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NOTICE. SIRE 0F TflE SEASON T\ AM'T "W- GUtHO-O «SB CO., SLbTD. _* T° s sEtS, THIS 17 WI 1 I TTAVE pleasura in intimating that, in addition to their former record of over Fifty S? H£ph MAKARAKA, -*- 1 ' ■»- ' -*■ .Ll Medals and Oartifioates, they were aßiiin awarded at the JUBILEE EXHIBI- I rfg-\l The Great «on of TION a GOLD M BDAL for their GKOUND COFFKES and PEPPKRs, alao a SPKCIAL Nordenfeldt, ITTnn T|T| GOLD MEDAL for " Excellence of Exhibit." They wiah specially to draw the utten--IVI Ihn LX tion of Coffee-drinkers to tho excellence of their "CLUB" BRAND, which not only CRACKSHOT J.IXJ.WW -a- • i la g tho largeßC sale in Now Zealand, but is the best value to tlm conaumar, it being net „„ Wnr ,i nn(n ,,, f , hn „,, a I t V ', A .■; weight and of unrivalled quality. Ask your Grocer for " CLUB " CuFFEE, and refuse worowcrc "™ by Ooltoi Kiuf of &S» Dl te imitations. Towton out of Crescent, by Sir Hercules: ' " EAGLE " BRZND STARCH. Nokdbsfmdi (tho sire o( Crnokshot) was a nil ■ot i v • j i cj „,,,,.,. , , , racohorso, hia porformnnccs bein({ oo follows :— Won Ibis Starch has enjoyed tho confidence nf the Public during the last ten years, and (he Hawkcsbury Produco Stakes, won the A.J.U. is well known all over New ZeuUnd as the first made in the Colony, and ia still the Derby, Craven Plato, Spring Maiden Plate, Jlanil' FION'T T OSR nPTME boBt ' Q"* l '^ perfectly pure, and caunot be excelled by any maker in the World. It S^^J? "fe w ;'' B -- ) ' T' 5i' c ?« b y(V- K O; JJUIM l^bto l IMJi commanded tho'covenfmentßonu, of £400. K^L'S^^tfSSSk Amongst other numerous testimonials, Messrs Archibald Clark At Sons, makers of Cup, in tho fast timo of 3min 29} ne c; ho alao ran the popular " Zca!»ndi& " Shirt, suv :— " Your JiAGLE STARCH is now used in our Bo J°" a l ? Trenton in tho Canterbury Plato one and | « ««"N« to LftUDd y withthobcßt possible results, and we can confidently state it i, a First-claw fetarch and suitable for all Laundry purposes." nick-named tho "Bull-dog," ilrFennolly (trainer to _^ _^ tho lato Hon. J. Whito) pronounced Nordentcldt tho HENEY LEWIS w. grkgg & 00 , ltd. (established 1861). SS^.{irJ!!Jh.!;:SMVX g^^S; COFFEE, PEPPER, vSPIOE AND STARCH MANUFACTURERS, Imnovot a distance, Hr Fonnolly conaldorcd that RATTKAY ST. & PELICHET BAY, DUNEDIN. there was nothing to cope with At n T» Tl i m ~ _-_=_____— _—^— ' .. the broak!njr.up of Sylvia Park Stud, Nordcnfoldt (j Ji Xj A T '"" "' " "'- -' ' "** realised the largo Bum of 5600 guineus. PUNOAWKRKWims, tho dam of Crackßhot, was a SH/T C* T 17^ T) AT /~\ AT if'K'^tT'^ winnln e> amon ? other races, tho VI I J V) X, \ ( I \ Maiden Plato (Canterbury) and Wesmm's HanR, XTJL JU JUi X-\> -i-1 \_/ -Ll dlcap, the Dunedin Cup of 400 soys (2 miles and a I— |\/| I 1 \/ A I distance), and tho St. Leger Stakes at Cautorbury. L_ I VI V> V M L. ruiyawerowero is very atoutly-brcd, being got by Golden Giapo out of Atlanta. Goliion Grape, by JUfST OPENED UP THE LATEST ««»'too™ brntber tyolti K our, whoso doacenaonto, Gklopln and St. Simon, aro two of the most SALE NOVELTIES ?