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IJHI. SPEER'S AMEKIOAN DISPENSARY, . 4f>, MARGARET STREET, SYDNEY 1 . (Bc:wce»j George and York streets.) P,(l l!o< 920. Dr Speer is a rogular Graduated Physician, edncated at Harvard College, U.rf. (for confirmation see New Zealand ••Ti/.'jt'.o, January 21st, 1SS0; also New South W^KsG.izolte, April 17th, ISBS.) The doctor I, as <kvo:cd 14 yoara to tlie study of CHRONIC, NERVOUS, and SPECIAL DI3 WAj^ES. Four of these were in thcleadiu" hospitals of the United States, which enable^ him to treat all private *.r 'übles with excel 8 lent results. All applying to him will receive his honest opimou of their complaints. No exporimonting ;no Mercury used. He will guarantee a positive cure iv every case he undertakes, or forfeit i2CO. His reason for doing co ia this— when there is no organic disease, and nothing but an inorganic trouble, or, in other wcrds, a conglomeration of symptoms producing a certain result, there ia no reason why ifc cannot be removed with Hie proper remedies • therefore he guarantees, Ho wishes it distinctly understood that he does not claim to perform impossibilities, or to have miraculous power ; he claims only to be a] Skilled and Successful Phyaiciau, thoroughly informed iv his speciality, chrooio Diseases of Men and Women. People residing :»t a distance can, by explaining their troubles iv detail, be treated at home The course of treatment will not in any way interfere with their business. Examination and advice free to all. Charges moderatn H. J. Specr, M.D., 42, M^aret Street betwtcu George and "^ r " !j streets, Sydney' Post Oflico Box, No. i)io. Office hours 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sun* day*), from 10 to 11 a.m. only, Dr Speer's New Zealand Establishment in Wellington is closed from 30th Sept. 'gs All communications aro ia future to be forwarded to Sydney, as above. 92g SmLHWAY^ OINTMENT. UNIVERSAL PATRONAGE. Lot all snfEerer3 from general or ether diseases tike heart and follow in the wnke of thousands who ascril c their restoration of health to the use of llollovay's Ointment aud Pills. R'.icutnathm in the musdes or joints, gouty pains, ne.iral«;ic tortures, cramps and spasmodic twitches depart under the employment of these noble remedies. Bad legs, al kii.ds of wounds, ulcers, seres, burn?, cutaneous infla« lmtions lire quickly conquered. Tlie reputation of llollowiiy's rills have acquired throughout the habitable globo bboukl induce every tuTliotcd person to give them a air trial before despairing of relief or abandoning hope. Bronchitis, Diptheria, Colds, Cough & nd all Derangements of the Throat aud OheatJ All sufferers from coughs, colds, brouchitia asthma, and irregular action of tho heart, aroeain» estly recommended to rub Holloway's searjhiua Ointiacnt well over the throat, breast, and back as the case may be, twice a day. This Ointment ; i the most oliiencious remedy for all internal and external ailmont3 of the throa Bad Logs, Bad Breasts, Ulcers, Ab--6068863, Wounds, anu Sorog of all kinds May be thoroughly healed by tho applicatlonon this Ointment to the parts affected, after the have been duly fomented with warm water. Under the action of this powerful nindiciue aided by the Pills, all depraved humors will be qi.ickly removed from the body ; even scrofulous ulcers and foul sores, however old and iuveter?.te, can thus be cured. In Gout, Bhoxmißtiem, and Neuralglo This Oi-.itineiit never fails to give reiiei. Its firs* application leas-.'iis the inflammation, and diminj ishes both hfiut and pain. In severe and chronio eases, the Pills should always be taken, as their purifying, alterative, mvl rebtorativo qualities place tho whole mass cfuoiida aud Uulds iv a wholesome condition. Piles, Fietnlaa, and internal Inflammations. This Incomparable Ointment is earnestly r«- on» mended to all siuTeiing from, or having a tendency to droj-sy, The worst cases will yield in comparatively short space of time when this Ointmcut is diligently rubbed into tho parts affected. In all delirious aaladys tin Tills should be taken to jnirify the blood and tiinwlii'.e its circulation. The Uktment nnd Pills are sold at Professor Hoi lowity's E.-i ablisliment, 78, New Oxford street, London, also by neai ly every re (cctablc vendor, of medicine throughout tho civilised world, iv boxes and pets, &♦ Is 1-Jd, 4s 9d, lls, 225, and 3Ss Boih ihe Oh iment and Pills should be used in tlie J ill-owing complaints : — C..d I,gj norns (soft) Scalds Bad LVe-ists 1 istuias Sore throats Darns G ludulnr Skin Diseaa Bunions *; wcHings Scurvey Chilblana i.<xi.bago fore Heads i.'h- -pped Hands Tils Tumours Contructidaiid Khenn. atisra UlceM SiiiTJoii.ts fore Ni'ples Wounds Each i ot and box of the genuiuo mediciue beara the Isriti:h Govcrnmeut Stamp, with the words— Hollow;, j's Pills aud Ointmeut" engravod thereon On the label isthe address, 533 Oxfords treat, London, where alone they arc manufactured. Beware ( f all compoun s styled Holloway's Pills and Oiutmont with " Ne» York 1 ' l:ibcl. GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. SPPS'S~COCOA. Breakfast. 'By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawl which govern the operations of digestion and nut rition, aud by a careml application of the fine pro* perties of woll-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided nur breakfast table 3 with a delicately flavoured bever« ago which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It ia by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred! of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever thero is a weak point. We may escape may i fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with t ure blood and a properly nourished frame."— Sec article in the Civiii Skuvick Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or niiik. Sold in J lib pjclccts by Grocers, labelled JAMES ErPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists London, England OORNS, BUNIONS l^liiliiila stifferers firom WEWW&SM sitlior Corns or 3unions should sawllf^lr^^ Wonderful i «Jff^Ai ; MMMs £<ittle Plasters. T&&7 give ease jr jIBR@XH3tB at once, EHfnfffTtM] eoncrally W*JjjK| MM ml curing in a fo'wHßHHß^^aqlHß days. ■■fcßllSiKlß Frloe Is. lid. P«r box, of all Cb*mlato.l AGENCY— ■ 22, HAMILTON SQ,, BIRKEfHEAB,Bifc| i ' — — — —^ &§mf%p GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES. Low premiums and lar^e uonusos. Funds kept iv New Zealand. Claims paid immediately after proof of death. Most liberal conditions. Low Now Zealand mortality. Economical management. State security. TOTAL SUM ASSURED (including Honus Additions) ... ... ... £7.135.24* TOTAL FUNDS (tho wbolo investod in Now Zealand) ... £1,328,498 In iiduition to the above funds, the oflico has au ANNUAL INCOME of ovov £268,000 The Surplus Ca3h Profits in 1885 were *242,55ff OPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION. Tontine Savings Fund Syatom Policies ara vow being issued. Now Assurers and existing Assurance Policynolders v.ill bo allowed to jbiu this section. All profits accruing af tor entering the section aro set apart to bo dividod among the policy holders remaining in tho 6oction at the end of 1900, when liberal returns in cash are anticipated. Tho principles of tho Tontino ana mode ot keeping accounts aro not kept secret, SB ia case of other 'routines advortisod. V" Information can be obtained at the Head Oflico aud all Branches and Agencies, and also from the Travelling Agents of tho Department P. \V. FRANKLAND, Actuary and Principal Officer, D. M. LUCKIE, Commissioner

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5437, 29 March 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5437, 29 March 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5437, 29 March 1889, Page 4