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HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OP ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, HoarseneM, Pain or Soreness m the Chest, experience delightful and \ immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Core. It is most comforting m allaying irritation m the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known tb exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. nrurAnr nc f+r\l iruci remember that every disease has its commencement, btWAnt Ul" uUUUnOI AND CONSUMPTION 18 NO EXCEPTION TO THIB RULB. — - BRONCHITIS, BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. SEVERE COUQH-A 6 YEARB CASfc MA South Australian storekeeper testifies to A Commercial Traveller suffering- Intensely Two Persons m New Zealand cured by One R.-n.ved nt once and Completely cured by the Efficacy of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. : Bottle of Hearne's Bronchlils Cure. Hearne's Itronchitls vure. A Sufferer 70 Years 01.1 cured by It. Has since camped out and travelled much One of them had been suffering for Twelve Dear Sir.— l suffered from a severe o'old el -' „,. \ i , .. A . .. Months. » tie chest, with cough, for five years, and dm Ing I' Well and hearty now. without contracting a cola. that time got treatment from different sources, k „■„,'/-«... — Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,-I had a very bad cough, but derived no benefit umli I used your BronOk Mr. W. G. Hearne. DearSir,-I am a store- Mr. W. G Hearne „, x bought one bottle ot your Broncbith Cure, chitls Cure, which gave me relief at once, and _\ keeper, living m this township for She last so .Hear Sir, In 1898, 1 was for four years pre- a „d used about one-half of it, which" cured . my completely cured me. lam delighted with ft. ■ years. One of my oldest cuf tomers has been sub- yiouhly In Queensland travelling representative cough ,„ two or threß days. My daughter who It Is a really wondeifiit ta-.-diolne; does good ftW ject to Bronchitis, for a number ot yeais. and for a mercanti c house Having contracted a had been trou bi e d with a bad cough for the ra^t '"•«», and can't be licked Youi . sincere y. . has been m the hospital with it several times. *eavy Cold, .1 pla ed myself under a med'eal man, twe)ve moDths jjjg,, use d- ihe remaining ball ," W. TRBMELLBN, ' Hearing of your valuable medicine, he tried -it, ami used 'a.l Hinds of. chemists prescnpUons with- 0 f the medicine, and It cured her also. . LtUnlt your Mo.lewarte. Victoria and found Aat it gave him great relief. 6ne out avail.-. . was then staying »' T «j: BnmcUlli Cdta'is 1 mnderlnl remedy. -—ii ' bottle was sufficient to put him righV This minus Hotel, Brisbane. Jlho "'*»«»«« «f »J I have lived on my form at Bombay for about ASTHMA-A 17 VPißfl ft»OB gentleman is over 70 years of age, an old bush- possible lor me for which . I shall always feel 6 . You are Übert t0 vie f tMa letter ASTHMA-A 17 YEARB CASE. _»n, who has been m these parte for tba last grateful. Mr. Durtcan Currie, at that time f ' y ,^ s Yours respectfully, Pr_»i««. «r- R <-..-t #.n_^" years, and is well known. He makM my acung manager for the New York Life Insurance ' '■> * CHAS. WOOTTON; Prevloui treatment tolled. -ousehls home when here, and got the medicine Co.. came to isee^ me | dally., and J>\ f ° vifed .me Bombay, Auckland, New Zealand. Cured by Thr»_ »o«U_ - from tne. He is at my place now, and he says to try your Bronchios Cure. I was about done " Cured by Three Bottles. that this winter Is the freest he has had from for, could not eat or scarcely swallow; In fact, ; — , #l 7- . Bronchltts hr 'l number of ?ears amf lie w sh"s used to nearly suflocafe a dozen times a day, BRONCHITIS AND ABTHMA. Mr, Alex. J. Anderson of Oak Park.CharleWHe, to SStura «/Ss for ff \Sble B on- suff,riii« intensely. Guess ol .my thankfulness w T. T " mM ' Queensland, writes: "Aftter suffering from asthma -UiS ?Cure y He ta Twel laXtam J^ You wben Mr. Cunie a bottle of your A sufferer for years. Cr seventeen years, and luivlna been under a great _£nnlto& liberty t^^ m^ ny different treatments without benefit. I wai ifvo^ like as it may b P J^o" great benefit to other I took another bottle away from the city with Immediate relief and complete cure by Induced to tty Hearo-V; Medicine Jot Asthma. ■Wt%aV^^^^^ ™ t ?