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ABATTOIR AND SALE OF MEAT BY-LAW. The Gisborne Borough Council hereby make by way of special order the following By-law under the "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," "The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900," and all other powers enabling it m that behalf, which By-law shall come into force on the First day of May, 1905. INTERPRETATION. , 1. In this By-law, if not consistent with the context— "Abattoir" means and includes all that piece of land the property of the" Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Gisborne, held for abattoir purposes, together with all buildings, erections, and structures thereon, and used therewith. "Abattoir District" shall mean and include m addition to the Borough of Gisborne all that part of the County of Cook, as more particularly described m the New Zealand- Gazette of 27th April, 1905, No. 39, Folio 1037. ' "Cattle" inoludes both large and small cattle as herein defined. "Borough" shall' mean the Borough of Gisborne, as defined by "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," and all other Acts. "'''■:>... "Council" means the Council of 'the Borough of Gisborne. "Inspector" means any Inspector duly appointed and holding office pursuant to "The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900." "Manager" means any officer appointed by the Council as Manager of the abattoir, and includes any deputy or assistant manager, and any servant of the Council for the time being m charge of the abattoir.. "Large cattle" includes all oxen, irrespective of age or "sex. ' -, ; "Small cattle" includes all sheep, goats, and swine, irrespective of age or sex. "Carcass" includes the -whole or any part of the flesh, ; wool, skin, hide, bones, hair,* horns, hoofs, and offal of any cattle. *;.--■ 2. The abattoir Bhall be under the charge, care, management, and direction of the Manager, and m his absence, of suoh person as shall be appointed by the Council m that behalf. 3. It shall be the duty of the Manager to carry out and enforce the provisions of the Act and By-laws, and the regulations of the Council respecting the abattoir, and m particular, and Avithout, affecting the generality of this Beotion, to do and execute the several matters following : — (a) To see that good order; and propriety m conduct and speech be observed throughout the establishment, and to enforce the same. (b) To keep a book m which he t shall enter a description of all cattle brought to the abattoir for slaughter, as required by. Section 34 of "The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1 900." (c) To keep: all such further books and records as shall be required by the Council. - (d) To report monthy to the Council, through the Town Clerk, as to the condition of the abattoir, the work done thereat, and any breach of the regulations or other misconduct by any persons .. employed or working thereat or resorting thereto, and (c) Generally to act as Manager, and to conform to the instructions from time to time given to him by the Council. , , 4. The Council may by resolution make, amend, and rescind regulations touching the management of the abattoir, and the conduct of persons employed therein and resorting thereto, and touching all matters connected therewith. Provided that such regulations be not inconsistent with any Act or By-law. -. 5. The abattoir shall be open for work and for the admisßibn of cattle on every day except Sunday between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September, and between the hours of 5 a.m. and 7 pan during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March, and at no, other time except as may be provided by any regulation to be hereafter made by the Council, or unless upon special occasions and under such special conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Manager. / - _ 6. The following provisions shall have effect and be observed: — . . (a) No person shall be admitted or shall remain within the abattoir or any part thereof at any time except on lawful business. '' " [ '_- >(b) No person desirous admitted during other . ,^.t_nthebra specified; shall enter tiieVbattoif without 5 a •special permission m writing from the Mayor, or Town Clerk, or from the Manager. L (c) No dogs shall be admitted or brought into the abattou except those used m driving cattle. (d) No intoxicated person shall at any time be admitted or allowed to remain m the abattoir. (c) No person shall bring spirits or any other intoxicating liquor within the gates. J (f) If default is made m the due payment of any charges prescribed by these regulations the Manager may, m his discretion at any time after such default has been made refuse to receive at the abattoir, any cattle for or on behalf of any person so m default, and he may refuse to slaughter^the same until the charges m default are duly paid. 7. Every person who shall bring cattle to the abattoir shall, upon their admission, correctly report to the Manager the description and number thereof, and the Manager shall forthwith record Bueh information as is hereinbefore provided, and the Manager shall indicate where such cattle ahall be placed, and the person bi-inging the same shall place such cattle m no other part of the abattoir j and shall himself be responsible for their safety and proper susten* ahce. If for no other reason whatsoever any cattle are not yarded when brought to the abattoir the owners of suchcattle shall yard the same at their own cost and risk whenever required or ordered by the Manager, and until yarded such cattle remain at the abattoir at the sole risk of the owner. . . 8. No cattle shall be slaughtered until notice has been given to the Inspector.of the intention to commence the slaughtering of the sarhe and his authority obtained. . 9. The Manager may suspend for such time as he shall think fit, any slaughterman who fails to observe, obey, or comply with the provisions hereof, or of any regulation for the time being m forca - "■-'_''•'' '_' 10. No person shall use or permit to be used m the abattoir any instrument for handling or driving cattle other than such as may be approved by the Manager, and no person shall ill-treat any animal or resort to necessary cruelty m slaughtering the same. 11. No cattle shall be slaughtered except m such part of the abattoir, and m such manner as the Manager shall direct. 12. Every person who shall have assigned to him for his special use any compartment of the abattoir, shall at all times, while he shall use such compartment, keep the same and the appurtances thereof, together with the implements, vessels, oloths, used m dressing carcases therein clean, and free from offence, whether by the accumulation of bloodr offal, filth or otherwise, and shall, whenever required by the Manager, cleanse, scrape and otherwise purify m such luanner as the Manager shall direct the walls, floors, and other parts of such compartment ancl the appurtances thereof. 13. In every compartment of the abattoir, upon one or more head of large cattle, which Bhall have been enclosed m the pithing pen, being killed and before- any other beast is driven into such pen, the Bldughtermaia shall sweep or cause to be swept away into the blood drain all blood from such cattle. - 14. All hides, skins, heads, feet and offal shall be removed from the abattoir only m such manner and at such times as may be directed by the Manager. The contents of the paunohes and intestines of all animals slaughtered, and all other refuse, shall be discharged at such place as the Manager shall appoint. 15. No person employed m or resorting to tho abattoir shall waste any water, and no slaughterman shall permit or suffer any water to be wasted. 16. No carcase or portion of a carcase shall be removed from the abattoir until the same has been examined by the Inspector and passed by him as fit for human food, and marked or stamped by the Inspector with such mark or stamp, and m such manner as the Council shall from time to time by regulation determine. 17. The Inspector shall have power, should he suspect the existence of any disease likely to render any carcase unfit for human food, to cut into or divide the same or any parf thereof for the purpose of inspection. 18. Any animal brought to tho abattoir which, upon inspection, shall be found to be suffering from disease, so as m the opinion of the Inspector to bo unfit for human food, or to be from any other cause unfit for human food, shall be slaughtered at such time, and shall be destroyed or disposed of m such manner, as the Inspector shall order, and similarly the carcass of any animal which has been slaughtered, and which from the like cause or causes is m the opinion of the Inspector unfit for human food, shall be similarly destroyed or disposed of ; .19. No calf under the age of 21 days shall be deemed to be fit for human food ; and any person selling or offering or exposing for sale any such calf shall be guilty of ar offence.

20. Any meat found to have been blown may be condemned by the Inspector, and shall be liable to be destroyed or disposed of m such a manner as the Inspector shall order, and any person blowing the same shall be deemed to have committed an offence against this By-law. 21. Tho carcass of any animal which has been killed at the abattoir shall be removed by the owner within 48 hours after the same shall have been' killed and dressed, or such longer time as may be fixed by the Inspector. 22. No person shall carry any meat from the abattoir m any cart or vehicle which is not clean and m proper condition, and so constructed as to be fit for the carriage of meat; and no person shall carry away meat from the abattoir m an open cart unless such meat be covered with clean cloths to the satisfaction of the Inspector; and the Inspector shall have power to prevent the removal of meat from the abattoir m any cart which shall not comply herewith. All persons engaged m loading and handling meat _ shall wear clean clothing of suitable material to the satisfaction of the Inspector. '23. All traffic, wheeled or otherwise, shall be under the direction of the Inspector. 24. For every animal slaughtered at the abattoir, there shall be paid to the Manager for slaughtering and inspection at such times and m such manner as the Regulations shall provide, the following fees: — £ s. d. For every head or large cattle . other than calves ... ... 6 6 For every calf ..." ... 3 0 For. every sheep or lamb ... 1 3 For every pig other than suckers ; 3 0 Suckers, under 201 b each ... 16 Cleaning tripes ... ... 06 Cleaning calves head and trotters 1 0 Rent of cattle stalls, p*er annum 10 0 0 25. No person shall carry on business m the Borough or abattoir district as. defined m the New Zealand Qazette as a butcher or. vendor or purveyor of meat, or shall directly or indirectly supply such meat to any of the inhabitants of the Borough or abattoir district unless he shall have* a license, so to do issued by the Council; and for every day upon which, lie shall do so without such license he shall be guilty of an offence. Licenses shall terminate on the 30th day of June m each year, and Bhall be issued at a fee of £5 per annum. The Council shall,- subject to the provisions hereof, issue.such a license to any applicant who shall have m the Borough or elsewhere a proper shop or place for the sale of . meat: Provided that such shop shall not be deemed to be a proper shop or place, for the sale of meat, unless and until tl\e same has been certified as a proper shop or place by the Inspector.' • ZZ-'- ' : ':■■''■'---'''^Z--26. Such license may be refused or revoked m case: — (a) The applicant or licensee shall habitually have his . shop m a dirty or insanitary condition. (b) He shall be convicted of selling ol* offeringfor sale meat/which is unfit for humah consumption. (c) Meat so sold or offered for sale m his shop shall haye been condemned by -any lawful authority. v.---(d) He shall knowingly sell or offer; for 'sale meat such shop which has hot been killed and dressed m \ theabattoir. : (c) He shall knowingly sell meat m such shop which . has not been du_y ; passed and inspected' as sound by the abattoir Inspector, or by the Inspector of some other local authority, or after such inspection has become unfit for human" consumption. ; (f) He shall, have been guilty of an offence against •■*■ .',..,.; Section 2 8 hereof. ; Any licensed butcher or, vendor or purveyor or meat shall be responsible for the sales or other acts of his assistants, whether m his shop or otherwise m connection with his business. '■'.'■"'• ■" " Jfe. .-, '.-■""■■'•;.■■ "'. 27. The Council may issue to any butcher, or vendor or purveyor of meat a placard "of such form and si_e as shall be prescribed, which placard shall remain the property of the Council, and may at any time be claimed and removed by it, stating that all meat sold m his shop As killed at the abattoir: 28. Any person who shall exhibit such a placard m his shop, and who shall sell or expose for sale meat not killed m the abattoir shall be guilty of ah offence. 29. The Council will provide five cattle stalls for the use of butchers, at a rental of £10 per annum. Water will be supplied free, but butchers must find their own fodder. 30. Butchers must remove all offal, by-products, skins and hides to the satisfaction of the Manager before nine o'clock on the morning following the slaughter. AH such to be removed m a separate cart from that used for the removal of meat. 31. Hours for the delivery of meat shall be 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.,to 5 p.m. during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March ; and frbm.,6jj*iftv, ;to .and ;3 Rt__to 6 p,m.. during the ,', months of April, May, June, July, August and September. 32. No' butcher will be allowed to cut up meat m small quantities at the abattoir. 33. All cattle killed at the abattoir shall be slaughtered and dressed by the employees of the Council. ... - * 34. All stock for next day's killing must be oh the abattoir premises hot later than 5,, the previous day. 35. All orders for next day's killing must "be communicated to the Manager not later than 5 p.m. the previous day.; 35. Any person offending against the provisions of this ByJay or any section or part of a section thereof, or guilty of any breach or non-observance respecting any section or part of a section thereof , shall for every separate offence, whether by act, .neglect, or .omission, be liable, to a ' penalty of £20,' or such smaller amount as the .Cour£ : inflicting the same shall m its discretion think fit.; and where any bucli breach or non-observance is of a continuing nature, su6h penalty .may, be any sum m such discretion as aforesaid, not exceeding Z&s, for every day or part of a day after- the first day during which such breach or non- v observance 1 : shall /continue. All such .penalties to be recovered m, a summary way acording to, law. The above By-law was made by Special Order duly ©passed .at a special meeting of- the Z Council held on the 14th day of March,. . 1905, and confirmed at an ordinary meeting held on the 11th day of April, 1905, and ordered to come, into force on the Ist day of May, 4905.' The Common Seal of the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Gisborne was affixed to the above written Special Order and By-law m the presence of JOHN TOWNLEY, Mayor. .-:...■■ J. A. HARDING, Councillor. ' JNO. SOMERVELL, Councillor. R. D. B. ROBINSON, Town Clerk. The above By-law came into force on the first day of May; 1905. i: : . - R; D: B: ROBINSON, Town Clerk. QENERAL BY-LAWS 1906. Of the Council of the Borough of Gisborne, made m pursuance of the powers and provisions contained m "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," and the amendments thereof, and "tho Public Health Act, 1900," and the amendments thereof, "The Public Works Act, 1905," and m pursuance of all the other powers and provisions m that behalf contained or implied m any statute or ordinance enabling the said Council m that behalf. In pursuance of the aforesaid powers and provisions, the Council of the Borough' of Gisborne m its capacity as well as a Borough Council as a Local Body of Health, and also m every other capacity m which it is enabled to make By-laws, hereby ordains as follows : — REPEAL. All By-laws, excepting the Abattoir By-laws made on the 14th of March, 1905, at any time heretofore made by the Borough Council of Gisborne, or now, or at any time heretofore, m force m tho said Borough, or m any part, thereof, are on the coming into force of these By Jaws ' hereby repealed. DIVISION OF BY-LAWS. These By-laws are divided into 20 parts, numbered from I. to XX. inclusive, each of which part is divided into sections or sub-sections. EXTENT OF OPERATION OF BY-LAWS. These: By-laws shall (except where expressly made applicable to a port-ion only of the Borough of Gisborne) apply to the whole of the said Borough, and shall come into force upon the Ist day. of May, 1907. PART I INTERPRETATION. In these By-laws, if not inconsistent \vith the context — "Approved," where used- alone shall mean approved by the Borough Council. >„.-...' "The Borough" or "the said Borough" shall mean the Borough of Gisborne. 1 "Carriage," m relation to all classes of licensed vehicles, shall include any coach, , carriage, | omnibus, minibus, drag, chariot, fly, car, cabriolet, ' hackney carriage, gig, brougham, hansom, landau, < motor car, motor waggon, sulky, dog-cart, wag--1 gonette, or other carriage licensed by the Coun- | cil, and m relation to vehicles not licensed shall l include the same class of vehicle. "Cart," m relation to all classes of licensed vehicles, 1 ..shall include any cart, waggon, timber carriage, * lorry, sledge, express waggon, van, dray, truck, i traction engines, hand-cart, wheelbarrow, or handbarrow, or other cart licensed by the Coun-

cil, and m relation to vehicles not licensed shall include the same classes of vehicles. "Cattle" means and includes any horse, mare, gelding, rig, colt, filly, ass, mule, bull, cow, ox, heifer,steer, calf, sheep, ram, ewe, wether, lamb, goat, kid, and pig of any kind.. "The Corporation" shall mean the Corporation of the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Gisborne. "Council" or "Borough Council" shall mean and include the Mayor and 'Councillors of the Borough of Gisborne. "Driver" shall include the driver, conductor, or carter, or person m charge of any carriage, cart, motor car, motor waggon, traction engine, or other vehicle. , ■ . "Engineer" shall mean the Engineer, or Surveyor, or acting Engineer, or acting Surveyor, of the Corporation, or any other person acting m such capacity. "Footway" or "footpath" means so much of any street * or private street as is or hereafter may be laid out or constructed for foot passengers only, and includes the edging and kerbing thereto. "Inspector of Buildings" or "Inspector" means any person for the time being holding the appointment under the authority of the Council of "Inspector of Buildings" under these By-laws. "Horse" shall include any horse, mare, gelding, rig, foalj colt, filly, ass, or mule. " "Inspector" shall mean any Inspector for the time being appointed by the Council m whatsoever capacity, and eyeryl^rson now hqlding^such '..appointmdnt. /'.sv//i?^/ • ' ' ■ "•' -'"^■■^' '%.." .■ "Newspaper" shall mean any newspaper published and circulating m the Borough of Gisborne. "Owner," as applied to carriages, carts, motor cars, motor waggons, horses)' or cattle, shall include every person who, either alone or m partnership with any other person, shall keep or be concerned or interested, otherwise than as a driver , or attendant, jri the keeping,- employing, or letting to hire of any carriage, cart, motor car, motor ■ .waggon, horse, or cattle, and as applied to land or premises shall mean the person for the time being entitled to the rack rent thereof. <■ .. "Offence" shall mean an offence against these By-laws, and shall include the omission or neglect to com- ; / ply with any part thereof. "Offensive/ matter" shall" include any. night-soil, offal, putrid-meat or fish, entrails of fish, carrion, dead • animals, blood, dung, manures, fish-shells, bones, ragsir<d^|^ ashes, sawdust, soot, refuse of vegetables' ;^s_ruits, waste paper, soap-leeß, and impure water; i "Person" and words applying to any person or mdi- i viduaL/ shall include Corporations. "Ply for hire," m relation to carts and carriages shall ■; mean and include the tiding of any vehicle for i reward, whether by contract or daily engagement, : or by the hour. "Portico", shall mean and include every awning, : portico, porch, verandah, shed, shade, or covering, upon, across, or over any publio footway, for the '. purpose of shade or shelter, together with the supports other than the building against which it ' shall be; 'Private street" means any highway laid out on private : ' -> - property, but intended for the use of the public generally. i "Public place" includes and applies to every road, i . street, footpath; footway, court, alley, bridge, and thoroughfare, of a publio nature, or open to or ,' used by the public; as of right, and every place' of j public resort or place to which tile public have i .; access/ so open or used, and shall also apply to the TpWn Hall, and all passages thereof, and all / river banks and foreshores within the jurisdiction ■ of the Council. "■'."■'/'"■.■.' "Right-of-way" means ■■ any way or passage not i exceeding 20 feet m width whatsoever over over private property, the right to use which is conferred or intended to be conferred upon certain Z persons or classes of persons, and which is riot open or intended to be open to the use of the public generally, and includes the ground over wliich any such right is exercisable. , "Street" means the whole of. .any. public highway uoav ■■ .1 existing or hereafter to be laid .out or constructed within the Borough of Gisborne by or with the sanction of the Council or of Parliament, and includes every public square or place therein, and every bridge m the line of a street. Every street not coming within the above definition shall be deemed to be a private street, unless declared a public street by special order. "The Towri^CJerk" shall mean the Town ; Clerk or t act-/: v/ Trig"Town Clerk of the Corporation. v "Vehicle" shall mean and include any carriage or cart as hereinbefore defined, whether licensed by the Council or not, and every, other' class of vehicle. Words importing the singular number include the . plural number, and words importing the plural number include the singular number, and words importing the masculine gender include females. Whenever by these By-laws any offender is made liable to pay any indeterminate sum dependent uponv computation, the portion of the By-law imposing ■. the same shall be so construed that it shall not be deemed to impose m all a greater penalty than - £20. - Whenever under the provisions of these By-lawß any person may be required to do anything or abstain from doing , anything when called upon to do, or ' / abstain from doing such thing by notice from or at the request or by the /order of the Council, Town , Clerks Inspector, Engineer, or other . officer of the Council, the omission, whether ; : .' wilful ;or otherwise, of any such person to comply with such , notice, request, or the Council, Town Clerk, Engineer, Inspector, . or other officer as aforesaid m any case to give such notice, or make such request, 'Or give such .order. The foregoing provision shall not be construed to relieve any person from any penalty which he may have incurred before receiving such notice, rerequest, or order, nor to render it incumbent on the Council, Town Clerk, Engineer, Inspector, or other officer as aforesaid m any case to give such notice, or malic such request, or give such order. . . PART 11. PENALTIES, (a) Every person who shall do, or cause, or procure to be done anything contrary to, or otherwise than as provided by these By-laws or any; section or part of a section thereof or who shall omit to do. anything therein required to be doric by him shall be deemed guilty of an offence.' . (b) Every person who shall execute, provide, or do or oause or procure to be executed, provided or done, or be knowingly concerned m executing, providing or doing any work, material or thing contrary to or otherwise than required by these By-laws, and every person who shall omit to execute, provide or do any work, material or thing herein required to be executed, provided or done by him, and who shall not within a reasonable stated time after being served with notice m writing by the Town Clerk or other officer of the Council (which notice he is hereby authorised to send, arid which notice may be, renewed) pull, down and remove such work, material or thing, or, alter arid ariiend the same so as to comply with these By-laws, or (as the Case may be) execute, provide or do such work, material or thing so required :by these By-laws, shall be deemed guilty of an offence. (c) Every, person guilty of an offence against these bylaws, or any section or part of a section thereof, shall be liable for each such offence to such penalty not exceeding £20, as the Court inflicting the same shall m its discretion think fit, and m every case m which such offence shall be a continuing one, then -to such penalty not exceeding „5, as such Court: shall think fit, for every day or part of a day during which such offence shall continue. PART 111. STANDING RESOLUTIONS. OF THE COUNCIL REGULATING THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES AT MEETINGS. In pursuance of the authority given to it by Section 76 of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," the Council ol the Borough of Gisborne hereby resolves that the Proceedings and Debates at Meetings of the Council, and of Cony mittees thereof, shall be regulated by the following rules. For greater completeness several sections from the said Ac! bearing upon the subject matter of such rules are insertec therein. RULES. OUTLINE OF. PROCEDURE. Every member is permitted to speak once to everj question for the time being brought before and m the pos session of the Council. A member commencing to speal when no business is before the Council cannot be permittee to continue, unless he announces that he intends to concludi with a motion, and that motion is one which he is entitle< then to move. The motion having been moved and seconded 'is proposed to the Council from the chair for discussion and is then for the first time m the possession of the Coun cil, and consequently at cannot afterwards be withdraw! without the leave of the Council. Members moving o: seconding amendments are regarded as speaking to thi original question, because the amendment does not beconn

the question before the Council until it has been proposed for discussion from the chair ; but when the amendment has been proposed from the chair the same becomes a new question, and every member (save of course the mover thereof) may speak thereto. On the amendment being negatived members who have not yet spoken to the original motion may then do so, and may move further amendments, but if no further amendment is moved the original motion is put to the meeting and either carried or rejected, a division being taken Bhould any member call for one. If the first amendment is carried and is of such nature as to effectually dispose of the business before the meeting, no further proceeding is had ; but if such amendment does not dispose of the original motion,the original motion as amended by such amendment is then proposed from the chair for discussion and becomes the business before the meeting, and all members who have not yet spoken to the original motion can speak to such original motion as so amended and move further amendments thereto. . 1. The Council shall hold an annual meeting, at noon, on the first Wednesday m May in>eaeh year, at the office of the Council within the borough, for the installation of the Mayor, and other business, and shall hold ordinary meetings for the transaction of general business, at such stated times as the Council from time to time appoints. 2. Tlie Town Clerk shall give notice to each of the Councillors of the time appointed from time to time for ordinary meetings, and the Councillors shall attend such meetings without further notice of each meeting. .. ; .. 3. The Mayor shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Council, and, m his absence, tlie Councillors shall elect some Councillor present to be Chairman of the meeting; and such Councillor at such meeting shall. have and may exercise all the functions and authorities which the Mayor has by virtue of his office; and would be rj.v quired to exercise if he were present.' 4. All powers vested m the Council may be exercised by a quorum, which shall consist of half the whole number of Councillors when that number is even; and of a majority of the whole number of Councillors when such number is odd j ; and no business shall be transacted at any meeting unless' a quorum is present. •a §*•' The. ordinary meetings of the Council shall be held for transacting the ordinary business of the Council, and, amongst the rest, for appointing and removing the inferior officers of the Council, and superintending their conduct, and for enquiring into the conduct of contractors or other persons employed to execute works, and into the state and progress of such works, and for ordering the expenditure of the Council, and generally for doing all things necessary to carry the provisions of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," or any amendment thereof. 6. Ordinary meetings of the Council shall be opfcn to the public; but the Council may at any meeting exclude Btrangers altogether for sufficient reason, of which the Council shall be the sole judge. The Mayor, or, m his absence, the Councillor presiding m his stead at any meeting, may order any constable or officer of the Council to exclude or remove any stranger on account of noisy or disorderly conduct or intoxication. 7. No extraordinry business shall be transacted at any ordinary meeting unless v two clear days' notice thereof has been sent by the Clerk to each Councillor and the Mayor shall determine what business shall be deemed to be extraordinary within the meaning jbf "The. Municipal Corporations Act, 1900." > 8 / Any resolution of a meeting of the Council may be revoked or altered at the same meeting by the unanimous vote of the members present when it was passed, or at a subsequent meeting by the vote of the members present at such subsequent meeting, or of a majority of tnem. Provided that notice of such subsequent meeting,, and of the proposal to revoke or alter such resolution, shall be given to each such Councillor seven days at least' before such subsequent meeting. 9. The Council may at any time hold a special meeting, to be called 'either upon a resolution of the Council or upon a requisition m writing, delivered to the Town Clerk, and signed by the Mayor or by any three Councillors, and specifying the day for which; such special meeting is to be called./ ," :'■.';'-.'.■ '■.- i „,/■'• ■-'.. '' , 10. Every notice of a special meeting shall, be m writing under the hand of ithe Town Clerkj and shall be posted to each; Councillor two clear days at least before, such meeting and m the case, of extraordinary business to be brought before an ordinary meeting, or of. a special meet- . ing, or of the proposal to alter or revoke, a. resolution, the notice shall set forth the business to be brought before the meeting.. 10a. The power hereby given to do anything by "Special Order" shall only be exercised as follows: — (1) The resolution to do such thing shall be ,passed at a special meeting. (2) Such resolution shall be confirmed at a subquent meeting held hot sooner than the 28th day after such Bpecial meeting, and not ■y\. / lajter than , A the 42nd .day ; after such special '■ - ■•■•''- 1 /meeting. r----- : -->--"-y^ ■ .■••■■->- ■-•?.-. ■■•_.-., .-,, -...-. (3) Public notice of the place and dat 6 fixed for such subsequent 'meeting and of such resolution shall be given pnce y in each full/week intervening between the two meeti„s.'s, and a notice of such meeting be qiveiY to ea»:h . Couhcillor. a ,11. The following is a list of the statutory meetings of the Council, to be held annually under "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900": — " Fourth Wednesday m March to sign electors' list. Section 18. First Wednesday m May, Installation of Mayor, Section 34. 12. Any meeting of- the Council may be adjourned, aiid if a quorum is* not present within half an hour of the time appointed for any meeting, the Councillors, or Councillor if there is only one present, oi* the Town Clerk if no Councillor is present, may adjourn ,such meeting to, another day not later than three- days thereafter, . and notice of such adjourned meeting shall be given to each Councillor. ' / 13. If a meeting is adjourned by reason of a quorum not being present within half an hour -as aforesaid, the names" of the members m attendance, and the fact of the adjournment, shall be recorded m the minutes, and Bigned by the Town Clerk.

