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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR :-,-•■ COUGHS 3 BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Tho-c who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough. Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarsen-.**, Lam or boreness in the Chest, expenence delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Lure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, aud it neither allows, a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption o develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treatea with this medicine. No house should be without it, as;. taken at •he beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. RFWARP OF OaClllfiMOl REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, uuvvnnu v^/i uuuunOl AND consumption is no exception to this rule. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. NINE MONTHS SUFFERING. BRONCHITIS. A Sydney Resident Suffered for Over Sixty A Sydney Stock and Share Brof:?- expresies Relieved by one dose of tjearnii's lironchitis An English Lady ao ill that the -Doctor hb.d Years. Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne'a " Cure, and cured by two bottles. out no hope. So bad he dared not Btir. Bronchitis Cure. ■, Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir.-I wish to add my Was given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and It Relieved in a few minutes by Hearne's " P "^«« ■ «-t Effective Remedy for a SS^^° ft^^n^^tiTlJ^ effected « Compiete Recovery. ■ Bronchitis Cure. Severe Attack of Bronchitis. cough was so distressingly Ivatl at ni-bts I was . Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,— Not long sincd- I_k Would alve £?o for the same benefit rather Mr - VV - G - Hearne. Dear Sir.-l lately had a ° b ''^i a J?',.i f lt .H y - lIC iir % l *!?u occasion 'to visit the old country, and before .<S*vWould give £ a o for the same benelit rather severe af . ack o| Bronch , t , and ■„-.„,-/„„ the « edica advice, and tried other remedies, with- | nR Melbourne purchased a bottle o Heirde'ft than suffer. * advice of a friend< ol>tall)ed Sl ,pp, y o of your ? " „^''- f ' tr 1 , 8 - a fi nd f n s ver ha « a <1 nt ° f Bronchi-* Cure, which I took with me. Whett Mr W. G. Hearne. Bronchitis Cure. lam pleased to inform you fP'" 8 . j, r . . mg , th ? <Ust dose, and though I arrived, in Leeds, I found that my niece, Mis* • Dear Friend, -Chronic Bronchitis I had from it has proved a most eflective remedy, causinn .ve j U _. two bot . t, « s >- l , ' eel .}. am .a. differ- C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe atbinh, and I am now 66 years old. Some time me to ieel grateful to you for furnishine such a T man, and the cough has vanished. You may tack of Bronchitis in fact, she was so' bad that back I contracted Asthma, and for months I was valuable medicine to the public. May you meet de P elld ' u P on , m y making known the efficacy of the family doctor held out no hope for her recbVso bad that any remedy that had previously r - with the success you so well deserve. I place 1°?' w ,°".?5 n remed y t0 Vcrnffni 6 d '~ er * She was then B»ven Hearne's Bronchitis lieved siiiot-njiing was of no use to me. J. was this communication at your Service and remain, * ours la '"" u| .ya jAMIib.AbIBUKY. Cure according to the direction on the libel. so bad that I dai'ed not stir, and spent the worst Dear Sir, yours faithfully. - Dergholin, Victoria. ■ and lam very pleased to say that it effected a night I ever hat. When in a conversation, Mc. mt/mbv .•Di?Nir ; tr' — '■ — ; complete cure. R.J. MATTHEWS, March, J.P.. of Balmain, Sydney, kindly told me ... , .