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The Famous Remedyfor Coughs, Bronchitis. Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Asthma & Consumption BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY BRONOHITIS and PLEURISY. i Cured by cured by ' HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURS HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURB * U *Z%%m?Z jg^ After ether Treatment had Failed. Aftop othef Tpaatm . nt hmd PmUmd , After Other Treatment had Palled. of^u»^f?el^ ra i%h^ ' ■ — ' Mr. Hearne, Chemist, Gedong. mew, so Sal others mTfi Jh f tolrS^ , 5 » P™1«?« M'Kee. of Carr-street, South Qeelong, In . Dear Sir.-Some months a ago. In Sydney. I sufferedawful fact is evident that a life S L„r «f h.,w * lew ot the importance of a person making it quite dear from a severe attack of ujfluenaa. and was cbnfined-to lost: — In September. 1906. mv little rfrif™.i ■♦♦!,»* what treatment was successful m curing a serious and my room for about a week, at the end of which time, . time 3 years" comracted-MMLsand^^ complicated case when the medicine, directions and treat- feeling somewhat better, IgotUp arid tried to transact : * October was attacked to^ Bwnchftis PnlumoniL a Sd ?«*<>* « qualified doctor had failed, state as mybusfaiess as usual. But I got up, too soon, for the Congestion, of the T Lungi. she^ w« VJSSSSS^.^2 follows:—, very next day I hada relapse, and suffefed-twtures from legally qualified doctor oi I 'hieh h„? hf. iSL* M y » on » Henry M'Kee, then aged 8 years, had been ghat the doctor .told me. was pleurisy, and bronchitis. a^vn»^^co^Mhk^J^^J^L^^S2 attended by a legally qualified doctor, who pronounced t^a jbjUn^from , the former mmy chest and shoulders illness. On Saturday; the 2l" o!tober P 19M \ h2 hM to «»••■«««*»*. '«>m Pneumonia, Pleurisy and a was .frightful; and for four long weeks^ :was(colinried>to that her. life was m eanger-Uia^ i ttSf wi? m lft«e W w A.^J& aa *A° l * V * l *V tfnde *".« l » *° cio ' ,a i% Vif S^jS^i.?™ ?Ji a - w «M*?°w*>^^ Sydneyvdocton. hope for her. For eteht days and^iahf^2.£^ l-i« treatment the child gradually got worse, and the doctor and- all tte time his medicine, gavfc i>Me>. but temporary prostrated l by CoSgh* -plin -and ? Fever Yd» a « w?nS pronounced the case hopeless. He told me that the " Uef -;. J»» landlady of the hotel <the eievelarid), P wh^o like a statue, 'nSc^s fhls sta|e d i W was peV? S? ild^ ou J? »?» «ye.- At ; lhis stage I obtained from lj£!&J& J** °* *. Biedieine-Hearfte's Brori»s suaded by a friend to obtain Hearne's BFonrfii W « r«r- Mn Hearne, Chemist, of Geelong, a bottle ol f a"*— fro™' Victoria, which had cured her of a bad >atwith its auxiliary^^medidne for ttS^ Feve^^^and CoSe«: Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and gave it to the child, ac tac^k ft Of bronchitis and^^ains inthe^chest,, and begged tion of the Lunes, as directed m the CataloeSe of c ? rdm B to^ the directions which accompany each bottle f*;"* 't^jt A I . did ,« 0 ' « nd . m f thanki and- gratitude Medicines which accompanies each bottle of^h- Bran ?l iv . T i} e chUd to proved after the. second, dose, of *o/s^.«eU yoa thaV .after the Beco'nd bottle, imy"c6ugh chitis Cure. gavT thrmedicine as T directed and TwZ Hearneg Bronchitis Cure. He continued to Improvo hadT ceased r but what iajnore. astonishing, the '-pilnß from wm^^ an improvement from the first dose of H«rn/'S each day from each dose of Hearne's Medicine .alone; and F lc "* B ?^ e^ tlrcly l i ft , me ' and m ab «>ut a week f.was abU Bronchitis T P cS?e^^ The^toprove^entcSntiLed after wit^ n th I e l d S a h , e waa / r Jt e from the Cough, Pneu- to attend to my duties aa^ usuaL-^Youri faithfully - each dose of the medicine. In a week she wm^nerfettly ™»l*.*** *^c Pleurisy, and the Urine, was passing satis. , „ --^ n_- ■> • -^ -J.i BRAHAM. free from the Pneumonia, Congestion: Coughu JSSn ans factorily. He was out of bed at the end: of a, week, MaIbOUHW "Ponch" Office, lfe»oaraei . ,-. Fever, and was well, except, that she was sSlPwekk? *Ih ""P l^ l * ."covered.^nd ; i.... 1 .,,,0 ,;. a fortnight she was quite recovered. < and is now m '•'•'«• ' .. « ft uufcHtu, J5?. K »*V.