14. If, after business at a irieetirig of the Council -has commenced, a want of "quorum shall occur, the Mayor shall cause a bell to be rung, and if no quorum be present within three minutes from the ringing of the bell, the Mayor shall vacate the chair and the meeting lapse. The business then before the meeting will be deemed superseded, fresh notice of motion being required for its renewal. ... ' ! 15. Any member (subject to the restrictions set but ' m Rules 18, 19, 20) may, during the debate on any : question, move that the Council adjourn to a time to be stated by him. If the time to which the Council is desired to be adjourned is not stated, the adjournment shall be deemed to be to the next ordinary meeting of the Council. If the time is so stated the adjournment shall be to that time. .'■'■ .16. The carrying of any motion to adjourn the Council shall not be deemed to supersede the .business then before the Council or then remaining undisposed of." 17. Any member may during a debate, move the adjournment of such debate to a time named by him. If the motion be carried the debate shall be resumed at the time named, the mover of such adjournment being then entitled to preaudience, but members who have already spoken m the debate may not speak again. 18. A member who ,has already spoken m a debate may not move or second the adjournment of the Council or debate, but he may speak to such motions if moved and. seconded by other members and proposed as a new question for discussion from the chair. 19. No member who has moved or seconded the adjournment, or any amendment to the adjournment of the Council or debate, may during the same debate move or second the other of such' motions or any amendment to cither of them. 20. In speaking to the adjournment of the Council or of the debate, or any amendment thereto, members shall confine their remarks strictly to such motions, and shall not introduce irrelevant matter under color thereof. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. 21. The first business shall be the reading and con-' firming the riiinutes of the previous meeting, and no discussion, shall be permitted thereon, except as to their accuracy as a record of the proceedings, and the said ' minutes shall then be signed by the Chairman. , 22. After the signing of the minutes, as aforesaid, the [ business shall be as follows, unless altered by resolution ■ to that effect : — (1) Reading letters sent.and received, andconsidering and ordering thereon. (2) Reception and reading of petitions and .' me-. ' morials. (3) Presentation of reports of Committees and of the officers of the Council. (4) Payments. (5) Opening tenders. (6) Orders of the day, including subjects continued / from proceedings of former meetings. j (7) General Business. 1 (8) Extraordinary Business. * ' • (9) Other motions, of which previous notice has 1 been given. 5 " (10) Notices of. motion. . - » . 23. The Council shall sit at the Borough Council ■- Chambers, Gisborne, every alternate Tuesday at 7.30 p.m., 1 unless otherwise ordered by the Council. f 24. Whenever the Council shall adjourn for want of a a quorum, the hour sit which such adjournment is made, B and the names of the members present, shall be inserted

m the minute book of the Council, and the minute book be signed by the Town Clerk. 25. Any member desirous of proposing a motion or amendment, or taking part m discussion thereon, shall rise and address the Chairman, and shall not be inter-' rupted unless called to order, when he shall sit down until the member calling to order shall have been heard thereon, and the question of order disposed of, when the member m possession of the chair may proceed with the subject. 26. Any member desirous of proposing an original motion or amendment, must state the nature of the same before he addresses the meeting thereon. 27. No motion or amendment shall be discussed or put to the vote of the meeting unless it be seconded. 28. A member proposing a motion shall be held to have Bpokeri thereon, but a member merely seconding a motion shall not be held to have spoken upon it, 29. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chairman, shall decide which is entitled to priority. 30/ No member shall speak a second time on the 3ame question unless entitled to reply, or m explanation when he has been misrepresented or misunderstood. 31. No motion having once been disposed of at a meeting of the Council shall again be brought forward for discussion, except iri accordance with clause No. 8 hereof. 32. The Chairman shall decide on all points of order or practice without discussing or commenting on the same, and his decision m each case shall be final. 33. No member shall digress from the subject matter of the question under discussion, or comment on the 1 words used by any other member m a previous debate. 34. Whenever any Councillor shall make use Of any jxpression disorderly or capable of being applied offensively v to any other Councillor, the Councillor so offending shall be required by the Mayor or Chairman to withdraw such expression, and to make satisfactory apology to the Council. . 35. A Councillor called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain. ' ■'■■ / 36. Any Councillor using offensive or disorderly language, arid having been twice called to order, or to with* Iraw. or to apologise for such conduct, and refusing bo to 10, shall be guilty of, an offence. • .."■37. Any person not being a Councillor, who shall, tiaving been admitted to any meeting of the Council, be* juilty thereat of any improper or disorderly conduct, or who shall not leave when lawfully requested by. the Mayor }r Chairman so td do, may be forthwith removed by any oerson duly authorised so to do, and shall be deemed guilty )f an offence. , 38. The Council shall vote by show of hands, and any Councillor present and not voting, not being disabled by aw from bo doing, shall be guilty of an offence, and any nember adjudged by the Council fdr : any of the causes mentioned m any of" these By-laws guilty of an offence nay upon motion, with or without notice, be censured by ihe Chairman, and such censure shall be entered on the minutes of the Council. 39. The Mayor or Chairman shall, m taking the sense jf the Council, put the question first m the affirmative, >hen m the negative, and the result thereof shall be recorded m the miriutes. - v 40. All motions, whether original motions or amendnents, shall be m writing, signed by the mover, and delivered to the Chairman immediately on being moved and seconded. 41. No second or subsequent amendment, whether upon' an original proposition or on an amendment, shall be \ taken into consideration until the previous amendment is lisposed of. a. ■-? '-='..' 42. If an amendment be carried, the question or wnendmerit as amended shall become itself the question, whereupon any further amendment upon any portion of She question coming after any such first mentioned amendment, may be moved. . 43. If an amendment be negatived, then a second may be moved to the question to which the first amendment was moved, but only one amendment shall be submitted to the meeting for discussion at a time. 44. The mover of every original proposition, but not of any amendment, shall have the right of reply, im- . mediately after which the question shall be put from tlie Chair. 1 .: '..'■.,. : . ~ : y. . ; „'■.■ 45. Any one or more of the Standing Orders of the Council, may be suspended pro tempore m case of emergency, provided that at least three-fourths of the members . present shall deem such suspension necessary, but noi otherwise. -'■■■...- x 46. If a debate on any motion, moved arid, seconded, be interrupted by the number of the members present be* :oming insufficient for the transaction of business,, suck . iebate may by notice of motion be resumed at the point svhere it was so interrupted. * / 47. If a debate on any order of the day be interrupted by such insufficiency of •number, as aforesaid, happening, . such an order may be restored to the notice paper for a [uture : dayup9n notice of .motion, and then such debate v shall be resumed at the point where it was interrupted. 48. No petition shall be presented except by a member of the Council, nor shall any petition be presented after the meeting shall have proceeded to the orders of the. day. 49. It shall be incumbent on every member presenting a. petition to acquaint himself with the oontents thereof, and to "ascertain that it doei not contain language disrespectful to the Council. 50. The common seal of the Council shall not be affixed to any document unless the Mayor and the Clerk, or the Clerk and two members of the Council, be present and attest the same. APPOINTMENTS, ETC., OF OFFICERS. 51. No appointment to any permanent office at the disposal of the Council shall take place until seven dear days' public notice shall have been given by advertisement m one or more newspapers circulating m the. Borough, inviting applications frorii qualified, candidates for the same. 52. The salary or allowance attached to all offices and places at the disposal of the Council, Bhall iri all cases be fixed before they proceed to appoint any person to fill the same, and before the advertisement is published inviting applications as aforesaid, and the amount of such salary or allowance shall be specified m such advertisement. 53i Nothing contained m Sections 51 and 52 shall apply to any labor engaged by any officer of the Council. PART IV. IN RESPECT OF STREETS. NEW STREETS. IVITH RESPECT TO THE LEVEL OF NEW STREETS. 1. Every person who shall lay out a new street shall lay >ut such street at such level as will afford the easiest prao* acable.gradients throughout the entire length of such street :6r the purpose of securing easy arid convenient means of jommunication with any other street, or intended street, * with which such new street may be connected, or may be intended to be connected, and as will allow of compliance vith the provisions of any Statute or By-law. for the regulation of new streets and buildings. 2. Every person who shall lay out a new street which 3hall be intended for use as a carriage-road shall so lay out .uch street that the width thereof shall be sixty-six feet at the least, and\plans showing levels proposed shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer, and a copy of each plan shall be supplied to the Council for reference. 3. Every person who shall construct a new street for use as a carriage-road shall comply with the following requirements: — (a) He shall construct the carriageway of such street so that the width thereof shall be forty-two feet at the least. (b) He shall construct the surface of the carriage-way of such street so as to curve or fall from the centre or crown of such carriage-way to the channels at the sides thereof. The croAvn of the road- shall be on the same plane as the footpaths at the street alignment, and the road shall be metalled or shingled from channel to channel with approved material at the rate of 40 cubic yards to the chain at least. (c) He shall construct ori each side of such street a footway of a width not less than 12 feet, and such footway must be shingled, asphalted, paved; or flagged, and properly kerbed with stone or totara timber 9x3 inches, as the Council thinks necessary. (d) He shall construct each footway m such street bo as to slope or fall towards the kerb or outer edge at the rate of one-half of an inch m every foot of width if the footway be shingled, and at the rate of not less than a quarter of an inch, and not more than onehalf of an inch, m every foot of width if the footway be paved, flagged, or asphalted (c) He shall construct each footway, m such street, so that the height of the) kerb or outer edge of such footway above the channel of the carriage-way (except m the case of crossings paved or otherwise, formed for the use of foot passengers) shall be not less than six inches at the highest part of such channel, and not more than nine inches at the lowest part of such channel. Such channel to be concrete or asphalt or otherwise as ordered by the Council. (f) He shall provide at one. end at least of such street an entrance of a width equal to the width of Bueh street, and open from the ground upwards. STREETS. 1. No person shall hang any calico or other blind from any verandah or portico over any footway without written permission from the Council, and then only upon condition that such blind is necessary for the protection of goods from the sun, and that suoh blind is entirely free from any name or advertisement, and that it m no case comes below 7ft. 6in. from the footway. .2. No person shall place or permit to be placed any placard, sign, advertisement, or announcement on calico,

paper, canvas, or other material, upon or against any verandah or verandah post, or any part of such verandah or upon or against anything attached to any verandah or verandah post, or any part thereof, and any placard, sign, etc., at present existing Bhall be removed upon notice being given by the Council so to do. 3. No person Bhall erect any balcony over any footway or street without Bpecial written permission from the Council. 4. No portico or verandah shall be of more or less height than 10 feet from the kerb to the sofitte of the fascia, measured m the centre of the verandah, unless the consent of the .Council shall first have been obtained. D. No person shall erect any portico or verandah, without the written permit of the Inspector first obtained ; and m case an owner or occupier shall erect any portico, or verandah, contrary to the provisions of this By-law, it shall be lawful for the Inspector to give written notice to Bueh owner or occupier, requiring him, within seven days, to pull down or remove such portico, or verandah, or to make such alterations m such portico, or verandah, as shall be specified m such notice, and as may be necessary to bring such portico, or verandah, into conformity with this By-law ; and, such owner or occupier Bhall comply with the lawful requirements of such notice within seven days from the service thereof. 6. No person shall erect any awning over any street or footway unless the permission -of the Inspector shall have been first obtained. 7. Every owner or occupier of any building against or m front of which there shall be any portico or verandah shall keep the same clean and iri good repair, and it Bhall be lawful for the Council to" give notice to any such owner or occupier to clean and repair such portico or verandah if and as the same may require, and every owner or occupier shall, within seven days after the service of such notice, effect such cleaning and repairs. ; 8. No person shall place, or permit to be placed, any obstruction upon any street, footway, private street, or right-of-way, building, portico, or verandah, or suspend, or permit to be suspended, any flag, oalico, or material over or across any street, footway, private Btreet, or right-of-way, or part thereof without obtaining permission from the Council. 9. No Bign, signboard, lamp, clock, frame or support for a Bign or signboard, lamp or clock, arid no erection of any kind over or upon, or under any verandah, footway, roadway, or upon any part thereof, or upon any building, shall be erected without the previous written permission of the Inspector ; nor shall any such sign, signboard, lamp, clock, frame, Bupport, or erection of any kind, erected over or upon, or under any verandah, footway, roadway, or street, or any part thereof, or upon any building, without such permission, or not m accordance with such permission, be maintained. 10. It shall be lawful for the Council to cause all hedges, trees, or shrubs overhanging any street, private street, or footway to be lopped, or the encroaching part thereof to be removed, at the discretion of the Council, but at the expense of the owner thereof. 11. The Council may from time to time cause to be painted or affixed on a, conspicuous part of some house or building at or near each end, corner, or entrance of every street, and _ -the direction of the line of such street, the name of such street m legible characters, not exceeding three inches m length and proportionately broad and near to to each other. 12. No person shall destroy, pull down, obliterate or deface the name of any street. 13. No person Bhall cross any footpath with a horse or vehicle unless a proper crossing be made over such footpath and channel. Crossings may be constructed by the' Council, but at the expense of the person requiring the same to be made, or by the person requiring the same, under the direction of the Council, and such crossings shall consist of such material a* the Council shall from time to time approve. 14. Any person desirous of haying a crossing made leading from hiß premises into any street, shall make a written application m that behalf to the Borough Engineer, and to- v gether with such application shall pay the amount of such charges as the Council shall for the time being require to be paid by such applicant. 15. If any crossing across or oyer any footway or chan-' nel to any land or way «appurtenantN thereto, or to any private street, shall haye been made before the coming into operation of this By-law, but shall m any respect not- be m accordance with this Byrlaw, the Council may, if it shall see fit, cause the Bame to be, altered so as to, conform to this By-law, at the expense of the owner of the property opposite such crossing. 16. If any crossing shall be out of repair, the owner or occupier of the premises to which the same gives access, or any part thereof, or any person for whose use or benefit the tame exists, shall, within/seven days after notice from the Council to that effect, properly^ and completely repair the B&me, and the Council may, if it shall se^e. fit, ..effect such repair and recover the cost thereof from. such person before any competent Court. 17. No person shall throw or lay any building or other materials, or building rubbish, or put up, construct, or erect any stage, scaffolding, or hoarding, or fence m, upon, across, or over any publio or private street, footway, channel, right-of-way, or public place, Bave. m lawful execution of the powers given by this By-law, except with the permission of the Council first obtained. Every such person shall remove within a reasonable , time all such stage, scaffolding, or materials or rubbish, and shall make' good the footway arid street. 18. One-half of the actual cost of the construction (including formation, shingling, and kerbing) and tarring of any footway within the Borough shall be a charge upon the owners or occupiers of the lands and buildings fronting on such footway. a 19. No person Bhall construct any drain under any footway without the written permit of the, Borough Engineer first obtained, and m case any person shall construct or use any such drain as aforesaid contrary to any of the provisions of this By-law, the Borough Engineer may give such person a written notice, specifying the particular or particulars m which Bueh person haß failed to comply with the said provisions, or any of .them, and requiring him within seven days, or such further time as the Borough Engineer may think fit to allow* to amend any defects or make. _y alterations m such drain as maiy be necessary, a 20. No person shall leave upon any public street or thoroughfare any cart, or other vehicle, without any horse or animal harnessed thereto, unless m case of some accident having occurred (motor cars; not included). 21; Any builder or other person who shall place or keep any building materials, stage, scaffolding, hoarding, or fence, or rubbish on any part of any street m the Borpugh, shall at all times, after sunset, and before sunrise, keep the same well and sufficiently lighted. 22. When any building materials, rubbish, or other matters or things are -laid, or any hole iB made m any street or footway, whether the same be done by order or authority of the Council or not, the person causing such materials or other things to be so laid, or such hole to be made, shall at his own expense cause a sufficient light to be fixed' m a proper place upon or near the same, and continue such light every night from sunset to sunrise while such materials or things or hole remain; and such person shall, at his own expense, cause such materials or things, and such hole to te sufficiently fenced and enclosed until such materials or things are removed, or such hole is filled up, or otho.wi.e made secure. 23. No person shall erect or place any house or other building or any part thereof, or any wall or. fence, or jtiiy other erection, upon, over, or across any publio street, footway, or channel, or allow the same to remain there. 24. If any house or other building, or any part thereof, or any wall or fence, or any other erection, shall, before tiie coming into operation of this By-law, have been erected oi rltced m, upon, over, or across any publio street or footway, m such manner as to encroach on such street or footway, it shali be lawful for the Council to give notice to the owner of .urh erection to remove the same or such part thereof as shall have been so erected/or placed, with such precaution for the safety of passengers, and for the proper securing of so much (ii any) of the same as is to remain thereafter, as he Council shall see fit, and such owner shall, within twentyeight days -after the service of notice upon him, remove such erection, according to the tenor of such notice. 25. No person shall tether or otherwise' put or place or permit to be -tethered or otherwise put or placed any horse, ass, mule, ox, goat, or other cattle, for tho purpose of depasturing or grazing the same, m or upon any street m the Borough, whether public or private, or any public place m the Borough. 26. No person shall drive more than five horses at any one time on or over any road within the Borough of Gisborne, unless such horses are driven at a walking pace only, and unless two persons at least, one m front- and one behind, are m charge of such horses, when so being driven. This By-law shall not apply to horses which are being led, and so led as to be under effective control. 27. No person shall drive any horses or cattle through, into or out of the Borough of Gisborne, except at a walking pace and between the hours of 5.30 p.m. and 8 a.m. ! from Ist October to 31st March, and 4,30 p.m. to 8 a.m. from Ist April to 30th September, without permission of i the Council. Provided that nothing herein contained shall < apply to sheep, or pigs, or to cows driven to be milked, or horses driven m harness, or to oxen m the j-oke. } ] 28. It shall be the duty of the owner and also of tlie ] driver of any horses or cattle being driven through the Borough to prevent such horses or cattle from walking on any footway, and also from loitering about any street, and 1 if any such owner or driver shall fail m the performance of such duty he shall be guilty of an offence. 1

29. No person shall break m any horse or other animal m any street, whether public or private, or m any right-of- a way, or any public place, or by locking the wheels of any a cart or other vehicle, or otherwise test or try any horse or j other animal, so as to obstruct or injure any street or public c place. { 30. No . person shall use, drive, or conduct c any motor car, velocipede, bicycle, tricycle, f or similar carriage m any public or private street, right-of-way, or public place, after dark, and t between sunset and sunrise, without carrying a light upon j some conspicuous part of such velocipede or vehicle m such c a manner as that the same shall be distinctly visible to persons either meeting or following such velocipede or vehicle ; ] nor without carrying an alarm-bell, which shall be rung by < such person when meeting any vehicle or person on horse- 1 back, and when approaching any one* crossing any street, i whether on foot or horseback. < 31. No person shall use, drive, or conduct any motor oar, velocipede, bicycle, tricycle, or similar carriage on or < upon any footpath or footway within the Borough. 32. No person shall use, drive, or con- i duct any vehicle, or motor, car m or along i any street or roadway within the Borough between i sunset and sunrise without carrying side lights upon such vehicle, m such a manner that the same Bhall be distinctly visible to persons either meeting or following such vehicle. 33. Any person shall be guilty of an offence who, m any street, private street, or public place. shall ride, or drive any animal or vehicle of any kind round an angle or corner of any street or public place at other than a walking pace* 34. Any person driving any vehicle whatsoever,, or riding any animal, and when meeting any other vehicle or ■animal; not keeping on the left side or near side of the road or street; or when passing any other vehicle or animal going m the same direction, not going or passing or not allowing any person desirous so to do to paßs, when practicable on the right or off side of such vehicle or animal, shall be guilty of an offence. - 35. No person shall wilfully and -without the authority of the Council, cut, break, bark, root up, or otherwise destroy or damage, the whole or any part of any tree, sapling,' shrub, or underwood growing m or upon any Btreet or place under the management of the Council. 36. No person shall, without the authority of the Council, break, displace, or remove the surface or soil of any land or road belonging to or under the control or management of the Council: 37. No person shall ride or drive any animal or vehicle of any kind round an angle or corner of any street or publio place within three feet of the edge or kerb of such angle or corner, or ride or drive any animal or vehicle of any kind along any street or public place within three feet of the edge or kerb of the footway, save as is permitted m this By-law. ' 38. No person shall feed any horse m any street or public place, save by means of a nosebag attached to the head of sudtf horse; or remove the blinkers of any such horse ; or allow any vicious horse to stand m any street or public place, unless properly/ and securely iriuzzled. 39. No person shall frequent or use any street or other public jolace within^ the: Borough, on behalf either of himself or of any other person, for the purpose of bookmaking, or betting, or wagering, or agreeing to bet or wager with any person, or paying, or receiving, or. settling bets. 40. No person being a betting man, or bookmaker, or layer of totalisator odds, or starting prices, shall transact any business relating to any such calling m any street or other public place within the Borough, 41. No person shall spit, or expectorate, or discharge, drop, or place any spittle or. other offensive matter upon any footpath. 42. Every person who shall stand, or remain upon the footpath about the Corner formed by the junction of any street with Gladstone Road, or upon any footpath m. Gladstone Road or Lowe Street, after being requested by : any police constable to move on, shall be guilty of an offence. 43. Every person who shall stand or remain upon any footpath m the Borough so as to; impede,' hinder, or obstruct the passage of passengers along .uch footpath, or so as to hinder, delay, or incommode any such passengers, shall be guilty of an offence. ./-- ---44. All doors or gates abutting upon any street -within the Borough must be hung or constructed so as to swing inwards only, or to slide, and any person fixing any door or gate which shall swing outwards on to any street or footway shall be guilty, of an offence. Provided that this part of these By-laws" shall not apply to Public Buildings used for public meetings and licensed or. registered by the Council. • . 45. No person shall, m or near any street, private street, carriage 1 road, footpath, footway, or public place, by singing, playing music, preaching/reading, speaking, lecturing, selling or crying wares, exhibiting any object or thing, or causing or allowing the doing of any of the aforesaid things, or by any other means whatever cause the collection or assembling of persons thereby such street or public place, or any neighboring street, private street,, carriage road, footpath, footway, of public place, or the traffic thereof is obstructed, disturbed, or hindered, or whereby access to any house or building m or near any street, private street, or public place is obstructed. 46. No person: shall m any street, private street, carriage road, footpath, footway, or public place, Bing, play any music, preach, read, lecture, sell or cry wares, or exhibit any object or thing, or make any noise or any loud sounds, or cause or by conduct invite others to do any ; of the aforesaid acts, whereby the peace and quiet of any persons residing m or using or being m any neighboring house or building is disturbed, or whereby the proceedings of any congregation, assemblage, or meeting is disturbed, or annoyance is caused to any person attending -any such congregation, assemblage,- or meeting;' 47. No person shall be deemed to be making a proper use of, any street, private street, oarriage road, footpath, footway, or public place, such as shall afford an answer to any charge under any of the foregoing provisions by merely proving that he was moving through such street, private street, carriage roady footpath, footway, or public place, Or unless it shall appear that he was m good faith using the Borne for the purpose of a thoroughfare. 48. The occupier of each house or building m the several public or. private streets m the Borough shall from time to time and within fourteen days from receipt of notice from, the Council to to do, mark such house or building with such number and m such manner for the purpose of distinguishing the same as the Council shall direct. A notice under this clause may be given by advertisement signed by the Town Clerk, published m any newspaper circulating m the Borough, addressed generally to the occupiers of houses and buildings m the Borough, or m any particular street or streets or portions of the Borough. 49. No person shall destroy, pull down, obliterate, or deface the number of any house or building. 50. The occupier of each house or building as aforesaid shall renew Bueh number as often as it shall be obliterated or defaced. 51. In this part of these By-laws the word "occupier" shall mean the person occupying any house or building under a lease or tenancy having not less than two years to run, and m case there shall be no such perßon, shall mean the owner of such house or building. 52. If any occupier of any house or building shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the provisions of the aforesaid clauses or any of them, it shall be lawful for the Council to do and perform all matters and things, which such occupier shall have neglected or failed to do, and the Council may thereupon recover from such occupier all costs, charges, and expenses of and incidental to the doing and performing by the Council. of the matters, aforesaid. PART V. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR THE GOOD RULE AND GOVERNMENT OF THE BOROUGH. No person shall — 1. Throw or place any glass, filth, dirt, kerosene tins, tins, hoops, iron, rubbish, or any matter of a similar nature, or any earth, bricks, stones, or other material, upon any public place ; or leave or permit or suffer to be placed or left any dust-tin, box, or other receptacle for house refuse or other refuse on any footway, street, or other place. 2. Ride or drive, lead or wheel any truck, barrow, cart, dray, carriage, or vehicle of any kind Upon or along any public footway, or carry any load on his shoulders or otherwise, to the danger or obstruction of persons using such footway. 3. Back, place, or leave any cart, dray, carriage, or vehicle of any kind against the kerbing or footway upon any public place, without some competent person being and remaining m charge of such vehicle, so as to have full command of the horse or horses attached thereto. Where the footway and channel is kerbed with concrete carts shall not- be backed up against the same. i. Leave standing or lying upon any part of a public place any truck, wheelbarrow, or other similar thing, or any packing case, crate, basket, cask, barrel, package, or other encumbrance. , 5. Burn any litter, straw, Bhavings, or other combustible materials upon any public place, or on any open space near any building. 6. Leave any inflammable materials or matter m any public place or on any open space near any building, without having first obtained the permission of the Council. 7. Draw or trail any sledge, timber, or other heavy material m or upon any public place, whereby such public place is or may be injured. 8. Allow any drippings of the eaves of any house, rerandah, or erection to fall upon any public footpath or footway. 9. Obstruct or damage any culvert, sewer, or drain beonging to or under the control of the Council.

10. Open any drain or sewer or remove the surface of vny public footway, or any publio carriage road, or make ( my cellar door or other opening from the footway of any \ jublic place, without having first obtained the permission i >f the Council, or leave any hole, excavation, or dangerous 1 place m or abutting upon any street, without fencing or enclosing the same, and keeping a light burning thereupon i trom sunset to sunriße. 1 11. Omit or neglect to secure and maintain the foundations of any building or any wall or fence abutting on any •> public place where the footway has been formed, whereby i 3uch footway is or may be injured. 1 12. Expose for sale any article whatsoever on any publio footway, or outside of any Bhop, shop window or i doorway abutting on any public place, so as to encroach ' thereon, or hang or suspend any article upon or from any verandah post or any part of a verandah, or m any way i over such footway. 13. Suspend or place any carcase, meat, or offal so as to j overhang any part of a public place or encroach thereon. 14. Slaughter (except m cases of unavoidable necessity) or skin any animal upon any public place, or permit any slaughtered animal or skin to remain there, or leave any dead animal on such place. 15. Throw or leave any dead animal or part thereof, or animal remains, or offensive matter of any kind, upon any place, or m any river, creek, stream, or other water, or on the bank thereof. 16. Suffer any dead animal or part thereof to remain unburied upon his land or on premises m his occupation adjacent to any public place so as to become a nuisance. 17. Neglect to bury or cause to be buried the body or part of the body of any animal belonging to him, or m his charge or keeping, that may have died whilst straying, or while being driven from any one place to another. 18.' Expose m ony public place (except m any fair or market lawfully appointed for that purpose) any horse or other animal for show, hire, or sale, or shoe, bleed, or dress any horse m a public place. 19. Roll any cask, beat any carpet, fly any kite, use any bows and arrows, or catapult or shanghai, or play at football, or any game to the annoyance of any person, m any street, footway, or public place, obstruct any street, footway, or public place, whether by allowing any cart or animals to remain across such street, footway, or publio place, whether by allowing any cart or animals to remain acrosß such, street, footway, or publio place, or by placing any goods or articles thereon or otherwise, 19a. No tent of any description shall be erected cr maintained within the boundaries of the Borough of Gisborne unless with the express sanction, m writing, of the Council, and the Council may limit the period during which such tent shall remain erected, and v on the expiration of which the person by whom the tent .was erected shall remove the same. 19b. No person shall make any cellar-door or other opening from the footway of any street or public thoroughfare, without the consent, or not m accordance with the directions, of . the Borough Council. > * .20. Place any placard or other document, writing, or painting, or print, stencil, Or paint, or write on or Otherwise deface any house or building, or any footway, kerbstone, steps, or any wall, fence, lamp-post, verandah post, railway post, telegraph post, urinal, or gate, without the consent of the occupier or owner thereof, the proof of which consent shall be upon the party charged. 21. Stamp, stain, paint, write, print, or post, any words, advertisement or notice upon any footway, kerbstone, steps, fence, or. other Council property within the Borough. "' ' 22. Expose to view or distribute m any publio place, any placard, hand-bill, print, or other document whatsoever of an offensive or indecent character. 23. Throw or place upon any street, or any crossing, or publio place, or public or private footway m the Borough, any fruit-skin, rind, or peel. \ 24. Throw or discharge any stone or other missile, to the damage or danger of any person or property. 25. Blast any rock, stone, earth, or timber, m- or near any public place without having first obtained perhiission of the Council ; or fail to attend to any directions or comply with conditions m regard thereto given or.iinpoßed by the Counoil. 26. Discharge any fire-arms, pea rifle, or air rifle, or similar thing.within the Borough without permission of the Council. ; X 27. Place any obstruction m or upon any public place, or m or upon any watercourse, channel, or river, whereby life or limb is likely to be endangered. 28. Neglect or oniit to keep m good repair any rail, gate, fence, or cover over or about any area, or entrance to any cellar, or other place, or keeping open for more than - a. reasonable iime for taking m or out any articles, any entrance to any area, cellar, or other place (such area or entrance opening into or upon, or near any public street, road, thoroughfare, or other public place. 29. Drive any dog or goat harnessed or attached to any vehicle through any public place. 30. Omit daily to clean/before 8.30 o'clock a.m.,' and to keep clean so much of the footway as is opposite to premises m his occupation m the front of which the footway is asphalted or otherwise paved. . 31. Wantonly or maliciously disturb any inhabitant by^ ringing any door-bell, knocking at any door, blowing any trumpet or hornj beating any drum or gong, using any other, noisy instrument, or ringing- any bell m any publio place, or m any doorway abutting thereon. . 31a; Blow or use any steam whistle or syren for any purpose whatsoever without the consent of the Council. 32. Wilfully extinguish, or injure, or break any lamp, or wilfully injure or break any lamp-post. 33. Being the driver of any vehicle, leave the same unattended m any street m the Borough, whether public or private, or go for a distance of more than two yards from the side of such vehicle, being m any such street,' without passing through the near wheel or wheels thereof a suitable chain or chains, so as effectually to prevent the rotation of such wheel or wheels, whether m any Case such vehicle be hired or not; and when any such vehicle shall have been left so unattended, any constable, or any officer of the Corporation, may drive away any such vehicle, and deposit the same with the horses harnessed thereto, at Borne neighboring place of safe custody ; and the driver so offending shall be liable to all expenses incurred thereby. 34. Lfcarce, _y „rt «r "t> _er v .hic.e without reasonable exouse, or loiter therewith m any street or public place. 35. Wilfully or negligently encumber or obstruct a public place m any manner not before specially described. 36. Cast away, sweep, throw, or deposit, or permit or suffer to be cast away, swept, thrown or deposited m or upon any street, lane, footway, channeL carriage way, or public place within the Borough, any refuse, dust, shopsweepings or house-sweepings, waste paper, or rubbish of any description. 37. Use any barbed wire or similar wire m the construction of any fence fronting any street or public place, except at a height of not less than six feet from the ground. 38. Ride, drive, or lead any horse or other animal, or drive or wheel any carriage, cart, or other vehicle, upon, along, or across any footway, or any water channel or gutter by the side of any street, save m each such case upon and by or at some crossing made or to be made under the authority of this or any former By-law. [Provided that the Council may when it thinks proper, and m any case where m the opinion of the Council there is no special necessity for the construction of a crossing, authorise any part of a street or footway or water channel or gutter to be used as a crossing during the pleasure of the Council. PART VI. IN RESPECT OF PREVENTION OF FIRE. 1. No person shall wilfully set or cause to be set on fire any chimney, flue, smoke-vent, or stove-pipe, herein commonly called chimney, or other erection or appliance used as and hereinafter called a chimney. 2. No person shall suffer to be* on fire the chimney of the premises which he occupies or uses, provided always that no offence shall be deemed to have been committed if such person prove to the satisfaction of the Justice before whom the case is heard, that such fire was m nowise owing to the omission, neglect, or carelessness, whether with respect to cleansing such chimney or otherwise, of himself or luV servant. 3. No person shall make or place or suffer to remain any stack of hay, corn, straw, or other produce, or place as or for the covering of any such stack, any inflammable material, or deposit any combustible material, or light any fire, at a distance less than thirty feet from any building or fence, or street line, nor less than thirty feet from the land of the adjoining owner or occupier without permission of the Council. 4. No person shall make or keep stored any stack of hay, corn, straw, or other agricultural produce belonging to the class of cereals, m the open air at a distance less than thirty feet from the land of the adjoining owner or occupier. 5. No person Bhall make or keep stored any stack of hay, corn, straw, or other agricultural produce of the class of cereals, m any building within the Borough, attached to or at a less distance than twenty feet from any other building, unless the roof of such first-mentioned building is covered with iron or slates, provided always that this section shall not apply to the case of hay, corn, or straw, stored m any building used only for the bona fide purpose of a stable. 6. It shall not be lawful to cover or repair the exterior of the roof, flat, or gutter of any building or any part of the roof, flat, or gutter of any* building, or any erection on the roof or flat of any building, whether such building be already erected or hereafter erected with boarding, shingles or other combustible materials.