£WV£^^F^S^ Hearn.'. BronchUU Cure. , M. GOG LIN, Storekeeper. £ aye * to Mr T . McMillan, Tweed River- three „ r W G Heaw beginning of 1883-fifteeri yeari ago I have not had Yunta, South Australia, persons cured by your valuable medicine. Al- ' Dear^ Sir— I feel In duty bound to express my *c slightest return pfit. The medicine quite cured - ■ . --' thou«h I have c-raped out and travelled t about gratitude fi ' ret to yon for your marv^d^^^ ■ ..- - ml es .since my i Iness, I have^ot con- chltis and Asthma Cure, next to Mr. Cheshire. writing two lyears Jater he states :- lam keepin| BRONCHITIS. tracted a cold slnce;-I am, Sir. your _best we:l- chemist, North Brighton for having so valuable v f.7„ we "' ever have th* slightest return of the wisher, "■-,. -THOS ROSS,* ' y - a cnw . ta - Btoe _, My wife, being a suflerer for aßthma « i A Fourteen Months' Sufferer In Queensland. l~basa, via buva, rijt. years I purchased one bottle of your Bronchitis ; t \ — ' ' ""••-' Cure. It gave immediate relief, apd continuing .-.».«^-.. —._... Cough so distressingly bad, could not get it as directed, it effected a complete enre. My GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION. „„ „,* BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. wife and I recommended it to all our acquaintances, -' -. 7T-"TT * • -± ■'■"'". '■ ■'. any re^u .—- — - who suffer with the same. You can use thli let- Hundreds cured In their own circle. Cared by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. A Queensland Res Went cured by Hearne'. irili^tl^l^^ymigrfj, I_. » Scl.nufilAts.rail.nH Office. ... ._ a~~. aua a., a aroncni us cure. - F. A. CUTTEN, ICO Q^een^treet. Melbourne. „ J M^> H «|SS.?';^K , .^ Ito «-««_. -_B»._ __-■■■ . BRONOHIT.,. '._&%^J^&2fitStt'. SffiSssi ff_-s_r- nJst .us ssstfa e _m^"S j*-Sn-W -i**- is^sl. ■Sa-XTt-tew-ai*''* -HvAriincd and sent : %r a bottle ; which -has away m medicine; but when I arrived m Cairns „ «,'■/«"« -_■'-.- c . , wmmended to trf jour Bronchitis Cure by Mr. token the coSah S away and I feel a oift rent m 1900, from Western Australia, 1 was induced to Mr. WG. Hearhe. Dear Sir.- Accept my testi- Barham accounta-v Collins Street,. and. the effect San Y_um»<si^ l took five bott,M . '"onyt o .^ success of your Bronchitis Cure. lwas that it had was so-marked that he has ever sine. ffiTknXlfe^CSer and it made a new man of me. I could alter- very ill last February fa Melbourne and was recom- heen continually recommeridlng it to others.' .-. * botturtokeep l»^me Ui case thd cough na reh rn-t wards run a mile or climb up and down a vertical mended by a friend to try your Bronchitis Cure. We are gad to *dd # thk our, testimony to the »ny time I Iw fw tine this, as lam Lre there shaft without any feeing of shortness of breath. After three doses. I felt Immense relief, an! the value of Hearne's most valuable Bronchitis Cure. '_» *^_I_.t n_Sii -people oit this way that if No medicine for Bronchitis that I' have ever taken vanished before the first bottle was finished^ which has eased the sufferings of hundreds and £!v kn B ew ? thrwOTd^rfS effect of thTs medicine has afforded m ranch relief as your Bronchitis Jletore leaving Melbourne I obtained three ootties hundreds of people even m our own circle ot .0 . they Knew 'tne^won^riui eneoi 01 mis me 9« lne Cv c _ Yours « t hf u ii v . -. ■* of it, as I would not like to be without so won- qualntances. Ihey would l send and procure it .1 uv prict,- U1 \™" ''";,»,,«,„.«,„.„, derful a medlcine.