„_ ■"* splendid^ health, and sponger than ever" Any Carr^treet, South Geclong, Feb. 0, XWki, , ABTHMA-A 17 YEARB OA3E. asking for information about this grand medicine can *- — * • '- • : T""*"" be supplied by me/ or by any of my neighbours who have Previous Treatment Failed. '>'" * its wonderful effects. *; It absolutely snatched CONSUMPTION. ■ " —' .f < my child-from an early grave.— Yours gratefully, -■ Oured by Three) Bettlee. r , s p«»^ fi»*f!«« o.*i«»» »i.» »-v * C /«^ ARDINER » Too 111 to Leave Hie Seafc Mjl *r-, » : % M .. . " j '^-i. Police Station, .Geelong East,. Feb. 5, 1908. , — — . . Ut* .Alex, ft 'Anderson, of Oak : Park, Charleville. ' , . -, i -T,-, A Complete Cure. Queenaland, wrote :-•" After suffering from asthma for ■ '•• 'a>»«k»i#iuiwu« — — ■?X«teenyeari, and having' been under ti great' tnany *_ BRONCHITIS. Mr. W. G. Hearne. g/l«eM^treatments without benefit, I was^^ infed te jb4 : _ ''■■■■' '" -" - ** Dear-Sir, — I am writing to tell fan about <lh*e wondeN Hearnee Medicine for Asthma. After taking three A SUTTerer 73 Years of Aejet ful cure your medicine has effected mmy case. About bottles of. this medicine Z quite got- rid, of the .asthma. —. • -—' three, years, ago I began to cough. At first. the cough . and since then; which was the beginaidg of 1883^-fifieea Thoroushly Cured by Two Bottles of was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and- 1 became yearaagp--I have not had the slightest return of it. Hearne'e Bronchltie Cure. Very weak and , troubled with night sweats, pain In my The medicine > quite cured me,- and Z have much pleasure - .. " - _.. _. -— ' v chest; and great quantities of phlegm. On several oc- In wcomraenoJng It. . •» --; : Immediate Relief-Effect Wonderful. casions there was blood m the expectorated matter. I Febrnary, 1908, he states :-i-«'-I am Iceepinf ■m. "mm _.. ■ •:: , had^^ been treated by a doctor who pronounced my case to very welL Never have the slightest return of the asthma.* -Ji ia. --u£2 c*e * ijf i 1 ? 7^ m "ft Influensa .be consumption, and various other treatments had been v - ■.■"'" ">:--■ :/. ■ b ."■;;:'::: t««, So^J.jS'- n^- 2» m e Persuaded me to try tried, but without benefit. It was at this stage that Z cured me of Aithma, ffbw which Sh£ ?Xf C %% : "tat^S!!*' ios * e J"£ °l e mime - htaxd ot your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to yon for » - I had been aufferinrfor twenty'five year^dS eh fh«™l!i«'^i f**'?,** 1 ",? 8^ 6 Becon 2 »otue-X am, course of the medicine. When it arrived. I was too Ul time Z had used almost ever/ f»tent^ediclne- on the wondS 7 J^hPZJnVi °" me T h ?" ecn "S! to my bed ' h ? xl somm«,5 omm « , « a taking it it once, md market-Including asthma lima^atibhsu^&tiEettfngX «fSI ,^i V^il 3 year ? of ??. c ; . 1..-* rust you will gradually improved. Zam glad to say that the two, cure. Zt was 8 years ago that i the cure' Was i effected fit of humall^ B^^"* b XP ub «»Wng Itfor the bene- lots of.medielne you sent have effected a complete cure. by Hearne's Medicine, and Z Tow ht\ I strong^ 5Sn Z fit of humanity Benerally;^ Yours SSSIi^P? o*loll^0 * 1011^ for which accept my very best thanks.— Yours gratefully, have felt for years— hi fact, I feel splenm"? THOMAS R. TREZISE, v I.. BLAIR, ' C. WISEMAN. < - «eedy Creek, Victoria. Westminster Bridge-road, S.B.J, London. , Meredith, Victoria. BOWfIiPQOf ImitaitiOllS 1 The great success of HEARNE'S Bronchitis Ours has Induced a number of unprincipled persons to make Imitations, each calling his medicine " Bronchitis Oure," with the object of deceiving the unsuspecting, and so getting a sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has. become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and to request you m your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you get XV HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6 ; Large Size, 4/6, Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the • Proprietor, VV. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Qeelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally* NOTlCE— Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. 1 a does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It is equally beneficial v v for the youngest child and the most ajged person^ '