7. No occupier of any building m the Borough shall ieposit or suffer to be deposited any live ashes m any wooden receptacle outside such building, or m any place which sliall be less than ten feet from such or any other juilding. 8. No person shall make or light any fire m any building within the Borough, save m some properly constructed fireplace. 9. No person shall light any bon-fire, tar-barrel, or firework, upon or within sixty yards of any public or private street, or any public place, without special permission of the Council. 10. No person shall make or light any fire m the open air within the Borough without special permission from the Town Clerk, and then only during daylight. 11. No person shall make or place, or keep or continue any fence of brushwood, or other like material within the Borough, and no owner or occupier of any premises, shall after seven days' notice from the Council, neglect to remove any such fence, whether made or placed before or after the ooming into operation of this By-law. 12. No person shall plant any furze, broom, or any other growth likely to become dangerous from its inflammable nature. In the case of any furze or furze hedge m existence before the coming into force of this By-law, which is m the opinion of the Council dangerous from its- inflammable nature, it shall be lawful for the Council to order the owner or occupier of the premises upon which such furze oi furze hedge is, to cut down or eradicate the same, and m th« event of his failing, within seven days after notice from the Council so to do, the Council may cause the removal of the said furze or furze hedge at the cost of such owner or oo cupier, and such owner or occupier shall be guilty of an offence. 13. For. the purpose of this By-law, petroleum shall mean and include all oil made from petroleum, coal, or any bituminous substance whatsoever, and shall also include kerosene, and every other distillate or product of petroleum. 14. No gunpowder, blasting-powder, petroleum, dynamite, nitro-glycerine, painters' spirits, benzine, or lightoil, or other explosives or dangerous material shall be kept by any person within the Borough, except m pursuance of such written license m that behalf as is hereinafter mentioned. Provided always that it shall be lawful to keep any quantity not exceeding two pounds of gunpowder, eight gallons of benzine or petroleum m any private dwelling-house. 15. No carbide of calcium shall be kept by any person within the Borough, except m pursuance of such written license m that behalf as is hereinafter mentioned. Provided always' that it shalLbe lawful to keep m any dwellinghouse any quantity of carbide not exceeding two pounds for private use, and no wax matches shall be kept m shops or stores except m tin-lined cases, and matches shall not be exposed for show or sale m any shop window. 16. Any person desirous of keeping any explosive or dangerous materials hereinbefore mentioned m or upon his premises m the Borough,, shall deliver at the office of and addressed to the Town Clerk, a written application for a license to keep such materials, and such application shall specify the situation of the premises wherein such material is intended to be kept, and the kind or kinds, and th& respective quantities of such material which the applicant proposes to keep therein. „ .17. Upon receipt of such application the Town Clerk shall cause 'an\, inspection of the premises therein named to be made by the officer appointed m that behalf by the. Council ; and it shall be the duty of such officer to examine such premises and report m writing to the Town Clerk as to their fitness or otherwise to be the receptacles of any such explosive or dangerous material as aforesaid, 'having regard as well to the character of the business carried on therein, as to the situation and construction of the building, and the precautions (if any) which the applicant has taken against the risk of such majpial as aforesaid exploding by accident. , '."*''' ; 18. After considering the report of tlie officer the Council may cause the Town Clerk to issue a license, under his hand, authorising the. applicant to keep such quantity of all or such explosives pr dangerous materials as aforesaid as the Council may consider reasonable. 19. Every such license shall terminate on v the 30th day of June m each year, and the sum of five shillings shall be paid to the Town Clerk for each such license. 20. The Town Clerk or other officer of the Council may at any time inspect, or cause to be inspected,- the premises of any such person holding Bueh license, as aforesaid (hereinafter called the licensee), for the purpose of ascertaining the quantity of such explosive or dangerous material as aforesaid for the time being kept upon such premises ; and m case the licensee shall m any manner prevent or obstruct such inspection, he shall be guilty of an offence. 21. If upon the inspection it shall appear that the licensee is keeping upon his premises a greater quantity of any such explosive or dangerous material as aforesaid than is specified m his license, or any other such materials as aforesaid than that which is or are named therein, such licensee shall be guilty of an offence, and m such case, or m case the Council shall m its absolute discretion consider it expedient so to do, it shall be**lawful for the Council forth- . with to revoke such license,, and to cause a notice of such revocation, under the hand of the Town Clerk, to be left at the premises of the licensee; and thereupon such license 'Bhall be absolutely void and of no effect. PART VIL IN RESPECT OF BUILDINGS FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS. . 1-. Every owner or occupier of any hall, or other room, building, or part thereof, used for public meetings shall m each year register at the office. of .the, Council, such haU, room, or building, together with the description andsituau n i- f 6Ol aild tbe P u^P<>Be being such as aforesaid for whioh the same is to be kept, and the name of such owner or occupier, and no person, owner, or occupier of any such premises shall permit any public meeting to be held or any public amusement to bo conducted m or on any such premises, unless the same are registered for the said purpose. 2. The Council, upon the written application of anysuch owner or ocoupier as aforesaid, stating the particulars aforesaid, may if upon inspection by the proper officer the i premises shall be found to be secure and proper for the purpose stated, and m all respects m conformity with the . law for the time being m force with respect thereto, and if the Council shall see fit, cause the premises to" be registered ■ ma registry-book to be kept for that purpose, and shall ■ thereupon grant to the applicant a certificate of such registration of such premises m the appointed form, andlhe . Council may at any time suspend, for a stated period, the effect of or cancel any such registration, and shall forthwith give notice of such suspension or cancellation to the owner or occupier of the registered premises, and during such suspension or after such cancellation such premises shaU be deemed to be unregistered m respect of the purpose mentioned m the certificate of registration, and such certificate Bhall be of no force or virtue. Roem'^^ S oß l ° f th H B^' "Public; Billiard Room mean* a billiard room where billiards or any similar games are played for payment, but does not include a bilftßi" 0 - m ftT 868 lic6nsed under " Tli e Licensing Act, 1881, or m a Club. 6 ' 4. No public billiard room shall be used for the playing of any game of billiards, or any similar game, for reward ST t0 the proprietor or *£ SS. by L L r? n8G -i !° r any public billiard roora n»»7 b e issued S«_ ftTS? Bny P erßra of g°°^ character; upon con tw_n f^V he r °T Q licenßed BhaU onl y b * **& open be. tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. on any week day be kept strictly closed on Sundays 7 ' lotted l g n me oi t chmc ?> bet * in S» sweepstakes, wagering, lottery, or other form of gaming shall be permitted m or m connection with any public billiard room lie WlnS/r^ 7 be innny pub8. The proprietor or manager of any public billiard room who permits upon, or in?onnection with the l£_3 mg, lottery, or other form of gaming, or who allows any 17 beh T° W ther6on ' Bball b * liable LevlrVT fence tea penalty not exceeding the sum of £20. H™L* T CII may , at m ? Time > if ifc Bees «*. cancel the &S %£?££,?" * i 8 Batißfied *« baß b - a oKU 1 ?'- The P _° pe - r °® cer of the Council may at all reasonably times enter into or upon and inspect any such registered premises as aforesaid. 11. Any building, part of building, or enclosure within _J Tonn » g ?/« cc *«> n 362 of the "Municipal Corporations Act, moo, within the Borough used or intended to be used, riired^or let for public meetings, or as an assembly room or lecture room, or as a theatre, or music hall, or dancing hall, or skating rink, or circus, or menagerie, or exhibition of wild animals, or for any pMblic performances, entertainments, exhibitions, including all churches and buildings used for worship, or amusements whatever, shall, unon application to the Town Clerk, be inspected, and (if found secure and suitable for the purpose set forth m the application and otherwise m conformity with the law for the time being m force with respect thereto) shaß be duly registered and licensed upon payment of one or other tf the undernoted fees, and under such rules and reflations astiie Council may from time to time validly enSS less iJerioo^ 7 **" ** ** P * riod *«•J* or any period. "wmance, ±,0 per annum or any less

14. For every bowling or skittle alley, £1 per annum or any less period. 15. For every shooting gallery, £1 per annum or any less period. 16. For every public billiard or bagatelle room, £5 per annum or any less period. y, 17. For any building, part of building, or enclosure within the ''Borough used for public meetings," or as an assembly room, or buildings m connection with churches used for entertainments, or as lecture room, or music hall, or dancing hall, or skating rink, or for any public performances, entertainments, or exhibitions, or amusements whatever, not otherwise specified, £2 per annum or any less period. 18. The Council will issue licenses for bowling and s skittle alleys, shooting galleries, and billiard and bagatelle rooms, only upon condition that such places are open from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m., or to such time as the Council may appoint. The Council may m every case where a place is kept open beyond the limited time order the license for such place to be cancelled forthwith. 19. All licenses shall terminate upon the 30th June m each year. 20. All Churches and places of Worship shall be inspected and registered free if they comply with By-lawß m force. PART VIII. BUILDING REGULATIONS. A By-law to provide Building Regulations to apply to and within the Borough of Gisborne. INTERPRETATION. 1. "External wall" means an outer main wall of a building (not being a party wall) even though adjoining the wall of another building, or even though constituting a wall of some lean-to or other building adjoining thereto. The external wall shall include the frame work of such wall together with the usual lining and the external covering whether .such frame work, lining, or external covering is constructed of iron or other material or not. The outer wail of every such lean-to or other adjoining building shall also be deemed an external wall for the purposes of theße By-laws. "Party wall" means a wall forming part of a building and being used or constructed to be used or intended eventually to be used m any part of the height or length of such wall for separation of adjoining buildings belonging to different owners, or occupied, or constructed, or adapted to be occupied, by different persons. "Cross wall" means a wall intended as a separation of one part of any building from another part of, the same building, such building being)- or being intended to be, wholly m one occupation. wall" means a wall (not being a cross wall) erected for sub-division of any building being, or intended to be, wholly m one occupation. "Base" applied to a wall means the underß.de of the courße immediately above the footings. "Inner area" means all that, portion of the Borough of Gisborne included within the following boundary and commencing at the South-east corner of Section 12 at the intersection of Harris Street with Read's Quay, 'thence North-WeSterly along Harris Street to Custom House Street, thence North-Easterly along Custom House Street to the South-West corner of Section 374 at the intersection of Childers Road and Custom House Street, thence NorthWesterly along Childers Road to the Soutb-Western corner •of Section 36 at the intersection of Childerß Road and Lowe Street; thence North-Easterly along Lowe Street to the South-West corner of Section 32, thence NorthWesterly along the South-Western boundary of all { those allotments facing Gladstone Road to the South-Western corner of Allotment 363, m Cobden Street ; thence at right angles NorthEasterly _K.r.p, Cobden Street to the Northernmost covn-.r of Section 323, thence at right angles South-Easteny along the North-Eastern boundary of all those Allotment* facing Gladstone Road to the South-Western corner of Section 132 between . Bright and Peel Streets; thence , North-Easterly along the Western boundaries of Allotments facing Peel Street to the Northernmost corner of Section 128 Palmerston Road; thence Easterly along Palmerston Road to the Easternmost corner of Section 141, Read's Quay; thence Southerly along the Eastern boundary line of the said Section 141 to its Southernmost corner ; thence at right angles along the Northern boundary line of; Section 140 to its Eastermost corner; thence again at right angles m a Southerly direction aloug the Eastern boundary line of the said Section 140 to its junction with Section 134;' thence Easterly along the Northern boundary line of the said Section 134 and Sections 135 and 136 to Lowe Street; thence across Lowe Street to the Western boundary of Section 373; thence at right angles Norths-Easterly to Read's Quay ; thence SouthEasterly and Southerly along Read's Quay to the startiug point "Inner area" (outskirts) means 'all that portion of the Borough of Gisborne included within the following boundaries and commencing at the South-Eastern corner of Section 375, thence along the bank of the Taruheru River North-Westerly to the Northernmost corner of the same Section, thence across Bright Street to the Eastern corner of Sec. 208 m Bright Street, thence along the North-Eastern boundaries of all those Sections facing Palmerston Road to the Northernmost corner of Section 212, thence at right angles South-Westerly to the Northernmost corner of Section 332, thence at right angles South-Easterly to the Southernmost corner of Section 123 Bright Street, thence atnght angles North-Easterly along the Eastern boundaries of all 'those Allotments facing Bright Street to the gasternmost corner of Section 127 Palmerston .Road, thence by a line Easterly to the point of commencement; again, commencing at the Northernmost corner of Section 164 Derby Street, thence South-Westerly along- Derby Street to the Westernmost corner of Section 168 m Derby Street, thence at right angles South-Easterly to the Westernmost corner of Section 23, thence at right angles Southerly to the. Westernmost corner of Section JB, thence along the South-Western boundary of Section 18 to Custom House Street, thence across Custom House Street .to the Westernmost corner of Section 17, thence by the South-Western boundaries of Sections 17, 16 15, and 14 to the Northernmost corner of Section 3, thence by the Western boundary of the said Section to Materoa btreet, thence across Materoa Street to the Northernmost comer of Section 17, thence along the Western boundaries Ifft i° n ! \ 7 ' V**" *V° ? nd 22 t0 **** Street ' bOuth-Easterly along Rangi Street to High Water Mark, thence North-Easterly and Northrby High Water Mark to a Point m hne,with the North-Eastern boundary of Section 13 m Harris Street, thence North-Westerly along Harris Street to Custom House Street, thence North-Easterly along Custom House Street to Childers Road, thence North-westerly along Childers Road to the South-Eastern corner of Sec 47 at the intersection of Childers ßoad and Lowe Street, thence at right angles North-Easterly along Lowe Street to the North-Eastern corner of Sec. sof thenct at right angles to the point of commencement, again , all those, Sections fronting Gladstone Rdid f™?Q.^ trom 293 to 322 inclusive and from 333 to 362 inclusive JTiS^'raKff, £* Read ' s **£&& TO APPLY TO THE INNER AREA (OUTSKIRTS)- --■•...-■■• ONLY. J _d hIE? Wa } l " means a wa " Arming part of a building and benig used or constructed to be usid m any part of \t iW "^ .° f BUch WBll for Be P aration & ng buildings, belonging to different owners, to be built at awl r^r^ 'T ° I_ain1 _ am apart and " far M Placable on the side hne of each quarter acre section. h*;™ . te "f Wa !l" means an outer wall of a building, not IZL a 1 par .^. wall ' Gven «"Wgk adjoining to the wal of another} building or a wall within three feet of the sides of a quarter acre section. There shall be at least one brick, £mZ'fi?T?* *?? or&it e™ l ™» and parapet m every 66- feet of road frontage, and the Council mar from time to time decide whether additional party walls l_re necessary, but iri every case where the building^ aTo vn^d by separate persons there shall be a brick, stone or con crete party wall between each separate building aid w£ Tr* Z? S X T-'f ° n a corner secti0 * i not necessary to have a brick, stone, or concrPte -_ii i A. frontage to the side street. Wall alon^ the All other walls shall not be lesß than lift- j„'*u i m height, and shall have corner a_U___T m , the , clear less than 4x3 and nfW Z a °P enih & studs of not thickness, and all outside l^«^u™ tHan 4 * 2 « skirts) her Sri iSi g 'T lthin the inner area (™tconcretebrick rSf s I ™*?** built either of ce^ witli mortar oli,C' eitiier . Beparte or combined, laid due. Si__n«.i v °T ent ' m BUc1 ' manner «« to proparty wa!l^SnLn * N ° <**"*« Bha " be made m «"? party wan without the consent of the Council. It shall nqtbe lawful to erect, alter, add to renew or epair the external walls or party walls built at rightT g l. 8 to any road, and being within the inner area (outskirts? except m acordance with this By-law. /n ff •! x Val ! 8 of all buildi^ within the inner area &_?£__" prira,e *^h»« «o r^ 2. These By-laws Bhall apolv to fch#> «ri,-i A _ _,_ Borough of Ghbofte, except _£, 3, i, B^lS __{ excepting whole of Schedule No. 2 fraceik Pl_?. ... 40 both __,_*-) which ___ appl, Su_*_S?S. »£

3. Every person who shall erect a new building m which any external wall or party wall shall be made of brick, stone, or concrete, 6hall cause every such wall to be erected as under, that is to say : — 1. Of good bricks, stone, or concrete, properly bonded and solidly put together : — ' (a) With good mortar, compounded of good lime and clean sharp sand or Other Buitable materials, or (b) With good cement, or (c) With good ceriient mixed with clean sharp sand. 2. Of at least the thickness and m the manner and subject to the conditions and directions mentioned m Schedule No. 2. .... 4. Every person who shall erect a new building within the inner area, Bhall cause the external and party walk of such building to be formed and made of good bricks, stone, or concrete properly bonded and solidly put together, with the materials mentioned m these By-laws, and also to be formed and made so as to conform m all respects with the provisions of Schedule No. 2. Every such person shall also cause the whole of such building to be erected and made m the manner and iri accordance with and subject to all and every of the conditions, directions, and requirements mentionedin Schedule No 2. Provided always that this clause shall not (so far as regards such external and party walls) apply : — (a) To., any wall forming part of any one storey building which is m no part within 40 feet of a street, and which building has not a greater superficial floor area, than 224 square feet. Provided that, if the rear wall of such building shall be m any part within 10 feet from the back boundary of the holding upon which such building is erected, this exemption shall not ' . -J apply so far as regards such rear wall, and such rear wall shall m such case be constructed of brick, stone, or concrete m accordance with this clause. (b) To any wall at the rear of any building, which wall is m no part within 10 feet from the back boundary of the holding upon which the same building is ' erected, and which connects two other walls constructed of brick, stone, or concrete m accordance ' with, this clause, neither o. which two walls is a wall } fronting on a street. In case either of the said 1 brick, stone, or concrete walls is contiguous to a wall l other than a brick, stone, or concrete wall, and \ ' whjch extends beyond the rear wall of the said build- \ ing, then the said brick, stone, or concrete wall so contiguous shall be continued for a distance of at least 10 feet beyond the rear wall of the said building, ' or shall be returned to form 10 feet of the rear wall, I adjoining. V (c) To any private dwelling-house or to any building ' or portion of a building which is an open shed,' supported by posts or pillarß only and not framed or walled. (d) To any building, erected and used, or intended to be erected and used, exclusively for the purpose of a i greenhouse, plarithouse, summerhouße, poultryhouse, aviary, buggy house, Wash-house, etc. ; (c) To any building on or immediately adjoining the banks of the rivers erected and used, or intended to ' be erected and used, exclusively as a boathouse..^ ' .& Every person who shall erect, a new building, which ( ,has a street frontage of more than 82 fee.t 6 inches' under ' one roof, and which is intended or adapted to be occupied ' by different tenants or persons, shall cause at least one intermediate (hereinafter called "division") wall of such j building, running from the street frontage back at right angles to the back external wall of such building, to be con- ' of brick/ stone, or concrete, m accordance with Clause 4, and carried up above the roof the sariie as an exteraal or party wall. Provided that openings for passages and other purposes required m connection with such building, may be left m any such division wall if such passages ' are closed with well constructed doors made of iron, of a ! thiokness of at least, \ inch, strongly framed and strapped, ( and hung m good iron frames, and provided also that this i clause shall not apply to the excepted cases mentioned m Clause 4. , 6. Every person who shall execute any repairs, alterations, or additions to any building, whether erected before or after the coming into operation of these By-laws, shall, ' except m the cases hereinafter specified, execute Such re- J pairs, alterations, or additions m all respects iri the manner and m accordance with and Bubject to all and every of . ' the conditions, directions, and requirements mentioned m , Schedule No. 8, and shall also m executing any such repairs, alterations, or additions to the, external or party walls of any building within the inner area, cause the same ' to be executed. with ,the materials and m the manner men- j tioned m Clause 4 of these By-laws, but subject to the exceptions m such clause contained. Provided always that this clause shall not apply :— (a) To any of the excepted, cases mentioned m Clause 4 of these By-laws. ■'"'.. (b) To repairs to the waUs of any buildings erected before the coming into operation of these By-laws when such repairs extend only to the outer or inner lining , ■ y of the original walls, the whole of the framing being : complete and m sound condition. ' Provided also that such portions of Schedule No. 2 as , relate to brick, stone, or concrete walls shall not apply to repairs to wooden buildings m the outer area, or to alterations or additions to such buildings if such alterations or additions are of wood. 7. In the event of any person desiring to remove a building from the inner to the outer area, or vice versa, or from one part of either area to another part of the same area, and to re-erect the same wholly or m part, or to remove the same, entire or m sections, from one part of an allotment to another. part thereof with the same intention, such person shall' make written, application to the Inspector for permission so to do m the same manner , and submitting the same plans and particulars .as if the erection were a new one, specifying m addition what portions of the old material as are sound and of good quality and m accordance with these By-laws will be used m the erection, and shall satisfy the Inspector that the material proposed to be re-used is fit for the purpose and m accord- / anee with these By-laws, failing which it shall be lawful for the Inspector to refuse permission for ifuch re-erection. 8. Prior to the commencement of any new buildmg, or to the construction of any addition, alteration, or repairs to, or to renewing any building or part of a building, either internally or externally, already or hereafter /to be erected, within the Borough, an application m writing for permission to carry put the work shall be lodged with the Inspector of Buildings, at the offices of the Borough Council, accompanied by such drawings showing the ground plan, section, elevation, arid plan of roof, and full written particulars of same m so far as the Borough By-laws are effected, as will enable the Inspector of Buildings to readily decide whether the proposed work is m full accordance with Bueh By-laws; the application to state the full name and address of applicant, the locality of the proposed work, and the person for whom the work is to be done a copy of such drawing shall be supplied to the Councli to be filed for reference. If any plans or particulars so deposited shall, m the m the opinion of the Inspector of Buildings, inaccurately or insufficiently describe the work as regards any matter i • affected by the Borough By-laws, the Inspector of Build- *"' ings may require, and the applicant shall furnish, full and accurate plans or particulars of such work. 9. Should such original or further plan and particulars appear to be m accordance with these By-laws, then a permit shall be granted to the applicant. Provided always that the granting of such permit shall not absolve the applicant or any other person from carrying out the provisions of the Borough By-laws. The Inspector of Buildings shall within six (6) working days after the receipt of the plans and particulars to be lodged as aforesaid, issue a permit to allow the work to proceed, or shall state to the applicant m what manner such plans and particulars require amending to comply with the Borough By-laws. 10. For every inspection, superintendence, or other Bervice performed by the Inspector of Buildings under this By-law; there shall be paid to the Council the fee applicable to the particular cases provided m Schedule No 1, by the person and at the time therein mentioned. Permits under Clause 8, 9, or 10, shall not be issued until after the fee therefore is paid. 11. After the Inspector of Buildings shall have given such permit, no deviation affecting any matter coming within the scope of the Borough By-laws shall be made from any plan or particulars that shall have been deposited as aforesaid, unless a notice m writing clearly specifying the intended deviation shall first have been deposited with the Inspector of Buildings, at the office of the Borough Council, and the Inspector of Buildings shall have notified m writing under his hand that such deviation is m accordance with the Borough By-laws. 12. In no case shall the work be commenced until the Inspector of Buildings shall have given his permit as aforesaid. 13. After the Inspector of Buildings shall have given Bueh permit, the plans and particulars upon which such permit was given may be removed from the office of the Inspector of Buildings, but the person on whose behalf the work is to be done shall, within twenty-four hours after notice m writing to that effect, 'shall (at any time before 4-* or within six calendar months after the completion of the work therein referred to) have been given to him by the Inspector of Buildings, produce, or cause to be produced tc the Inspector of Buildings for inspection or perusal by him, for the purpose of these By-laws, the said plans and par ticulars, or any such of them as he shall m writing require, and every person for the time being having any plan oi particulars, which shall have been deposited as aforesaic

