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The Building Society closes its eighteenth financial year this evening. Miss Drummond notifies that the new quarter at her school at Kelvin Rise commences on Wednesday, July lst. Readers arc reminded that income tax returns must be sent in to the department by the lst of July (VVednesday). The female Foresters (Court Townley) hold their half-yearly meeting to-morrow evening, when the election of officers and other business will be taken. We are requested to remind those interested that the time for the renewal of cart and lodging house licenses expires to-morrow. Tho monthly meeting of the Cook County Hospital and Charitable Aid Board will be held in the County Council office to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Common, Shelton and Co. hold thoir monthly sale of livo stock, etc,, at Waerenga-a-hika on VVednesday. Full particulars are now announced in tlieir advertising column. Mr L. T. Symes, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Australasia, left by the Tasmania on Saturday for a three weeks' holiday. Mr Burton, from Auckland, is acting manager here during Mr Symes' absence. The Ministers Association of Invercargill has issued a vote of warning to parents at the juvenile immorality rampant iv the town. The same cry is being heard in mauy towns in the colouy, aud it behoves parents to exercise greater vigilance over their children. The Labor Journal of June 23rd reports : Gisborne. —Building trades : A few tradesmen idle. Retail trade: rather quiet. Unskilled labor: several bush contracts have been let, but, owing to the stopping for the winter of road works, a number of men are now idle, Mr G. J. A. Johnstone, assistant clerk of Court, who for the past 16 weeks has been laid up with a severo attack of typhoid fever, resumed his duties at the Courthouse this morning. At the Police Court this morning before Mr Booth, S.M., Harry Sinclair, against whom three convictions have been recorded within the last six months, was fined £5, in default 14 days imprisonment, for drunkenness on Saturday. With the view of pushing the Bale of the well knowu Stephens' inks, Mr Thomas Adams, the local agent, is distributing samples. It is interesting to note that the origiual bluo black writing and copying fluids were invented by Henry Stevens in 1834, and have stood the test of time, being to-day by far tho most popular and reliable inks in the world. On Saturday Mr Boylan, accompanied by Mr Townley and Mr Wilkinson (inspector of works), inspected the Waimata river opposite Holden Brothers' property, and afterwards went up to Caulton's fall on the same river, taking observations with a view to providing a water supply for Gisborno. ahe party had a very uncomfortable trip, owing to the bush through which thoy had to travel beiug very wet from the recent raius. To-day Mr Buylan and Mr Wilkinson re-visited the Waihiriri creek, to guage the flow of water and take further observations. The meeting of the Gisborne Farm Homestead Association ou Saturday resolved to havo tho sections in the Maugatu block valued at once. Tho valuators will go out to the block next week and inspect aud value the sections, and on the completion of their work the ballot for sections will take place. This, it is expected, will be in a month or six weeks' time. Some mild excitement was caused in the vicinity of ihe poat office this afternoon by a recalcitrant packhorse. The horse was being loaded with two boxes, and when only one box had been adjusted broke away and travelled some distance before being brought to a standstill. Shortly afterwards, both cases being in position I Inexcited animal again took charge of affairs nnd careered madly towards the wharf. All eiforts to stop the horso were unavailing, and it turned the coiner at the Turanganui hotel and continued hiß career along the quieter back streets of the town. No Beriouß damage, however, we understand, was done. The North Otago Times states that the immediate cause of Mr John Ryley's insolvency is that he is unable to meet the calls on 2000 Bank of New Zealand shares which he holds.

