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IA CASKET OF ITntrtri "•_•' JEWELLERY * KJLIL! HA gold «TSH^fiw?ara LmM « In To any person sending name and address we will forward -rR-_R ._. t>..t».. Hi II qfour -ENAMEL TOOTH POWDER" and The Snnmbrt rfffiS I.*1 .* RU Dispose of these „ Packets among your^^ friend* .\The?2SlnTOeofteX JSmmL and to each purchaser of a packet give ono Coupon, which entitles tbiiri-&^n -______•_-_■-. to an Antiseptic Tooth Brush Frle. The continued ».. of hIgUWriJSS '•HLIW nduces the growth vol . Brilliant White Euampl Snrfsce «^IaaSS«SSS tHBT the gums hard and healthy, and Imparts a delicious fragraiice ™b» T&S HO WE DON'T ASK YOU TO TRUST Ug. WE TRU^TVOO, ' HB Return us the money obtained from the Sale of pur Tooth Powder and mk ■■ will at once forward you, FREE and Carriage ik^y^ArV^jmnmu H H SBlect from the Ist of handsome premiums which #a send ' wW th?Pa&#»V BBUm WRITKtoSday/ VKKITABLE CASKET OP JBWELLfiRY PIS H %jivP# "^l^^ -yPitt St., Bydney. mmmmaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaimriraaaamamammmmmaaammamwm "^ EXQUISITE SILVERWARE. • <• The few articles Illustrated are pretty m^^^S:M^^^i and serviceable. We have hundreds of Kt^P|^||RPSm| equally dainty, equally good, and equally 18111^ low-priced to show you If you call, or we 1 'W^ will send post fre» on request sketches )K|tf ! ':& and particulars of any goods In our line you may require. Our system of direct trading has told its own tale. Those who buy from l^mWmM^^^mi us find our wares reliable, our representations correct, and our prices much lower »l^^^m)P^B§^^^^^ than elsewhere. n^M^oT.. nt. . p T*^^ G1386. Silver Photo Frame, diameter _________________________________________ - ________^^ of glass jfin. 21/« G .. 14 5 Solid Silver- G4349. Silver-plated Pin Tray, cherub design, G..os«. Solid Silver S BoFtil 1 ( q l * SI, «. 4i ". x 3i 1:_, ly XK m n c Chlld '» Rat,le - u «""' Ring. -salts Bottle. 9/6 Same m solid Silver, 10 6 i4,'6 iF)6a. Massive Solid Silver Hair Brush. BS/« Other designs at 15 6, 18 6. 21/-, cp to 37 6 Gils. (-nt C.l.iss Perfume G35&2 .Silvir-mounn-u l.ute, conFn6y. Silver-plated Bottle, elegant silver taining "Common Prayer" and Candlestick, ijin. high. pierced numnis. 13/6 Hymn l.ocikh, ijin. x *Jin. £1/11-6^ fv.| v i. F , ■■ltlll.lllllll,lll,lllllllllfllt1llltllflllllt»tllt.tlMtlSIIII,lfllllll(IIIIIIIIIIIIM.IIItllllllllllVt,fflllll»«#MIIIIIMIII„f,ll„||1l, Orders by post have careful and prompt attention, and are sont Poet Free on receipt of remittance. Deal direct. We do not employ agents. Write to-day for our Illustrated Booklet. It Is sent free on application. nuimi.iiiHiiiitMiumnitiiiin<.iiiiH>inimii.Mi<itiiiniMi.iMUH.iM»....iii.»ii<f.iiiiii«»a.ut.,M.i.i l .i>i,t l ,iiiiiu( Stewart Jjawson <$ Co., 146, 148, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. 3 #-^<^N. rf I' ■■ I. .1 _. II M* II ■!_■ ■■I—l IW I IM.'_ ■ ■ Wl" ■ I I I fclW !■»__—— .. ■ m^^W.%^^^^ I amaaaamiaamaammmmmaaammmammmsaaamaammßammmamawa^smammitmmmmiMmu 1 _„»_.,._.,,„.___._.,■ J (tHTiS W^* *?!*& B_!l_* S___^" A Beamlfiil iO-ct. Cntd-cftaem) Rt-ttocliit, »• W^ b"^L\ I? 8 * «' So'lt* Gutd :<tioil «<nj^, iin>UH(iiKl>4r.iiie/V»o^e/ y^^O&v * *tt JDnnl isaßßl S//i. er W>. tc/i, Tfi t. simply m-i'd uh your Name _s-"^_?K_\k_ ft " ( * Ati'!r^H»i p atjily wrb-t en on 1 pu«i i.