m his custody or power (whether as architect, builder, mortgagee, or otherwise) before or within six calendai months after the completion of the work therein referred to, shall upon the like notice being given by him to the Inspector of Buildings, produce or ca.use to be produced the same to the Inspector of Buildings, for the purpose aforesaid. " 14. The Inspector of Buildings shall keep a book m which he shall entre all plans, specifications, and other documents, which shall have been submitted to him under these By-laws. 15. All notices or other documents to be served under these By-lawa, shall be deemed duly served upon any person if delivered to him, or his attorney, or agent, personally, or sent through the post addressed to such person, or his attorney, or agent, at any address given under these By-laws for that purpose, or if none, then at-the last known address m the Provincial District of Auckland of bucli person, or of his attorney, or agent, or m case no such address Bhall be known, then if affixed to the building to which such notice or document shall relate. 15a. All applications, permits, permissions, consents, and notices under these By-laws must be m writing. 16. It shall be lawful for the Inspector of Buildings at any time or times, between the hours of eight o'clock m the morning and six o'clock m the evening of any day, except Sunday, to enter into and upon any land on which any completed building shall be erected, or on which any building iB being erected, added to, altered, repaired or renewed, and also into and upon any such building as aforesaid, and to inspect and examine every such building and all works being carried on with respect thereto, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any such building has been or is being erected, or whether any work with reference thereto has been or is being executed, contrary to these By-laws, or for any other purpose connected with these By-laws, and the person on whose behalf any such building is being erected, or work is being done, shall afford the Inspector of Buildings all reasonable assistance m every such inspection and examination thereof. Provided always that the aforesaid power of entry by the Inspector of Buildings Bhall not be deemed to arise m the case- of any completed building, save after the Inspector of Buildings shall have given to the occupier thereof -, or left at such building for him, or if there shall be no occupier, then to the owner thereof, at least twelve hours' previous notice m writing, of the intended inspection and examination. 17. All work of every description affected by any provision of these By-laws, shall be constructed arid v carried out m a substantial arid workmanlike manner, and with good materials. The Inspector of Buildings Bhall have authority to condemn any materials which shall be m his opinion unsuitable, from any cause whatsoever, for use m any building, and any materials which he may so condemn shall within twenty-f our hours be removed by the person m charge of the works from the site of the proposed building. Any person using any materials m a building which have been condemned as unsuitable, shall be deemed guilty of an offence against these By-laws. ' 18. No person shall commence to erect any building upon any site having deleterious matter thereon, or before such site shall have been properly drained (if requiring drainage). After a building shall have been erected,, it Bhall be the duty of the owner thereof to at all times keep juch site free from the accumulation of water or drainage, and to provide and maintain all works necessary for such purpose. The person on whose behalf the building is being erected, shall cause such site to be properly- cleared .f all shavings or other combustible materials before any _oor shall be laid. -a 19. No opening Bhall be made m any party wall except by special permission of the Inspector, and no wall erected originally aB an external wall shall be used as a party wall ixcept with' the written consent' of all persons interested and of the Inspector, which latter consent will be granted >nly upon condition that such wall is m all respects m accordance with the provisions of these By-laws, as to tieight and thickness of party walls, for the highest of the buildings to which such wall is to be common as a parjty irall. ; -, "' No external or party wall shall be thickened or strengthened by piers or otherwise, except with the special permission of the Inspector. 20. Any person using, or building, or keeping for use wry furnace and receiving from any other person intending to build, or from the Inspector, written notice of any building being, or; about to be erected within ten feet of luch furnace, shall forthwith erect a wall of brick between mch furnace arid the site of such intending building, of mch length and height respectively as to be sufficient to protect such building from any danger by fire arising from l ,he furnace. . 21. Every person who shall erect a new building within ;he inner area m the Borough shall erect the same so that ihe ground floor thereof shall be at least, as; high as the optw'ay of the street nearest; to such* building!. , 22. Every person who shall erect a new building within ;he outer area shall erect the same and every part thereof n all respects m the manner and subject to all and every >f the conditions, directions, and requirements mentioned n Scheduled of the Building Bylaws so far, as the same are ipplicable to the outer area. 24. Every chimney shaft- or flue hereafter built, raised, )r repaired, must be carried iip m brick, stone, or concrete ill round, at least 4 inches thick to a height not less than 1 6 inches above the highest part of such portion of the roof, flat, or gutter adjoining thereto, measured at the point of junction; and as to any chimney shaft (exceut that of a steam engine, brewery, distilery, or manufactory),' ;he brick, stone, or concrete of sue hshaftor flue must not ac built higher than 8 feet above the; slope, flat, or gutter >f the roof which it adjoins, measured from the highest point of junction; unless such chimney shall be built of ncreased thickness, or be built with or bonded to another chimney shaft, . or be otherwise rendered secure. And as ;o the chimney shaft for the boiler furnace of any steam mgine, or for ariy brewery, distillery, or manufactory, such shaft may be erected of any height bo that it is built m luuh manner and of such strength and dimensions as shall ie satisfactory to the Surveyor upon special application ;n each case, or m case of appeal, to the Council. 25. It shall hot be lawful to erect within the inner area my smoke-pipe or funnel leading into the outer air composed either of metal or any combustible material. 26. It shall not be lawful to cover or renew any roof, Sat, or gutter, of any building, or any erection on the roof >f flat of any building, whether such building be already or shall be hereafter, erected, except with iron, slates, o rtiles, or other non-combustible material. 27. The roof, flats, and gutters of every building, and of any projection therefrom, must be so arranged and constructed and so supplied with gutters and pipes as to prevent the water therefrom from dropping on to, or running over any public way, and all such rain-water pipes, eaves, and gutters shall be made of metal. 28. It shall be the duty of the contractor for every building to reinstate the footway and kerbing to the satisfaction of the Council's Engineer, or other person as soon as possible after completion of building operations, including that portion of the footway abutting building line. 29. Nothingjn this By-law shall prevent any contractors' or builders' temporary office, sheds, and workshops, from being erected of wood or iron on any building site during buildirig operations, provided that special application be made to and .permission m writing be granted by the Inspector, and such contractors' or builders' temporary office, sheds, or workshops shall be removed within twentyfour hours after the Inspector shall have given notice for the removal of the same. 30. The contractor for the erection of, or the builder of any building may, with the consent m writing of the Inspector, enclose a space on the footpath m front of anj building during building operations not more than 9 feel wide, which shall be surrounded by a strong, close-boarded fence not less than 6 feet m height, and with-a sufficientlj planked footway outside the hoarding, provided by the contractors or builders, at least 4 feet wide, and also anj other necessary work for the safety and convenience of th< public as the Inspector may direct and sufficient lights shai be kept burning by the contractors or builders on sucl scaffolding or hoarding from sunset to sunrsie.. , Tha every contractor, builder, or other person having erectec or maintaining any scaffolding or other obstruction to anj Btreet, footpath, or roadway, shall remove the same withii 24 hours after the Inspector shall have given written notici to that effect to such contractor or builder, and all damagi to channels, footpaths, or roadways by any contractor oi builder, during the progress of the work, shall be mad good forthwith by such contractor or builder. Where a building occupies the whole of the site, a con tractor or builder may be allowed a third of the roadway opposite such site, but such part of the roadway shall m elude the temporary footpath, and th eremainder shall b surrounded by a proper hoarding to the satisfaction of th Inspector. But this permission shall not be granted ii streets where a tramway-line is or shall be laid, or withou special permission m writing by the Inspector. 31. Builders must board up all openings of buildings ij course of erection from sunset to sunrise,, and also clea » up all shavings and litter afte reach day's work. 35. No person shall allow a tin or iron chimney to b i put into any premises whatsoever within the Borough c i Gisborne. i 32. All buildings erected, to be rebuilt, or re-erectec > fronting any street or private street within the Borough c , Gisborne less than 66 feet m width shall not stand withi: -33 feet from the middle line thereof. Streets to -whic , this section applies being Leith Street, Richardson's Aa r enue, Valley Lane, Dblman Lane, street between Ormon I Road and Clifford Street (known as Railway Reserve).

33. All persons erecting, rebuilding, or re-erecting buildings fronting on the Southern side of Russell Street shall not alloAv such buildings to stand Avithin 66 feet from the opposite side-line of such street likewise m Berry Street from Carnarvon Street to" Section 11. 34. (a) If any person shall begin to erect, add to, alter, reneAv, or repair any building or part of a building, before a written permit from the Inspector of Buildings, as provided m Clauses 8, 9, or 10 of these By-laAvs, shall have been granted, or if any person shall erect, add, to, alter, renew, or repair any buildings or part of a building contrary m any respect to any provision m these By-laAvs, or otherwise than as provided m such behalf by these Bylaws, or shall do, or cause, or procure to be done, or be knoAvingiy concerned,in , doing any act, matter, or thing whatsoever contrary to or otherwise than as provided by these By-laws, or shall omit to do anything which according to the true intent and meaning of these By-laws ought to be done by him, at the time and m the manner m every respect m these By-laws provided m any particular case, or shall' refuse or neglect to comply with any notice duly ' given to him by the Inspector of Buildings under any provisions of these By-lows, or shall Avilfully obstruct or hinder the Inspector of Buildings "m the performance of any duty to be discharged by him under or m the exercise of any j>ower conferred upon. him By these By-laws,--then and m every of the aforesaid cases, every such person as aforesaid shall be deemed guilty of an offence against these By-laws. (b) Every person avlio shall construct or cause to be constructed any building, or any part of a building, or any Avork of any description whatsoever, contrary to or otherwise than is provided by these By-la ays, and avlio shall not, within a reasonable time after notice m Avriting shall have been given by the Inspector for that purpose take away, or remove such building, part of a building, or work, or cause the same to be pulled down, taken away or removed, or alter, or cause to be altered, tlie same so as to comply with these By-laws, shall be deemed guilty of a further offence against these By-laws. Every such notice as last aforesaid shall state the time within which such pulling down or other operation is to be performed, and may fee renewed from time to time, and the Inspector is hereby expressly authorised and empowered to give any such notice or reneAved notice. (c) Every person guilty of an offence against these Bylaws shall be liable for each such offence to such penalty, not exceeding £20, as the Court inflicting the same shall m its discretion think fit, and m every case m which such offence shall be a continuing one then to such penalty, not exceeding £5, as such Court shall think fit, for every day ar part of a day during which such offence shall continue. •/-."' "-"■.;(-■ SCHEDULE No. 1. *' ■ < FEES. , ■ For every inspection of plans and specifications made by the Inspector under Clauses ' 9 and 10 of these By-laws, there shall be paid by the applicant at the time of deposit Df 'plans and other documents under such clause the following fees, namely : — .'./... If the value of the proposed work is:- — £ s. d. Under £100 ... 0, 5 0 £100 and under £200 ...0 10 0 £200 and under £300 ... 0 15 0 £300 and under £400 ... 1 0 0 £400 arid under £600 , ... 1 5 0 £600 arid under £800/ ... 110 0 £800 and under £1000 ...\ 2 6/0 £1000. and upwards ...300. FEES FOR SPECIAL DUTIES. For inspecting a cutting into or alteration of any axisting chimney except for the insertion of ventilators, ss. For inspecting any iron smoke-funnel erected for manufacturing purposes, erected subsequently to the building, ss. /-.,.. For inspecting every detached stove, furnace, oven, ;lose-fire, or forge/erected subsequently to the building, ss. For inspecting 5 old timber before re-using same m a building, ss. '■>'■'■■ SCHEDULE No. 2. WALLS OF BRICK, STONE, OR CONCRETE. I. (a) Table of lengths and thicknesses of brick, stone, or concrete walls. Height Length up to 50ft. without cross Length over 50ft. without cross up to wall o£ brick, stone or concrete. wall.' -4ft. Whole' wall 9in. Whole Avail, 9in. with piers, 9in. x4)£in., at 10ft. centres. 20ft. If ohe storey with piers » at 10ft. centres 13%in. x4)£in. 9in. 34ft. First 14ft. 13>_in. First 14ft. 13Kin. with piers, at 10ft. centres, 13%in. x 4>_in. Remainder 9in. Remainder,- 9in. with piers, at 10ft. centres} 9in. x43_in. 40' ft. One storey { 18in. One storey 18in., with piers at ■■/.-■--= - 10ft. "centres, IBin. x 4^in. : Rest of wall below top- Rest of -Avail -below topmost "most storey 9in. storey, 13}£in. with piers, .' at 10ft. centres, 13)_in. x ' , : Z- , A%m.. '• Thence to ceiling topmost Thence to ceiling topmost Btorey ■ 9in. "storey, 9in. Avith piers at ' 10ft. centres, 9in. x 4J_in. 55ft. Two storeys 18in. One storey '22}_in., ■ ' . Taa'O storeys 18in. Rest of wall below top- Rest of Avail below topmost most storey 13}£in. storey; 13)^in. Thence to ceiling topmost Thence to ceiling of topmost storey Avith piers at 10ft. storey 9in. centres, 9in. x 4>^in. With piers at 10ft. centres 9in. • , . 9in. x 4>£in. 70ft. One Btorey 22>£in. One storey 27in. Two storeys 18in. One storey 22}^in. Rest of wall to ceiling top- Rest of Avail to ceiling topmoat storey 13^_in. most storey ' 13)_in. - (b) In using this table, the height of the well is to be reckoned on the first vertical column on the left hand of the table and the length of the wall m the corresponding horizontal column. The thickness of the Avail m each storey is given m inches, and begins with the Avail from the base upwards. - (c) If ariy external or party wall measured from centre to centre is not more than 17 feet distant from any other external or party wall to which it is tied by the beams of any floor or floors, other than the ground floor or the floor of any storey formed m the roof, the length of such wall is not to be taken into consideration, and the thickness of the Avail will be that shown for walls up to 50 feet long. (d) The thickness of the external and party walls of all warehouses and manufactories, shall, whatever may be their length, be the same as that BhoAvn for walls exceeding : 50 feet long. (c) Any wall lesß than 13 _ inches thick, carrying a roof with principals, or extending for a greater distance than 20 feet without being tied m with a return wall of brick, stone, or concrete, must* be strengthened by piers 13 J inches x 4^ inches at 10 feet centres. • (f) If any storey exceed m height 16 times the thickness prescribed for the Avails of such storey m the above tables the thickness of each external Avail and party 'wall throughout such storey Bhall be increased to one-sixteenth part of the height of the storey, but any such additional thickness may be confined to piers properly distributed, of which the collective widths amount to one-fourth part of the length of the wall. 2. The projection at the bottom of the footing of every brick, stone, or concrete wall on each side of the wall shall be at least equal to one-half of the thickness of the wall at its base and the diminution of the footing of every wall shall be found m regular offsets, and the height from the bottom of such footing to the base of the wail shall be at the least equal to one-half of the thickness of the wall at its base. All brick, stone, or concrete walls shall have a proper/ damp course of either 41b sheet lead, bituminous asphalt half-inch thick or slates laid m cement above surface of ground, and the Avork beloAv this course shall be solid and rest on a -solid foundation. 3. The storeys of every building are to be counted from the foundations upwards, and if the . space m height between the top of the footings and level of the lowest floor 1 does not exceed 6 feet, then the storey nearest the foundation is to be considered the lowest or first storey, but 1 if such space exceeds 6 feet, then such space is to be con- [ sidered to contain the loAvest or first Btorey, provided ali ways that m the case of : sloping ground the mean height of ; Bueh space Bhall be taken m determining Avhether-the 1 height is more or less than 6 feet. '„'. 4. The height of the topmost storey shall be measured t from the level of the upper surface of the floor thereof to > the level of the under-surface of the ceiling joists, or m the > case of an open roof to the level of half the vertical height r of the rafters or other support of roof. ; 5. The height of every Btorey other thanHhe topmost storey shall be measured from the level of the upper sur- - face of the floor of the storey to the level of the upper j surface of the floor of the storey above it. 6. The height of a wall shall be measured from the top 2 of the footings to the highest part of the wall, or, m the . case of a gable, to half the height of the gable. a 7. The length of walls shall be measured from the t centre of one return Avail to the centre of another, provided that the return walls are external walls, party walls, 11 or cross walls of the thickness prescribed by the By-laws, r and are bonded into the walls so divided into lengths by the return Avails, c 8. Cross walls shall be constructed two-thirds of the ►f thickness of the exernal or party walls of the same building where they exceed 9 inches m thickness, but no cross wall 1, shall be less than 9 inches thick, and no wall shall be >f deemed a cross Avail unless it is carried up to the floor of n the topmost 6torey, and unless the recesses and openings h therein m any Btorey do not exceed one-half of the actual t~ surface of the wall m that storey; . d 9. But if Bueh cross wall supports a superincumbent external wall, the whole of such cross wall shall be of the

thickness prescribed by these By-laws m that behalf for an ' external wall or a party wall of the same height and length ' as that to which such cross wall belongs. 10. In the case of external walls, if within 10 feet of 1 the boundary of any adjoining premises, and also m the case of party walls, they must rise above the roof of the highest building adjoining thereto not less than 18 inches measured at right angles from the pitch thereof, and be not less that 9 inches thick, and be properly coped or otherwise protected, and m case the eaves of the roof project beyond the face of the building, then the said walls shall be also carried out or be properly corbelled out to the full extent of the projection. 11. Partition walls may be constructed of brickwork 4_ inches thick to a height not exceeding 14 feet, providing the brioks are laid m good cement mortar. 12. No portion of any building shall project beyond the street line within a height of 10 feet from the footway. Ornamentations above that height may be allowed to project subject to the written approval of the Inspector. j Every projection must be built of the same materials as ' the wall bearing it. 13. Parapets of brick, stone, or concrete walls shall be of not less thickness than 9 inches, and where carried up to a height exceeding 8 feet shall be deemed a storey, and the walls of lower storeys shall have a proportionate thickness. 13 a. No person shall construct or erect the internal walls or partitions of any building other than a building to be used exclusively as a private residence of any other material than brick, stone, concrete, or timber studding covered with lath and plaster, or expanded metal and plaster, on both sides of the studding; but partitions m shops, warehouses, or other business premises, except hotels and public houses, may be erected of wood or wood arid glass, provided that special permission be granted by the Council m each case. This clause shall not affect or prohibit the use of dado lining as approved by the surveyor. • 14. In tne case of an external wall of brick, stone or concrete, having an extent, of opening greater than onehalf the whole extent of the vertical face of the wall or walls of the storey or storeys, there shall be constructed sufficient piers of brick, stone, or concrete work, or othersufficient supports of incombustible material so disposed as to carry the superstructure. 15. Recesses shall not be made m ariy external or party wall of any , building. (a). Unless the back of such recess be at least ft inohes m thickness. ."..■'_■" (b) Unless a sufficient arch be turned m each storey ' over such recessT/V 1 (c) Unless m each storey the aggregate extent of recesses having backs of less thickness than the thickness ! prescribed for the. wall iri which such recesses are to be 1 made.db not exceed one-half of the extent of the vertical superficies of such wall. 1 /•■(d) Unless the side of such recess nearest to the inner face of any return external wall is distant at least fourteen inches therefrom. 16. In all brick, stone, or concrete walls, there shall be inserted every three feet m height, and immediately above nnd below all openings, and below all plates, a row of 1£ inch tarred and sanded hoop-iron to each. 4_- inches m ' thickness of the wall, hooked at all angles and junctions. ?.; 17. No "hollow" or "half-timber" walls shall be built except special permission be obtained from the Inspector iri each, case. 18. In the case of walls of brick, stone, or concrete, no timber shall be built m any party wall, except wood bricks arid plugs of wood where necessary, and these' shall m no case extend to within 4_- inches of the centre of such well. No bond, timber, or plate, shall, be built m any wall, but shall be supported upori a sufficient pier or corbelling out ' of brick, stone, or concrete, and 'every beam or joist shall ' have a bearing of at least 4 inches m the direction of its' length m addition to any bearing m the said wall. \ ' 19. Every open space between every joist m. any wait shall be stopped with brick or concrete . / 20. Beams and joists shall be connected to walls with suitable strap bolts, bolted at 6 feet centres or less with i plates or washers covering four vertical courses on outer face of external and party walls. . 21. Every brestsummer fixed to carry a wall or cornice of a building, must be laid upon a template or corbel! of stone or iron, which template or corbell mrist be tailed through such wall at least two-thirds of the thickness thereof, and every breastsummer must have at least 4_inS. of brick, stone, or concrete work atthe end thereof. In every building exceeding one storey m height, and when the space between the walls exceeds 15 feet, no wood brestsummers shall be used, but iron girders or brick and cement arches secured with iron tie rods shall m every case be used or constructed. In addition to the supporting walls at the end of the brestsummer, every brestsummer over 12 feet span must test upon one or more sufficientintermediate piers of brick, stone, or concrete, or on iron columns standing oh solid stone or concrete foundations. 22. In the case of any of the external walls of a building being constructed of timber, the adjoining brick, stone, or concrete external or party walls Bhall project at least 2 inches beyond such said timber Wall and its projections. 23. All woodwork fixed m any- external brick, stone, or concrete wall, except brestsummers and storey posts under same, and frames of doors and windows of shops on the ground storey of any building, shall be set back 4 inches at least from the external face of such wall. The walls supporting shop windows may be constructed of timber when such walls shall riot exceed two feet m height from under side of sill to surface of footpath, and no person shall construct or erect the internal walls or partitions of any building, other than a building to be used exclusively as a private residence, of any other material than brick, stone, concrete, or timber studding, covered with lath, and plaster, or expanded metal and plaster, on both sides of the studding ; but partitions m shops, warehouses, or other business premises, except hotels and public-houses, may be erected of wood or wood and glass, provided that special permission be granted by the Council m each case. The Clause shall not affect or prohibit the use of dado lining as approved by the Inspector. 24. All furnaces and fireplaces hereafter constructed shall be constructed of brick stone, or concrete, and brought up from a Bolid and approved foundation. The back of every fireplace opening m any building must be carried up "to the top of the opening at least eight and a half inches thick. Tlie front and back hearths of every fireplace must be laid and bedded wholly on brick, stone, or concrete, which must be solid for a depth of 6 inches at tlie least below tlie surface of the hearth; All front hearths must extend nine inches at the least on each side of the fireplace opening, and be not less than 15 inches wide, and each furnace or fireplace shall have a separate and independent flue. 25. It shall not be lawful to erect any smoke-pipe or funnel leading into the outer air composed of other material than brick, stone, or concrete, unless Bpecial permission be granted m writing by the Irispector, and the Inspector may m granting such permission impose such terms as to material arid otherwise ai he may deem to be necessary m each case. 26. The jambs of every chimney must not be less than 9 inches wide on each side of the opening, the breast of every chimney and the front, back, width, or partition of every flue must be at least 4£ inches m thickness of brick, and the joints, both bedding and vertical, of the work must be filled with mortnr. ?The inside of every flue- must be flush-pointed, and properly parquetted as such flue is carried up, or lined with fire-proof piping, and the flues of all chimneys erected outside a wooden building must be similarly treated, and the outside of every stack from the gathering m, unless forming part of the outer face of an external wall, must be rendered with cement or lime and hair mortar at least half an inch m thickness and must be trimmed for accordingly j* arid no flue # except for Coppers shall be less than 9 inches internal diameter. Flues for coppers to be not less than' 36 inches m sectional area, and the back of every fireplace opening m any building must be carried up to the top of the opening at least eight and a-half inches thick. The front and back hearths of every fireplace must be laid and bedded wholly on brick, stone, or concrete, which must be solid for a depth of 6 inches at the least below the surface of the hearth. All front hearths must extend nine inches at the least on each side of the fireplace opening, and be not less than 15 inches wide. 27. An arch of brick, stone, or concrete, bars of wrought iron not less than 2\ inches m breadth by | of an inch m thickness, or cast-iron plates or lintels. of approved make, must be built over the opening of each fire-place to support the chimney breast. Should the jamb on either side be of less width than 13A inches and wrought iron arch bars be employed to. carry the chimney breast, the abut* ments must be tied m by the said iron arch bars being split and turned up and down 3 inches at the ends and built into the jambs for at least 8£ inches on each side. 28. Every chimney and chimney stack, when detached from the main brick, stone, or concrete Avails, must be built wholly of brick, stone, or concrete, with joints of mortar and every such chimney or chimney stack must be built from its foundation m the ground to the top thereof without any corbelling over, except for the free passage of flues, and m any such case the extent of such corbelling shall not exceed 4_ inches on each side longitudinally of the said chimney or chimney stack. Chimneys m brick, stone, or concrete walls, built on sufficient corbels of brick, stone, 'or concrete, may be introduced above the level of the ceiling of the ground storey if the work so corbelled out does not project from the wall more than the thickness of the wall, provided that this does not exceed eighteen inches. 29. If any such corbel shall be of stone, concrete, or similar material, it shall be built m the wall for the same distance as it projects from" the wall, but m no case shall it be built m the wall less than 9 inches.

30. Every chimney, shaft, or flue, hereafter built, raised, or repaired, must be carried up m , brick, or Btone work, or concrete work, all round at least 4£ inches thick to a height to be regulated by the pitch of the roof, but not less than 36 inches nor more than 8 feet above the highest part of such portion of the roof (irrespective of the chimney pot), flat, or gutter," adjoining thereto, measured at the highest point of junction; and the brick, stone, or concrete work of any chimney, shaft, or flue (except that of a boiler, furnace, brewery, distillery, or manufactory) must not be built higher than 8 feet above the slope, flat or gutter of the roof which it adjoins, measured from the highest point of junction, unless such chimney be built of increased thickness, or be built with/or bonded to, another chimney shaft, or otherwise be rendered secure; and as to the chimney shaft for any ; boiler furnace, or for any brewery, distillery, or manufactory, such shaft may be erected of any height, so that it is built m a good and workmanlike manner, and of sufficient strength and dimensions, and to the satisfaction of the Inspector. / 31. No chimney, shaft, jamb, breast of flue already built, or hereafter to be built, shall be cut into for any purpose whatever, without the consent m writing of the Inspector having been first obtained. 32. Whenever any chimney or chimney stack, chimney furnace, fire-place, smoke pipe, funnel, jamb, breast flue, arch, hearth, back hearth or other structure formipg part of, or being m connection with, a chimney/chimney stack, chimney furnace, or fire-place shall be altered, added to, or renewed, the same shall, unless otherwise stated m any particular case m these By-laws, be altered, added to, repaired or renewed with and of the same materials as those of which the same is by these By-laws required to be originally constructed, and with the like precautions and m like manner. :...-. 33. No timber or woodwork shall be placed m any wall or chimney breast nearer than 8£ inches to the inside of any flue or fire-place opening or, under any fire-place open* ing within 8 inches from the upper surface of the hearth of such fire-place opening, or within one inch from the face of the brick work or stone work about any chimney, or flue where the substance of such brick work or stone work is less than 8 J inches thick, unless the face of suoh brick work or stone work is rendered. No wooden pegs shall be driven. nearer than 6 inches to the inside of the flue or fire-place opening, nor any iron holdfast, or other iron Fastening, nearer than two inches thereto. •" 34. If any chimney, chimney stack, furnace, fire-place, or other stricture forming port of, or connected with the jame, constructed before the coming into operation of khis By-law, shall be of other height thickness, construction oi* materials, or be otherwise enclosed than is respectively required by or is left unenclosed contrary to Jhe provisions of these By-laws applicable to similar structures to be erected under these By-laws, or shall otherwise ie inconsistent with any, of such provisions, and if such shimney, cliimney stack, furnace, fire-place, of. other structure . as aforesaid shall by reason of Want of proper height, thiokness, or enclosure, or by reason of its being sonstructed of inflammable material, or by reason of the same being otherwise inconsistent with such provisions as -foresaid, cause reasonable danger of fire to any building, >r cause a nuisance through not properly carrying up the jinoke, it shall be lawful for the Inspector to give notice n writing to the owner of the premises m which such chimney is, within a time to "be mentioned' in such notice, to ake down, remove, alter, or enclose the same (as the case nay require) for the prevention oFfeuch danger or nuisance, md if such owner does not within the time therein limited, somply with such notice, then such notice may be repeated, md every breach or non-compliance with any such notice shall., be deemed an offence against these By-laws. Prodded always that the Inspector shall hot require any such itructure as aforesaid to be altered or enclosed m any rianner beyond whafris required by theße By-laws m case" >f similar; structures, to be erected or constructed hereirider. 35. The breast of any angle chimney built m the interial angle of any building above the ceiling of any slower itorey shall not exceed eight feet m widtn, and ;he-. jambs, breast, and flue must be properly supported >n iron girders with brick arches, or on strong stone landngs, at least 7 : inches thick arid tailed at least 9 inches into >ach of the two walls forming such angle. 36. There jhall be a distance of not less than 18 inches >etween every movable stove, grate, or other apparatus or containing coal, coke, or wood fire, and any external >r internal or party wall oiv partition not constructed of )rick. 37. Every oven, furnace, close fire, or forge, for the jurpose of trade or manufacture, must be not less than 18 nches from any. woodwork m any direction. ■3j3. Every detached coal, coke, wood, charcoal, or any lescription of stove, set or fited m any building shall be io set or fixed m compliance with the requirements of the ast preceding section with a stove pipe leading into a wick flue, except that m the case of a gas stove adjoining m external -wall the brickwork may be dispensed Avith, provided that all the arrangements are such that m the >pinion of the Inspector there is good ventilation and imnunity from risk of fire. 39. The external Walls of every new building erected or the purpose of containing any fireplace or 'urnace to be used m the working of any engine by steam [although such engine may not be used therein), or m any nill, brewery, bakehouse, gasworks, or m any other mariu'actory whatever shall be constructed of brick. Provided dways that such building may be constructed of wood raming covered with galvanised iron m the outer area if nore than 10 feet from any adjoining premises. For the )urposes of this provision, doors, door-frames, windows, vindow-frames, shop fronts, and mouldings and projections >f walls, shall not be deemed to be part of the external vails. 40. Any external or internal wall or partition, which m he opinion of the Irispector shall require protection from ire m Qonsequence of any Btove, grate, or other apparatus or containing fire, or any pipe or any flue, shall be prelected by the owner of the building m which the same is lituate, m such manner and to such extent and with such naterial as Bhall be necessary to give the requisite projection. PART IX. PUBLIC BATHS. 1. The following regulations shall apply as to any Public Bath provided or maintained by the Council within "* >r without the Borough. (a) The Council may from time to time fix the charges, if any, to be made for the use of such public baths, and may ilso from time to time appoint the hours during which the jame shall be open to the public and during which the same may be used by males and females respectively. (b) No person over 7 years of age shall bathe m such Public Baths except m proper bathing costunia (o) l^o person resorting to the public baths shall at any time while being on the premises, use any indecent or offensive language, or behave m an indecent or offensive manner. (d) No person resorting to the publio baths shall at any time while upon the premises, by any disorderly or improper conduct, disturb, or interrupt any other person m the proper use of the bath, dressing-room, closet, box, or compartment, or any officer, or servant, or person appointed by the Council m the proper execution of his duty. (c) No person resorting to the public baths shall cause or allow any dog belonging to him or under his control to enter or remain m any bath, dressing-room, closet, hox, or compartment, or m any passage leading to or from any bath. /-.''■'■ (f) No person shall at any time while suffering from any cutaneous, infectious, or contagious disease, enter or use any swimming bath or any separate bath. (g) It shall not be laAyful for any person above 7 years of age to bathe Avithin the Borough boundary unless provided Avith a proper bathing dress, such bathing costume to extend from the shoulders to the .knees. (h) No person shall injure, damage, deface, or destroy any part of the baths, or any building or room, v or any article or thing used m or about the same or m connection thereAvith, or deface any part of a bathing establishment with obscene Writings. PART X. NUISANCES. 1. No person shall keep, permit, or suffer to remain any pigs, SAvine, or goats, on any premises within the Borough, or keep pigeons other than m closed cages, nor keep any animal or thing that causes annoyance . to a neighbouring household. .» 2. No person shall keep, permit, or suffer to remain on any premises Avithin the Borough any vessel, article or . thing whatsoever from Avhich any unwholesome gas or vapor emanates. 3. All drains, stables, dog kennels, fowl houses, outhouses, yards/and ashpits on any premises m the Borough shall be maintained and kept by the OAvncr, occupier, or agent of such premises, so as not to be a nuisance or injurious to health ; and so as that there shall be no overflow or soakage therefrom. 4. The Inspector of Nuisances or any of his assistants and the Sanitary Inspector or any of his assistants shall have full power to enter into or upon any premises, yards, or^ lands m the Borough for the purpose of inspc^'inrprivies, water-closets, earth-closets, receptacles for rubbish and dirt, drains m back yards and private premises, and other similar things and placid, and' for llie purpose ' of carrying out the provisions of this By-law. 5. No person shall deposit m or discharge into any river, stream, or watercourse, any sawdust, refuse, chemicals, waste matter, or any other matter or thing which may pollute Bueh river, stream, or watercourse, so as to become