^£«Z^iS2%Sl£. UnU ' Id Bangles, Brooches, Rings, Links, Chains, "lu<*y M O^W^W^h^^W . „. . „ Art Charms, etc. SS^»£ft%2W,££ For Time is Money, and there WATnHES -W^TCJ^ES »^« «SI«A Strf; . . VV -ty. J_ V^/JnL-ClJtO VV _tiu J_ V_>JCZ3 — CJNJ tl.o Victoria Haodicap, l mil 0 and a distant, in tho is Money in Time spent AT REDUOE D ewoes. -*- «!M!Ci ffJ^ASS JSK .... _ i. e1» By the Leadillß Makers of the World, in Gold, Silver and Nickel Cases, to suit dior, who won as a two-year-old the Mares Produco at thlS Great Sale. all buyers. No Watch sold unless good of its kind and J. h ," fjf >°? sta f eB . J- mi 'c. beating such a J . , , til "S cr All troll CU3Q nnd uttiofa : won the Rllßrwiifi Uioroughly reliable. H?to at tho A.k.c autumn m 6C Un ?l beaKve „ „_, „-.., «i.i i . ,™n ., 9 "''- 0 »"■ dam of iSUainos (winner Large st )ck of Small Silver Articles and electro plate. x^r^^TS^-rsrisss -REMEMBER- —A FRESH LOT OPENING UP— &> CLOCKS, CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, Etc., at Right Prices TnS^^V^^SLZ£& _„.,,_,_„, I>* 1 "S covored lv liuin Siaec, beating Onward, ToreTlllS IS tlie LaSl WeeK. ■ »dor,andCallumilohr. liithoVictoriauDorbyho 1 DESIGNS submitted for making up any article of Jewellery. Work done by $ MJSi^il^^M capable men, under personal supervision. Large stock unset Diamonds, Opals, etc. ho»d alter a hir-i struggle, Auraria being third. , . , t -ii i i i . i n t ii Howa9 - ftlk r P laccdin «ovo»l other eventa. Het O, Holding extensive stocks, I will be pleased to show Customers — on short »on, btigadior, is goinn to mako a name for htaisoif notice-large selection of SPECIAL COODS. XXX^X^T^ SM WE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY FOR " iS^M.^'irdVa^S S-»V IT*r~ NT- i . I »i ■ > "N. 1 "!" /— *\ "VT chase, and ran Becona to Kortou i,, tho Grand OUR IMMENSE STOCK, GISBORNE. rj^Ktrtt^"^ race9 ' and Last, but not Jcaet, is Ckacksuot himsolf— a r^aiiv AKD AT EMERSON STREET, NAPIER. nm-c1..»» racehorse while ou thoturt. The to?. AND towjug aro Bomo ot his penormances :— Won the „ i „,... , „. b ' )n l 1 B Handicap, Htnvko'n Bay, 1 J miles, 2iuiu SOaec ■m-i ...... -^."" beating Btro,.hou, Ptarl towdor.Ujniaca.BouUnL'er, Inmf niTP vnn t»"l Katinka ; won by a length tasy. Won CauterLOUIV UUi J'UK iiinijju.LSLi<iuia»^».^jiJaMiaJKiaa'-w!ii.-B^ L - « ■«-V-'^WJf^iiiJ"^ J r^'l^ ** Cu Pj miles i miinjjseo, boating auchhoraea Startling Bargains. |"IT|| J I9yj|| | f llSfSii^^ _____ SHt«B3^&j __ "' !S^-SS«BStßa_3ia»_^Baa«!^ ho would liavo easily score'd'tho'reco'ra!' 1 Won" the 3 FLUBn* H POWDER i Auckland t «»te, 1J miles, in 2m;n 47J sec, again S B-LUIU. | rW " WKhr | Mcdalliou aud Hilda Bomewhat easily. Won ■t ..aSBaSBtSSgw . »: H Birthday Handicap and J.O. Hatidioaj) at Ueathcoto. "nOORS OPEN at HALF-PAST NINE | t >#=^. 1 | tC^^^^^^ i (J.rfUA.M.) g HI BiP'S'B fi»l t! Pl?Bl!rS l S^f i * ; -o» f ' l ' mil?i nil?' i \> B^ta I'o'sea, carrying heavy weights. Crack'i ISJITS Rtw' ?