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anyon^= ishing WINGATE, BURNS & CO. Fenders, Grates, Ranges, Stoves, Boilers, r~. ■ pS7S»^ B tafr- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, Note * ■ ■ __. Boylan & Croll. .oi^dstobtb «o^>, c*x S =o«*r*., Customs Street East, Auckland: and 24, Fenehureh Street, London. To L™l° g ß lt! h ™™. Invite inspection of their Stock of HARDWARE now opened in their Ranees, Grates. Nails, Tools (English ___ _ . <m i»i-i «i -ri j_ i i« 1 .»-> and American make), can b e procured Warehouse (next Townley s Furniture E stablishment). at — [ BOYLAN & CROLL'S. _ HHBV"™^^^ Comprising — Silver Plated "Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, by SPORTING SEASON. SS3C 11 the best makers. P °Sges!t^ e ?S' m e^coT;n Car " IBf 1 FENDEBS & FIBEIRONS. REGISTER GRATES-Common, |HT trators, Gun Fittings, & c . il Second Finish, and best Ground Fronts. ■Or] B ™ %Xe S d , mTui e J; WB> \ I SANGES-Self-aotia*. Smith & Wellwood's Ooikiag Stoves. Wj Bi-tingP^ Tenths, COLONIAL OVENS. BEUSHWARE-AU kinds. pj BOYLAN & CROLL'S. tsJ and Japanned Ware. # Builders' Requirements. W9U Drills, Harrows k OYLAN & CROLL I I ANNEALED AND OILED jgg For PAINTERS in Stock-Oil, I I FENCING AND BARBED WIRL, STAPLES, &0- JS^ Q&ft^vSi^id ß^ ■I I Now Landing— Our Season's Stock of WOOLPACKS, CORN- gSfc| "" boylan & croll, I I SACKS, and SHEEP SHEAES. PWJi *ar note.— boylan"!^ cboll are Selling 11 Arrive Shortly— A Large Stock of Paperhangings, Scrim, && ia all branches of their Trade at il ,„ , _! . the Lowest Prices. BOYLANa CROLL Country Orders Promptly and Carefully executed.

f^tg-\n w\ TV I 17* I'lrCJ For the People of Gisfoorna \M\9%JI9 IM J2i ▼▼ CT and surrounding district. In the Shop lately occupied by Mk Keeper. Joseph Loira-iiiEir THE ORIGINAL CASH DRAPER, Bega to announce that after a twelve months' absence he has returned to again start business in his old line. OWING TO THE LONG COMMERCIAL DEPRESSION he has been enabled to secure Wonderful Bargains in a Great Variety of Goods, Purchased at Auction, Salvage and Bankrupt Sales, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AND ASTONISH EVERYBODY. o J a L b Has also a Large Assortment of NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS, At prices that he feels sure will secure for him the patronage and support of both old friends and new. I shall not quote Prices, but invite one and all to see for themselve Miss doran" Has just returned from Auckland, .where she has bought of the Latest Noveltieß, * and is now offering them at PRICES | NEVER YET HEARD OF IN GISBORNE. HER DRESS -MAKING DEPARTMENT Needs no advertising, as Miss DORAN ia sure one trial will please. £FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED, AT REDUCED RATES. Igp LADY'S COSTCJME, in the Newest Materials, Plush Trimmed, made to order on the shortest notice, for 50 s> A Special Line of LADIES' 4-BUTTON DENT'S KID GLOVES Black and Colored) — 2a 3d per pair. Also a Good Assortment of Ladies' and Children's COKSETS. Having bought several good Sample Lines, Miss Dokan is prepared to offer the same at half the usual price. All the Latest Novelties in Trimmings, Clasps, Buttons, Plushes, Corded Silks, Sashed, Striped Satins, and Velvets, Fob Dressmaking Purposes. As Miss Doran h#s made the Dress-making Department a Specialty, and it being under the Management of Mrs. TRAFFORD and an efficient staff, a call from the Ladies will be pleasing fco both. Ladies' and Children's UNDERCLOTHING in great variety. ■«% i B SJi "•*■ XOVBTRIAL 6AZITTB. ICJ' f\ <rt T^ IHI/^^C^ MM gh\ "The blending i« entirely attended to 1 iMVI J H la"*^tl iw BW. V& t)V Mr N?>*°" l'i'»6elf, who U * ! UlitlL I mjSJktJJm MCa \ T» fnstcr of, and ha* mmr Hr wm. w««^ot m m m j )ad a g p UC i R | training in the art." -, — v P B #^^f^S_\ «^ TIMiKU HEKALO. * IN I M EU. m r^^eL^ofc^l wk "This firm deserves the Bupfjtf B _JM'2'2i>£2!sr*i^ wk P ort °' *" P ur chaserg of T«», #T^^^ B BrtAOATtrX wk »« the article they offer ii Wgm \ \■ m A,fe^^y >l %i > _ \ superior to «nytlii:i(f wgbin %J W0 \ \O M fYi* S^iri\ wk yet seen In thi* Colony •• rv* 0 # /LM^r^LJX % ness ,**\ K m TI<U.Sby&JSX\ \ » "Mr Nelson tt • proO^ THOUGH^ /^ j^^^^C %\ \ P RIC £3 COPIED # I g SSISJ^X \ 2/-, 2/4, BY ALL # / ■§ LPF^tij \\ \ ' I ' ?^^m%^^ 3 /' m^U^h : '"' ' :: ■■'■■■■'■ i P; / #™ CD Sflw ' AUCKLAND, WELL! NQTON,CHR!STCHURCH f DUN£DIN, AGENTS EVERYWHERE GISBORNE AGENT— AM K c ROBB.

