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! WANTED KNOWN. AT LANG'S.— Rubber Heels pub on free of charge to all buyers ol j Ladies' and Gents' Boots. Splendid lines jof Boots arriving every week. Repairing J at shortest notice, and cheapest in Gibborne. Try LANG'S, opposite Morrison Bios. 251 WANTED KNOWN. — Horaoownors, please note; F. H. Creamer, in thanking patrons for past favors, begs to annouuoo that ho lias re-commenced business as Farrier and General Smith in premises formerly occupied by him in Peel Street. In order to expeditiously cope with the requirements of patrons, an extra Forge has been erected, by which means all work entrusted "will be executed without delay. Only first-class, capable workman employed. Ring up 297. 258 WANTED— Everybody to know~that, on iiccount of proposed alterations to shop and to make room for new goods shortly to arrive (direct from Rome), the CLEARING SALE at FROMM'S BOOK ARCADE (late Crawford's) will be con tinued till APRIL 30th. All Fancy Goods, Toys, Box Stationery and Old Novels will be sold at Cost Prices and Under. No Reasonable Offers will be Refused. 171 WANTED KNOWN. — Aow is the time to plant Bulbs. Choice assortment of Daffodils, Anemones, Crocus, Hyacinths, Ixias, Spanish Iris, etc., etc. Splendid mixture of Daffodils at 5s per 100; 6s 6d poit free. Collections made up at 2s 6d, ss, 10b, 15s, 20s, post free. Descriptive catalogue on application. — H. C. Gibbons and Co., Seedsmen. Gladstone road, Gisborne. 53 WANTED— Girl to assist, Hoiusekeeper, Generals, Ladyhelps, Governess. Waiting engagement : Housemaid, Shepherd witli dogs, Teamster, Groom, Station Hands. — J. Peckover and Co. W" ANTED— A Woman, to clean offices.— Apply Bank of Australasia. WANTED — A Charwoman. — Apply to Miss Schumacher, in evening or morning. 396 WANTED, immediately — A young Lady, for the Office ; must be quick at figures. — Apply, by letter, to Aliller and Craig. 370 WANTED— Lalyhelp7"forsli "weeks ; all general housework ; must be good plain cook. Good wages to capable giri.-~"Country," Herald. . 359 WANTED — Young Man, with couple ' of dogs, for station work. — H. King, Papatu Station. 395 WANTED — Smart young Woman or • Man, to assist woman cook in* kitulien. Wages 20s. — Apply Gisborne Hotel. 405 WANTED — Two Men, to scoop ; good wages to suitable men. — Apply J. Murphv, \Vaipiro Bay. 369 YV trade.— AppTytcTJimn Win. Watte" and Sons, Plumber, Peel street. 362 WANTED — A Governess. Good salary. Special advantages. — Apply Mrs Chrisp (Clirisp and Son's Music Warehouse). 363 WANTED, by e7p~ericnced Manled Couple, without encumbrance — Situation on Station or Dairy. Reierenccs. Open one week.— Apply to 'M.J.,' Mafeking Boarding-house, Gisborne. 373 WANTED— ,St long, lighT "CaJi i7~ also • Pony and Harness to siidt same. — Apply, by letter, "T.F.W.," Herald. 410 WANTED, at once, by young lady — • Private Board and Residence. — Apply "Business," Herald Office. 403 WANTED— One or two Cows, near 1 calving. — Applv Fred. Martin, Wliataupoko. " 404 WANTED, for two or three- months, horn Ist July— A Furnished House of not less than seven rooms. — John Colenian. 388 WANTEDrio~ScIi~" LightTboublcseated Phaeton, Horse and ; trial given. — Apply to F. S. des Barges. f 344 WORK for 30 Bushmen ; also, for General and Housemaid. — Apply G. Smith's Registry. ' _99 BRAKE -will leavo Railway Stables on MONDAY night ior Onnond Dance. _ _ 91 DONT THIfOW AWAY big money on Treadle Sewing Machines, but call and inspect the "{Sterling," direct from New York manufacturers. Price, £6 cash. Terms arranged. — London Piano and Music House.— J. H. Gittos. I7IRESH OYSTERS at '"' GliiltoiTs. ! Telephone 531. , 368 171OR SALE — Several second-hand Rustic Carts and Gigs, in good order. — Apply Stevenson, Royal Carriage Works, next 'Royal Hotel. -. 411 FOR SALE — Good Hack and Buggy Horse ; also, Single-seated Buggy. — Apply G. McDonald, Jiushmere. * 386 JMclvJiJi'S is Hie Cheapest House in • Town for White Rose Kerosene, 160 degrees test. Two shipments just landed. _ _ 348 KING" OF "ALL" BdungHPowHer" is THE BEST. Try it; Is 6d lb tin, ilb tins 10d.