>■ • M V9 KY * KLNtM ' , ASTHMA 25 YEARS. c.o Allan & Co., Collins-st., Melbourne.' that -a Iriend of his was using your Bronchitis Stock and Share Broker, 93 Pitt-st., Sydney. . „ Cure, and that it -was sood. So my sister bought r ; Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis • — ' — me a bottle of it, and in a few minutes after Cure. . , .ctum* ' Ing the first dose 1 could breathe a little. The ASTHMA. \r r w r «„.,„„ n_, .' c-. " T "--». u ASTHMA. next dav I was bPtter and kent _>ettin_! botii-r »_-■«. Mr> w - "• "Came. Dear Sir— l have been a . „ __ «. ... every & T^day lam better tLf I haVbe^n A Flve Yen « C »» e ' ■ "janyr to Asthma for about « years, and have tried A Sufferer 73 Year- of Age Cured by for the last seven years. I took tho medicine At times very bad Indeed. uL"°- .r^'i-Tw^'S'l l^ 1? r "^ , «i !o, !i** , *i P ,,,t^ nt i^* ve Mearne s Bronchitis Cure. as directed, six bottles, and it cost me less than _„ , * J inueeo. been et]l6 t „ a liiient of Jeadmk Physicians „ m -'•'..■. - £1. I would give /so for the same benefit Q-tek'y and completely Cured by Hearne's throughout the Australian btates, ,I, determined to Mr. Hearne, Chemist, ■ - -raiher than sutler as I did Please make what Rranchlll. nnd l.lhmn Cu» " try no more, but let nature take its course. Two &U\-1 am thankful to say th't the medicine use o( thTJ^letter you thinkfit. It * \£ k ? dolna Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. years ago I was asked to try your Asthma Cure, but yon sent tor Asthma has had a wonderful effect. it would only cause one to get rid of this fearful , Mr - Hcar " e -, D M r Sir.-For five or six years laughed al the idea. Hoxvcver by the persuasion ot I law not takm-all the^, Bron chitis Cure, as I comolaint —Yours faithlullv 1 was troubled with asthma, at times very bad a very old friend, 3 weeks. ago I commenced the first did not; therefore I send you my hearty v 11.. y , indeed. 1 was very ill just after Christinas, so bottle of your treatment. Almost immediately I uood wishes for your future success. ' '.l , myself WILLIAM CANHAM, sent to the local chemist for a bottle of your found that I had made a mistake by hot taking it be- will, for the benefit of others; iiiake 'it known ta 108 Curtis Road, Balmain, Sydney. Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. I took the first fore . lam now about half-way: through the second all 1 know. I aiu.73 yearsof age.-^Yours ttiily, . dose on going to bed, and was not troubled that bottle, and so much do 1 feel relieved that I take this ' JOHN BRAY. - night. I finished tho medicine, and have not had opportuntty of sending this testinionial'.a ong for you ' Alliance-street, Clunes, Victoria, a touch of the asthma since. I tell everyone to make whatever use you may 'think fit. I intend HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. aboutlt. M.MURRAY, continuing your treatment, and I trust that before I • ! — ~ Its Efficacy in Chest Complaints Testified to P « tmistrCSS ' Pampoolab, Manning River, N.S.W. ta« finisKed. tnird^U to Iriial vyite BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA, by a Grateful Victorian. „Z~7Z~„ *YaS£r,te^ Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,- 1 have much HAY ASTHMA. 33 Camden St., Balaclava, Victoria. , Hearne s Bronchitis Cure. ™!lfinvaM^ — ••- Mr. W.G. Hearne. Dear Sir.lkindly. forward Z "the lasl *to£™tn^\ mnd^toltLS by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. CONSUMPTION.;. . Si^V^ »»t.J«* s .ryonr' Bra,. JS^r^=^^S^ The effect was wonderful. " Patient Recoverf,^ / ' £^'ffi^&(£slfis ha r ne M? r - k ir OT,t0 T ,t t0 fml '"..wl' 6 ?'"