ZE3Z. LB"WIS Has much pleasure in announcing to his numerous Customers, and the Public generally that he has w NOW OPENED UP HIS FIRST SHIPMENT FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER of-1887-of CONSISTING OF MEM'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, In the MOST FASHIONABLE CUTS and CHOICEST SELECTIONS of ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and COLONIAL TWEEDS ever shown in Gisborne. Also a large and well-selected assortment of Gents', Boys', and Youths' Hosiery, Ties, Braces, Hats, and Waterproof Coats. Twenty Dozen CRIMEAN SHIRTS (part of a Bankrupt Stock), will be Sold at 4s 6d each, wortfi 6s 6d ; another line of them afc 53 6d, worth 8s ; and still another line of similar Goods at 6s, worth 9s. Come and see tliem ! Gents' Regatta, Flax, and White Shirts— extraordinary value. o -v*rx:Ew:E2X& dress GrOODS. Velveteens, Merinos, Serges, Winceys, Estamens, Wool Plaids, <fee. ; Ladies', Girls', and Children's Hosiery ; Ladies' Cashmere Jerseys, Children's Jersey Suits ; Corsets, newest designs ; Flowers, Feathers, Fur Trimmings, Glovee, Laces and Frillings. KAIAPOI AND ENGLISH BLANKETS, KAIAPOI WOOLS (all Colors), FANCY GOODS, SADDLES AND SADDLERY. GROCERIES AND OILMAN'S STORES of every description at LOWEST PRICES consistent with BEST QUALITIES ; and I keep no inferior brands. tg^f Customers waited upon, and all Orders executed with despatch, and Delivered Free to any part of the Town and Suburbs. H. LEWIS, GLADSTONE ROAD. CHEAP WINTEB FUEL. GAS COKE. Experience proves beyond a doubt that COKE is CHEAPEE, CLEANER, and in every respect more ECOJSOMICAL than any other Fuel. May be had in any quantity, from a Single Bag, at THE GAS COMPANY'S WORKS, GREY STPEET. THE PTOLXO TRURT OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND. ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. THE Estateß of persons who die, having neglected to make their wills y and who have not any friends liviug in the Colony rendy to apply for administration, are carefully administered, d-ebts paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. Ail persomi are, however, urged to instruct, their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee aa sole Exe cut<>r. No charge is made upon th« deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee ia appointed Executor. Other Willa may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ttn Shillings. Subject to the provisions of the Public Trust Office Acts, any present Trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, who will thereupon hold auch property upou the orie-nal trusts attaching thereto. The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estates above referred to is as follows : — On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate ... ... ... £5 per cent For rendering Property-tax return (if necessary) ... ... ... 10/Kor rendering Stamp account (it neocssary) ... ... .„ ... 2/0 per cent ) Mir), ice, £1 Kor obtaining Probate (if necesswy) .. ... ... ... ... 7/6 per cent J Max. fee, £10 For investing fundn, if the «urn lent is under £1000 ... ... „, 20/- per cent For investing funds, if the sum leift is over £1000 ... ... ... 15/. per cent The Public Trustee holds large sumß of money for investment on real security at current rates of intereßt. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage .of freehold property to the extent of one-half of its actual value Applications forad'vances will be received at the various agencies Every policy-bolder under "The Life Assurance Companies Act, 187<5," may register Buch policy within six months after the making thereof, on paymen t of a fee of five shillings. For more Detailed Inform moN Apply to the various Local Agents, or to THE Pu ULIC TRtJSTKK AT WELLINGTON, EDWIN WOOS, Local Agent. HISLOP & WELSMAN'S "~" NEW ZEALAND SHEEP DIP. FREEZING 18 rHB #£ os SPECIALLY BEST AND CHEAPEST &tf Q g PREPARED FOR SHEEP-DIPPING SPECIFIC NOW IN gtf EVERY CROP. USE. r, —7 Discourage Insect Life. IT is thoroughly effectual ; dissolves readily f\ f\ fV^S D A IV I V ' O and perfectly in coi-t) WATKR ;is listing \,/ \JI jV|l^f\ IV | C? in its effects; possesses ureat cleamsing approved by (solo by all merchants, power ; leaves no stain ; and U of uniform leading I in \'A cwt. bags. stre , lP th agriculturists! low freights to ois- *" \ TANT DISTRICTS. Sole Agents:- MANURES NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCAN- w Deta.led Catalogue TILE AGENCY CO. <Limixed). 1 write for catalogue.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4898, 25 June 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4898, 25 June 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4898, 25 June 1887, Page 4