; NOW Is yard. , ««S Children's Pinafores ( Is 3d^ Is 6d, ls 0 0." Faiicy White Muslins, from 6d yard. 2 Bd, Is Ud, and 2s 3d. '■-, V [ Nainsook Muslins, 36in, 4_d. 6d/7^d yd. 2 , SALE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY. GOODS ENTERED WILL BE CHARGED USUAL PRIDES 2 DISCOUNT TICKETS WILL* NOT BE ISSUJED DURING SALE. '2 EURE AND AMBRIDGE, The Economic. §


OF A REAL GOOD ORANGE PEKOE CEYLON TEA, Equal to Packet Tea at 2s per lb. . TRY IT, and save 9d every time. FROM J. EAST TEA IMPORTER, Gladstone Road. WEDDINGS. IN addition to the big range already, held, we have just opened up a further consignment of Cards -of the most perfect and effective designs yet put on the market by the manufacturers. ** • A PRETTY CARD at a ' j NOMINAL PRICE. * * * At. HERALD STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. ... NOTICE. MRS JOWERS^ of "The Sweoteries," begs to notify the Publis that sk* has opened her NEW SHOP -IN HALLENSTEIN'S 'BUILDINGS— , Gladstone Road, And ia now prepared to supply them with lee Cream Afternoon Tea and Light Refreshments of all kinds The Best of Confectionery and 3hoiea Fruit* AT " THE SWEETERIES " (Registered). T*1eph0ne............N0. SOl. ll* i • NOTICE TO HERALD ADVERTISERS. A DVERTISJEIRS Requiring Changes of Advertisements are v requested to forward- same NOT LATER thaa 4 P.M. the day prior to Alteration being required. ~

GISBORNE PLUMBING AND /FAINTING IYORKS. EW BURTON F. HALL AND SONS, " moivMONGEiR PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS, COPPERSMITHS, SANITARY ENGINEERS, : X '^ X^ rr% ,^'7\ . '' -.X 7 "/.'■ .■ y AND GENERAL SHEET ;MEtA^L WORKERS. .X JXJST OPENED TJP ' I|V/rANUFACTURERS Spouting, Downpipe,- Ridging, Guttering Tanks, Baths, ' o V FINE SELECTION GOODS, SUITABLE FOR m Chimneys, PoKable ggg^BoJly and Frames, - » PRESENTS. LARGE STOCKS\of Con'ugat^ Iron, Plain/ Galvanised Iron. Sheets £f l|\ '' §j^_B-_l__^_H^-________ #_D Black and Galvanisied* Gas and Water Piiies and Fittings (all sizes). it .X > H VASES 7 \V^i___S^B|_^_B^_ißW: 7/H PUMPS, -RAMS (Hrdraujjc); \VIXDMU li^|_f^__i__lP CAKE BASKETS ' If you want SOMETHING SPECI AL', (^U and See Us. \ :','JMB^^___^-^a PATENT. BISCUIT ; special oisciifsWTiiE trade: ■ ■ ? V- 'Y-^-_-_k -— — — — - / \ lrlUx_ljt_ f'tvAMj-iS \ _^_SE-_____E____R Haying A Large Staff of Competent Workmen, all work piijlrusted tc i v.« m^X^ ..^. 7nW§M. JELLY DISHES j^^^BjH^i will be satisfactorily done; andowith the quickest despatch. . '• ' ' Wo^\y: Myfi? SUGAR.* CREAMS ~'l__\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\__Z' , %i% HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER. balAd BOWLS - 'M^^^^^MtKF STOCKS of Wall Papers. Mixed Paints, opilsr Leads, Varnishes, a«d -^seSShN^. .- .^^^^^^^^l^ .\. Trade" Requisites.-*'." 7-' '« < , ASflSS^^^^^^^^SS*lit_tß_ '■'''" ' • "Being DIRECT IMPORTERS, we are m a position to DEFY COMPETITION' J^^^^'^'^^^^^^i n*V Mlinrni irrn m these Goods. v . M : ir ,uAK ANDI PLATED . 0 YF. HALL & SONS, Proprietors, ' Jg&y J S. AI. T .A.yr Manager, Plumbing Oepartmentv _||P_f \?W BISCUIT BARRELB '■■'■■ - '■' '"■"'" - - '"' ■ - '•'■• *•'''•'•"- ■ - : ____!