The concrete foundations of Makohine viaduct will cost £9000. Mr G. Kendall, a 22 years' resident of Napier, has gone to Coolgardie. Mr Hastwell, chief engineer of the s.s. Tasmania, has been appointed mechanical engineer of the Wellington drainage works. Orders for 3,000, 000 ft of timber have just been received in Freemantle from South Africa. Three thousand people welcomed the Rev, L. M. Isitt at Wellington skating rink on Thursday night. The august few who dined with the C'zir on coronation day had no less than 60,0001bs weight, of gold and silver plate before them. A daring robbery has heen perpetrated at the Criterion Hotel, Perth. Over £200 worth of jewellery was stolen. The Wesleyan parsonage at Masterton was burglarised the other night, and £3 aud several valuable articles were stolon. A number of incendiary fires have occurred in Reefton within the past year, evidently committed by the same hand. At the Oamaru Magistrate's Court the other day a man churged with beiDg of unsound mind was " dismissed witb a caution." Frederick Flinn, a seaman, pluckily rescued a man from drowning in Wellington harbor on Monday, jumping into the water with boots and clothes on, and clutching the man who was at his last gasp. Since tbe railway opened in March last something like 15,000 to 20,000 tons of machinery has been put upon the Coolgardie goldfields, and thousands of tons more are on the way out from England, An Eltham farmer, who says he is getting only 4J_d per lb for his butter at a time when it retails freely at lOd per lb, writes : — " If co-operation cannot give better results than this, then co-operative dairying is doomed." Ship owners are about sick of Newcastle, having suffered losses by detention of their vessels during the three great strikes in eight years, and it is said they will give the p- f a wide berth in future. Probably in keeping with the temperance principles of the day, and as a sop to the Prohibitionists, a blue paper cover has been given to Hansard this session in place of the former brown cover. The ex-Mayor of Dunedin, Mr Fish, who i loaned some water-pipes nearly 12 months ago to the firm of which Councillor Morrison was the head, and which has since gone into liquidation, is to be sued for the vaiue (some i £45) when he comes back from Home, so a resolution of the City Council says. i " The unfortuate part of the administration of the Minister of Lands is that he will '' not take advice from anyone who is a little ! smaller thau himself," saya Mr Pirani, and when the bulk of the Minister is taken into consideration, how unfortunate this really ' is cau be readily understood. Two French barques being unable to get . coal cargoes at Newcastle have sailed for San Francisco in ballast. They came from , Rouen to Newcastle in ballast, and as they reach San Francisco in similar trim, they . will have navigated the greater part of the . globo at a dead loss to the owners. ! The Chief Justice at Napier suspended the discharge from bankruptcy of William i Beamish, sheepfarmer, on the grounds that ! he had been guilty of extravagant living. Ib ■ was shown that bankrupt had been in tho > hands of money lenders, one of whom charged him £80 interest on a £200 bill. _ Nothing came of Mr Ziman's offer to con- ' tribute £1000 towards presenting the British Government with a war vessel if others in tho colony would subscribe the ba'ance. A _ Sydney paper says the New Zpalanders ' received the news in dead silence, and went _ on freezing carcaßes and digging gum just \ the same. r The story about strange marine monsters . haviug beeu seen from Tho Brothers' lightt house was not a myth, because the officers s of tho Mabiuapua report that the other ■ afternoon off Stephen's Island they saw a strange monster about 30ft long disporting itself aboub a mile from the steamer. The head was snake-like, and the color a grayish i white. When Kirby was oharged at the Sydney r Police Court on a provisional warrant, ■ Senior Seigeanb Higgings, who effected the arrest, deposed that when tho warrant was read over to him Kirby replied, " I have ! nothing to say now," and afterwards added, " When I go back another man in New Zealand will fall by it as well as myself. I ' had to purchase silence for two years." | Mr Pirani, member for Palmerston and a member of the Wellington Land Board, says that nearly every one of the special land settlements is almost an absolute failure, and thab most of the settlers for whom the 1 Hon. Mr McKenzie takes credit of hating settled on the land are not on the land at all, but merely exist on paper. i A Dunediu auctioneering firm, A. Lorrie and Co., the other day Bued a man for an account on which waa charged interest at the rate of 5 per cent, for every week the account was overdue. In refusing judgment for the interest MrCarew, S.M., said he was not sure that defendant was aware of the conditions of sale. The S.M. aaid during the case that he did not think the firm would like it to go abroad that they charged interest at the rate of £260 per cent., bub Mr Lorrie replied that nob only was the condition of 5 per cent, weekly interest inserted in their conditions of sale, but they havo it advertised in two Dunedin papers, and the walls of the auction room are placarded with a notice giving the information. In a letter written to the Otago Daily Times Lorrie aud Co. point out they have made their rates of interest prohibitive for the express purpose of stopping the credit system. They say that in the oases of those who through misfortune are unable to pay the interest is never charged. " The only class whom the condition of sale touches up is the longwinded gentry who are a pesb in any communiby." The firm's letter gives a comparison of their interest charges on overdue accounts with the charges of the Income Tax Department and the Corporation Gas Department, as follows : *' Interest charged by A. Lorrie and Co. per week, but rebated iv nearly every case, 5 per cent. ; interest charged by the Gas Department for one day 9 per cent., ditto for eleven days 18 per cent. ; Income Tax Department 300 per cent., plus penalty of £5 to £100."

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7665, 29 June 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7665, 29 June 1896, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7665, 29 June 1896, Page 2