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I»R. SPEER'S AMERICAN DISPENSARY, 4:2, MARGARET STREET, SYDNEY, Jctweuj George and York streets.) P.O. ox 920. Dr Speer ia a regular Graduated iiysician, ednoated at llarvard College, Jo. (ior coutirmatiou see New Zealand l.iz«tte, January 21st, ISSb'; also New South Vales Gazette, April 17th, 1888.) Tfi^'tuor iaa devoted 14 years to the study of ClllftT 7 *'"-"^- <LC, NERVOUS, And SPECIAL DI3- *■ iASES. Four of theae were ia the leadin lospitals of the Uuuvd States, which euableg urn to treat all private *r >üble3 with excels ent results. All applying to him will receive his hones: opinion of their eompl-unte. Ko experimenting ;no Mercury uaed. He svill guarantee a positive cure in evory case he undertakes, or forfeit i2OO. His reason for doing co ia this — when there ia no organic disease, and nothing but an inorganic trouble,, or, in other wcrda, a conglomeration of symptoms producing a certain result, there is no reason why ifc cannot be removed with the proper remedies • therefore he guarantees, He wishes it distinctly understood that he does not claim to perform impossibilities, or to havo miraculous power ; he claims only to be aj Skilled and Successful Physician, tho* roughly informed in his speciality, chronio Diseases of Men and Women. People residing at a distance can, by explaining their troubles iv detail, be treated at home The course of treatment will not iv any wa y interfere with their business. Examination and advice free to al!. Charges moderata Id. J. Sp'or, M.D., 42, Margaret Street between George and York streets, Sydney' Post Office, Box, No. H2O. Olhce hours 10 a in. to 12 a.m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Snn. daya, from 10 to 11 a.m. only, Dr Speer's ISew Zealand -Establishment in Welliugton is closed from 30th Sept. 'go All communications aro ia future to be fo warded to Sydney, as above. 0~l HOLLOWAY[S^ OINTMENT. UNIVERSAL PATRONAGE. Let all sufferers from general or ether diseases take heart and follow in the wake of thousands who aacrire their restoration of health u> the use of Holloway's Oiutment aud Pills. Rheumatism in tho muscles or joints, gouty pains, ne.iralrfc tortures, cramps and spasmodic twitches doj art nndcr the employment of these noblo remedies. Had legs, al kinds of wounds, nlcers, sorca, burns, crtßiieous inflamations are quickly conquered. Tho reputation of Holloway's Pills havo acquired tlmnghoufc tha habitable globo should induce every aflli.ted person to give them a air trial before despairing ,>f relief or abandoning hope. Bronchitis, Diptheria, Golds, Congo & nd all Derangements of the Throat and Cheat 1 All sufferers from coughs, colds, brouchitit asthma, and irregular action of the heart, are earnestly recommended to rub Holloway's searching Ointmeut well over the throat, breas:, and back as the case may be, twice a day. This Ointmenti i the most efficacious remedy for all internal and external ailments of the throa Bad Lega, Bad Breasts, o score, Abeoesßes, Wormde, anu Sores of all kinds May be thoroughly hoaled by the applicationon this Cintment to the parts affected, after the, have been duly fomented with warm water, Under the action of this powerful medicine aided by the Pills, all depraved humors will be quickly removed from tho body ; even scrofulous r leers and foul sores, however old and inveterate, can thus b« cured. In Goat, Bhenruatieni, and Neuralgic Paine This Ointment never fails to give reiiel. Its firs* application lessens the iuflammatiou, and diminj ishes both heat and pain. In severe and chronio cases, tho Pills should always be taken, as their purify hire, alterative, and restorative qualities: place the wholo mass of solids and iiuids in a whole* some condition. Piloa, Fistulas, and internal Inflammations. This incomparable Ointment is earnestly r«:om mended to all suffering from, or having a tendency to dropsy, The worst cases win yield iv comparatively short space of time when this Ointmeut is diligently rubbed into tho parls affected. In all delirious maladys the Pills should be taken to purify the blood and timulate its circulation. The Oiutment and Pills are sold at Professor Hoi loway's Esc ablishmcnt, 78, New Oxford street, London, also by nea: ly every respectable vendor of medicine throughout tha civilised world, in boxes and pots, at Is ljd, 4s 9d, lls, 225, and 33s Both the Oihtment and Fills should be wed in the j Mowing complaints : — JB:id L gs Corns (soft; Scalds Bad Breists 1 istulas Sore throats Burns Q indular Skin Diseaa Bmiions * welling.* Scurvey Chilblana Sore Heada Chapped Hands Pils Tumours Contracted and Kheuu Htism Ulcers Stiff Joints fr'orcNr'ples Wounds Each pot and box of the genuine medicine bean the British Government Stamp, with the words— Holloway's Pills and Ointmeut" engraved thereon On the label isthe address, 533 Oxford streot, Lon* dou, where alone thoy are manufactured. Beware of all compoun .s styled Holloway's PilH and Oiutmaut with " New York" lnbel. GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. ' EPPS'S~COCOA. Bkbakfast, •'By a thorough knowledge of the natnral law* which govern the operations of digestion and nut rition, and by a careful application of the fine pro* perties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built -up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred* of Bubtle maladies are floating around us ready to at* tack wherever thero is a weak point. Wo may escape may s fatal shaft by keupiug ourselves well fortified with ure blood and a proper:y nourished frame."— See article in the Civil Skrvicb Gazette. Mado simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in 4 lib pr.ckots by Grocers, labelled JAMES EPPS ifc CO., Homoeopathic Chemists London, England jGO^BUNIONS j|l|^-flf1jl|iB»B«-doa3 should, They ffive e*se HHHIIIMra| at onoe, KMNfflffHl generally HaUyUUHI ouring in a few ffJVfWfyMI Price la. lid. per box, of all Ch*mlatfj.l AGENCY— I 2:>, HAMILTON SQ,,miIEAD,ENG| /GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES. Low premiums and large oonuses. Funds kept iv New Zealand. Claims paid immediately after proof of death. Most liberal comliti^ns. Low New /.on'and mortality. Economical management. Stnt e ?ocurity. TOTAL SUM ASSURED (including ttouus Additions) £7,135,911 TOTAL FUNDS (the whole invested in New Zealand) ... ... ... £1,328,493 In addition to the above funds, the oflice has an ANNUAL INCOME of over _je268,000 Tho Surplus Cash Profits in 1885 were £242,658 OPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION. Tontine Savinys Fund System I'olioioa ar« now being issued. New Assurors and existing Assurance Policynoldors will bo allowed to join this section. All profits accruing after entering the section aro set apart to bo divided among tho policyholders remaining in the Hection at tho end of 1900, wheu liberal returns iv cash aro anticipated. flip princiji'i": of tho Toutino and mode Of keeping acco; ;is are not kept secret, as in case of other '. .utines advortibod. ¥ v* Information can bo obtainotl ■' : ' ■:•> Head Oilicoand all Branches and As;ein -i' •>, ■■*■■] also from the Travelling Agents of the U.pi, Miient F. \V. FKA\KIj.\N!j. Vct'iftry n:'A Principal Olticer, J). M. LUCKIE, Commissioner

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5436, 28 March 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5436, 28 March 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5436, 28 March 1889, Page 4