__' %&£m - tip BUTTER DISHJSS «^^_9_3S -rflW_-B^^??^??T : F !: ir :g^^^^^-FWiW-HBBBwB-B-t \£j§!§^'-'"X77 y^^^^K BPHUT ' fITANTML SHEEP-SHEARING MACHINES =^bk 8 . |^^^Q^ DALGETY AND Cp.^LTD'.,^ ' L GISBORNA TEASPOONS AND z Solo. Agents for Now Zealand. "."■' W. RANGER, Gisborno, H. S. BURLEIGH, Top*ro», East Coast, Agwto .. STFRLINfi* • TfldsSE MACHINES ARM IN USE IN NEARLY ALL THI WORLD'S LEAA SILVER MOUNTED ENGINEERS, TDOILERMAKERS oi'^J' •»^^" . + _______&. LEATHER fifIDRS J3 SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, j_BSSw WAintll UUUU9 AND 1 . -.; Peel Street, Gisborno. / jBW-Wli ;•, ' LADIES' PURSES BLACKSMITHS, .-^ '_ . ■-.... „,,,,. g -g- ; ' HANDBAGS I^EfelßEStp intimate to the Pubhc " J^-gA. o GENTS' WALLETS, JL/of Poverty Bay that m future the y_________H_______\ ««»*» ««««.*»,. IMPLANADE, KAMI, GISBORNE^ ALL KINDS OF IRONWORK MADE }V W, MORGAN AND SONS. V t_fci i ii:i77i: l Y!,!5^ '' TiirDUns Dnrrire ■..".■ and repaired. .■.^-■0 .... |»H|il;il|i|ilß ■..._..-.. _ THERMOS -BOTTLES '"'...' ; ' • Eull supply, of -all the Requisites of the, ii_____iß!ii9!K Nono but First-class Tradesmen employed Trade," suitable lor Farm- and Station. _M_M §i ||l Hi . ALLUMINUM, LEATHER CASED. .' '.',- 7in each Department.., - : fv^ork, oh hand or made to order on the ' $SSHf|'''<ol|j|l IPH| ' ' ■ ■■- — ' ' shortest notice, at'the Lowest Remunora- IsSw lii- lliil |||H! iTFFpq ttatft. nrvr aa TTnnp« ALL ENGINEERS' REQUISITES KEPT tive Prices. X ■ '7 .H:| li . KEEPS WATER HOT ; 24 HOURS; IN, STOCK.;- '; ' - .|. REPAIRS EX^JOUTED PROMPTLY. HB^'' -'ll' i: ' '"""'•'' ' ENGINE PACKDfo" ' . "' \ ;"-^ ■ : :-' ; .^-MORGA^, /Manager. Hj^ \IM __^ SUITABLE^FOR :'■';. SHAFTINQ INfc> i ■y-yyyyyy^ y . |||, | f^^ : , PICNIC -PAETIES..; SELF-OILING PLUMPER BLOOKS [ ' '•'.--. --^X - ' |ffi| 17 ! I;|j|; JBlpinj INSPECnoIFiNVITED. '•- HTEEL WIRE ROPE« .. . MiCONNELL AND CO. fefeniifc^ B.W^BURTON. • ,/ - CHAINS : '' : i iii n iii! iTO^ti^^y 0-^tMßfe^fJ " "»■ ww ■ mmmw m,m> * -^m-m -m m STANDARD CO.'S LUBRICATING 7 ' .*'>-.'■>,'■ v OILS, r* . ■'■. . r ' y PIPINGXAND FITTINGS SHIPPING AND FAMILY 'TN^TTRP' "WTTTT TTTP STEAM VALVES \AND COCKS. - BUTCHERS. ' lliouivu yt 11J1 J.J-LJLJ age¥ts - c "pp^ with oniy SOU I H BRITISH INSUPANCE COMPANY, LTD The Lind© British Refrigerating Co., Ltd. i V Y. BEST PRIME MEAT. FIRE ACCIDENT MARINE Brown and Mays' Portable Engines , «._ :. .. ■■„«-. f. rX~ , r . » WibllEl^'» IHAnIHE. Nationl Gas and Oil Engines. - Ordom ior Sn»U .Good, promptly »t- ■■ ■ '^^^^ « T .«„«,«.^. «„.« A LOCAL INSTITUTION, ALL PROFITS BEINO RETAINED IN TM JAMES .BROWN, , UPPER GLADSTONE ROAD. JiL DOMINION. .; -Manager, T*lfpkons No. 17. ' V a Gisborne Branch Office .:.,Noxt Loan and Mercantile Co. . Gisborne. .--■■• ... / ■ ;"' - v- -'-'•-. '■"'-. -a F. H. W. TRAILL, .7 > ' '. -....^_; ____-_-___■__!_ ;.. ;,.-'- . ' - ' - . 7' ■ ' ' YLo«u>l;'MMMMt*>-7';i. «■'.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11515, 22 February 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11515, 22 February 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11515, 22 February 1909, Page 3