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There will -be no publication of the Herald to-morrow (Good Friday) or Easter Monday. , The following have been added to the Telephone Exchange: Motu bureau (ring two short, one long) 54 .miles ; deleted : 313, Dr. Coker ; , 187, W. Devery ; 141 Mrs McDowell. • Adjutant Dickens invites all-comers to the an'h rial Salvation Army picnic, to be held in Miss Morice's grounds on Easter Monday. There will be games for yoring and' old, and hot water will be provided. The meetings in connection with the 1 United C-E. Convention commence at 7.30 to-morrow , morning* in the Wesley Church. A hearty invitation is extended { to all to attend these gatherings, at which .there will be good speakers and bright singing, • A middle-aged man, named David Sutherland, who was convicted at the Police Court this morning of a third conviction of drunkenness within six months, was sentenced to ten days' imprisoninent, and a prohibition order was issued against him. The 'funeral of the late Mr Bert Robb, took place at the Makaraka cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Rev. W. Gran , conducted an impressive service, aiid the Foresters' burial rites were conducted by. Bro. W. L. File. Amongst those present were a number of postal officials, some of whom acted as pall-beai-ers. "..' *' The members of the Napier Football Club's team arrive to-morrow afternoon to Contest a match-^the first local inatch of the seasonr-iwith Kaiti-City, on the Domain, on Saturday afternoon. The visitors will be put up at the Coronation hotel ? and on Saturday night will be entertained; at a smoke concert in the Masonic Hall.?. It is expected, that there will be a large number of spectators to witness .the game, which should he a very good one. The camp mates of the young Tasmanian, Herbert Underline, who was recently killed whilst bushfelliiig on the Arowhana station, searching through the bunk occupied by their unfortunate mate, found a purse containing 58 sovereigns*.' planted there for safety by the young fell low. The find Avas reported last evening to the police, with whom the money is being lodged. Oh the occasion of the irique6t, deceased's possessions handed over, to Constable Pratt, the bushmen saying, that they had in their hurry only made '.'a cursory examination, but tlibught they had got everything. »'. Ju ,^ m ent' by default was granted by Mr W. A. Barton, ;S.M., this morning JB th . e . foll owing . undefended civil cases : Charles Livingstone Ferguson (Mr E. H. Mann) v. William Smith, balance of .clain^ .£lO 6s, with costs £1 18s 6d; George Hall (Mr Bright, instructed by Mr -Coleman) v. Norman Marlow,. £2 Jf . 6 4> . vilh costs 10s ; Robert Colebrook (Mr Bright,, instructed by Mr Coleman) v._ Peta Maukau, £5 ; 8s 3d, . with- costs £2 4s 6d ;'; , Joseph- Stevenson (Mr Bright) v. Chambers and Keam £41 - Bs, with costs £2 135. 6d. An application for an oracr -irider the Workmen's Wages Act m respect of the above judgment was made, against the' employer. Eniest lanncr (Mr Bright) v. same, £69 14s l_d, with costs £4 4s 8d; an order as above Was also issued in this instance. "Before this case goes on I want an adjournment to get a lawyer/because Mrs, Owen'ssrot one," was the intimation given-" by a female litigant when an ordinary .civil debt case was called on at the Magistrate's Court this morning,' the action in question' being that 'of Lena Jonsen v.- Fanny Owen. His Worship remarked that as the summons was issued _on April 9 plaintiff had had plentv of .time, to think about that. Mi- tf. Stock, .who was appearing for defendant,; remarked he had no object'ion to a short, adjournment. Plaintiff added 'she wanted to. get some evidence from Wellington.. .-..Counsel.- thought that was coing a bit far. The Magistrate pointed out that plaintiff, issuing a summons should have been ready. The latter stood her ground. It was, she said, not much use going on ' unless she got Mr Yates brought back. His Worship : WeH, what do you want? (Meaning what length of an adjournment.) Plaintiff: I want my sewing machine. (Laughter.) Eventually the case was set down 'for Friday week. ;