or cause such river, stream, or watercourse to become a i] nuisance or injurious to the public health. li 6. No person shall throw or place any substance or re- 8 fuse into any river, stream, or watercourse Avhereby the flow of water therein may be impeded. c 7. No person shall cast away, throw, or deposit, or cause t or permit to be cast away, thrown, or deposited any earth, ( rubbish, refuse, or other material upon any portion of the \ banks of the rivers within the boundaries of the Borough. i PART XL ; LICENSED CARRIAGES, LICENSED CARTS AND DRIVERS. " 1. No carriage or vehicle of any kind shall be kept or used to ply for hire, either wholly. within the Borough or between any place within or any place without the Borough, unless the same shall have been duly licensed as hereinafter mentioned. : . •■ . 2. Carriage licenses may be granted by, or m the name, and on behalf of the ToAvn Clerk. 3. For every such license there shall be paid the sum of £1, except for traction engines Avhich shall pay a fee of £5, provided that when any such license' shall be issued for a period less than a year the said license fee shall be proportionately reduced, but no license fee shall be less than five shillings. . . 4 Before any such license is granted an application for the same, m such form as the Council shall approve, shall be made by the owner or one of the owners of the carriage m respect of which the license is applied for; and m every such application, tlie name and surname and place of abode of the applicant, and of every OAvner of Bueh carriage shall be truly stated. 5. In every license there shall be specified the* number of the license, the name and Burname and place of abode of every owner of the carriage m respect of which the license is granted, and maximum number of persons to be carried m and by such carriage, Avith such other particulars as the Council may think fit. 6. Every such license shall be duly entered m a registry book to be provided for that purpose. 7. All carriage licenses Bhall termniate and become void upon the 30th day of June m each year, and each such license shall include only one carriage. 8. No application for a license shall be granted until an inspection of the carriage to which the same shall relate shall have been made by the Inspector, nor unless such carriage shall, upon such inspection, be considered by, and certified m writing under the hand of the Inspector to be m a fit and proper condition and sufficiently convenient m all reßpects for publio use.. 9. The Inspector may, at any time and as often as he shall think fit, Make "an inspection of all or any licensed carriages,' and if any such carriage shall, m any. particular whatsoever, be, m the opinion of the Inspector, m a condition .Unfit or unsafe for publio use, or shall not, m such opinion, be m a clean and decent condition, or shall not be furnished with safe and proper harness, the Inspector shall give written notice to that effect to the owner thereof, and if, after service of such notice, any owner shall use, or let to hire, such carriage, whilst the. same shall be m such condition as aforesaid, or shall not be furnished with proper . harness, the Counoil may suspend, for such time as tney may think fit, the license of such carriage. No driver shall ply for "hire and no owner shall permit any driver to ply for hire, .with any, such carriage which shall- be, m the opinion of the Inspector, at the time unfit or unsafe for public use. 10. Any person who shall become the purchaser of any carriage shall forthwith deliver to the To.wn Clerk the existing license for the same, with a memorandum of transfer duly signed by the vendor or vendors thereon endorsed, ot other suitable evidence of his title; and shall 'cause his ■name to be registered m the ToAvn Clerk's office aB owner of such carriage, and for such registration shai.ll pay to the Town Clerk a fee of five shillings, and it shall not be lawful for suchnerson to .use or permit the use of Bueh carriage to ply for hire until Bueh delivery and registration, at aforesaid. Provided always that no such registration ai aforesaid shall take place unless and until such carriage shall have been inspected by the Inspector and he shal have certified m Avriting under his hand that the same ii m all respects m proper condition. 11. No owner of any carriage shall let, lend, bail, os farm the same to any other person' for the purpose of en abling such person to ply suoh carriage for hire, or carr] passengers therein for reward, without the consent of th< Town Clerk m writirig under his hand. 12. The owner of every carriage shall at all times hay and ■ keep, to the "satisf action of the Inspector, the numbe: of such carriage conspicuously painted m figures, not les than one inch m length, on both sides of the panel of thi driver's seat, so as to be distinctly visible and legible durinj daylight. ' / 13. The owner of every carriage shall fix and at al ' times maintain inside, such carriage, m a conspicuous plac< to be approved by the Inspector, a table of. fares, both bj time and distance, printed on a card or plate m legibl" characters.. / » ..■Z\-_ 14. The owner of every oarriage used m plying for hin or passengers, after sunset and before sunrise, shall caus the same to,be provided, to the satisfaction of the Inspector with proper outside carriage lights, one on each side, atu the driver of such, oarriage Shall keep the same properh lighted while bueh carriage shall be so use. d 15. No owner or driver of any carriage within thi Borough, whether such carriage be used only within -thi Borough, or to convey passengers from the Borough to an^ place outside the. Borough, shall allow any carriage to re main stationary upon any street line or publio place withii the Borough, other than at a proper carriage or hacknen carriage stand, appointed m that behalf by the Council, ii order to take up passengers, or for any other purpose/with out special permission m writing from the Council to d< so. Provided that after any such carriage shall have com menced a journey it shall be laAvful for the driver thereof ti stop the same for a reasonable time, whenever it shall b necessary to take up or set doAvn any passenger, at "'an' place other than such carriage or hackney carriage, stam as the Council shall have appointed for other carriages. 16. All carriages shall take their stations on the stan* . m the order of their arrival there and when any such car riage shall be driven off any Bt-and the driver of the car riage immediately behind shall caiwe his carriage to movi forward each up to the place vacated by that immediateh » before it. * 17. All carriages and vehicles licensed to carry passen gers shall, when waiting within the Borough for hire o: use, be ranked m single lines on one or other of the follow mg appointed stands to be called carriage or hacknej carriage stands :— (a) In Gladstone Road commencing at a point fifteei feet away from its junction Avtih Read's Quay, along th< side next the Post Office, extending westward for thirty-si; feet, two cabs. (b) In Custom House Street, at side of kerb next th< Post Office, six cabs. (c) In Lowe Street, at side of kerbing ten feet from m tersection of Gladstone Road, m front of Messrs Adah Bros, premises, two cabs. (d) In Lowe Street, next the kerb fronting the Masonic Sample Rooms and Council Chambers, four cabs. (c) In Peel Street, m front of Lamp by row of trees m centre of road, two cabs. (f) Adjoining the Wharves at the side. of the street immediately adjoining the said Wharf. (g) The stands at places of public entertainment shall be on the sides of the streets on which such places are situated, and shall be used by licensed earners only during the continuance of any public entertainment and the exit of the public therefrom, and under the direction of the Inspector of the Police. tt .(^ Peel Street at side of kerl > ne *t> the Empire Hotel to the corner, 4 cabs. -r, i»® Xl L Gladstone Road m the centre of street from Belfry to Peel street. All the aforesaid stands shall be on that part of the street immediately adoining the footpath on the side where such stand is directed to be, except m Peel Street and Gladstone Road, where it is m the centre of the road. 18. No person, whether owner or not, shall act as driver of a carriage standing or plying for hire, without having m his immediate personal possession, always ready for production, a license so to act under the hand of the Inspector, who is hereby authorised to grant such license on being satisfied that the person applying for the same ia of good character and proper skill and fitness m that bo half, and ever}- such license shall be registered by the Toato Clerk, and a fee of two shillings and sixpence shall be paid for the same. 19. No such license, as m tho last preceding section mentioned, shall bo granted for a longer term than one year, and all B uch licenses shall expire on the 30th day of June m each year. 20. The Council may, at any time, if it bo proved to their satisfaction that the owner of any carriage thereby licensed, or any person thereby licensed to act as driver or conductor (as the case may be), has been convicted of any offence against this By-law, or of any offence m respect of property entrusted to him as such owner, driver, or conductor respectively, suspend for any stated term ; or on the like proof of a second conviction, suspend for any stated term, or revoke as they may deem fit, such license and also any other license which such owner, driver, or conductor may hold under this part of this By-laAv, and no license while suspended under this section or otherwise, or Avhen revoked, shall be deemed to be of any force or virtue. 21. The Mayor may at any time m his discretion, pending reference of the matter to the Council at its next meet-

ug, suspend the license of any owner or driver, and no C( icense so suspended shall be deemed during the period of S1 uch suspension to be of any force or virtue Avhatsoever. 0 22. Any person ' hailing a Hackney carriage shall be 8 leemed to hail the first and front carriage m order upon f, ;he stand, and m such case none but such first m order >n the stand shall take Biich fare or move off such stand p ;oAvards the person hailing. . v 23. A person desiring a particular Hackney carriage p mall call out the number or driver's name thereof, or go j ip to such carriage, and m such case the driver may draAv s aut from the stand and take the fare. c 24. The rates or fares to be paid for carriages shall be i is follows, the person hiring having the option of being ( charged either by time or distance: — BY TIME. 1 For the whole vehicle, and not per head for each pas- 1 Benger: ' Carriage Carriage ] drawn by two drawn by one . horses. horse. For the first hour .. .. ss. 4s. For each subsequent quarter of an . hour or fraction of a quarter of ' an hour ..a .. .. Is. 3d. 18. Where the carriage is taken to a point outside the Borough limits, and the hirer does not return, one half of the preceding rates shall be paid from the time of return from such point to the nearest carriage stand. BY DISTANCE. To be paid by each passenger. For half-a-mile or any less distance 6d. For a mile or any less distance ." over half-a-mile '/•••'. ••• l - For eyery additional half-mile or •■''■' part of half-a-mile ...... 6d. Any person calling or sending for any carriage and not further employing the same exclusive of de- -A 'tentiori ... .;. ... 6d. /.'■■ For detention for every five minutes after the first five minutes 6d: '25. For all the purposes of this By-lavr, children under seven years of age, accompanying any other passenger or passengers, shall not be counted as passengers, unless there shall be more than one such child, and if the number of such children shall exceed one, two of such children shall rank as a passenger, and if m such* case the number of Biich children -shall be odd, the extra child shall also rank as one passenger ; provided that children at the breast shall not be counted m any case. 26. Between the hours of seven o'clock p.m. and eight o'clock a.m. the drivers of carriages shall be entitled to charge double the amount of the respective fares authorised by this By-law. -/ < . 27. The fares on Sundays and public holidays shall be the same as upon ordinary days. 28. Eaoh passenger shall be entitled to take with him iri any carriage, any luggage (provided the same be not of an offensive nature or unreasonably bulky), not exceeding forty pounds m weight, without being charged for the "Same.' / ! . 29. No driver or conductor of any carriage shall, except with oonsent of the hirer undeir special engagement, carryin or permit to enten any such carriage a greater number of persons than the number so licensed as aforesaid, ; or shall refuse when required by the hirer, thereof to carry m or by such carriage the number of persons which such carriage is licensed to carry, or a lesser number, together with a reasonable quantity of luggage, without additional charge, nor where the carriage is'plying as a public carriage shall any such driver or conductor refuse to carry any passeriger, not forming, with other passengers already being m such carriage, an excess of the licensed number of passengers, and to whose admission no reasonable objection is, made. 30. No-OAvner or driver of any carriage which Bhall have been hired by time shall permit or/suffer any person to be carried iri or upon or about such carriage during such hire thereof, without the express consent of the person hiring the -'same; '• '- .-■'■,' •/'... ■: Z 31. No agreement made Avith the oAvner or driver of any carriage for ( the payment for the hire thereof of more than the proper suhi limited by this By-law, shall /be binding on the person making the same, and no owner or driver of any carriage shall exact or demand for the lure thereof more than such proper sum/whether m pursuance of any such agreement or not. ; ; 32. No driver of a carriage standing at any of the stands appointed for carriages .shall, without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to drive such carriage to any place within five miles from the Borough, to which he is directed "to drive by the person hiring or wishing to hire such car riage; or refuse or fail to drive any such carriage for an} time riot exceeding three hours, 4f so required by any sucl person or refuse or fail to drivesuch Carriage at a reason able and proper speed, not less than six miles an hour except m case of unavoidable delay, or Avhen required bj the hirer thereof to stop or delay, or to drive at any slowei pace. '/ j 33. No driver of a carriage, save, for such reasonabl* time as may be required for taking up or setting down anA passenger or luggage, shall stand or ply for hire Avith sucl carriage, or suffer the same to stand, elsewhere than a some stand appointed for that purpose by this or . anj , future By-law, or. stop such carriage across the street whether 1 publio or private, or alongside of 'any other car riage or vehicle whatsoever, or refuse to give Avay to an; other carriage, if according to the ordinary rules of drivinj he ought under the circumstances to do* so, or loiter or wil fully misbehave, or cause any obstruction m any street whether public or private, or obstruct or hinder the drive of any other carriage m taking up or setting down any per son into or from such carriage, or Avrongfully or wi] fully prevent the driver of any other carriage from beinj hired. ' _ ' 34. No driver of any carriage shall improperly dela; such carriage upon any journey, or Avilfully deceive an; person Avith respect to the route or destination thereof, o shall demand more than the laAvful fare for alny passenger or for the purpose of taking up or setting doAvn airy pas senger, or except m case of accident or other unavoidabl riecessity, shall stop such carriage opposite to the end of o across any street, or upon any place Avhere foot passenger usually cross the carriage Avay. 35. No driver or conductor of a carriage shall Avantonl; or furiously drive, or carelessly or Avilfully misbehave, o during his employment cause any hurt or damage -to an; person or property, being m any public or private street or be intoxicated, or make use of any foul, insulting o abusive language, or be guilty of any insulting or Offensiv gesture, or any incivility, or misbehaviour. 36. No driver or conductor of a carriage shall know mgly carry m it any. person suffering from a contagious o infectious disease. 37. No driver or conductor of a carriage shall carry ii it the corpse of any person who shall have died from th effects of a contagious or infectious disease. LICENSED CARTERS. 38. Tlie weight to be carried for a single load by an; cart with one horse licensed to stand or ply for hire shai be at least one ton (22_01bs), Avith two horses at least 1 tons, Avith three horses at least 2 tons, and for any four wheel express Avaggoii at least half a tori Y11201bs). An< no owner or driyerofNany cart shall refuse upon beinj required- so to do by any person offering to hire such cart to carry therein such Aveight as aforesaid. 39. The only laAvful stands for. carts licensed to pi; for hire iri" the Borough shall bo as under, or any othe* stand appointed by the Council: — (1) 4 Expresses Custom Street, next Governmen Buildings. (2) 4 Expresses Lowe Street, next Sections 32, 33. <• (3) 3 Carts Lowe Street, next Section 373. (4) 4 Carts centre Gladstone Road, above Belfry. 40. The fares to be paid for the hire of any cart shal be as follows : — £ s. d. Fares by distance — Small parcels under 1 cwt. within I mile 0 10 For any quantity of goods not exceeding 10 cwt., the distance being a mile or under 0 20 Further distance to be charged by time. For any quantity over 10 cwt. and not exceeding one ton, from any part of Gisborne to any other part thereof, not exceeding one mile m distance ... 0.2 6 For every extra ton at per mile ... 0 2 0 Further distance to be charged for by time. Fares by time — For any time not exceeding half-an-hom- 0 2 6 Exceeding one-half but not exceeding one hour 0 4 0 For each additional half-hour or fraction thereof ... ... ... ... 0 1 6. For the Avhole of eight hours vrith the addition of 2s 6d per day for each extra horse ... ... ... l o 0 ReinoA'iiig furniture to be always, paid for by time, th carter being bound to use nil reasonable expedition The employer to have the option of hiring by time o distance, except for removal of furniture. 41. Upon every cart used m any street- after sunse and before sunrise there shall be carried a light, so fixed a to be visible m front and m roar, and to the satisfactioi of the Inspector. 42. The driver of every cart shall hold the license fo the same, and shall," Avhen required by the Inspector, an

unstable, or any person Avishing to hire or who has hired uch cart, produce his license for inspection, and also a copy f the table of fares as appointed m this By-IaAV ; and no uch driver shall, on being so required, refuse or neglect orthwith to produce such license or copy of the said table. 43; Every owner of a cart avlio shall employ any other »erson to drive the same shall cause to be truly and legibly nitten upon the license the name of the person so emiloyed, and shall keep such name so Avritten Avhile such lerson remains so employed, and so soon as such person rtiall cease to be so employed, shall forthwith erase or deface luch name ; and no person so employed as aforesaid shall refuse or neglect Avhen so required by such OAvner to proluce or return the license to bucli owner. 44. When the OAvner or driver. of a carriage or cart shall leave his vehicle at any coach factory or workshop for the bona fide purpose of repair, he may obtain from the Town Clerk a certificate, for which no charge shall be made, permitting him for not more than 21 days to use another vehicle m place thereof, such vehicle being fit to be licensed, and during the continuance of such certificate he shall be m the same position as if such vehicle were licensed. 45. No cart or vehicle of any kind Bhall be kept or used m the Borough to ply for hire, unless the same shall have been duly licensed as is hereinafter mentioned ; and no person shall m the Borough ply for hire any unlicensed cart. 46. Licenses for carts may be granted by the Town Clerk, or such other officer as the Council may appoint m that behalf . 47. For every such license there shall be paid the sum of one pound, provided that when any such license shall be issued for any period less than a year the said license fee shairbe proportionately reduced, but no license fee shall be less than five shillings. . 48. In every such license there shall be specified the number of the license,_the name and surname and place of abode of every owner of the cart m respect of which the license is granted. 49. Every such license shall terminate on the 30th day of June m each year, and each such license shall include only one cart. . " 50. Sections 8, 11, 12, 15, 20,29, and 33 of this part of these By-laws shall apply mutatis mutandis to carts. 51. Every carrier shall assist m loading and unloading his cart, and if able must load and unload it himself. 52. Every private cart shall be licensed, and the fee to be paid thereon shall be five shillings per annum. "Private cart" shall mean and include all bakers' carts, butchers' carts, milk carts, merchants' carts, and all carts used for private use but riot plying for hire.----53. Upon every cart, used m any street after sunset and before sunrise, there shall be carried' 1 side-lights, so fixed as to be visible m front and m rear, and to the satisfaction of the Inspector. .-..,/. _4. Drive any cart, dray waggon, or express-waggon "without the name and residence of the owner thereof being painted m a legible and permanent manner on a conspicuous place on the right or off side m letters of at least one inch m length. . " " " , BOROUGH STAGE COACHES. 55. In the following sections of this part of these Bylaws "Borough stage coach** shall mean a carriage which plies for hire between points within or without the Borough at fixed periods or intervals, and which is licensed as a borough stage, coach. 56. Sections 1 to 14 (both inclusive), 27, 33, 34, and 35 of this part of these By-laws shall apply mutatis mutandis to borough stage coaches, but the ; other sections thereof shall not apply to them. 57. The following shall beUhe stands for borough stage coaches: — (a) In any part of Gladstone road between Read's Quay and' Lytton road. /(b)' At any other place from time to time appointed by the Council. , .58. No borough stage coach shall stand elsewhere i than on one of the aforesaid stands except Avhile on its route, 1 and then only for the purpose of taking up or setting down passengers ; .and if there shall be a breach of the provisions 1 of this section tlie driver and conductor of such borough stage coach shall be guilty of an' offence. • ' : . 59. No driver or conductor of any borough stage coach ! shall alloAv to enter into or upon such carriage any person ' -who is under the influenpe of drink, or allow any person tp> smoke inside of such coach, or knowingly carry therein ■ or thereon any person who violently, noisily, or indecently > conducts himself, or otherwise so misbehaves himself as to annoy any other passenger, save 'for such time only as to > remove such person from the coach or to procure his de- ■ livery into proper custody. J . 60. No driver or conductor of any borough stage coach I shall carry any greater number of persons at one and the - same time than such carriage is licensed to carry, or shall [ refuse or neglect Avithout reasonable cause to carry any i . passenger not forming AAith other passengers Avho may have - already engaged places m such carriage an excess over the , number which each carriage is licensed to carry. 7 61. No pasenger shall smoke inside of any borough r stage coach, or violently, noisily, or indecently conduct himself, or othenvise so misbehave as to annoy any other person 3 therein or thereon. * MOTOR CARS. * 62. No person shall drive; a motor car to ply for hire t, unless the same is licensed, and the license fee for same r . shall be £1. The driver shall also be licensed at a fee of , 10s.' 6d. '■< Regulations shall be similar to Hackney Car- - riages, and the fares as under : First half hour, by time, 7 ss; each subsequent half hour, '2s. 6d ; by distance, each * passenger per half mile 6d. • PART XII. *>, IN RESPECT TO PEDLARS AND HAWKERS. '" 1. No pedlar or hawker shall hawk, sell, offer or expose I- for sale m any part of the Borough, except m the houße, ? shop, or premises of the person so selling, offering, or exposing for sale/any goods or articles whatever/ without a y license authorising him so to do signed by the Town Clerk, y which license shall be m force for the term therein stated r and no longer. V 2. Any person opening or using temporary premises for '-the sale of goods for a period of less than three calendar c months shall be-deemed to be a pedlar Avithin the meaning r of this clause, and shall pay a license fee of j£s. ' * ,3. The provisions of this By-law Bhall not apply to any articles for use as food, nor to milk, or newspapers^ y 4. The ToAvn Clerk is hereby authorised to issue Hawkers' ■r and Pedlars' licenses. Every such license shall be" for a periy od not exceeding one year and hot less thari one calendar *, month. The fee to be paid to the Council for a license for a r year shall be £1, and for any period shorter than a year five c shillings. for each calendar month. ' .."''- 5. Every hawker or pedlar Bhall, at all times whilst '- haAvking, have his license with him, and shall shoAv the same r to any police constable, or officer of the Corporation, Avho shall demand to see the same. Q 6, Any /hawker or pedlar desiring to stand at the core ncr of a street to sell his goods can get a permit so to do upon payment of an extra five shillings per month. IN RESPECT OF WEIGHBRIDGES AND PUBLIC y WEIGHING MACHINES, i . B hall not be laAvful to keep "or use any Aveigh- _ bridge Avithin the' Borough for or iri connection Avith the sale •- or delivery of any hay, straw, or coal, unless the same shall i be licensed - as a" public weighing machine. ? 8. It shall not be lawful for any person m charge of ; any weighbridge with the Borough to demand or exact any greater rates than those m this section authorised to be y, charged from any person using or desiring to uso any r Aveighbridge. Rate chargeable for each vehicle— sixpence, t 9. Any person avlio sells, exposes, delivers or offers for sale any hay, straw, or coal, without having Aveighed or caused the same to be Aveighed at some weighbridge licensed or provided or sanctioned for that purpose by the Council; or refuses or, omits to produce the weight-note or ticket of 1 the load or part of a load of any such hay, -straw, or coal sold, exposed, or offered for sale, for the satisfaction of any Inspector appointed by tho Council, shall be guilty of an offence. 10. Any person who sells, exposes, delivers, or offers for sale on any cart or Avaggon any hay, straAv, or coal/without having the correct tare Aveight of such Avaggon or cart painted and affixed thereto m some conspicuous place m letters of not less than one inch, shallbe guilty of an offence. 11. Any person avlio refuses or omits, on being requested by any purchaser or intending purchaser of any hay, straw, or coal, or officer appointed by the Council or Police, to proceed with such hay, straw, or coal to the nearest Aveighbridge licensed, provided, or sanctioned for that purpose by the Council, and to have same Aveighed at the expense of such purchaser or intending purchaser, the said purchaser m all such cases undertaking to take the said load or other quantity at the net weight, shall be guilty of an offence. 12. Any person who refuses or omits on being requested by tlie purchaser or officer appointed by the Council or Police, referred to m the last preceding section, to take to any Aveighbridge within the Borough appointed or licensed for the purpose by the Council, the waggon, dr_y, cart, or other vehicle, after the delivery of the load, for the purpose c of such dray, cart, or other vehicle being re-weighed, and i. the correct tare weight, when empty, ascertained, shall be r guilty of an offence. 13. Any person A\iu> gives, Avhen m charge of any t weighbridge Avithin the Borough, a false or incorrect weight s of any dray, cart, or other vehicle, or of any load or part a of a load of goods thoreon shall be guilty of an offence. - All liconses shall terminate on the 30th day of June m r each year. y Fee, £1 per annum or less period.