ECONOMICAL Housefceerjers are now preparing - to put down their supplies of preserved eggs. There is no preservative like Sharland's Moa Brand Egg Preservative. None lias its long history of unqualified success. It^never fails tdj keep fresh eggs' sweet and good. At all stores. See that the full name is on the label. ■'■.'. . , ■' . ..J J^ 'T 0 STAND THTPI The Carriage Stallion, TOMMY ATKINS. TOMMY ATKINS is a beautiful' bay, showing a lot of -quality, good bone and substance;' standing 16 hands 2£ inches high. He is well bred, his sire. The Czar, being from tne imported ; , High. • Flyer stock, and his dam descending from the great Traducer, with a strain of standard trotting blood from Berlin. Tommy Atkins has been very successful m the show ring. As a" 3-year-old he took first prize at Timaru m 1900, and m 1902 he took first prize and special at Leeston, and first and special at Christchurch ; m 1903 he took, first and special at Leeston, and /second m Christchurch, and first 'at Courtnay show. TERMS : Approved marcs £3 3s, payable on removal of mares. Good paddocking, free from pennyroyal,, one month free ; 2s per week after. All care taken, but no responsibility. Having had 15 years' experience with stud horses m the Old Country, clients can rely on their mares having that attention so necessary to attain satisfactory results. TOMMY ATKINS Polly The Czar ( Talisman mare Miss Williams Lord John Young- Highflier Traducer Berlin Jessie-Leonard imp.) Kate Highflyer (imp.) KATE by Don Giovani, g.d. by Momus, g.g. dam by Fres, g.g.g." dam by Emigrant. THE CZAR is by Young Highflyer out of Miss Williams, by Leonard, gd. dam Jessie (imp. by H. Schluter, Esq., Pukeuri). Young Highflyer by Higliilycr (imp.) ; dam Kate, by Don Giovani, dam Emma : by Momus, g.g. dam by Fres, g&q. dam by Emigrant. Highflyer (imp... coaching stallion) was selected m England and imported by Geo. Campbell, Esq., Duntroon, N.S.W. His sire, Jacobs Highflyer, was sold to the King of Sardinia" for £1000, an 4 his dam was by Van Dieman, by West Australian out of Bar-belle ' (dam 'of Flying Dutchmaai,, Van Troup, etc.) Young Highflyer was bred by Geo. Campbell, Esq. ; dam Kate. Kate Avas exhibited for tlie'-: first -time at Geelong show, and was awarded first •prize m a large and good class as the best mare for producing carriage horses. At the same show 1 Young Highflyer was awarded a special prize, being shown as extra stock. THE CZAR was bred by Alexander Aitchisori, Esq., Herbert; dam Miss Williams. Miss Williaans was exhibited at Oamaru and other places, and was the winner of many prizes. She was considered by competent judges to be one of the best carriage mares they had ever seen, and was splendidly built on a grand set of legs. The CZAR was also a prize, winner of the best description, having been awarded the following prizes: Asa 2-year-old tit Oamaru m 1894, first prize; first at Palmerston South same year; 1895, sec-, ond at Oamaru ; 1896, second at Timaru, against a -large ring, including several imported horses ; 1896, first and champion at •Waimate, and first at Oamaru."' He was. also awarded two .first prizes at Rangiora, and first and champion at Pal-* merston North. This shows that THE j.OZAIt has been very successful .m the prize ring, and he is admitted by competent judges to be one of the best types of t&e English carriage -horse m New Zealand. TOMMY ATKINS proved himself to be a very sure foal getter last season. Also, — The Welsh Pony Stallion MARS. MARS stands 14 hands, was foaled m 1900, and bred by Douglj&s McLean, Maraekakaho. Sire, Comet (imported from Wales), by The Flyer— Welsh Flyer —Old Welsh Flyer— Old Comet. Comet's dam by Young Rainbow — Rainbow, King George. Mars' dam, Exniore Maid, by Satalite. Mars is a very thick-set cob, with cood action and great bone, good tempered and splendid constitution, and a first-class hack and harness horse. He is a very sure foal-getter, and his stock is a credit to him and always sell readily. FEE : £2 10s. 547 E.F. GREY, Makauri. IT has served you well for many years, vow. We don't need to tell you its.i good qualities — but, Eggs are getting' cheaper and you have no Sharland's: Moa Brand Egg Preservative by you. Don't forget it until t'ggs have gone up again. At all stores. vSee that the full name is on the label.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11371, 2 September 1908, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11371, 2 September 1908, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11371, 2 September 1908, Page 7