The Turanganui Fishing Club notify a fish ; ng excursion on Easter Monday by the Tuatea. A meeting of Gisborne shareholders of the Gracefield, Limited, will be held in the Masonic hotel to-night. Tlie land and estate agents of Gisbome will close their offices from to-day until Tuesday 21st for the Easter holidays* Messrs Williams and Kettle's horse sale will not be held tliis week, on:account'of.'the holidays intervening. All entries .will be held over for the 25tlj inst. A novelty in the.. way- of -vehicles -is to bo seen in Dannevirke, wherei a local medico has had built, from his own design, a species of hansom cab. The vehicle is. entirely enclosed, with a glass front, protecting the occupaht and driver in all weather.. For additional comfort, an oil stove is fixed inside for use in winter and night travelling. Mr H. J. Browhlee, architect, is calling tenders for additions - to the nurSeS' home at the Hospital.. The v additions consist of six fine^ bedrooms/ a box-room, bathroom, and lavatory. The bedrooms are. to be fitted up with wardrobes and the other new compartments will also contain every, convenience. At thesitmo time a padded room, 12 feet by 11 feet 3>,ai. hes, , will be ■ built , on to the Hospital. • '„.'. „- '■-, '■:..'■ ■ --j!.' •' ■• The large f bur-storey building wliich is being: erected, in Willis-street, \^tell--irigton, jfoi^ the Y.M.C.A.; is now hearing completion. A start has been< madin installing the inside fittings, wliich are- of an attractive nature. The. ilVsti-^ tution will be conducted on the lines -of a Young Men's GlubV In the boarding department the boarders will 'be as -free as' when' stripping at ordinary public or private hotels. "< ■'".'. '•'■ .; V The danger, of. swallowing grape seeds was' illustrated at a village near iJathurst recently, w hen a lad named. <A. Morgan ate some- grapes slightly green., and (immediately after complained 6L pain in his side. His mother treated him. to the best of her skill, but, no improvement showing* he ; was taken , to . thib hospital i where he underwent an - operation, for appendicitis with Success. ; On -the appendix being removed, it was found to contain a grape seed. j . The annual meeting of ladies of j the Pioverty Bay Golf Club was held -on TlieS- . day afternoon in Townley'S ' hall. Tliei^ was an ' exceptionally lange . atten dance- > which promises well for;/ tlie> coming season. Tlie election of /officers resulted as follows : Captain, Mrs F. 1\ Morgikri'; secretary, Mass F.^Kf'Adams; committee, Mrs W. Barker, Mrs A. Rees, Mi's O'Meai' ai, Mrs King, Miss E. Barker, Miss deLauteur. An invitation was received from the members of the Wellington, Golf Club to th© opening of , their new clubhouse, Silverstreani, .on Aipril 25th. ' The Hon. Captain Tucker, Cliaiirmaif bf tlie County ; Gburicil, who has been j in. communication lately with the Minister for Railways. iii connection, with' the i^rilway extension to the Willow Crosslin g, this morning received the following viure from the Hon. Hall-Jones : "Li" further reply to your wire re opening of line to Willow. Crossing, we have .; had difficulty with locomotive, but if no further delay .in this respect, we can open about May 25." .The, ballasting operations! in collection with the extension -is nearirig completion, and the County Chairmari has been urging that the line be, opehed te_ the public as soon as the lino is ready, without waiting for theuusual formalities in connection , With the j opening of riow lines. , t v " ■' : ,; '• ';,.-■' *(.[ '■" ' -':'--'? In' the coarse of a cbhversation w ; th a representative of this l)apor this im_', Mr. William Webb, thc world's champion' /sculler, remarked fiere \Vere ho , new developments 'respecting the challenge "Arhst ha .' i! Us alrcitdy iilti-■nfotedr-M } up Ins v-MOOj/hitt nothing further Bad. beeli arf^hged, -and in fact he know'iio moiV'thah. appeared in the' newspapers* Mr Webb is at present in charge of the niicompleted mala pipe line; contract of . the j wyaterw^.