-'t "I, aud wo will »end you 20 Pnekaeea of our l/itbxoe/'i'd \ lutvt .'oilumo, In a l.ox, I *, FRRK ot all ext>cim. to you. You ih> >>»»\\ Ow \ < rlniiit* niiinnK \ our frielidn ana FY/ltftt^m&l&tyk. -neiitlibourt, at. (Id. per p -cket, aiil (1* hll »i<ld, ytm rund' v. the innitey you have milk Wl JQv'S**&~'A colltfit ed, and wp will semi you, ah. Pl' l.l'', (m \ur t.rouMe, ihe aboveKz/Jf-* I described WA TCH, or Ihe BHaGu.ef. an<l i.l.p *<lf*G. limb the Perfume E.'/__J T JAv^aPvl ftn '' „le • 1| 'en>" l ">» are BMit, absnHitply Free of all olmii_c'H. U lean entirely BillM 1 W V »£-li.l Aeiv Portunim and will xell en* ily, and eath cimtomer «bn buys anaoknve tfjlD I iL/JES'I receives a priz* l.irkrt wh'ch cnlllles tbotn to a finxfUtiful. a^oocf»» M«o*I IlKk-A H i^H 3HI M,te ". v Vree ' «-'»r object m inakitnr tiiin liuirviHoin. offi-r, and (rivlnx aueh , L-ii|*»» T jiiil. f3u unusual- fine premiums, ts lo (.-i-t our vf ry superior l'eifume Into the hands' of r-'lßd /% iJ ft".*.! 2*9Jl ••''eput'l'cimnHdiiitely.aa we nrr sMi'tied tlmt i-xeryone will be so well pleased I MiWiA&iim 3ra *' tl ' " , ' l " t " ,, '. v will t'ladly reaftti-ihei-d it to iheirfrii'iirln. We have hundreds ' vAvi jMlif(-_w/' of unenlicltid te-tiumtiialH. You idmpl.v send your Name and Address plainly WvmtSwl&B'SzSl written on spoMi-ard.nnd we will setldthe Perfume. Nouiotievrcpilred. We take IJWfflcSf/ *" ri>1 '' Goot - 8 returnable 11 not sold. Ueniember, we pay all shipping txpen&es. Sffifllmslf "VIOLKT PERFUME C 0.," • N-4©^?^ Dep. tt P.TT STftEFT, SYBMeV, N.S.W. ■— — m— .l— mini j 111 E ii 111 11 ' ill\mmamaammmammaimmm>maMmmaammmaamam ■ 1 ..,.—,. 1 1 ..,.,.',. „„,. . .___4-C > . ".*', i'l, "* "*"' ' li '***■■ TT 1 " ''*'^TT'*'*''' , .' w 'T*^' ,, *'**iW''**>WWW|

piSBORNE TJACING pLUB. SUMMER MEETING. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, February Bth and 9th, 1906. To be held on the Club's Course, Te Hapara. President : The Hon. Jas. Carroll. Vice-. President: Mr D. Hapburn. - Hon. Treasurer : Mr G. Matthewson. Stewards : Messrs J. Sisterson, C. White, C. J. Parker, W. Gault, R. Harper, G. R. Wyilie, H. M. Porter, T.. McConnell, J. A. Harding, F. A. Martin, J. H. Martin, G. Oman, D. Hepburn, G. MatthewßonV D. J. Barry, and Capt. Tucker. Judge : Capt.. Tucker. Starter: Mr C. O'Connor. Handicapper : Mr J. Chadwick. Clerk of i Scales: Mr J, E, Whitby, ClerK of! Course: Mr A. Pritchard. Totalis wor , Steward : . Mr W. Oi Skeet. Hon. Surgeon: Dr Chas. F. Scott. J PROGRAMME. * (Approved by the Hawke's Bay .-'.> key Club.) FIRST DA '.. 1. FRYING HANDICAP, of tO .ovs; second horse to receive 5 soys from stakes. Nomination, 15s; acceptance, 20s. 6 furlongs. 2. MAIDEN SCURRY, of 30 soys; .second .horse, to receive 5 soys from stakes. For horses that have never won a race of any description. 'Weight Bst. Entry, 20s, to close Tuesday, January 30th, 9 p.m. A-mile. 3. FIRST HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 50 so vs ;. second horse to receive 5 soys from stakes. Nomination, 15s; acceptance, 20s. li miles. 4. FIRST HACK FLAT HANDICAP, of 30 soys; second horse to receve 5 soys from* stakes. Entrance, 20s, to close Tuesday, January 30th, 9 p.m. 6 furlongs. ... < 5. SOMMER HANDICAP, of 100 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from stakes. Winner of any flat race of 50 soys m value after the* declaration of weights to carry 51b penalty. Nomi- ■ nation, 20s; acceptance, 40s. li miles. 