• I^SIISotT"" ° .« ■ f shot never raced In hack couMmny, but was nomi--3 Kf^a lli^^Ml ?! J;J.^SmS P° ,o-''» ""Md'orthoatoeplechanemeiitiuirattheOUbome i :.|l n, T rNTii! : ;•) l^i^avSl fV t"'^o'« f| 1 ' 1 " :|1 . 1 ln the Winter Oau, oud he received the g 'MN.PoJscfioJi'V t- /,i<<W^i^ ►-' V s »'-i « Btoadlorof Hat 71b, lioin.aikcd to give King CanS °'"°'Kii i : Ct< ,'^lS' K "'baiaudotUenSstllb. Cmckjliot i 9» bewtUul 9 »Sb US?''?* f j^WfiV'/v^ I -.> '''."""'"'' Wi S looking horse, Btands 16 hauds 2 Inchos, with good Do your Shopping Early and | |l|l|iii f ||}B^*Jl a^ia-irsrSA I !^^ " $ #1 MX * il'Hv «' *»@lMlmH ''j'C'ldfffi- k '' ■""»' P'ovo to tlic most fastidious breeders that A vmd thp Cl dSh i A'Sft LMi xeS 'jJffiS** f : ' '^4S3*a 1 Cdf®'-' «S luat '" K ""■'" moria with such atcaius of blw blood, AVOIU me Ul ÜbU a r " "^ ""J^^f & 7 i " niUaD end in « OOJ results - Crackshot is as well ■3asfr lss;ss^jjls2F rr U ■ c !<v2i - c<a>'' adapttd to got cioes-country horaca aa his halft BBIB *" H I brother lirigadicr, and thoso breeders wishinit to *-r^.«- n «r t«i«tt«i {Basg»aßtWisaiß^iWW"^ ll feiP'Sigaij^^ better than uiato them with Ctackahot. Ho posHENRY LEWIS W\ j||*B||y|ra|JJ f^»l9 j . rcl JA^lllffll 3 lm_liUl^ aud^ f graUd con * titutio " al:0 bea "«ful temper. i9^K<fe> n *T» nl rm l. flPfilpffil^M)^^ awaidod firet Fiize iand the Society/niedVfonho BKKb ixTCllt ilGlllOYflJ. OcllC» W)stthoroughbreuairea-tholßl)3A.andP. Society's **** —AND— Show, beauiiK Uukatere, Kalo, Mauri and others. lv 180 i, was awarded First rrizo and Society 1 modal, CHRISTOHUHC ff, NEW ZE ALAND. _rS£i» SSTS-lIS "f& ienZ ___________ Uithouor, Hubatere, and Driguucl. ~~~ . _ The followins is the rolativu measuroinents of :— _^ -^ AGENTS: Muskbt, height JU taanda 2i iache.i, K irch tifect 1 Charles Begg and Co. COMM()Ni SUE LTON & CO, GISBORNiS. E_»_s&_-__£_-** CKitKSiioi, height 10 bauds 2 mcm b, girth 0 feet CLAIM THE ________________________«_—_—__. i^hea^nuMiiuchM, below knee SJ inches, above »uh_ii i.i iiinMiuM-iu— i« i'"" ' ' ' '■" ~— —*""—— **~*^^^^^ knto 13 inches, hiud uiunon I)J incues, gassin ''» T innCDT OATT? iudlo8 > thigh *. z moh8!! ' len =' th aj inch «- --bAKu-J&Ol SALJi fnnL- rnilllfV PlllinhlilP Uaubink, height ■ io hand) lj incho,, girth 5 feet LiOUll LUulllj lIIUHWIUg, arm 17 inches, below kneo !i inches. "Wni'lf c Crackshot's sorvicea thia season will bo placed aa IN 1 1 vi jvo» low aa possible f or a „[n o j hiß „I,^ be £ jaa wi |j bo Skvbk uhikkas single niaro, Twklvb Uuinkas HaW ERAr.AND T C1 ATT AAT two m " rt '"a Dd Fl ™W Guineas three marcs, beMW Aoa.UaMU. 1 « ALLAJN. longing to some owner, which sum must bo paid tj » kji .