-i;., of which , his' employers,, the Wang,iW Spiral Pipe CoV-^s ; thfc c'bntractbrv Whilst he ,liked -Gisborne; Vand-' had been verv Iditdly'riiW %4M r rreople here, he was anxiotts'toVget bacic;home to Wanganui. What was "he 4t>iii#'- l i'n respect to, training and k<&pmg up fiis condition for the next struggle for the laurels? ae was a*ked. Well,, he replied,. ho did not believe in leaving it t O . a heavy three, months' training, for -were he' to do so he would be no more prepared to take tho sculls at the end of that time than' to ride a race- ' horse. He made it a practice whn'e,ever possible to take a 'spin ;at least., twice, a week, just so ) that he wovild ; not lose the feel of the Wat. Speaking about local oarsmen the charn- , pion remarked that he had observed some , very ; good,, jnaterial here, which only wanted careful, coaching to bring them but. Some bf the boys, however, were inclined to Avant te pull the b^at alone without the rest of the, crew. The busine£-_- premises of the N^Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency. Ggu, Ltd., Bennett and Sherratt, Dalgety and Co., Ltd.; Common, Slieltoh and Co. Ltd., Murray, Roberts and Co., Williams diitd Kettle, Ltd.; Archibald Clark -and Sbn, Sargood, Son and Ewen, .Mucky, Logan and Caldwell, Murray and Crompton, L. D. Nathan and Co., and Evans, NieldaW Co., the public officesand the 1 banks wilji'be closed for the E&ster from tonight until Tuesday morning. The. office only of Messrs Evans, Nield and, Co. will be opened on Saturday, for the convenience of customers. In addition to the days above stated the legal profession also close on Tuesday. On previous, years it has been the custom ji of the banks to have the extra, day, but this year the Tuesday lias Joeen cut orit. The chief of outdoor attractions during the holidays will bo the cricket matches between Poverty \ Bay and, Eden, the football fixture on Saturday '(when fyie Napier, footballers Mil try -cpiicltisi^ils with the Kaiti City fifteen), 4nd the open championship tournament under the , auspices, of ; the Gisborne Tennis Club. In connection 'With the latter a team f i.m Dannevirke .arri ves ': to-morrow and plays against representatives of, the Gisborne Club on Saturday; Eor thoSe desiring a -run in the country there will [be an attraction in the Jong-looked-for event of the opening of the ICanakanlia bridge, on Monday. The Railway Department is offering special inducements by way of iexcursion fares. The annfial convention of the United Christian Endeavor Societies takes . place to-morrow, when enjoyable meetings, are anticipated. On Easter Monday the annual gathering of the Salvation , Army will be held im Miss Morice's grounds! The turf fraternity' have also been catered for'jlithe- Muriwai races on Monday. Thfe're are in the- way of evening^'attractions "Ihe Parson's Oath" by >ho RjceDfciiniatic: Company in Hi^ Majesty's Theatre on Mondaiy night, aid Itlio P^yr erty Bay RbvvingClub^s social. in Whin* ' '.'- :'.':■: v -'''' .-■ - • One indication of the early cotpliliig ■up., of the iron way .to provide the ov|r : land; route to Auckland, for which' we halve been' waiting^for many 'yeara,.iis- the preparation by the Railway Department of the through time-table/ >' This is -a tai^k full of difficulties, as a proposed'deputation from _ the Feildirtg Chamber of Qp*.mercc indicates. One" es6entiul is to p^tovide an almost continuous'^ journey; frofni Auckland to the Bluff, utilising the Ir^il to Wellington, the steamer as far as Ly t. telton, thence by jail to the end of tjjie long journey. Care must be tdken nbt to land ■- passengers 'iii Auckland -or Wellington; at -an, unearthly :hbur,' iand t|io branch railway services niiist fit id .is nearly as can be devised. The Mahtiwatu Daily Times states' that the north' mill willcßtart from Wellington; about 11 a.m. oi* noon, reaching Aucklahdiri, good tindp for breakfast. At first the jburney wjjil occupy 20 or 21 hours, but this' will be reduced to 19 when the centi-a l, section lof the s line consolidates: To- inuke. go(>d time, stops will be ' cut 'down to a minihium. Paekakariki will haVe to be fa stopping place for water, Palmerston l aiid Marten because they are. functions; hence gathering grounds for rpasserigefs, : arid Taihape because it will also : be a centre of -traffic. Feilding, according- to : the Daily-Times, is to -be lefty biit, and tlie Feilding newspaper suggests- that 'this was the. penalty of not having' a:.Goverttment supporter as,, its ,•/ representative. "That is pure - foolishness," remarks its Palmerston North contemporary, which points out that the whole question is purely u traffic and mechanical pnc.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11251, 16 April 1908, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11251, 16 April 1908, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11251, 16 April 1908, Page 4