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JAPANESE^ GOODS. C DEAN PITT «S^_Risl-B**-Has been favored with instructions from f^ ISBORNE TRACING f^LVB. the Nippon Hakubussukwan, Japan, to \JT JL\) V_/ Hell by Public Auction, on THURSDAY BUMMER MEETING, NEXT, November 22ud, at his Mart, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Lowe street, at 11 a.m.— January 17th and 18th, 1895. A CONSIGNMENT OF JAPANESE cD> Bennett ... Handioapper. GOODS. v^ Tho Goods will be on view on Wednesday PROGRAMME. next, in the Auction Mart. First Dat. | The Auctioneer begs to draw the attention l. Flyinc; Handicap, of GO soys ; 6 furlongs, of the ladies of the district to tho al>ovo 2 Catch Whuuth, of 10 soys ; i-milc. For Salo, us tho Hoods are of a very choice a .j hotsea that have never wo.i a race ol quality, atul will ho sold any description. Po»l entry, $-»ov. WITHOUT RESERVE. r»4,"» 3. Imkvt Hand. cap Hurdlk Hack, of 70 sovß ; 2 inilea. EDUCATION RESERVES 4 - * IKsT Handicap Hack Hchdlm. of 15 DUC A 1 ION K&MiKv r. b . Boy- . l m||e> Kntraocef 15i .t0 cl(m In accordance with the provinions of "The . January Uth, 9p m . Education Reserve* Act, 1877," it is hereby a - *y™n>«« f n Handica,'. of 130 .ov. ; 1| notified that the undennentioued Education „ „,. it n n . D^in^. u . Reserves, vested in the School Commissioners »' /. IRs . T Hack Race Handicap, of 10 soy. ; for the Auckland Provincial Diatrict under ® fur on 8% Eutt *™! * "°* ;t0 doM 0D the said Act, will be offered for Lease by „ Monday, January 14»h, at 9 p.m. Public AucUonT for a term of Twehty-okJ 7. Shor« Hand.caf. of 30aov. ; Sfurbngj, Yeakh, at the Auction Mart of Mr CI) *» 8old . : P loo^ tO «° 0 Pitt, at Gisborne, on SATURDAY, the 24th ? und - Entrance, i-sov ;to close Monday, dav of November, 1894, at 12 noon. Condi- Jwuary 14th, at 9 p.m. j tions of Lease may be ascertained from the 8 - P . AKK Stakm HANDIOAr, of 60 toys ;1 I Auctioneer. miJe and a dutance. \V. P. MOAT, Skcund Dat. Chairman of Commissioners. *• Copntt Stakk.s Handicap of 45 soys ; 7 , Ol = tober 18th ' lH^ 2. f S.cS Hack R,c. H A «.oar, of 10 A> n , „ aovs ; I tnil«. Entrance, 4-sov ; to ulose Lot .'WU, Town of Gisborno .. 1 'J 0 Monday, January 14tb, at 9p m. j Lot 78a, Town of Gisborne ... 1 021 3. Stewards' Handicap, of 50 sovs ; 1 mile. _ 4. Second Handicap llukdzji Race, of 80 POUAWA ROAD BOARD. s.^kwnd Handicap Hack Hukdlih, of 15 (ovi ; 1 mil*. Eotranoe, 15s ; to close on RLMUROA SPECIAL DISTRICT. Monday, January 14th, at 9 p.m. 8. Grandstand Handicap, of 80 soys; 1 IT is hereby notified that at a Meeting to mil* and a dUtaiioei be held on SATURDAY, December Ist, 7. Dihposal Stakes Handicap, of 25 soys ; 1594, this Hoard will proceed by Special 7 furlong*. Winner to be sold, and proOrder to confirm the followiug resolution : — oeeds to go to the Fund. Entranoe, 1 soy : Resolved : M That a Special Rate of Fivk- to close 9 p.m. night of first day's races. eighths ok Onk Penny in thk £ bo struck 8. Forced Handicap, of 30 soys ; 1 mile, on all ratable property within the Rimuroa Hack t/U aliJication.—Ko hone that Uor Special District (comprising Moliona 17, 18 ha| UMtl nom j nikte a f or any race at this 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a, 25, 26, 27, and 28 mMlin^ other thftn o? selling races, of Whataupoko G, and sections A, o, b, 14 wiU to compete as a hack. l. r >. 16, 17, and 24 of Pouawa A), fora jmtuml vn\*TVATinxia of 2G years, from January Ist, IS*).",, to HUMINAUUHB, December Slst, 1920, to secure payment of TUESDAY, DECEMBER ISTH, 1«94. interest on a loan of A'4oo, to be obtained To close at 9 p. «n. under ' The Local Kodies Loans Act, lSSti,' Flying Handicap ... ... 