-.». beiore the dcriveryot mares will be given. Every ___ — care will bo taken ol niaros, but no responsibility FACTORY MILK CANS of Beet R"n Q"H Til \T ™^7"°' U "" mJm DotlC6 chrisp & son. * % a SSS eI NS. t0 v H H, b v ft JN Fo '—— ;^ R t NGTON> CHRISP & SON. taiTes. PIANO CO.'S 1 J toakarak Plain and Corrupted Iron. S^-^SS T° S *f ND THIS Leave your Orders in lime, in order to r^R J^^J} 'wHg&A COME AND INSPECT «efc the benefit of Rain before 110 l Weather V* .JHLlJifiTheThoronghbteaSuHioii ge<stni J CLEARING OUH LAKCE STOCK OF X> U VV O 11 U i GASFITTINGS, ft ALE (Maxim-Rmhdow). PIANOS 01 ,, W UDRI . iD ' B'-TtSlly SnSr;oWSd b o',^ieSt J- stock. BURNERS of all kindß; also, temper, and a sure foal-getter. His stock have AND GLOBES and GLASSWARE. turned out to bo big-boned promising .youngsters. liovtshot is closely related to Bloodshot, now doing /\T>(^i A XTQ DT A TVT n Q 1 stud duty in Australia, ami admittedly one of thu I lXfcVXii.iMO PUMPS rJLiiINV-'Ol boat Btallions serving in tho cdouics. 01 MiMM V-/ (Musket— Kcolls.ition; it is almost neeJlosslo write. Hydraulic Rams, Iron Pipes (Black ana n -n p A U Q I Bainbow, tho dam of Bowshot, is by cadogan (imp.) ALL OF THE BEST MAKERS, Galvanised), all sizes, U H W A 1^ O ! outo f iris (Bkodshot'a dam), iris was b, Traducsr (Imp.) out of Wai-iti by Towton— Waiuica (by air „.,„.-, v AND ALL NECESSARY HTTIKGS. 11V Hercules). Cadogan, tho Biro of Rainbow, was a riANftLii, "* bay horse, bred iD England in 1876, by Ctemorne Brinsmead and Son roRRUGATED IRON ALL LEADING MANUFACTURERS g^tSSS bh^Z\ e l^t\X^ n«n n »J o«^l n~n*Y,A u«a > „ „,n nr. Simoon-Caesandra by Prinm-Zillali by WHskor— Oollard and Collard Best Quality, OF THE WORLD. Elizabotb. Those who follow the Bruco Low Pull and WmlH system will discover that Bowshot is a No. 4 in rUll ana meld AI LOWEST BATES. figure-breeding. Sandon and Steadman f" 1 - 08 for eervlco : Guarantees, m 6s ; Eioglo __ cnjfimTMfi TIOWNPTP'R mares, £1 103. For further particulars auply io— Mornington and Weston SFOU I™'™^ d ' wm adams t0..,,. c RIDGING, Eto. PIANOS! V\M. AIJAMB William Somes _. _ .. o . , n[kl .. (In charge). ■ tttoM^,., These I can supply iq Bft and Oft lengths, TTMT7 PAVMIfNTQ : Waldemar and better quality than usual, AT USUAL llMii JfAXMbiNlb Walman PRICE. FROSI TIME j IME G. H. Schwechten Maktr of Allans .„„.„_„ jT Richard Lipp and Son Patent Iteia-water Filter. 20 Muaiab3£i AND /^^%, AND T. H. Qerhardt #staulniH*» American Organs- AM WorfcGnaranteed. THE K^3 . THE Storoy and Clark Only One Quality-" THE BEST." ORGANS ! T>Twn \MSW PtWP Kimball and Co. J*A«\Ju xviwu 1 . I'mcß Lais aenl to auy address Post J' S. AiiLiN, TIME PAYMENTS TF YOU WANT to have the Correct Free. Oppotite Arch. Clark and Son's, J- lime, teyone of H. R Smith s ,„ n „ Lowe Street, Giaborne. KaLl A BiiJi WAJ.OJIJIW. , 'leb.msofPukciias.eLaj,v. v™u ™ oco> MONTHLY. SolidNickelCases22B6d,Ster]ingSilver3os Agent for Charles Begg and Co., i ' ' ildlea 1 silver HunUi^vvat a ches e ftom m hi Dunedin. TnHnMvjnM AND P!O — rings. lilLflVlOUril J\LMJ \j\J., Gents' Plain Band, 9 carat, from ... 