! /* oncc ; } S^^y felt a/ifficulty to breathe, irfy nose and can unhesitatingly say -fiat ithas 'given grea Pneumonia, I feWbeheve that iTl had _dy_t and rapidly effecting a cure with stfev^ doses. I began to run, and to all appearances I'was de- relief from the intolerable throat irritation tha my medicine my child- would- n™ have died Hor the have recommended it to many of inv fr,en r ds. and veloping a severe attack of Bronchitis or Asthma, daughter experienced. Previous to using the Bron- attct "wo I boy ! five years ?l d"lnd a bibTelSt they have lully proved its wonderfuf curative pro- At last I could stand it no longer. I then tried chitis Cure she would have two ' or three attacks months od, were suffering eSkcSy In the S perties. I feel very grateful to you for a chest your Bronchitis Cure, and its .-fleet was wonder- nightiy.but now she can sleep through the night.and way, and it acted like mlglc on them- in fact medicine so valuable and cheap enough to be ful. In less than ten . minutes I was ail right on w-kenlng simply clears her throat'from phlegm: a small bottleiul cured b6tYof them; 'so trust^ available to anyone. -Trusting, its present popu- again. Such a result, and so quick, astounded She had asight attack of Consumption, but spems ing you will forward it without delav -I am lanty f and sales will be doubled I .«m, ;^bun, very me. This is no exaggeration, 1 am pleased to to be recovering, though of course slowTy. Yours yours, most gratefully, """"" M,Ay ' l Zttk ' Bratefully, EDWARD JONES, say.-Yours truly, S. H. MAYO, 1.P., gratefully, G. MACKIE; ■ y " y 8 . ; . (Mrs ) E. D. WARD Mount Bruno, Mokoan. via Glenrowan, Vic. | Meredith, Victoria. , Kiamata, Taranaki, Zealand. Cassilis, via Swift's Creek, Gippsland, Vio. Small Size, 2/6,; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, ancl by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, QE^UDNQ, VICTORIA, FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. NOTICE —-H'EARNE'fI BRONCHITIS CURE No. 1 A DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY POISON . WITHTN TH E MEANING OF THE ACT. IT IS 11VXXVJJ. EQUALLY BENEFICIAL FOR THE YOUNGEST CHILD AND THE MOST 'AGED PERSON. N.Z. DEPOT: Nos. 9 AND 11, HUME'S BUILDINGS. 65 WILLIS STREET. WELLIN GTON; . NEW ZEALAND BRANCH OFFICE : No. 11. HUME'S BUILDINGS,- WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON

DAVYS, THIRD AND MITCHELL TCINGINEERS, BLACKSMITHS AND COACHBUILDERS, •D RIGHT gTREET. AGENTS for ,-- rjANGYE Q AB * ' ifijNGiNEsV Esvtimates for the above furnished Free on application. EVANS, NIELD, AND COMPANY ' Bawmillerß v timber & hardware Merchants Keep in Stock and Sell at Lowest Current Rates SAWN and DRESSED KAURI RIMU AND TOTARA AU Sizes and Qualities to suit IJocal Building Requirements. Lime Postß, Strainert Cemeni Wire Tanks Spouting House Blocks Corrugated Iron. Nails Ranges Staples Grates. Every Description of Builders' Hardware Stocked. NEWCASTLE* WESTPORT, AND TAUPIRI COAL. (Screened, Steam, and Smithy). '■ '■''.■■ AQENTS: !' Alliance Assurance Company, Limited (Fire and Marine). Schooner "Awanui." OFFICE &' YARDS : UPPER GLADSTONE ROAD. EVANS, NIEL.T& COMPANY M. F. BOURKE Tl /TATAWHERO TjI|ELLMONGERY AND \S£OOL gCOURING .-. G ASH B UYER OV WOOL gKINS, JJIDES, »J«ALLOW k J? AT BRANCHES: WAIROA, NAPIER * WELLINGTON. G. A RNOLD * $£ AIf AGER. " WANTED KNOWN.'' niHE BEST OF ALL SMOKES— x DERBY TOBACCO. You Try It ! ' It'a Splendid ! In Plug or Two : Ounce Tins. , VICTORIA BILLIARD SALOON, Peel Street, Gisborne. Fire First-class Tables! No waiting. Finest Billiard Saloon in the Dominion. Branch, Wellesley Street W., Auckland. SEGEDIN A; OSTO-TA, 337 ; • Proprietors. MtCOHNEtL AND CO. SHIPPING AND FAMILY BUTCHERB. TTTE npply our Castomen with enlj " Y BEST PRIME MEAT. Order* for Small Goodt proiaptly attended to. UPPER GLADSTONB B,OjU>. Talaphoaw No. 97.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11250, 15 April 1908, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11250, 15 April 1908, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11250, 15 April 1908, Page 7