PART XIII. LODGING HOUSES. 1. No person shall keep, or cause to bo kept or used, any common lodging-house Avithin the Borough, unless such house has been duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of this By-laAV. Every house Avhere lodgings- are let, and Avhero more than four persons occupy such lodgings at any one time, shall be deemed to be a Common Lodging-house Avithin the meuning of this By-laAV. "Common Lodging-house" means a house m Avhich persons are received to lodge, or board and lodge for reward, and avlio— not standing m the relationship towards one another of husband and wife, or parent and child, or brothers or sisters — use or inhabit a room or rooms Avhich is or are common to all, or to some tAvo or other number of them, but not including premises duly licensed under the Licensing Acts as an hotel, inn, or public-house. ♦ 2. The Council shall from time to time, Avhen and as they shall see fit, appoint an Inspector of Lodging-houses whose duty it shall be to see that the provisions of this By-law are duly observed. 3. Eveiy such license shall be granted by the Council, and shall fix the number of lodgers to a proper amount of space to the house to be described m such license, and all licenses shall be signed by the Town Clerk, and shall continue m force from the date thereof until the thirtieth day of June thence next ensuing. 4. A keeper of a common Lodging-house shall not at any time receive or cause or suffer to be received into such hoUse) or into any room therein ; a greater number of lodgers than shall be fixed by the Council as the maximum number of lodgers authorised to be received into such house or into such room, and shall be specified m the license granted m respect of such house. Provided that the Council may from time to time vary such number. 5. For every license there shall be paid to the ToAvn Clerk by the applicant therefore, a t fee of twenty shillings, or a proportionate part -thereof for a period less than a year, provided that no license fee shall be less than five shillings. • 6. Every application for a license as the keeper of a common lodging-house shall be signed by such applicant,, and shall be delivered at 'the office of the Town Clerk. 7. The Inspector of lodging-houses may, at all reasonable times, enter into any licensed common lodging-house for the purpose of inspecting the same and the condition thereof, and for the purposes of this By-laAV, and the keeper of every such lodging-house . shall afford such Inspector every assistance and facility for making such inspection. 8. The keeper of every licensed lodging-house shall do or cause to be done the following thirigs : — (a) He shall cause every such lodging-house, and every yard/area, court, or other open space Avithin the curtilage of the premises to be thoroughly cleansed as often as may reasonably be necessary, and shall cause, every floor, passage, and stair, m such house to be thoroughly swept once at least m every day before" the hour of noon, and to be thoroughly washed once at least m every week. He shall cause all solid or liquid filth or refuse to be- removed once at least m every day, before tho hour of eight m the forenoon from every room m such house, and shall once at least m every day cause every vessel, utensil, or other receptacle for such filth or refuse to be thoroughly cleansed. (b) He shall not at any time cause or suffer or allow any room which may be appointed for use, or which during any part of any day lias been or shall be used as a kitchen or scullery or eating or: sitting-rodm, to; be used or occupied as a sleeping apartment during any p&rt of that day or the succeeding, night. (c) He shall cause every earth closet or privy belonging to such house to be well ventilated and the floor and walls thereof, m a clean condition, and every receptacle for filth, provided or used, m a clean and wholesome condition, and shall also provide one pan closet for every 20 persons. He shall, except m such cases as are hereinafter mentioned, cause every/window m every room m such house which may be appointed for use and occupation as a sleeping apartment to be opened, and to be kept fully opened for one hour at least iri the forenoon, and for one hour at least, m the afternoon of every day. Provided that such keeper shall not be required m pursuance of this By-laAV to cause any such window to be opened or kept open at any time, when the state of the weather is such as to render it necessary that the windo ay Bhould be closed, or Avhen any bed m such room may be occupied by' any lodger m consequence of sickness or of other sufficient, cause. (d) He shall cause the bedclothes of every bed m such house to be removed from such bed aa Boon as conveniently may be after such bed shall have been vacated by any lodger, and shall cause all such bedclothes and the bed from which such bedclothes may have been removed to be fully exposed to the air for two hours at the least m each day. (c) He shall not at any time cause or 'suffer any room Avhich may be appointed for use to be used as a kitchen or scullery to be used or occupied as a sleeping apartment. 9. With a vieAv to protection from fire the keeper of every licensed house shall provide -proper and sufficient means of exit, and proper and sufficient means and appliances for escape from such house m case of fire, and shall state upon a printed notice or placard (which shall be placed m each room, and m such position as may be easily read by any person entering the same) Avhat are the means of exit and appliances, to escape, so provided and where the same may be found. . '-.: ,•'-•■ 10. The Council may at any time by notice served on the licensee, or on the licensed premises m any case where they shall consider that the licensee has failed to observe or perform any of the provisions of this part of these By-laws, or m case they shall for any other reason consider it expedient so, to do cancel and revoke such license. 11. The owner of every lodging house shall upon receiving notice from the Council fortliAvith provide such lodging house with a proper bathroom, fitted with necessary baths, etc., for the use of the lodgers m such house; 12. Every such bath shall be provided Avitli a sufficient supply of water either by tankage, or from a suitable well, together Avith necessary pumps, taps; and Avaste pipes. 1 3.. It shall be lawf ul for the Inspector of Lodging houses to enter into any premises Avhere lodgers are kept , for the purpose of ascertaining the number that occupy / such lbdgings at any orie time. 14.' N0 keeper of a common lodging-house shall put, place, or alloAv any person or persons to sleep m any room . m such house unless, with doors and windows shut, such room will afford breathing, space equai to four hundred and , twenty cubic feet of free air for eaclvsuch person. PAST XIV. SALE OF MILK ANb FOOD. i . _: ■ 1. No person shall sell or expose for sale any milk Avithin the Borough unless he be the holder of a license to sell , milk;' and such license shall be granted by the ToAvn Council upon payment of an annual fee of five shillings, and i shall be revocable at pleasure. 2. No person shall sell or expose for sale, any milk Avithin the- Borough unless the same shall have been brought i from a certificated dairy Avithin or Avithout the Borough. 3. No daily shall be deemed to be a certificated dairy unless the OAvner or occupier thereof shall be the holder of a certificate that sucli dairy has been inspected and approved. Such certificate shall state therein the date on Avhich the i same expires, and shall not endure for more than tAvelve months from the date thereof, and shall be granted only under the hand of the Inspector appointed for the local district m Avhich the same is situated, or for the local district of Gisborne. 4. The Inspector for the Town or District of Gisborne shall' have power by notice m Avriting to be delivered to. the holder of a certificate, to cancel the same, or to suspend the same for a time fo be named m such notice, and after such cancellation, or during such suspension, any such certificate shall cease to be of effect. • 5. Notwithstanding the existence of any such certificate, no person, Avhether having a dairy 'within or Avithout the Borough, shall expose for sale any milk m the Borough Avho shall be the occupier of a dairy m respect of Avhich or the surroundings of Avhich the Inspector of Nuisances for tho time being shall have reported to the local Board of Health that the same are m a dirty condition, or m a condition Avhich is likely detrimentally to affect any milk coin- - ing therefrom, or wherein the utensils and implements used therein, or m connection with the sale of milk therefrom, are m such condition, or Avhereat any cow is milked, fed, or kept Avhich is m an unhealthy condition, and as to Avhich the Inspector of Nuisances for the time being shall have reported as aforesaid to the said Board of Health, or Avhereat . ariy cow is milked by any person avlio has recently been suffering from any infectious disease, or Avho has been m i Contact -Avith any person so suffering. i 6. No person, Avhether the holder of a certificate or not, . shall prevent, hinder or delay the inspection by any In- ; spector of any dairy, or dairy utensil, cow, or cowhouse, used t or kept for the supply of milk within the Borough. 7. Every Inspector for the time being appointed under ; the provisions of "The Public Health Act, 1900," or m any ■ Act amending or passed m substitution therefor for the , ToAvn or District of Gisborne and within the limits of his local district, and any Inspector similarly appointed by any local Board of Health or local body, or by the Central Board : of Health, shall be deemed to be an Inspector for the purposes of the foregoing and this and the next four sections , of this part of this By-law and of the "Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," as if he had been appointed by the Council pursuant to the said Acts. 8. Any person being within the Borough with a milk cart or a cart with milk cans therein, or m the possession of milk cans, shall be deemed to be exposing milk for sale, and any. person delivering milk to any person within the Borough shall be deemed to be selling or exposing milk for sale, and any person authorising the placing of milk m milk

cans or m any cart so that the same may be taken to Gisborne for sale or delivery shall, if the same enter the Borough, be deemed to have exposed the same for sale, or, if the same be afterwards delivered, to have sold the Bame. 9. No person shall prevent, hinder, or delay the inspection of any of the articles m the foregoing Sections of this part of this By-laAv referred to. 10. After notice given, by an Inspector to any person that any such articles as are m any of the foregoing Sections and the next following Section of this part of this By-law mentioned are unwholesome, no person shall expose for sale any such articles. 11. No person shall sellor expose for sale or have m his possession Avith intent to sell, Avithin the Borough, any diseased, unsound, or unwholesome meat, poultry, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, fruit, vegetables, fish, game, ham, bacon, bread, or any other kind of food or perishable provisions, or shall sell or offer for sale, or have m his possession with intent to sell within the Borough any butcher's meat which Bhall have had air bloAvn under the skin thereof, or shall have had any fat or grease spouted or spread thereupon. 12. No person shall permit or, .cause any offensive liquid or matter to run or flow from any land, premises, manufactory, or any establishment for the boiling or preparnig of any animal matter, or any brewery, slaughter-house, butcher's shop, or any inn, house, or premises, or from any dunghill, closet, privy, cesspool, or other receptacle, iftto or upon any street, public or private, or any right-of-way, footAvay, or channel. PART XV. SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 1. In this part of these By-laws if not inconsistent Avith the context: "The Sanitary Inspector" shall mean the Sanitary Inspector for the time being appointed by the Council. "The Inspector of Nuisances" shall mean the Inspector of Nuisances for the time being to the Council, appointed, under „. the provisions of both "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," and "Public Health Act, 1900." "Sewer" shall mean every sewer or drain vested m the Corporation, or under the control of, or maintained by, the Council. "Drain" shall mean every drain or sewer either vested m the Corporation, or under the control of, or maintained by, . the Council. " AS TO CESSPOOLS, AND CESSPITS. 2. No person, shall have, use, or maintain upon his premises' within the Borough, or suffer to be used'upon his premises, a cesspool or cesspit for the deposit of faecal matters and house refuse, without the consent of the Council. 3. The. occupier of any premises, upon which there shall be any cesspool or cesspit, which is authorised under this By-law, shall at all times use such means as shall be necessary to prevent the same from being, or becoming, a nuisance or offensive. / PAN-CLOSETS. 4. Tlie owner or occupier of every dwelling house, shop, store, office, tenement, or other premises within the Borough shall cause to be constructed a pan-closet for the use of such dwelling, house, shop, Btore, office,' tenement, or other premises, within one month after receiving notice from the Inspector of Nuisances so to do, and all closets for the reception of night soil shall be pari-closets as hereinafter defined, and erected m conformity Avith the provisioris of these By-laws. 5. The receptacle for every pan-closet Avithin the Borough of Gisborne shall be made of black iron, 22 guage, 13 §m. diameter by 14in. m depth (inside measurement), with lugs, handles, and top and bottom rims properly fixed to same, and when finished the whole to be properly galvanised, and m every respect such pan shall be similar to the 'one- deposited at the Council Chambers as a sample. 6. The owner of all premises, within the Borough, Avhereon any pan closet is erected, or shall be hereafter erected, shall within 30 days after receipt from the Sanitary Inspector of a notice requiring him so to, do, shall cause such pan closet to be supplied with a pen as above described. 7; Any owner of premises having a pan closet with a pan other than that as herein described, shall be deemed guilty of an offence. iB. If at any time hereafter there shall be suffered to he upon any premises within the, Borough any closet, privy, dr receptacle for night soil, not being such a pan-closet as aforesaid, the OAvner of such premises, of if such closet, privy, or receptacle shall haA'e been erected or provided by the occupier, after the coming into operation of these Bylaws, or if the occupier, shall be occupying by virtue of a tenancy having at least four years to run, then the occupier of such premises shall be deemed guilty of an offence against these By-laws. The occupier of every such. premises shall permit and alloAv and facilitate the doing by the dAVner of everything upon such premises necessary to enable such OAvner to erect such pan-closet as aforesaid, and m the event of his neglect or failure so to do shall be guilty of an offence. 9. A pan^closet shall be a closet constructed m every respect in* conformity with the folloAving provisions of this By-laAV. ,-•■/■ 10. The seat of a pan-closet, the aperture m such seat, and the space beneath such seat shall be of such dimensions as to admit of a movable receptacle for filth, of a capacity not less than two cubic feet, being placed and fitted beneathsuch Aseat m such a manner and such a position/ as may effectually prevent the deposit upon the floor or sides of the space beneath such seat, or elsewhere than m such receptacle of any filth Avhich may from time to time fall or be cast through the aperture iri such seat. 11. The seat of such pan-closet shall be so constructed that the whole of such seat, or a sufficient part thereof, may be readily removed or adjusted m such manner as to afford adequate access to . the space beneath such seat for the purpose of cleansing such space or of removing therefrom or placing and fitting therein the appropriate receptacle for filth. - 12. Such receptacle shall be so constructed that the contents thereof may not at any time be exposed to any rainfall or the drainage of any Avaste water or liquid refuse from any adjoining premises. " 13. Such receptacle shall be Constructed of such material or materials arid m such manner as to prevent any absorbtion by any part of such receptacle of any filth deposited therein, or any escape by leakage or otherwise of any part of the contents of such receptacle. / 14. Every pan-closet shall m all other respects be well and substantially erected. It shall be provided with a sufficient opening for ventilation as near to the top as practicable and communicating directly with the external air. It shall be enclosed on all sides and provided with a door placed m the position best adapted to conceal its interior. It shall also be screened from the view of the public, and shall not be placed within 15 feet of any dwelling house whether on the OAvner's or adjoining property. 15. Such pan-closet shall be so constructed and placed m such position as to afford ready means of access thereto for the purpose of cleaning tlie same and removing filth therefrom, and as to admit of all filth being removed therefrom and from the premises to which such pan-closet belongs, without being carried through any dwelling house or public building or any building m Avhich any person may be intended to be employed m any manufacture, trade .or business. REMOVAL OF HOUSE REFUSE, RUBBISH, AND NIGHT-SOIL. 16. The following provisions shall not apply to such matters as. are produced by an occupier upon liis OAvn premises, and are intended to be removed for sale or for his own use, and are m the meantime kept so as not to be a nuisance. ' 17. The occupier of e\'ory house, building, or premises shall provide and keep and maintain at all times upon his premises a properly constructed receptacle or receptacles for holding house refuse and rubbish, and shall at all tirries keep the same m good repair and condition. 18. Such receptacle shall be constructed of such material or materials and m such manner as to prevent any absorption by any part of such receptacle of any offensive matter Avhich may be deposited therein, or any escape by leakage or othenvi'se of any part of the contents of such receptacle. 19. Such receptacle shall be constructed and be of such capacity as to be capable of being easily and conveniently carried by one man from the place whero it is kept to the most accessible street. 20. Such receptacle shall be constructed m such inariner and placed m such a position at all times as to afford ready means of access to the same, for 'the purpose of removing the contents thereof to the most- accessible street, and so far as may be practicable m such manner and such a position as to admit of its being carried Avith its contents to such street, without its being carried through any dwelling house or public building, or any building m which any person may be intended to be employed m any manufacture, trade, or business. ' ■ / . 21. The occupier of every- such house, building, or premises, shall promptly and regularly deposit or cause to be deposited m such receptacle and keep therein all house refuse and rubbish not being of a liquid nature, and shall not put any liquid therein. 22. The place for deposit of night soil and house refuse and rubbish shall be at the Rubbish Depot at the Wni-o-hi-harore Block or such other place us may from time to time be appointed by the Council. \ 23. No night soil shall be buried or cast or depositedAvithin the Borough except at the place appointed by the preceding clause. 24. No person shall empty or cause to be emptied any privy or cesspool, or load, carry, or remove, or permit or suffer to be removed, any night soil or offal within the Borough, save between the horn's of 11 o'clock p.m. and 6 o'clock a.m. of any day of 24 hours, nor at any time otherwise than m a' securely covered cart.

25. No person shall deposit any night soil, offal filth, i rubbish, or other refuse or offensive matter m any place c other than such place or depot as shall or may from time to time be appointed or provided by the Council. 1 26. Whenever a contract shall be subsisting and m force _ between the Corporation and a contractor providing for the i removal by such contractor of night soil and house refuse and rubbish and other similar matters from premises within the Borough, no occupier of any, premises or any other person shall remove from any premises any night soil, house refuse, rubbish or other similar matter as aforesaid, or suffer to be removed except by such contractor, or his servants, or { agents. , . i 27. Whenever no such contract as is irientioned m the last clause shall be m force, the occupier of every premises within the Borough shall cause to be removed from his premises once at least m every week, all night soil, house refuse, and other similar matter as aforesaid. 28. The occupier of any land on which is erected any stable, cowyard, cattle-shed, or on which land is erected any building, wherein any horse or other beast of draught or burden or any cattle are kept, shall cause such premises to be kept iri such a state m respect of cleanlinesss as not to be a nuisance or injurious to health, and shall cause all soil, dung, or other manure produced or accumulated therein to be from time to time removed from such premises as often as the quantity of the same so produced or accumulated shall amount to one cubic yard ; or once at least m every week, should the quantity not amount m that time to one cubic yard. • - , '• -. . 29. Every OAvner of a building or premises wherein or whereon any horse or' other beasts of draught or burden, or any cattle may. be kept, shall provide m connection with such building, or-'premises a suitable receptacle, for dung, manure, soil, filth, or other offensive or noxious matter which may from time to time be produced m the keeping of any such animal m such building or upon, such premises, and cause such receptacle to be 'constructed so that the bottom or floor thereof shall not m any case be lower than the surface of the ground adjoining such receptacle, and m such a manner and of such materials, and to be maintained at all times m such a condition as to prevent any effluvia there^ from, or any escape of the contents thereof, or any soakage therefrom into the ground, or into the.wall of any building, and to be furnished with a suitable cover, arid when not required to be open, to be kept properly covered. 30. No horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, or other animals Bhall be buried within the Borough, except at some place appointed by the ' Council. 31. The ground underlying every building so fonried and graded that rio Avater can flow or lodge thereon or under any part of such building. The lower portion of every building shall be so enclosed as to exclude all poultry and animals. , -,-. FOWLS. 32. Nopoultry shall be kept-in any part of the Borough except m properly constructed poultry houses or m a suitably enclosed run attached thereto, and no such poultry houses shall be built less than fifteen feet from any dwell- 1 ing, and every poultry house shall have one coat at least every year . of lime white - wash. All poultry runs, of v whatever size, shall be so enclosed as to confine the poultry within the premises of the owner thereof, and within the limits of such owner's boundaries hereby denned. Should any poultry .house "or poultry run existing at the coming into force of this By-law and not constructed, m accordance witlvthe foregoing provisions, cause a nuisance or injury to health owing to its mode of construction, of/ to t^he absence of any structural convenience therein or thereto, or by reason of the undue proximity of > such poultry house or poultry run to any adjoining premises, or by reasori of any other matter or thing whatsoever then and m every case it jshall be the duty^oi the owner of such poultry house or poultry run, upon notice being served upon him by the Sanitary Inspector so to do, arid within a time by Buck notice limited, to execute and dc such works and things as may be rietiessary to abate siicl nuisance and as may be specified m such notice. • PORTION OF BOROUGH IN WHICH IT SHALL BE UN LAWFUL TO KEEP FOWLS OR POULTRY. 33. It shall be imlawful to keep Poultiy of any de scription within that /p_rt of the Borough of Gisborne ai next herein defined, and any person keepirig poultry withii those limits Bhall be guilty., of an offence: 34. All that area bounded on the South by Childer'i Road, on the West by Peel Street, and on the North anc East by Reads's Quay, abutting the Tarulieru and Turan ganui Rivers, and also all. the front sections (2£ chains ii .depth) abutting on each, side of Gladstorie Road from Pee Street extending westward to Derby Street. 35. Provided that thjs. By-laAv shall not prevent ani poultry being helJ temporarily for the purpose of legitimati sale; but m any case the manner of holding the poultrj Bhall be approved of by the Sanitary Inspector. 36. Each owner of premises shall cause to be executed provided, and done all such works, structures, appliances materials, and things whatsoever, as shall be necessary t< cause such premises to conform m every respect with al the provisions o f ' J ■ . part of these By-laAvs. 37. Any owner who shall not comply with Section 21 shall, within one calendar month, after being required so fr do by the Sanitary Inspector by notice m writing under hi hand, cause to be executed, provided, and done all sucl works, structutts, appliances, materials or things for th purpose aforesaid as may be specifiedin such .notice, and an; such notice may be renewed from time to time ; but neithe this Section, nor any notice given thereunder, shall reliev any owner from the consequences of any breach of Sectio: 29. INSPECTION OF PREMISES. 38. It shall be laAvful for the Sanitary Inspector, or fo the Inspector of Nuisances, at any time between the hour of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.. on any day except Sunday, to ente into, and upon, any land, building, or premises, for the pin pose of inspecting any water-closet, privy, pan-closet, r< ceptacle for rubbish and dirt, drains, or back yards. An person Avho shall wilfully obstruct or hinder such Sanitar Inspector, or Inspector of Nuisances m the exercise c Bueh powers, shall be guilty of an offence against thes By-laws. .'/-//• 39. It Bhall be lawful for the person inspecting any pr< mises as aforesaid to dig up and open any part of th ground, to remove any part of any building on such pr< mises, for the purpose of examining any drain or pipe, tra_ or other appliance. Provided always that the person ii specting as aforesaid shall not dig up or open any grounc or remove any part of any building as aforesaid, witho. having given to the occupier of the said premises, or th . OAvner thereof, or his agent, at least tAvelve hours' previoti notice of his intention m that behalf ; nor m any cas< unless such Inspector shall have reason to suspect that som nuisance exists upon the premises m question, or' on an premises m the vicinity thereof, and he shall not have bee able to discover the cause of such nuisance upon an ordinar inspection of such premises ; nor unless he shall have reaso to believe that the drain, or pipe, or trap, or other applianc he desires to inspect exists under or behind, or m the m mediate vicinity of the ground, or part of building intende to be interfered -with as aforesaid, and is probably defectivi and also the probable cause of the nuisance existing, or su pected to exist, upon the said premises, or on any premise m the vicinity thereof ; provided also thatin digging up an opening such ground, or removing such part of building t aforesaid, as little ground or as small a part of the buildin as reasonably can be, shall be dug up, or opened, or re moved (as the case may be) and as little damage done t the premises as can be ; and unless some defect or nuisanc shall be found requiring attention, such ground or buildin shall fortliAvith be reinstated m a good and workmanlik manner, by, or at the expense of the Corporation. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 40. In any case m. whioh the Sanitary Inspector shall b of opinion, OAving to the configuration of the ground, or th distance, height, or character of adjoining buildings, or fo any other reason Avhether similar m /character to the ir stances above given or not, that a compliance with an; provision whatever of his part of these. By-laws Avould, ii the particular case, be vexatious, or needless m the interes of the public health, or injurious lo the public health, i shall be laAvful for him (the Sanitary Inspector), by writinj under his hand, to dispense with, or forbid such compliance m Avhole or m part as he shall think fit, or to authorise o: direct such a modification or alteration of such provision as shall, m his opinion, most nearly adapt the principle o such provisions to such particular case. It shall be un lawful to comply with any provision or part thereof, com phance whereof shall have been forbidden as aforesaid, o to act contrary to, or otherwise than as directed by any sue] modification or alteration as aforesaid. 41 . It shall be the duty of every person, on whose behal any building or erection shall be erected, added to, altered or repaired, to cause the provisions of this part of thes By-laws to be complied with, as regards such building erection, alteration, or repair ; and also as regards ever drain, gutter, spout, fall-pipe, trap, Avaste-pipe, gully grai ing, ventilation shaft, and other sanitary or other cor venience or application of, or appertaining'to, such building erection, addition, or repair ; and every failure on the par of any such person as aforesaid, to cause any such pre vision tr be complied with as aforesaid, shall be deemed ac offence by such person against this part of these By-laws. 42. It shall be the duty of every person on whose behal any water-closet, pan-closet, urinal, bath, sink, lavatorj or other sanitary convenience or appliance shall be estal lished, erected, or set up, to cause all provisions of this par of these By-laws m any way affecting the same to be com plied with both as regards the establishing, erecting, o setting up thereof, and the providing, constructing, laying erecting, setting up, or affixing every drain, trap, article, o thing appertaining, or which should appertain thereto ; am

n default therof such person shall be deemed guilty of an >ffence. 43. No person shall permit any back yard or premises m lis ocupation Avithin the Borough to become a nuisance, by •eason of injurious smells, or the accumulation of offensive natter therein. PART XIV. MISCELLANEOUS. 1/ Any person avlio shall wilfully or maliciously injure any property belonging to the Corporation shall be guilty of an offence. What shall be deemed a secure fence incase of Goats. 2. For the purpose of the provisions of any Act noAV or hereafter to be m force Avhereby any person may . be authorised to destroy goats, land m the Borough shall be deemed to be securely enclosed and fenced if the same be enclosed and fenced Avith a substantial three-railed fence of the usual height, and the openings m which (if any) shall at the time of trespass be secured or barred with gates, or other fastenings, of like closeness and strength. Avith the fence, or if such land be enclosed or fenced with any fence and gates or fastenings of equivalent closeness and strength with such first-mentioned fence. HEDGES. 3. It shall not be lawful for any person after the coming into operation of this By-law, to plant any gorse, furze, Or African Box Thorn for the purpose of a hedge within the Borough. , 4. AH existing hedges forming frontage boundaries of any premises Avithin the Borough, and all the inside portions of dividing fences of the same shall be trimmed by the occupier of the premises of which such premises shall form boundaries/once m the year at least, and all such trimmings forthwith destroyed or removed. . .. •*...-■ 5. The occupier of any land within the Borough- shall forthwith upon receiving notice m writing signed by the Town Clerk, requiring such occupier so- to do, cut down or eradicate from such land any gorse, furze, box thorn, or other .material, wliich the Council may from ( its natumconsider likely to become a danger or a nuisance. ZZ" z Z-,, : ZZ: -' v BROTHELS, a' :--;-- 6. No person shall within the Borough keep, or act, or behave as master or mistress of or conduct or assist m the conduct or management of any brothel or disorderly house or houses of ill-fame, or shall knowingly let any house or any part thereof, for the purpose of being so kept or used. : BRIDGE REGULATIONS. 7. Any person desirous of having one or more of the bridges opened by the Council shall give notice m writing to the Town Clerk, or Engineer, at least three hours before the. time that he requires the bridges opened. 8. The Council will only openthe bridges on calrri days, and between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ; and m no case • -will the bridges, or any of them, be opened upon Sundays. 9. If any vessel is not ready to go through the bridge at the appointed time, the Council may, after waiting fifteen minutes, close the swing, of any bridge and refuse to open it until the folloAvirig day. j 10. Any damage whatsoever caused to any part of a bridge by a vessel of any kind shall be made good by the captain or owner of such vessel with as little delay as possible, otherwise the Council will do the necessary repairs, but at the expense of Bueh captain or owner. ; 11. The Council will grant to any person .desiring to take a vessel under any of the bridges at night time permission to erect lights where most suitable at his expense. 12. Any person taking, riding, or driving any horses or cattle upon or across anf bridge (horses arid light vehicles allowed to trot on metalled portion of bridge only) within the Borough of Gisborne except at a Avalking pace will be guilty of an offence. '• '-'•'■'■ v . pounds And poundeeepersa; 13. Every poimdkeeper shall withinthe first seven days of each month send to the office of theiCouncila-' certified copy of all the entries m his pound-Book made during the month immediately preceding the above-named seven days, and any poundkeeper neglecting to furnish such copy within that time shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five shillings per ; day for each day that he neglects to comply with this Bylaw* ''-.-..;' r - : -'^_: Z.Z 14. Every poundkeeper shall keep the pound yards under his control m good arid efficient repair, arid shall-be liable for any, loss or damage ,to cattle that may arise by reason of the insufficiency of the fences* In the event of the poundyard being allowed to become urifit for the safe custody of impounded cattle, the Council may give the keeper thereof seven. days' notice to repair the yards. And if the keeper neglects to make the necessary repairs within seven days after the receipt of such notice, the Coun iii may em- . .ploy any_ person to make the required repairs and charge the poundkeeper with the cost thereof, making such cost a first charge against any money due to the> poundkeeper. 15. In the event of any cattle impounded 'riot being re- • leased within the time named m any Act relating to the impounding of -cattle, and such cattle being sold for the recovery of fees and charges thereon, the poundkeeper shall pay to the County Treasurer all sums received by him oyer and above the charges lawfully made for impounding and other fees hereinafter set out. . ■ "' 16. Tlie Council may from time to time by resolution at any general meeting enter into such agreement with any person or persons as it may deem fit for the collection oi fees, the regulation and proper conduct of the several pounds, and all matters relating thereto. 17. Excepting as hereinbefore provided, if the keeper of any pound under the control of the Council shall refuse, neglect, or omit to do any act, matter, or thing which he is , required to do as such poundkeeper by the provisions of this By-law, or if he shall do any act, matter, or thing which h e is as such keeper prohibited from doing by such provisions, he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence any sum not exceeding five pounds. 18. There shall be paid to the poundkeeper the fees and [ oharges according to "The Impounding Act, 1884." FIRST SCHEDULE. Part I. — Table of Trespass Rates io be charged for Trespass *■■-■■ of Cattle. Trespass m any Trespass m fenced land having Trespass m any fenced thereon any grow ; Bescription of Cattle. unseed &fe*3 wSMSofe grass or not been removed stubble. or m any fenced cemetery, . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. cl. For every horse, mare, . gelding, filly, mule, ass, Dull, or ox, steer, heifer, coav, calf , colt, or foal . .. .. — 0 10' 0 2 6 For every ram, cAve, 'sheep, wether, or lamb .. ..'■■— 0 0 3 0 0 6 For every goat ..010 030 05 0 For every boar, sow, or pig. .. ..010 030 050 Part ll.— Charge for leading or driving Cattle to Pound. , - : B. d. For any number of cattle of any sort whatsoever, not exceeding t\venty-five m number, for every mile or fractional part of a mile, from the place Avherethe cattle were trespassing or Avere impounded to the residence of the owner of the same, or to the pound 1 0 For any number exceeding twenty-five, per mile . -.. 2 0 • Part lll.— Charges for giving Notice of Detention of Cattle,. For giving notice of detention of cattle, for every mile or ■'■.'. S art of a mile exceeding one furlong from the resience of the person giving such notice to the residence of the OAvner of the cattle ./ ..10 Provided that .in no case shall the charge for so driving or for giAing notice exceed the sum of two pounds. SECOND SCHEDULE. Poundkeeper' s Fees for Caltle, other than Sucklings under the age of Six months, and for tlie Sustenance thereof whilst Impounded. (The charges for food to be paid for each day or part of a day during which the animal is supplied with food and water by the Poundkeeper. No charge to be made for sucking animals under the age of six months.) Amount to Fees for be charged Poundage, daily for Sustenance, s. d. s. d. For every entire horse above the aga of nine months . . . . . . ..26 26 For every horse, mare, gelding, goat, filly, or foal .. .. .. „10 2 6 For every mule or ass .. .. - .. 10 16For every bull above the age of nine months 2 6 16 For every ox, coav, steer, heifer, or calf, of > first ten .. .. .. ■ :. 0 6\ For every ox, cow, steer, heifer, or calf, oi I the next ten .-...' .-...- .. 0 4( i r For every ox, coav, steer, heifer, or calf, of ) the next thirty .. .. .. 0 3\ For eA-ery ox, coav, steer, heifer, or calf, of 1 all others above fifty . . ....' ..0 2/ For every ram above the age of four months 0 6 \ For every cAve, Avether, or lamb, of the first j tAventy . . - ■„ . . ..02/ For every ewe, Avether, or lamb, of the next I thirty ■■ ... .. .. ..0 _#)■■ 0 2 For every ewe, wether, or lamb, of the next f fifty .. .... .. o 1 For eA-ery ewe Avether, or lamb, of all others I aboA-e one hundred . . . . . . 0 o)<i/ For every goat .. .. .. ..10* 02 For eA-ery boar, soav, or pig . . ..10 06 Poundkeeper' s Fees for giving Notices. _ . * s. d. For writing and delivering or sending by post any notice 2 6 For inserting any notice m one or more neAvspapers, m addition to the actual cost of such insertion ..2 6 REMOVAL OF OFFAL. 19. No refuse or offal other than such as shall be capable of being, Avithout sanitary objection, used as or converted into human food, shall be removed from tho Abattoir unless with the permission of the Council, and m cases Avhere such permission is given such refuse or offal must be removed m a vehicle other than that used for the. conveyance of meat, on such terms and conditions as tho Council think fit to impose.