15s CHRISP AND SON, OfDuhedw, Ladies' Plain Band, i leant .from 15s v - / kJ ) J. Ji & Engagement Rings from 15s to £12 12a MUSICAL WAREHOUSE, Aro tho holders of (A great vwiety to ohoosc lrom) G.SBORM, "NINE SPECIAL GOLD MEDALS- DBESDEN PIANO CO., bedding •»* " Tklfphove No 33 For th ° o . elle , Doe o{ their Wellington. New shipment of Gold and Silver Brooches, ' ' i<q Hlgh-ClftßS Bangles, Trinkets, etc. __ 5i2 QODA-WATBB, MINERAL WATERS mmri , o H. R. SMITH, mriT/^Trn tut mTTTi Jo AND CORDIALS. M. J. BROORtS, 549 Watchmaker and Jeweller, Gisborne. T±tICJv!S JuN THE — Maua e cr - TEA TRADE. 0^ g. w. hknderson • Akt"T i ;--f ♦ H.B-F-U stock on hand. Representative. MORRISON BROTHERS, A New Zealander s Oomplamt to vwHwr * », nr»m™OTßi«n the Ceylon Tea Growers' BtaNi-lT & bUJiKKAii, _asd atDcnedi.v. oladjtonb koad, Aesociation 260 Agentß pAINTERS AND DECORATOR?, ' JL Paporhaagere, Signwritera and IMITATION ia the sincerest form of „. t, murrtinmTl t l «n .^"m 8 ',.,, L • flattery, and when the copyist embarks C. A. rAWOliiil, Importers of Paints, Oils & Paperhangmga. in his nefarious business he invariably TA IT OS WE UATB IN SIOCK AND FOR SALE — soleots some article with an established iAii " ft i PAPKRHANGINGS (new patterns, at all reputation to simulate, The genuine Gi&buum;. prices), Scrims, Tapes and Tacks, article suffers in two ways: It loses busi- __ GLASS— PIain Sheet, Enamelled, Rough ness by the substitution of the fraud, and , ..„ „..,,„ ■ — ~" aud Diamond Plate, Btained all colors, loses character by its inferiority. A\UR stock of bUMMJiK bUUUb w _ . -joTTip-pW cut to any size. The Tea Planters' Association of Ceylon \J has arrived, and consists of H, U.") WHITE LEAD, Red Lead, White Zinc, has had its attencion drawn to what is shipments winch are most ; fashionable p-. c i,:. ft l «--* -j.^ o\, QQ Tffiaker. Hematite, Oxide of Iron, going on in this colony. The following ex- in Style and Co or .and have been *TaCTilCft4 eOQ6 HH «««« «-«*«.» MIXBJ) pAINTg (M shades) ._ IJb tiM tract from a letter discussed by the Asso- bought in the World s best market, TIEGS to announce that he lias recom- or mixe(} tQ ofdel J ciation from a gentleman in the South The whole will be offored at the Louies* J> menced business in Gisborne, in the OILS- We keep Raw, Boiled, Uolza, Castor Island of New Zealand indicates what is Possible Price, to effect an early shop lately occupied by JH. 11U1, O-lad- au d Neatsfoot, Turpentine, Benzino and going on in this colony. The letter appears clearance. stone road (opposite Stafford Jirolncrs ). Methylated Spirits in drum, gallon, or in the Overland Ceylon Observer of 16th j n ol . ( i er to keep pace with the - bottle. June. 1898:- „„.,, times, our Fashioivible Suitings are Rbp-im Executed with .Despatou EN AM ELS-Best brands and colors. "In tho first place much Tea is sold in all imported in Single Suit Lengths, Cemem Patohi>G A brtCIALHi. STAINSi in Varmah, Pulp, or Powder. New Zealand under the name of Ceylon wn _. . „.,, c.rr^ , m VARNISHES-AII kinds, whicli is nothing more than 'BLENDS N0 TUO ALIKJi. BOO TS AND feHOLS Made to Order. CARRIAGE PAINTS in Powder orMixed. OF LOW CLASS GRADES WITH A Comfortable and Perfect Fit Reds. Greens, Blues, Browns, Yellows, SiH^ 1 J" 1 AN1 i i°. TH u