1 soy for the purpose of undertaking the particular First Handicap Hurdle Race 1 soy public works set forth in a proposal of the President's Handicap ... 2 soys Ratepayers of the said Special Diatrict, Park Stakes Handicap ... 1 »ov j which was duly carried at a Poll taken on County Stakes Handicap ... 1 soy October 16th, 1894; the said Rate to be Stewards' Handicap ... 1 soy annually re-current for the term stated, and Second Handicap Hardies... 1 soy to be due and payable in two equal instal- Grann.tind Handicap ... 1 soy tnents on the first day of April and October Weights for First Day— SATUEDAT, 12th in each year." January. Hy. MoKAY, Acceptances— Monday, Uth Jaauary. Fo r f u n programme, see posters. Gisborne^ Nov. 3, 1894. 463 M. O. NABMITH, . - ...._... fiecretarv. POUAWA ROAD BOARD. 7 POUAWA WEST SPECIAL DISTRICT. YEN I ! Vll) l ' VIC * ! IT is hereby notified that at a Meeting to G. McBRIDE, be held on SATURDAY, December Ist, MERCHANT TAILOK, AUCKLAND, 1894, this Roard will proceed by Special 39 4l ASD 43 Victohia Strmt. Order to confirm the following resolution : — _____ Resolved: " That a Special Rate of Two- Mr R. MrKRIDK is now staving I'ENOK FARTHINIi {"Jd) 1M THK £ I>O Struck \J at the Albion H()td wUh ft ,' » on all ratable property within the Pouawa an(i varie(i Btock of Co|onU , English, and ln 68 o, bp^ CWI Poo"*. te: m P rlßin « "f^ 10 " 8 Continental Tweeds aud Coat iugsf specially .», 31, 32, and 33 of Whataupoko G) for guited for the nt and CO J the period of 26 years, from January Ist, Fit Stv , e and Finißll Guaranteed. Visit of 1890, to December .Hst, 1920, to secure pay- iußpect *io U will be esteemed a favor, or Mr ment of interest on a can of i. 400, to be R Mcßkidk will be glad to wait on anyone obtained under •! he Ucal Bodies Loans who wil| , cave th » if addreM . Gj B b>,rne Act, 1886.' for the purpose of undertaking h „ aro thu . afforded tha advanta ge of a the particular public works set forth in a Firßt daBB Auckland Tailor at Auckland proposal of the Ratepayers of the said p r j ce 8 s"*i Special District, which was duly carried at — '- a Poll taken on October 10th, 1894 ; the said TO LET. Rate to be annually re-current for the term ! stated, and to be due and payable in two HP H K BLACKSMITH'S SHOP at ecjual instalments on the first day of April 1 Kaiteratahi, with Forge, Tools, etc., and October in each year." and Cottage now in course of erection. Hy. McKAY, Apply to— n-u v q ,«o. Cltrk w. WILLIAMS A KETTLK, Gisborne, Nov. 3, 1h94. 404 476 Limited. MANGAPAPA LAND. - MON Er TO LKND. SALE BY APPLICATION OF FOURTEEN LOTS " — (from 2 to 9 acrks kami). fJIHK undersigned has £150 and £250 to APPLICATIONS are invited for Purchase JL Leud upon Freehold Security, of Lota. The land is well situated . . tor Residence Sites, on the east side of the Apply to County road, and is now ia occupation of W. DOUGLAS LYBNAR, Mr McCliskie. . <">*2l Solicitor. briefly, terms of payment arc : — £20 per ' rISKORWK cent. Cash ; balance in 30 equal half yearly __ TTI , „ v ~"^J\rljll' instalments. Interest £5 per cent, on in- T>IBLK, YIOOK & HnRACT TXEPOT stalments unpaid. Liberty to purchaser to ■*-* •*•-* ■*- -L' pay off whole or any number of instalments — — on any half-yearly date. If a dwelling Count Mattki's Rkmkdiks. house of adequate value be erected, deposit DRAPERY— TOYS-STATIONERY. will be refunded. Title under " Land Transfer Act." M. AND S- E- JUDD. Separate applications for each lot to be r.l-^.t«n»n«««i -«• lodged with the. undersigned otl or before Gladstoneßoad. ,69 FRIDAY, 21st December, 1894, and to be „ _ _ *~T<~^ opened at 10 o'clock a.m. the following day, W U 1 I t> E . and purchasers declared. If more than oue application for a lot the purchaser to be rpHAT New and Commodious Building, determined by ballot. 