STRAY DOGS ON STREETS. tl 20. No person shall alloAv any dog to Avander or be at a large m a public place unless the owner is m charge thereof, p PART XVII. IN RESPECT OF WATERWORKS. 1. No pipe, tap, or other apparatus laid or fixed for the i use of any consumer shall be connected Avith the Avatenvorks s until the same shall have been inspected by the Engineer, f ( or other officer of the Corporation appointed on that behalf. 0 2. So soon as any pipe, tap, draAving cock, stop cock, or p ball cock, or other apparatus Avhatsoever shall have been laid or fixed by or on behalf of any consumer, he shall give 0 notice thereof iri writing to the Engineer, Avho shall, as c soon as. conveniently may be, make or cause to be made, n bucli inspection as aforesaid. 1 3. In cafee the Engineer or such other officer as aforesaid c shall not approve of any such pipe, tap, cock, or other ap- _ paratus as aforesaid, the Engineer shall give notice m -writ- -„ ing under his hand, to be left on the premises where such i pipe, tap, cock, or other apparatus shall have been laid or fixed, requiring the consumer by or for Whom such pipe, t tap/cock, or other apparatus shall have been laid or fixed, ( to remove or alter the some, as m the opinion of the Engi- ( neer the case may require, and Avithin one week after the \ leaving of such notice as aforesaid the said consumer shall ( fully and effectually comply with the requirements thereof ; , and m case such consumer shall make default by not complying with the requirements of such notice, he shall be ' deemed to have committed an offence upon every day after the expiration of the said week on which he shall be m default as aforesaid. .'...- t . ■ 4. No consumer of water shall lay on from or use m direct or indirect connection with the watenvorks, any service, brunch service, or other pipe whatsoever, of f-inch bore or under, except the same shall be made of lead, and shall 'in' weight conform to the following scale, namely: — Minimum Bore of Pipe. weight per yard. . ■ f-inch! ... ... ... .... 5 lbs. |-inch ... ... 7 lbs. _-inch ... ... ... ••• 8 lbs. f-indh ... ... - ... •.■• 9 lbs. ; / Or such service, may be of galvanised iron of a quality to be first approved of by the Engineer. , 5. No consumer shall use, any drawing (bib) stop, or ball cock, m connection m any manner with the waterworks unless the same shall be made of hard brass, and of such strength and mechanism or construction as the Council shall from time to time, by notice under the hand of the En- . gineer require, such notice to be publishied for one week m a newspaper. Provided always that until the Council shall, by notice under the hand of the Engineer otherwise require, all such draAving cocks as aforesaid shall be high pressure screw-down cocks. And all such ball cocks as aforevsaid shall be those called patent lever ball valves, or such others- as the Engineer Bhall permit to be used. 6. Whenever a consumer shall fix or cause to be fixed,' any drawing, stop, or ball cock, or tap* m any exposed 1 position, he shall cause the same to be protected by a casing of Avood or iron, at the discretion of the Engineer, and such ' casing shall be secured by a proper lock and key. 1 7. No pipes shall be used for supplying water for the " purpose of manufacture, or for driving machinery of any ' kind, except cast iron pipes similar to the Corporation , mains, galvanised wrought iron pipes capable of bearing ' the pressure of a column of 600 feet of water, or lead pipes " Of the same relative weight as those specified m this Bylaw.' ; r 8. No black wrought iron pipes Avhatever shall be used . in -connection with the waterworks, or for the purpose of draAving or takirig water therefrom. / 3 ..': 9. The Council will^tap the mains, fix the ferrules, bends, and valves, and lay the service pipes from the mains to the nearest boundary of the property (at right angles to the 1 mains), and for such work the consumer at Avhose request the/same shall be done, shall pay' to the Council at the following, rates : — \ For service of 2 inches diameter ... £6 0 0. For service of If inches diameter ... £5 0 0 For service of l| inches diameter ... £4 0 0 For service of 1 J inches diameter £3 10 0 For service up to 1 inch 'diameter. .. £3 0 0 Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Council from time to time' to increase or decrease the said scale of charges, and any such alteration of the said scale shall come into force so soon as the same shau have been advertised under the harid of the Town Clerk for three days m any newspaper. 10. Alt hydraulic lifts, engines, and machiriery supplied with/Avater from the watenvorks shall be fitted with the best yellow metal brass valves, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. _ / 11/ No service'pipe.or branch service 'pipe shall be con nected Avith ariy steam boiler for the purpose of feeding or supplying the same with Water, without first affixing a selfacting cheek-valve, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, foi preventing, the pressure of the steam reversing t*jvaffectin_ the dial or other parts of the meter. „12. In every bath unless supplied from a cistern, the inlet shall be distinct from and unconnected with the outlet and the inlet shall be visible and accessible, arid be attachec to the bath above the bottom thereof. Every bath shall be 1 provided with a proper well-fitted and properly water tight ground outlet, plug, or cock, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Every Avateroloeet shall be supplied from a cisteri containing and delivering at each flush not less than two noi more than three gallons of water, and fitted with ball coc_ and oyerfloAv pipe. No stop cock or stool valve shall, ./be corinected Avith or used with any watercloset. 13. Every cistern for a boiler, bath, watercloset, etc. shall be provided with, a signal pipe, having a conveniem outlet for observation, and notice m Avriting of its con struction and completion shall be given by the consumer t< the Engineer.' . ■ : 14. The water supply shall not be connected with anj privy, earth-closet, closet-box, closet-pan, drain-pipe, oi other similar convenience, nor shall any stop cock or hose pipe be fixed to or used for flushing same. 15. All water-closets, urinals,~and baths Shall be fitte< with proper lead cesspool (stench trap), and no pipe con nected Avith the Avatenvorks shall be inserted into, the lea< cesspool, nor into any drain or soil pipe. Every water closet shall be fitted with a ventilating pipe, carried outsidi the building if practicable, and to the top of the: same, bu m such a position and to such a height as rimy be approve< by the Engineer. 16. No cistern, buried or excavated m the ground, shal be used for the storage or reception of Avater, supplied b; the Cquncil, unless it be supplied by meter, and such use to alloAved m Avriting by the Engineer. 17. No extension of any house service pipe to anothe: house shall be lawful, except by permission m writing o the Engineer, and no such permission shall be given unles the two houses are the property of one person, responsible for the rates of both, and no such permission shall endur after the severance of such ownership. - a-)" 18. No house shall, unless with the permission of th Engineer m Avriting, befitted with more than one domesti service pipe. ' r 19. No pipe or other apparatus shall be attached to, o connected with, the waterworks, nor shall any alteration b made m any existing pipe or apparatus so attached or cor nected, unless the Avork be done by an authorised plumber and unless riot-ice m writing m that behalf shall have beei given to the Engineer by the plumber employed, and th consent of the Engineer -shall have been first obtained. 20. No consumer shall employ any plumber, or othe AA-orkman to do any Avork connected with the watenvorks or any pipe, cock, tap. or other apparatus connected there with, avlio shall not for the time being be duly authorised , m Avriting m that behalf, under the hand of the Engineei 21. The Engineer* shall keep a list of such plumbers a the Council shall think fit to authorise as aforesaid, to b called "the list of authorised Avatenvorks plumbers," and i shall be laAvful for the Engineer at his discretion to remov from such list the name of any plumber Avho, m the opinio] of the Engineer, shall have shoAvn incapacity, or shall havi been guilty of negligence or any misconduct, or shall havi refused or neglected to supply the Engineer Avith any infor mation required by him m regard to any Avork done or be ing done by such plumber. 22. The officer or officers appointed by the Council ii that behalf may, at all lawful times enter into and upon an; land, buildings, and private houses, and inspect all appara tvs connected with the Borough Avatenvorks. 23. Any water supplied from the Avatenvorks and use< for any of the following strictly domestic purposes, shall to deemed to be ordinary Avater supply, that is to say, wate: for the use of any consumer and his family and other m mates of his dAvelling for the time being, for drinking, fo: ordinary personal ablution, for cooking, for Avashing liriei or clothes, and for Avashing or cleaning floors, domestic fur niture, or untensils, or any part of the con sunier's dwelling-house: Provided that water for baths shal be deemed to be included m ordinary supply, but that al water used m any hotel or lodging or boarding house foi supplying more than one bath shall be deemed extraordin ary supply. , 24. Any Avater supplied from the Avatenvorks for the usi of railways, manufactories, machinery, public baths an< AvasEhouses, breweries, chemical Avorks, livery stables cattle, gardens, or oniamental purposes, or for any purposi other than ordinary supply* as hereinbefore defined, shal be deemed extraordinary supply. 25. No consumer shall use, or knoAvingly permit or suf for to be used m, upon, or m connection Avith his premise for any of the purposes defined m Section 293 of the "Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," or for the purpose; defined m this By-laAv as extraordinary supply, any wate: supplied from the Avatenvorks as and for ordinary supply. 26. No person receiving a supply of water for ariy othe:

lian such strictly domestic purposes as aforesaid, shall use avoi ny part of such supply for any purpose other than the an) articular purpose for which he is expressly authorised to tex se the same. Der 27. Any person requiring an extraordinary supply of rater for any purpose shall make application to the Council, reg ?he Council shall, if it sees fit, thereupon fix the method of an( upply by meter or otherwise, and the rate to be charged opi or the Avater supplied ; but the Council shall be under no vai obligation to give or continue any such extraordinary sup- pre >ly. an; 28. The rates hereinafter mentioned are hereby fixed an; is the charges which may be levied by the Council m respect wil >f the extraordinary supply of Avater by the Corporation to slu my person requiring the same, and m respect of meters to su< )e provided by the said Corporation for measuring such tai sxtraor dinary supply. Such other rates or charges as may ph )e mutually agreed upon m -writing between the Corporation so md any person may be imposed m cases not provided for ay this By-law. lie 29. The rates hereinafter mentioned and hereby fixed, be shall be payable to, and may be levied by, the Council as quarterly, on the usual quarterly days, namely, the 31st ot] day of March, the 30th ddy of June, the 30th day of September, and 31st day of December m each year, or at such ye other times as may be mutually agreed upon m writing as pc aforesaid. ofi - £ s. d. do Water-closets— ln hotels, for the first, per annum 4 0 0 re Do. for each other, per annum 1 0 0 In private houses and other build- on ings, each per annum ... 1 0 0 pr Baths— ln hotels, for the first ...... Free w< Do. for the second, per annum ... 2 0 0 su Do. for each other, per annum .. . "1" 0 oor In lodging and boarding houses having ;. ■ le; five 'or more bedrooms, for ' ar the first ... ... Free SS Do. for each other, per annum ... 1 0 0' wi In lodging anc> boarding houses having under five bedrooms, for the d( first. ... ... " ... Free tl Do. v v for each other, per annum ... 010 0B In private houses and other buildings Free li Hydraulic Lifts— Per 1000 gallons ...... 0 1 0. li Steam Boilers, BreAveries, and other purposes not . specified, per 1000 gallons ... ... 0 1 0 ti Water for building purposes, per week 0 10 0 w Water for Motive Power, or any other purpose vi ■■/ or use not specified above, as per a , special agreement . b WATER SUPPLIED TO HARBOR BOARD. -h „ Shippirig per 1000 gallons. .../ 0 1 6b. METER RENT. \ .: ■'.'■' '' , Meters, up to 1_ m. diameter, per annum 1 0 0 t „ exceeding 1 Jin. but not exceeding 2in. I diameter, per annum *;.. ... 1 10 0 p „ exceeding 2in. but not exceeding 3in. s diameter, per annum ... ...2 10 0 L WATER SUPPLIED TO DISTRICTS OUTSIDE THE t BOROUGH. • Ordinary domestic supply per quarter, . payable m: advance ... ... 1 0 0 Extraordinary supply per 1000 gallons (minimum quantity per month 5000 ! t gallons^ ... ... ... •• 0 3 Of Hotels and accommodation houses per - a quarter m advance ... " ...';■ 2 10 0 1 All meters to be purchased from the Council at cost c price by the consumers. i Water supplied to Government Offices, Churches, etc. i By meter payable quarterly, Is. 6d. per 1000" gallons, i 30. Water supplied by the Council otherwise than by i meter, ahall not be drawn- or used through any hose or mov--1 able pipe/except by previous agreement m Avfiting with the < ' Council as to the ÜBe of such pipe/ and as to the sum to be i 1 .paid for the water sou sed, and no screAved tap shall be fixed i except by similar agreement. 31/ No meter shall be affixed, removed or altered m position or otherwise interfered with by any person, other than an officer of the Council. v. : 32. No person Avho being supplied with water by the Council from the Waterworks or haying access to such water- . [ works for the taking of Avater therefrom, shall wilfully or : negligently suffer any water to run to waste from any pipe, 'tap, or other apparatus from or by Avhich he shall be ap supplied, or to which he shall have such access. r 33. No person shall allow any pipe, tap, or other apparatus on his premises corinected with* the waterworks to be out I of repair, so that water is wasted ; and it shall be lawful for * the Engineer or other official appointed by. the Council m 5 that behalf to cut off and stop the supply of water to such premises, provided 24 hours' written notice has been first 'given- to the consumer to repair such pipe, tap, or other app aratus, and such repairs shall not have beeii effected. ■ 34. No persori shall permit or cause ariy injury to any f part of the waterworks/pipes, or appliances whatever^ or f permit or cause any 'displacement of the ground m which the same is laid; and the Council may cause any such disJ placement or damage arising therefrom to be made good > and recover the cost thereof from the person doing or 1 causing such injury or displacement before any Court of 1 competent jurisdiction. 35. No person shall bathe m any stream, reservoir, conJ duit, aqueduct, or other Avatenvorks belonging to or under 1 the management or control of the Council, or shall Avash r cleanse,, throw, or cause to enter therein, any animal, Avhether alive or dead, or any rubbish, 'filth, stufffbr thing of 3 any kind whatsoever, or shall cause, or permit, or suffer to run, or be brought therein, the- water of any sink, sewer, » drain, engine, or boiler, or other filthy, unwholesome, or fc improper water, or shall do anything whatsoever whereby ■ any water or waterworks belonging to the Council or under J their management or control shall be fouled, obstructed, or damaged. ' V 36. No person shall unless with the consent m writing r of the Council construct or place any dam or embankment Z m or across any river, creek, or natiual Avatercourse belonging to or under the management or control of the Council. 37. No pers6n shall m any case m which the Council has " the exclusive right of collecting, for thesupply of any reservoir or waterworks belonging to the Council or under its '• management or control, the stormwater, "falling on any 8 gathering ground by any means Avhatsoever, divert ariy such t water from the course of the natural flow so that the same shall tend to Aoav elsewhere than to such reservoir or waterworks, or some watercourse leading thereto, or shall flow to 1 the same respectively m a foul state. y 38. The Council will from time to time make regulations c for prohibiting or regulating the shooting of Avaterfowl and the taking of fish upon, or m, Any stream, reservoir, or r other water-works belonging to or under the management or 'f control of the Council, and any person so shooting or fishing fi without a license shall be deemed a trespasser. 6 39. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, 6 or. contained m the said Part XVII, it shall be lawful for the Council at any time, arid from time to time, to resolve that c consumers of Avater may use the water for watering garc dens or for other purposes defined by such resolution, not being for strictly domestic purposes, subject to such conr ditions as may be defined by such resolution, and after pub--6 lie notice has been given of such resolution and until public l " notice has been published of a resolution of the Council "« rescinding such first-mentioned resolution or prohibiting Q such use, consumers may use Avater m acordance Avith the 6 terms of such resolution Avithout being liable to any penalty. The term "public notice" shall have the meaning given r thereto by Section 3 of "The Municipal Corporations Act, '» 1900." *"'.., PLUMBERS. U 40. All plumbers shall be licensed - annually by the f v' Sanitary Inspector of the Council. No person shall be so & licensed unless at the time of applying he shall produce to c the said Sanitar/ Inspector certificates that he has passed t the ordinary examination m practical and theoretical plumbe ing held by one or more of the following bodies, viz. : — a The City and Guilds of London Institute, c The South Kensington Education Board, c The Wellington Technical School, The Gisborne Technical School. '■- Any Technical School m New Zealand under the control of an Education Board, n or such other examinations as the Council by resolution may y from time to time approve. • ir 41. For every license issued there shall be paid to the Borough Treasurer the sum of tAventy shillings per year, $ ending 30th June, unless the license shall be applied for c after the 31st December, m AA-hich case the fee shall be ten r shillmgs for the period ending 30th June next ensuing ; or i* should the applicant be a journeyman, half the above for the t first year, and five shillings for every subsequent year. Prou vided that permits may be issued by the Sanitary Inspector '- of the Council to enable any plumber to do any Ayork which l- a licensed plumber may do under these By-laAVB or any other 1 By-laAvs for the time being m force m the Borough. 'Any il such permit shall cease to have any effect or to be m force ( if the holder thereof shall not Avithin six calendar months i« after the date when these By-laws shall come into force pasß his examination m practical plumbing, or. if he shall not c within two years after the said date pass liis examination m i theoretical plumbing. Provided also, that notAvithstanding i, anything herein contained, the said Sanitary Inspector may c issue a license to any master plumber who has been a master 1 plumber for not legs than fifteen years, and A\-ho shall Avithin six calendar months after the date -when these By-laAvs shall » come into force pass his examination m practical plumbing, 8 notwithstanding that such master plumber may not have c passed his examination m theoretical plumbing, s 42. All the provisions of these By-laws and of any other r By-laAvs for the time being m force m the Borough applicable to plumbers' licenses 'and licensed plumbers shall apply to r permits and plumbers holding permits, and accordingly the

rds "license" and "plumber" or "licensed plumber" m 7 such By-laAvs shall include respectively (unless the con:t requires a different construction) a permit and a plum- • holding a permit. 43. The Sanitary Inspector of the Council Bhall keep a jister of all licenses of drain connectors and plumbers, dof all endorsements thereon. In case there shall m the inion of the Sanitary Inspector be a breach or non-obser-oce by any licensed plumber or drain connector of any jvision of the General By-laws or of these By-laws or of y other By-laws of the Council, or if m the like opinion y work done by any licensed plumber or drain connector th reference to anything affected by ariy such By-laws all have been done contrary to or otherwise than as by eh By-laws provided, it shall be lawful for the said Sanirj Inspebtor to endorse upon the license of such licensed amber or drain connector the offence against such By-laws committed, and the date of its commission. 44. Any licensed plumber or drain connector whose ense shall have been endorsed three Separate times shall thereby debarred from again receiving any license to act a plumber or drain connector under these' By-laws or any her By-laws of the Council. 45. All endorsements made on a license during any one ar shall be also endorsed on the license issued to the same irson for the year following that m which the offence or Fences Avas-or Avere committed ; but should no further en►rsement be made, during any one year they shall not be peated on any subsequent license, 46. Any licensed plumber or drain connector employed i any work shall produce his license within 24 hours after •oduction thereof is required by the person for whom the* ork is being performed, or by any officer of the Council to ich person or officeri In the event of the original license • the endorsements thereon' (if any) being rendered ilgible or defaced from ordinary wear and tear, accident , or ly* other cause whatever, the licensee shall apply to the anitary Inspector of the Council for a new license, for hich a fee of one shilling shall be paid. , \ . . • ' • .' 47. In the event of any license or permit being lost or sstroyed a fresh license or permit may be obtained from le Sanitary Inspector of the Council on tlie payment to the orough Treasurer of a fee of one shilling for a plumber's cense or permit, and one shilling for a drain connector's cense. ' -• ■ a ..'''■.•' 48. Licenses of plumbers or drain connectors are not ranßferable; Any person making use of any such license 'hich does not belong to him, or alloAving his license to be sed by anyone else shall be guilty of an offence^ and m ddition the license thus improperly' used shall be cancelled »y the said Sanitary Inspector by Avriting under his hand, thereupon the person named m such license as the licensee hall be deemed unlicensed. A 49. No fresh license shall at any time be issued until he one previously issued is given up to the said Sanitary inspector, or satisfactory evidence of its loss or. destruction Produced. Pending application to the said Sanitary Inpector as aforesaid m the case of illegibility of refaceinent, oss or destruction, the person named* m the license shall je deemed unlicensed. ' PART XVIII. DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE. 1. Any drain-pipe, soil-pipe, trap, water-closet, 'ventila* lor, urinal, sink, or other fittings orapparatus of dimensions, -material, .form, conßtructiori, or. arrangement other* vise than m accordance with this By-law, shall, upon notice from the Council, be removed, repaired/or altered by tn« iwner or occupier of the house, tenement, or lands to which such drain-pipe, soil-pipe, trap, water-closet, ventilator, irinal, sink, or other fittings or apparatus belongs, or iri connection Avith which the same is used, m the manner determined and within the time fixed by the Council. . 2. If the drain-pipe, soil-pipe, trap, water-closet, ventilator, urinal, sink, or other fittings or apparatus shall, m the opinion of the Council, be or become of bad ot defective quality or. construction, or require to be cleansed, repaired, removed, or altered, the Council may give to the owner or occupier of the house, tenemerit, or land to -which such-drain-pipe, soil-pipe, trap, water-closet, ventilator, urinal, sink, or any other fittihgs or apparatus belongs,' or m connection Avith which the same is used, a notice to cleanse, repair, remove, or alter the same, m the manner and within the time to be fixed by the Council, and if such owner or occupier shall fail to comply with such notice within the time therein mentioned, the Council may cleanse, repair, remove, or alter the said drain-pipe, soil-pipe, trap, Avater-closet, ventilator, urinal, sink, or other fittings or apparatus and charge such owner or occupier with the'.cOst incurred m so doing. ,: „, ■■ ; 3. No person shall repair, remove, alter, or interfere with any drain-pipe, soil-pipe, trap, water-closet, ventilator, urinal, sink, or other fittings or apparatus communicating with any drain or with any seAver of the Council, or connected therewith, unless he shall have previously given to the Council notice on one of the printed forms of the Council < of his intention so to do, excepting always such reasonable action as shall be necessary to remove any obstruction from a water-closet, or to repair a burst pipe. 4. No builder, plumber, drainer, workman, or other person shall do or cause to be done any work m corinection with the sewerage or drainage of any premises, or m connection Avith any fittings or apparatus connected therewith, unless he shall have been first duly admitted by the Council as a licensed plumber or drainer. 5. Every person who shall hereafter construct/alter, or repair any sewer or drain, shall, m such construction, alteration, or repair, use good sound pipes formed of glazed stoneware, or concrete, or. iron, or of other suitable material approved by the Council. Iri no case, however, shall sheet-iron pipe be permitted to be used m contact with the ground, notwithstanding anything elsewhere m this By-law to the contrary. / /.'■'- (a) He shall cause every such sewer or drain to be of adequate size, and no such seAver or drain Bhall be used for conveying seAverage_unless the internal diameter thereof be riot less than four inches, and where directed by the Council the same shall be laid m a bed of good Concrete, or other equally suitable riiaterial, with a proper fall, and with watertight, socketted or other suitable joints. (b) He shall cause every sewer or drain to be so constructed as not to pass under any building, except m any case where any other mode of construction iB impracticable, and if m any case a sewer or drain shall be so constructed as to pass under any building, he shall cause such sewer or drain to be so laid m the ground that there shall be a distance equal at least to a full diameter thereof between the top of such drain at its highest point and the surface of the ground under such building. fle shall cause the -drain-pipe used m any such case to be of cast-iron, jointed. Avith lead, as is usual with water-pipes, or of stoneware bedded m and surrounded with good cement concrete at least six inches thick. (c) He shall cause every such sewer or drain to be laid m a direct line for the whole distance beneath any building under which the same shall pass, and to be completely embedded m and covered and surrounded with good and solid concrete, at least six inchesthick all round. (d) He shall cauß© such drain to be ventilated m manner hereinafter provided by this By-law.. (c) He shall cause every inlet to any drain (not being an inlet provided m pursuance of the By-law m that behalf as an opening for the ventilation of such drain) to be properly trapped. (f) He shall cause air pipes, bends, and other apparatus necessary for any such house-drain to be submitted to the Council for their testing and approval, and passed by their Inspector before being used, (^ He shall not cause or allow any right-angle junctions to be corißtructed or used, and he shall cause all curves to be formed by means of proper bend-pipes. (h) He shall cause every house-drain to be laid m straight lines, and where changes of direction occur, he shall cause the same to be made by open manholes, when practicable, m such manner as the Council shall previously approve of (i) He shall cause all pipes or house-drains to be laid with true gradients, and shall cause the inclination of the same to be as steep as the circumstance, will permit, but he shall m no case cause or permit such inclination to be less than one foot m 44 feet for 4-inch pipes, or one foot m 76 feet for 6-inch pipes, unless special permission be granted by the Engineer m writing. (j) He shall cause all pipes to be carefully bedded on the barrel, on the solid ground, and shall cause all joints to be made •with cement mortar, mixed m the pro* portion of one of ceriierit to tAvo of sand. All such joints shall be wiped smoo^ internally, (k) In all cases where the CdurieiL or their Inspector shall so direct, he shall cause all pipes to be bedded on concrete of proportions of one of cement, two of clean sand, and four of stone, broken to 1£ inch ■••"•• gauge, or one cement to six gravel approved of by Bueh Inspector. (1) He shall cause the folloAving description of jointing to be carried out as circumstances require, viz. :• — -In sandy ground the joints to be made with wellsoaked gasket, half depth of socket, and finished with cement mortar, as described m regulations. After the jointing is done the pipe is to be wiped clean of surplus mortar, and left perfectly clean on the inside before another pipe is laid. In watercharged/ sandy, ground, cast-iron pipes with gasket and lead joints, or stoneAvare pipes with gasket with full cement joints on concrete foundations, as may be directed, are to be used, and every precaution must be taken to prevent the entrance of sand or silt into the sewer-pipes.