6. FIRST COUNT? STAKES HANDICAP, of 45 sovs; 'second horse to receive 5 soys from the stakes. For horses bred m the Counties Of Cook, Waiapu, and Wairoa. Nomination, 15s; acceptance, 15s. 7 furlongs. 7. FIRST WELTER HANDICAP, of 30 soys; second horse to receive 5 soys from stakes. Minimum weight, Bst. Entrance, 20s, to close Tuesday, January 30th, at 9 p.m. 1 mile. 8. PARK STAKES HANDICAP, of 50 soys; second horse to receive 5 boys from stakes. Winner of Summer Handicap to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 15s; acceptance,. 20s. 7 furlongs. SECOND DAY. ".-...■ 1. SECOND COUInTY STAKES HANDICAP, of 45 soys; second horse to receives soys from stakeß.' For horses bred m the Counties of Cook, Waiapu, and Wairoa. Nomination, 15s; acceptance, 15s. 1 mile. 2. MAIDEN SCURRY HANDICAP, of 30 soys ; second horse to receive 5 soys from stake. For all horseß that have never won a race of any description. Winner of Maiden Scurry First Day entrance fee returned. Entry, 20s, to close Tuesday, January 30th, at 9 p.m. 5 furlongs. 3. . SECON D HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 60 soys ; second. horse to receive. 10 soys from stake. Nomination, 20s ; , acceptance, . 20s. If miles. 4- ELECTRIC HANDICAP, pf 50 soys; second horse to receive -5 soys from stakes. Nomination, 15s ; acceptance, . 20s , 5 furlongs. 5. SECOND HACK FLAT HANDICAP, -of 30 soys ; second horse to receive 5 soys from stakes. Entrance, 20s, to close Tuesday, January. 30th, 9 p.m. 7 furlongs. 6. GRANDSTAND HANDICAP, of 80 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from stakes. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 30s. 1 mile and a distance. 7.. SECOND VVELTER HANDICAP, of ,30 soys; second horse to receive 5 soys from stakes. _ Minimum weight, Bet. Entrance, 2Qs, to close Tuesday, Januaiy 30th, at 9 p.m. 7 furlongs. 8. FINAL HANDICAP, of 40 toys ; second, horse to receive 6 soys from the stakes. Entrance, 20s, to close Tuosday, January 30th, at 9 p.m. Seven furlongs. Acceptances—First Day, also Entries for minor events (both days) Tuesday. January *3oth; at 9 p.m. . , Wejehts for-First Hack and First Welter, Thursday, Ist- Febfiiiry. ■ '" For full programme, see posters. Stakes Paid m Full. M. G. NASMITH, ' Secretary. Dr> Pentecost, a Presbyterian Minister .of New York, tells, as aft infltance of commendable optimism, the story of au American soldier m Cuba who wab found . m a dying condition, beiug shot through ih^lungs.. In feeble tones he ask^d the comrade who found him to feel ih his pocket. There a New T«-tame__,t\was lying. At the injured man's request, \liie friend opened the bbtflc^and found .iinsido a five-dollar bill. "Ah. vOu- Wo»t .'We lo send this home for yoVi,'' he ooinmglited', m pitying tones. The wouuded^nian shook his head, andjtfeebly whispei"!^: "No: but I'll just bet you 'tliat five dol r lars 1 get better.' ' ■' .-•■■-

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10574, 27 January 1906, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10574, 27 January 1906, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10574, 27 January 1906, Page 2 (Supplement)