R 0R Auy attempt on our part to boaat of Guaranteed. and Blacks. rheseare packed locally and om . .fo. Tailore [ s unuallcd f Q m Patent Fillin fi . Up Powdor, Lump and SOLD AS CMLON. A3 our cvc J r . inor ea 3 i n g business speaks Ground Pumice, Tranefera, Goldleaf, &c. I have been able to trace one in- f u]f A ll we need to say is that Free Estimates Given stince in winch locally-packed Teas, made 'ff . :,■ h fft , i U3 lO I • c " ta i ' siJj!lA ™ « lv *» up in lead packets, have been labelled , y ,« i,w" p y YOU CAN GET IT ANYWHERE And all work undertaken at Reasonabla 1 Ceylon,' and the labels bear the imprint S " e OUI ljllelltb Rates. of 'C. B. Hall, IViuter, Colombo.' Ou A First-class Article at the enquiry I am assured that no such priuter Lowest Possible Price. EAST'S MORRISON BROTHERS. exists, hence the label is NOTHING „ cnTiTtrtfuw i-mnoq >' LESS THAN AFORGERY for the pur- ■ PA w^i ? Trn w SOUTHERN CROSS . pose of giving the only available guarantee A. ifAWOJili, J.AILOR, "DA'KTNfi- "POWDER <^^M*i<M*M*«c*344*M*c* of a genuine Ceylon packed packet, viz,, Gisborne. jjxxiiin v j- vy t t *j 1J " 1 • . ___________ THE PRINTER'S NAME." 759 i \ CtampsW Cnnp \\ Cuts, \ The best safeguard for the public is to ALL THE COOKS deolare in favor o \ Collc '\\ CongisAV h^iis \ rigorously demand to be supplied with a EAST'S above all others for making \com s W^ 01 *. \\ nruisis \ Tea that is above suspicion. SURATURA WARRANT ISSUED FOR ARREST Cakes, Scones, Putty, etc., beauti I**"* \\ gcao.\\ Bfu^ 5 -\ TEA has no rival m this respect. No one . „,,*(„,. fully light. « Su ,. Snfe Otllck C[ira for tnesa hifivptliiul thp Imrtlihoor! toattemnt, trirka against several stores in England for J B a faure, Hafe, quick i,ura xor ineso on ft « its aceuts are too & loub of Us celling Australian butter containing ex- P.T.N.- When next ordering from your troubles is high reputation to U g ": a chSe L imi °™ quantities of boracio acid Do Grocer, pitas* yecif y EASTS and avoid • . taton, ami the imitators know this and «t run this risk but use "Tip Top" disappointments. h&A kM.lf I iftU arc wise in their generation. Butter Powder as used largely by the -T O|RJ\ 1 1 Btf V Therefore SURATURA TEA may be New Zealand Dairy Farmers Union — W •»U^*J'J*'^ m purchased with confidence. 616 and other large dairy factories with the T T^ f7TTP nmjfA (pebbi davis.; — —. SSSJ/JJ. rU LIJjJS. W. &O. TURNBUUL <fc CO., Ask tor _-» a- fll a_. "_■ tlons - Sold m 121 b bojes at lOd per lbanc ■*--»• _„ -, , wholesale agents, <-» .%tJiR_AM Tr ft U2ft kegs at Odpevlb. Send for samplM The Purest Wellington QB_\l V* **^ * IP A to • »le agents, E. H. Crease & S«m, Ltd. ?acke d ; n lead, with inside liniug of Wellington. P^G^ejK&QljJlJ^fj TVeltogton. vegetable parchment. .*^<^*^iJ*ii^***H*i«_oHiM's

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8330, 1 October 1898, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8330, 1 October 1898, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8330, 1 October 1898, Page 4