6. The owner or occupier of every house or tenement shall cause every house-drain of such house or tenement to be provided with a suitable disconnector-trap at a point as distant as may be practicable from such house or tenement, and as near as may be practicable to the point at which Buch drain may be connected with the public sewer or other means of drainage, but if possible within the boundaries of the property. 7. All work connected m any way with the se*werage or drainage of any house, tenement, or land, shall be inspected by an officer appointed by the Council for that purpose, and every person engaged upon such work shall afford every facility to such officer for making such inspection. 8. No underground or enclosed work connected m any way with the sewerage or drainage of any house, tene- . ment, or land shall, on any account, be covered up or concealed from view until the same shall have been duly inspected and pr.Bsed by the Inspector of the Council. 9. Every person who shall construct a water-cloßet m a building Bhall construct Buch water-closet m such a position that one of its sides at least shall be an external wall of such building, and not otherwise, unless by special permission granted by the Council. 10. In every water-closet m connection with any house, tenement, or land, whether the situation of such watercloset be or be not within such house, tenement, or land, there shall be constructed by the owner or occupier, m one of the Walls of such water-closet, a window of not less dimension than 2ft. by lft., exclusive of the frame, aiid opening directly into the external air, and not otherwise, unless by special permission granted by the Council. (a) There shall, m addition to such window, be provided by such owner or occupier adequate means of constant ventilation, by at least one air-brick, built m an external wall of such water-closet, or by an airshaft, or by some other effectual method of appliance for ventilation. 11. Every owner or occupier of any house, tenement, or land m which a water-closet is constructed or used shall cause such water-closet to be supplied with a proper supply cistern fitted immediately over the closet, which shall on no account be used for any other purpose. He shall also cause the following fittings to be 'constructed :.— The down pipe froni such cistern shall be lead pipe, of lead equal to 71bs. per square foot, and shall m no case be less than ljin. internal diameter, and shall be fitted as straight as possible N under the circumstances. The^bottom of every such cistern shall be at leafet 6ft. clear above the closet seat, but m cases where this distance cannot be obtained m existing buildings without structural alteration 4ft. will., be allowed, but the internal diameter of the down pipe must then be l£in., of lead equal to 71bs. per, square foot. Every such cistern shall be made and maintained of such materials and dimen--Bions, and of such plan of construction, and with ball-cocks, stop-cocks, down and waste-pipes, and other appliances as • shall be deemed requisite by the Council to prevent waste of water. In connection with every such cistern there shall be \ * . provided a service-box or compartment, which will discharge not less than three gallons at each flush. 12. The owner or occupier of every house, tenement, factory, institution, or. place, publio or priyate, shall provide the same with means of storing water for flushing and cleansing the pipes, drains, traps, and. apparatus, of waterclosets and urinals connected therewith m the event of a temporary stoppage of water supply or otherwise, and such' tankß or cistern shall be of such capacity, dimensions, or arrangements as to contain m the aggregate a quantity of water equal to two days' supply of three gallons per head per diem, acording to the possible requirements of such house, tenement, factory, institution or place. 13. Every owner or occupier of any house, tenement, or land m which a water-closet, urinal, or housemaid's slop sink is constructed or used, shall furnish such water-closet, urinal, or housemaid's slop sink with a suitable apparatus for the effectual application of water to any pan, basin, or other receptacle, with which such apparatus shall be connected and used, and for the effectual flushing and cleansing of such pan, basin, or other receptacle, and for the prompt and effectual removal therefrom of any solid or liquid filth which may froni', tiihe to time be deposited therein. 14. No person shall erect or use any cistern or other ap- , paratus m connection with any closet, urinal or housemaid's Blop sink which is not mode of such materials and dimensions, and of such model or plan of construction, and with such ball-cocks, stop-cocks, waste pipes and other appliances, as shall have been approved by the Councilf \ '\ ."'' j 15. Every owner or occupier of any house, tenement, or lands m which a ; water-closet is constructed or used, shall furnish such water-closet with a pan, basin, or other receptacle of' a non-absorbent material, and of such shape, or such capacity and of such mode of construction; as to receive and contain a sufficient quantity of water and to allow all filth ;.- -*_~ /which may from time to time be deposited m such pan, basin; of receptacle to fall free of the sides thereof, and directly into the water received and contained m such pan, basin, or receptacle. livery owner or occupier of any house, tenement, or lands shall comply with the following requirements, viz. : — (I). He shall provide at least two untrapped openings to the drains of such house, tenements, or lands, and m the provision of such openings he shall adopt such of the two arrangements hereinafter specified as the circumstances of the case may render the more suitable and effectual, .that is to say":— ; (a) One opening being at or near the level of the surface of the ground adjoining such opening shall communicate with the drains by means of a writable pipe, shaft, or 'disconnecting chamber, and shall be situated as near as may be practicable to the trap which, m pursuance of any By-law m that behalf, shall be provided between the main drain or other drain of the building, and the sewer or other means of drainage with which such drain may lawfully communicate. Such opening shall also m every case be situated on that side of the trap which is nearer to the building. The second opening shall be obtained by carrying up from a point m the drains, as far distant as may be practicable from the point at which the first-mentioned opening shall be sjtuated, a pipe or shaft, vertically, to such a height 'and m such a mariner as effectually to prevent any escape of foul air f rom such pipe or shaft into any building m the vicinity thereof. Inlet te be distant at least 7ft., and as far as practicable from any window or door. Outlet to be higher, than ridge or chimney and 6ft. • distant from any window or opening or chimney. (b) In every case where the foregoing arrangement of openings, to the drains may be impracticable, there shall be substituted the arrangements hereinafter prescribed. One opening shall be obtained by carry* V ing up from a point as near as may be practicable to the trap, which, m pursuance of any By-law m that behalf, shall be provided between the main drain or other drain of the building and the sewei or other means of drainage with which s such drain may lawfully communicate, a pipe or shaft, vertically, to/such a height and ih such a manner af effectually to prevent any escape of foul air from Buch pipe or shaft into any building m the vicinit} thereof.- Such opening shall also m every case b( situated; on that side of the trap which is the nearei to the building. The second opening, being at j point m the. drains as far distant as may be practi cable from the point at which such last-mentione< pipe or shaft shall be carried up, shall be at or rica: the level of the surface of the ground adjoining Buch opening and shall communicate with the drain by means of a suitable pipe or shaft. (II.) Every such owner or occupier shall cause ever opening provided m accordance with either of the arrange ments hereinbefore specificd 8 to be finished with a suitabl grating or other suitable cover for the purpose of preventinj any obstruction m or injury to any pipe or drain by th introduction of any substance through any such opening .He shall, m every case, cause such grating or cover to be s constructed and fitted as to secure the free passage of ai thi'ough such grating or cover by means of^a sufficient nun ber of apertures, of which the aggregate extent shall be nc less than the Bectional area of the pipe or drain to whic such grating or cover may be fitted, and where necessar such aperture shall be fitted with a mica flap. (III.) Every pipe or shaft which may be used m coi nection with either of the arrangements hereinbefoi specified shall be of a sectional area not less than that ( the drain with which such pipe or shaft may communicat and not less m any case than the sectional area of a pij or shaft of the diameter of 4 inches. (IV.) No angle shall (except by the special authority an permission of the Council) be formed m any pipe or sha used m connection with either of the arrangements hen inbef ore specified. (V.) Every shaft used as a ventilating pipe must be pr< vided with an approved cowl. (VI.) Provided always that, for the purpose of either i the arrangements hereinbefore specified, the soil-pipe i any water-closet, m every case where the situation, section area, height, and mode of construction of such soil-pi} shall be iv accordance with- the requirements applicable i the pipe or shaft to be carried up from the drain, may 1 deemed to provide the necessary opening for ventilatk which would otherwise be obtained by means of such las mentioned pipe or shaft. 17. No person shall construct any Boil-pipe, wast pipe, or other pipe whatsoever m connection with drainaj or sewerage which is not of the best quality, and of tl following weights and dimensions : — (a) Lead soil-pipe to bo not less than 4 inches intern diameter, and made of lead equal to Tibs, per sup« ficial.foot, or of equal thickness throughout of 7-1 of an inch.

; (b) Waste-pipes from urinals to be of not less than l£ i inches internal diameter, and to be made of lead I not less than 71bs. per superficial foot, or of equal , thickness throughout- of 7.64 of an inch, i Where two or l more urinals are connected with same waste-pipe, the internal diameter of such i waste-pipe shall be not less than 2 inches. (c) Waste-pipes from housemaids' slop-sinks to be not , less than 2i inches internal diameter, and te bo I made of lead equal to 71bs per superficial foot, or ol equal thickness throughout of 7.64 of an inch. (d) Waste-pipes from baths to be not less than lj inches internal diameter, and made of lead equal to 61bs per superficial foot, or of equal thickness throughout of 3-32 of an inch. . (c) Waste-pipes from lavatories, wash-basinß, j£&, to be not less than 1 J inches internal diameterV^Where two or more basins are connected with one waste, the internal diameter of such Avaste shall not be less than 2 incheß internal diameter. Pipes to be made of lead equal to 61bs. per superficial foot, or of equal thickness throughout of 3.32 of an inch. . (f) All waste-pipes from urinals, housemaids' slop-sinks, lavatories, wash-basins, baths, to be trapped and properly vented ; the traps m each case to be placed, unless otherwise directed, as near the outlet of fitting as possible. (g) Waste-pipes froni kitchen and pantry sinks shall be hot less than 2 inches internal diameter, and made of lead equal to 61bs. per superficial foot, or of equal thickness throughout of 3-32 of an inch. Subject to the previous approval of the Council m writing, galvanized iron waste-pipe of No, 24 gauge may be used m special cases. Waste-pipes from tubs outside main buildings may be of galvanized iron, No. 24 gauge. When directed by the Engineer, all waste-pipes shall be submitted to the same test as directed for soil pipes. (h) All vent-pipes to be of the same diameter as the waste-pipes to which they are connected. The main-ventilating-pip© may consist of No. 22 B.W.G. - galvanized iron, with double lap and soldered joints ; but for a height of 8 ft. from the surface it must be x of wrought-iron piping, with, screwed joints, or of cast-iron, with lead or rust joints, all joints being perfectly air-tight. (i) In no case shall the outlet from any appliance have ... a less clear .area that the waste-pipe leading therefrom. 18. Where cast-iron pipes are used for soil-pipes they shall be of uniforln thickness throughout of not less than 3-16ths of an inch, or equal m weight to not less than 231b8. per lineal yard. The sockets of pipes to be not lesß than 2 inches m depth, and joints to be made "with gasket and lead or other approved material. Wbere joints are made m lead it is to be run m full, ahd well caulked m all ■ round, and set up with , proper caulking tools. On ; no account will cement or putty joints be permitted. 19. All joints of lead soil-pipes and waste-pipes to be of the kind known as wiped joints. 20. All soil and waste-pipes shall be as direct as possible, and all parts of the work shall be so arranged that they may be at all times readily examined and repaired. Before fixtures are placed m connection with the plumbing of every house or building, and before the soil-pipe is connected with the drains, the outlet of the soil-pipe and all openings into it shall be hermetically sealed. The pipe shall then be, filled with water to its top, and every joint shall be carefully examined for leakage, and all leaks shall be securely closed before connection with the soil-pipes are made, except that m cases of inspection of plumbing already existing the peppermint or smoke test may be substituted by the Engineer. 21. All openings for ventilation made m accordance with this By-law shall at all times be kept open\and perfectly free from obstructions. Every owner or occupier of any house, tenement, or land shall- at all times see that all openings to the drains of such bouse, tenement, or land, whether for ventilation or otherwise, and that all traps and other fittings, are at all times m good order, clean, and free from obstruction. y 22. Any officer of the Council, acting under their authority m writing, under the hand of the Engineer, and '-. under Seal, may enter between sunrise and sunset any house or premises connected with the sewers, m order to examine whether the drains or other fittings m such house or premises are m proper order. Any person refusing such j ad- • mission, or m any. way hindering such officer m the execution of his duty, shall be liable to a penalty as hereinafter mentioned; 23. Every person who shall intend to. erect a building, or re-build, or moke any addition or alteration to any building, or to remove any building from one place to another for purpose of habitation, shall give to the Council five ■ days' notice of such intention, which notice shall be accompanied by plans and section of such intended buildings, or i addition or alteration or removal, drawn to a Beale of one > inch to every eight feet, showing the intended lines ci i drainage of such building, and the details of the arrange--1 ment proposed to be adopted for the ventilation of the ; drains. ' 24. Where it is decided that sub-soil drainage is necesi sary, then every person who shall erect a new building , thereon shall cause the sub-soil of such building to be effectually drained by means of suitable stone-ware pipes proi perly laid to a suitable outfall, whenever the circumstances i of the site render such precautions necessary. (a) He shall not lay any such pipes m such a manner or m such a position as to communicate directly i with any cesspool, or with any drain constructed er adapted to be used for conveying sewerage ; but ! " shall provide a -suitable trap with *a ventilator openi ing at a point m the line of the sub-soil drain as [ near aB may be practicable to such trap. 25. Every person who : shall erect anew building shall i construct the lowest storey of such building at such a level t as will allow of tbe construction of a drain sufficient for i the effectual drainage of such building, and of the proi vision of the requisite communication with any sewer into" s which such drain may lawfully empty, at a point m the. , upper half diameter of such sewer, or with any other means . of drainage with which such drains may lawfully communi- • cate. The Councirmay m any case m which they think proper exempt any person from the provisions of this Byf law. > 26VNo person; shall cause or permit any extraneous * solid matter, animal or any other matter, to be deposited ■ iv closet-traps, yard-Sinks, or house-drains on any pretext ) whatever. i 27. No person Shall- deposit ashes, house refuse, or any i other extraneous solid matter m any sewer or drain; suitr able provision must be made to intercept and prevent same i passing into such sewers or drains. 28. It shall not be lawful for any person to'empty into s any sewer or drain under the control of the Council from i any hospital, institution, or other private or public build--7 ing, any solid,or liquid discharges from patients suffering s from typhoid or any other infectious or contagious disease, r without first thoroughly disinfecting the same, a 29. It Bhall not be lawful for any person te discharge i- into any sewer or drain any gaseous liquid or solid of an i explosive nature. t r 30. No person shall connect any gullies or pits for the [J disposal of road drainage into any sewqr or drain under the s control of the Council without first obtaining the consent of the Council to such connection or connections being y made. i- . 31. No person shall cause or "permit any cess-pool or c privy to be connected with any sewer of the Council, or with g any sewer or drain communicating or intending to communie cate with any. sewer of the Council, and no person shall J. cause or permit the contents of any such cess-pool or privy io to be emptied into any such sewer or drain, ir 32. The owner or occupier of any house, tenement, oi l- lands with which is connected any cess-pool or privy shal )t cause such cess-pool or privy to be emptied and disinfected h and shall substitute therefore a proper water-closet, con y 6tructed according to this By-law of the Council and ever j such owner or occupier shall cause the' part of such cess a- . pool or privy which shall be under the pan and SI trap o re such water-closet to be bricked up or supported as directed of and filled up with clean sand or other suitable 'material c, and no such cess-pool shall be filled up before being inspect )e ed by an officer of the Council. Floors of all water-closet to be left m good and sound condition, id 33. No person shall make any connection with an; ft sewer of the Council, or with any sewer or drain commuhicn &• ting therewith at any other place than Bhall be approve) of by the Council, the Council itself reserving absolute! o- the right to connect with all main sewers vested m it, b; its own workmen, and charging therefor, as is elsewhere pre of vided. of 34. Every owner or occupier of any house, tenement, o al lands shall cause every house-drain of such house, tenement pc or lands to be not less than four inches m diameter, and t to be constructed of glazed stoneware, or cast-iron pipes of th be best quality, and shall not cause or permit any soft-burnl >n cracked, crooked, or distorted pipes to be used, st- 35. Every owner or occupier of any house, tenemem or lands shall cause sUch house, tenement, or lands to b Le- provided with a sink or yard-gully, for kitchen and hous ge slops, and of a design approved by the Board, and fitte he with traps and connected with the drains of such housi tenement, or lands, and shall cause all inlets of such sink lal or yard-gully to be protected with suitable gratings ; eac er- house shall have a separate sink or yard gully. 64 36. No person shall cause or permit any soil-pipe froi water-closet, or any waste-pipe from any lavatory, urinal, c

other sanitary fitting to be fixed or to bo within any houae or tenement, and not otherwise unless by special permission granted by the Council. 37. Tho owner or occupier of any house or tenement shall cuuse all soil-pipes to be placed outside the walls -thereof, and shall cuuse the construction of every soil-pipe with any closet, urinal, lavatory, or other sanitary fitting inside such house or tenement, to be or be made as short and straight as possible. (a) He shall cause every soil-pipe to be ventilated by being carried up above the roof of such house or tenement m such manner as the Council shall m each case direct. (b) No person shall cause or permit to be fixed or used any soil-pipe which shall be less than four inches internal diameter, or any continuation thereof for ventilation wliich shall -be less 'than four inches internal diameter. (c) No person shall cause or permit to be fixed any soilpipe which is not of cast-iron or lead, and connected with the sewer or drain m such manner as the Council shall m each case approve of, and no person shall fix, or cause or permit to be fixed, any intervening trap on any soil pipe. ' ' 38. The owner or occupier of every house or tenement shall cause all waste or overflow pipes from sinks, baths, and all other such pipes to be brought outside of the house by the shortest possible route and then discharge over or into the side of a properly ventilated disconnector trap. He shall, when directed, .pause every such pipe to be protected by a flap-valve. 39. The owner or occupier of every house or tenement shall cause the seats of all water-closets connected therewith to be so constructed that the same may be easily removed, m order that every part of the closet may be inspected with facility. 40. The trap of "every indoor closet shall be pro vidod with an inspection-cap and Ventilation pipe two inches m diameter from or beyond the top of the trap to the main ventilator outside the building or to the soil-pipe above the highest inlet into same. 41. No person shall cause or permit any sink or gul'y to be constructed or be inside any buildingß unlesß where . approved of and m the manner directed by the Council. 42. The owner or occupier of every house or tenement shall cause all outlets to the drains of such houses or tenement of openings for ventilators to be efficiently protected by proper gratings of ample area, and he shall cause the aggregate area of the apertures m all gratings covering any ventilation opening to be not less than the sectional .area of the pipe or drain to which such grating is fixed. '43. The owner or occupier of every house or tenement shall cause every drain of such house or tenement to be so arranged as to be self-cleansing, m order that it may remain at all times free from deposit, and where such cannot be effected without flushing, proper flushing apparatus shall ,be provided m manner directed by the Council. 44. The owner or occupier of every house, tenement, or land shall cause all rain-water down-pipes thereof to discharge over or into the side of an open gully provided with a proper trap and ventilator, or on to an open channel leading to such trap and ventilator, and shall not permit the same to communicate direct with any drain-pipe, unless by special permission granted by the Council. y 45. The owner or occupier of every house> or tenement shall cause all openings for ventilation made m accordance with this By-law to be kept open and perfectly free from obstruction, and shall at all times keep all openings to the drains upon his premises, whether for ventilation or otherwise, and all traps and other fittings m good order, clean, and free from obstruction. 46. All work at any time done or to be done m connection with sewerage or drainage shall be inspected by the proper officer of the Council, and no such work shall be commenced (unless m case of special urgency) until after the expiration of two days' notice thereof first given to the Council, and the necessary printed permit obtained. In no case sliall any pipes, drains, or apparatus m connection with sewerage or drainage be used where any such work shall 1 have been executed until the said work shall have been inspected by the said: officer and; certified^ by him on the prescribed form. No underground or enclosed work shall on any account be covered up or concealed from view until the same shall have been duly inspected and passed by the Inspector. Such inspection to take place within three days from the date on which the work is notified as ready for inspection,. 47. All notices and applications required by these Bylaws are to be made upon printed forms to be obtained at the office of the Council. Notices sent by post must be prepaid. All sums paid by* the Council on account, of notices sent by post and not prepaid charged against and recovered from the sender. 48. In the construction of this By-law the word "person" shall $c deemed te extend to and include a corporation or any body or number of persons, and the masculine shall include the feminine gender. 49. Any person committing a breach of this By-law to which no specific penalty is attached, or .who Bhall refuse or neglect to obey any injunction or to comply with any requirement herein contained, shall lipon conviction be liable to pay a' penalty not. exceeding Twenty Pounds. And m case of continuing offence, a further penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for each day after notice of such offence shall have been given by the Board to such offender. . 50. Sinks or yard gullies of approved design, fitted with traps, one at least to each house, shall be provided for kitchen ahd house slops, and properly connected with drain ; all inlets to b* protected by suitable gratings. 51. The drainer Bhall be held liable for all accidents whatever arising Irom any neglect on his part, either m not providing sufficient, and proper nightrlights and hoarding for any. trenches he may open, as well as for insufficient timbering thereof, or any other cause whatever. 52. Wherever directed, grease-intercepting traps of approved design shall be provided. 53. Accidents caused by the drainer to water, sewer, or gas. pipes must be at once reported to the Council, and immediate steps taken to have repairs effected, the cost of the same to be defrayed by such drainer, and any default m . this respect sliall be deemed as a breach of this By-law. 54. Hoarding licenses must be obtained from the Council, or suburban authorities before streets or lanes can be opened. • 55. Plumbers or drainers must execute any work they undertake with reasonable dispatch; any inconvenience to the public caused by drainers or plumbers m unnecessary delay m carrying out work will be rigorously dealt with by the Council. . 56. The Council does not permit its officers, workmen, oi agents to solicit or receive any fee or gratuity whatever, and desires to be informed of any infraction of this By-law, and also of any act of incivility or neglect of attention on ' the part of such officers, workmen, and agents, or any oi them. 57. Any plumber or drainer offending against any Bylaws or Regulations of the Council is liable to a fine nol exceeding Twenty Pounds, besides being responsible foi any damage or trespass occasioned by his transgression, together with having te show cause why his license shoulc , not be suspended or cancelled. 58. A list'df licensed drainers shall from time to tim< be published at the office of the *■"■. Council. Any licensee , drainer who shall refuse to give any needful or proper m , formation required by the Engineer, or at any time commil ;■ a breach of the By-laws and Regulations, either by himsel , or by those employed by him, shall be liable to a fine no exceeding Ten Pounds, and to show cause why his licensi . should not be suspended or cancelled. No person who ha ! been removed from the list shall, be re-admitted a license* . drainer until he shall have .paid such fine, not exceedinj 1 Ten Pounds, as the Council may determine. r 59. Before any license shall be granted by the Counci the person applying for the same shall satisfy the Counc r that he is a competent drainer. His competency must t j certified to by the Drainage Examination Council, as th result of a public examination. The first examination wi . be held early m 1908, on subjects to be advertised thre months previously. ; . 60. It- is requested that any stoppage m pipes or fitting f or any nuisance arising from traps, air-inlets, ventilatin| [ pipes, etc., be reported at once te a licensed drainer, m ord< [ } that steps may be taken to rectify same. , ; . 61. Candidates shall give notice to the Council withi s fourteen days of . the date fixed of their intention to pr sent themselves for examination. Such notice shall I y made on a printed form provided by the Council, and 1 i- accompanied by the. money payment to cover the cost i ,1 their examination. y In the case of plumbers this sum shall be not less th? y One Pound sterling, and j. In the case of drainers it shall be not less than T( Shillings sterling. , r 62. Not-withstanding anything to the contrary herei t all such clauses as refer to the qualification of plumbe 0 and drainers shall be held m abeyance until the expirath ie of six months from the date of the coming into force there< t 63. Notwithstanding anything. to the contrary herein, i ' licenses issued under this By-law shall at all times be su t ject to suspension or cancellation and forfeiture by tl ;e Council, acting on the joint recommendation of the Wor 3e Committee and the Drainage Engineer. % PAKT XIX. '.' ' ■■ IN RESPECT TO PORTERS.--:h 1. No person shall ply for hire within the Borough as porter unless such- person shall be the holder of a licen m from the Council. >r 2. Any person desirous of obtaining such license shi

' make application m writing to the Town Clerk, accompanied 1 by a certificate from two respectable persons Btating that he is of good character, and shall register his name and ' place of abode with the Town Clerk. [ 3. Upon receiving such particulars and fee as herein- ' after mentioned, the Town Clerk shall issue to such person ' a license, with a ribbon or badge marked with the words "Licensed Porter," and the number of the license thereon, and a printed copy of the table of rates. 4. Every person shall at all times whilst plying for hire wear and exhibit the said ribbon or badge either on his hat or left arm so that { the same may be conspicuously shown, and shall also at all the times aforesaid have m his ! possession his license and the table of rates hereinafter . mentioned, and shall show the same to any employer, police constable, or officer of the Corporation who shall demand the same. 5. For every such license there shall be paid to the Town Clerk the fee of five shillings, and such license shall be m [ force until the 30th day of June then next ensuing. 6. No person but the holder of such license shall use the same, or ply thereunder, or wear the ribbon or badge. 7. Any porter with whom any property whatever shall be left by any person, shall within eighteen hours next after the same shall have been so left, restore, such property m • the state m which the same shall have been received to the , owner thereof, or, if the owner cannot be traced, shall deposit such property m the Town Clerk's office; and when any such property shall be deposited as aforesaid, the officer receiving the same shall give an acknowledgment to the depositor, and make an entry and record thereof, and the property so deposited shall be returned to the person who shall prove ownership to the satisfaction of the Town Clerk. 8. No person plying for hire as a porter within the Borough if required by any person who, after sunrise or before sunset of any day. not being Sunday wishes to hire, or has hired such porter to do within the Borough any proper work as such ported, shall without reasonable excuse refuse o\\ neglect to do such work ; and no. person plying for hire as a porter within the Borough, shall demand or take for hire as a porter any greater sum than is herein provided, or shall use any abusive or insulting language to any person wishing to hire ( or who has hired such porter. 9. Every licensed porter engaged m the conveyance or transportation of any article or thing shall use ali reasonable expedition m so doing. 10. The Council may at any time, if it be prowd to their satisfaction that any porter licensed for the Borough has been convicted of any offence against this By-law, or m respect of any property entrusted to him. as such porter, suspend for a stated time, or on the like proof of a second such conviction, suspend for a stated time, or revoke,as may seem fit, the license of such porter; and no license while so sus- • pended, or when so revoked, shall be deemed to be of any force .or virtue hereunder, and the badge of any person whose license is so revoked shall be delivered up to the Town Clerk. •"""'•'/ The rates and fares to be paid to any licensed porter shall be as follows:- — • V 5.,.d. For any distance not exceeding half a mile— ,* For each quarter 6wt or fraction of same ... 0 6 Exceeding half a mile and not exceeding one V mile— r V '■■■''.*'* For eaoh quarter cwt. or fraction of same ... 1 0 Every additional half mile— Fqr each quarter cwt. or fraction of . same ... 0 3 For first and second half hour, per halt hour j 0 • For every subsequent half hour V. . ... 0 9 For a whole day of eight hours ... ... 10 0 PART XX. MOTORCARS. Whereas the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the ! Borough of Gisborne, "a local authority" within the meaning, of "The Motor Registration Act, 1905," is satisfied that •* the use of Motor Cars upon all roads m the Borough of Gisborne, and upon all bridges, would be attended with risk ofdanger to the public : — . 1. Before using any Motor Car upon any Borough roadror for crossing a bridge, the owner shall register such Motor Car at the Borough Council Office at Gisborne, and shall affix the registered number 6f such car m a conspicuous place upon the back of the car to the satisfaction of the Council. •..''■*; V . 2. No Motor Car shall be driven round any ang^le or corner of a street" on any. Borough road at a greater speed i than Five (5) miles per, hour on any portion of such road :J where the driver cannot-see-the whole roadway for dt least ; one hundred. (loo) yards ahead^of his car or where there are two oir more vehicles immediately preceding the cart witnin 100 yards of same, or where more than six persons are walking or standing immediately preceding the car on . the traffic portion of the road. 3. Every driver of a Motor Car meeting any vehicle or , horseman on any Borough road, if the driver of such vehicle i or such horseman so approaching shall hold up his hand, V shall at once bring his Motor Car to a full stop, to enable i such vehicle or horseman to pass the Motor Car. _. No driver of any-Motor Car shall attempt to cross any ■'. bridge upon any Borough rbaol when any vehicle or horseman is upon such bridge. 5. For the purpose of this By-law, the word "Owner":, L shall include as weli as the true owner the person for the . time being having the custody, control, and use of the Motor Car; and the word "Driver" shall mean the person having the actual control, conduct, and charge of any Motor Car i being upon any Borough Road. V*' .6. No* person shall leave a Motor Car m the street un- ■■ attended witli any part of the machinery m motion. \ 7. The "Owner" of any Motor Car who shall not observe the requirements of, or do anything prohibited by this By- . law, shall be liable. for every offence to a penalty hot exceeding the sum of Twenty (20) Pounds. ■ 8. The "Driver" of any Motor Car who shall not observe .the requirements Of this By-law shall be liable for every . offence to a penalty not exceeding the sum of Twenty (20) L Pounds. HEAVY TRAFFIC. 1. The following By-law shall be m force from the lSth 1 day of May to the 15th day of September m each and every ;. year:--*;.* r „* 2. During the months of May, June,. July, August, and > September m every year all heavy traffic (as definedby the r "Public Works Act, 1905") of any kind shall cease upon r any road decided upon by the Council. 3. Every person Who shall use such roacNluring the r aforesaid months for Heavy Traffic as above defined shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding the sum of £20 on every occasion oil which the same shall be so used. » ~ v f These By-laws shall come into force upon the Ist day of May, 1907. We hereby certify that the above By-law was made by I; Special Order of the Gisborne Borough Council, the Rer solution making the By-law being passed at a Special Meeting of the. Council held on the 12th day of March, 1907, and j duly confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the Council held on the 9th day of April, 1907. c In witness whereof the Common Seal of the Mayor,. 3 Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Gisborne has been affixed hereto, pursuant te a t resolution of the Council, m our presence. J (L.S.) JOHN TOWNLEY, Mayor. *'. R. D. B. ROBINSON, Town Clerk. .8 . V -'*'■-' ' d V ■ g 1, il >c _ te * 11 ;e s. ser m ebe be of V \n en m, TS on of. ill ibhe ks 1 R Printed and published by the Proprietor, Allan Ramsay Muir, ise at his Registered Printing Office, Gladstone Road, Gisborne, New Zealand, all TUESDAY, 30th MAY, 1907.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10959, 30 April 1907, Page 5 (Supplement)

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BOROUGH OF GISBORNE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10959, 30 April 1907, Page 5 (Supplement)

BOROUGH OF GISBORNE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10959, 30 April 1907, Page 5 (Supplement)