1 jiut completed, to be known as For plans and full particulars as to reserve „ „ , . „ * s ' „. \_ BUUWU " prices, etc., apply— Hazledene, corner of Bright street and W. SIEVWRIGHT, Gladstone road, is now OPEN to receive Solicitor for Veudor. a limited number of BOARDERS. Giaborne, Nov. 12, 1894. 505 p^-chm accommodation for Families ORMOND POUND. and v «>tors, combined with quietness and home comforts ; also, Bath and Piano. Good M P 0 U N D E D Table, with every attendance. on November 16th, at 11 a.m., from T».». M nn .».. v E. O'Dwyer's property- T " BMB MoD «"™- One Grey Mare and Foal, branded TITW. A PPty to — Will be sold at the above Pound Yards on , MRS J# MURPHY » FRIDAY, Nov. 30th, 1894, at 12 noon, 142I 42 Proprietress. if not redeemed. ..„„„.,„ OUMMER SUNBHADES, for Children 1. KLNEALY, C~» aod Udies, Is, Is 4d. 2« 61, 2s lid, 4s • )64 l'oundkei-por. 11,1, at MARK WAY HOUSE. -HENRY LEWISSPECIAL PARCEL SYSTEM. 47 1 47 Cases and Bales Opcnod-up This Season 1 47 RULES OF OUR PARCEL SYSTEM. Ist. Every article sold will be in strict accordance with th<>«e quoted. 2nd. Any article in parcel m*y be substituted for other goods of equal value. .'lrd. All goods are sound aud genuine. 4tb. All Orders must bo accompanied with Cash or P.O. Order. sth. To avoid mi^takm, cuhtomern will please state number of tho parcel they require, which will receive our best attention, and be forwnrdttd without delay to any town, country or coastal districts, securely packed. No. I.— Print Dress Parcel for 7s lid 10 yards Nice Print (in any colour) J 2 dozen Buttons, to match G yards Nico Calico, for Lining I 1 Nice Ladies' Sailor Hat (trimmed) No 2 —Print Dress Parcel for 9s lid 10 yards Best (Quality Cnnibric (nny shade) j 2 dozen Dress Buttons 6 yards Best Calico, for Lining: I 1 Nice Ladies' Blouse No 3— Fancy Double-width Dress Parcel for 22s 9d 7 yards Fancy Dress Muterial I 2 dozen Dress liuttotn, to match 6 yards Good Seleaia | 1 Nice Trimmed Hat, to match No 4 —Or Extra Special Dress Parcel for 32s lid 7 yards Best Dress Material j 1 Special Trimmed Hat, with flowers or o£ yards Best Lining feathers to match dresa, in any 2 dozen Buttons, to mutch shade preferred 1 pair Ladies' Kid Gloves No s.— Special Household Parcel for 20s. 12 yard?) of our noted "Flag Brand "Oaliou 1 Double-b«d White l^uilt 5 yards „ „ Twilled Sheeting 1 pair Lace Curtains 2 White H.C. Towels «l ynrda Flunnelftte No 6 —Extra Special Household Parcel for 30b 6d 12 yards Nico Cretonne 12 yards Good (Jrey Calico (or white) 12 yiirds Nico Art Muslin 12 yards Good Strong (ialntea 12 yards Nice Holland 12 yards Good Strong Shirting 1 pair Ladies' Corsets (any aize) No 7.— Our Special Riding Habit Parcel for 16s Ud 12 yards Good Navy Serge (foal color) 1 Hiding H*t ft yards Selesia Lining ' 1 jwtir Riding Gloves 2 dozen Habit Buttons No 8, Special Outfitting Parcel for 38s 8d 1 Man's Colonial Tweed Suit (any size I Wi.rkinr; Shirt required) 2 pairs Merino Socks 1 Soft Felt Hat (state size) 1 pair Merino Drawer* 1 Merino Undershirt DIRECT IMPORTER OF DRAPERY, MILIINERY, QLOTHINO, Ao. t GLiIWTOKI KOAD, Gl»JK*lfl.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7137, 20 November 1894, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7137, 20 November 1894, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7137, 20 November 1894, Page 3