— At J. McKee's. 347 T OST — Fox Terrier Pup, black and tan J_i head, white body. — Finder rewarded on returning to Harries' butchery. 413 LOST, at Makaraka, on Tuesday night, One black and tan Dog, with collar anu chain on neok, collar stamped "Waipipi.' — Reward on information to W. Bright, Te Karaka. , 632 T OvST, Monday, on Waikanae beach — JU' Set of False Teeth. — Reward on returning to_ Herald Office. 406 LOST, near Victoria Domain — Brown 1 and white Spaniel Pup. Finder re- i warded on returning to Mis A. B. Car- j niichael, Te Hapara. — Anyone detaining sjuiie will be prosecuted. 409 I OST — Small Sum Money. — Finder reiXl warded if left at Herald Office. jp K BUYS Gent's Bike (splendid~orO&lJ der) and aJI accessories. A bargain. Trial given; — Apply Herald Office. SEWING MACHINES. — Whcn~abo_i to purchase, don't fail to inspect the "Sterling" Treadle; simple, easy-running, and durable. Price, £6 cash. Terms arranged. — London Piano and Music House. —J. Jtl. Gittos. TO LET— Oi>o Front "RooniT^wilk ,fireplace, facing river ; also, Room, to suit gentleman (furnished, or unfurnished), five minutes' walk from hospital. — Apply Herald Office. • 397 ™ SHOPS to Let, Gladstone road, _L in Clayton's Buildings (one brick). — Apply Clayton Bros. ~ 345 i? Q A rik7\ WILL P-rchase Property' dWODUU and 1500 Sheep— Apply 1.L.A., Lowe street. _ 282 OUR SHOWROOM is worth a visit" Large and Well-Selected Stock, at Lowest Possible Prices. — Mark Way House. 4?1 OHO HOWNwUI "purchase a wIUUU first-class Daily Farm of 60 acres, handy to town. — Apply W. Lissant Clayton. , W~ ANTE_)"KNOWN. — Jiist opened for , the coming winter, Ladies' and Gents" Boots and Shoes (light and heavy), Goloshes, Felt Slippers, Bath Slippers, Evening Shoeo, iu choice variety. Prices all right.— J. D. Harries, near firebell. TVTEW SHIPMENTS of Ladies' and J. l Gents', also Children's^ Boots and Shoes. A splendid assortment of Felt Slippers in all sizes. Ladies' Evening Shoes and Gents' Court Shoes. Prices to suit everyone at Rosje'a Boot Store, Gladstone road. 70 ITLISH JACKETS 9 S lid, Ready-to-Avear Felts (newest shapes) 5s lid, Infants' Cashmere Dresses 4s lid Furs Is lid aud 2s lid.— Mark Way House. IF you want to build, £10 down will put you in possession of Section ten minutes' walk from town. — Lissant Clayton. FOR THE LADIES.— I have a splen- ' did selection of Ladies' Glace Boots and Shoe-? ; must be cleared. —At Andrew's. ILDISH, Saddler and Harness ■ Maker, Peel street, exchanges New Saddleiyand Harness for secoml-iiand. W~ANTKFILNOWN.~!r"a~LawteBs 1 Jias for sale— Sections from £50, on exceptionally ea6y terms, in town, Kaiti, aud etoewhere. , . WANTED KNOWN— fTTHE, Rest of all . Smokes— GOLDEN X EAGLE FLAKE CUT, in TWOOUNCB TINS, JUST OPENED — 20 do_eiT'"Handy tl Man" Denim Trourers (best in the market), 3s lid.— Eure and Ambridge, Economic C""! IVING away Boots, etc.— looo pains X must be cleared, to make room for goods arriving from manufacturers direct. —At AudrewV 969 NEW VILLA (five minutes' from bridge) for immediate Sale, on easy terms ; every convenience. Low price. — W. Lissant Clayton. DRESS TWEEDS.— A choice selection in New Autumn Designs, 8s lid the dress. Don't niiss llienu— Mark Way House. T\f"M. PETTIE $ CQ. are now opening :YY U P> e ?. direct London §tea,njers — Heavy Sni_>iqeats of. Qenera\ Drapery. WM. PETTIE & CO. ai© now opening ' up some special and exclusive designs in Dress Lengths (really choice goods). . . ' T\TJd. PETTIE & CO.' are now opening :VV up their New MUlinery — New Moaels, etc. — ajll specially selected. - TXTi4.~PETTIE> CO." are novr opening Y\ ' t*P their New Seaejon's Jackets, Mantels, and Costuoaes. . ' WANTED KNOWN— T7\OR. the conveu^eucp of Smokers J} GOLDEN EAGLK Tobacco, FLAKE CUT, is qqw nut. up ip TWO-OUNCE mi ' «VTEW ZEALAND Blankets 13s Ud, J»i Bush Rugs 6s lid, Kaiapoi and Roelyu Flaiuiels 10|d. The Cheapest House iu Town — Mark Way House. \7OU OAN GET IT CHEAPER AT JQ ADAIR BROS. | k ■ ■ L

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Poverty Bay Herald, 17 April 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, 17 April 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, 17 April 1906, Page 3