-Yours falthhillv, 4 Believe ti's always to be, ' , Yours faithfully, J.P.BOYD, RICHARD COLLINS, Mine Manager. * v N. KILMARTIN, Yours most fitlthfuliy, y Contractor, Tortens Creek, North. Queensland. Irvinebank, vl. Cairns, North Queensland. Darlinghurst, Sydney. PHILLIPS, ORMONDE AJCO. Small Size, 2/6 ; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Yendora, and by the Proprietor, G. HESARNE, GHEM^^ !'_. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS, WHBN NOT OBTAINABLB LOCALLY ' ' "rVT r\T>Tr»T? ___-HE__RNE- BKONUHITIS CURE No. ia does NOI' contain any poison within ihe meaning OF THE ACT. IT 13 ■>: INUIIL/JCi. EQUALLY BENEFICIAL FOR THE YOUNG EST CHILD AND THE MOST AGED PERSON. :; N.Z. DEPOT: Nos. 9 AND 11, HUME'S BULL DINGS. 65 WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON. v

■■- -y— - ' .. : .. - •.,-■■■■■■. . . . .■•.■■ - i- ■ . -rr"

f A -^ -- A A _. A -a -- -- -W -- -- -k -_k -k _k- _k- -k' ;_> -_k -^-J_-^ JL - ■■■ ■ ■ '•■■-■ '■' <_tcHks_K F7Bs4—Necklet, complete, _^_f_Fjl_3^ (SjSflf m Oct Gold 16/6 In 16ct Gold 25/- (_fl_lJßfl 213—Necklet, complete, -;--^^^'- G6127 m 9ct Gold 25/- . m Wet Gold 60/. G2629-Bit Gold - Pearl and Turquofoe Heart, 3 Pearls Sat. Oct Gold Heart .- - :■: . - 10/6 v 40A Heart jß_a_atf^^^^ IKBU7— Oct Gold Necklet 30/- VSR Same Pattern, lighter make, W .__«■ In Oot Gold 21/\ m Wet Gold _6A - aJ*L G4783h-Uck.t Pendant, _• _ «"9_*s*'_'' * _^ nJuuL^...' Turquoise Set, Oct Gold Jot Gold Pendant Oct Gold Pendant 26/- 10/6 Locket 26/- - 6/6, 8/6,10/6, upward. 9\^r^ i jj93B __ G2C6o—Photo Pendant, Oct Gold Photo Pendant S\ _ 2^°^ *4/6, „., 2ij/_ f_3 Same, Set with Pearls, 21/G22B2—Oct Gold G7lßß—Greenstone Heart, Oct Gold G2690 ! Mizrab Pendant and Pearl Set Mount Oct Gold and Pearl Pendant 9/6 26/-^ m 15/6 Orders by post have careful and prompt attention, and are tent Post Free on receipt of remittance. 1 Write for Illustrated Booklet, sent free on application, j 8 Deal Direct. We do not employ agents. i Stewart ®awson 4 ®oor. r Jewellers, Queen Street, AUCKLAND rv + v-rw******** .? v *.y w.* v v w * % KOYAL MAIL OEMOND LINE <Jffl(Qte& 0:F COAOHEB W. F. MATTEFS GOACH leaves Ormond at 8.40 a.m. DAILY, returni_g same Aiternoon, « 3 o'clock BOOKING OFFlCE—Hatten's Stables, Ormondr Redstone's Stables, Lowe street, Gisborne. Passengers booked at the above Offices -will receive every attention. Fares, Goods and Parcels at REDUCED RATES. W. F. HATTEN- -■•■ ■ 'P™

QISBORNE QOACH I LEAVES QUINN'S STABLES, Gisborne, At 10 a.m. on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. Leaves Waimata on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS, and ERLDAYS. on~Application. All Orders or Parcels left at Quinn's Stables will receive proprietor's persona .attention. SB. GREAVES, Proprietor, £52 The Waimata Pioneer Coach. i farWWwwi I '-^- •- : i ': «fe^.-, rHE ~- -- -TTTAIMATA—n ISBORNE | 'VVAIMATA-IjISBORNE I TV/TAIL r«OACH MAIL UOACH LEAVES A J GISBORNE, 9.45 a.m., UESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AN SATURDAYS, . , And WAIMATA on u ™3- ST"" AN REDUCTION IN FARESSingle 4s^Return 6s. TO TRADESMEN.—To ensure promp delivery, see that your parcels are sen where they can be obtained with settler mail. TO TRAVELLERS. — Bisset's Coac lands you at the Waimata Accommodatio House. j. &W. BISSET. 698

WM. PETTIE AND CO. NOW ON! NOW ON t NOW ON! NOW ON! —" BIG DISCOUNT SALE FOR CASH ONLY. l —— -g e£ per CENT, (or 3s m the £) OF] IO ALL DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. ' r> A PER CENT, (or 4s m the £) OF] 2U ALL MILLINERY, ' COSTUMES MANTLES, JACKETS, Etc., Etc._ Etc. WILLIAM PETTIE AND CC D — _ WANTED KNOWN WANTED KNOWN That D S. D.. MTHERSO. Is c^ing on B«h>iH"uLd haa a S-«ial Ra^^ f . t O Ull IIN UTO t _, p RIOES TO SUIT EVERYBODY s h "\7OU MUST drink Tea, so drink tl n X Best — PLANTERS' CHOICE < ARCADIA. All Grocers.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11126, 27 July 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11126, 27 July 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11126, 27 July 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)